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September 20, 2024, 11:27:04 PM

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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html


Soda Shoppe for November 15, 2021

Started by so_P_bubble, November 14, 2021, 11:55:43 PM

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Good morning every one, I know I was here yesterday and posted but cannot find yesterday's post. That is usually wha t I see every day when I first get on the PC. I posted after Shirley was talking about going back to bed. Oh well nothing important anyway except happy to have Jane back with us. 28 here and a gray gloomy day. Does not  look like it will ge t much above mid 30's, Ahh winter is on the way. I think I am now res ted from  Thanksgiving day, I have no t done much bu t lay on the coudh and dozing on and off for 2 days. If I make i t to my son's for Christmas I think it might be the last time I do anything like that again. Jus t wears me out  too much.

wish I had found a card.

PHYLLIS  I think I am finally back to normal-whatever that  is these days-but don't think I will sleep the day away today. 2 days of being that lazy were enough.

JANE  tube feeding is not what anyone wants for Thanksgiving I sure hope and pray you can really enjoy your Christmas dinner with family.

RAMMEL  I will just leaf the leaves alone.

AMY  I did post yesterday but for the first time in ages I did no t wai t to see if i t pos ted. I know I looked for  i t this morning and could no t find it. If any thing happens Shi rley's phone number is  the only one I have to call.

Have a good day everyone be safe and stay safe.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Great to see you Gloria.

Phyllis, yes that was fun..bet Rick didn't think it would go that far!

We discovered a  nest in one of the sheds!! There tucked between the push lawnmower and the garden tiller was the nest with 21 eggs in it!! Sadly to say they are all frozen now.
 I did notice the hen coming over the fence and saw her digging in the dirt but never thought she has a nest!!
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning, minus 24 locally with the ever-present wind chill advisory. Other than that, I plan to hang out on the couch today.

.Cold Wind Chill at Higher Elevations through Monday...

Wind Chill temperatures will fall to around 60 below at times above treeline in the White Mountains, and along the Steese, Elliott, and Dalton Highways through the weekend.

Winds will increase to 10 to 20 mph at higher elevations and combine with temperatures of 15 to 30 below to produce the cold Wind Chill temperatures.

This city is on the valley floor to the east and south, straddling the foothills to the north and west. So temperatures vary depending on what direction.


Lloyd, good late morning. The ones of my father's generation would all be in their hundreds now and all long gone from this earth. The younger ones who may or may not still be in Joplin or Lamar are no longer known to me. I haven't spoken to anyone on that side of the family since 2000.


Hey, Gloria, I went thru EVERY word pad & written note on a scrap of paper I could find and could NOT find YOUR phone number. I was sure I had it written down somewhere from the time you called me, but for sure I am not the one to be keeper of phone numbers!  I wanted to check on you if it was your computer or you being sick. When you get time I'd love to have you e-mail it to me so I can put it where I can find next time you go missing. I did find Regina's <smile>.

Between cats and leaves (and mine really are MY leaves).... the last couple weeks have been the worst ever for my head (me in general). Got the leaves under control for the moment & cats are doing better. Today is bright sun, not too awful windy and not even too cold for this time of year.

I bought me a leaf vacuum from Ace Hardware & when I got home my son was cleaning up the leaves under my sweet gum tree. He had the mulcher out & it pulverizes them so he was pleased to see how it works. He didn't think I needed the vac but I explained it would work in the pool area, and it does. He insisted on getting the John Deere out to see if it would start (had to use the starting fluid) & ran it over the whole front yard so now it looks nice & neat. My sweet gum still has some leaves as well as plenty on trees down the street that will stick to my front like glue. BUT, I'm not as rattled as I was last week with cats & leaves.

Jane, I can't imagine having Thanksgiving with a feeding tube so hope this nightmare is over soon for you & you get double servings of everything at Christmas! "Bless your heart" (and how many times did we hear our mothers say that?) you have not done nearly as much griping as you had a right to do!

I am seriously thinking about a trip to Sam's to just look around. I have been shocked at how much everything has gone up lately, all I want to get is a carton of the mini coke cans. I never need a big can to drink but will do it to not waste.... have been drinking ice tea to get off the Coke but don't want my body to get used to only good for me stuff. Every time I've gone to Sam's lately I have been in a hurry so don't just mosey around. Besides, I love their hotdogs & drink or their pizza combo and haven't had lunch yet. A lazy day after a week of cooking.

Patricia, I remember you talking about the walk to work & the photos of the park along the way, with all kinds of wildlife. Do you miss those walks? I still think I would have been happy living in Alaska, the dark winters and all, but have gotten so lazy the last couple years I am not sure I could deal with the adventure of it. I never used to think about needing a doctor somewhere when traveling, guess age has caught up with me. Too much thinking, better get off & go do something! 


FYI: I have a telephone number for Gloria and after it I have written "moved". I have a second number and after that I have written "NG" for No Good.  I also have a number for her son, Mike, that seems to be good.

I've had a very slow day today but I'm getting around pretty good.  I can actually walk down the hall without holding on and standing a walking feel pretty good.  Frankie came after work today and is spending the night so she and her mom are having a good visit...me too.  It's nice to have the doggie here, too.

I hope you all have a good rest of the day!  I plan to do the same!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Forgot to say "Thanks" for all the nice comments about my return, so....THANKS for all the nice comments!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


I am glad to see that you are
back Jane.  You were gone for quite a long time. 

It is good to see you improving a bit each day.
Keep up the good work.  It will be worth it in the
long run. 

It is getting colder here on the Rocky Coast of Maine. 
Which is too be expected for this time of the year.

I am doing fine.  Just waiting to  get
through the holidays until the new year.   

Have a good night everyone!

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Took out an air conditioner today, closed a vent under the porch, and turned off the outside water. My son helped and that's good so he can learn what has to be done, as he will have to some day. I knew it was time to do that because of our new Christmas color scheme here. But it is getting winter like - damp and nasty out there. Neighbor put out his Christmas dec's today.  Every year I say I'm going to drive around the neighborhood and look at the decorations.  But for some reason I never got to do it. Maybe this year.



Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere I go..

Good morning
Shhh sun is still in bed..
We are off to finish up the Christmas shopping today. Heard the plow out but hope the roads are bare now.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  It's a cold one here but most of yesterday's snow is gone.  It looks like they are predicting more for today but not a lot. 

I'm having my first coffee this morning!  Christy gave me about 2 tablespoons of hers and a spoon to sip it.  It's wonderful!  I've had my bath an changed my clothes and I'm ready for the nurse and the therapist later this morning. 

I hope you are all enjoying or will be enjoying your day as it dawns wherever you are.  I wish you a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Almost forgot to say, I like the new Christmas Decorations in here!  Thanks to whoever is responsible!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


I couldn't seem to get my brain unscrambled this morning...slept too hard, I think.  It is sunny but chilly and breezy.

Good that you are getting back to normal, Jane, but don't rush it.  You know...."Slow and easy...."

Some neighbors here turned their Christmas lights on Thanksgiving night.  Then they take them down the day after Christmas.  Back to business, as usual.  Others put them up late and leave them until Epiphany.  We no longer put up outside lights but may put up a small tree later.  Christmas around here is just David and me and very quiet.

Thanks, Oldiesman, for the S&F Christmas decorations.

Gotta go.  Laundry day.  Take care, All.


Good morning everyone, This IS Monday isn't it?  No witch of her sidekick here and no maintenance man either. Last  day they were here was last Wednesday, all had a long weekend. Think I am finally rested from my day out. Sun finally woke up and it  is 31.

PATRICIA  WILL KEEP THE 31 it is here and the wind is pretty calm now. The 6pm weather on the news yesterday said we would have some snow overnight but no white at all to be seen.  :( never happened.

SHIRLEY  you worry too darn much about those leaves. Leave  them where they fall and Mot her Nature will  take care of  them and turn them into fertilizer.

JANE  the NG number starting with 232 is what I had before moving here and is no good. Don't think I ever gave anyone my cell number because I dislike  talking on it. My family is  the only one who has it. To me it is for emergency only like when Cox is out again. I know how good it feels to be able  to walk again and get the independent feeling back. Mike has had the same number for so many years I cannot say how many but  more than 35 years.

RAMMEL  in this building  the AC's have to be out  by  October 1st but this year the witch-er manager- did not  say anything because it was unusually warm at that time. Last time I went for a ride  to see Christmas decorations was almost 40 years ago the firs t time I went to my daughter's home in San Diego. My SIL took us for a ride to Candy Cane Lane A whole block on both sides of the road decorated and it was so beautiful it was hard  to know which side was the best. My 2 grandsons loved it.

AMY  when the witch decides  to come back to work they  will put the Thanksgiving decorations away and start decorating for Christmas. One lady that passed away left all her Christmas  things here. She had a collection of angels  that get  put on the top of the bookshelves in the library and boxes of ornaments for  the tree that is put  up in t here. She was  the only one who decorated in there. She used to put an animated Mr. & Mrs. Santa in front of the tree. Those have disappeared now. Give you a guess  to know who has them now.

