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September 20, 2024, 11:24:57 PM

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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html


Soda Shoppe for September 1, 2018

Started by so_P_bubble, September 01, 2018, 01:47:56 AM

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Mary Ann

Gloria, I am one who found out that the meds the docs prescribe, do do something.  I did not take my meds daily as I should have, especially the potassium pill and I was extremely tired.  We went to my PCP who suggested we (Tom and I) go to the hospital ER where I spent the day.  Especially, I was low on potassium!  So I am a good girl and take my pills every day. 

Lloyd, mind your doctor and take your meds!

Larry, Norm and I did not have a relationship with a grandparent.  For one thing, we had only one grandmother (paternal) and she lived in Minnesota.  We would see her every three or four years when we would visit Dad's brother and family in Rochester.  It wasn't until my grandmother was 85 that she wore out her welcome with my uncle's wife and she came to live with us.  I am sure if my mother had been living, they would never have suggested that Grandma come to live with us.  We got along OK and she lived seven more years before she died.  I think Norm's grandchildren had a better relationship with me than with him because I was always available; Norm was in Florida for six months of the year.

Mary Ann


I came home this afternoon exhausted and after giving the dogs a snack and having something to eat myself, I slept most of the rest of the afternoon away.  I woke up around 4 to the message on my phone asking if I wanted to go along to Wenger's withe Cathy.  I opted out and she asked if she could pick up anything for me.  I didn't even want to think so I just said "No thanks",

I still feel tired but I have to comment on Mary Ann's post about her grandmother moving from family home to family home.  I find that interesting because now we all think we need to go to Senior or Assisted living.  There is never a thought about moving in with a child.  Times have changed haven't they.  I'm sure part of is that there was no such thing as "senior living" back in the old days so the kids just took care of their parents.  I, for one, am glad about that because I was able to have a close relationship with both sets of grandparents because of it.  My dad's one brother remained on the farm and his parents didn't even have to think about moving.  And since my parents moved in with my grandparents, the relationship just did a subtle change over the years.  I'm grateful for that.

And now I'm going to go feed the doggies and vegetate the rest of the day away!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Mary Ann

Jane, that is an interesting observation.  My grandmother's move to live with us took place in 1945 and I believe, with you, there were no such institutions at that time.  There were nursing homes, but not homes for seniors.  My uncle might have been able to pay for a home for Grandma, but neither Grandma nor my dad had enough money to do such a thing.  I believe at that time that Grandma's sole income was a dividend from Northern States Power and I think the amount was $17.50 four times a year.  My uncle was business manager at Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN and made a good salary, but he was not rich.  They had four children and put all of them through college.  Dad was a teacher and was just getting a bit ahead of the Depression days.  My mother had died in late 1941.  I graduated high school in 1941 and the idea was Dad would put me through college and then get a job.  I would put Norm through college.  As it turned out, neither of us went to college, but both of us were able to live comfortably during our working years.

More than anyone wants to know!  But things were a lot different than they are today.

I just looked at Grand Haven and it's very windy there.

Mary Ann

June Drabek

Nothing news worthy from my neck of the woods. I took the day off and slept about another hour in late morning. Had lunch at home and slept for three straight hours this afternoon, so we will see what the night brings. Whatever it is, I can adjust. Plenty of reading material, our clinic is open all night long in case we need something, I have plenty of food on hand in case I get hungry during the night. In fact I have three bananas that need to be eaten, but two of them will have to wait for another day...I will do one of them now.

Have lots of email to reply to, so I had better take care of that before I turn in tonight. I pray you all have a Blessed night, and a happy, healthy tomorrow . I love you much. June
As long as we are here, let's dance.

Lloyd Hammond

good night and sweet dreams everyone.



I'm going to Dreamland...again.  I feel like I've slept this day away.  I have some plans for tomorrow and I hope I remember what they are when I get up.

I wish you all a peaceful sleep and wake refreshed for whatever tomorrow brings.  May God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Goog morning

Making this short. Power went out around 4 yesterday and  they say back on by 6 pm today. High winds brought trees down and we had heavy rains  also.

Enjoy your day everyone

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  No rain predicted for today and that's good.  I have a couple of errands to run and I don't like driving in bad weather. 

AMY it sounds like the hurricane made it all the way to your area.  I hope your power is back soon. 

I wish you all a good day.  I'm in the middle of making dog food and it's just about time for the timer to go off so I'll be heading to the kitchen.  Do what pleases you must today...no matter what.  And I'm telling myself that advice in no uncertain terms!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning everyone Happy Autumn, my favorite time of year. When I pulled up the shades and looked at the sky the sun was just hitting the tops of the trees across the parking lot and there were a few clouds with a tinge of pink, so beautiful with the blue on the sky. Looks like we had a bit of rain overnight, everything is wet, even the tops of the cars.
Anyone know where Merrimack Valley is? A running message just went along the bottom of the TV about them getting electricity back by November 15th. If the area was hit by the hurricane seems like a very long time to be without power.

JANE  I never had grandparents, they had all died before I was born.
Living in the apartment on the second floor in my son's house was as close as I want to live with my kids. I would still be there if I could manage the stairs.

JUNE  wish I could sleep the way you do. Some nights I cannot sleep and I do lay on the couch every after noon but never sleep.

AMY  those strong winds are what I dislike. Talking to my older son yesterday he just had a couple of very tall oak trees cut down because  if they fell it would be on his house. I know for a long time I worried about those trees and now  am glad they are no longer a threat.

Have a great day.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone, it is @7:12 am today 49º and calling for 73º and sunny today.wish you all a day just as you like. I woke up with a head ace and dizzy headed a bit better now. but I think i am going to take it ease for a while on the couch before getting out to do chores.  see you later.



Good Morning Everyone... 

Speaking of "Grand Mothers"...   
My fathers Mother died in child birth when
he was about 10.    His Father remarried 
and she did not want to be called Grammy ....
She prefered being called "Marge"...

I never really knew her... not surprised at
that ..    (giggle)

My Mothers Mother was my "Grand Mother" 
and died when I was about 12.     She never
left the house and back yard, in all the
years that I knew her. 

"Agoraphobia"  runs in my family.   
(thanks Grammy)   

My Mother had it,  I had it,
and ever a couple of my kids have it.      So we
are all pretty much stay at home types.... 

Of course,  as I aged,  I got over it.   
As is apparent in my solitary trip across the USA a
few years back.     

But today I still prefer being home alone.  It is where I
am most comfortable.

Everyone have a nice Saturday

I love you too,  June!!!   :smitten:

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan

Lloyd Hammond

well Sandy I can sometimes enjoy quite by my self but i am more to talk and enjoy others, and i never meat strangers,just say hello ask a question and gab is on. so if we land on your doorstep when we get our motor home be ready to visit. Have a great day.



Hi Everyone.  This morning started out at 65 degrees here but will again climb into the low 90's this afternoon.  I would like to attend my Saturday meeting this morning but will have to find a little more energy before that time or I will be staying home. 

I really wore myself out yesterday.  When I got to the doctor's office parking garage I had to park quite a distance from the stairs that go into the office building and then up a long hallway into another building.  I had to wait an hour beyond my appointment time to get my pacemaker checked.  Everything was fine with it.  Then I had to make the trek back to the car.  I stopped at Costco, which was on the way home, and ate a bite of lunch at the little snack bar they have.  When I got there are of the riding carts were in use and I decided I was just too tired to walk that big store to get what I needed and that I would just come on home and shop another day.  However, when I went outside there were two riding carts available so I got one and was quickly and easily able to do the shopping.  As I was unloading the items into the truck a nice Costco employee said he would take the cart back up the doorway where the carts are kept (I expect that is the only time he is allowed to sit down).  By the time I got the items unloaded and into the house I was beyond ready to lay down.   

I plan on watching some football and probably some of the golf this afternoon.

Gloria, glad you were finally able to get outside for a few hours yesterday and hope that you will be able to continue to do that for a few weeks.  I have never understand the logic of rebuilding in places subject to fairly frequent floods.  I sure don't miss the snow living here in the South. I hadn't thought about today being the first day of fall although know we were talking about that just yesterday.  I did a quick search and found the following on Merrimack Valley:  The Merrimack Valley area in Massachusetts is a community of towns and cities surrounding the Merrimack River along the New Hampshire border, a portion of which is defined by a line approximately 3 miles from the Merrimack. That does seem like a long time before electricity would be restored.  I heard yesterday that the power had been restored to all but about 55,000 of the places hit hard by Hurricane Florence in North and South Carolina.  Unfortunately, there are new evacuations here in South Carolina due to rivers that are just now cresting causing record floods. 

Mary Ann, as I was growing up I heard over and over from my grandmother that it had been miserable for her to live with my grandfather's family the first 10 years they were married as apparently her MIL, my great grandmother, who was gone by the time I was born, was very difficult to live with.  When my grandmother became unable to take care of herself my folks asked her to come and live with them but she totally refused and so spent the last 7 years of her life in the care facility.  I feel the same way and would not want to live with our son. 

Jane, you must have gotten the long line at work yesterday.  It seems your work is leaving you more tired all the time. 

Lloyd, I hope by the time you read this that you headache and dizziness are gone for today. 

Sandy, it is interesting that "Agoraphobia" has crossed the generations in your family.  Glad to see you have pretty well overcome it. 

June, glad you had a good restful day.  I think I will follow your example and take the rest of today off (at least as much as possible).  I am listening to another John Grisham audio book and do that while resting. 

Amy, I was concerned that you would lose power with those predicted winds and heavy rains.  Hope all is well at your property and glad to see you able to post and let us know what was going on up your way.   


Good morning. It is looking like it will be a beautiful day outside my little window to the world.  Bright blue sky and the sun is shining.  I think it is supposed to be in the mid 70's. 

I have the weekend free with no nurses or PT's coming in.  Not sure what I will do, but I sure have a lot of things that I would like to do.  These visits really keep me busy and doesn't seem like I have any time to myself. But, hopefully, the home care won't last too long.  They all tell me I am doing extremely well.  And, I feel good.

Gloria, I am sorry that I haven't made many comments, but I wanted to tell you that I am glad that you are able to sit outside a little bit more. With the weather cooling down a little, it should make for some pleasant fall days.  I am looking forward to sitting out a little bit more than I was doing.  I, too, enjoy sitting on my walker. It is almost as comfortable as a chair.  We have metal benches outside and after a while, they can get kind of uncomfortable.

Glad that everyone seems to be doing good.  Again, I thank you all for your caring wishes.

My DIL did get me another smaller walker and will bring it up to me over the week end.  She said she can return it if it isn't what I am comfortable with.  It will make a difference in helping me get around easier.  This one I am using is just a little to big for me. 

Getting back to grandparents..... I only knew my 2 grandfathers.   My dad's father lived into his 90's and my mother's father lived into his 80's.   He lived with us while I was growing up.  I guess he had what we now call Alzheimer's, but at that time,  I guess it was just described as something else. I can remember my mother had a gate at the top of the steps, and he would stand there and rattle the gate, asking to go home.  I was young at the time, but now that I know more about those kind of conditions,  I feel very sad about it.  I have a picture of him and me and my cousin having a tea party.  I do remember him before he got sick and loved being with him. 

I hope everyone will have a pleasant day.


Mary Ann

As far as grandparents living with their children, I think a few generations ago it was the custom.  As we mentioned, there weren't any retirement homes and most people didn't have the money, anyway.  Family took care of family.  We did not ask to have my grandmother live with us, but we made do and we got along just fine.  It even enabled us to meet one of my grandmother's friends who stayed our friend after Grandma died.  Big benefit!

Mary Ann


I'm back, had a wonderful week & still sitting here in my nightgown at noon (got home about 8:30 last night after dropping my son off at his house so we could unload most of his "stuff".  We stayed an extra day & night after #1 son (Andy) returned home to teach a class at the university on Friday.  Got great photos that I will figure how to download to this computer & resize, the aspen were gorgeous, full glory.  Had to race through postings to make sure everyone okay.  BBL........  Shirley


Good afternoon, feels like a fall day.

Gloria, that is a long time to be without electric.  I cannot understand why people will go back and build a big home on the beach and we have to pay for the landfill. I think there should be a law about people building so close to the ocean.

WE lived with my grandmother after my father left. My mother drove a taxi to support me. this was during the depression.My grandmother from Italy hardly spoke to me, She called my mother Johnny's American wife. cause she was also a Meth. Those were the days.   Boy!  do we bear our soles with our cyber family :o

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast

June Drabek

I'm here, I took the day off and got a bunch of email's answered. I did go down to the clinic on the first floor and had my arm checked out....all is well..keep doing what I'm doing.

It's time to think about some supper. I had a huge t.v. dinner for lunch...Healthy Choice fish dinner and it was so big I couldn't finish it. I'm going to have some cereal and fruit for supper, and then off to bed.

I feel good about getting my emails answered. Good friends....lots of love.....just like all of you here. Have a peaceful night and a beautiful Sunday. June
As long as we are here, let's dance.


I'm home from the church gathering that my friend took me to.  It was very nice and lots of nice people there.

Big day all around.....Folded the towels that have been lying in the dryer for a couple of days. Washed the bedding and remade the bed; made a new batch of dog food; put away the dishes from the dishwasher.  Then I took a shower, got dressed, gave the doggies a snack and had some lunch and a short visit with my daughter.

When Cathy left, I drove to an area of stores and such and went to a place called OLLIE'S OUTLET, the to PET SMART and ALDI'S

Came home and rested a short spell then got ready to go out for the evening with my friend. 

ALL THAT and I'm not as tired as I was after 4 hours behind the counter at Wally World.  I guess that proves the theory that making money is hard work!  Or is it just that doing what pleases you, is a lot easier?

I wish you all Good Night.  Rest well and wake refreshed.  Tomorrow is another day.  May God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Mary Ann

Jane, I'm exhausted after reading about your day!  And I have no idea what I did today, but my day was nothing like yours.  Oh, I know, I watched golf much of the day and probably fell asleep at times.

Mary Ann


For anyone that loves the mountains, especially Colorado in all it's glory..... I just posted 3 photos ... sorry, no link.... over in Photos Then & Now.   It was absolutely gorgeous & some of the "landscapes" are hard to believe, will try to post more tomorrow.  These are tiny, within restrictions for this site, so probably won't make a print.  I did have some prints made today & they turned out nice.... to paint "someday".  Wish all of you could have been there. 

My grandmother on Dad's side stayed with my parents for part of a year until my sister & I explained to Dad that "Mom could not take care of her full time".  Her daughter & other daughters-in-law found excuses. She was sneaky about control, had the kitchen cabinets completely rearranged in no time by offering to dry dishes. All day, every day, she changed Mother's life. All of us kids were married by then.  Mother was not the type to disagree with anything my Grandmother wanted to do. I was 2 when her husband, Dad's father, died..... he ruled from all accounts, but she took over after that. 

I am most like her & try hard not to rule like she did.  I am thrilled my sons think it's fun to go camping with old Mom... and I thank God every night & day for that joy.  I know how lucky I am and that it could end in a heartbeat, so I hope this doesn't come off as "bragging", cause that isn't how I feel.... God is giving me this day, and I want to share my happyness, no credit to me at all. 

GloriaDe... my gr-parents were on opposite ends of religion and living, so I understand what you are saying.  Being a people watcher, many times I would catch the eyes roll or some quirk or nod that meant they were not thinking nice thoughts about "the other side of the family".  To my parents credit, they tried to keep peace.  Frankly, my mother-in-law always treated me like an intruder/outsider/whatever.  But I convinced myself that she would not have liked anyone her son married.   ;)

Have 2 cats waiting for their midnight snack (Friskies cans) so better make sure I have what they want inside & don't have to make a trip to the RV.


Good Morning Everyfriend!  I have to go get ready for church while we wait for the doggies pill boinger so this will be short.

SHIRLEY, you are indeed lucky and yes, you did something right to have both boys WANT to go camping with you.  Keep up the good work.  I'll look at your pictures when I get back from church because Colorado will always hold a place in my heart.

Gotta get on my horse now or like AMY, put an egg in my boot and beat it!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


we are ok , just no power and now no internet. Having tea at Tim Hortons and picking up more fuel for generator.
Enjoy you r day everyone
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning on what is supposed to be a very rainy day.  Just what we need.  More rain !!!

I will check back later, as my DIL is coming this morning to help me with a few more things.  She is also bringing the new rollator that she got for me.  I sure hope it is one that I will be comfortable with.

Will go back and read about Shirley's trip,  I missed that she was going,

Amy,  sure can sympathize with you about not having any power. We just never know how much we depend on all our services when something happens to them.  Hopefully, it won't take long to get it restored.

Jane, was that the first time that you had been in an Ollies or the Aldi's store?   We have them in my area.  Ollies is fun to go to. Always can find something there that I can't live without.  LOL

Have a good day.



Hi Everyone.  It is another bright and sunny Sunday morning on this first full day of Fall.  Our high today is suppose to get to 88 so maybe we will finally see a break in the 90+ degree days.  I stayed home all day yesterday as wasn't feeling very good.  I had a several hour spell where I was wheezing and coughing and then around dinner time it went away and I was fine all evening. I did have quite a bit of angina yesterday.  However, even after more than 9 hours of sleep last night I am still tired and am seriously considering not trying to go to Church this morning.  I hate to miss Church but I think I just need a day of rest. 

Joy, my mother spent about 2 1/2 years in the special care unit and while she seemed to be happy there I saw other patients who were always wanting to go home.  One of the ladies had become very profane in her speech, which was totally out of character as she had been all of her life.  Dementia of any type is so sad as you see the person you have known and love drift away sometimes slowly and sometimes quickly. 

Shirley, it is good to see you back with us and safely home after what sounds like a wonderful trip. I will check out your pictures.   

deAngel, I know I probably share too much info but who cares.  It is not going to be used against me as I can no longer seek a job and I don't have anything that I have done bad in my past that I need to keep a secret.

June, glad you arm is doing well. 

Jane, we have a store nearby called Ollie's Outlet.  We get a weekly ad from them but don't expect to ever go to that store.  Is it like the Big Lot's stores.  You sure had a busy day and like Mary Ann just reading about all that you did would be overwhelming to me.  I think that doing what pleases us is always more enjoyable than work. 

Amy, I hope this is the day you get your power back. 


Good morning everyone, 49° this morning. Guess you know I have my war m winter robe on and not too warm. Coffee is helping warm my innards now. The sun is shining. Just heard local  weather and upper 60's or low 70's for a high. my kind of weather. This keeps up the witch will have to get the heat turned on before next month.

LLOYD  looks like your temperature yesterday morning reached here last night. Love it. Fall is here at last.

LARRY  looks like you did too much walking on Friday. Hope by now you have rested and are more energetic again. Thanks for looking up the Merrimack Valley. Mass is the state to the north of us but I never connected that with the flooding. Building in places that flood are like building too close to the shore and when a storm comes along and wipes every thing away those stupid people rebuild once again in the same place. I would never live with one of my children. Like I said before, the apartment upstairs in my son's house was close enough.

JOY  we have some wicker rockers with cushions on the porches and wood benches, too, but I sit on my rollator, the seat is padded and for me easier to get up from. I always loved being outside and get out as much as I can. Even in winter I bundle up and go outside. I have gone out to the porch when it was snowing and if not too bad and the walks were just cleared would walk them. The maintenance man does a wonderful job keeping the walks cleared. At night when it is snowing hard he will be out there clearing the walks and the front of the porch in case the rescue truck has to come, about every half hour he will be out there. He has the week ends off but if it snows he is here to plow. He has a small plow for the walks so at least he does not have to shovel. Hope you can start getting outside soon.

SHIRLEY  so happy to see you had a wonderful week in the mountains and are now safely home. I wish I had been with you to see that beauty. Will be anxious to see the pictures you took. You know me, I travel by seeing beautiful scenery.

GLORIA  we have people here who love the ocean and build too close and  along comes a storm and washes every thing away and they build again  there. Crazy.

JUNE  good for you answering all your email. I try to do that every day if I can. Easier than writing snail mail.

JANE  glad you had a good day yesterday. Fun is always better than working.

SHIRLEY  glad I never had to have either of my parents live with me. I loved them but we lived different. My MIL raised me ex to think he was better than anyone else and he seemed to act like it too. My FIL was a good man and he loved my 3 and when he would have to make a delivery when they were not in school he would come and take them with him and always stopped for ice cream. He never did that with the other grands. he used to buy thing for them and said not to tell where they got them. If my MIL knew she would have had a fit. Will head to photos and hope I can find your post.

AMY  hope your power comes back soon.

LARRY  hope you are feeling much better today.

Have at good first full day of my favorite season.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Hello Everyone!  Nice church service and friendly coffee hour after.  Came home and did a few things and then made a good dinner....ham chops, baked potato, baked beans and some leftover corn from the freezer.  I have enough for tomorrow, too.

JOY, i have been to OLLIE'S often.  I'm on their mailing list and frequently find something in the on-line ad that interests me.  As for ALDI's, I'd only ever been there once before but Reader's Digest had an article with a list of things "you should always buy at Aldis" and the reasons why.  I wanted to see if they're right.  They are about some things and it looks like they have good stuff but my 10% discount brings WM things to just about the same price for the things I'd buy.  And if you consider that WM is right in my back yard and I go there anyway 3 times a week and Aldi's is about 12 or so miles away and then you add the gas, it's probably not worth it.

I'm going to go through my closets today and get rid of some clothes I don't wear.  Also bring in some sweat shirts and sweat pants for the weather change.  Fall came in full force on the first day and the temps are staying in the mid to high 70s at least until Indian Summer.  Enjoy your day, whatever it brings.  I'm going to!

If I were down there for something and I needed a few things, I might pop into Aldi's and pick them up.  That's that!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Yippieeee...our power finally came back on around 3:40 pm. Joy you are right you sure do miss it when it is not there!

This morning started off chilly and there was frost on some of the houses when we went into town. Came home and put on a fire, brought some ribs from the freezer and put them in the oven of the cookstove. Neighbour helped us with them, turnip , potatoes ,peas and tomatoes from the garden. There was tapioca, peaches or cherries for dessert if wanted...or one had any room left for them :)

Missed everyone...

Now I had better play catch up on things I couldn't do ..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


YAY for the power!  And yay for the cookstove in the meantime.  Your dinner sounds better than mine and I thought mine was pretty good.

I'm off to Dreamland!  It's been a kind of lazy afternoon and evening.  Just paid a few bills and took care of some odd jobs and enjoyed the doggies.  The closets are waiting for another day!  They have a way of doing that!

Good night Everyfriend!  Sleep peacefully and wake refreshed.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning everyone..

For sure Jane it is yay, there are some still without power  so we are very lucky to have ours back.I like the sound of your meal ,sounds perfect and delicious! I know one of these years we will have to give up the cookstove but until then I just love it!!

Nothing on the agenda today, just hang the laundry our and fold and or iron when I have already done.

Larry, hope you are feeling better and have caught up on some rest.

Shirley, great to have you back home and I will check out your photos in a bit.

Gloria, we had frost yesterday! I love the cooler temps. I wonder if I will be saying that when it is 40° below!!

Neighbour is coming over to pick up our wheelchair. He is taking his Mom to the city and there will be a lot of walking. The wheelchair will help them out.

Enjoy your day everyone..

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers