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September 28, 2024, 09:14:44 AM

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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b


Soda Shoppe for MAY 1,2019

Started by so_P_bubble, May 01, 2019, 05:59:50 AM

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Good soggy morning to everyone,

We were to get our chimneys cleaned but not now. Rain put a damper on that too!!

I thoroughly enjoyed Mother's Day..no work at all.

Shirley, all in all we burn about 12 cords, not so much in the garage/shop anymore and we only burn in the fall/winter/early spring . This is done in a cookstove  and I also cook off of it. We let the fire go out come good weather and I use the electric stove. Food tastes so much better though cooked on the wood stove.

Callie, thank you. We are also glad to get over that one!

Larry, hope today is a better day for you.

Time to get moving.

Take care and enjoy your day everyone.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning everyone, it is good, no rain today but a cool 42° and the sun is showing her face. It poured all day yesterday.

SHIRLEY  we agree with summer heat and humidity. It never feels damp when it is snowing but sure does when it rains.

LARRY  like you I have no appetite anymore, I eat because I know I have to. I drink 2 Ensure high protein containers every day. I was told to drink 3 of them a day but cannot do it.

Time for me to get ready for the day, will enjoy a back massage today when my CNA gets here.

Have a good day.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

good morning everyone. I hope you all had at least as good of mothers day as we did, we went out to a buffet for noon meal. Bumped in to some Kinfolks we do not see very often as they were leaving as we getting there, a nice but short visit with them. we both had our own taste, Nancy had here salmon and I pigged out on my favorite shrimp fried and boiled both+lot of other food.the problem with that is we both at too much, (not good for the waste line) it is 44º foggy less than 200 feet visibility. the sun is trying to burn through an is supposed to by 10 AM. Nancy and Denver are on same wave length's they are both getting 2 teeth filled/repaired today. Have a good day everyone just as you like it.



Good morning from North Carolina.  Cloudy and maybe more rain again today.....maybe.  Whatever!

Laundry day and that is hard to believe because I'm pretty sure everyday this past week has been laundry day.  I'm still catching up.  I'm doing all the winter blankets, throws, etc. so they can be stored away for next winter.  The joys of home keeping!  ::)

Yesterday was nice, quiet and relaxed. Long telephone conversations with son and dil in Virginia and older grandson who had the day off from his work at Dulles International.  Younger grandson was working so I will catch up with him later.  David and I will try to get out sometime soon and use the restaurant gift card I received now that the Mother's Day crowds are over.  Besides people taking Mothers out to eat, this weekend was also graduation for many of the colleges in the area so it was super busy everywhere.  And I don't deal well with all of the crowd noise coming through my hearing aids.

I hope it will be a good new week for all of us.


Hi Everyone.  It is another beautiful day here in South Carolina.  I have a doctors appointment that we have to leave for before long so am just checking in for today.  This is not going to be an easy week as also have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and another one Thursday.  Hopefully that will be it for awhile. I did get a good nights sleep last night and that always helps but had a number of things I needed to get done for my appointment.  I have read all of the postings since I posted yesterday but just going to check in this morning as really don't have time to make individual comments.


Mary Ann

Lloyd, what a nice family you have.  I'm glad you finally got the picture to Bubble.

Mary Ann


Lloyd, what a lovely family you have!!
 Did you get the email for the banana bread recipe?
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Great family photo, Lloyd. I couldn't pick out which kids were actually yours but they are a nice looking bunch! 

Also, Gloria, thanks for the memories with the "old gang".... and love the photo of your daughter by that monster cactus!  I will never understand anyone wanting to live in all that sunshine  ;) ... but the cold wind has lost a lot of being ideal weather for me the older I get. 

Heard on the news this morning about the island (Dauphine?) off the coast that had storm damage & was thinking the one that Joan's son had a house. Anyone else hear it?  That "little" red head must be nearly grown by now, how old? 

Time to feed cats & me so will visit later tonight.


Just getting around here.  I slept in a little longer this morning, then had to get myself ready to go down to get my hair done.   I had to wait a while, as the lady before me was late, but that was ok.  I didn't have anything special to do today.  It was after 3 when I got back and then had a little nap.

I had a very nice Mother's Day. Went out to dinner with my family.  Had enough left overs to have another nice dinner tonight. 

it has been a really dreary, cloudy, rainy, COLD day today. I had to turn my hear on this morning.  I was so cold. It was only in the 40's all day.  Where is Spring??  So tired of the rain and cold.

Larry, hope you made out good at your doctor's appointment.

Nice family picture, Lloyd !

Phyllis, glad that you got your new washer.  I know how good it feels when you get it all caught up.  No big hurry for the winter things, tho. Take your time. !!!  It will always be there.  LOL

Sounds like all the ladies had a nice Mother's Day.

Have a good evening.



Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


G'morning all. I'm still here AMY,  :),Like everyone else of a certain age ! I have been struggling with various problems,so my computer time has been rather erratic these past few weeks, health and Hospital appointments, as well as trying to decide to sell our house and buy into a retirement home or sheltered accommodation (Apartments), not easy to decide from a wheelchair !, nevertheless, decide we must, :-\.
I did explain to Lloyd that we had put our house up for sale and I would not be online so much for a while, but I expect he forgot, however, I do have a quick look-in and have a quick read of everyone's situation, aches and pains etc !, it's nice to know others have had or are having the same problems !, you realise then that our place in the world is not such a lonely place after all :), so for the moment, it's just a quick Hello and I shall continue to look in and  follow the 'chit chat'that makes it such an interesting place to visit !, again ,thanks Amy and others for the enquiry :thumbup: .
                                    Cheerio,for now. Roley.


Good morning everyone..

Another soggy day here...dull and damp too. Want to clean out a cupboard that is in need of rearranging. I did the fridge yesterday and ,amazing how much gets tucked away in the back of it.

VON isn't coming to latter on in the day, I would think they will be stopping these visits soon. It has been two years they have been checking on Kyle and I am so thankful for their visits.

Roley, I am sorry you are feeling under the weather at times. Not an easy decision to put your home up for sale but one we all must make sooner or later. The good thing is you can pick and chose what you would like, not have it done for you so that is a blessing. Take care and pop in whenever you can. Waving to you from across the pond.

Phyliss, hubby has the same problem with his hearing aids so we tend to go at the opening time of a restaurant and it is not so busy then.

Better get a move on it.

Enjoy your day everyone..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

well this morning is wonderful day to be here reading and viewing i thank with all my heart so_P_bubble for digging out and posting for us. ( great job) some one asked about # of generation's. It is four. and Jane we enjoyed our visit with you and we have plane to visit as many of the rest of senior and friends as we can.I am working on Joe Dollie getting a new ball hitch on it to be safe to pull our van behind the RV. so when we get to a RV park, we can park the RV and have the car to drive locally.
( back Rowe L to R Tonie & Nicole GD & her husband Jame GD her dad and our daughter then G Son second row me and Nancy lap GGS and beside her is oldest g g daughter.I hope i have this correct. son is shining very bright here today. Have a great day



Hi Everyone.  Another beautiful sunny day but to be a bit cooler.  My activity for today is another doctor's visit later this morning.  This is one I anticipate as it is with the foot doctor to trim my toenails.  I suppose my appointment yesterday was good and but the results I am still trying to get my mind around.  She confirmed what I have known in that my congestive heart failure has gotten a lot worse  the will continue to decline in the months ahead.  She has scheduled me for a echo on my heart and back to see her in mid-June.  She also is referring me to see a Dr. who runs the Congestive Heart Failure clinic at the hospital in Augusta.  However, the thing that really caught me blindsided was she is referring me to Hospice so I will be meeting with them in a few days to gain more information and to see how that would work in my case.  She told me that doesn't mean I will be dying soon and that they provide services even 2 years out.  I asked about keeping the doctors I have now and she said I would do that.  I am extremely tired today as only got about an hours sleep last night even with taking a benedril and having my Chamomile Tea.  I just couldn't get comfortable and it was a really long night.  I guess it will take me a few days to really come to acceptance of what is ahead for me especially the Hospice.

Bubble, thanks for helping LLoyd out with the picture.  You are a jewel.

Jane, that is a beautiful flower your daughter planted for you. 

Roley, good luck on finding just the right retirement home and hope your house sells quickly.  Good to hear from you today.

Lloyd Hammond

when i was labeling picture I left out grand son was holding his son.not on purpose.



Larry:  You are a great inspiration to all of us.  We all must face the inevitable.  I do admire your realistic message and also how kind you are to have set up the house and lifestyle for Pat.  I for one want to keep you close for years. 


LARRY, I echo Carol's sentiments...especially the part about your attitude and that we need you close for a long time to come! 

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast



Yesterday was a bit stressful and I am sorry I did not get in to tell the news regarding Michele.   The scan report showed that there was little to no change in the size of the tumor on the lung.  The oncologist wants to continue with the chemo for four more sessions, then recheck the tumor again with another CT as he feels that it is best to keep a continued regiment so it can be true test of what is going on.  The thought on the size is that it was nearly four weeks before the chemo was started, from the original CT scan, hence the tumor may have grown a bit and now is truly smaller in size. The oncologist is backing down on the amount of one of the chemo meds in hope that it is the one that is causing Michele to be so wiped out and making her have the worse side effects.  She WILL have the gamma knife procedure done this coming Friday.  I thank you all for your continued  positive thoughts and prayers....they are SO appreciated....

I enjoyed reading the comments about Mother's Day for you all. 

We are enjoying some very nice weather right now, and it sure feels good.  Sadly this Saturday and Sunday the weather guessers are calling for rain....😢.  Mark and Megan will be here with our Darling Grandson Jonah, and I was hoping we would all be able to be outside enjoying our brief time together.  We WILL enjoy our time together no matter what, of course.

ROLEY, best of luck to you finding the best retirement home and getting your current home sold.  One of the biggest challenges is that YOU have made this decision and now you just follow through.

SHIRLEY, I was just looking at a picture this morning of Joan's little red head Grandson, Finlay as I snagged a picture of him off of Face Book, with hopes of getting someone to post it for all to see.  Yes, Son Joe has a beach home on Daulphin Island.  Is this current storm damage?  I will have to go check it out. 

I have had many interruptions so I had best post this before I loose it....

Have a good rest of your day...


🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Good evening Larry.  0I had to write to you t0 night,  I joined hospice Aprile 11.  Best thing I have ever done,  Medicare takes care of everything now. New wheelchair, table, I could even have a bed. I like my own bed. Aide comes in 3 times a week, does wash, makes my lunch or anything I ask jer to do in 2 hours.  Nurse comes in once or twice a week and supplys everything I need for  my bad leg.My button is hooked up to them. I have emergency nurse or doctor I can call anytime of night, Plus I can call a nurse in any time of day. they call back within 5 min. I can have a volunteer on week ends to take me out anywhere I want to go I still get the same prescriptions me.  Only they are delivered right to the door.  The nurse did say every state is different.  Fla. is one of the best You are allowed one doctor.  One of your choice or theirs. I chose there's You can drop the program when you want too.  I never knew they had such a Nursing program. At there small hospital they have a small place where children can play  I was offered Hospice or Nursing, after 3 weeks they would think nursing home.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


Well today was not one that was expected. I made a phone call after we got in from having coffee/tea out and after that all my/our plans went kerflooey. The Optometrist wanted to see Kyle at 1.20 pm  and it is about an hour drive so off we went. Rain off and on all the way but a nice day for driving. Kyle found out the answer to why his vision problem and this Dr is forwarding the information to our GP. I had to cancel the VON and she will come tomorrow.

I see we lost another great actor..Tim Conway passed away :(

Larry, take each day as it comes, rest when you need to. I read Gloria De post to you and I know I would rather have that and be well monitored by nurses and Drs.Sounds like a well organized system. I agree with the other we do NEED you for a long long time. We are happy with just a hi or a long post from you.

Jenny prayers that all goes well on Friday..

My git up and go got up and went....time to rest.

Enjoy your evening everyone.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


My mind is whirling with questions about Hospice!  Gloria de, sounds like a great program where you live. Cas' mother had Hospice when she decided to refuse surgery for a blockage & instead had a stomach pump installed in the hospital before going home. The doctors tried to convince her she was making a mistake & said she would not be allowed to return to the hospital OR have further treatment once she started with Hospice. That was in TN. My brother turned to it but my understanding was he had to drop Hospice after 6 months and go on "home health care" which was very expensive in MO (someone said $9,000 per month). He had lung cancer & COPD as well as other problems, including major reactions to meds he took.

Larry, I can understand your shock at the suggestion of Hospice.... my thoughts as well. I think we probably both have outdated impressions of the service.  Hope you can sleep better after your meeting with them later in the week.  For sure we do not get a lot of zzzzzzzzzs when our brain is trying to plan ahead for "the unknown". Maybe they can help you get some of your muscle strength back, sure is difficult when we take a few days off. You realize that WE are not ready to let you give up and will be nagging (it's in our DNA).

Jenn, happy that "the kids" are coming for a visit, good medicine, for sure!  Michele's doctor sounds thorough in his treatment and hope she will do better with a little less of the worst part. My heart aches for what she is going through, but keep reminding myself how awful my brother in law looked after months of chemo and 30 years later he is still going strong with no cancer since. The news people were interviewing residents on the island about how they watched the roof of a building sailing by, quite a storm.

Amy, I had not heard that about Tim Conway.... my friend & I were talking about Doris Day & her movies & singing... I don't think she made a movie or sang a song that I didn't like!  We also agreed that we miss the Dinah Shore Show... I just did a Google & see there is a whole different meaning to Dinah Shore (not the Chevy Show now!)  :rolleyes:  Can picture how good your house smells cooking on that wood stove, but that sounds like a lot of wood to me! I haven't had a fire in my fireplace in years, I think it needs the chimney cleaned but #1 son thought it looked okay when he had a look... I'll think about it another day..........Hope Kyle's vision improves. Mine is giving me fits changing. Used to be a little near & little far sighted with astigmatism in one eye. This latest Dr has not fit my glasses right in 3 years & last time he handed me the latest scrip for glasses with the caution that, "probably won't help until you get the cataracts removed". I was disgusted he would charge me for the scrip if it wasn't going to help.... so will get another diagnosis/doctor before considering cataract surgery... one that does NOT do surgery! He shows astigmatism in both eyes & think that may be why my eyes do not adjust to the glasses from last year.

Cats had their supper but I haven't, so better think about it. It was HOT here today, mid 80s.... (Gloria, I am whining). Right now it is very still, sun is bright & I should be out walking down to the river. I hear some geese calling to see if I have any bread for them. Haven't seen any babies this year, they lose them when the river gets high. I hopped over to see the photos & left a message there... many thanks to all that share! Special thanks to Bubble for posting.


JOAN/BIS Finley was born the same year as our Kiran and she will be 13 in December.  Where have the years gone!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


I am here for today and will fight for  everyday given me, I trust your guidance,  I hope not to disappoint you.
