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September 27, 2024, 07:44:24 PM

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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b


Soda Shoppe September 24, 2017

Started by so_P_bubble, September 24, 2017, 04:44:15 AM

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Good Morning Everyone!

Still a drippy. rainy old morning.  But suppose to clear up some today and then maybe some sun tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a great day.  Back later


Good morning everyone, now 53° was into the low 40's. Yipee fall weather is here and the the humidity is down. Even the weather girl has long sleeves on this morning.

JANE  saeeing what you said to me yesterday made me think I must have sounded scolding, if that is how you took it I am so sorry. I kjust thought that I seldom meet any one else with my name and with 2 of us here it can get confusing.

MARY ANN  I never said I'm off but lately I say I am losing it. I write or talk without thinking of how it will sound.

JANE  glad Mickie is OK from having the teeth out. Annie must have been happy to have her home.

HAL  that is great, copied the link to share with family.

AMY  too early for color here but I look forward to seeing color soon.

JUNE  I am right behind you with being tired all the time lately.

LLOYD  hope you get help that breathing machine.

HAL beautiful sunny and  cool morning here.  :thumbup:

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Hi Everyone.  It is going to be another sunny and hot day in the high 80's or low 90's.  I have nothing on my schedule that requires me to leave the house today.  I am glad as days I am away for a couple of hours or more seem to now require a day of rest following.  Yesterday went as planned.  I did get to coffee and the Wisdom class.  Just as I got home Scott was about to drive away after installing the slide out shelves but got out of the car and gave me a big hug and came back inside for a few minutes. 

Mary Ann, I do like halibut and trout although haven't had ether one very often. I am beginning to see more restaurants offering half portions although not half prices. 

Gloria, Pat is doing less and less cooking these days.  We are thankful for so many prepared foods that make good meals.  We have been exploring the prepared meals from Costco recently and have been most happy with them.

Jane, it sounds like Annie liked all that special attention she got without having to share it with Mickie.

Sandy, it is a wonder the poor folks in Puerto Rico can survive.  They showed on the new last night the many containers for relief supplies that are stacked up on the docks but have no way of getting them to where needed.

Amy, one of the perks of being retired is that we can take those leaf trips and do other things during the weekday hours and avoid the crowds on weekends. 

June, sorry to hear your activities yesterday left you so tired.  I have found it takes a lot of energy to sing and that is why I had to give up singing in the Church choir a number of years ago.  Hope you are able to attend the party for the retiring Chaplain. 

Lloyd, your won't see anything on your CPAP screen that will indicated it has communicated with someone else.  We have the same type and can go online and see the results of the previous night and a week or two past that.  The doctor can access different data from the company to monitor your care.  If Nancy starts using the computer you will soon have to get another computer for her use.  At least we found it didn't work very well for both Pat and I to try to use the same computer. 


Good day!  It is our anniversary and I think we will go out for breakfast.  Just so tired from our day trip to Fort Collins to visit two grandchildren at CSU and a retired pastor who is a fishing buddy to Don.  Great visits - terrible traffic.  The little city of Fort Collins is in gridlock now and still builders are pushing. 

Jenny:  Don has stayed at the Broadmoor many times for meetings - I have never been there except to see it from the outside.  It is supposed to have wonderful service. Glad you had such a good time. 

Jane:  I usually microwave a head of cauliflower after covering it with wax paper to keep it moist.  It was a lesson from the county class on how to operate a microwave - years ago.  You sure are a busy gal!

Mary Ann:  Halibut is my favorite.  We have had it baked with a mayonnaise topping and it was so moist - that is how they fixed it in Sitka.  Salmon is my other favorite and Walleye is great too. 

Jane S.  glad your Mickey is doing well.  We care for our children's dogs now - too many steps here plus coyotes in the back. 

Lloyd:  It would be so nice to see a picture of Nancy's quilts. 

Poor Puerto Rico - Houston - Florida and it goes on forever.  Some is barely in the news anymore - the workers are overwhelmed.  Wishing we could help but we cannot do that work now. 

Sandy:  I hope all of your family is able to get out of the disaster area to safety.  The loss of home, jobs, everything is just incredible.   


Just want to say Hi ! 

