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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe for November 15, 2021

Started by so_P_bubble, November 14, 2021, 11:55:43 PM

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Good Morning,

Shirley, More than one cake that was supposed to have filling between the layers turned into "pudding cake" and eaten with a spoon.  Your chicken dishes sound delicious.
The cottonwood trees behind the fence have finally turned yellow and begun to fall.  We've had "off and on" rain since they began and it's been too wet for the HOA lawn service to pick them up.  Fingers crossed it happens soon.

Gloria,  so sorry there are so many issues with your Home Help service.  Makes it hard to get things done.
Radio stations here are either "talk talk talk talk", what I call "screech pop" or country/western - which is becoming more "pop" than traditional c/w.  The local college station plays "classical" but it's symphony or string ensemble (with a lecture beforehand) and I prefer piano (love Chopin) .

Jenny, I remember the traffic snarls on I-25 and am sure they're worse now than they were...ohmigosh  :o...47 years ago (can't believe it's been that long since I lived in CO).

Lloyd,  good to see you back.

Amy, thanks for the updates on Janie.

Today will be food day.  Grocery order will be delivered this afternoon and it's "dinner date" night with son. He's bringing burgers/taters from our favorite place for that sort of thing.
I recently made Molasses Ice Box Cookies and formed the dough into several "logs".  Recipe said to "freeze for 5 minutes" before baking and I baked one log as directed.  Stored the others in the freezer and will try another log today to see if long-term freezer stay will work.  If so, that will be a great way to have fresh-baked cookies if someone comes on short notice.

Wishing Everyfriend Everywhere a Wonderful Wednesday.


Good morning from an Interior at 3 degrees presently. Our lows have gone to the minus twenties so that means no snow until any humidity returns. We've seemingly returned to more usual winter weather.

Today, everyone over sixty-five, which includes most residents here will receive a holiday care package from Fairbanks Wellness Coalition. I'm wondering what it will be as this group is new to me. We will also have a hot Thanksgiving dinner delivered door to door on the 25th which will be nice. It's for what we normally would go to the dining room to prepare and serve via our hospitality committee. This year and last, they would place a foil wrapped paper plate at your door and knock before continuing further.

Alan and Dora had hoped to be able to host a dinner this year but as with 2020, it was not to be. We're still having our morning call or text around to check up on everyone which is comforting. They have three new dogs as people always drop off the unwanted cats and dogs in the foothills which is horrific knowing they're not equipped for the cold and wildlife. Everyone in the neighborhood has been trapping or collecting those found and keeping them in garages or calling animal control. They hope to find new homes but that hasn't gone that well in the pandemic.

Amy, it is wonderful of you to let us know how Jane is doing and Lloyd is so nice to see you back posting with us!

I've had a few sniffles and sneezes the last few days but seem to be over that and back to usual


Patricia, I hope they find homes for the dogs and cats. I can not understand why these stupid people would not take the animals to a shelter/dog pound.  They shouldn't be allowed to have an animal.
Just came back from trimming the dogs nails next door..dropped off some blueberries that we purchased in the city...great deal. 99¢ for 6 0z. .
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


I'm home from rehab but really tired. Will post more next time.  Glad everyone is checking in.  Hope each day gets better for all of us.

Take care, All.



Welcome home Phyllis!!! Now to get Janie home too!!
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Phyllis...welcome back to normality....and your comfortable bed...


Phyllis, so good to know you're home again! Rest as long as you need to, we'll still be here whenever you're ready!


Phyllis, it's so so good to see your smile and am sure your on the mend now :)
keep safe, keep the spirit and never loose that good ole sense of HUMOR.


What happened but happy it could be read lol


WELCOME HOME, PHYLLIS. Take it easy and let your body regain the strength you need.

MYCHAEL, your message was great.....and so easy to read😘

Thank you, AMY, for sharing how our JANIE is doing and for sharing her words with us.  We miss you JANE🥰. THANK YOU for noticing my new avatar🥰

Welcome back, LLOYD‼️ We were worried about you, and were so thankful to hear it was not you being sick in the hospital‼️

SHIRLEY, you are such a sweet mama......cooking and caring about your family.  I know they enjoyed your meal🥰

GLORIA, I am sorry for you having to be without Yvette....I know this lack of her help is very hard for you😩

HI JACKIE‼️  Are you having winter weather there yet?  I hope it won't keep you from getting out n your scooter if it has!

CALLIE, I can assure you that when ever it was you dealt with I 25 traffic, it would have been  NOTHING like it is now!  It is awful 😞 I would happily go back 47 years ago and have Denver be what it was then❣️

Welcome PHILLYFILLY..  Thank you for letting me know that MARYPAGE has posted.

PATRICIA, we still have not had a drop of snow yet this year.  We have not had snow here in 280 days I head on the news AND if we do not get snow before the 21st of this month we will have broken the record of the latest snowfall ever!  Your Thanksgiving Dinners that are delivered sound very nice, but sad they do not come FOR Thanksgiving.  We have a terrible forest fire near Estes Park.  Last night a company had their first ever night time retardant drop, but sadly it ended in a crash of the plane and the pilot died.  So sad, and a terrible set back for this, what we hoped to be a wonder advancement😩

Pleasant dreams to all.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Good morning..

Mild here 45° with rain in the forecast., at least we don't have to shovel that. The poor folks out in BC are suffering from rain and mudslides. Many major highways washed out..farmers trying to get their cattle to high ground but many have perished. They have been told to dump the milk as trucks can't get in to pick it up. Grocery shelves are bare. In the summer they fought fire and now this.

Domestic duties today (thank you Callie).

Patricia, enjoy your meal on the 25th. Always nice when one doesn't have to prepare a meal. We tried the canned turnip last night along with air fryer chicken. Chicken was delicious but I don't think I will can turnip next year.

Gloria as some can attest in here help is hard to get ,especially good help. Yvette is a God send for you and  I hope she is soon back with you. When we had our friend living here he could or we could get home care for him. Some we loved to see come, one didn't get back in the door a second time. We would always ask for this one girl if we had an appointment in the city. She was special and the two got a long like a house on fire.

Better get ready to meet the day.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Jenny, before I forget to mention.... that avatar is one photo in a million and something you must have printed & framed, at least several copies, to save for Bob & you but one for Jonah for when he is grown. Next is go get one (careful not to look posed) of you holding that young'un. They are that age such a short time & it will remind you of ALL your grands when that age. How's your dad doing? 

Amy, I have a cousin that's been doing research on dumping milk on pastures to see how much better it works than artificial chemicals. Don't know how it came out (research) but I've been dumping out of date milk on a rose bush ever since & I picked the last rose yesterday! So awful to watch the damage caused my "Mother Nature". I'm a believer that the earth is in constant change & while we do have responsibility for some of the bad, we didn't cause the change of the Petrified Forest or the fact that so much of Kansas was under water years ago. My mother used to talk about "that fertile river bottom land" but everyone realized it could be a good year or bad, depending of whether it flooded or grew a bumper crop. No politicians to make something out of it~~

And I have to get me in gear to pick up leaves, had a good look when I filled the bird feeder. Today's crop looks to be MINE right under the tree but twice as many from trees NOT in my yard! Right now the wind isn't blowing so I should be able to catch & mulch as long as the old body holds up.  I've searched the internet for a "better way" to clean them up but short of riding a mower that bags, 'tis just old fashioned labor...rake & scoop up! I have an idea but only will let you know IF it works.


Good morning everyone, well I did get  a home maker yesterday and  the laundry got done. Boy some of the people who like a paycheck but  do not want to work are really getting on my nerves. She said she would have to do laundry  and  that is all she did. She said they did not tell her she had  to do dishes or make the bed or anything.  I just erased what I wrote about  some foreigners, letting my frustrations out. Then remembered anyone can read what I say. Grrr about lazy people. I still feel guilty because I can no longer do much of anything. I was watching the one I had Tuesday polish the furniture, she would go around every thing and not  move anything a fraction of an inch and I can see the dust around every thing. I need Yvette back or Fran more. I know Fran wants more hours and she has 2 other clients in this building, one across the hall. SHUT UP GLORIA.
54 now, warmer than it was when I went to bed last night, the weather guesser did say it would warm up overnight.

AMY  wow you mean that Jane was up for the first  time to walk around? If so she must feel weak after all that time in bed. Seems they get folks up so fast these days, I know Yve tte was up beiong walked aroung the day af ter her knee surgery but when I talked to her a couple of days ago she was saying the pain is horrible and not something she thought she would have.

CAROL  no snow here yet in Rhode Island and I remember years when ponds were frozen and kids were on them skating before Thanksgiving. Still getting more rain.

CALLIE  when covid hit and schools closed a lot of the help at  the home help places had to quit because they had young ones at home and no one to be there with them. Then they were getting paid t o stay home  and find they like it. Oh I bet you are like me prefering piano and like Chopin and still miss those wonderful Sunday afternoons when Don shared his music with us on Sunday afternoons. How he would say the names of some of those composers when I couldn't  even try to say them. I don't know about anyone else but  I st ill miss him and his great  record collection. Your Molasses Ice Box cookies sound good, bet I know someone who would like that recipe. I have a greatgrandson who loves anything with molasses, just  like his grandfather.

PATRICIA  where my oldest son lives people have a way of dropping off cats. My DIL is such a softy she would take them to a vet get them checked over and fixed and keep them.

AMY  that 99cents got the blueberris is cheaper than it is here, $2.00 is more like it here.

PHYLLIS  welcome back to your own home. You should start feeling better now where you can res t and sleep without being bothered with people waking you for pills or anything.

JENNY  knowing I have to get  through 3 months of lousy help before Yvette gets back but then she will be out 3 months again when she has her other knee done.

AMY  I have no patience with anyone who gets paid to do a job and sits and plays with her smartphone. I told her 3 times yesterday  to put  her phone away and she mumbled some thing in her foreign language. That rubbed me wrong. I wanted her to leave early and she said she couldn' t because she didn't know how. I told her call the office and  they will tell you how. I will be calling the office later and talk to the boss, she may hate me when I tell her I do not  want this last new one to come here ever again. I really need a CNA who can give my back a good massage to ease the pain.

Enough of my complaining, and I dislike complaining.

Have a good day and stay safe.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Just heard from Jane's daughter.....Mom had a rough day yesterday..hopefully today will be a better day. Drs are optimistic once we get over these humps. She did get up and walked down the hall.

Jane is a fighter..she will get through this but take a moment or many to say a prayer..or many for her please..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone. well I had a good night sleep for a change. just got up at 10:10 the tattle said I had 11 hours sleep. I do not reamer wakening up through the night last night. the sun is shinning right now @ 43º.
Have a great day.



Happy Birthday Sandy :happybday:
Wishing you all the best on your special day..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers



Thank you so much! 
I am 78 today!  YIKES!

But considering the alternative ,  I am
doing Great.  Hoping for many many more!

My thoughts are with Jane and hoping
for a speedy recovery... 

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Good late morning from the Interior, it is cloudy and minus five at 9:31 AM, and Jenny, I would envy your lack of snow except we would have ice to go with it. I can imagine for Colorado, no snow is a huge surprise! I have relatives in Montrose, Grand Junction, and Ouray, so I'm familiar with that part of the country, less with the Denver area.

We have our daily snow dust, but I doubt if we've reached an inch so far this winter. The weather report says to expect a cold wave beginning tomorrow and going into early December, so I'm not expecting any real snow, if any. I saw the news of the crash and am so sorry.

Amy, that is terrible news! I read about that yesterday, but other than a mention, the report focused on the US west's similar woes. I can attest to the lack of home help. Many local agencies preface their incoming calls with a lengthy waiting list for assistance before you are directed to their different departments.

I'm not a fan of turnips, so that I wouldn't have them anyway, but a mash isn't too bad slathered in butter, gravy, or sauce! I had meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and couscous last night. After grinding salt and pepper into a center well of the moose meat, I dumped most of a container of fresh salsa into it before sealing and cooking. I think I'm going to make that again!

I'm looking forward to that Thanksgiving meal on the 25th! The folks on our hospitality committee are all great cooks. They bring a delicious small iced cake with a single candle and sing happy birthday on everyone's birthday. I know I look forward to that and they always have holiday meals. Before 2019, they were either outside or in the main lounge. Now you get door-side service!

Amy, thanks for keeping us up on Jane. I know it's hard, but I believe that slow is better; taking your time healing can prevent issues later.


Weather dogs just came in , backs white with snow..

Jane said she is looking forward to talking with all her SS friends.
Please keep prayers coming..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Amy, I check for news on Jane each morning as I'm sure we're all  in her corner and she knows that! Thank you again for keeping us informed.

When it gets cold, the auto emissions and smoke plus chemicals in the air freezes into a visible fog or vapor we call ice fog. This causes the DEC to issue air quality alerts and want us to fix them. And unless we ban cars and wood-burning stoves that isn't happening, unfortunately. Here are the alerts we just received.

Air Quality Alert



Thursday, November 18, 2:39 PM AKST

Friday, November 19, 1:00 PM AKST

Source: U.S. National Weather Service


The Department of Environmental Conservation has issued an Air Quality Alert which is in effect from 7 PM this evening to 1 PM AKST Friday.

North Pole has a Stage 2 alert.

Fairbanks has a Stage 1 alert.

&& For additional information about air quality in the Fairbanks North Star Borough please access the website at http://dec.alaska.gov/fnsbair or call 451-2132.


Good Thursday Evening,

Phyllis,  so glad you're home and have posted. 

Sandy, Hope it's been a very  :hb3: 

Amy, thank you so much for reports on Janie.

Jenny,  traffic has gotten worse in the years I've lived here, too.

Shirley,  I agree that this old planet has had major changes over the eons.  Ice Age, Dinosaurs roaming around, etc. etc.  People were undoubtedly living during those times - and it may just be our turn now.

Patricia, I learned to fry okra and make black-eyed peas when I married a Mississippi native but I told him he'd have to go to his mother's if he ever wanted turnip greens or turnips. Turned out he didn't like them, either.

Been a busy day and I'm ready to "crash".
Sleep well, Everyfriend and have pleasant dreams.


Patricia, I look forward to hearing how Jane is also. I know the phone is kept busy there with all Janes acquaintances and family calling. I try  to hang on till I hear from the kids.....but it is hard!!! :))) My son has met Janie and I so envy him those meetings..I do get the hugs though that she sends. Any operation is not without problems and I hope Jane is on her way out of that hospital soon!!
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning everyone. Have help coming at 9:15 t his morning. Not good for me. I do no t sleep good knowing I have to be awake and up when  they ge t here so I can let them in. I have to have a talk with the one now in charge.  There are mornings I do not wake up till 9 and I sure cannot rush anymore. Just an old slow poke now.  42 and rain in the forecast. I would like to see some big white fluffy flakes coming down. I think Shirley would like to see that, too.

AMY  from the way Yvette sounded a few days ago when I  talked  to her she will be out the whole 3 months. Before she had the surgery she was saying  tha t she would be able  to drive in a week after the surgery but she was not  thinking of the pain she is having. It  was more a repair than a replaced knee. I don't  think she ever really experienced pain before. Good to read that Jane was up and walking, much better than just being in bed and not  using any muscles.

LLOYD  wow 11 hours sleep. Great, I am happy  to get 7 a night but last night got 3. Second time  this week.


AMY  my thoughts and prayers are with Jane all the time. I think we all really miss her being here every morning and again in the evening. I know I sure do.

PATRICIA  looks like mankind started polluting the air when  they first discovered fire and burning wood  to cook and heat. Cannot  blame our generation for that.

CALLIE  this town has changed a lot in the more than 70 years I first moved here. A lot of mills in town where people worked and 2 bus routes, one to Providence and one to Woonsocket-the closest city. Not everyone had a car and we had several new car dealers, now only used car dealers. People from cities started buying land and moving here and then got into politics and wanting street  lights all over and the conveniences of city living. There were a lot of markets all over  town, a department store, clothing stores and shoe stores. Did not have to travel elsewhere to get what was needed. Now mills are all gone, either torn down or made into condos that a former governor began sending homeless from cities  to live in and  they brought  trouble with them so they had to increase the small police force. NOW people have to travel miles  to go to work. We had a movie  theater, several drugstores and little neighborhood stores all over town.  This is a big town with many different villages. This they call progress?

I think I have taken over Shirley's soapbox.

Have a good day and stay safe.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good morning..

We have snow covered ground this morning with a temp of 31°.

Making a pot of chicken soup this morning, it can set on the back of the woodstove and I can clean out a cupboard that's bugging me!! I have ordered the fabric to go along with the puppies for sale panel but it won't be in till next Wed. May start another caner quilt until then.

Gloria, we get that here also..not impressed with them and they miss out on Gods lighting at night. Can't see the stars in the city so they don't know what they are missing.

Better get ready to meet the day.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

Good morning Gloria and everyone else that follow. I never looked at the tattle tail to see what it said today but it was about off my head all crossway. I slept very resales, still tired so I am sure I will take time out from nut cracking to take a nap. it is 43º and sunny here this morning. Hope you got a better sleep last night.


Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning AMY. Have a great day



Good morning.  Trying to catch up here but know I have missed a lot so please forgive me .  Glad to hear the good news and sorry when things aren't going right.  Wish everything could be perfect for all of us.

I am getting stronger every day and slowly getting things back to sort of normal.

No snow here but cold.  Take care All.


JaneS .I "see" you!!!! Welcome home to Soda Shoppe!!! :smitten:
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers