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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe for May 1 , 2023

Started by so_P_bubble, May 01, 2023, 12:14:36 AM

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Good Morning Everyfriend!  It's going to be a nice day here!  And I have to get upstairs and get dressed.  Ali is bringing kids over around 10 and I want to be ready to PLAY!

I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good after noon everyone. well my time absent has not been good. some time in the hospitial and some just Layin around in my easey chair, I fell down and hurt my left hand and broke a rib on my left side right over my hart. and when I cough it feels like you are pulleing it out. just getting up out of the chair is pure Misurey. also broke my glasses ans skiend the side of my nose. so be cerfule everyone, and take it easey.



@Lloyd Hammond Your posts from Introduce Yourself have been merged into this topic.


So sorry about your accident, Lloyd. I've broken a rib 3 different times & it took exactly 6 weeks each time to quit hurting. I was 30 years younger & doing something dumb at the time, not falls. We sure have a time knowing our limits, don't we?

I had a busy day shopping for some clothes I didn't have to pin up to hold up. Down to a size 0 in a pair of Chico jean/pants & I can slid them down without unzipping. I think it was Helona in OK that enjoyed my fav bargain store. 75& off everything & then they have sales so I was willing to spend for a few outfits that may be worn a short time. My daughter took me & we spent more than 2 hours "pickin' & trying on". After we ate I took a late nap while she had other things to do.

She has been gone so I've had several weeks to wander around the house with no real schedule. Echocardiogram tomorrow & visit with the surgeon next day so hope to end this nightmare soon.

Amy, I have all the dirt mixings but still haven't gotten the different kinds of lettuce, endive & spinach seeds, should be planted by now.

With your dog walkings, Jane, I think you have done a great job of keeping fit. Don't know if your "kids" visit NBC (short for name brand clothing), I think the first store  was in OK. Had my first visit in a long time. My daughter kept discovering things she has in her own closet that she paid full price for, one was a dressy jacket she paid over $1,000 for & was only $25. with the sale today. Cas used to call these shopping trips "my therapy" because they change everything every week & move from store to store. Factory buy outs, store buy outs, never know what you might find.

Guess I'd better get busy, want to clean off this table & came up with a plan so here I am. Had my sliding door open a couple inches, heard fire trucks across the river, didn't smell smoke. After solving world problems in my head I got up.

Sweet dreams to all. I'll go back to bed in an hour or so, maybe a few Ritz crackers with peanut butter to tide me over till breakfast. Tisie/Shirley

Thank you Oldiesmann, for keeping track of us!   


Good morning..

Another busy day ahead of us. Today the delivery of the shinlges this morning.,then I am off in th afternoon to get my hair cut. Tomorrow we are off to deliver planter boxes . We haven't been to that area in a while so the drive will be nice..

Lloyd, guess you are being told to slow down a bit. Please take it easy. Finding a comfy sleeping postiton is going to be difficult for you.

Shirley, we still have frost warning here so no tomato plants in yet but soon I hope.  Planted parsnips in a place that they can stay in over winter, should be nice and sweet to dig come next Spring.

Bubble, thank you for posting the photo of the Flowering Crab tree. That night we had a rain and now the ground is peppered with pink blossoms. We did need the rain but not as bad as Alberta and other areas with forest fires.

Oldiesman ,thank you for your help.

Enjoy your day and stay safe

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Quote from: Amy on May 25, 2023, 07:04:50 AMShirley, we still have frost warning here so no tomato plants in yet but soon I hope.  Planted parsnips in a place that they can stay in over winter, should be nice and sweet to dig come next Spring.

Amy. - Way back when I would grow tomatoes I would get them out and in the ground as early as I could. If there was a chance of night frost I would cover then with an overturned garbage can (kept them pretty clean), or a 5 gallon plastic "sheet rock compound" can. A rock on top to keep them in place. By the time they outgrew those containers it was frost free time.

As to PARSNIPS - Few around here seem to know what they are, or what they are missing. I liked them but a certain family event has ruined my desire for them. My younger son was the master at cooking them, usually for Holiday meals. He's no longer with us, and I have not been able to enjoy them since. But considering all the butter he used it might be best I don't do that anyway.




Good Morning Everyfriend!  I sent a movie of baby Cam's first "rollover" and she loved the picture but she couldn't figure out how to post a movie.  So Cindy tried to post it and it wouldn't go for her either.  I think she said she posted the picture of him one way and the the other way but I haven't checked.

LLOYD, I'm so sorry to hear that you took a fall and are suffering the effects of it.  Please be careful and HOLD ON to whatever is available when you walk! 

SHIRLEY, I asked Cindy about the store and she immediately picked up her phone to see what I was talking about.  She found one and I think she said it's about 7 miles from where she lives.  I'm betting we'll be checking it out one of these days!

RICK, I remember that my dad planted parsnips and so did my sister in later years.  I do not remember eating them but if they were on the dinner table when I was growing up, I ate them.  We had to take what my mother referred to as a "no-thank-you" helping of everything!

AMY, have a nice trip today.  It's always nice to enjoy a rid to somewhere you haven't been in a while!

I guess I better get on my horse and get moving or I won't be ready when it's time go "go do stuff". I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow@

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning; this has been a roller coaster week weatherwise; we have been under an extreme fire alert and a flood alert, but no actual incidences. They're saying there "will be a significant rain event from Friday through the weekend."

There go our seventies and eighties, but for most people who use the multiple rivers as highways for hunting, transport, and goods and services, this is terrible news as the rivers have already run high since breakup with many sweepers just below the surface current.

Lloyd, as one who also has balance issues, please take care. I have a hard time trying to do what I was used to, but there comes a time when it's no longer worth it.

Jane, it sounds like you're having a wonderful time with your family and all the grandkids. I envy you as my closest family is three thousand miles away. My sister and I email regularly, but it's different.

Amy, enjoy your trip and a different view. You and Jane must have some special energy source to keep on as you have. I can do chores and then wait until the next day to finish the lot as my energy comes and goes.

We are trying to plan something for the first week in June, but I don't know if this will work out or not. Claire is trying to plan a barbeque for everyone at her place and perhaps spring Alan and Dora for the day, but we shall see.


We just got back in the house.  Cindy took me to get a haircut.  It was getting so no one could see my eyes or my ears and my nose was the next to go!  I feel simply light-headed.

Then we proceded to Ali's house and took the two older two kids to the playground while she put baby Cam down for a nap and finished her weekly cleaning!  I found out two things...I can't walk as fast as a two year old on a scooter, and...I can't walk as fast as the 6 year old on a bike!

It was a lot of fun trying, though!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning...

Another day where no grass grows under ones feet! Needed to get out of here yesterday before the big truck came with the shingles so I wouldn't be late for my hair appointment. Came home to find everything set up for Mon for the men to do the work  on the roof.

Today is the trip to my friends to deliver and pick up then home to chase dust kangaroos!!

Rick, I love parsnips as they are or mashed with carrots,cuddled up to a roast of beef in the oven and in chicken soup!
I have also done that too,covering with a pail. A neighbour has a good idea, he brings home lawnmowers that no longer work, takes the motor off of them and they put their tomatoes in a huge pot on the lawnmower. When there is a threat of frost they wheel that into a portable garage for the night then wheel it back out in the morning.

Jane,my hair is much shorter now also!! Last time I got it cut was back in Oct so it was time for it to go! Must admit to a chuckle to you not being able to keep up to the younguns. They go 150 MPH and you only go 100 MPH.

Patricia,at times one wonders how they did all they did when younger.Now, some jobs get put off till tomorrow or the next day. :) Sooner or later they will get done..

Better  get going ,need to pick some rhubarb to take with us today.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  I have to make this short and then head for the hill and get myself dressed and ready to hit the trail.  Cindy says we're going to the local "Books-A-Million" store sometime today to check out what they have in large print.  I asked her if she was sure she wanted to do that with a book addict like me!  Her answer..."we'll you mothered one like me.  I'm an addict, too". 

AMY, have a nice visit with your friend!  And drive carefully!

I wish Everyfriend a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Well, the trip has been cancelled due to van-no-go..instead of van go. Waiting on CAA to come and pick it up so friends are coming down to exchange items.

Jane, have fun at the bookstore!
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning, another sleepless night and late morning. Our "Friday through the weekend significant rain event" began Thursday evening at about eight.

Farrah and I had a wash and breakfast this morning, bed made, and dishes washed and put away. And I'm on my first coffee.

Amy, managing that sooner or later, they're getting done rule in this household means making sure that rule doesn't get extended too far.

That promised barbeque may be rescheduled as a roadside overflow has cut some folks off from the highway, and Alan and Dora are doing physical therapy in-house. Their building is one wing of the main hospital building so that they can use the medical facilities. They are across a courtyard from the other wing that houses patients' family members.

Not much is happening here; I'm still stuffed from that cold. I've found that Allegra, an allergy med works just as well as cold medicine and is once daily rather than multiple times daily.


Good afternoon EVERYFRIEND‼️

Keep trying my best to post more often but I am not getting it done.  Just too much going on dern it‼️

Three doc appointments this week.......they are wearing me down‼️😩
My internist that I saw on Monday was not happy that I am considering surgery on my neck without a second opinion😩  so I have been jumping through hoops to try to get one set up. I saw the surgeon today at a follow up appointment from my epidural shot  for my back.  Told him and he seemed a little irritated at the doc for questioning this surgery. He was very nice and explained in detail AGAIN why this surgery is necessary etc. I will see the second opinion surgeon next Tuesday. I found out today they are in the same medical building.

My Tuesday appointment was with the blood oncologist.  He assured me I am fine and apologized for having me get blood work done AGAIN as it was a mess up in his office😡😡😡 I did not hear WE WON'T BE CHARGING YOU😡😡😡 Still feel better to know that ALL is fine as I was quite concerned whenI saw the results of my lab with some HIGH readings that sure did not look like nothing‼️

SANDY, you are right....bad days are not fun, and YES they are coming around more often😡

JANE, happy to read you are feeling better today❣️

Delays again.....

Dr. Dave and family did enjoy time together on his birthday.  The family over all are doing well....it is just difficult at these momentous times to not have sad feelings about Michele no longer being with us.

No plans for Memorial Day. We are going up to see our other son and his family on Sunday.  It is dial's birthday and the our baby is turning ONE on the second so will celebrate his day too. Only day our son can be off.....golf clubs are VERY busy this time of year. His club is hosting the women's PGA qualifiers this coming week and no time for Leon's Birthday later on the day.

I have to run.....my best to you ALL. 

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Late night for me but had a nice nap this afternoon. Got the chocolate cake out of the oven & cooled enough to put the icing on (anybody grow up eating that choc cake that had the cup of boiling water poured into the batter before hitting the oven?) Icing on & taste test so that is it for today.

Happy to see everyone that reports in, love y'all. Sweet dreams & God Bless. Tisie/Shirley :sleepy:


Good morning...

A beautiful sunny morning starting at 38° and heading close to 80°.

We are without wheels till maybe Mon or Tue. Many times we tried to start the vehicle ,sometimes it would kick over other times not. Young tow truck drive got in to try,first try the motor started!  Then a phone call from friends in the south said they were coming up for a visit and to look at the garden tiller which they took back home with them. I have no need of the tiller and they can use it plus it is in good hands as he is a mechanic. While out checking over the tiller the neighbour at the back passed a 18 coloured eggs over the fence, now we have green,blue,brown and white eggs in the fridge.

Today laundry and baking...isn't that exciting?

Shirley, I remember  that cake ,nice moist cake.

Jenny, there was a time we would say if it wsn't for Dr appointments we wouldn't go anywhere. We did manage to do the chemo in one day not two back to back so that was a blessing.All,well most of it is in the rear view mirror now. I hope that it will be all in the past for you and you can enjoy life.

Patricia, hope that cold is soon gone!

Jane, did you load up the car with books to read?

Better shake a leg and get going.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Where is the photo of the colored eggs? Except for brown I have never seen nature-colored eggs.


Good Morning Everyfriend!  It's nice to see "People" in here when I come in! 

JENNY, keep on keeping on!  The doctor had no right to be miffed when you were getting a second opinion.  He should have asked for one himself.

SHIRLEY,  the cake sounds DEEE-licious!  Could you put a couple pieces out in the SS for those of us who are sitting here licking our lips?

AMY, nice that you're friend made the trip to you but too bad you missed the ride that you hadn't taken in a bit. 

Cindy just came by and said she's on the way up to get ready to go to the Farmers Market.  I always like to see Ali's set up of flowers.  They are always "attractive"!  And I have some stuff on my list that I want to buy!

I guess I better get on my horse and get moving...or should I put an egg in my boot and beat it?

I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Bubble, photo on its way..
Jane ,do you have a preference  on the colour of egg for your boot? :)
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning, sunny day here, but the rains return tomorrow, and all the rivers are running high with (some minor, so far) flooding. Claire's barbeque is canceled as she has no money to fly us in or out and can't get to the store across the waters anyway.

Bubble, different breeds can lay different egg colors; we have some here in the farmers' markets. I've known some people that are leery of eating them as "It's not normal."  ::)

I don't have anything planned today other than the usual daily chores. I spent some extra time in the meets and greets this morning as everyone was bemoaning the rain, the rivers, and on and on. I'd hate to believe this is the new normal.   


Not enough hours in the day it seems. Laundry dried on the solar dryer and then we were busy with folks wanting the trugs. One trug was loaded  on a truck and the other will be going out on Wed. The part I enjoy is meeting people and their dogs.

No baking got done and I am not about to start now. :)))

Bubble ,thank you for posting the photo of the eggs. I enjoy going back to see the hens and rooster, giving them vegetables scraps etc. I do know this time I am NOT naming this rooster... last rooster,Horacio went into the stew pot . :(
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Most of the Interior is farming country with numerous farms and several roadside farm stands. When I was able to visit those farms regularly, I used to love visiting, and while I enjoyed the freshness of the food, I felt sad for the number of small baby animals also offered for sale, knowing their lives wouldn't be that long.

