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September 27, 2024, 06:31:44 PM

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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b


Soda Shoppe for MAY 15,2019

Started by so_P_bubble, May 14, 2019, 11:02:52 PM

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Good morning everyone..

We are off to the city, hubby has an appointment and we are meeting up with a friend first to exchange fabric, quilt top and items to make cat toys out of. Will head to Costco and pick up a few things for us and the neighbours then head home.

Hope everyone is feeling great today.

Enjoy your day.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning everyone. a cool 50° and rain again.

PHYLLIS  like you we always went swimming on Memorial day. These days it would have to be hot for me to go swimming.

SHIRLEY  thanks for those links, I saved both of them. We had a flag pole and put the flag up every day. My oldest son played the trombone and at times when we took the flag down at sunset he would play taps. I always loved it when he did.

JOY  yesterday was cloudy and today it is rain so staying inside again. I think everyone here enjoyed the wonderfully warm weekend.

AMY  wonder if my sons planted their gardens over the weekend. Usually Memorial day weekend is planting time in this area.

LARRY  I had 4 family members who had Hospice care and they were very happy with them. I love your outlook of your future. I hope I am half as good as you are when my time comes.You are  in my prayers.

JANE  like you I love the way Larry is going through his life now.

GLORIA de  there is a Hospice hospital in Providence.

MARY ANN  with my CNA out sick Thursday and Friday and the holiday Monday I really was messed up with days for a day or 2.

Have a good day.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good Morning Everyfriend!  The dogs have been getting me up very early these days.  They seem to think that if it's daylight out there and shining in the windows, we should be greeting the day.  I can't seem to sell them on the concept of Daylight Saving Time.  They only know what's in their heads.  So, since they have to take a pill and wait an hour for it to digest, we've been sacking out on the sofa for an extra hour. 

Today is a WM day so I'll be off to work at 11 and home at 3.  What I don't get done before I go, won't get done because Wedmesdaus are ALWAUS busy and I come home zapped!

I hope everyone escaped the storms.  I haven't heard if tha tornado that brought on the warning, actually made itself known but it sure was scary looking weather. 

I wish you all a happy day....no storms...love in your life.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Hi Everyone.  We are in for another very hot 100+ degree day.  There were a lot of fires yesterday along the highways and other places.  A pretty good stretch of I-20 for past the exit we have to the Walmart and other businesses close by was closed all afternoon, evening and is still closed this morning for at least 17 miles here in South Carolina and several other places nearby and some over in Georgia.  The humidity is very low and the temperatures so hot.  It is apparently a real mess. 

I didn't sleep at all well last night as had that old heart related cough probably the worst I have ever had it and shortness of breath goes along with it.  I got up at 4 am this morning, not because I wasn't tired but to stop the coughing and that has worked but I still am getting shortness of breath upon much exertion so just have to sit quietly for a few minutes to rest until it gets under control. 

I have been working on little things I can do in preparation for this evening when the family will be here to fix my TV up on the wall, fix the oxygen lines and I have decided I want to go ahead and move my computer desk into the corner by my bed.  I was going to wait but can always bring in my laptop from my easy chair and work on another little table that is a part of this desk setup so can still use my office.  I don't know whether any of you use that blue or white rubberized type matting that keeps things from sliding.  I have used it for years and this morning have been fixing my two bedside tables with it as well as the table next to my easy chair.  I know Pat isn't crazy about it but goes along with me as particularly now it really helps.  Just yesterday we knocked off the TV remote, which got under my table by my easy chair.  Fortunately we had pads put on all of the legs of things to save our wooden floors when we moved in and the table and chairs slide pretty easy although neither Pat nor I really should be even pushing them but Pat did and we located it.  I still have a number of very small things to do that I can do sitting here at my computer in the office so will try to take it fairly easy the rest of the day and will try to get some rest or sleep this afternoon before the folks come at supper time. This is our last Wednesday night dinner until fall from the Church so Scott will stop on his way out and pick up the three meals we order as there is a special program after the meal and it would be very late for dinner if the kind lady that has been bringing them did so tonight.  She called and suggested this, which was a great idea, and I knew Scott would be most agreeable to doing that.  We will give the girls money so they can go get whatever they want for their dinner, which they prefer to having to cook something here and Pat is not going to cook when we have our meals for the night being delivered to us.  (I apologize in that I never seem to know when to stop sharing all of this but from what you say you don't mind and no one is required to read any posting here they don't want to.)  

Jane, I think attitude is so very important to our quality of life.  I just prefer to be positive and not negative so I don't usually get down and if so it is for a very short time.  That was a scary evening in your area.  Pat's sister called from Independence saying tornados had struck around the Kansas City area and she was heading to the basement of the apartment house where she lives.  Guess all was well from her place or we would have heard by now and Pat may have talked to her after I went to bed. 

Lindancer, the aid was here yesterday morning just for a meet.  She offered to help me with a bath but I decided to wait until Thursday when she is back.  I need a bath and have sponge bathed but still don't want to get too close to anyone today.  The nurse was suppose to be here but guess her schedule didn't allow and that would also have been an just an intro visit as I had nothing urgent to discuss with her and could always call the Hospice office if I did.  Like you I elected to use the Hospice doctors and medical staff and yesterday canceled all of my future appointment except found out from the aid that they do not have someone that can clip toenails so will keep that appointment and I still have good insurance.  I am trying to learn to manipulate this wheelchair but think it will take a bit of doing.  I am now spending a lot of time in it but use the Rollator in my bedroom and bath, which is only 8 or so steps from my bedroom.  I have gotten so weak that I must have something to hold on to and I pretty well have it figured out and things should be in place by the end of this evening or tomorrow evening (both Scott and Elizabeth have Wed. & Thursday as their regular days off and are going the work part of things.  Considering I am entering just the second week on Hospice care really a lot has been accomplished and things will soon slow down.  I am not yet ready to get out but now see that as a definite thing to do, perhaps to go out with Scott and Pat to a restaurant or maybe into Walmart although Scott will have to push me in the transport chair.  I am finding it takes a lot of room to get around in the wheelchair but fortunately this house has room to do so except getting through doorways is a real pain. 

Mary Ann, I keep a calendar right in front of me at my desk plus the computers always show the date and time.  You do great to be your age and I just so hope you don't fall as that would really mess everything up for you.  Sorry but I will keep nagging because I care about you. 

Amy, enjoy your trip to Costco today.  When I am up to getting out a bit I might even be able to get back to Costco using the transport chair or one of the electric karts they have. 

Gloria, I can't imagine many were at the pools around here yesterday although they are now open.  It was just too hot to be outside if you didn't need to be.  Glad to see you have had experience with family members in Hospice.  While I have had limited experience with only one week I couldn't be happier and freer than I feel today.  I will always be thankful to my wonderful cardiologist who suggested that now was the time and was she ever right.  I hope you will never need it but it appears you wouldn't be afraid to at least contact them if your doctor ever suggests it to you or you feel now would be the time.  Where is the downside?  I can't see any yet.


Good morning.  Pretty sunny morning here, and supposed to get hot later in the afternoon.

I have a doctor's appointment, but not until 4:30.  Since my daughter-in-law takes me, she makes the appointments when the time is good for her.  So, I don't have to rush getting ready.  They are also predicting possible scattered thunderstorms later, so hope we can make it in between the rain drops.  I will stop and get something to bring home for dinner.

Larry, it is always so good to see your most inspiring messages. I hope that I can become as positive as you are.  I usually pray for strength to get me through a particularly situation.  I am always apprehensive when I have an appointment and usually, it turns out ok.  I had some blood work done last week and am a little apprehensive about the results. I will try to remember to stay positive.

Good morning to you, Amy, and also, Gloria and Jane.  And, of course, all the friends who come in later.

Have a wonderful day !


