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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020

Started by so_P_bubble, March 15, 2020, 02:52:19 AM

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One day at a time,

Oh my god I'm only a man, nothing but a poor man
Help me believe what I can be, what I am
Show me the way to progress
My god for my good
Always guide me one day at a time
One day at a time, oh my God
That's all I ask
The courage to live, to love
To be loved, one day at a time
Yesterday, it passed, oh my God
And tomorrow is not mine
My God help me today
Guide me one day at a time
Guide me one day at a time
You lent me everything, life, health
I want to believe in you
In all your kindness for humanity
A voice to sing, a soul to love
Help me live, yes help me live
One day at a time.


Accept the past without regret, manage the present with confidence, and look to the future without fear.


A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged, it is the skin of a
living thought and may vary greatly in color and content according to the
circumstances and the time in which it is used.
-Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.,
jurist (1841-1935)


Good morning everyone, looks like after I hit post yesterday I did not wait to see that it took because I did not see it this morning. Oh well nothing new to talk about from here anyway. Was just thinking that I have not been outside since
Wednesday, March is living up to it's name of the windy month, it has been quite windy lately. The kind of wind what makes you cold no matter how many layers one is wearing.

BUBBLE  thanks for the new page. Nice Irish graphics and lyrics.

Don't feel much like chatting this morning, rather still be sleeping. Just thought I would let you know I am still alive and complaining. Family is all doing good, no virus  thank God. On TV Friday night they showed a couple of the high school basketball high lights but no on in the audience. That was closed. Wonder if those kids missed the cheering from the crowds. Our governor finally closed the schools here and she was telling everyone not to panic. Well if she stopped repeating herself no one would. I have plenty  rolls ot TP, paper plates and other  paper  stuff and a freezer of food that could last me a few months or more if I had an appetite.

Have a good day.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


c454662a-75c7-4ffe-9c35-97a37a8fffa8.jpgGood Morning Cat.jpg
Good morning everyone..

Chilly out there this morning  but at least it is +10 and not - 10F

Snow is making its way to be gone but not fast enough for me. So far no robins in this area..yet.

A day of rest here. Meals will be easy s we have some leftover chicken to eat plus I want to do more bacon wrapped asparagus..oh my is that tasty!

Bubble,thank you for the new start page..I like to tease my son that he put me in the hospital ,many years ago on this date :)

Gloria, mass panic here also....I guess common sense has taken a vacation.

Jenny, as always prayers for your family  and yes stay in away from crowds.

Better make a move to get ready for the day..

Enjoy your day everyone.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  No church service today so I'm making up for it by getting some things done around the house.  I didn't get the bed changed on Friday so it's stripped today and the first load is washing.  I'm taking a chance and removing one blanket.  I don't like the blanket anyway and I'm glad to see it go.  I still have a comforter and that stays on year round.  So the blanket will get washed and stowed until next winter.

As I said before, I'm going to make one quick trip to the closest store for milk this morning and I've added a couple of other things to my list but if I don't get them, it's OK.  I can get along without them.

Mickie and I are awaiting the boinger for breakfast.  I think we should have about 20 minutes to go.  I wish you all a happy, healthy day!  make it your own in every way.  And don't forget to share it with your nosy friends!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good Morning. 

Thanks, Bubble, for the new Shoppe and the pretty images.

Still gray, gloomy, damp weather in central Oklahoma.  The early church service and Sunday School were cancelled and the late service is being streamed on the church's Facebook page.  I like to watch an OKC Presbyterian church on t.v. when I don't go to my own - and that's what I'll do today so I can sit in my recliner instead of my desk chair.

Wishing Everyfriend Everywhere an Enjoyable Day.

(We need an icon for an "elbow bump"  :D)


A dreary morning here but not terribly cold....mid 50s.  Supposed to rain a little later.

Quiet here in our town because everything is closed.  All schools, public and private, from primary on through all the universities have shut down until the first of March at least.  All large events have been banned.  No church services.  People are staying home.  The children are playing hockey in my circle and there are lots of walkers out.  Looks like "old times".  A neighbor called yesterday to ask if I was alright and if she could get groceries for me.  Kind of nice the way people are responding.  I'm doing a lot of reading and Netflix, Prime Video, etc.  I'm content to stay right here.  David makes an occasional run to the grocery store but goes at a time he thinks it won't be very busy and makes sure he washes very carefully when he comes home. 

I baked a round loaf of bread and it turned out nice.  I plan a meat loaf today because we like it and it stretches to another meal and sandwiches.  Also, have several large bags of frozen fruits and vegetables and meat or meatless dinners that I can use.  And, always soup...think I'll make a pot of "The Very Best Lentil Soup" this week.

Not particularly exciting....perhaps even boring...but just to let you know that I am still here.

Take care, All.


Well, I did go to church in spite of my kids & even one of the grands pleading with me to not get exposed to germs.... but I told them all, "unless I plan to isolate myself, not go to stores or do any fast foods, etc, I will enjoy going to church. Hey, doesn't hurt to get in a few brownie points at 85!!! Seriously, I'll do what I can to avoid germs but am not going to hide out in my house. That food brought in comes from all over the world & I am not going to disinfect everything that enters the house. Robbers may start stealing TP when they break in, as scarce as it is this week!!!

Bubble, I especially loved the saying "Accept the past without regret, manage the present with confidence, and look to the future without fear." I've always preached to my kids to not go through life with "regrets"... that doesn't help anything.

Hummmmm, I just looked outside & see the water is above the pool cover right now. Too early to have it taken off & summerized, but afraid it will be a mess this year. I don't think the water froze this winter, at least not hard like most years, so the ickies that grow, probably did.

Phyllis, soup does sound good. I've enjoyed my friend's Taco Soup more than anything, so have made it several times & always freeze some, but none in the freezer right now. Think a nap sounds good.... 

I picked some of the mini jonquils to put on my kitchen window sill.... They are so small you can't see them from the street & are behind a brick pillar so can't see from my window, so I might as well bring them in, right?

Can you believe this is the "Ides of March" already?... and Cas' birthday. Time for spring cleaning and all that fun stuff.  Back in the old days of Senior Net, people in the MIssouri folder would start a cyber party to liven up the crowd. Maybe we need to have a spring picnic and everyone bring their favorite type picnic food, okay?  Mine really is fried chicken but I don't fry chicken anymore... mine comes from KFC, so how about I fix a couple dozen deviled eggs, do y'all like the smoky flavored paprika? I bought a bottle last time I fixed them, used it on half the batch & plain paprika on the other half. could not get opinions of like or dislike the smoked flavor. Surprised me, I did NOT like.  MO is about mid USA (maybe KS is officially, but always too windy to eat outside in KS).... Since this is a cyber picnic I guess we can pick a favorite spot, no germs or ants invited! Think back at the picnics you went to as a kid, what was your favorite food?  Bring on the watermelon! YES?!


SHIRLEY, I love your idea of a nice virtual get together!  I was surprised that your church had services today as ours are all closed down!  My favorite picnic food has to be home made potato or macaroni salad!  I would sure enjoy some fried chicken too!  Right now, EVERYTHING sounds good except for what I have here in the house to fix🤣🤣

Our kiddos are asking us, actually demanding us, to stay home and they will get us what ever we need!  We need nothing..... We do like to eat out and we do it a LOT, so this staying in is getting old already and we have just begun! 

Our friends that are on a world wide cruise have just been told their ship, The Queen Mary 2 is not going any further and they have been told to disembark in Fremantle WA.  Everything seemed just fine and overnight it all changed.  They were able to make airplane reservations to fly to Melbourne, then to LA and on to Denver.  They just do not know if they are going to be able to do this or will they be quarantined along the way?  I do not think there will be international flights or domestic flights for much longer.  All ski resorts in Colorado are shut down and there are a lot of unhappy people out there.  I know it has to be a shock to many that had planned to be here all week skiing, as it is spring break in many places.  I feel bad for EVERYONE.....the monetary hit is bad for all! 

I truthfully expect to see all food establishments shut down....many are trying drive through only already, but I think it is just a matter of time before we will be just like Italy...
and sadly, I think that is the only way we are going to slow this virus down.  The worse part of this is we are just going to extend the time that this virus is going to be an issue...but at least it will help the medical situation a bit of a chance to be able to handle it all. 

I know there are many different thoughts on this subject.....and to be honest, I think if I had my way I would just go on with my life and just be vigilant in washing my hands, etc.... but that being said, honestly ... we MUST be shuttered 🙀🙀😩

I hope you all are doing well and no one gets Covid-19!

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


I must be getting slower or the hours in the day faster!! The day was perfect as long as one didn't have to stay out in it for any length of time. Managed to finish up the one quilt and started to work on another.

Shirley, my son's birthday is today also. I love pot lucks, will bring bean salad and raspberry pies.

Phyllis, love meatloaf, hot or cold! Especially between two slices of fresh bread with either mustard or Mrs B's pickle relish.

Better go see if the birds have enough food.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

good afternoon everyone. well it is a shame as a whole we are all getting shook up about virus.  In 1950 something ? we were all shook up about the Hong Cong flue. and we all survived it. Panic Or fear is our worst enemy's.
I think we best do what we go to church for, to learn and trust in God. I am off the pedestal now, enjoy the rest of your day, may it be just as you like it,



AMY, I can relate well with your comment about the days passing quickly, and the taking longer to get things done!  There is a lot of comments being made about how thankful we are and very well should be to all the truckers out there that are getting our goods delivered to us.  So please thank your son for me for being one of these people, AND wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and you a HAPPY BIRTH DAY! 

We are watching 60 Mintes and they are doing a segment on driverless semi- trucks! 🙀

Enjoy the rest of your evening.


🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


I'm in for the picnic!  I'll bring pickled eggs with beets and brownies!  Where did you say we're having it?

Got a bunch of stuff done today but none of it shows.  I always feel a little cheated when that happens.  Some of it should show!

Had a nice visit with Cathy and she ended it by choosing her birthday present. I told her on her birthday that I started to wrap one of my family heirlooms for her and then decided to let her choose one.  We walked around the house today and she looked at a lot of things and finally chose a large painted plate that was always on my grandmother's dresser when I was growing up.  It was her "catch-all" for hairpins, earrings, pencils, rubber bands and anything else that found its way to her dresser.  I remember her telling me she loved it because her mother loved it.  The funny thing is, that's the item that I almost wrapped for her and she chose it for herself!  She was named for my grandmother because she was still living when she was born and because I loved her name.  She was Catherine, too but always called Kate.

Phyllis, I made meatloaf for supper tonight, too.  And there's plenty left for sandwiches or a couple more meals.  I made scalloped potatoes to go with it.  Around out family you never make meat loaf unless you made scalloped potatoes to go with it.  I had red beets for a veggie.  Good supper!  And just as good tomorrow!

I'm off to Dreamland now.  I wish you all a peaceful nights sleep and a happy, healthy tomorrow. And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Amy, a last "Happy Birthday" to your son!

Lloyd, I caught every one of those Asian type flu bugs, sicker than a dog each time, but didn't get the bird flu and rarely get sick. I am shocked at how the whole world is struggling with this virus... and seriously believe China was working on a "germ warfare" type since we don't have anything that is familiar about it. What do I know???

It (and the news media) has done a good job of wrecking the world economy and do think we will see many businesses go under because when they can't operate like normal, they don't earn money to pay their bills so the businesses they owe can't meet their debts, and so it goes. WE as the government won't have money to pay extra taxes to cover all those losses so many home owners with big payments will have their houses default. Many of us came in during the end of the depression of the '30s and were told about the bread lines and WPA. We saw the rationing of WWII, but our kids & grands have never known that kind of sacrifice so will struggle. I sure don't have any answers but do feel the panic is almost more dangerous than the virus.

Jenny, my daughter just got off the phone, said she was at her store when they were hauling in a load of TP so she asked the guy if he didn't need an armed guard! She said he gave a big laugh at the thought.

Gloria, so glad Regina & Gary are out there in that fresh air. Glad he is doing so well. I do hope she can get back to painting one of these days. Hope she sends you some photos one of these days that you can post, showing how they are doing. We built from scratch as well and I still drive past that house and think of the year we spent putting it together.

And now it is bedtime again. Sleep in peace, God bless and watch over each one of you.

Oops, you snuck in, Jane! My mother gave each of us "treasures" one Christmas but she picked what we got, since the 3 brothers might not have picked what she wanted them to have <grin>. She gave me a vase that was special blue/green carnival glass, and since my daughter in law loves carnival glass, I gave it to them for their 25th anniversary, in hopes she would love it. When Mother gave it to me she cautioned, "Honey, don't put this out for a garage sale, it is worth $250".. When I told that to a lady/friend that held estate sales for people, she said she would give me that for it right now. Of course, it wasn't for sale. I did put a woven basket out for a garage sale that Mom gave me, next door neighbor lady that collected baskets said she'd buy it but wanted me to know I had it marked too cheap. I had to tell her that I didn't want to know what it should have been marked because anyone else would have bought it at the $1 price". That was before computers to help with research..Shirley



Good afternoon evening.
Micheal, thank you so much for getting us back on line!!

Today was a mixed up day but so far so good. Took hubby to get his blood work done. Nurses dressed in long gowns, covers over their face were at work.
Came home and finished up another quilt to go.. but the caner quilt group has cancelled their meeting..

I pray everyone is safe from this darn virus..we are ok here but I will be glad when everyone can breath a sigh of relief again.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Jenny and Shirley, thank you for the birthday wishes for David..
Has anyone figured out how they age so fast???
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Mary Ann

Amy, thank you for the tidbits you add to your posts.  I enjoy them whether they are funny or serious.

One day I will feel better, the next not so good, but on the whole, I think I am improving.  My cousin's sister-in-law said it took her six months to feel normal.  I am only 1 1/2 months from my attack.

I don't eat much but it is here, so I'll be back later.

Mary Ann


I have a little piece of good news to share with you.  I was waiting until I could share it personally with SHIRLEY after she returned from her sad trip to her brother's. I did that this morning so.....

On the day she was notified that she had lost her brother, God sent another life to live with us.  My granddaughter, Allison, in Oklahoma will be presenting me with my second Great Grandchild.  And she told me on that same day.  If this one can live his/her life half as well as Shirley's brother James (known as Jay) lived his, it will be a good reflection. 

AMY, I think I must have missed wishing David a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  I hope it was a good one.  And I don't know either, where the time goes!  Seems like just yesterday, mine were little kids.  Where did all that time go?

I paid my school taxes today.  Seems like a waste when all the schools are closed and all the kids are probably home watching TV. 

Supper time is creeping up on me and I'm not one bit hungry so I think I'll take Mickie for a walk before we eat instead of after.  I missed my nap this afternoon so I'm sort of planning to watch some TV through my eyelids tonight. 

My new floors are supposed to be installed tomorrow.  I wonder if they'll make it.  Seems all unnecessary businesses are supposed to be closing.  I guess I'll just wait and see!

I hope you all have a "virus-free" rest of the day.  In fact, that's my wish for the rest of your lives!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Jane. thank you. I was talking with David today and he told me what was for supper last night. Along with the usual he had fried radishes . He loves them!!

Mary Ann, thank you.
Take it easy and don't over do it. Let others help you as you have helped others in the past.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


AMY, I've loved fried radishes ever since I ran across a recipe for them about 5 years ago!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


I'll be so glad when I can start with "Hello from a sunny Oklahoma"!  Skies are still gray and gloomy and supposed to stay that way all week.  :(

Janie, Congratulations on the anticipation of a new great-grand!
Your mention of meat loaf and scalloped potatoes reminded me of my Mother's "put it all in the oven at the same time" meals.  One of the best was meat loaf and scalloped potatoes.
I make meat loaf the same way she did but it's never tasted like hers - even when I made it while she was standing next to me and saying, "That's right".  Good memories.

I gathered up my courage and went to the "big" grocery store (Crest) this morning. Couldn't believe it when someone was backing out of the handicap parking space closest to the door just as I drove up. 
Store was crowded but not overly so and everyone was being very considerate of others.  Had to chuckle at the big displays of paper towels and toilet tissue. Looked as if they're now over supplied.
However, the soup section had limited selections and the bread aisle was empty.  That truck probably hadn't gotten there, yet.

