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National Peanut Butter Day

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February 23, 2025, 03:54:41 AM

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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe March 1 , 2024

Started by so_P_bubble, February 29, 2024, 11:54:53 PM

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Glory be.......thanks to you, AMY, I am finally able to get in here and after several attempts I finally can post. 

Not sure when I was here last but it has been much too long.

Not a whole lot different around here....still having PT twice a week and doing a once a week balance class.  I did get my hearing aids and that is a whole new ball game.  I am happy with them overall however one was making my ear very sore, so got in and the gal was able to move something a different direction and so far so good.  I've had a terrible sinus issue for a couple of weeks, but finally starting to feel much better😩

We have been grand doggies sitting all week.  They are so much fun but it is a lot of time required to do walks several times a day for Bob and he has been suffering with heel pain.  If it it not 0ne thing it is another these days it seems.  I have not been able to get in at all to see any posts....seemed like I had been blocked or something....but AMY saved me today thank goodness. 

I wish you all well and hopefully I can go back and read the posts now to see what you have been up to.

Happy Palm Sunday.
🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Hey!  I'm glad I stopped by tonight on my way to bed.  I can say "Hi, DENVER!   It's great to see you!  I hope we keep on seeing you.  And I hope you are both feeling better the next time we talk!

Now I'm ready to hit the haystack!  I'm tired right up the Gazoo or should I say way down past my toes!  It was one of those days!  I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  Be sure to share it with us!

No Cooper tomorrow so no alarm set tonight!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning...

Overcast with a temp of 18°,not sure what is going on today other than make that turkey soup. That is the one today and will do the holy moly soup when this runs out.

Jenny, so good to see you made it in!! Hearing aids are blessing but yes at times they can be a  :tickedoff:  Kyle sometimes forgets to take his out when he showers!!! You and Bob lean on each other I am sure Bob won't mind.

Jane, hope today is better day for Frankie. I know I have a lot planned for a day but it doesn't take much anymore to side line me.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning AMY and anyone else who shows up in here.  I've finished my breakfast and I'm finishing my coffee while I chat! 

AMY, Frankie said she felt better when she picked up Cooper yesterday so I hope she's on the way!  Let me know how your turkey soup turns out.  I think I'm going to do the shrimp bisque today and maybe get an egg casserole ready to pop in the oven tomorrow morning.  You notice I said "I think" and "maybe".  Nothing definite!  Life changes every day!

I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!  Make it your own in every way!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning Amy, evidently you saw me when I thought I was being so quiet! Twenty-five degrees presently with wind that started last night. Everything is dirty looking outside, with the snow sunken and dirty.

My morning routine has been the same for so long that I sleepwalk through it. Wake up, meet and greets, feed Farrah, shower, start the coffee, put away the dishes from the day before and make my bed. The rest of the day is usually like a game of whack a mole.

Last night I made a taco filling, put it over rice and topped it with shaved cheddar cheese. I didn't bother freezing the rest, as I'll have that this evening, it was terrific for a cool windy winter's eve.

I did put the remaining block of cheese in the freezer, so I don't go back for snacks. I do like cheeses, as long as they're sharp or mild. Medium cheese, spreads or Velveeta are definitely not worth my money!

It was so nice to see your post, Jenny, I'm sorry you had sinus issues, that's something I'm also prone too and medications rarely seem to help all that much.

Jane, I'm glad to hear Frankie feels better and that you had some overnight Cooper snuggles. Is this planned Oklahoma trip a replacement for the earlier cancel?

Good morning to all I missed, and I hope everyone's day goes as planned and nothing unexpected happens


Quote from: JaneS on March 24, 2024, 04:23:48 PMI'm using the word "maybe" a lot lately and I also use the expression "If I feel like it" or "If it gets done".  And I don't worry about what people think of my housekeeping either.  I do the best I can and that's it!
Very important words and phrases.



  Good day from snowy and cold Colorado.  We got a good 5 inches or more and it is snowing again.  The last snow storm we had was a BIG one that broke many branches all over the area.  We lost a huge limb on our back tree and it is still waiting to be removed. 

Thank you for the nice welcoming words.  PATRICIA, you are right nothing I take seems to help with the sinus pressure or seems to make it feel much better.  Slowly but surely it is getting better. 

We have been in the basement getting rid of stuff.....sure wish we could have an estate sale and get rid of everything.  It would behove me to not even look at these things... just let em walk away‼️‼️

I have several beautiful afghans that are hand made by my mom, grandma and an aunt.  No one in the family has any interest in them. Do you think a care home would take beautiful afghans?  Not the fancier ones.....All are in brand new condition.

AMY, my Bob is a saint for taking good care of me.  I am so blessed. I know you take good care of Kyle also.

My kitty seems to be pretty happy that the doggie house guests have gone home.  The doggies sure were excited to see their dad when he came to pick them up.

Off to pack up the things we are taking to a charity.

I wish you all a good rest of your day.
🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Jenny, we took several of mom's quilts that she either inherited or made herself to the Pioneer's home, it's a private organization where to belong, you must have lived in the state for thirty or more, documented years.