I am  just saying  "good morning" and I hope everyone will have a great day and a great week end.

I just wrote a long message and I have no idea what I did, as it just disappeared.  Makes me so frustrated and I don't have time right now to rewrite it.



Good Morning Everyone from the
cool and sunny rocky coast of Maine. 

Sadly,  many, many Puerto Ricans are getting ready to
leave the island.     They are loosing their homes,  their friends,
their jobs  and everything else that they have strived for . 

By the time that they get to go back,  should they
choose to,  there is no guarantee that there property
will still be there,  safe or what ever and not
taken over by the people left behind ...

The possible scenario is so bad that I can't even
imagine the devastation that they are all feeling. 

My daughter in laws family do have family here in the
USA to be able to help them get "resettled",  if and when
they can get off the island.   

It kind of reminds me of the "starting over"
that our ancestors did when they left  Europe
etc and came to the "new world"....

The  young people are all bi lingual,  Speaking
Spanish and English fluently  but the elders
are not necessarily so ....   (keeping in mind
that they are ALL us citizens born and brought
up in a Spanish Speaking Territory  of the US. )

As the days go by things will get better,  or
at least there seems to  be more help arriving. 

Sandy    :-\
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan

June Drabek

I came in and read your posts, but got busy with the day and forgot to return to post. Had a grand day..lunch with Chaplain and his wife..home to fall asleep, woke in time to get back to the festivities at two p.m. Both my Gary and Dori were able to attend, and both spoke of their long friendship with Chaplain and his wife. Then home with Dori to just visit...how I do love that girl.

Now my eyes want to close, but I have to do the "before bed time" duties and then off to sleep. I love you my dear friends. Have a peaceful night. June
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Good night Everyfriend and may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast



Good morning everyone..

Temp is 34 ° here this morning and the fire feels good!! Laundry day here  after we nip into town and pick up a script for hubby.

Joy, I have had that happen and have no idea on where my post went. Some where in cyber land with the gremlins.

Jane hope Mickies mouth is healing.

Everyone have a great day.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning Everyfriend!  It's 53º here this morning and is only supposed to hit the low 70s today. 

My two girls and one granddaughter arrived yesterday and we had a nice visit beofre Cindy's class reunion activities began and I came home.  They are staying with their sister Cathy tonight and will be over here tomorrow night.  We're al; going to the local arts festival today.  They're supposed to text me when they're up.  Cindy said they would probably aim to leave around noonish to go there.  They close off the whole center of town for this activity and EVERYONE goes.  It's pretty neat!

Of course, my favorite part of the presentations is the food!  But then, you know that's my favorite "craft".

AMY, Mickie's mouth doesn't seem to be giving her any trouble.  I tried her on a regular treat last night and she took it.  It took her a bit longer than usual but she ate it.  We'll see if it hurt when I offer her another one today. 

Coffee's ready if anyone wants a cup.  You can have one now and then have seconds with Hal when his is ready.  Enjoy your day!  Make it all you want it to be!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone! I sure had a hard tine getting here this Morning.

Larry I talked to the teck. at V A yesterday he said when i first take the mask off it will show what went on as to leaks or what ever. so I did that but too small print could not red it, so i will have my glasses there in the morning to read it.
he said it transferred all data to VA in K C MO. he could read it. they said will show up on screen when it is time to order new mask or what ever. what a deal.
Have a great day everyone.



Good morning.   I will give it another try this morning and hope my message doesn't disappear.

It is a beautiful sunny morning,. but very chilly.   I have my son's big party to go to today, and I will be sure to wear something very warm.  I am even thinking about taking some kind of a blanket/afghan to wrap around my legs.  I will be sitting a good part of the day, and you get colder faster than if you are moving around.  There will be a lot of things going on to watch.  And, lots of good food.   They live on a big horse farm, and the kids will get a chance to get horseback rides with somebody walking them around, hay rides, volleyball,  horseshoes and just us older ones sitting around catching up on what is going on in our lives.  Will get to see some friends and relatives that I don't get to see a lot.    I think this is about the 25 + years they have been having this get together.  Always is a nice day.

I need to finish getting the food ready that I am taking.  One of my other son's will pick me up about noon.  So, I really need to get myself moving.  As I have mentioned many times here, I am just not a morning person.  Takes me so long to get  "up and atem". 

Jane, your local arts festival sounds like it is a nice day.  This is the time of the year when there are a lot of all kinds of art and fall festivals.  I haven't been to a nice one for a long time now.  I know you will enjoy being with your family.

Amy, good morning to you, too.  I had my heat on for a little while already this morning.  Just turned it back off, as it has warmed my place up enough now and I am comfortable.

Hope all the other friends will have a nice Saturday.


Lloyd Hammond

JaneS I forgot to tell you we are duplicate of you on weather right now same on your post  and says going to 74º today. Have a great day



Hi Everyone.  We are to get a break in our high temperatures today as expect only the low 80's with a slight possibility of some rain.  I do have a busy morning planned for today but the rest of the day should be quiet. I will watch some college football this afternoon.

Carol, I have never heard of that technique for microwaving a head of cauliflower.  I actually prefer mine to be raw rather than cooked.  Pat sometimes substitutes cauliflower in place of rice in recipes.  It takes a bit of getting used to but it is fine. 

Joy, I hope you have a wonderful time at your son's party today.  We have gone from warm to pretty chilly almost overnight in a number of places.  I think we are to get into the 50's tonight so may have to have our heat on for a a little while in the morning.  It is frustrating to lose a posting that we have spent considerable time on but it happens to most of us occasionally. 

Sandy, I expect most of us can't relate to what the hurricane victims, especially in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and other islands in that area are experiencing. At least your DIL's family have a place to go when they can get off the island and people to help them. 

June, it is wonderful that you now live close enough to family that they can visit with you often and be available for you when needed.

Amy, it sounds like you will have frost very shortly and perhaps freezing conditions.

Jane, it sounds like you have a delightful weekend ahead of you with your family and attending the fair. 

Lloyd, it sounds like your equipment is more advanced that what Pat and I have.  Ours doesn't tell us when to order new supplies.  Ours shows how long we used the CPAP and whether we get a smiley or frowny face depending on whether our masks have leaked air or not. 

Lloyd Hammond

Larry this tecknowlage  Is over my head. all I can say is your tax $$ are at work with at least V A. I am sure there are a lot of vet's deserving , not sure I am.
I did my job when I was there but never left the states and was not in harms way at all. colstest I was to have been was when the bay of the pigs took place in Cuba I was on list but settled before my # was called.  I made specialist E 5 in 13 months. so see I was doing my job.  or at least my superiors thought so.Have a great day



Good morning everyone, well I do not think I will have windows open or the AC on. It is rainy and in the low 50's.  Maintenance man told  us yesterday that he turned the heat on so might be checking to see if it is. Feels chilly in here this morning, grabbed my winter robe when I got up and it feels so good.

LARRY you sound like me. Every time I have to go out  the next day I cannot do much more than lay on the couch and watch TV. About the only times I go out anymore are to appointments. I do like the single portion meals I get from Schwan's, one thing i like is there are no preservatives in them. I did make spaghetti sauce Monday with the tomatoes my son gave me from his garden and Tuesday an apple crisp with some of the apples he gave me. Needless to say my CNA's helped with both of them. Wednesday when CNA came she looked at me and told me to get on the couch and stay there. Have enough of the sauce in the freezer to just about take me through the winter. Yesterday she cooked me some pasta and warmed up the container of sauce there was no room for in the freezer, tasted so good. O have tried just about all the different canned sauces and just cannot eat it. Nothing beats home made and this was made with fresh tomatoes, not canned.

CAROL  Happy belated anniversary.

SANDY  no matter what disaster and how many thing people lost there always seems to be looters. What can they do with TV's and such when they have no homes and no electricity. Those looters will rot in hell one day. From what I saw on TV yesterday they are having a problem getting the supplies to those who are stranded because of the destruction there.

JUNE  it is wonderful how now you get to see Gay and Dori so often.  So glad you did move closer to them.

AMY  I did turn the thermostat up and I am starting to feel the heat, feels wonderful this morning.

JANE  it is now up to 54° here according to the TV but very damp. This town used to have an Art festival every year but no longer do. One town has one over Columbus day weekend that people from all around set up at and it is always crowded there and at times people have to park about 2 miles away  to get there.