Miss Ellen has been caught up in the NYC shut-downs.  The gym where she worked the front desk has closed "indefinitely".  Same for the places where her 3 roomies worked - so they have settled in to stay at home.
One of the apartment building's fire escapes is right outside their windows.  I suggested they could all entertain the neighborhood like the Italians are doing from their balconies.  That was met with silence  ;)  but I could imagine her  ::).

Miss Emily is home on Spring Break and wanted a Gammy/Emily day while she's here.  Plan A was lunch and a movie but when neither of us could find a movie we wanted to see, we switched to lunch and shopping.  Now that's out (partly because of the weather) so we'll just find some kind of mischief to get into here.  Maybe we'll go through a genealogy album or two.

The big metro library has closed but e-books are still available.  So I checked out 4 in case there was a run on them. 

Onward and Upward.


I 💕💕 radishes, but have never had them fried!  I will have to find out how to do this! 

We went out for a little walk today......the sun was out and it did feel good to get some fresh air.  We saw 3 people at a good distance away and only 5 cars...... it definitely means folks are staying in.  All restaurants, bars and casinos are closed.  Some places will still do drive through and some restaurants are doing delivery, but we are not sure we want to even risk that.  This shut down is real🙀

SHIRLEY, we all know what this current situation is going to do to our country.....it will bankrupt more than just little family businesses.  Many businesses will try to continue to pay their employees but more will not than will.  The ski areas have pretty much closed down for the season now as they can not afford to keep the employees on.  It is so sad.  Many will loose their jobs.....  I totally expect the airlines to all be grounded......including domestic.  😢😢😢

Congratulations GREAT-GRANDMA JANE!  How exciting, and new little bundle of joy on the way💕💕

AMY, I do not know how my children can possibly be the age I still feel I am😩🤣🤣🤣

Brave of  you to venture out to the grocery store today, CALLIE.  We have been threatened with in a inch of our life by our children, if we go out.....they want to come do it for us, but we do not want them to do this, so Bob is hoping to head out for a quick trip tomorrow morning.....🙀🙀🙀

I wish you all a good evening.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


I don't tell my family unless they ask if I need anything..  :)


I've been told by my daughter that I shouldn't be going out either and she has decided that her job offers too many contacts that are iffy and she's not going to come here unless I need something.  I'm not telling her that I went out today but my only contact was my granddaughter and we didn't touch because of the job she does.  She said she disinfected her hands before she got in the car and every time she got out she wiped again before getting back in.  She works in a grocery store so she's still working so far.

Thanks, JENNY, for the nice words about my new "soon to be" arrival.  We're all delighted but I sure am praying that Ali is protected.

I'm off to bed now and I wish you all a peaceful sleep and a happy, healthy tomorrow.  I wish the same for the whole country and the world.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Before I go to bed I want to thank you, Jane, for the very sweet thought of this new life coming that will fit into Jay's space. I will think of him/her as long as I live, and for sure, if that baby is anything like my brother, it will have a wonderful & exciting life.

Sounds like all our children are trying their best to protect us... and as my son would say, "like trying to train fleas".... My store had no TP but I got bread & discovered when I went to put it in the place I store bread, that I had already bought my Oatnut & loaf of white. Sorry to say, peanut butter & jelly just doesn't go with oatnut bread. I eat both kinds, one because I like and the other because "it's good for me". I did get some Hostess cupcakes, Ding Dongs & Twinkies... thought we may have to start bartering for that TP...... :D

Callie is walkiing the floor, wants me to go to bed so she can. Tom is still outside so I am stalling. They have been inside because of rain so much they don't have a routine to follow.
Sweet dreams to all and God Bless.  Shirley

Lloyd Hammond

good evening and good night and sweet dreams.It is already tomorrow,I let midnight slip by again. but my wishes are still the same for the rest of the sleep time,for yesterday and today's part also.I am going to go shave so hopeful my breathing machine won't leak and I get some good sleep. see you all later today.