They are set up in the care home, but there is also a boarding home museum set in Alaskaland that features many older historical gold rush era items.

It was originally set up for older gold and mining prospectors and, similar to other fraternal organizations, they operate care homes, lodges and parks around the state. In Fairbanks, they operate Alaskaland that is set up with an aircraft museum, an antique cars' museum, a fabric and quilt museum, a refurbished mining ore train that runs through the park on an elevated track, and a number of older Fairbanks historical register houses that were moved to the park and various summer businesses operate out of them. I'm sure that Colorado has something similar, as they share a similar backstory.


Quote from: Denver on March 25, 2024, 05:36:32 PMPATRICIA, you are right nothing I take seems to help with the sinus pressure or seems to make it feel much better.  Slowly but surely it is getting better. 
I'm not Patricia, but have you tried PSEUDOEPHEDRINE HYDROCHLORIDE ?  It's a Nasal Decongestant -available at CVS & Walgreen's type stores. A bit hard to find because you must ask at the Drug Counter. It's restricted now because certain people were making an illegal drug with it. But - It works well.



I'm off to the haystack for the night.  Cooper will be here tomorrow at 6:45 a.m. so I'll be up and about early tomorrow.

I made Shrimp Quiche today and it's really delicious but boy, it sure took a lot of dishes to get it cooked.  Not sure I'll do it again.  I'll have to see how much I miss it after I finish it off!

Also, took the cover off the sofa and washed it and washed the cover of the doggie bed.  Cooper got a professional bath and a hair cut today so I cleaned up for him.  If I know him, he'll be out rolling in the grass in the yard as soon as he can!  Oh well!  That's life for a doggie!

It's supposed to be warmer tomorrow...like this afternoon.  I wore a winter coat to walk early in the morning and no coat in the afternoon.  Spring is back!!

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  Make it your own in every way!  And stop by and share it with the rest of us!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


It's been sunny all day but cool. In spite of the cool, Spring seems to be here. Some early flowers popping up. The forsythia bushes in the area are yellow, and buds showing on trees and hedges. Hay fever time is on us. Been doing a bit of sneezing.  A rule of thumb passed on to me by an old timer is that when the forsythia blooms the termites swarm. I've found that to hold true in the past so will be keeping my eyes open.



Good morning..

Oh oh,,red skies this morning..

Dogs have been fed and outside duties done.

Trying to make a chiropractor appointment for Kyle this morning..and tidy up..maybe.

Jane, turkey soup was tasty!!

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  Nice to stop by and see friends and not have to decide whether to talk to myself or come back later!

RICK, I never heard that about the termites but I'll be watching this Spring!

AMY, turkey soup is always good!  Hope KYLE gets the appointment and feels better after it!

I have a line-up of stuff to do this morning!  I guess I'll see how much of it I get to ignore and how much hollers for attention!  If I let my hearing aids out maybe I can ignore some of the hollers!  I wish you all a good day!  Make it your own in every way!  And pop back in later to tell us about it!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Cloudy and 40°. Rain not due till tomorrow. Today might just be a good day to review my Tax forms, which were completed on Sunday. Always good to verify no mistakes or omissions. Oh what fun .



Good Morning!  Terrible news today with  that gigantic
Bridge being knocked down by a ship....

It ia horrible to look at as they have a film of the collapsing
bridge...  Big impact on the whole Area...   
So Sad 
 :o  :'(

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan



SANDY, I have been watching the news about the bridge collapse....What a tragedy.....so sad as it will be a very long time before they will get that crossing rebuilt.

RAMMEL, I bought a few different meds to see if I could get relief, and I appreciate your suggestion. We have always had PSEUDOEPHEDRINE HYDROCHLORIDE AKA Sudafed on hand and that is what I have been using.  Unfortunately, many over the counter drugs have ingredients that can be very dangerous to use if you are on some prescription drugs.  I never thought about it until my doctor son asked me if I had check the ingredients for possible interactions with each other.  Almost all of us would not give a thought to this to be honest.

We have a busy day ahead so guess I best get moving.

I wish you ALL a good day.
🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Good morning, twenty-five degrees presently, and it looks messy and bleak out there in black and white. Morning chores and duties are finished and coffee's brewed. I'm waiting to hear back from a couple of matters, but otherwise nothing's planned. I've yet to look at the news and will do that next.

We don't have termites here, but we have carpenter ants, which I'm told are as destructive. There are many foods that counteract with various medications as well, such grapefruit and certain diabetic meds. Any time I get certain overnight cold meds, I cannot recall the brand, I must show my ID. Evidently, they are also used in making illegal drugs.


This popped up in my emails this morning, and it mentions certain medications such as Osteoporosis, Thyroid meds and others that interact with dairy foods.

It's always a good idea to double-check the advantages and disadvantages of prescribed drugs.


"There are several medications that interact badly with calcium-rich dairy foods and supplements. Antibiotics, and medications for HIV, osteoporosis, mental health, anemia, and thyroid problems should never be taken with dairy foods. Combining the two can cause levels of either calcium or your medication to be altered. "


Hello All!  Our temps are supposed to stay up in the 40s overnight and then go into the 50s and 60s during the day tomorrow but we're also supposed to have rain!  Sure does sound like SPRING to me!!1

I'm off to the haystack.  Cooper will be here around 6:45 a.m. tomorrow and I have to be up and attem and ready to meet his needs!  I'm also going to lunch with my former co-workers from PA House Furniture Office!  We try to do it once a month and this is it!  There could be anywhere from 18 down to 12 people.  I love it!

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  Come by and share it with me.

P.S.  I didn't see anything about the bridge wreck.  I'm going to go look it up. 

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good Morning to me and to anyone else who shows up this morning!  I'm waiting for Cooper's arrival and then my day takes off!  You all have a good one too!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning

Have been fighting a cold  and it is winning.

Enjoy your day and stay sfe
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers





Good morning. It's 28 degrees this morning at 8:22 and while we had fifty for a high yesterday, this evening we're told to expect nine hours of overnight snow.

Morning chores, meet and greets and coffee made, so I'm off to see what happened overnight.

Jane, it sounds as if you're set for a good day, enjoy it even in the rain.

Amy, I'm surprised more of us don't have colds, the way this year's weather can't make up its mind.

Good morning, Rick, and good morning to everyone looking in.


Hi all!

Just finishing up my taxes. This is really late for me. Blame it on the move.

Been keeping an eye on the Dali accident in Baltimore. Haven't heard yet when they hope to clear the channel for shipping. As I heard it this morning the NTSB was to start a close and onboard inspection of Dali sometime today since they switched from Search and Rescue to Recovery mode. Everybody and their brother's agencies are in on this mess. Wonder how well and fast they will get their ducks all in order. So far, it doesn't look like many (if any) ships farther down the channel have made any moves toward unloading at another port. I understand, what with regular shipping contracts to handle, these extra ships may have to wait awhile for okay to move to another port. If the channel can be cleared in a reasonable amount of time they may just sit and wait. Either way they will by having to wait at Baltimore, or at another port (plus extra travel time, etc.

Sue and I met at Lynn's Wok for lunch yesterday. I wonder if they have a new chef. While the food at Lynn's has always been good, the lighter, crispier batter sure stood out. After that, I took another (last, I hope) load of stuff to Community Aid.

I'd love to take a nap about now, but there are hand wash dished to do and a decision to make about what to do for dinner.


I had no trouble doing nothing today...don't like it but it is what it is. Maybe tomorrow will be better.......notice I said maybe :)

Rick, Nope not sharing..but thank you for the smile ...needed that.

Patricia, I have been good for years and now when I have so many commitments now is not the time to have a cold. This one is a doozy.

MG, always nice to get them done. We have ours done and off.
No matter how many times one sees that bridge come down it is still heartbreaking..

Going to go back and do with I do best today.....nothing.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers





Good morning......anybody. :)

Critters fed and taken outside. Geese on the lake were also waking up and starting to  "talk".
Need to pick up meds for Kyle today ,then take the day as it comes. Shaky still but getting there. I have no patience for me but lots when dealing with others so this ol girl had better get well fast!

I would like to do something today!

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Night for last night and Good Morning for today!  Cooper spent the night with me last night and after our last poke around the just before it got dark, we both fell asleep in front of the TV.  And when I woke up, all I wanted to do was hit the haystack.  So I did!

AMY, sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well but glad to hear that you are on the mend...even if the mend is slow!  You sure do have the right to "take it easy" now and then, considering all you do for you and friends!

MG, good for you, getting the taxes done.  I sure do dislike that job!  For a lot of years my son did mine for me.  I happened to mention that I was a big part of seeing him through college to end up with a degree in accounting and I guess he thought it was "payback" time!  Or maybe he just thought I was too dumb to do it myself!

PATRICIA, I hope they were wrong about your snow!  That's an awful lot of snow to have at any time of the year and to have it dump all in one place is pretty bad!

Hi Rick!  Keep on keeping on!

I had a "good morning" text from daughter Cathy and she mentioned that she might be heading for the Amish grocery store sometime today and did I want a personal shopper or would I like to go with her.  I think, if she goes, I'll go.  My list is getting long!

I'm off now to get some chores done.  Cooper has decided that it's time for a nap!  I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning from the Interior at twenty-nine degrees. A little snowfall this morning with little or no accumulation. The overnight storm was trying its best with wind and fury, but the snowfall total was only an inch or two.

I'm sitting here with my first cup of coffee with Farrah fed, chores done and meet and greets finished.

I generally do one or two big chores or trips in the afternoon, while general upkeep is directly after awakening. Likewise, I was going to go pick up a few things and turn in some paperwork, but I think that'll hold off until tomorrow.

Amy, I'm sorry to hear that cold is still pummeling you. It's so dry here that I'm running a twenty-four seven humidifier and drinking sixty-four ounces of daily water to stave off my sinuses.

MG, I know what you mean about those taxes, sometimes I believe they're bloodthirsty, especially directly after filing and a lowered account.

Jane, enjoy your trip to the Amish market and time with Cathy. How does Cooper do home alone or do you take him with?