Claire has several rabbits, chickens, and ducks kept in topped pens with four sides extending four feet underground and electrified. She has beehives, llamas, alpacas, two horses, three goats, four dogs, and several property cameras to keep everything safe.


Cindy and I did some shopping this morning at the Farmers Market and tonight we had oven baked radishes and potatoes done my me and shrimp on top of the stove done by Cindy.  It was a goooooooood supper!  And there are leftovers for tomorrow!

We did some shopping this afternoon and I came home with a bag full of goodies to try to take home to PA.  I don't know if they'll last long enough for that but we shall see!

I'm going up and take one more walk on the treadmill and then I'm collapsing for the rest of the evening and the night, too!  It's been a busy day!

AMY, the egg in my boot was green for GO!

I'm not sure what tomorrow will bring.  When Cindy and I left the electricity had just gone off.  We wondered if it would be back in time for supper but Jim texted us while we were gone that it was back on about an hour and a half later!  YAY!!

Now I'm of to the treadmill.  Have a good rest of the day!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


I loved the colored egg.....seems they have more flavor.  We lost our local contact for these eggs when there was a bird flu here that wiped out many chickens😩

JANE, I was a bit taken back when the surgeon seemed to take offense too.  He even said that my internal medicine doc should stick to doing blood pressure and the like vs questioning a board certified surgeon‼️🤪🤪. Your day of shopping sounded like a lot of fun.  I'm a thinking most of your farmer's market purchases will not make it back home with you🤪🤪🤪 but I hope they will‼️

AMY, I for some dumb reason never anticipated being in my shoes.  There were very little medical issues in my family and I have always been healthy....then that fall two years ago seemed to change it ALL. It is what I have been dealt so I must deal with it.....as many in our group do🤪🤪🤪. I sure do appreciate the continuing support you all give me🥰🥰 Sorry you are without wheels😩

SHIRLEY, I do remember that cake.....it always made me wonder WHY that cup of water was necessary.....but it did‼️

PATRICIA, I am sorry Claire's BBQ  was canceled 😠  I would love to visit her menagerie‼️

Just finished watching our granddaughter dancing her solo at Disney Land. She danced beautifully....of course🥰🥰🥰

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Thanks Jenny but as it's a working farm, she'd probably put you to work straight away!

She is the only one still owning land and doesn't plan to move into town like others.

I once questioned the iron fences electrified and extending four feet down. She reminded me that wolves, foxes, and bears were quite good at digging, and she had seen those unsuccessful attempts. Which is why they're also topped and sturdily built.

She supplies me with fresh raw honey at only $8.00 a quart, which is a nice change from the honey in the supermarkets.


Checking in another night, been pretty busy today but not much to show for it.  Looks like everyone also busy so will say:
"Good night, sweetheart, until we meet again"..... song out there something like that....

Sweet dreams and God Bless.... Love ya, Tisie/Shirley


Good morning...

The day is starting out at 38° but heading to 84°!  Friends are stopping to exchange items we have for each other this morning. Today I had better whip up some cookies and fill the containers again.

Patricia, I am with Jenny and I would love to help out on that farm. We also had elecric fences,just above ground though.

Shirley, that is on of the songs that would be sung when it was time for everyone to head to bed..last campfire song for the evening.


Jenny, only good times can be ahead of you..

Jane, got your message...that one and the Coffee Crisp are my favourite ones.

Better go uncover the flowers...wasn't sure if a frost would visit last night .

Enjoy your day and stay safe.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Amy, there was a video circulating last winter showing a grizzly digging up a black bear den. After several moments of intense digging, suddenly, Mama black bear and two cubs explode out. The grizzly catches one cub, but Mama and the other cub escape. This is why the electrified fences extend so far down while the tops deter golden eagles, owls, and hawks.

We're at our low of fifty but probably won't go further with the sporadic rain we've had since Thursday night and....."Heavy Rainfall and Cooler Temps Sunday Night through Tuesday...

Heavy rain showers move into the Fortymile Uplands Sunday afternoon and move west into the Chena River Basin and Eastern Alaska Range Sunday night and Memorial Day. Periods of copious rainfall will result in an area of 1 to 3 inches of rainfall from Isabel Pass to Chena Hot Springs and east toward Tanacross.

Fairbanks area and the White Mountains will also see periods of moderate rain showers. Temperatures by Monday will remain in the 50s with 40s in the Alaska Range."


Patricia, one year we used an electric fence to keep the cattle close to the barn,come Spring it was taken down but they would not go beyond the enclosed area without a lot of coaxing and grain!
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers