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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe for October 15, 2021

Started by so_P_bubble, October 15, 2021, 12:19:10 AM

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Shirley I would also let BBB know you also had a problem with him. Not a nice person  to have around anyone.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Shirley, should have added  that if something like that happened here it would be put on social media...and that would be the end of that.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


 I have been looking at ham loaf recipes and want to know do you grind smoked ham? honey ham? plus do you use ground pork also? Each recipe I read has different ingredients.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Fresh ground Ham and fresh ground unseasoned pork :O)
Enjoy, Mycheal


I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers



It has been a busy and stressful week.  My working out at the pool is going wonderfully, but it leaves me totally exhausted‼️

Family members on the move this week.....HAPPY for the rain on the left coast, but not the best time to be moving into a new home with the predictions of flooding from "bomb cyclones"‼️  Flooding and trees down is not good timing. 

AMY, we hope to get our Moderna Booster tomorrow.....and do not expect any side effects but it is wise to plan ahead just incase you do. No good homemade soups here, so would you please leave some in the hidy hole for us?  Hope you both are feeling fine. 

GLORIA, it is such a guessing game regarding when is too soon to take your window A/C out!  Hope you will be fine from now on. 

SHIRLEY, I am sorry you are having to deal at all with your lawn company.....shame on them!  You definitely need to turn him not the BBB.  You have so much to deal with these days also, and I worry about you😘

PATRICIA, I an happy to read the work is done n your place and you and Farrah can settle back in again.

Have a goodnight of rest.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


I'm off to the haystack.  We watched a movie and it was all I could do to keep my eyeballs focused on the screen and my brain working to absorb what they were saying.  But I made it through without falling asleep!  Now I have to give in!

Tomorrow is the day for the recycling center and I have a ton of stuff to go there!  Have to be there between 8 and 12 so I'll have to get moving! 

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning..

Now this is getting more like winter temp is 28° at the moment.

We both have a sore arm  from the flu shot but that is ok. Kyle is now making smaller 10 inch log home for the grandchildren. He is running out of space around the shop wall for the bigger log homes.

Jenny, safe travelling for your family members. Worrisome no matter what age they are. We have not ate at Panera but really enjoyed this soup, easy to prepare too. Put some in the hidey hole for you..along with a piece of garlic bread to dip. :)

Jane, enjoy your day with the girls.

Gloria, it is geemogootchie day here either that or I am getting soft!

Patricia, is Farrah settled better now?

Lloyd, hope your granddaugher and her husband are feeling better and that you and Nancy don't get covid!!

Better put a skip to my lou and get ready to meet the day.


Enjoy your day and stay safe..

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


I woke up to cool temps. and clouds but the sun is trying to peek out now and it is supposed to warm up this afternoon.

These last few weeks have been so busy and a bit stressful for me.  I don't handle trying to juggle a bunch of "need to do" things very well, anymore.  But, eventually, things will calm down and I can sit back and relax.  All of the appointments will be met and all of the chores will be done and, hopefully, all of the worries will be resolved...one way or another.  And, Time will go on....just as it usually does.

I haven't done much real "cooking" lately but I'm beginning to crave some soup.  I got a nice looking butternut squash from Papa Spuds the other day.  When I get up enough gumption to cut it up I'll make some Butternut Squash Soup.  That is one of our wintertime favorites.

Take care, All.


Good morning everyone, will be lucky to get to 60 here today but I like this cooler  weather. Rather  wear a sweater or light jacket instead of suffering in the hot  temps and the humidity.

AMY  about a week ago my daughter sent me a picture she took of some mountains she sees every day and there was snow on the top of them. Several years ago we had a storm a few days before Halloween and schools let out the regular time and businesses were let out the same time as schools. BIG mess on the roads. That was before everyone had cellphones and parents were getting frantic when the school busses had not delivered their kids home by 8pm. They could not call schools, no one there so they finally started using radio to let everyone know the busses were stuck but the kids were all ok. Some did not get home till 10 that  night. Most  towns postponed Trick or Treat till the following week.

