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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe for September 1, 2021

Started by so_P_bubble, August 31, 2021, 11:54:04 PM

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Lloyd Hammond

we do not Have a dog now, the Last one we had was asleep under the car and Nancy did not realize and ran over her Backing out of the grudge and she was so bad hurt she Had to be put down, so I am the only dog for her from now on. It Is 87º and full sun Now. so between Naps I am watching TV. see you all Later.



Thank you for the hug, not telling the young lad and when I do get to see him I will have
two! She cans or freezes just about everything,has given me pointers on canning also.
Hope you had a great time with your grand girls.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


The girls are here now and they're both staying overnight.  Kiran has to be to school by 7:20 and I'm elected to take her because Frankie doesn't have to be to work until 11 tomorrow.  Right now, they're getting ready to watch a scary movie before the hit the hay.  I opted out of that!  We all pitched in and we had a great supper and sat and talked long after we finished.

AMY, good luck with the hugs.  It sounds like you're never too old to learn from the young ones and it sounds like your young one has lots to share!

LLOYD, good on getting the car fixed and back home.  Now you won't feel stranded!

I'm just about ready to get my jammies on and lollygag around for the rest of the evening!  Lollygagging is something I've learned to do well over the years.  It doesn't take much energy and it sure doesn't tire me out.  And you can do it practically anywhere (except in the car if you're the driver).  You should all try it sometime!

JENNY, keep up the exercises and get that arm back to doing what it needs to do but don't hurry too fast.  Go with the flow!

I probably won't be back again so I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


I thought I left a post today but maybe just didn't go back far enough. My biggie for the day was watching out the window at a flock of robins passing thru.... Having such a good time darting & chasing, like a bunch of kids. These were a lighter color than "OUR" natives, I notice them every year when they stop by. Don't have any pyracantha bushes for them to strip anymore. Also had a flock of starlings drop out of the sky into my yard & next door. They look like synchronized swimmers the way they go up & down all at once. Not so the robins. At the same time 3 pairs of bluejays showed up along with a male cardinal that had 3 little girl cardinals begging to be fed. The girls were almost as big as ole dad, they took turns getting in his face with their beaks open & fluttering their wings begging. The bluejays stopped at the dish for sunflower seeds & then they took a bath in the big concrete clam shell on the ground. They love splashing in the water. All of a sudden they disappeared, all of them. So the little sparrows came back to see if any food was left. I will put more out in the morning after I water. A busy day for the travelers. Bedtime in Kansas, looks like the cats will stay outside.

Lloyd, I expect Nancy is feeling bad about the dog as well as the bump on the car... give her a special hug for me. Days can seem really tough sometimes, like everything going wrong.

Sweet dreams to all, God Bless.


By this time 13th September 52 years ago i had not long pushed my daughter out..yes push is the word after a very short labor..for an 18 year old this was all new to me, even though i had attended all of my anti-natal classes...I still can remember it as if it was yesterday...Told to get some sleep as i was to be induced the following day ( i was 8 days overdue ) then being woken up by a nurse to take a sleeping tablet, of course i never got back to sleep..


Good morning..

Looking to be a lovely day out there temp 63° but will climb.

We need to take garbage away and pick up some metal for Kyle's roof on a house he is making. I will be making phone calls confirming appointments and one to Chrysler to see about our van. Plus pick more beans....gave the neighbour some yesterday to use up.

Strawberry plants are still putting out blossoms and I try to keep up pinching the blossoms off.

Jane, did giggle and talk  keep you awake last night?

Gloria, a friend is picking up a bushel of Macs and we are going to share it. I did buy Macs the other day and Kyle said they were hard so must be the first crop this year.

Shirley, how can these birds fly in such formation and not bump into each other? A joy to watch them. I do hear the geese but they are not heading south and the loon will call out now and then but know they too will soon be going.
Swallows are all gone by Aug 29th here.

Better get going.

Enjoy your day and stay safe..

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning everyone, already 69 this morning so will be warmer today. Yesterday was another fall feel day and I was outside for a few hours. Good thing I like to read and there is a library down on the main floor. Week ends hardly anyone goes outside, place is too quiet. Used to be several out there every day and evening in the good weather when I first moved here. Of course so many of those folks are no longer here or not well enough to leave their apartments unless they have to.

PATRICIA  the rent here is 1/3 of our income so it depends on what  that  is for what  our rent is. I never heard anyone  talking abou t what  their rent is here. With the SS increase every year we get one they raise our rent 1/3 of that. We have o have a mask on when we leave our apartments and anyone coming into the building must have one on. So for now at least we can have visitors.

AMY  wow that was a hard job for you and the 2 dogs yesterday holding down the bed. ;);)

JANE  I guess I must "lollygag" most of the time. Some days I wish so much that  I could get up in the mornings with the energy I used to have and others I hate getting out of bed.

AMY  how I loved picking tha t first  Mac of the season for me at my son's and bite into tha t hard and crisp and  tart and juicy goodness.

Have a CNA coming this morning and had her before when Yvette was on vacation.Hope she is back tomorrow. If I remember right the one coming today when she was here before asked me when she came in why I had not made my bed. I usually do but not  that day. I like tossing the covers down t o t he bottom of the bed and open the window when possible. I felt like telling her I left it for her to make.

Have a good day and stay safe.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good Morning Everyfriend!  It was an unusual start for my day.  The first time I got up to go, I saw both girls were in bed and asleep.  I have no idea when they went.  When I go to bed, my ears are shut off (hearing aid are out).

This morning was unusual!  I had to get a kid off to school!  I haven't done that in a very looooooong time!  Her school is right around the corner from where I live so when she was ready, we hopped in the car and scooted.  Frankie vacated the sofa bed in the living room and took over that bed as while I was gone.

When I got home, I took Cooper for a walk and then let him back in Frankie's room and made my breakfast and I'm loafing a bit with my second cup of coffee.  The temp is already at 75º and heading for a high of84.  Not too bad but I'd rather stay in the 70s.

I'm on 6 wait lists for an electric pressure canner.  They just have not been available this summer!  There must be a lot of people canning because they're stuck at home.  I'm on every day looking for one and I have the money in a special account so I don't end up spending it just when they become available.

I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow. 

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone. Nancy is off to the dentist for some more tooth work. she fixed me some soft boiled eggs after a short whine, before she left. sunny and same as Jane 75º. so I am fore a laze day on the couch, hope you all have good day just as you like it,



Good morning, 51 degrees and cloudy today in the Interior. Nothing new today other than simple chores.

 My plants had developed a fungus gnat infection from the Miracle-Gro potting soil I had, so two weeks ago, I purchased some of those stalks with the yellow stickies. You have to not water for ten days and then use the stickies. I hope this works! After I used the soil, I read that Miracle-Gro is becoming infamous for infestations and wish I had known beforehand!

I tried all the home remedies, but it wasn't working other than spraying them with my apple cider vinegar and water solution and setting out jars of dish soap and small bits of honey. I will be so glad to see the end of this year!

Gloria, pre-Covid, gossip was what this building ran on, and men were the worst! Too many people had nothing else to do with their day, and complaining was what they fed on. We had a rec room on each of the five floors and a larger one with a kitchen on the first floor. That's where many spent their days. They've been closed since March 2020. I'm sure our rents are similar or close to yours.

I've been on a waiting list for a housekeeper and a CNA since I fell back in February. I'm not holding my breath, and I don't qualify for any other programs. I'm either too rich or not poor enough...

I've never been an apple person; I like the stone fruits, melons, or berries. I will buy bags of grapes, wash, rinse and drain the grapes before freezing. I love frozen grapes and eat way too many.

Amy, the birds flying in a vee formation ride on the bird in front's wind currents. It saves energy for them. I haven't heard or seen any large geese formations so far, and the cranes are usually the last to leave. I know the swans and smaller birds have migrated.

However, I've yet to see the different overwintering smaller birds go from small species flocks to larger multi-species flocks. The trees are drab and getting ready to turn, and we've had morning frost, but that's all so far.

Jane, I hope you find your electric canner soon! I had an older canner that I donated last year. These days I'm still shopping my freezer instead of meal prepping or preserving. I received three pounds of dried cranberries and four pounds of blueberries from a friend, and that's the extent of my gathering for winter.

Lloyd Hammond

Looks Like everyone Is taking naps today No activity here today. I made my Jalapeno casserole today. good night and sweet dreams.



Hello Everyfriend!  The day has come to an end and I'm ready for the haystack!  I sure hope it's loaded down with zzzzs because my eyes have already entered slamshut mode!  And I'm beginning to feel like my body is made of something soft and pliable because it sure doesn't want to sit up straight or walk down the hall! 

I got the tomatoes that were ripe cleaned, juiced and frozen and tonight I picked 3 more from the vines.  I also ate one fresh for my lunch.  Tomorrow I have to run a couple of errands and then get ready for surgery on Wednesday.  I still don't know what time I have to go.  The will call me with the time sometime tomorrow.  My daughter. Cathy is taking me and she'll stay here until the anesthesia wears off and I'm (more or less) normal again!

We had a major storm warning for any time after 8 p.m. but so far nothing...not even a drop or rain from the sky.  The warning is until 3 a.m. so I suppose we could still get it.  I'm going to bed and ignore it!  I don't have any scardy-cat doggies or kids around any more and I'll just take out my hearing aids, close my eyes and if the house ends up in OZ, I'll live with it!

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning...

Another lovely day here..41° at the moment.
Didn't get the beans picked yesterday so that is a job for today. Run into town for a few things this morning while the dew is coming off the beans.

Jane, you should come to an end of your tomatoes! All will taste good in the winter. Do you make chili sauce out of some of them?

Patricia, one of the things you can do is put the plant in a big plastic bag, spray Rain in it and close it up tight. Not sure with your allergies that you do do it this way though.

Gloria, someone has to do it and the two dogs and I did a good job! :)

Lloyd hope you have an easy day today.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend...and especially you, AMY!  You're the only one up and about so far.

I do make chili sauce with some of my tomatoes but I still have 4 jars left from last year so I didn't do that this year.  However, I do use a lot of tomato sauce in recipes so if I get enough more tomatoes, that's what I'll do with these.  Ore maybe just the sauce in pint jars to use in soups.  There's always something.  There are still a lot of green ones out there.  I've used them for jams, fried them green, made green salsa...any more ideas.  I really do hate to waste anything.  That feeling must be left over from the Depression years and WWII.

I've had my shower and I have my sheets in the washer but I still have to get dressed before Cooper arrives around 9.  Frankie has an appointment to have her car inspected and if she takes it to the place they got it that's near her Dad's house, he's likely to pay the bill so that's what she's doing.  And that will take her most of the day because he "does lunch" too! 

The rest of today will be spent getting ready for my surgery tomorrow and for not feeling like doing anything when I get home.  I've never had "in and out surgery" before but she did say not to plan anything until the anesthetic is completely worn off.  And I have no idea what my mouth is going to fee like but I have a couple different kinds of homemade plain soups sitting out.  Whether I'll feel like eating any of them is a nagging question! 

Hey!  Tomato soup!  That's something I could do with the rest of the tomatoes!  I wonder if there's a recipe for soup with green tomatoes?  Guess I'll look that one up!

The washer just stopped so I better go put the sheets in the dryer and finish getting dressed.  I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!

P.S.  We never did get the "bad thunderstorms" they predicted! 

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning everyone. 56 this momrning, had the AC on yesterday again.The CNA tha t was supposed to be here yesterday a t 11:15 was 45  minutes late and stayed a little over an hour. That was a lost  time for me. While she was here Mike called from downstairs and had t o go down and let him ion, still waiting for a new panel in the foyer. That cna asked if she had to go down with me and I just looked at her and said of course, they  are not to be in apartments.houses alone, it is in the rules from the company. Besides that I do no t like anyone in my home when I am not here. I think Mike doesn't  realize I canno t cook anymore. He brought me some yellow summer squash, peppers and so many tomatoes I have to get busy and blanch them and peel and make sauce. Most  of them are the plum tomatoes  that  are nice and meaty, great for making sauce. I never saw any as big as these are. He also brought  me a bag of apples  that he and my DIL went to pick. I look at them and see an apple pie or an apple crisp. When I pulled up the shades this morning I looked out t o see wha t  the morning was like. Sun jus t hitting the tops of the Maple trees and I noticed the leaves at the tops are getting a yellowish tinge to them. Soon those trees will be dressed in their beautiful red leaves.

I called Yvette last night and she went to her doctor yesterday and is out for the rest of the week. Have not heard yet about if I get anyone  today or the rest of the week. I dislike this not knowing. I know all these compamies are short handed with CNAs and it might get worse. All health care workers have to be vaccinated by the first of October or will be out os a job. Yvette broke down and got the first shot and should get the second one next week.

JANE  you had a busy morning yesterday and getting Kiran to school on time, too. I had a canner-not electric and that is what  Mike and my DIL are using now for their canning. Glad it still works, it must be at least 45 years old by now. When I s tar ted canning all  those years ago it was the hot water bath.

Yikes just saw on the news that in Florida they arrested a 13 and a 14 year old boys who were planning a mass shooting. They had guns and bullets and knives and whatnot to carry out their plan. Can you imagine your sons planning something like  that at their ages? I sure cannot.

PATRICIA  good luck with your plants, Miracle gro potting soil is what I always bought for my plants, too. Every time I bought a new plant I kept it in a different room from where I had my plants till I knew it was not  infected with any critters. One time I bought one in a greenhouse and 2 days later I threw it away. It was full of bugs. Here it is either a CNA or a home maker, not both. My insurance is the one who insisted I have a CNA and one who knows how to cook. I had a few CNA's when Yvette was on vacation I would not le t near any food, they just  did not look clean  to me.

JANE  I must have missed something in here. In your post last night you mentioned surgery, first time I saw that. Have no idea wha t for but I wish you the best and fast recovery. Hugs and prayers follow you.

AMY  you and your fur babies sure love each other. I still miss having either a dog or cat but could not take care of either one anymore.

My Mom used to make green tomato picalilly. AMY I will send the link for the Cho CHo to my son and daughter. I know both still have a lot of green tomatoes on the vines.

Have a good day and stay safe everyone.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone. It Is 72º and sunny here this Morning. Nancy Has gone to the dentist. I had 8.5 hours of sleep according to the tattle. feel pretty good also. haven't ate My morning Meal yet. I am going to go try My hand at some soft boiled eggs. Have a great day.



Lloyd  Hammond...good morning, that's a good few hours sleep...Have you tried scrambled eggs, whisk eggs with a little milk, salt and pepper, melt a little butter in a pan..and keep stirring...


Back from town, stopped at the Dollerama and came out with everything but what I went in for..so back into the store I go to get the coin wrappers. Managed to pick up containers to put the meat ,vegetables etc in when I clean the freezer. Now this is a job I put off until  the right "mood" comes along and sometimes when it does I sush it away.

Threw a load of laundry on, still trying to figure out this machine..the company sent me a questionnaire wanting to know if I love or hate this machine. Little do the know they will hear both pros and cons and maybe that too helps them in their washing machine making in the future.  I don't use my phone to operate this so that is not a pro factor for me but all in all  I will conquer it!!

Yesterday was the last day for advanced voting...robo calls are still coming in and being hung up on. Signs plastered all over, hope they get picked up after the election! I did get one call from a humane asking how I was going to vote....told them point blank how and got a chuckle out of him.

Best get back to work..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning here at 8:11 and 31 degrees in the Interior. It's going to be another cooler but still sunny day, so it's going well here. The trees are losing color, looking drab but mainly yellow with a red spot here and there.

A friend brought me eleven pints of tomatoes and three succotash. I need to rearrange my freezer and cupboards to accommodate them. Either that or stockpile cans in my closets! This anti-inflammatory diet, while restrictive, is showing results. I haven't been sick since January, and physically I feel great. I can't argue with dietary success. The only lingering effect from February's fall is a slight unsteadiness in walking.

About the gnats, My chasing them wildly about the house with my ACV/water spray and leaving the plants unwatered for two weeks seems to have worked. I only see teensy ones on my yellow stickies. So, I'm praying this works. I cannot plant my kitchen garden until the fungus gnats are totally gone.

I have always used Miracle-Gro and didn't realize that the quality had gotten so bad until this happened! It's all that's available outside of greenhouses. I cannot put the remaining bag and a half outside on the balcony with insecticide until they finish with the work, and that looks to be November or later. Until then, the bags are in a large black garbage bag in the hall closet.

Gloria, while both local CNAs and home helpers are in very short supply, there are many restrictions on what a CNA can do. And a home helper cannot do errands or drive a customer around.

Jane, I'll be thinking good thoughts for you on your surgery!


Patricia, I will bite.......what is succotash? How do you use it?  /color]
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


"Succotash is a vegetable dish consisting primarily of sweet corn with lima beans or other shell beans. Other ingredients may be added such as onions, potatoes, turnips, tomatoes, bell peppers, corned beef, salt pork, bacon, or okra. Combining a grain with a legume provides a dish that is high in all essential amino acids."



Patricia, thank you, it does look good! Think I would leave the okra out and put in turnip , potatoes etc. Sounds like a comfort dish.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


It is and it's a good dish for cooling temperatures!


Time for nighty nights.  No munchies tonight!

PATRICIA and AMY, we often had what my mother called succotash and it was just the lima beans and corn with melted butter on it.  I still make it that way.  But that recipe sure does look good!

I'm off to the haystack to collect a few zzzzzs so I can be strong enough in the morning to go without coffee or food until I get home from the surgery.  That's afternoon!  And I don't know if I'll feel like eating then!  We'll see! 

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a good day tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast
