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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe for N0vember 1, 2022

Started by so_P_bubble, November 01, 2022, 01:41:14 AM

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Lloyd Hammond

Shirley I read and thought abot what you said. about what god knowes and dose. well I in the past i have had two heart atacks. and god had his way. I had a bad back injory and In o14 teein. I had there acedants All head injorys. when they werw operating on me with the Back injory, I littery died . when I was brought back, first thing I heard was one of the docters saying Lloyd come back with us you are too young to Die.One docter was standing there with those Paddles in hand that they shock you with,and one of them pushing in reathium on my chest.and no i did not see any thing that others have said they did see or here. they put two stents in me at that time , and seince that two other tines thay have put two more in me a total of six stents. and Last year they went in through the wrist up and through the heart and took another look,said they onley had to run the roter rooter to clean them out.and after that I was haveing pains again and they hooked me to a monneter and took readings, and said no problems. was most likly gas Pain. and i do hav a lot of gas and belching. when I get like that I have pills to take two and chew and swallo. and they do help.also your boddie repaires it self lot of times. example I had a arteruy grow out the bottom of my heart and go up to the top and attach its self.and i have had no heart Paine so fare seince. I just pray god have and take his way in his owen time. I do how ever wish some tomes he would speed the time up. the way so many peopel do wrong to others any more. if I have done wrong and possiable so I did not do it on purpose. I tell people I am a Lover not a fighter. have a greaght day and a better tomorow.



Quote from: Lloyd Hammond on November 03, 2022, 11:14:36 AMI have fought with those strech stockings.with help at the docters yesterady got them on,......
Lloyd, -
You can get them with zippers up the side. Much easier to get on. Amazon has them and probably other places.




Lloyd, you can get the zippered ones at CVS or Walgreen's, maybe also at a big, chain grocery store.  They are well worth the trouble to get them on and off.


Well, the big snow of three to eight inches never showed; we received perhaps an inch at best.


Been a busy day around here. Oldest son came over to "scalp" the front yard & pick up leaves at the same time with the John Deere. Problem is the wind was blowing those leaves faster than we could chase them down with the Toro blower! Never saw anything like it and at the same time with that strong wind, the sweet gum tree was dropping leaves like rain. At least quite a few neighbors have also picked up their leaves (unlike other years) so I am picking up mostly my own...7 bags full so far. Exciting day along with cleaning the sink in my bathroom, used about a gallon of vinegar along with half a box of baking soda, but it is running okay again! I also got in for my early vote, didn't want to risk missing that!

I never knew about the zippered sox... Cas wore old style for a short time but too much trouble getting off & on. The one cardiologist I "interviewed" after the old one retired just told me to "take a water pill" when I asked why only one ankle swelled if it was my heart. So I didn't go back to him!

Lloyd, like you, I've had my share of stents(2), 3 by-passes & the aortic valve replaced but none of it improved my breathing & I still think Covid is what made this all go bad so fast. I'm lucky that I've never had to ask for pain pills, can turn off pain in my head. Even with chest opened from top to bottom & left leg slit from knee to ankle the only "pain pill" I took was 325 mg.Bayer aspirin & that served as my blood thinner as well.

Can't believe we are sneaking up on another week end, feels like we just had one! And joy of joys, get to change clocks. We are supposed to get storms tonight & rain tomorrow, the rain is so needed. Bedtime in Kansas so hope everyone sleeps peaceful. God Bless and thanks for the kind thoughts and prayers.


Good Morning Everyfriend!  This will be short this morning.  It's time for Cooper's arrival and I have to meet him at the door.  It's cold here this morning but heading for the mid 60s.

Cooper is here and we both have our breakfast.  When it gets light, we'll have our first walk of the day!

SHIRLEY, my leaves need to be cleaned up but when they are, if it gets windy, I'll have them from down the street where no one cleans them up!  I don't know if it's worth it!

I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning..

Another foggy morning here..with a temp of 43°.

Going to wash the dog's beds and hang them out this morning. I don't have to wonder what's for supper as we have leftover chicken and dumplings from last night.

May have to look after neighbours critters today.. :smitten: After giving Rex his pill yesterday out we went and as soon as he gets 10 steps from the housdown he goes and rolls.

While Kyle and I were sitting outside having our tea, a raven flew over, so low I could hear the wind in his wings. :thumbup:

Patrica don't you love it when the weather doesn't get the memo? I know we will pay dearly for this nice weather we are having but in the mean time I am thoroughly enjoying this!

Better shake a leg and get moving.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

Tomereader1 my grand deaughter got me some of them but they are way too small for my big legs,we have 68º and cloudy skys.shure like shirley we need the rain.and about the leaves be patiant mother natuer will take care of them when she is ready, just sweep them off close to the door or up that bloy in when the door is open, just go through the door fast, but be carfule not to fall. have a great day.



Good morning from the Interior; it's 11 degrees, with an expected light snow today. Yesterday's snow prediction never happened; we got only an inch of the 3 to 8 inches forecast.

Yesterday afternoon I went with friends to look at real estate offers in town which ranged from junky to basic cookie-cutter formats. No one was impressed. Altho, the two couples who had built their houses forty or more years ago are only looking in town due to age and infirmity. Since they have acreage, real estate agents are salivating to represent them.

The two "100-year" record snowfalls last winter and the surprise previously unknown sinkholes last spring convinced them of the unpleasant reality of aging. Then there is the fact that road conditions in neighborhoods outside of the city are the neighborhood's responsibility, and contractors' rising prices are another new consideration.

When you've lived out in the woods or up on the ridges, there is both stark beauty and lots of physical labor. It's hard to think of giving that up and moving into a city. However, that was only the first day of looking at offered real estate.

Jane, I'm not as busy or outgoing as you and Amy. Alan and Dora are very similar in that they're constantly on the go or off taking care of people or some situations. Those two are the caretakers of our small group. Claire calls them our mafia; once you're family, you don't leave.

Amy, our eleven degrees just dropped to nine degrees. We have lots of ravens in town, enjoying the cooler weather. They're the only birds you see this time of year other than a stray owl. They're noisy because the local mated pair is defending their territory from the packs of young male ravens. I always wondered where the more youthful females are. You always hear that the roving troublemaking flocks are males looking for spoils.

I had the joy of caring for a couple of lively mixed breeds yesterday and would have swiped them if I could. One is a small border collie mix, and the other is a Heinz 57. Since I was in the van's back seat, they felt the need to keep me company, and I loved it.

Lloyd Hammond

Well I thought I would check in and see what is going on? but nothing seince my last post we are all too bsy any more it seams. well we had enough rain to wet the cconcreeat slab out front but not enough to help the grass. it is saying rain is comming but no sighn so far. see you all later again.



We had light rain off & on all day & last night but no idea how much because I had already brought my rain gauge inside.  :-\   Just talked to another friend my age & she did the same as I did, sat & looked out & enjoyed. Not a wasted day when it was pure pleasure!

Patricia, I sympathize with your friends having to give up their "freedom" but maybe they can find a way to enjoy going back & even camp during the summer, if they jointly buy a camper or even a cabin and all help fund. I watched when my father got older, after Mom died.... the neighbor ladies would bring dad food, especially sweets, but it would have been good for all of them if they kind of organized some meals each week & ate together. They sure didn't hesitate asking him to fix things for them, he was the one they all turned to even when their husbands were living! I remember one time one of the men made a comment about Dad doing their work for them & Mom whispered under her breath that she wished some of them would to HIS work sometimes!  That was when I started thinking about a type of commune for elders and have jobs to do in order to have someone help do what each can't do. Makes sense to me! Still does!

My sheets are in the washer so think I will fix that pot of potato/celery/onion soup I've wanted all day. Looks like plenty of time before I go to bed! Why do I have a linen closet full of sheets & towels & use the same all the time?  Hey, better than folding to put away, right? Moving along.

Amy, so far the crows or ravens have not arrived but neither have the migrating geese. We had some tiny birds, size of juncos but not them, brighter blacks & white, but think they moved on with the colder weather overnight. We might get snow tonight & back to the 70s early next week. Today it stayed near freezing & even felt like it according to the weather person, but mid to upper 60s & sun tomorrow. My mother used to say, "this is the kind of weather that kills older people".... because the blood doesn't change fast enough.

Jane, this is the first year my neighbors have cleaned up their leaves so I am not having theirs blow & catch on my front yard. All those leaves came from this crazy sweet gum and the ground today is every bit as covered as it was yesterday, all mine! The tree had 3x the leaves it should have had this year. Another good load to still fall.  >:(


Hello Everyfriend!  I'm ready for the haystack but I had to stop by to see what everyfriend was up to today!  Cooper and I took our walks and we didn't run into anyone on the way.  Three walks and everyone was either at work, at school or inside! 

It was really foggy first thing this morning but by the time we took our second walk the fog had cleared and it was warm enough for a light jacket!  I think it got into the low 70s today by the late afternoon!  I was into inside work...laundry and dishwasher and handwashing some dishes after a bit of cooking.  I read several chapters of my book today and it's really good. 

Tomorrow is an "I don't know what I'm doing" day!  There are things that need attention and I have to decide where to focus!  Frankie is off for the weekend and I really don't expect to see her or Cooper at all! 

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow and may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  Nothing planned for today so far!  Enjoy your day!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone. well last evening and night we had hard thunder storms here. I have not been out to check the rain gauge, but it came down hard by the buckets full.not raining at the moment but look's Like it could start at any time again.RAMMEL we got some of those zipup stosking but they were too little for my big legs. grand deaughter onley seen the one size. i have some clamp on hose that have a pump for both legs but i do not know how to set it so dose both legs. Nancy uses them but just on one leg at a time. I guse i should do that have more time than money, see you Later, comments welcom. 



Morning all, we had white rain yesterday, but instead of the 3 to 8 inches forecasted, we received barely enough to coat the ice. It's three degrees presently and clear. Without a cloud cover, it will get drier and colder, so again no humidity, and no snow.


I hit the floor running this morning...into town to pick up moo juice and hen fruit then onto the lumber store . Kyle picked up lumber to make the box a little higher for Babe to get into bed, we also put another lower box so she could step on the then onto the other one then into bed! What we don't do for our furkids. Back home I hung the laundry out and the wind  dried it on jig time.We are going to have high winds and rain tonight so will make sure nothing will fly off.

Patricia, Kyle said that  this time 2 years ago we had 3 snow falls!! I know it is coming,  know we need to but oh my....don't mind if it takes its time.

Jane, I bet you were busier than a bed bug. Days that have nothing planned seem to soon fill up with items to do.

Phyliss, hope all is well there..tried a/f  fresh pineapple rings dipped in sugar and cinnamon but to me the pineapple was sour...should have bought a gold pineapple to use.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Actually, there's always something that crops up it's little head and souts for help.  Today it was some cleaning up.  Since Frankie tossed Cooper in the tub when she was here the other day, I decided that it was time to clean up after him.  So a bit of vacuuming, changing the cover on the couch, shaking out some things to get rid of the dirt he brings in.  It does smell a bit better in here now.  He's due for a haircut but that won't be until next wee some time.  She's not coming by this weekend because she doesn't feel just right and when that happens she tries to keep the hospital germs away from me.  I'm grateful for that but I do miss her visits.

It's a tad chilly out there today.  I haven't actually checked it out but when I was out filling the bird feeder, I felt it!

Right now I'm thinking, "What's for supper?"  I haven't even thought along those lines but I thinking right now, "Breakfast sounds good."  Maybe Ill have one of "Jim's egg thingys" for supper!  I haven't had one for breakfast for almost a week!

LLOYD, I can't comment on the leg thingys that you've been discussing.  I'm not even sure why you need them.  I don't think I've ever seen anyone use them.  HMMMMM?  Something new to think about.

AMY, I hope the "white rain" holds off for a bit partly because when you get it up there, it's not long before we get some.  I don't want it!

I think I'll go read a chapter before it's time for supper.  I try to eat my way through Mannix.  Gosh, he was a cutie!  But I sure don't know how he lived through all the beatings he took!

Have a good rest of the day!  Put your feet up and relax!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


To the cooks here, - What can I do with some veal strips/slices. I'm sure they were meant for cutlets but I'm looking for something VERY simple.  I'm not even sure they are still good. Probably been in the freezer for a couple of years.  Probably vacuum sealed.



I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

well nancy went to a play the great grand deaghter was in, my wasand still hurting too bad so I didnot go, I hve spent the day with my legs elavated it my easey chair.and am thinking abbout going to bed earley pretty soon, and putting two or three pillows under my legs and try sleeping on my back, Good night and sweet dreams.



Thanks Amy.  Will check it out tomorrow when I'm awake (alert).



Lloyd, after my open heart surgery they used those type hose on my feet/legs, I guess to prevent blood clots. They felt good so I asked about getting some to bring home but they were not offered to take OR BUY, so Nancy is lucky to get to use yours!

I have the motorhome slide out and the awning, to drain the rain that gathers in those folds. Not sure if it is necessary but I've been doing it all these years so will keep up until I get rid on it. Got a posterboard to put a new sign in the back window, have not nailed down the price I'm going to ask but plan to have anyone interested to do their own research for price on the internet. None exactly like it but not all have 6 new tires & a new roof put on a couple years ago & every single thing in top working order! Hopefully the right person will drive by or I will have to run an ad. I won't let anyone take it without me going along and would rather have my kids be around to do that. One time we had a car for sale & I rode with the guy & had to slow him down, it had a 400 engine & he was flying low, the car was in OUR name & a ticket goes with the car! We have always priced our vehicles right & sold from the driveway, but I did trade in the Rialta (and got cheated).

Time to take my Sat night shower & wash hair for church in the morning. Don't know what made me remember it's time to turn back the clocks! I hate this job so want to make sure I get them right.... it is 7:42 pm here so I turn them back to 6:42 or forward to 8:42? HELP!

Rick, my whole family loves what we call "steak fingers".... cut strips of the steak (any kind) salt & pepper & roll it around in just a tad of Crisco in a hot skillet, it fries fast & my family just picks up a piece & eats with their fingers. 


Shirley.......SPRING foward and FALL back.
Now I had better set ours....
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Johann Mc

I have been meaning to check in here and I don't know where time goes! Still dealing with a lot of paperwork and trying to get ahead of income tax reports for this year. I just don't seem to have a lot of incentive the work on the computer any more than I have to!

All of us are getting older and it's somewhat of a mixed bag!  My doc changed my BP meds about two weeks ago and they sort of zap my energy level but my father died at 46 in 1935 when I was only a year old so I know I carry the gene. He didn't have the BP meds that I have access to.  This aging is definitely a mixed bag, though.  Good to see some familiar faces still here!  Hope to try to get back more often! Have a good rest of te weekend!  :thumbup:


I'm going to be heading for the haystack a bit early tonight because of the turnback of the clocks!  But then, I'll be getting up early tomorrow, too!

Today turned out to be a very nice day after all.  The cold went away and the temp reached 74!  Not normal for November!

RAMMEL, I was going to say pretty much the same recipe that SHIRLEY gave you!  That's what I'd do with that meat

I finished my library book and I was looking over the second one and discovered that I've already read that one!  So tomorrow afternoon, I'll have to find something else to do!  And the library is closed on Monday but I have a Dr. appt that's catty cornered across the street from the library on Wed. so maybe we can make a quick stop there after the appt.

Now I'm going to check out some other stuff on here and  say "Hello, JOHANN!  Nice to see you!" 

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow and may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good evening.  Just want to say HELLO and see how EVERYFRIEND is doing? 

Tonight we have to FALL BACK and change the clocks AGAIN.  I keep hearing ever so often that we might be done with daylight savings time, and yet once again here we are changing again 😩‼️

We have had our first official snow fall.  Unfortunately we made the national news telling of the horrendous 100 plus car pile up do to the quick temperature drop and black ice forming to cause it. 😩

The time is passing quickly and we are getting close to departure date to CA.  I have to admit I am more than anxious to be out of here.....away from doctors and tests etc.‼️  Another issue has come to light from a blood test and 24 hour urine.  The doctor has requested a telehealth call to discuss.  UGH..... I just want to run away‼️

Pleasant dreams to all.


🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Good morning..
Not foggy this morning , temp is 57°. We did get rain overnight and windy.

A day of rest here, will just enjoy the day...no work. :thumbup:

Jenny, I had heard talk that we were also so scrap DST but here we go again.Hope your tests come back with good results.

Callie, are you ok....saw on the news about a tornado your way?

Jane, check out the pickle recipes Patricia posted one(I want to try) and I posted the one I did make. Easy peasy and no canning!!

Hi Johann...one can say growing older is not for sissies but an honor denied many.

Furkids want back in...

Enjoy your day and stay safe.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


I'm all ready for church but I don't know yet if I have a ride.  I think I have to get and agreement with Cathy to tell me if she CAN'T take me then I don't have wonder every Sunday!  Wonder why I never thought of that before?

It's going to be in the 70s here again today!  Maybe I'll go out and rake a few leaves.  That's all I'm good for any more...a few at a time.  I think I'm going to let the yard guy do most of them.

AMY, I'll look at the recipes when I'm off here and that's....now!  I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

well Good morning everyone. Nancy got up left me a note on the table saying she has gone to church and left me in bed asleep. I just got up a few min agao. Have not ate the morning meal yet eaither. so bst go see what I can fiend to eat. I have missed nancys church live also this morning, Hope god forgives me. we are at 50º and sunny with clear skyes,not a cloud in sight. JaneS shure wish we could get some of your wet weather. what we had the other day never lasted long. have a good day and a better tomorow.