LLOYD  hope your test is negative, sure do not want you getting that covid virus. Hope your grand daughter and her husband both have a mild case of it.

JANE the day started here with your temp from yesterday but the sun is shining bright. I don' t think I could even think of a menu or cooking for more than me anymore.

CALLIE  leaves are slow changing coloor this year, wea ther guessers say it is because it has been so warm this month. We still have not had even a light frost yet.

SHIRLEY  I was  thinking how it stinks when men hired by a woman to do a job and don't do what they were hired for and take advantage of them. Seems like tha t man is one mean son of a gun.

When I had ham left over I would grind it for ham salad for sanwiches, I would add chopped celery and some relish and enough mayo to hold it together. Never added other meat to it and of course the left over ham was cooked.

JENNY  it is manager's orders when the AC has to be out of the windows. I would s till be running it in the la te aft ernoon if it waas still in. That  is after a few hours of the sun beat ing on this side of the building, I keep the white shades down as soon as the sun hits the windows. Wha t rain on t he east coast? Still none in this north east area.

AMY  still wearing capris here,  too warm even for jeans.

PHYLLIS  I am at the stage I dislike having to go out for any appointments.

My son is on his way up in the elevator for his weekly visit. I look forward to that every week. My other son shows up anytime, maybe twice a week or once every 2 weeks.

Have a good day and stay safe and healthy.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


We've been up and attem since 7.  We all sort of slept in this morning!  Christy has chickens and she brought fresh eggs so we had scrambled eggs and toasted english muffins and coffee and OJ for breakfast.

Frankie loaded the recycling in the car and I took it up to the recycling bins and then came back and Christy and Cindy dropped Frankie off at home and then went for a walk in the rain.  I just had a text from Frankie that she's going to make her "trademark chicken" for supper and I can make stuff to go with it.  I'm thinking baked potatoes after all that discussion we had in here about baked potatoes. 

Nice to see everyone in here today.  I hope you are all well, better, good or whatever suits you best.  I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Hello, late getting in here, But three of great grands are doing just fine but the youngest girl is feeling pretty bad. My test was negative. VA is going to bring a bunch of testing equipment to me and set it up where I can test all my breathing and vitals, and send it to VA automatically, and talk to me on skype of what to do. Look like the doctor can test me at home and prescribe what to do with skype at home. what a deal.



Good morning from a still snowless Interior at a warmer 24 degrees. The weather forecasters canceled Sunday's snow forecast.

Farrah is back to her regular patterns. The construction company is finishing some holdovers from other floors so any sounds are muted. I've finished restoring the living room, hallway walk-in, bathroom, and kitchen, leaving only the bedroom and general tidying for today and Sunday. I'm also in the process of three loads of laundry, so it's going to be a busy day.

I've added another item to the list of items I'm finding hard to donate but no longer use. I have several leather totes and black backpacks that I like but don't use and haven't for several years. The others on the list are several scarves and a series of stuffed animals I've had for at least a decade or more. These are either sentimental or part of an old image I have of myself that no longer fits. I'm seemingly unable to take that last step, so there they are put away in a 33-gallon blue tote.   :-[  ::) 

Today would have been my mother's 98th birthday, she died in 2000, and the 29th would have been her  75th wedding anniversary. My father died in 1995, he would have been 103 this past July.


Well, we had a 4-person supper.  We stopped at Davy's this afternoon and Cindy bought asparagus.  So Frankie made her trademark chicken, Cindy made asparagus, I made special baked potatoes and Christy made apple crisp for dessert and we all ate until we were full up to the tip-top!  It was delicious

Right now, it's 46º out and heading for a low of 39 overnight.  BRRRRR!!!!  I'm not ready for the 30s!

Today was a good day!  I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Jane, I'm enjoying your family with you!

Patricia, I'm glad Farrah is doing so well. Maybe our kids are finally growing up, you think?

Lloyd, good deal the test came back negative & you're getting some home tools from the VA. Will sure help driving on ice this winter!

Gloria, you nailed it "when men hired by women don't do the job hired for". The 3 really bad reviews about this guy (all women) are exactly what he is doing to me. Now I am afraid he won't get the letter I mailed to him, that could have been an old address online. Guess I will call Monday to confirm I do not want him here to mow on Wed. I remember trick or treating as a kid and later when my kids went out, seemed like a crap shoot if we'd be wearing heavy coats & snow boots or not. I think most go to "Trunk or Treat" now, at local churches or other places. I quit opening my door when the "kids" got taller than me, no mask or costume & either pillow case or big brown bag. Had a few young ones that came to the door one year, daylight and parents waited on the street. I enjoyed them but before they got back to their parents some full grown people were at my open door with bags open & I didn't dare not treat with a vehicle in the driveway! 

Phyllis, my mother loved squash any which way but it just doesn't work for me (NOT any which way). I've been hungry lately for home cooked but it doesn't always turn out right. Last meal I didn't pay attention to the corn tortillas I was buying, noticed a sign on the shelf that said Gluten free, but didn't pay attention to which stack it meant. I have one gr-daughter that does not eat any gluten but never paid attention to the differences. My daughter explained she had bought noodles & tortillas that were gluten free & ended up tossing both. They got doughy! Down right icky. But I am still eating on that big platter of the cheese enchiladas by dumping a lot of salsa & coarse shredded Tillamook cheese on top. I had a big tub of frozen green chili and another tub of red chili in the freezer so had dumped both of those over the enchiladas before baking, usually so good but this time the doughy tortillas ruined the texture, bet I never make that mistake again!

Amy, the Early Girl tomatoes are still full of tomatoes & blooms but the others need to be taken out.  I'm afraid to pull for fear the roots are tied together & since we don't have any freeze warnings yet, guess I will leave as is. I've read how to store for winter but several ways, do you cover or empty or what?  I sure will be more particular where I buy & what kind of plants I put in next year.

Wow, time for me to shut up & get to bed. It is warmer tonight than all week so cats may stay out. Need to check on them. Sweet dreams & God Bless.  Love ya...



Good morning..
Don't think we had frost but it is chilly....33°.

A day of rest here..may get some sewing done after going
 and meeting friends to exchange goodies. They have fresh garlic for us and it is good and strong.

Shirley, the heavy frost we had the other night will sweeten the carrots ,parsnips and brussel sprouts that are still in the garden. Our tomato plants have all been pulled. We learn each year on how to do thing better in the trugs/garden. No need to empty or cover for that matter. I am leaving mine alone and the ones that did have a cover I am leaving on. I can get to those and brush the snow off if it gets too much. Some folks are taking the cover off and putting it in a shed as they can not remove the snow that easy.

Jane, sounds like you had a stone soup meal. Did you do that with your Girl Guides?  I did do baked potato in the air fryer after about 4 min in the micro.....this will be my way to do them from now on. Crispy skin!

Better get ready to head to town.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning everyone, 37 now and only to to into upper 50's later. Finally feeling more seasonal temperatures.

JANE  what is Frankie's "trademark chicken"? a special way of cooking it? Getting so I do not even know what is in my freezer, Yvette changes things around to get everything in and I cannot reach into the top shelf in there to see what is in there. Yesterday I asked my son to check in there for me. There was 4 packages of chicken leg quarters, put one in the fridge to thaw and had him take the rest home with him. I will bake the chicken along with a potato in my counter oven later. I have already cooked 2 bags of cranberries and have then now in the freezer in small containers but can have some with my chicken today.

LLOYD  wow pretty soon you will stay home and the doctors will know just  how you are feeling with all the tech knowledge these days.

SHIRLEY  I disliked t he big kids coming to the door on Halloween. The people who bought the house next door to us had 2 sons about my 2 ages.  They went back to the city they moved from for trick or treats and want ed to t ake my boys but  I said no. My 3 only wen t to people we knew and always ended a t t heir grandmother's. She had special treats for  the grands. The ones nex t door each took 2 pillow cases and filled both of them. Sorry but to me that was just begging for cavities.

AMY  did not see frost when I looked out earlier but was cold enough for it.

Guess it  is about  time to get my tummy filled with some breakfas t.
Have a good day and stay safe.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good Morning Everyfriend!  This is a shorty because I'm almost ready for church.  Christy is getting ready to go with me. 

GLORIA, I really don't know exactly what Frankie's "Trademark Chicken" is.  I know she puts it in a marinade of her own making and then she browns it in a small amount of oil in a frying pan and pours some of the marinade in with it.  It's really good!

Gotta go finish getting ready for church.  I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone. well @ 10:06 am I am up, I woke up earlier and went for a nature call then laid down back in bed without my Mask on and went to sleep. when I woke up for the nature the tattle tail said 4.43 hours of sleep. so the four more, with out the Mask on Made 8 hours total. and i feel pretty good except for legs and back ace. It is cloudy and 68º here. we had loud thunder boomers most all Night long, and plenty water puddles in the driveway. Hope you all have a great day, see you all again later today.


Lloyd Hammond

Good afternoon it Has cooled off to 59º and after the Hard T storms we had a little sun but is over cast and 59º again now.
I watched a show while where they harvested acorns off Of oak trees. they said the white oak trees produced the sweetest nuts. you take the caps off of the aircons and you grained them them In a food grinder and then boil them, and Make a stew. It also said about the Mineral content. I am sure our oldest daughter will try it she is a health nut, with all the old time remote's. Have a good rest of the day see you all tomorrow.



Good Night Everyfriend!  The haystack is calling and I'm going looking for some zzzzs.  I'm tired all the way down to my toes!  I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Hoping for good luck and good outcomes for those with medical appointments this week. or soon. 



Good morning..

Calling for rain most of the day today. We are off to the city for Kyles blood work then CT scan ..then a week of wait. I have a good feeling that the results from all this will be the oncologist will not want to see him for 5 years.

Yesterday I did sew ,blocks are now all sewn together and now to do the rows and another one off to the quilter.

Jane, Frankie is going to have to give you her special recipe for all of us to try.

Gloria, rain most of the day here which is perfect for driving.  Neighbour is coming over to let the dogs out while we are away so hope it doesn't rain too hard on him.

Patricia, did you get everything back into order or close to it?

Lloyd, we have lots of acorns about. Also have chestnut trees. As a kid we would peel the chestnuts ,poke with a nail and make necklaces out of chestnuts.

Rick, thank you. Hope each day is a bit easier for you and your son.

Better scoot.

Enjoy your day and stay safe
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning everyone. Woke to horrible noise from out side. It was still kind of dark and  thought it was early but it  was almost 8:30. Cloudy and no sun at all. Well the noise is  the landscapers  trimming trees in front of  the building and putting the cuttings  through a chipper. I have h a rd them doing tha t before bu t this morning it sounded much louder, maybe because i t woke me.

JANE  I am always looking for  a new and easy way  to cook chicken but I cannot eat any thing tha t is marinated, some thing in it does not agree with me and I do love the flavor of it .

LLOYD  50 here now and not to get out of the 50s.

Just heard a bang.  They are cutting down the 2  trees in front  of t he building.  Those living in the apartments by them will either be happy to look out or think they will have no shade from the afternoon sun. Odd, the witch always send a notice  to all apart men ts when some thing will be done but not  this time.   

AMY  my kids did that with the what are called here -horse chestnuts-. Lot of those trees around but not the kind of chestnuts for people to eat. 

Have a good day everyone. 

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone.  Gloria you have one degree on us, we are @ 49º and cloudy here. I have my usual headache also legs both and one Hip Is hollering. well like that girl used to sing Kar Kar sera what every will be.  I need to get my days and nights straightened out. to much day time naps and staying up too late at night. have a good day everyone.



Good morning Lloyd, Gloria and Rick, and Amy!

Lloyd, I know what you mean about those bones hollering! Sometimes it takes me seemingly forever to get all the morning stiffness out! 

Gloria, when they cut down all the trees on my side in 2020, I thought it looked terrible and felt exposed. Living in an older, industrial part of this city, you need trees to soften the view. One of these days, I'll have to take a few photos from the other side. You see more city buildings and offices while this side looks out on an older part industrial strip before the river's loop.

Rick, I hope all goes well for those with medical issues, particularly MaryPage and Beverly's Chape.

I'm also expecting good things from Jane.

Amy, I'm holding good thoughts for Kyle! I'm optimistic he'll be okay with you in his corner and looking out for him. When I had my colon cancer in 2000, it took seven years to receive the all-clear. If I even sneezed, the insurance company would claim it was a related pre-existing condition.

I finished putting everything back with most of it in new arrangements. I trashed or donated much of what I had stashed in the back corners and my three closets. So for a while, my apartment looks clean and spacious. I never seem to be able to keep it that way!   :-\   

Farrah is back to her normal behavior.  She will be affectionate in the mornings until I put out her food. Then she'll look at it and then back at me. I swear Farrah then sighs before eating what I've put out.


Oh, Patricia, I can relate to everything you say today!!!  For sure these cats all gave me "is that all there is?" look just now. Tom & Callie ate but Tiger just walked away. This new hamburger is not to their taste buds. Sam's meat people swear it's the same but can't fool cats! It looks different and texture different. I did fry me a little pat last night & tasted the same to me. I also have the same trouble with keep my place clean, get rid of stuff & first thing I know it's grown new stuff.

I called my nightmare mower this morning, for fear he will deny getting the letter I mailed him. He tried to argue about the damage he did so I told him "I saw", which I did see AFTER it was done. He hung up on me but I did get in "NO MORE MOWING" and "send the bill for the 4 weeks he did mow". The street cleaner came by this morning & had to stop & go in front of my house where he let the grass fall. Should not let it bother me this much but will glad when all over with him. I already paid him the cash for the gutters he didn't clean & what little he did in the berm. I got my new battery powered saw from Amazon (I do have a gas powered chainsaw, but afraid it's out of my league now). This time when I cut them off I will put that stuff on that goes to the roots & kills. If it gets some of the stuff around, so be it. Oh for the times when you could hire people that really knew how to work!

Enough whining, need to get busy, daughter must be getting near Wichita. She called after she got thru KC & said she never saw so many dead deer on the road as this trip. Heard one killed in town this morning as well, so plenty out & about. I'm about to decide I don't need to make one more trip this fall, but I do want that motorhome tank full of gas in case of power out, can always use the generator in it & even drive to some other place to plug in. If the power goes out I can't lift the garage doors to get the car out, they are heavy wood & weigh a ton, I tried one time when I was a few years younger. ;)

Gloria, I think I could settle for seeing the snow on those mountains out my window, what a great choice they made!

Busy week ahead so may not post a lot (awwww... you'll miss me!  :D )


Shirley, have any of yours made a big production of begging? Sometimes they stand on their hind feet with front paws up as a bear does? So you break off a small piece and hold it out for them. The miscreant comes close, makes a big production of sniffing, and then looks up at you with a pitying look before leaving? Cats give attitude!

We had Sunday's promised snow today. The sky is white. However, it's not six inches, more like a quarter inch.

Lloyd Hammond

well I drooped in to bid you all good night and sweet dreams. Hope to see you all tomorrow.



Well, daughter Christy went back to Maryland today and g'daughter, Frankie is sleeping at home tonight with Cooper.  So Cindy and I have the house to ourselves.  She's already in bed and I'm about to hit the haystack. 

One more medical item is off the list.  Today we had a visit from a nurse to see if all was well for taking care of a hospital discharged patient when I'm ready to come home.  I think she was impressed to find that I have not just one caretaker but 3 ready and willing to do whatever I need while I'm recuperating.  It's a good feeling!!

GLORIA, I bet that tree trimming got you awake and didn't let you fall back to sleep.  That's noisy work for first thing in the morning!

PATRICIA, nice to have everything back in place and Farrah happy again!

LLOYD, you take care of YOU!

AMY, did I miss the news about KYLE?  Or did I forget I heard it? 

I'm off to the haystack!  I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow!  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast