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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe for October 15, 2021

Started by so_P_bubble, October 15, 2021, 12:19:10 AM

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Good morning..

Yesterday was a long day a hurry up and wait day but it is all now in the past. Kyle had his blood work and then wait till it was read till they could do the CT scan.  First we met up with Bri, David had found saddle stools on the the internet but the man wanted them to go as a pair..and I now have one. Now when standing cutting all the veggies etc for pickling I can sit.

Will pick up some mushrooms to can today and that should do most of the day in.

Jane, know your back up team is the best! Remember what I said. You have a lot on your plate Jane, Kyle went in for a CT scan then back to the hospital on Fri and when we get the good news you will hear me yell.  :thumbup:

Patricia, thank you. Everyone was so nice yesterday, the nurse at the door was a hoot to talk with. Rained some but nothing to worry about. We are to get rain today and there is flood warnings in the city.

Shirley, how can people take good money for a job not well done is beyond me. There must be someone you can get and trust to do a good job. What about approaching someone at your church  or go to a school and ask if anyone wants to do this work.

Gloria, I noticed on our way to the city that some trees still have their leaves not bare like ours here.  Here the tamarack trees are getting ready to shiver their needles off.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  I'm up, have my coffee, put the dishes away out of the DW and I'm here. 

OK, AMY, I'll wait for the yelling and stomping and all that.  Just didn't want to miss the news!

Today is going to be an off day for me.  Cindy will be at her "on-line" office for part of it and she's also having lunch with one of her old school friends.  I'm pretty sure Cooper will be here sometime today but I'm not sure when so I'll just take it easy and wait for him to arrive. 

I hope you all have a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning everyone, well we are having rain- the first nor'easter of the season. Local weather guessers finally mentioned this yesterday. Strong winds and up to 4 inches of rain and possible power outages but mostly along the shoreline. Once again I am happy  to be living as far inland from the ocean as can be in this state.  52 now and top for the day will be 60. The maples are finally showing red all the way down now, hope when the sun shines again the wind has not blown most of the leaves off.

LLOYD  hope those aches and pains ease up as you get up and move around. In damp weather like we are having now my back is one big pain that nothing helps.

PATRICIA  a few years ago when they cut down the beautiful huge pine trees in the back it  looked so bare but  now it is a beautiful lawn and they set up a crochet (SP) set that a few enjoy. The landscapers are no t happy though, they have  to pick up the hoops every week before they cut the grass. The 2 trees they just cut down blocked windows on 6 apartments and I know a couple of t he ladies miss looking ‌ out t heir windows and seeing even the cars.

SHIRLEY  I do know Regina and Gary are very happy where they live now in Arizona. She often said she was born in the wrong century and would have loved being a pioneer. Well when they first moved there they did not have all the conveniences like electricity, used propane for jus  about everything. Now t hey finally have  the solar panels set up and after a year of waiting for the batteries  to be delivered  they have electricity. First thing she did was have a  toasted English muffin. She did miss her toaster. Now you know you are missed when we do not  hear from you every day.

PATRICIA  when it came to driving in snow I would rather drive in 6 inches of it than half an inch. Can get traction on more snow instead of a little slippery snow.

JANE  you did a wonderful job raising you children for then to be t here when you really need them. I know my 3 would be here if needed and one DIL would be, too.

AMY  hi when you get here.

Have a good day and be safe.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Gloria, I was here before you this morning. :) Pup woke me up so time to get up...or so he thought.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone, the weather is saying it Is 45º and sunny but he /she is off beat. the trees are slightly shacking and no sun here just cloudy. I am going to try to get our 4 gallons of Black walnuts hulled to day and cracked to pick out for to have for using in cooking. Have a good day, just the way you like.



Good morning from an Interior at 27 degrees. We're expecting another 0.6 inches tonight and tomorrow to go with our quarter of an inch from yesterday. Many of our trees still have their leaves. This is another crazy weather month for us. However, I have no room to talk after watching the news on the computer yesterday and seeing both coasts and the middle experiencing horrible weather on top of what they've already experienced.

Other than general tidying, I have a day of rest.

Jane, I'm happy that you have family close; it makes a difference.

Gloria, when they cut the trees down here, they put in a lawn, but that's it. I'd rather have the trees than our view of a parking lot. Before we had the snow, the ground was frozen from rain and slush. The news was asking everyone to stay home if possible. November will be our twentieth month under total lockdown, so there are not many places to visit other than groceries and a few essential businesses.

Amy, locally everyone is rushed and brusque.  You're made to feel you're keeping them from something important. I'm glad you and Kyle had caring people at his appointments. Our trees are about half and half regarding keeping leaves.

We have many people here pinning up notes in stores and lobbies offering all sorts of services from outdoor maintenance, pet walking to housekeeping and cooking. There is a man in our building offering deep cleans to those facing bi-yearly inspections. I've thought about calling him to see if he'd include putting shelves together or putting my rug cleaner together.


Rain, flooding, and gale force winds expected tonight.  Many are just finishing recovery from the last "Water Event". Should be better tomorrow, but it's cool/nasty out now. Several roadways shut down - same ones that flooded the last time. They've been that way since I was a teen aged driver.  Try as they will they don't seem to be able to prevent it.


Lloyd Hammond

Good afternoon not much going in here today. Nancy got up before I did and hulled the walnuts. after our noon meal we both set down and worked on them I cracked them with the nut cracker ( we have one mounted on a board 2x6x2ft long.)  and we both picked the meat out we have quit for today, but we got just short of one quart of nut meats so far, will most likely do some more tomorrow. Life is good when we set down and work together like that. hope to see you all tomorrow.



It's so nice to come by and see Everyfriend...LLOYD, GLORIA, PATRICIA, RAMMEL, AMY...and I really miss those who don't check in!  I'm off to the haystack to look for some zzzzzs.  My eyes are about to enter slam shut mode.  It's been a rainy day off and on all day and that's adds to the sleepiness. 

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Patricia, don't see ANYone wanting to work here, just "Hiring" signs in windows. I've now paid twice to get my gutters cleaned without getting the job done right.

Tonight I was looking out the window I saw my son's car coming around the corner just about dark. He heard we were going to get a gully washer tonight so cleaned his own gutters & came over to do mine (front & back). He ran a "snake" down each downspout & made sure they were cleared & in the back where it was worse, he found one plugged so tight when he tried to get the snake down it wouldn't go so he used a long stick to push it out. Was still water from the last rain that came out. I knew it was not running at all during the rain.

So while he was at it he washed the spiders off the whole back of the house (I have good lights all around & it is white brick so easy to see). Bless his heart, juggling 4 jobs he still has time to help me, not bad for someone retired!

His sister gave him a lecture about not wanting me to pay them, told him it makes ME feel better! I sure appreciate getting a job done right. She is coming over tomorrow after I get back from my Echo & visit with my cardio buddy that is retiring, & plans to help organize my desk. I have several sets of files I've been trying to organize & can't find time to finish the job so hopefully she will catch my duplicate files!

LLoyd, growing up in MO we always went out to gather walnuts in the fall. Dad rigged up several ways to get the hulls off & then would set his big metal lathe to hold each nut, give it a crack & the nutmeat would come out whole. Once he planted his own walnut tree he shared with the squirrels, he'd save them a bushel basket full for the winter & they would help themselves. As "they say", walnuts are good for us. Cas & I always had out best conversations when we worked together like that.

Rick, I hadn't listened to our weather today but did hear about the coasts on both sides getting hit hard. Radar showing we have two bands working toward us right now. Tom (cat) went out for a few minutes & came back in, sleeping by my feet. He hates storms. Tiger is out looking around, she has been in all day. Callie is in the garage, we can't talk about the damage she is doing to the garage, but she just doesn't understand & can't teach an old cat new tricks, either! Stay safe!

Amy, I've never heard of "saddle stools" before so will Google. After Cas died I moved a tall bar stool (no back) to the corner of the kitchen by the stove & to the left I put an under counter TV so spend a lot of time there (eating-snacking) The bar stool is tall & don't like my feet dangling so got out my little Coleman step stool I keep for the kitchen, just have it opened to put my feet on & don't have to drag it out when I want something from that top shelf! It's convenient!

Gloria, I don't know if I mentioned in my last post (too lazy to go back & look), but was smiling about Regina saying she was born a century too late, she'd have been a good pioneer. And that's how I feel when driving thru the Flint Hills going across Kansas.  I picture the wagon trains struggling to get across those rolling hills and the many dry creek beds made from "gully washers" when it rains. I would have loved being one of those pioneer women & think I could have pulled my weight. I would have griped the whole time it was hot & dry, for sure, picture it???  I did do a painting one time from a photo I took out the car window... put the wagon trains in and it sold immediately.

Janie, you are keeping busy with all your family, do you stop a dozen times a day & think what a great job you did raising those kids?  For true (remember little Margaret O'Brian saying that in a movie?), you did a wonderful job or those kids wouldn't have those big hearts.

Got a couple bites of food to eat so I can clean up the kitchen & go to bed. Have to get up & stay up in the morning, to shower, wash my hair & get across town by 10:00am. I stopped eating to see if cats wanted in or out, phone rang & I got on the computer & will have to re-heat those few bits. Need to open some V8 'cause I didn't eat veggies today (except potatoes).

Sweet dreams to all and God Bless. 

Lloyd Hammond

good Night and sweet dreams. see you all tomorrow.



Duplicated: After my booked 5 minute MS Clinicians phone call yesterday i have decided i am not going to take the risk of the Ocrelizumab intravenous infusion...too many serious life threatening risks ( breast cancer being just one of them ) and side effects, plus it is not a cure nor will it undo damage it already has done to my progressive form, my nervous system...all it does is halts its progression...plus it should be given 6 monthly transfusions during your first 4 years from PP- MS diagnoses, i am into my 6th year but, Clinician said it could still go ahead...Told me it doesn't go well with the corona virus vaccine, told him i am going for my 3rd vaccine this week...


Good morning everyone, raining and I can see branches on some of the  trees movimng pretty fas t so must be windy. I woke wi th twha t feels like sand in my eyes. Keep watering and blurry. Already pu t drops in but has not helped. Never had this happen before. Guess I will go lay on the couch and shut  my eyes and lis ten the the TV. No I do nor sleep with my face in the pillow or hand on my eyes either. If this clears up I will be back later.

Have a good day.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good Morning Everyfriend.  I'm up and attem!  Cooper is here for the day and Cindy is on line with her job already. 

SHIRLEY, I thank God for whatever it was that helped my kids to turn out the way they did.  And I bet you do, too.  Can't think who might come clean gutters in the dark and keep at it until they are clear.  You also did something right along the way!

JACKIE, that much have been a hard decision to make and only YOU can make the right one for YOU!  You know who you are and what you need!

LLOYD, keep up the good work on the walnuts!  You're going to enjoy them in whatever they show up in this winter

GLORIA, I hope your eyes feel better the the next time you open them.  That's no fun!

I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow. 

P.S.  Our temps are hanging in the 40s and 50s with rain but today is supposed to be sunny!  Do you think God did that for the outside Farmers Market?

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Soon being picked up by car to be taken to our lovely female senior Minister's home, a group gathering for widows and widowers with plenty of chat, cream cakes and a cup of tea or coffee...i am so looking forward to this...We end with prayer...Weather might even allow us to sit outside in the garden, dry, cold and sunny, i shall wait and see...

Jane S...
...not an easy decision but one i will either be happy with, or one i will live to regret...


Good morning everyone, 27 degrees, and the expected snow never arrived. This wasn't the case last year when we had record early snowstorms that were more accurately snow dumps!

Shirley, the construction company, certainly didn't do their jobs here. I'm Monday morning quarterbacking, but you can see instances of running paint dribbles on many balcony floor edges from when they painted the balcony floors, and they messed up on ordering doors twice and had to send the mistakes back and reorder. They said they were going floor by floor and ended up going back and redoing places.

You can see on my balcony a ten-inch spot where they taped the wood sheets together before painting and I had to call maintenance because one vertical blind fell off in the living room, and the bedroom window has a thick plastic type of weatherstripping? It has one carpet tack in the center on each side, and both ends are coming away from the window. And a much bigger problem to me is that the promised sliding glass door screens never showed up and will be a summer issue with mosquitoes and other flying pests.

However, complaints aren't encouraged by the management of these state-owned buildings. We were better off private, and the manager wasn't happy when I inquired if we were now public housing? I should quit complaining or, as my father used to say, belly-aching because we receive a lot of services at a lower price than at other complexes in the city.


Gosh, time flies!! Been a busy two days and I am more than willing to put my feet up!
Yesterday was run into town twice, pick up items then back in when a store opened to get ink. Home and started cutting up mushrooms to can (take goodness for the saddle stool!) Canned 13 jars of mushrooms and did more laundry.

I am surprised that Kyle didn't poke me to see if I was still living! Slept in and hit the floor a running, he wanted to go to the hardware store and I hit a grocery store to pick up more items for us and for others. Home I put a huge roasting pot of beef barley soup on to cook then canned it. Good eats for the winter time.

Jane, nice to have Cindy and Cooper there for company. :)

Patricia, talked to a worker today and she was telling me about a man that was rude and yelling at her for no reason. What is wrong with people??

Shirley, this stool is so comfy......similar to the seat on a saddle and perfect for working at the counter. Never thought I would sit and chop vegetables but that sure changed my mind.

Phone lines are out here.......have been for most of the day....quiet:) I worry about those that need help and can't phone out for it.

Gloria, hope your eyes feel a lot better now. A warm tea bag on your eyes might help?

Enjoy your evening and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


I'm heading for the haystack in a few minutes.  Cindy took her book and went in there a little while ago.  I finished watching my show, locked up, set the coffee pot to turn on in the morning and now I'm checking out with my friends.

I hope your ears haven't been burning on here because I've been quoting all you to my kids as much as I've been telling you about them.  They love hearing all the things we discuss and about our similarities and dissimilarities.  We all have a lot of things alike but we are also all very different and that's the best thing about this place.  We can still be friends!

Guess I better get to the haystack before my eyes enter slam shut mode.  I'm really tired today and I have to make a dr. appt. tomorrow afternoon.  It's just over at the local clinic and it has nothing to do with the upcoming surgery.  I just have to go see about some things. 

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning

Phone lines are back working now. No rain for today  just a high of 51° from the 32° that it is now.

Putting away the equipment used for canning plus label and put the jars away . Callies domestic duties need to be done also. A trip later to town to pick up ink for the printer and that is it. If I have time I can sew.. :thumbup:

Better get the day started.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

good Morning everyone. 48º and rain coming. we got all the black walnuts hulled cracked , picked out put in quart far and in the freezer. called the oldest doughtier and asked her to gather some more. that makes a good job for Nancy and i to do together in the house, have a good day just like you like you Like and stay safe,



Good Morning Everyfriend!  The temp right now is 43º and heading for a high of63.  No rain predicted for today but Friday and Saturday are both supposed to be wet. 

LLOYD, good deal on the black walnuts.  You reminded me that there used to be a black walnut tree in the yard where my parents lived and my dad would collect them and pile them in the alley behind the storehouse and after a few cars drove over them, he would collect them and save whatever were left for my mother's Christmas fruit cakes.  I never liked black walnuts and I think it was mostly because they are so hard to shell.

AMY, good the phones are back and it sounds like you have a BUSY day planned!

I have to take Cooper for a little walk and then get my shower and get ready for my dr. appt.  I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Back from town ,when we went through the through at Timmies our order was paid for!! The young man in the vehicle ahead of us had paid for our order! Caught up to him at a stop light, ran up to his vehicle and thanked him.
Forgot to say, yesterday when on the fly I always go to the garden to pick the strawberry blossoms off , on the way back to the house I heard a sound and thought goodness a sick goose!
 In a bit I saw what had made the sound as others in were also making it...trumpeter swans ..five of them flew overhead!! Beautiful to see...
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning every one. Well my eyes feel better this morning, thank God for that. I sent the cna for new eye drops and they seemed  to help better than what I had, too old maybe? Kept welting a face cloth with warm water and holding it  over my eyes yesterday and that felt good. I did watch part of the news at 6 last evening, lot of trees down in that storm but mostly in south county here, that is along t he shore not  here inland. Trees uprooted and falling on houses and cars. No power loss here. Most people get their electricity from National grid but this part of town has it's own power and seldom ls without.  45 now and will be in the 30's tonight. No sun peeking  through clouds, just a gray sky this AM.

We had the manager and maintenance man come through our apartments getting ready for the big wigs to come and inspect them. I can no longer have the chair by my bed t o sit on  to ge t dressed. Where else can I sit  to dress? Bed is  too high  to si t on. I asked him why and he said it is because if I fell out  of bed I would not be able to reach  the pull cord for help. I wear a life line around my neck  that will alert if I fall. The chair has been there since I moved here now this new maintenance man says that is a no no. I think he must have a brown nose. The witch said I have  too much food in  the freezer and  the cold air cannot circulate. Now cannot  cook and freeze a meal for when I have no one here to cook.Wonder what next she can find to complain about.

Oh well I better stop complaining, at least I don' t have  to try going up and down stairs anymore.

Have a good day and stay safe.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Gloria, tell the witch you are prepared for a power outage . When products are low/unavailable in the stores to buy,you will have food to eat.

A freezer or refrigerator will stay colder, longer, if it's full during a power outage. The fuller it is, the more cold "mass" inside. The more mass, the longer it will stay cold. It's simply an important concept to understand. If you know your chest freezer is full, it's definitely going to stay frozen for a lot longer.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


A good Thursday HELLO to EVERYFRIEND‼️

I have not been able to type for nearly a week, and it has been very frustrating.  I did something to my good shoulder so have been laying low.  Not sure if I over did it in the pool, but it has really been miserable.  My new shoulder can do more than this one can. It aches so bad at night that I can not sleep😩.

Our youngest son and his doodle dog should be driving into ther new home right about now.  The city by the bay‼️ He lucked out with weather issues so it has been a good drive for him.  Of course Ma and Pa have been on edge, waiting for his calls to tell us where he is. 

I am going to try the pool today.....of course I plan to be very careful and take it very easy!  I have not been since last Friday, nor have I been out of the house.  Ugh😩

I apologize for not commenting on your personal posts.  There is plenty I wanted to comment on, believe me.

I just wish you all the best.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Sorry to hear that your good shoulder
 is  acting up.    I hope that doesn't
mean that you will have to that
one fixed as well!
Best wishes

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Quote from: Amy on October 28, 2021, 09:53:29 AMA freezer or refrigerator will stay colder, longer, if it's full during a power outage. The fuller it is, the more cold "mass" inside. The more mass, the longer it will stay cold. It's simply an important concept to understand. If you know your chest freezer is full, it's definitely going to stay frozen for a lot longer.
"A freezer or refrigerator will stay colder, longer, if it's full during a power outage. The fuller it is, the more cold "mass" inside. The more mass, the longer it will stay cold. It's simply an important concept to understand." - True, ---but. I believe most freezers today are cooled by a fan blowing cold air into the food compartment. If the cold air flow is blocked by food packages being too restrictive, the area may not stay cold enough.  Hope I said that in an understandable manner. The instructions I got with my top freezer fridge warn about blocking air circulation in the freezer compartment.



Hello you all!  What Rammel said is what I've been taught to observe all my grown up life.  My Father-in-Law opened a TV and appliance store when my husband and I were seniors in high school and we've been associated with kitchen appliances all our life.  You did good explaining that, Rammel.

JENNY, I hope all goes well at the pool tomorrow. And I hope your "other" shoulder behaves and stops giving you trouble.  You've had enough of thatQ

Now I've off to the haystack.  My granddaughter came up from West Chester, PA to spend the weekend with her mother and me.  She is my OK daughter's daughter and is taking advantage of having her mother close enough to drive here to visit her.  Seems like they have all kinds of plans for tomorrow.  Some of them include me and some don't. 

My dr. visit today seems to have been a success.  We'll see tomorrow.  And now, I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Somewhere today I posted a few thoughts but sure don't know where. At the time I had just finished touching up the text/size & color when my daughter came in. Could be I didn't double check & someone else posted quicker. 

Anyway, saved y'all from a lengthy story so the condensed version is that my trip to the cardio doc that is retireing has me all shook up (song in there). Seems this pig valve needs to be replaced soon, at least before the first of the year. I am not happy about this, was expecting 15 years & hoped a new valve being tested would be ready when I need. I know they use this TVAR all the time but so far I'm not getting straight answers about how long they last and how they replace them. Besides that, this is the procedure that killed my brother a year ago.

Had a call from the office with appointment for more tests & chat with the surgeon but not until the last week of Nov. I will talk myself in & out a dozen times by then. I am mostly playing Erma Bombeck, remember how she couldn't die because her closets needed cleaning?  Well, I have a whole house that needs cleaning out!

My brain has already gone to sleep so the rest of me needs to get jammies on & close the peepers. Saw all 3 of my kids today, doesn't get any better than that. Sweet dreams to all.


Good morning

Cloudy today starting with a temp of 33° to a high of 52°.We are off to the city  in a bit. Will  meet up with the kids, then onto the hospital then home.

Shirley, not the news you wanted to hear. Remember procedures /techniques have changed for the better in that time span. Don't compare yourself to your brother you are unique in yourself, ask a lot of questions and run it by your kids for their input.

Need to get my city duds on..

Take care and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers