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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe for N0vember 1, 2022

Started by so_P_bubble, November 01, 2022, 01:41:14 AM

Previous topic - Next topic






I worked forty-five years for someone else
So that I could retire.
I dreamed of sleeping late
And sitting by the fire.

I dreamed of long vacations,
Enjoying stage and song.
But, let me set you straight on that concept,
It is simply wrong.

I did junk my safety glasses
And the work boots that cramped my toes.
But, the rest of it had a mind of it's own
And this is how it goes.

My wife had been thinking of retirement
And had plans of her own.
She had spent much time with the kids
But, now they are grown and gone.

We sold our cattle and horses
So we wouldn't have that chore.
I poured concrete over my alarm clock
But, I still wake up at four.

I get my eyes checked on Monday.
She gets hers checked the next day.
I go for a colon check on Wednesday
And pass my wife going the other way.

I have a dental appointment on Thursday
She goes for a test on her heart.
Friday, we go get prescriptions filled
And browse a while at Wal-Mart.

Saturdays, we just stay home
And try to get the paper work right.
We can't take any overnight trips
'Cause we can't see to drive at night.

Restroom confusion keeps us out of church on Sunday
And we really do hate that.
There's nothing wrong with the restrooms,
We just can't remember where they're at.

We don't need to plan next week,
Just make sure we can drive.
And not forget where the hospitals and clinics are.
We'll need them to survive.

So, don't build your castles too high, my friend,
While strolling through the clover.
This is a typical week in retirement
And on Monday we start all over!


Common Sense

Why did the lord give us agility
If not to evade responsibility?



On George Sand
What time the gifted lady took
Away from paper, pen, and book,
She spent in amorous dalliance
(They do those things so well in France).



Your life is difficult not because the past is holding you back, but because you keep thinking about the past and lingering there. Rather than haggling with your past, let it be, so that it can flow like a river. Your true self is not the river of memory but the one who stands beside the river, quietly observing its flow.


Lloyd Hammond

good Morning everyone,well the weather guesser is sayingn43º and clear. It Is pitch Black out here Now, so I will have to take his word for that. I Have been up about one hour, and taken my vitials and sent them off to VA via sadilite with my device, my blod sugar was 160 that is good for me and my swet teath. bloud presseor was 137over 84 and heart rate was 88, not bad for this old man. Have a good day today and a better tomorow. oh I just ate a big bunch of black gapes so not going to look at blood sugar for at least a coupple hours.Ha Ha.


good Morning everyon


My Goodness!  What a nice, cleaned up Soda Shoppe we have here this morning!  And what fun things to read and (possibly) to identify with?  Thank you BUBBLE for being around here while I was sleeping!

Cooper has arrived for the day but it's still tood dark to walk!  So he's patiently waiting for me to go get dressed and then he'll be ready. 

Today is the day Cathy is taking me shopping for the ingredients for fruit cake and tomorrow is the day I'll be whipping it together!  Then it has to have time to age!  Then it will go to Church with me on the Sunday before Christmas!

I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow! 

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning...

Yesterday tuckered me out!! I remember when one could shop all day and go all night but not anymore.......oh well.

Love the new start  and I am going to copy the retirement one  to print off. Seems once we retired we  we have been busy. Wonder how we found time for work!. I took off my carpenter apron for a kitchen apron.

Bubble thank you for the new start.

Better get going here.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers



Good Morning Everyone.   

I decided to hit the trail around the USA
when I was 69....  gave up everything cept my
van and hit the road for a yeaar.   

I never regret doing that even though
after a year I ran into bad luck in Austin
Tx...   This put an end to my world traveling,
which I had done mostly alone.   So I don't
live with regrets of not doing  SOMETHING  before
age etc said  "no more for you" !... 

And Yes,  Ten Years later  if I could I
would have continued traveling around... 

I just love living in the center of Portland
maine with three bus stops down below me. 

Of course Covid,  Flu etc makes me hesitate to
go very far.  But knowing if I really 
wanted to,  I could catch a bus and  still
go visit where ever.   

Best wishes to everyone.  Have a good week.

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


It's been a :dog4: day. Now I'm ready to read and   :sleepy:


Hi Everyfriend!

CALLIE, I already  did the reading!  I finished off my second library book and now I'm  ready for the sleeping!  When I get up tomorrow, I'll have no distractions.  Cooper isn't coming because Frankie is off and no books are calling my name.

My plan for tomorrow is to make the fruit cake for Christmas so I can get it aging and have it ready for the holiday!  My mother will be with me in the kitchen right up to the end when she'll call in my dad to do the hard stirring.  I know this because I feel them there with me.  We were all a part of it back when my mother made it for the church's Christmas sale!  There's one person I wish was truly going to be here.  I can see my grandmother sitting in a corner of the kitchen chopping the dates.  Back then, they didn't sell the chopped ones and this year, I couldn't find chopped ones in the store so I have to chop them.  Gramma, where are you!  (Oh, right!  I'm the Gramma!)

SANDY, I always had a bit of envy in my heart when I read about your travels!  It was pretty neat what you did and I was one of the lucky ones.  I got to meet you on your travels!

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow and may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good evening EVERYFRIEND. 

The first day of November is in the books🤪

JANE, I loved reading about your plan to start the fruit cake.  I am smiling and crying at the same time thinking about your parent's and grandma being a part of this task in the past and in the present 🥰 I remember so vividly my mom, dad, grandma and grandpa all coming together as needed while making Christmas Candy and the like.  My great grandma was there too also cutting something up for the recipe.I am getting really bad at controlling my emotions these days when thinking about the past😩 Wonderful memories come into my mind and make my eyes leak‼️  I feel very sad for those that did not get to have these experiences growing up and now many just have no traditions at all in their lives😩😩

I had a call this morning from my internist office saying there are concerns on a lab test and he wants me to set up a telehealth appointment.  Now I get to try to figure out HOW to do this and wait to hear what the issue is.  I am grumbling.....why can't they just talk to us like they used to do?

AMY, seems I am tuckered out most every day and I do not put a drop of effort out that you and Jane do everyday😩🤪  Pitiful🤪🤪

Thank you BUBBLE for our nice Soda Shoppe and goodies you shared with us.  There seems to be a LOT of truth to your retirement story🤪🤪

SANDY, I believe your adventure was the envy of several in our group.  I am sad that it ended the way it did.....meaning your health, but it was not meant to be, and you will always have your wonderful memories 🥰

Hello CALLIE and LLOYD 🦅

Pleasant dreams to you all.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Good morning..

Although we are starting out at 39° we are to get into the 60's later on......above normal temps for this time of year! We sat outside having our tea yesterday, didn't even need a coat!

Jane I made an apple crisp and Kyle said it was a keeper. Didn't use oats but graham wafer crumbs. Split the recipe in two and one will go in the freezer for later .Will post the recipe   in a bit.

Sandy, we enjoyed our travels and meeting new people across Canada and the US. Can't do it now so we sit and dig back into our memories  to enjoy them again.

Jenny, there are days when my brain is more active than my body so I wait and hope the next day will be better.

Patricia, still have snow on the ground. We are to have above normal temps for this week and then who knows but I think snow will be on its way.

Better get ready for the day.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  I'm up and attem!  Everything is laid out in the kitchen and I'm ready to go! 

JENNY, you understand perfectly how the past and the people who filled it can still be around us in the present.  I want you to know that we ALL helped with the fruit cake back in our growing up years.  I even had a friend who would join us.  If she wanted me to do something and I said I had to stay home and help with the fruit cake her answer was always "I'll be right over!"  She loved it because her family didn't do things together!

Now I better get busy!  I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Mid Morning everyone. well I had a rough night, Bad upset stomach. one of the new shots they had me to take, that is the side efecatks of it. might be better off to quit all these meds and let god have his way. we are at 58º and sunny. see you all later have a good day.



Good late morning, it's 9:17 and I'm just sitting down. Yesterday we received a note from administration that the state is sending out folks AGAIN to do a structural inspection in mid-December. I wonder if this latest one will also be canceled.

They sent a note describing what needed to be cleaned and how and told us to send reports to maintenance BEFORE the inspection. Since asking for maintenance is similar to shouting into a black hole since they halved maintenance and security, most of us are skeptical.

It's warmed up; we had 12 as a low instead of yesterday's minus four, but so far, no forecasted snow. Tomorrow, I'm going with friends that are looking at houses as they're planning on selling their hillside properties. Age and climate change are forcing this upon them, and it's not what they want, but it is what it is.

Amy, I saw your apple crisp recipe, which looked good. I have a bag of yellow apples I've had for a week without sampling, so  I might try something similar with those. Since last week's temperatures dropped, I've been more into hearty soups and stews than fruit and salads.

I've not done much but played couch potato this past week, recouping any available energy, and I don't see that much of a change for next week.


Somebody...where's our Shirley?  An update please if anyone knows.

Lloyd Hammond

well It has been a busey day Nancy and went to the , VA and i seean the nuse and she fitted Me with some host to reduce the swolen feet and legs. they fit from my just under the Knees to off my toes.suposed to ware the all day but not sleep in at night. I am getting readey to take them off for the day. they gave me a device to strech them over and put them on with. will see how that goes in the morning, all I knoy my leggs are not hurtting now like they have been oing through the day, before. say a prayoer for me that they do the trick,



Joanne, Shirley was last active onsite today at 02:43:50 PM.

Lloyd Hammond

well it has been a busy day.Nancy and I went to VA and seen the nurse,she fitted me with those compreachion hoes,from just under the Knees to over the towes. gave me some of the compreshion hose, and the device to put them on with. they fit from just under the knees to over the toes. I am to waer them all day but not at night. so far I do not see much if any relafe. in the pain status. time will see.Our weathernis clear and 66º F. good night and sweet dreams everyone.



I've been thinking about SHIRLEY, too. She has some medical problems and maybe she's decided to take care of them.  She avoids that kind of care most of the time but I had a feeling she was considering it this time.

I finished the Christmas Fruit Cake and it's packed up in it's aging place waiting for the brandy from Cathy tomorrow.  Then it just has to sit there and wait for Christmas to come and get out and get wrapped and ready to go.  There is about 14 pounds in various shapes and forms.  I try to make some that can be tried out by people who might not know if they like it. 

Of course, Mother was in the kitchen with me the whole time I was working on it and Daddy joined us to give some "shove" to my arm for the last of the hard stirring.  He always does a good job.

When I had everything cleaned up and put away, Frankie and Cooper showed up.  Cooper needed a bath and it's easier in my tub than it is in their shower stall.  They were also prepared to spend the night. So we did supper together and cleaned up after together and enjoyed the company.

Now, I'm definitely ready for the haystack!  I have some hard cooked eggs on the stove.  Frankie likes to take them to work for her snack/lunch and we haven't done them for a while.  I made a couple extras for me to put in the red beets. 

Tomorrow, Cathy is picking me up to make a trip to the Amish Grocery store and a stop at the library and the ATM on the way!  Then I'm coming home and spending the rest of the day reading!  I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


I don't see a post here from Shirley!  Where did she post?

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


She last posted on the first, but according to her membership page, she has been on site this afternoon.


I find that Shirley last posted on October 29, 2022, 10:22:13 PM
Just sent her an email.



Ah HA! Talking about me when I'm not here! Seriously, the phone has been busy & so has Shirley. This last chat with the Cardio (new doc, old one retired) has pretty much confirmed what I suspected but his opinion about "how long" does make one stop, think & plan. Since there are 2 main reasons I can't/won't let them work on the valves I do have to adjust my future. I figured I'd probably live to 120 with my good genes but knew it was time to see if anything could be done to fix the breathing problem.

Several things required to do the repairs, my body will not tolerate and I don't plan to let them shorten my time here on earth, which is what would happen with already experienced problems. Even the new doc agreed my chances of their choices helping are slim so why would I want to be miserable my last days?

If y'all know me/my attitude, I've already taken steps to do what I THINK will help and we'll see how this works out. Not sure if God is ready for this rebel and life is too good to change things right now so prayers appreciated and I am at peace with whatever happens. Plans are to hold out as long as Tiger needs me, I don't want her to suffer & it is MY FAULT she is so spoiled.

In the mean time, all the things that didn't get taken care of when Cas died have to be cleared out now so it doesn't fall to the kids. Been in this house for 33 years and the pac-rat was always sure "somebody could use this". I was telling my friend today that "I'll be putting sticky notes all over the place so each kid knows what is spoken for!" My friend asked why I didn't just give the things to the kids now and excuse was, "I might out-live them all and not like the way they treated MY treasures!"

So you don't think I am crazy, I got a full night sleep last night, no 3 hour wake up & eat. At peace with my decisions & think the kids are satisfied this is MY choice. I do not want to just be alive & taken care of in a bed. I've had a good life (better than deserved) and been happy with my share of the pie. I'm not saying "goodby", but have a WordPad on my desktop how to let y'all know (who to call) if I can't make it in here some day.

I was much more inhibited when Cas was alive, he kept me muzzled  ;) . Bless his heart he grew up in a different world than I did. I won't explain, but through out my life I gave myself NO EXCUSE for ever doing anything mean or wrong because my parents were so full of love and kindness I had to return what I received. Mushy but my way of thinking. I really am that Pollyanna of long ago. What goes thru my head comes out my mouth or in this case, my finger tips! Love you all & I won't talk about just ME tomorrow!


Good morning..

We took off yesterday to go pick up kindling.  On our way there we stopped at friends, I had items for her and she had some for me. On our way back we stopped at the Mennonite  market  and picked another half bushel of apples, Royal Galas this time.

I know what I would like to do today but will just do it and be done..I hope. Wanted to get it done yesterday but day went sideways....oh well it ws a fun day.

Jane, the people will enjoy your cakes!! You deserve to put your feet up and read after you get home from your trip with Cathy today.

Shirley, you have been found! :) One must chose the way they would like to live  and you know how your body reacts to meds.Something to ask the Dr is have they come up with a better med to help with your situation??

Better move it..

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


I've been up and attem for a while now.  Frankie spent the night and we had to get her off to work.  Now Cooper is saying it's time for his walk and he's right about that.

But I really glad I stopped by and had a chance to read SHIRLEY's message.  SHIRLEY, you know you are in my prayers daily and God knows exactly what it is you need.  We do not have to tell Him or ask for something specific.  I just ask Him to be with you and help you to get whatever it is you need!

Now I'm off to the races with Cooper!  It's cold out there!  When we get back, I'm heading for the showers so I'm ready when Cathy says she's on the way to pick me up for our shopping trip!  I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

well I woke up at about 3:30 AM and got a drink of watter to fix My dry throght, went Back to bed  and slept through untill about 9:25 AM.havent done my vitials or got any thing to eat yet.I have fought with those strech stockings.with help at the docters yesterady got them on, but I have fought with them untill just a couple Min. ago.they did  take cae of the swelling yesteraday.will see how it goes today, Not sure they are worth the effert. we have been over cast but the sun Is getting it's face through Now. pretty good.  JaneS i think you should get dressed before you go on those walks. it is 65º and sunny now. have a great day.



Good Interior morning, it's eleven degrees out there, our overnight low, and we did get a light snow dusting overnight. The forecast said we would have snow overnight, 4-8 inches, and the snow would be from midnight Wednesday to Friday morning. The snow is late getting that memo; perhaps later?

I'll be going house hunting with friends today who're looking to move and may pay a few bills and pick up a few things; we'll see how it goes.