LLOYD  good morning.

JOY  I used to be a morning person but the older I get the longer it takes me to get going in the mornings. Enjoy your day, sounds like a wonderful time every year.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good Morning Everyone!

Nice dry morning out and saw the sun peeping out.  Suppose to get into the 80's.  Wish I was in good enough shape to get outside and work in the yard, going to be one of those days you are glad to be alive.

Larry like you I plan on watching some football this afternoon, but, I have an ATT tech coming to work on my DVR or more than likely just replace it.  Which means I will have to reprogram all the shows in again.

Janie, can I slip over for coffee and bring my pot to share?  Sound like you are going to have a whopee day with all the bells and whistles and the kids as an added attraction.  I know you will have a good time along with them.

Amy old Jack Frost is at your door for sure.  I think you said the other morning was already at zero, brrrrrrr.  I know that wood pile till start to disappear pretty quick.
Not sure what the temp is here, but nothing like yours, but it is nice and cool out.  I stuck no nose out when I let Lady out to check the estate.  She is now here with me laying behind me sound asleep.  She is a gentle, loving old soul.

Well coffee is almost ready so I am off to get a cup, everyone have a great day.  For those who want a cup, you are welcome.


Hal:  Thanks, my coffee is ready here.  Enjoy whatever game you are going to watch.

Joy: Have you every found something called "silk" longies?  they are usually sold in ski shops but so nice for chilly rooms or going outdoors. 

Sandy:  And, all the lost documents of ownership.  The list of losses is so bad - plus so many had little in the first place.  Remembering when we saw all the Fema trailers in Texas - they can't get any to the islands very easily. 

Lloyd:  You made E5 very quickly. 

Gloria:  thank you - we went out for breakfast and I had lemon sauce over pancakes - so different, so nice. 

Mary Ann

It was 40 degrees when I rolled out of bed at 6:30 am and it's in the high 50s now, I think.  It still is sweater weather which is nice.  I've had the heat on several times, even in the summer, but now I have it set to go on whenever it wants to.

The first weekend in June our city has what started out to be an art festival but has derived into a food festival.  There are some art projects, but food predominates.  Most churches have the booths, but some companies too.  Right now, we are having ArtPrize which draws people from all over the world and it is juried.  It lasts for about three weeks and is very well attended - by others, not me. 

Tom has a CPAP but I don't think it talks to him.  On the other hand, I've never asked him.  He likes it for another reason than helping him sleep - it keeps out the outside noises.

Joy, your family gathering sounds like fun and I know you'll enjoy it.

Mary Ann


A good last Saturday in September HELLO to EVERYFRIEND. 

JOY & JANE, both of your outings today sound delightful! ENJOY.

I am feeling a bit down today......so much at one time then nothing!  I have no business to complain, but I am 😪😪

Thursday we got up and got on the road at 7:30, headed for the famous Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs.  Met Bob's cousins from Alabama for a fancy buffet breakfast.  Ate way too much, of course,  but it sure was nice.  Then we went up to see their beautiful rooms.  Wow, that hotel is something else.   Then we headed for Manatou Springs and got on the cog rail to the top of Pikes Peak.  What a climb.....it was fun, but the area was socked in with fog and clouds so we did not have the best views.  There was snow, of course and most everyone was feeling a bit woozy as the air is mighty thin up above 14,000 feet.  It was quite fun.  We went back to the hotel and had lunch and a tour around the beautiful grounds.  It was quite the treat.  I loved being there and seeing it, but my pocketbook was sure happy we did not spend the night! 

Yesterday we got our flu shots.  Last night I was really feeling puny......maybe just tired from all our excitement...... but I am better today. 

Enjoy the rest of your day! 

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"

June Drabek

This is Saturday, isn't it ? I know it was supposed to be a day "off" for me, with the exception of a hymn sing at 6:30 this evening. I woke at 4a.m. dozed a bit till my med. girl came at 6a.m. Had a chat with her about delaying my "patch" till after I took my shower, so we have it all arranged. The new patch is far easier to remove than the old style, so I wanted to make sure I could wait and apply it myself after the shower. Plus I can always take one late in the evening after the patch comes off, but I prefer mornings. So that is done.

Did some extra Bible reading while I dried up from the shower,  then went for a walk, a visit to the library, and an early lunch. Brought home enough food to reheat for supper, then more reading and more napping. I can't seem to get enough sleep.

Larry, I was interested in reading that you too, found singing in Choir bothered your breathing, so I am encouraged to quit the Christmas Choir also. I few hymns on Sunday are fine but an average hour of constant singing just about leaves me passing out.

Janie, I am so happy to read that Mickie is recovering so nicely from the dental surgery. I wish we humans could do the same. We think too much.

Joy, your message came through bright and cheerful this morning. I wish we could read the minds of these machines, and why they do the things the do to frustrate us.I hope you have a good time at the party today.

Hal, what age is your Lady dog ? We have had so many dear pets down through the years. It always takes a piece of our heart when we have to say good bye to them.

Jenny, I got my flu shot last Wed. and find that I have a bruise on my arm. Can't recall that ever happening before and the bandaid had quite a large splot of blood on it.

This week has sure passed by in a hurry. tomorrow is Sunday again, and our new Chaplain will start his second Sunday of duties. It must be difficult to step into shoes that have had 15 years of previous experience. I wish him God's great Blessings.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


I'm home for good tonight.  My daughter and granddaughter picked me up around 11:30 and we picked up Cindy's niece's little girl and all 6 of us went to the arts festival.  I didn't buy anything but everyone else did.  Lots of nice people and I ran into an old friend that I haven't seen in many years.  That was a nice time.

After that Cathy and Cindy went to a memorial gathering for one of their friends and the rest of us walked though town, stopping wherever we felt like stopping and then walked back to Cathy's house.  Some of them went to the tailgate party at the football game while Christy and I took a nap and Cindy got ready for her class reunion.  Then those who didn't go to the football game went out for Chineese.  I'm home but my car went out for the evening. 

As soon as I make dog food, I'm going to bed.  Just writing all that makes me tired all over again.

Good Night my friends.  Sleep well and may God bless us, every one.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Night everyone! sweet dreams



Good Night Everyone!

God Bless and sweet dreams


Good morning everyone..

Wow, where did September go???

Thought I could sleep in this morning but the pup had other ideas. She wiggled up beside my back and when I let out a long sigh she started!! First she lay across my back peering into my face, I know this as her whiskers tickled my face,Next her nose poked under my arm and then the cold nose on my face. She knew that once I stated to giggle she had done her deed so up we got.

Yesterday was laundry day and the line was full of bedding that blew out nice. Another line full of fabric that I washed and you could heard it snapping in the wind.  Got another load of wood for the house and then cut the grass so today is a day of rest :thumbup:

Jane sounds like a fun and full day you had.

Joy, your day also sounds fun.

Bet both you ladies slept well last night!

Carol, never thought of having a lemon sauce on pancakes bet that was good.

Gloria, we have a fire on here this morning, guess that will be normal for here on to next Spring.

Hal, our pines are just dropping their needles here and I will rake them up once they are all down.

Enjoy your day everyone.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning everyone, I am up and at it early for me. It is 41° and the heat is on and warming me nicely. I am here with my coffee, any one want to join me? Tastes good is I do say so myself. Have the local news on and they are talking about wild weather over night. If it was in this area I did not hear anything. In the southern part they had a bad thunderstorm and lightning hit a barn and a fire resulted. Happy October.

HAL even after all the years without one I still miss having a dog. At least at the apartment I had in my son's house his dog came upstairs with him every day and I loved that. There are a few here that have small dogs they walk around and some do stop at everyone they see for some petting.

CAROL  hmm, lemon sauce over pancakes? That sounds like something different and I would love that, love lemon.

JENNY  looks like you had a great time enjoying the luxury at Broadmoor Hotel. We will get our flu shots here at the end of the month. So nice that a nurse comes here with the shots so we do not have to go anywhere for them. All we have to do is sign up if we want one so she knows how much to bring. She is the daughter of our about to be 100 year old resident. She is still lively and walks around the parking lot every day and her mind is sharp. The lady who turned 100 in June is now living with her daughter in Arizona and we all miss her.

JUNE  several in my family had beautiful voices but I am not one   of them. If I was to sing everyone would tell me to shut up.

JANE  glad you had a good time yesterday. I can imagine you were tired after all that walking.

AMY  enjoy your day of rest.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


I'm up but not sure I'm attem yet.  The doggies have had their pill and were waiting that time.  I have my first cup of coffee and I'll be having my second sup when HAL get around to it. 

I have to get myself around because the girls told me they'd let me know what we're doing today.  I guess that means there are more activities in the planning stage for today.  I'm sure glad I'm on vacation because I'll be able to rest up after they leave.  Sure don't want to miss anything while they're here!

Daughter Cindy and granddaughter Courtney will be going back to daughter Christy's in Maryland sometime this evening.  Cindy will be catching a plane back to Texas sometime Monday morning and Courtney has to work.  Guess Christy is taking Cindy to the airport. 

JOY, I hope it wasn't too cold for your gathering yesterday.  And I hope you enjoyed your day as much as I enjoyed mine.  I bet you did!

AMY, one of the things I miss the mosts is laundry flapping on the line on a winday day.  There were lots of natural compensations for the things we didn't have when we were growing up and that's one of them.  The smell of woodsmoke is another.  Someone around here has a wood fire on cold days.  I smell it when I'm out with the dogs and I miss that, too.

JENNY, I'm sorry you had a "BLAH" day but I hope your visit with friends made up for it.  Sometimes we have to have the blahs so we can appreciate the good stuff that we are given.  I'm sure you already know that.  You have so many blessings with your children and your friends and family!

Good Morning GLORIA, you sneaked up on me!

I hope you all have a good day filled with whatever it is you wish for.  Take it and make it yours.  Tuck it into your memories to pull out later.  ENJOY!!!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Hall I sent you and some more a forward email that a friend sent to me about a rattle snake found on a gulf course at mesa A Z. if I think of other's email address i will send.I do not know how to take out of email and post.


Hi Everyone.  We are going to have a much cooler day today, which is sure welcome.  I expect this to be our normal Sunday with Sunday School and Church and then out to lunch.  Hopefully another couple from our Sunday School class will be able to join us for lunch.  The rest of the day will be one of rest.

Lloyd, I have no problem with anyone who served in our military getting veteran's benefits.  You would have gone if called up for duty in a troubled area.  It takes a lot of support from others for those that do face battle.  It sounds like you did your job very well and your good work was recognized with promotions. 

Gloria, nice to see you have the heat on in your apartment building.  You will enjoy your tomato sauce in the months ahead. 

Hal, I hope they just replaced your DVR. Glad you had a nice day and hope your back pain is much lessened. 

Carol, your mentioning the loss of important documents in the floods makes me remember I need to scan those I keep in my desk and get them up on the cloud.  I have a scan app now on the phone that should make the job pretty easy.  I have never heard of having lemon sauce over pancakes but bet that would be tasty. 

Mary Ann, there was a man who used to attend our Church and the weekly Bible study that was an artist and he participated in the art festival in your town.  He told me about how it was all spread out in many different locations.  I wear my Bose headphones all night to help block out the noises in our house and that we can hear from I-20 since we live off of a frontage road and the noise can be heard in the background.  The headphones are very comfortable and other than making my ears warm they are very comfortable even when I turn my head to the side.  Fortunately, they turn themselves off after a time period when no sound is transmitted through them.  I have found that listening to an audio book is a good way to put me to sleep.  I do set bookmarks and a timer to be sure I don't get too lost when I have to go back to find my place that I last remember in the story. 

Jenny, I think most of us have some down days most of the time.  Nice to read about your wonderful time in Colorado Springs.  We have taken the cog rail to the top of Pikes Peak.  I don't think I could stand that altitude anymore.  I get need to get my flu shot, which I can from the Walmart Pharmacy. 

June, knowing how tired you are getting now I have wondered how you could handle choir practice.  It sounds like a good idea to put your nitro patch on after the shower. 

Jane, nice to see you enjoyed the fair and the time with your family.  It sounds like it was a very full day. 

Amy, your pup sure knows what to do to get you up.  I have always loved the smell of fresh laundry that had been hung outside.  I had forgotten about the whipping sound of the sheets and other things in the wind.