Mary Ann

Larry, I am in awe at your attitude about your situation today.  I am sure while many of us would like to think we'd be so positive, when push comes to shove, we probably would not be.  I told the PA yesterday that I do not have a walker or rollator yet and he asked me how I did walking in the house and I told him "walls and furniture".  This place is small enough that I can touch something almost everywhere.  I do walk freely around here and that is about all I can do.  Tom and Dot both watch me walking to or from their cars to make sure I get from Point A to Point B.  Steps are my big trouble and I rely on the railing by the steps, but it isn't easy.  I appreciate that you, Larry, are concerned about my walking.  Thank you.  I'm amazed that I've made it this far - to 95. 

Mary Ann


 :) Hooray for 95!  I hope I'm around to "see" you celebrate 100!

Now I'm off to work!  Wish me happy customers!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Mary Ann

Thank you, Jane.  I hope you're around too!  I have not had an age goal previously, except to reach the next age.  Turning 95 has changed my mind a bit and I just hope I feel as well as I do now so I can reach 100.  A third great-grandfather was three months short of 107 when he died.  I don't care about that age - yet.  My immediate goal is now 96 and take each year as it comes!

Mary Ann



Another day of threatening storms are in the forecast for today. The moisture is wonderful and so appreciated however, the damaging wind and hail is not!  We have been lucky in that we have not had any of this bad stuff, but many we know have😢.

JANE, I have thought about your family that are visiting here right now, and hoping that their time has not been ruined by the changing weather conditions.  I wish you the best of best customers today at Walmart❣️

I keep hoping we will see a post from you, SHIRLEY.  I do hope and pray that everything is OK at your place! 

AMY, enjoy your day of shopping.  Hope the doctor visit will go well for your hubby. 

LARRY, what a wonderful post from you today!  You know we like to read ALL that you share with us, so thank you. 

GLORIA, sorry your CNA visit is messed up this week.

JOY, the best to you today at your doctor visit. 

MARY ANN, I know you are as careful as you can be to stay UP RIGHT!  Sadly, my dad was doing so well, getting around just fine UNTIL he tripped over Diane's walker and down he went, breaking his hip.  We all know that falls are the worse when one gets up in age.  Good news for you, me and others that are short....we do not have that far to fall🥰🥰🤣

No post from you today, LLOYD.  I HOPE all is well with you and Nancy.  Maybe you took off and are 🎼 ON THE ROAD AGAIN 🎼

Enjoy your day.....be safe💐💐


🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"

Mary Ann

I wrote something, then looked at the emojis and away went my message.  It wasn't much, but I agreed with Jenny that short people don't have so far to fall.  I never felt it was an advantage but maybe now it is.  I have taken calcium since I broke my leg in 1983 and while I am not sure it is a benefit, I'm going to continue taking it until a doctor tells me to quit.

No emoji because my trial is what caused me to lose the other post.

Mary Ann


I'm home from work and tired up the gazoo!  My feet hurt and my back aches.  And if that's all I ever have to complain about, I'm very grateful

We're having another day of thunder storms with lightning, wind and gallons of rain.  This is the third one today.  They last anywhere from a half hour to an hour plus and just when you think they're over, "they're baaa-ack!  We don't need any more rain.  And I sure wish the heavenly bowling team would break up for good!

JENNY, I talked to the kids and they're having a great time.  For Cathy, just being with her kids would be enough for her and Craig is the same.  It wouldn't matter if they were snowed in up to the windowsills, they'd still be happy just to be together.  Of course, I'd like it if they could see how beautiful Colorado is.  I've been there 3 times and I'd go back in a minute if I were 10 to 20 years younger.

Mary Ann, my current goal is to get by the next 7 months.  Both my father and my grandmother made it to their 84th birthday but they both left us 7 months later!  I made it to 84 about 4 weeks ago.  I'm praying for 85

Now I'm going to vegetate until the dogs tell me it's time for supper.  Tomorrow, I have a trip to make to pick up some stuff I ordered.  I need to be up and attem early.

It's not supposed to rain tomorrow but it is supposed to be cloudy.  My kind of driving day.

Stay safe and comfortable Everyfriend!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


All went well today, the next hearing aids hubby gets have no batteries....how awesome is that. Batteries last maybe 3 days and usually die at the wrong time as if there is a right time for them to snuff out.

 Didn't care to shop in the crowed Costco but list in hand in we went!

I am going to do a lot of nothing tonight...maybe tomorrow the garden will get done. I hope!
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Mary Ann

Jane, I know what you mean about reaching a certain age - 84 and 7 months in your case.  I had a cousin and three friends die at age 67 and I was so happy when I reached 68 so I wouldn't join them.  Two schoolmates have died in the last month, one was 95 in December and the other was 94 in November.  Even at this age, it's hard to take.

Mary Ann


Finally...an evening of NOT watching weather move in. I'm actually out on the patio enjoying my flowers and birds.
At one point last night my "wallmate" (other side of duplex) texted Where are you? I replied In my closet listening to Channel 4 on battery radio.  She replied Me,too on Channel 9.
We reassured each other until both stations said circulation west of us had moved on north.
Thirty minutes later, the sun was shining. Crazy!!!!

I'm reading posts and holding all of you in my heart...especially those with special concerns.  Hope that one of these days, things will settle down (not just weather....nothing bad, just time consuming) and I'll be able to join the general conversation.
Hugs to Everyfriend.


Jenny, thanks for missing me, I usually start at my last post & "read on".... but I started with the last/last tonight & when I got yours I kept going back until I realized I had read all those posts before but had not found one from me!  How absent minded is that?? I am so sorry to read your father broke his hip. My father was nearly 95 when he cracked his, just twisted where he was standing & snapped that bone. The doctors were impressed with how fast he recovered after surgery, walking up & down the halls. BUT, when he went home he wouldn't do the exercises & only did them while the home health person was there. He thought it was time to let everyone wait on him & within the year he couldn't do anything on his own. Very sad, his muscles just shriveled away, broke my heart. He had to spend the last 7 months of his life in a "nursing home", his worst nightmare, but he had to be lifted from bed to wheel chair, etc. I'm sure this is a double stress for you with helping the family there and wanting to help your father. Hugs & prayers for all of you.

Larry, before I forget to ask, I thought when anyone went with Hospice they "assigned" their insurance, including Medicare, over to that organization to pay whatever they would normally pay for doctors.  At least that is what we were told when Cas' mother had them. In other words, whatever was needed would be paid for by the insurance but Hospice would fill in & manage the money. Is that not true?  I thought both (Medicare & supplemental) had to still be paid but was handled by Hospice. I hope there is no problem using another doctor. I trimmed my toenails today & was thinking how difficult is has become because that is the distance my eyes are the worse... glasses do not help for that distance! I sit on the floor & curl up & really can't see what I am doing & concerned I will nip the skin. Getting old is not for sissies, is it?

I decided overnight that I would go with the new auto insurance policy Hartford has in Kansas... same coverage but will save me about $150 per year. The only difference is that I give up my discount for all these years without a claim that would have counted off on the deductable for collision. I was bragging to the lady on the line that "I've been driving this little car for almost 6 years and don't have a single ding from cars parking too close. True, not a scratch or anything, UNTIL I was rushing to get to the store this afternoon & because I had pulled too far to one side so I could get that new bike out, I turned the wheel too sharp & caught the handle bar of my regular bicycle... it has a "hanger" to hold the handlebars in place on the wall, but I have 2 of those stretchy hoses hanging over one side of the bike... & just plain goofed & now have a 3" long scratch & even a little dent on my fender.  :tissue: That's what happens when bragging, right??? I have been kickinng myself ever since, my fault & nobody else to blame. Wrecked my baby in my own garage.

I had a few minutes over 4 hours sleep last night & no nap so better get to bed, few dishes to clean up first. Cats had their last meal & are outside. I've been talking too much in here so time to shut up, anyway...... We had a whole day without rain! Yeah!!! Lawn mowers will be here at 8:00 am so have to have gates unlocked & things out of the way, cats & me fed & will vac the pool while they mow. I want to weed whip in the berm so their mower will pick up what I cut off. I have a  few spots I trim because they get a little speedy & kind of beat up my little trees. It was so nice that Cas loved working in the yard all those 60 years!

Lloyd Hammond

Denver you seam to be the only one that has missed me not being here, Gloria posted to me that I missed a good john Wayne movie. so up date. I have not been here not to my taste, Lighting hit and Killed my Modem. I got another one,but had a lot of trouble getting it on line but seams I finely made it. If it was not for bad luck i would not have any at all. i took my laptop with me to town and was going to log on on at Walmart but it had a dead battery and would not turn on,and I had no power cord for it to car lighter outlet. I thank god for the help getting it to finely work. sorry for the Los of all your company it is missed time quality time for me. time now to bid you all sweet dreams and good night. Hope to see you all tomorrow.



Good Morning Everyfriend!  I'm up and attem this morning.  I checked the weather and I want to be on the road by 8:30....9 at the latest.  It's supposed to rain this afternoon and I really don't want to be out driving in a downpour. 

I had to make doggie food this morning before I could feed the girls so I id that while we waited out the time for their pill.  Alls well and when I finish here, I'll go make the bed and get dressed and ready to hit the trail.

SHIRLEY, I have the MOST trouble cutting my toenails!  They've gotten so thick and besides that fact, my hands don't want to bend in the right direction and if I manage that, I can't squeeze the darn clippers due to "Arthur" interruption!  Who ever told him he was welcome in our lives anyway?

Now I'm  really off to get dressed.  I hope everyfriend has a good day and the storms stay away! 

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


49°. Good morning everyone, more rain in forecast for today. We had tornado warnings for RI yesterday and glad it didn't happen. I am really not  feeling too great with all the dampness in the air. That and Mr. Art H Ritis do not get along. Oh well life goes on, right?

JANE  hope you weren't too zapped when you left Wm. yesterday.

LARRY  Hope the day gets better for you with the coughing. I like your posts very much. I always enjoy reading them. So far I have not heard any negative remarks about Hospice. Sounds like a wonderful place for help and caring people.

JOY  we have had so many days with no sun we really appreciate a sunny day.

MARY ANN  I never thought I would live to be the 88 I now am. Very few in my family ever reached 80.

JENNY  this CNA has been coming here for almost 2 years and this was the first time she took a sick day off.

AMY  glad they have hearing aids without batteries now. So far I still hear good but wonder if it is time to get an ear check up.

CALLIE  good seeing your post.You, Shirley and Lloyd have been in my thoughts with all those tornadoes. I pray everyone stays safe.

SHIRLEY  now your car is broken in with that little scratch and ding in it. ),

LLOYD  I shut off my computer and TV any time there is a thunder storm. Years ago my husband insisted on keeping the TV on and it got zapped by lightening. The good thing about that we ended up with a new color TV, no more black and white one.

JANE  like you my toenails are thick now. I cut them when I get out of the shower and I use a pair of cutting pliers to cut them. Cannot use regular clippers on them.

Have a good day.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good morning everyone..

Looking like rain here again...will try to get the outside work done before it starts.

Gloria, I appreciate the sun but when we head to the city or long drives I like cloudy days....much easier for the dogs.

Jane, is your Walmart using the self checkout? I refuse to use them. One Walmart in the city only had those open, no cashier ones open and when they told my friend she would have to use it, she left the "stuff" in her buggy and walked out.

Lloyd, happy to read it was a modem problem and not you had a problem.

Better get a move on  time is moving faster than I am this morning.

Enjoy your day everyone..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone. the sun is shinning very bright this AM. supposed to this afternoon or night get more of Shirley's rain, at least it is coming from her way. be alright if it lets up for a while, but would rather have rain than drought. moister and sun are good gars growers. wish you all a great day.



Hi Everyone.  Another very hot day here in South Carolina and more roadside fires and a big plant burned down yesterday in Thomson, Georgia due to the heat and running out of water. 

Once again I had some difficulty sleeping last night and really very short of breath and moving very slowly this morning.  I expect the aid to be here around 10 am this morning to help me with a bath and the nurse will likely be here sometime today as she hasn't made it out here yet so we can meet her. 
Scott and Elizabeth got the TV mounted onto the wall at the foot of my hospital bed and this afternoon and evening will work on the oxygen lives around the house and moving my office desk into my new bedroom.  I still plan on using my office, especially in the morning as it is a lovely room with a lot of sunshine but know I will enjoy having my big computer and monitor and B&W laser printer available in my bedroom.  The room will accommodate it well and it shouldn't be in the way.  I have had a lot of time to plan things out exactly as I would like to have them and Scott and Elizabeth are making these ideas come to life.  Am I a lucky man or what?

Joy, just remember that the likelihood of your blood tests turning out well is as good as if they didn't and if they didn't you can worry or whatever about them when you know.  I don't waste a second on worrying about what might be.

Jenny, I know I must be holding on to something now or have it right at hand or I will just fall over as am getting pretty weak.  So I move slowly and very carefully. 

Mary Ann, I also have taken calcium for many years after a bone test showed I had the condition down one step below Osteoporosis.

Shirley, I signed nothing over to Hospice and was told it is part of the benefit I am do under Medicare Part A and that I won't owe a penny.  The one exception is perhaps having to go to the podiatrist to get my toenails trimmed.  That is my only schedule appointment I have left uncancelled.  It may be she had Part B and or D along with the Part A Medicare where I haven't needed those extra parts due to the fine health insurance I have as a retired Federal employee.  You don't pay into Medicare Part A after the age of 65 so I haven't paid into it for the last 13 years but did pay out of my monthly retirement annuity from retiring at 54 years of age until I turned 65.  Hope this info is helpful. All my future medical care will be by the Hospice doctors, nurses and aids (with the possible exception of the toenails and that will still be covered by my health insurance which Pat still needs and will have throughout her life along with a survivor annuity worth 55% of what my current annuity is plus she will have her own Social Security.  Please treat yourself and go to a Podiatrist to get your toenails trimmed.  They know what they are doing and our feet are very important.  To me it is money well spent.  I tried a nail saloon and paid the same as I pay for my co-pay part of the cost of the podiatrist and they don't hurt me like I had one of the nail people do.  For goodness sakes forgive yourself for your little accident in your garage.  What better place to do that as it involved no one else. I also suffer that "never know when to quite writing" little problem but that is me and I am not likely to change after all of these years until become too weak to type, which I don't plan to see happen as this is about the easiest thing I can do.

Lloyd, you are wrong as I know I miss not seeing your postings but time goes by so quickly sometimes I don't realize a person may not have posted for a day or more.  Besides we knew you might have decided to see if you could get out of all that stormy and bad weather you have been experiencing. 

Gloria, I have yet to find one thing to complain about or be unhappy about with Hospice.  I am blessed not to have to walk my last days by myself and with only my family to help.  I don't turn my electronics off anymore regardless of the storm although with laptops and iPad and iPhone they don't stay plugged in all the time so little risk there. I may not be wise but that is the way it is going to be.  In Georgia I carried an extra $10/month charge on my electric bill for an insurance that anything involving electrics, appliances and such would be covered up to $50,000 in the event of an electrical strike.  I found that wasn't offered by the electric company here in Georgia although the power company has been sold to another company and I haven't checked to see if they offer that service and probably won't. 

Amy, I have found the person monitoring the self checkout to be very helpful when needed and now usually use the hand scanner they have as better than lifting everything out of the cart. They don't seem to have many check out stations open.  Pretty soon we will be helped by robot anyway.

Mary Ann

Larry, it looks like the changes you are making are coming right along.  They're not only comfortable changes but convenient.  I usually have something near that I can grab if it is necessary. 

I have used the self-checkout when I have only a few items but if there are a lot, I let the cashier do the work. 

We had rain overnight but I don't know what is in store for the rest of the day.

Tom surprised me by coming home at 10 am.  He taught three hours and doesn't have to return until noon.  After he is finished with school, he'll head for Holland and hopes to be home by 10 pm. 

Mary Ann


Hi everyone, just passing so I thought i'd say 'Hello' and catch up on Lloyd's latest misshaps as we seem to be missing hooking up lately, Larry; agree with you about hitting things with the wheelchair,at least you can laugh about it and that's a good thing, just don't lean forward to pick something up from the floor as I did recently !, what falls now stays on the floor  :), good to read your posts though.
                                        Cheerio for now.  Roley. :thumbup:


I'm back home in plenty of time to beat the storm that is supposed to come through beginning around 1 p.m. 

I'm taking lots of mental notes about Hospice because my current plan is to remain in this house.  It's one floor and very open.  The dorways to the bedrooms are a bit narrow but I think know a walker will clear them because I had a friend visit with her walker.  If I remember correctly, I think there might have been enough clearance for a wheelchair.  See, I'm planning ahead already!

Since we were up early and I stayed up, I'm also planning a nap later.  Getting to be a "lazy old lady" but who cares!

Don't remember who said it but I'm going to try pliers type clippers on my toe nails.  Maybe even the dog clippers will work better.

Keep on keeping on! 

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Mary Ann

Jane, I think my hallway would accommodate a wheel chair, but the doors to the bath and bedrooms would not.  When I go to a doctor's office, they park the chair outside the door and I walk in.  Fortunately, I can still walk that short distance.  I have the subject in the back of my mind, but I'm not making any plans yet.

Mary Ann


No rain as of yet.....but the sky looks as though it could empty at  any moment! Managed to get the garden tilled. My tiller is old, doesn't look spiffy but on the third pull she goes!! We also made another little bed for a few vegetables.....had to put a barrier around it as both dogs love vegetables plus they love to dig. Put fresh dirt in the circle bed at the front and planted red geraniums in it. Bird bath is all set for the birds, just need to put some water in it for them. Thought maybe I could till the manure in and start planting but  leaving it till tomorrow. Had enough dancing with the tiller for one day..

Our house is set up with wide doorways and a ramp in the front and one from the garage. The bathroom is set up with a higher toilet, Kyle wanted to call a plumber but I said he knew how and to show me...so we did it. He was boss and I was worker. :)  The shower unit is a walk in, we had the tub taken out when  his RA was bad and this is easier for him.

Jane, when I clipped /trim my Moms toe nails she would soak her feet in warm water and that helps soften the nails and made it easier to work on.

Think I am going to rest tonight..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


I soaked my feet in warm water for about 15 minutes (that sure felt good) and then I broke the nail clippers on my big toenail!  Whoever called these the "Golden Years"  must be laughing out the wrong side of his face right now.  I'd say they are more like, the "Try it" years!

Good Night my friends.  It's still raining here.  I'm so sick of rain I could cry but that would just make the inside as wet as the outside and I'm not in favor of that!

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Sadly this has not been a good day.  I could not get in touch with my dad, so felt there might be something wrong.  Diane, dad's lady friend eventually called to tell me that she was out getting her hair done and when she returned dad was on the floor in front of his chair.  He does not know how he got there.  Paramedics came and picked him up and put him in his chair.  A bit later he tried to get up to go to the bathroom and found he can not stand at all, so paramedics came again and took him to the hospital  They did admit him to the hospital.  He has been taken for X-rays......CT scan of his head.....hip and knee X-rays.  They took three cultures....due to his temperature that spiked to 102.5.  They did load him up with morphine before they took him to X-ray as he was complaining of pain.  So hard to be this far away😢😢

I found out tonight that Dave and Michele have hired a girl that just graduated from high school to help out with the children on chemo weeks.  This will sure help them out to know that they have extra coverage.  Michele has been better this week with the week off from chemo and the steroids she was given for the awful acne she has on her face and head. 

We also found out that our California Son has been offered and has accepted a new job opportunity that will require a move.  He is very happy with the offer and knows that this job will be a good one for his career.  He and his wife are very sad to be leaving Paso Robles, but feel the new location in the Sacramento Area will be a all around better place to live. 

I do hope EVERYFRIEND had a good day and will sleep well. 

EDIT.....DIANE just called and they have moved my dad by ambulance to a different hospital that has a trauma and neurological department as they found he has a brain bleed....they will repeat the CT scan tomorrow morning.  I do not know if I should get down there or not....I feel so helpless. 

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


You are so efficient, Bubble!  Thank you!

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