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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b


Soda Shoppe for November 15, 2018

Started by so_P_bubble, November 15, 2018, 02:25:56 AM

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Congratulations, Jane! Christmas & Santa all squared away. Me, too... only all I did was give money & Amazon cards. Everyone is supposed to buy what they want so I don't buy things they do NOT want...and to tell me at the Christmas party what I gave them.... only they never do so every year I threaten to not do the money/gift cards again. It's not fun to not "give" when everyone else is giving, so that's how it started being a Thanksgiving thing for me.  :tissue:

Your Slipper Pot Pie reminded me of my father talking about his mother making "Pate' Pie", a potato/bacon/onion & think cheese in a regular pie crust. My sister kept trying to get it just right but Dad would eat it & suggest another little change. I sat back & snickered that he was conning her into keep on making them. He always had them polished off before I got there so I never tasted it. He was quite a character.

Got my new Paint Shop Pro 2019 today, installed & learned enough to get a photo resized & put over in Photos. But it didn't work like last week when I posted the family photo. My heart is still racing (it is always about 100 bpm so right now it really speedy)... I'm a basket case installing anything & then faced with not a clue how to set up... I picked a photo from my desk top that wouldn't push me into depression if I ruined it, but I think it remained original as well as the resize. Time will tell. So far the computer hasn't crashed, Gloria, that's the main reason I'm stressed... remembering how many times your computer "spit up" when you tried to work with PSP. I need to eat something... ate lunch late but forgot we had another meal time come & go. Hummmmmmmm.


The interesting part of selling my condo is that it was only listed for two days. But even better I got $8000 more than what I was asking. I was in a prime downtown location and the purchaser didn't want to take a chance on being out bid. So it worked out all round.

June Drabek

Radioman, congratulations on the sale of your Condo...that was a very likable increase, for sure.

I had a nice surprise this afternoon. My Dori and Gary came to see me, and Dori brought me a big slice of her very tasty pumpkin pie, with some whipped cream on the side. I will soon be enjoying it. Have to have some supper first, but I'm not a bit hungry. Maybe some cottage cheese and fruit, then on to the pie and coffee.

May you all have a very Good Night and a Blessed tomorrow. Hugs, Love and more prayers. June
As long as we are here, let's dance.

Lloyd Hammond

do not know how much snow we got but plenty and I am not going to go out and Measure it either. just hope the electricity stays on so we stay warm and toasty. going to hit the hay, hope you all have sweet dreams. good night.



Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning everyone.

We have a light dusting of snow with the threat of more to come later in the day. As long as we get in and out of the city and back home before the snow starts. Hubby has a Dr appointment and then we are meeting up with a friend  to hand over cat/dog bed cushions that another friend made. I also have some goodies to give her that will be made into cat toys.

Better go get ready

Enjoy your day everyone..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning to All.  I haven't been here in a long time and I'm sorry about that.  Too much going on.  I see that Michael (Oldiesman) has done some redecorating on the Seniors & Friends site.  It will take some getting used to for me.

I haven't gone back and read all the posts so I don't know what has been happening to all of you.  I hope to catch up soon.

Take care.

Lloyd Hammond

according to my computer JaneS put us to bed and AMY got us up but no way to tell for sure the time clocks here are all out of seak. all wrong timeon them once again wish some one that knows how to would fix S & F format would fix it back to where it knew the correct time and where and when we come and go like it used to. it is 23 degrees out side and 65 down stairs and 72 up. so I am going after breakfast going to build a fire in the fireplace down stairs. we got yesterday about 2" of snow. hope you all have a good day.



Quote from: larryhanna on November 25, 2018, 05:17:59 PM ?
Sandy, do you have tumbleweeds in Maine? 

Good Morning from the warmer and rainy rocky
coast of Maine.  No need for extra help with
the heat today ..... 

On Tumbleweeds

We don't have them  here in Maine...

Like cowboys, wagon trains and buffalo,
tumbleweeds are icons of the Old West.
These twisted balls of dead foliage
rolling across deserts and the open range
are staples of Western movies and the American imagination.

But the truth about tumbleweeds isn't so simple.
They may be romantic symbols of our national
love affair with the Wild West, but tumbleweeds
are also invasive weeds called Russian thistle,
and many modern-day Westerners fear they're
taking over.

How they got here

In 1873, Russian immigrants arrived in South Dakota
carrying flax seed that was apparently contaminated
with Russian thistle seeds (Salsola tragus).
Once sown, these invaders from another continent
quickly sprouted, unhampered by natural
predators and diseases to keep them in check.

Each winter after Russian thistle plants die,
the brittle bushy parts snap off at the roots
 and blow away, dispersing seeds wherever
they tumble (about 250,000 per plant).


  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan

Mary Ann

Sandy, that is interesting about tumble weeds and I did not know that.  I think we had an occasional tumble weed when I was growing up.  Not growing near us, but blowing from somewhere.  After the field beside us was built up, no more tumble weeds. 

We have a white world here today and Tom is out driving in it.  He figured he could make more money driving than teaching.  I'd much rather he be teaching because he'd be on one place.  He likes to drive in iffy weather.

The snow plows were here at 6:30 am when I got up the first time and by 9:30 am when I got up the second time, you'd never know anything was plowed.  I will stay in today but tomorrow I have a haircut appointment.

I am making this a #5 because Gloria said the blue #4 was blurry so I am hoping the larger size will be easier for her to read.  On other folders, I'll continue with #4. 

Mary Ann


Good morning everyone, foggy this morning and a raw feeling to the air. Have a grocery order coming in this morning, my CNA will be here to help put it all away. Not much else for her to do today.

DON  enjoy your retirement with nothing more pressing for you to do except take care of yourself. Hope you come in and post more now.

SHIRLEY  most colors get to my eyes especially if they are bright.Stick with the color you like. Everyone should use the font color they like. I did not mean to start something, just tired of some complaining about mine. Like you I have been having trouble with my eyes I like my eye doctor but thinking maybe I need a new one. I don't like the new ones who think machines can tell them what I see or do no see.

JANE  like you my typing looks like that at times, makes me wonder if I do not hit some keys hard enough. Getting tiresome to keep correcting.

CALLIE  I tried the progressive lenses but I could not see right for anything so went back to bifocals. My CNA has 2 pair of glasses one for reading and one for everything else. She has to keep changing them. She does not want to even try bifocals.

JUNE  I did just about what you did yesterday. Stayed in nightgown and robe all day. There was nobody coming and it was not a nice day to go outside. I read and slept on and off all day.Just a plain lazy day.

LLOYD  bet the horses were glad not to be worked in the cold snow.

LARRY  my grandson always leave early Friday morning to get home before the holiday week end traffic going home. That is a ride of almost 900 miles. He does love it where ,y daughter now lives.

SHIRLEY  when using a photo to resize or work on always duplicate the original and only work on the copy. That is one of the things I remember when learning PSP. I would make a duplicate and delete the original from the PSP and make a couple more to work on and when I know what I was doing I would do it on the first duplicate to save as.

DON wow that was a good deal on the condo for you. That happened to my grandson. He put his house on the market when they found a bigger one, sole it in 2 weeks for a lot more than he was asking.

PHYLLIS  good seeing you at last. You found a surprise when you logged in and I did too when I got here a few days ago and found his new stuff, still trying to find my way.

LLOYD  was going to email you but do not have your email address.

SANDY  I got a chuckle about tumbleweed here in the northeast. Since it was addressed to you I did not answer.

MARY ANN  stick to 4, 5 is more blurry. I am weird I guess because I do not like bold and that is what everyone is using now so I better

I started this 3 hours ago, cannot sit long and keep getting up.
Have a good day.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Thanks, Gloria.  I'm going to try to get here more often but I don't dare make any promises that I might not be able to keep.  I'm still not finished with re-roofing this house!  The weather caused many delays and one issue has not been resolved.  Hopefully I can get it all taken care of this week.   :-\


Merry Monday!

Re:  Tumbleweeds..... Lots and lots of them on our route between Amarillo and Leadville!!  Hubby grumbled the year I insisted we stop and get one to take home to Leadville so I could use it for a Christmas decoration. (I think I held it on my lap the entire way because it wouldn't fit in the trunk with our luggage, etc.) He changed his mind when he saw how nice it looked sprayed gold and put with some straw angels we already had.

Gloria,  I tried the progressive lens (lenses?) but could never keep my head still in the right position. Same with trifocals because the individual lens had to be so small.  I do wear bifocals and the "bi" part is a bit larger than usual.

I was going to do errands today but realized there were Domestic Duties and Desk Work that should be done first.
Didn't get as early a start as I'd planned because a long-time friend who moved away several years ago called to visit as I was eating breakfast.  I'll take a good conversation over duties and deskwork any day!!

Hope Everyfriend Everywhere is Enjoying the day.

Mary Ann

Phyllis, it is good to hear from you regardless of when it happens. 

Callie, I'll bet your tumbleweed decoration was pretty.  I don't get decorating magazines any more, but it is interesting what people can do with weeds and plants.  I'm not creative in that way; I can follow directions, but the results are not as pretty as the picture.

Gloria, I'm sorry the #5 was blurry too.  I could read yours OK today and would have preferred Bold, but you said that bothers you, so do it "your way" and I will too.

I think our snow has slowed down and Tom got home about 10:15 am.  I'm always more calm when he is in here on stormy days. 

Mary Ann


Tumbelweeds - we lived off-base in Wyoming and one time I could not go out the west side front door because of the stack of weeds.  They can stick to the grill of a car too. 

Belated birthday greeting to Don - Radioman!  My Don has a birthday we will celebrate a few days late when we get to Colorado. 

Jenny is doing the Happy Dance, wearing her orange Bronco shirt!!! 

Mary Ann:  I hope you are not trapped in the house from this snow storm. 

Gloria:  There was a haze in the area from the CA smoke but it is clear now.  I am glad your relatives (daughter I believe) doesn't have the smoke.  One son had a San Fran trip and everyone was wearing masks - I hope he did as well.

We will be busier when get home - and busier than I planned.  We will do some 3 dogs/chicken/duck sitting with one son - so they can get away.  I just hope it doesn't snow. Today, we both washed windows here and Don put in some solar lawn lights.  It is super dark here as overhead lights are not allowed - the stars are much more visible and we do enjoy gazing outdoors. 

Pitch dark the other night and I found two young men had been dropped off to sign a petition - they were frightened by the Javelina (wild pigs, sorta) as they should be because the bites have germs and they a huge.  I gave them one of our flashlights to help them find the main road. What kind of people would drop teens off in this senior community? 

I just had to stop and answer the cell phone - another robo call.  We have heard that something may be in the works to hinder these interruptions. Has anyone heard the news on that issue?   

Mary Ann

Carol, if I am stuck in the house, it is by choice.  I can't walk far in any weather and if I go somewhere, Tom takes me.  The storm was short-lived, but produced quite a bit of snow.  Tom has gone out to drive again.  He did quite well this morning.

I've had three robo calls today, two from the same number.  The first time a woman left a message - something about Social Security.  I could not understand her southern accent but the call came from southern Illinois - Springfield area code.  The second call was from Detroit.  Often I don't let them get far enough to leave a message anyway, stopping the call when I find out it's "unavailable".  The worst part is that Dot's calls register as "unavailable" but I know her number so I don't have a problem there.

I'm looking at the Weather Channel and they're posting snowfalls in the East, one place had 13.8 inches.  I am sure we didn't get that much, maybe six inches, maybe less.

Mary Ann


Hmm .....where is Jane??? Plus Larry is MIA too!

It was an interesting day..on the way into the city the roads we not too bad but we had to stop for an accident ,a vehicle had wiped out 5-6 guard rails..fire trucks and ambulance was there. Finished what we needed to do and headed home..roads were wet but as we got further north they were slushy and it pulled me in. :yikes:  I went from one side the the highway to the next, throwing the poor dog off the back seat onto the floor  and finally  got straightened out Thankfully no one was coming in the opposite  direction. As we came closer to home we saw that someone else had done the same thing only they also took out6 guard rails..
I was so happy to pull into the garage! :clap:  :)
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Mary Ann

Amy, I am so glad you got home OK.  I know it is scary when you go all over the road.  I remember twice going home from work where I made a 180 degree turn, both times on side roads, but still in some traffic. 

Amy, I checked and Larry posted in Norm's this morning late and said his computer had locked up so he probably didn't do much posting after that.

Mary Ann


[Good evening not to cold, but raining heavy

Amy glad you got home safe.

Callie, years ago some one up here wanted me to bring spanish moss home. So while in Charleston we went up to Summerville and got moss along the road. MY mother in law was in the back seat and she started screaming, when my husband found a place he pulled over and stopped the car. My MIL jumped out, there were lizards claiming all over the back seat. It took awhile to calm  my MIL down and try to clean the car of lizards Needless to say our Northern friend did not get any Spanish moss

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


Quote from: Lloyd Hammond on November 26, 2018, 07:47:05 AMaccording to my computer JaneS put us to bed and AMY got us up but no way to tell for sure the time clocks here are all out of seak. all wrong timeon them once again wish some one that knows how to would fix S & F format would fix it back to where it knew the correct time and where and when we come and go like it used to. it is 23 degrees out side and 65 down stairs and 72 up. so I am going after breakfast going to build a fire in the fireplace down stairs. we got yesterday about 2" of snow. hope you all have a good day.


Go to the top of the page. Click on your name, then click "Look and Layout". You'll see a "Time zone" setting there. Choose the appropriate time zone, then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Change Profile". If you can't figure it out, let me know where you are or what time zone you're in and I'll adjust it for you :)

Mary Ann

Gloria D, not quite the same, but one time on a drive home from Indps, I stopped at a rest stop and sat at a table for a while.  I noticed hickory nuts on the ground, so picked up a few of them and took them home.  When I cracked one open, it was full of worms.  They didn't stay around very long.

Mary Ann


I have to call this Air Force Blue - not truly their color but it is in between the two blue boxes. 

Wonderful stories on what was picked off the ground.  Yikes.

Sandy:  I am glad your weather temperature came back up - at least for awhile. 

June Drabek

As long as we are here, let's dance.


Well, shucks, I forgot to take notes tonight so will wing it.

First of all, Don, that is great that you get more than expected from a sale. Gone are the days when they try to talk you down, huh? Time to enjoy what you've spend a lifetime working for! I am anxious to hear how this first holiday season goes at your new home. You can be the spark to make it all joyful!

About those extras we carried home that we didn't know about. We found lots of shells on the beaches everywhere can contain live critters that can come out to look for food or find out where they are. I wasn't sure if it was humane to throw away the shells since "it was somebody's home".... What we actually got back to Kansas with I immediately got out the propane stove & set a big stainless steel pot on it to "boil" all the shells. ICKY smelling & most of the shells were dumped into a rock garden.

Phyllis, I totally understand about being over powered with major work around a house. Feel like I lost the whole summer to repairs & my poor house looks like it needs a back hoe to clean out everything that needs to be put away or disposed of. Out of control!

Mary Ann, I had the same thing happen when I brought hickory nuts back from a campground in MO. I cracked them with the vice & put them in the bird feeder. A few years later I brought some back again & every one I cracked was good, no worms, but I still gave them to the birds. I don't remember ever eating hickory nuts & not even sure humans eat them. I am chicken.... We had a lot of black walnuts in MO & my father loved them.

Gloria, I already had a big update on the PSP 2019 tonight. I tried to work on the family photo to clone in a picture of son & significant other he sent from the cruise... BuT, I can't figure how to resize the clone brush. Nothing works like the older version so I'm going to see if I can get that old one to fix one more photo for me. I don't like changes & didn't know that much about setting up the old ones so feeling down & dumb tonight. I even tried to crop "bust shots" of the two to put on the group shot but the crop tool doesn't work like the old one.  :tissue:

Oh, Amy, that is scary. Years ago when I was driving a conversion van & we lived in the KC area (lots of hilly streets), I came out of the store at the bottom of the hill & found a layer of fresh snow everywhere. Our house was near the top of the hill & I was at the bottom. I had no idea that tires don't actually get the mileage "they say" when you buy. As I started up the hill an 18 wheeler pulled behind me... & I started sliding backwards. That poor driver behind me just stopped until I got enough traction to get far enough ahead of him before he started moving his rig again. Next time I filled up with gas a man came over to me & suggested I look at my tires, they were getting BALD. We just bought the "year around" type tires, but ever since I do watch.... except with the new RV & found out it should have had the front end aligned when I first bought because the RV place neglects to do that after they add all that weight on, so this summer I had to replace front tires & get that alignment with about 20,000  miles on the vehicle & tires.

I sitting here listening to TomCat snoring behind my chair. He wants to be where ever I am & discovered the cat bed by my chair never got used so it has become his. Time to give them their midnight snack & put myself to bed.

Carol, that is awful that parents would drop kids off & not be concerned about wild animals in the area. Maybe they thought "us old folks" aren't dangerous. You know why we had to keep a pitchfork on the front porch... when you're the last row of houses on the NW side of a small town with nothing but flat land tumbleweeds around... those tumbleweeds would pack up between the houses to the top of the roof & with any rail on the porch, like a cage for them. We used to laugh about not daring to put throw rugs on the porch to shake because the wind would blow them away, but if you waited a few days it would change direction & bring them back.

Hi, June, I guess everyone is sort of testing the water with the new site. Hope Michael doesn't get upset with us griping so much. I'm sure he didn't do the update unless it was necessary. We will each learn to navigate after a while. Good night, sweet dreams & God Bless (Hal always turned out the lights with that note).

Lloyd Hammond

Oldiesmann I still seam to be brain dead so looks like you will have to fix it for me Thanks



Good morning everyone..

Woke up to more snow and weather dog says it is still snowing out. Will deal with that in a bit.

Thank you Mary Ann, Gloria de and Shirley, I don't wish to do that again!! Shirley that must have been some ride for you also!

We are still missing Larry and Jane and Joy also!

Good to see you Phyliss, dealing with house hold problems can cause a lot of stress too!!

Lloyd, did you get the emails I sent you??

Tea is done better go deal with the snow as we have VON coming this morning.

Enjoy your day everyone.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

ANY no so far I have not got any email from you ( my email address is as folly's.)( bluweb37@gmail,com ) If my brain is thinking right today Gloria also wanted it go for it girls and have a good day.



Good morning everyone, another inch + more rain overnight.It  was hit ting my windows like someone was holing a hose and hitting the windows.

PHYLLIS if your weather has been anything like we have been getting we have broken records for cold in November and also broke records for rain this month. If it had been snow we would be snowed in.

CALLIE  the eye doctor I had for years until he retired I never had a problem with the bifocals I had. T he young one who bought his practice used machines to tell where to put the line, they always bothered me. Changed to a different one and the first ones were the same. One day I looked at the new pair and and old pair. The machine had the line almost halfway up the lens and the one was much lower. Before I got the next pair I brought the old pair with me and showed it to them, fine now they take the measurements the to the old ones and no more problems for me.

CAROL  my daughter said they had one day of smelling smoke in the air but then the wind changed and it was gone.

AMY  always good to get home after a snowy ride on the roads. I know I always said a prayer when I go home.

GLORIA de  I would have been like your MIL with lizards all around me.

SHIRLEY  last PSP I bought was 14 and after 1 week I uninstalled it, I stayed with 12 and also had the Jasc 8 installed in case I wanted to animate anything. If I could get my PSP going again I think I would have to take lessons again, don't think I would remember how to do anything now. Been almost a year since I did anything in it.

AMY  you make me glad we had more rain and not snow.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Lloyd sent them again to you..

Snow is wet, take one step and water comes up through the impression. Neighbour plowed the mouth of the driveway for us and I took over a ham to them that we had picked up in the city.

Back to getting things ready for the VON when she comes.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Thanks for the time instructions, Michael.  I think I was successful in changing it to Eastern Standard time.

Gloria de, funny story about MIL and lizards.  About a month ago I nearly leapt out of my skin when a lizard skittered up on the arm of my chair.  Scared me and when I jumped it scared the lizard. It's the first time one has come into the house.  I finally found him and escorted him outside.  They aren't dangerous but they can really startle me.

Shirley, I sometimes wonder what I am thinking by trying to stay in my home as long as I am able.  The latest issue with the roof is that when they finally got good enough weather to come and replace it they removed and disposed of my attic fan.  With our heat and humidity during the summer it is almost necessary to have either an attic fan or a ridge vent.  I opted to not have a ridge vent installed and was a little dismayed that they removed the attic fan.  So now I have no way of moving hot, humid air out of the attic.  I talked to the boss of the company yesterday and he promised to bring a new fan and install it--at no charge.  Of course, now I have the added expense of calling an electrician to reconnect the power to the fan....that on top of having someone disconnect the power before the roofing work could begin and replacement of plywood under-roof where the old attic fan was.  <sigh>

Gloria, I saw on the weather report the other night that this has been the 2nd wettest year on record...at least, so far.  Really tired of rain but the sun is shining this morning. yea!  I'm very grateful that we are not having snow and extreme cold like all of you up North are having.  Stay warm and stay safe.

I seem to have a lot to say this morning so I'd better quote Shirley who sometimes says "Shut up!" to herself and say, "Shut up, phyllis!"

Amy, I always enjoy reading your posts.  So glad that your spin-out didn't have serious results.