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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe for September 15 2021

Started by so_P_bubble, September 15, 2021, 03:48:22 AM

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Good morning..
Not sure if we had frost during the night or not 36° at the moment.

We are off to pick up tomatoes at a near by farm for chili sauce then  to get some paint stain for Kyles buildings.

Jane and Cooper.. good morning..maybe you can handle mashed potatoes and carrots today..ham is soft so that may be an idea for a  meal.

Shirley, years ago my neighbour would fill her oven (cookstove) with potatoes and bake them Then she would also take them and fry them up another day. She used her cookstove all year round, she did have an electric stove but preferred the taste from the cookstove.

Gloria, nice that your son helped you and you had a good visit with him. How is Yvette doing?

Better get a move on..farm market will be busy .

Enjoy your day and stay safe.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


We're up, I had my coffee and cooper had his breakfast.  We're about to take our first walk of the day.  The temp is at 52º right now but it was down in the mid 40s overnight.  We're still due for some low 70s in the coming week but I think Fall has arrived.  When we take our walk, a jacket is in order.  It's foggy out there right now and it's supposed to be a cloudy day.

My plan for today is to get the green tomatoes cleaned and chopped up and whether they get made into soup or just frozen is still open.  We shall see.

AMY, when I was in bed last night, I thought about potatoes.  I could toss one in the microwave and then mash and butter it and right now, that sounds pretty good.  Thanks for reminding me!

I usually try not to turn on the heat in the house until the end of September.  Is it the end of September yet?  It's pretty cool in here. 

AMY, you said you are going for tomatoes.  I thought you were going to have apples to deal with today?

I'm off to let Cooper take me for a walk.  I hope you all have a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning AMY and everyone else that follow. we are currently at 71º and clear, not not a cloud in sight, not a leaf moving on a tree. Nancy Is going to take the van in for oil change and service today. she watches that Like a hawk. she has it done less miles than recommended, may cost a little more that way but It will Last longer.


Lloyd Hammond

Good morning JaneS you sliped in while I was posting looks Like, Have a good day also.



Good morning everyone a nice 53 now just after 7 am, I could take that every night, good sleeping and boy I did sleep great. No AC of fan going so nice an quiet.

JACKIE my first chuckle for today, just picturing a bridge over the Atlantic. Would haver to be wide enough for gas stations along the way to fill up those gas tanks on cars. Then very strong to survive hurricanes. I still would stay on this side though, don't really like high bridges.

TOMEREADER  this is the second HP I have owned and never had a problem with the other one but it was old and the hard drive was not big and could not clean anything else out of it. I had this one 3 weeks and i t went back t o the factory, came back in 2 weeks and was better but in 2 weeks it was back to the fac tory a second time. Had problems again and they sent a tech here. I knew more about  it than he did. He had been working with computers for 7 years and said he knew all abou t them. I almost laughed at him. My grandson majored in computers in college and was hired as an intern by the company he still works for and is now in his mid 30's. I had to ask hin after the HP tech was here if he knew all about the workings and programs for them now. He told me no one ever knows everything because they are always changing.

RAMMEL  before nature and the gypsy moth caterpillas killed mos t of his  trees he had a nice orchard with several varieties. My favorite first one is the Mac, then I like  the Empire-a cross of the Mac and red delicious and I do not care for those red delicious. Nothing beats picking an apple from the t ree, wiping it on your shirt and biting into it. Yummy. I used to go help my son with selling from the stand and would bag apples. He showed me what to look for to tell if there was a worm inside, it is like beads at the blossom end.

PATRICIA  our apartment doors are ill fitting, there is almost an inch at the bottoms of them where they do not meet the floor and wide cracks all around them. No outside doors except on the main floor front and back. We are all getting tired of having to go downstairs to let visitors in because the wi tch waited  too long to get the button panel fixed. Since I moved here mos t times when someone buzzed out phones it was all staticy. She told me I needed a new phone. No other calls are like that , only from that panel. I am not the only one she told that to.

AMY  We used  to stop at a farm stand years ago and the farmer used to go to Maine for their potatoes. He knew my skinny daughter loved baked potatoes  and he found one in a bag he put aside for her. I weigh over 2 pounds and he bet her she could not eat the whole thing at one  time. Took almost 2 hours to bake all the way through and by golly she sat there and ate the  whole thing. Even I didn't  think she could do it . She always had a big appetite and was skinny, like I was a t her age, too.

PATRICIA  here even if we were having a blizzard before 10-1 the witch would not let the heat get turned on. We no longer have Paul-maintenance man-here to fight for us and the new man does not live here so he will not fight for us. We are alreday wondering who will clear the front entry of show in the night this coming winter. The new man lives in Mass. and is married with 4 kids. He will have his place  to clean before he comes here to so this area.  I asked my grandson it he heard about that Windows 11 and he told me not to get  it till it has been out awhile to make sure all the bugs awe worked out of it. He also said to never belive all they tell us either. All the updates la tely are getting thing in before 11 somes out.

AMY  I am with you on those robo calls and the ones behind them. I now le t my answering machine t ake t he calls.

SHIRLEY  I  tried frying apples like you say bu t ei ther I did some tning wrong or just did not like them.

JANE  prayers for Bridget and hope surgery is not needed.

AMY  WAS HOPING TO HAVE yVETTE BACK TODAY  but the boos called me and t old me someone was coming today la te afternoon bu t only for 11/2 hours. I have been get ting short changed on the  times I have been getting. If this keeps up I will call my insurance and let them fight for me. I am supposed to have 13 hours a weekand been getting less  than 9.

LLOYD  i t is a nice clear day here and  the sun is shining from a mos tly blue sky wi th a few white clouds.

Have a good day and keep safe.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


For those of you who seem worried about Windows 11....

My husband worked for IBM for 35 years in both the hardware and software divisions.  Even after he retired from IBM computers were his hobby and he kept up with the latest information because it interested him.  He trusted and subscribed to Computer World Magazine and this article appeared recently in their publication.  If you want to read it here is a link....


Personally, I have no intention of downloading Windows 11.  I don't need it and I doubt if my 9 year old Toshiba desktop has the capability to handle it.  I am quite happy with version 8.1 that I am using now.  I never bothered with v.10 because I don't need it for the things I do on the computer.  If this Toshiba should crash and can't be fixed I'll buy a new computer with Win 11 already installed.

Take care, All.


Gloria...glad i gave you a morning chuckle, here is another one....if there is ever a bridge built, we can meet in the middle... we can do a hop skip and a jump.... :thumbup:


Good morning from a chill, rainy, dreary Interior. We've yet to see snow but people say it's coming. Yesterday started out like today but in the afternoon, it was sunny.

I can hear the sounds and feel the building jolts from construction so I will need to go out later and visibly check on the construction crew and how the new doors and windows look. In my own opinion, the outside of the balconies looks like a prison so I'm not optimistic.

I don't particularly want  W11 but since my laptop is slow, ancient, and makes a clackity sound when in use, I'll have to buy a new one soon out of my savings for a new desktop.

Otherwise it's only 35 degrees and I'm waiting on my coffee to perk.


Jane, apples will be done when my friends goes into apple country and brings them back. Not sure when that will happen though. Right now there is a double batch of chili sauce on cooking. The worst part of that is chopping up the peppers and onions.

Phyliss, thank you for the article..will read it in a bit. Hope you are also feeling better.

Patricia, there were a couple on mornings here that frost was evident. Nothing here ws killed so it must have been a light one. I still have beans in the garden they are a tender plant..which reminds me I have to pick beans.....sheesh never ends .
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


AMY, after your reminder this morning, I baked a BIG red potato in the microwave and had the first half for breakfast all mashed up with butter and salt and pepper on it.  It tasted wonderful going down but as soon as I finished, I decided that the salt and/or pepper was a mistake.  It got to the sore spot.  So when I ate the other half for lunch it was just buttered.  It tasted great both times but my mouth felt better the second time.

Now, I'm cooking green tomato soup over a new recipe and it should be ready for supper.  I'll let you all know how it tastes after I eat some.  The rest of the green tomatoes are going to be chopped up and canned for later use.  I should get at least 10 pints out of it.  And they don't have to be pressure canned!

The soup is almost cooked and ready to be put through the blender.  Continue your good day!  It's beautiful here.  The sun came out and the temp is in the low 70s...a perfect Autumn day!  I'll take more of the same!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast



Thanks for the link to Windows 11.   Good information

Hi all   ... it i a nice fair day here
on the Rocky Coast of Main.    Lovely time
of year!

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan



Jane, we also had a baked potato..but we split it between us. Way too big for one person. I like mine with butter and garlic powder on it. I did get the chili sauce made 17 1/2 pints of it with tomatoes left over...will have to figure out what to do with them. :)
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

Good night everyone. I am heading for the Haystack. we are having thunder boomers here now. Hope to see you all tomorrow.



I'm about to hit the hay, too.  I'm ready to check out the zzzs and use up as many of them as I can.  My eyes are already in slam shut mode and I'm ready to give in to them.

I have all the tomatoes cleaned up and in a big jar in the fridge to can tomorrow.  I had the dishes all cleaned up and was taking the trash out and I found 7 summer squash on the porch railing.  So tomorrow, before I start canning the tomatoes, I'll have to clean and freeze the squash.  I hope my neighbor soon runs out of squash or it quits producing.

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  Today was a beautiful day and tomorrow is supposed to be a mirror of today.  Then rain Wed. and Thursday.  There were som leaves down in the yard this morning and a few more this evening. 


Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning...

Starting out warmer this morning at 62° so far. We are going to take off for part of the day,Kyle's supply of chocolate is dwindling and we can't have that! the town that  he gets his chocolate also has a quilt store and I hope they have a panel that I would like to bring home with me!

Patricia, I am not sure I would like to live in Whitter with only one way in or out.

Jane, how was the tomato soup? Hope you hear more information on Bridgett today.

Gloria, I love baked potatoes. I do peel them and put them in the oven till done.....may give them a time in the micro so cooking doesn't take too long. They come out with a crispy shell and I dig the potato part out...put butter and lots of garlic in the shell and enjoy!

Lloyd, I also get my oil changed earlier than needed...cheaper to do oil change that an engine repair!

Better get ready to meet the day..

Enjoy your day stay safe.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  My last text last night was from my niece, (Bridget's Mom).  She is undergoing surgery this morning at 10.  Not what they were hoping for but they got the Dr. that they wanted and trust so we're praying hard!  Please join us!

AMY, that quilt panel is adorable!  I hope we get a picture of the finished product!  It will bring smiles daily!

My plan for today is 1) Take Cooper for a walk while the dishwasher is running.  2) Clean and freeze the squash that appeared on my railing yesterday. 3). Can the green tomatoes.  4) Think of something to use up any leftover energy!

I also have a couple of phone calls to make and some bills to pay!  I detest paying bills!  I'd be happy if they would all just disappear! 

I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow.  We're supposed to have another one today like yesterday...cool and sunny!  Then tomorrow and Wed. rain most of the day!

It was in the low 50s overnight and only reaching a high of 73 around 5 and not lasting long.  This is my favorite time of the year!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning everyone, a nice cool 51 with the sun shining and the sky a  bright blue. Just the kind of morning a few short years ago I would have been out for a nice walk and enjoying it. These days a short walk is all I can handle and then need to sit and rest before heading back in here. Ahh  these "golden years" are such fun  aren' t they? NOT. On  the good news front  Yvette will be back tomorrow.

PHYLLIS  my PC guru grandson told me not to get that Win. 11 till it has been out for some time to get all t he bugs out of it. I was happy with XP then got used to 7 then 10 I still do not  care for but I really do not want anymore new versions of Windows.

JACKIE  imagine if the old seies of Star Treck were possible we could all say -Beam me up, Scotty- and we could all get  together for a gab fest.

PATRICIA  like you I don't think those balconies are very attractive but you do have one. Some senior buildings here have none,  the high rise ones in the cities do but this one is only 3 stories.

AMY  I scrub potatoes and bake in he skins. If feeling fancy I will scoop all the potato out of the skin and mash it up with cheese and put it back into  the skin  to bake again for a short time. Have not done that in a long time.

JANE  about now Bridget is undergoing surgery. Praying for her and her family.  do pray her insides will be much better after this. Hugs.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone. It is 65º now at (:28 AM. we had a nice thunder bust Last night do not have a gauge up so do not Know how much we got, But it came down Hard for a little bit the gentian and it put me to sleep we have scattered clouds now and sun trying to peek through. Hope you all have a good day just like you like it. according to the tattle tail I had 8.5 hours of sleep, but I feel Like I could use some more.



Quote from: Gloria on September 21, 2021, 10:07:14 AMI scrub potatoes and bake in he skins. If feeling fancy I will scoop all the potato out of the skin and mash it up with cheese and put it back into  the skin  to bake again for a short time. Have not done that in a long time.
Baked Potato = MMMmmm  /Butter, S&P, and some Sour Cream



Amy, that's going to be a darling quilt! I'd love some chocolate too, except it doesn't look appealing or on my diet when I'm at the store.

 Alaska doesn't have a road system like other states. Our capital, Juneau, is only reachable by boat or air. There are several places like Whittier in the state. Fairbanks has only two roads leading out of the valley, and you go over ridges and foothills in both directions. Each time a road system comes on the ballot, it's voted down, mainly by the Alaskan Native voting bloc.

My baked potatoes are best with sour cream, bacon bits, and freshly ground black pepper!

I don't think I've had green tomato soup, Jane, how was it? I hope Bridget is doing well post-op? I know she has many prayer warriors on her case.

We stayed in the twenties overnight and the thirties or forties during the day. We didn't get the snow expected, altho some folks said we had some early Monday morning sleet. Today is cold at 9:20 and thirty-two degrees. The cold spell is supposed to lift by the weekend.

Gloria, with the old balconies, you could lay on the couch and watch the weather rise over the foothills. Now, besides looking starkly industrial, you have to go over to the window and press your nose against the glass to see more than the sky. They raised the balcony rails by more than a foot.


Bridget should be in recovery right now and they told my niece that would be at least 2 hours so depending how long the surgery took, I'm thinking she is in recovery.  Still need the prayers and still thank all of you for praying on Bridget's behalf.  She's a special girl and I know you would all like her!

My green tomatoes are in the canner and they're almost finished.  I have one small bag left and 8 pints canned.  I'm thinking I might fry the leftovers and try to eat them for supper.

The green tomato soup was pretty good.  I didn't add the bacon and I think I'll do that the next time I eat some.  It'll be a bit different!

Gotta go empty the canner.  Continue your day however you like it!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


We had a good day for travelling. Kyle got a load of cheese and I threw in two packages of garlic pepper cheese. Off to the chocolate factory when he also got a load!! I nipped into the fabric store and the panels were not in yet. When I first saw the panels I said I wanted all the puppies!! Must admit it was nice to have a day off........tomorrow is a different story :(

Jane, prayers continued ...for all.as I know you are all worried.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Bridget came through the surgery well and also the recovery period.  She is resting in her room and now we wait and see.  Thank you all for the prayers.  I know they helped!  They said total recovery time will be 4 to 6 weeks. 

I had more of the Green Tomato Soup for supper and this time I heated it and then sprinkled in about 3 tablespoons of grated cheese and some crunched up pieces of bacon.  Um Ummmm goood!  It tasted "more-ish"!

Cooper and I are hitting the hay early tonight so we can make it an early day tomorrow.  I want to try a quick trip to Davy's and a stop at the Farmers' Market for more red potatoes to can.  I only have one pint of last year's left and a pint is just right for Frankie and me for a quick supper.  I hope the same farmer is there and has more of the same.  They were the nicest taters I've had in a long time.

AMY, I'm sorry the quilt panels weren't ready to go but maybe you can console yourself with a couple bits of chocolate or some good cheese....or both!

PATRICIA, I hope that cold weather bearing snow, sleet and thoughts of winter don't manage to stray South for a while yet.  I'm thoroughly enjoying the Fall weather we're having here right now!  Although we're supposed to have rain for the next two days.  I hope it's gentle rain and not thunder storms.

Just now, when Cooper and I were out for our last foray, I noticed the moon has a healthy ring around it!  From my camping days I remember the saying....
          "A ring around the moon,
           Means a summer shower soon!"
And it was usually right!

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow!  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good rainy morning.

Rain started in the night and has continued on. Pick up meds and can turnip and butternut squash and that is it today.

Jane, that is good news to hear. She is a fighter and will prove to them she can! Ring around the moon predicted  a lot, I would check the mood and if there was a ring around it ,count the stars within the ring and that was in how many days it would rain. Knew then to either knock a field or hay down or not.

Patricia, looked at your before and after and would say your building is now up to code. In the past people put up blasters not realizing that a child's head could and did go through them. Now they are set to 4" if my memory serves me.

Gloria, we call that loaded potato, I also like that. Load it with bacon. cheese , onions mash all together , put back in shell and bake it some more. May have to do that for supper tonight, made myself hungry for one now.

Better get ready for the day..

Enjoy your day and stay safe.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning everyone HAPPY BEGINNING OF THE AUTUMN SEASON. 69 now and the guesser said will feel like summer today. No color in the leaves yet and usually the leaves are starting to show by now. We have not had a hint of frost yet either. No sun showing this morning, just a gray sky. Sun is still sleeping wrapped in her cloud blanket.
Son brought me more tomatoes yesterday (some big enough that one slice will make a sandwich) and today will have Yvette fry us some bacon and each have a BLT.  Will be great having her back.

LLOYD  I feel like I want to sleep more every morning when I wake.

RAMMEL  Baked stuffed potato sound so good to me today but the potatoes I have are  too small. Should send my CNA to the market to get me a few big ones and have one soon.

PATRICIA  I know the high rise senior buildings in the cities have balconies but I never paid much attention to them. All I know is I would not want to live in one of those buildings. No trees around them and nothing but rooftops and the smell of the traffic. I grew up in a city and moved to the country when I got married and now I do not even like to go into the cities for anything.

JANE  I hope by now you have some good news about Bridget and the outcome of her surgery. Prayers for the best kind of result and a fast recovery for her.

AMY  you can keep your garlic cheese but will Kyle share some of that chocolate? I would love to get into a store that sold nothing but chocolate, boy would I have a shopping spree in there.

JANE  now you have me wondering more about the green tomato soup with the addition of cheese and bacon.

AMY  keep the onions out of my potato please. They do not agree with me at all.

Have a good day and stay safe.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good Morning Everyfriend!  Bridget had an uncomfortable night with lots of soft moaning and talking through the sleep and anesthetic.  But Suzi says they expected that.  They're expecting at least a week in the hospital and then some weeks of recovery at home.  But that's better than what they were expecting last week!  The prayers are working.

That baked stuffed potato sounds pretty good to me too.  I might have to have one of those today!

Cooper and I just had our walk and the puddle in the street had drops falling in it when we went out the door but it stopped before we got out from under the roof.  There were puddles all along the way some a couple of our showers predicted for today must have come very early!  It's still cloudy out there and more is predicted.  It says "Light rain beginning in the next hour" then it shows it for the rest of the day.  I guess we got our walk in just in time.

I better get this day started!  I need some breakfast first.  I hope you all have a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Mid Morning everyone/I see three girls. well I had some Naps yesterday, got into a good movie so got to bed Late, and had 7.5 hours of sleep and just woke up. feel pretty good tho. it is 60º and clear and sunny. hope you all are haveing as good of day.


Lloyd Hammond

 JaneS It looks like i got two hours more sleep than you did.