JANE  bet that bit of coffee was good. I know I enjoyed it when I got home, at  the rehab place  the coffee was so strong I could no t drink it and the hot chocolate was  too watery and I cannot drink tea.

PHYLLIS  I had a small tree with light s and decorations on it I stored in a big plastic bag. Only put it up t he first Christmas I was here. Too much trouble making room for it  and i t jus t s stayed in the broom closet. Last year my son's oldest daughter moved into the old apartment I had on the second floor and Bill asked her if she wanted a  tree.  That is where it  is now. Not many here bother with decorating their apartments. When we got to my grandson's home Thanksgiving he has the outside decorations up. I thought too early but  that is only my opinion.

Have a good day be safe and stay safe.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good morning from another frigid, ice fogged, Interior day.

Jane, it is so nice to see your posts appearing so regularly again; we missed you! I understand about coffee. It's my primary daily substance

Gloria, I have your email and used to have your number from when we spoke on the phone. I'm sure it's no longer suitable as it's from the early days when you were at your son's. I'm another who dislikes talking on the phone, which is why I love texting. I had a coworker who would call to gossip, so I started avoiding her calls, and I believe I ended up on her gossip train after that.

Each of the five floors has its tree and decorations for that floor's hallway and community room. The hospitality committee is in charge of that. For the last two covid years, the community rooms have been locked, so few decorations.

I never thought of the number of nice framed pictures on each floor, but yesterday everyone was invited to see a resident's photos, enlarged and framed of Alaskan wildlife. Dave was a casualty of Covid and the first one I knew personally, so it brought it home to me as he was so proud of them and loved to show them off. Now, I wonder about the other photos and pictures on those walls.

I'm also thinking of my daughter, who died of cancer when she was eighteen. She would have been fifty this coming December twelfth.

I enjoyed Thanksgiving, still have turkey, stuffing, and sweet potatoes to get through. There are no sweets or pie leftovers, funny how that works. I do have one complaint. I cooked an 18-pound turkey for seven hours at 325°. The turkey was browned, crispy-skinned, and moist; that was the good part. The bad part was the roasting pan full of liquid grease underneath.

Lloyd Hammond

Good afternoon.it Is 12;50 Pm, sun is shining very bright Not a cloud In sight. Our SIL. came over and got my Laptop to come on, But It has A toatly defferant Look and Is In bright collor. so another Learning curve. yesterday I started in hulling our Black walnuts, I am going to get Back to it again after while. I have about 1& 11/2 Bushels to hull crach and pick out. Nancy helps me Pick the nut Meat out after I get them Hulled and cracked. I have a nut cracker to crack them with. not to Bad now they Have dried out the outer holls. so no stain on My hands. I took a couple head acek Pills so when the acke goes away a Little more I am going to go Hull some moreof them. will Be good to Put In guddies. Amy If you would put the recipte Back in here Of the Nut pie crust, would be apreaisated. I think we Have the printer where it will print it off Now.



Good morning

Making this a quickie as I am on the run this morning. Taking my friend to the pacemaker clinic in the city today.

Lloyd, I emailed you the information on the walnut crust.

Enjoy your day and stay safe

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


:happybday: Jenny, wishing you a Happy Birthday today.. :happybday:
Hope you have a special day!!!
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning everyone, 24 now, oldest so far this season but I do not have to go anywhere and as long as they pay the oil bill and we don't lose power I can stay warm. Have another unknown home maker coming this morning so glad I woke early. I am getting tired of  this woman that is now  the new "boss" who pays no attention to what their clients need. I am not a sloppy person and don't need a homemaker I need a CNA for that back massage every day and who can cook me a meal. Home makers don't cook either. TV dinners are not  very healthy and I cannot eat  them. all the preservatives burn my  throat, and I think I have tried all of them by now. Be tween my 2 sons and Yvette trying to fatten me up with all of them  they bought for me. Health Provider wants me to drink 3 bottles of Ensure a day and some days I am lucky to get even one down especially now  that  eggnog is in the marke ts again. Think I go  through almost  a gallon of it  a week. Do you think I like eggnog?

PATRICIA  we only have one communit y room on the main floor with the rest of the public rooms, only a few apartments there. Only 53 in  the whole building.

LLOYD  that  sure is a lot of nuts to crack and pick  the meat out of the shells.

AMY  you are a great friend to take your friend into the city. Just the thought of going into a city with today's traffic gives me the chills. Thanks for keeping up on birthdays.

JENNY  have a wonderful BIRTHDAY. Wasn't it June  that you shared your special day with?

:hb2:       :hb3:       :hb2:

JANE  hope you are feeling better today than yesterday and even better tomorrow.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


:hb3: Happy Birthday, Jenny and many happy returns. 

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good Morning Everyfriend!  Christy just brought me a couple tablespoons of coffee and BOY does it taste good! 

It's in the low 30s here today and snow is predicted.  It hasn't started yet but I hope it gets it over with before we have to go over to the dr. appt. I do believe winter has arrived!

If I don't get back in today, it's only because I'm tired. I have mixed feelings about this trip today.  I want to go because I'm hoping this feeding tube will go but the trip is going to exhaust me.  Oh well, I guess we have to take the good with the bad.

Gloria, I'm not in favor of those frozen dinners either but I'm sure Frankie has a bunch of them in her freezer.  Christy is a very good cook and I wish I could have eaten some of the stuff she cooked since she's been here with me.  She started young...loved helping me even  when she had to stand on a stool to reach the counter.

I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Happy Birthday, Jenny!  I wish the best gift for you today is relief from shoulder pain.

I know what you mean about Ensure, Gloria.  I still have two bottles in the fridge that they sent home with me from rehab.  I don't much like it and can't make myself drink it.  I will probably throw it out eventually.

Jane, I have had experience with a feeding tube and remember how  wonderful it felt when I got rid of it.  Hope you see the last of it today.  I have a dr. appt. tomorrow and feel the same way you feel about going.  It is just a follow up but I still don't want to go out.  Hope all goes well with you today.

Sunny and 30 deg. here this morning but it is supposed to warm up some this afternoon.

Amy, I heard on the news this a.m. about the maple syrup shortage.  Are you experiencing it up in Canada?  I haven't tried to buy any lately, have some on hand, so it hasn't bothered me.

Breakfast time.  Take care, All.


Lloyd Hammond

Good morning everyone. It Is overcast here today 60º.I was up Late again and slept in Late again, but got 8.5 hours of sleep. Hope you are all Having a good day.


Lloyd Hammond

This new format is In color but is changed I am haveing a strugle getting posted Hope you are all doing well with It. AMY if you are able to read it and posting I am not seeing your POST's.I also can not fiend the Post about the nut pie crust.



Good morning from an Interior with another air quality alert due to ice fog. The only way to fix the air quality is to ban car exhaust and woodstove smoke, which will not happen. Ice fog is made up of chemicals in the air frozen and becomes visible. People in the foothills and college student cabin rentals heat by cookstoves. I don't know what the answer is. Also, I love how the weather report says to expect "a snow" overnight, singular, and not plural. It does mean we're warming up again, and that brings humidity, and humidity causes snow.

I used Ensure as a meal replacement when I couldn't cook or put any weight on my leg. It wasn't the best, but it was what I had. There are no homemakers or CNAs available here. They've been on backorder since 2020, and that doesn't look any different in the future. Even getting a ride isn't accessible from the various backlogged agencies. I had applied in February and am still waiting.

Gloria, this building has five floors, takes up an entire block, and has 196 one bedrooms and twenty studios.  Each floor has a laundry, community room, and a series of plants that overworked hospitality committee cares for. The first floor has a large room by the main entrance that includes a kitchen, all the offices, administrative, security, maintenance, and a drop-off for all deliveries and mail. Each floor has elevators and a stairway on each end.

Of course, all offices, community rooms, and that kitchen have been closed since March 2020. Instead of a security and maintenance team working 24/7, we now have one security and one maintenance worker per eight-hour shift. Even with the office right there, you still have to call the Anchorage-based answering service to schedule any maintenance. The office manager and the community liaison are in their offices but only reached by telephone or email and not in person.

There are also fenced yards, including a dog yard with cameras for public areas inside and out. There are both full pay tenants and those paying various reduced rates. My only real complaint is the building outside reminds me of a fifties communist block building and inside a mid-sixties vibe.


And with many wishes for your healed, pain-free shoulder!

Jenny 2021 bday.jpg


 :hb3:  :hb2: Running out of steam today but want to WISH OUR JENNY a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May ALL your wishes come true. First on the list, that shoulder magically quits hurting... yes? 


I got out the feeding tube!

All three of my drs. were in the room and they changed and removed bandages and gave us a lot of advice.  Among other things, one of them said that he has patients 20 and 30 years younger than me who have not made the progress I have!  That made me feel pretty good.

When we got home, the first thing I had was a cup of coffee. That was heavenly!  For supper, I had a scrambled egg with chopped up broccoli and cheese in it.  It took me a while but it went down and stayed down!  I'm ON MY WAY!

Thank you all for sticking by me and for offering prayers on my behalf!  You are all my GOOD friends and I missed visiting with you! 

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast