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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe Week of April 10

Started by JoanFL, April 10, 2016, 04:24:31 AM

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Click for Arlington, TexasForecast


Good Morning Everyone!

And a very special Good Morning to you Gloria, on this your special day.  Happy Birthday!!!!! ;)

We have the makings for a nice warm sunny day here and I guess we should enjoy it as they are saying that our chances for rain and increasing for this weekend.

Lloyd our plants on the patio are showing off with lots of blooms.  But still no great abundance of humming birds.  Just an occasional stray comes around.  My daughter in Del Rio has dozens of them at her feeders.  But she lives right on the fringe of open land from a large ranch.  She gets all kinds of critters wandering in.  Especially deer.

Everyone have a great day.


Hi Callie, Mary Ann, Radioman and MaryTX.

halkel--Good morning.  We had rain and thunder during the night.  Right now it's just overcast, but more storms are forecast for this afternoon.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


G'day all and Lloyd.  Sorry Lloyd, missed your calls today, t'was a bright sunny morning here so was out in garden, got caught by nextdoor neighbour and had a good old chinwag !, I forgot I had left PC switched on !, I then noticed you and Alf had both been calling, I will look for you tomorrow,  :thumbup:
Hello Gloria. Many happy returns,hope you have a enjoyable day, oh dear !, just hear'd on radio, rain forecast for late pm, that's the sunshine gone  for next two days, so I should hear you if you call tomorrow Lloyd !.


June Drabek

I went back to bed and caught about another hour of sleep. Still plan to stay close to home today, and close to my bed. Housekeeper was in to change the bed and give clean towels and more T.Paper...they leave too much though. I now have three rolls on the back of the toilet, and two more in the cabinet. Mercy.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Hi everyone on this Friday morning.  The forecast for today shows we are to stay cloudy and only get up to 70 degrees this afternoon.  I had planned on driving to Madison, Georgia to meet friends for lunch but our plans were changed as three of the six weren't going to be able to attend.  So it is now scheduled for next Friday.  I am glad as am not feeling up to par today.   I just got back from getting a pedicure  as can no longer deal with my toenails and want to avoid having more toenails removed if possible.  Pat and I plan on going to a bar-b-q place we like for a good lunch and then she won't need to worry about fixing dinner tonight.  That will be our exciting day.

Mary Ann, i am glad I hadn't lost my posting even though I had it in the wrong discussion.

Carol, I am sure that the criticism the VA has and is receiving doesn't reflect the service provided by the employees as the problems seem to be management related.  Sure glad that Don gets good treatment, as should all of our vets. 

Kelly, there is a series called the Vikings on either Amazon or Netflix.  I watched the first episode but haven't gotten back to it.  It looked like it would be an interesting story.  Interesting bit of the history related to the Vikings on the IOM. 

Hal, he heard the noise the opener was making and instantly said he needed to change out the unit.  I suspect they may have had this same thing happen several times before.  Fortunately, he had the unit with him.  The tech was the same person who had installed it in October of 2014.  When I was doing our church website I would link any Bible reference to the Biblegateway website.  One of the two daily devotionals I get uses links to that site as well.  I have the app for YouVersion Bibles on my phone and iPad and have also visited the Glo website but really haven't used it.  Hope you don't have any floods in your area.

Molly, you probably would have enjoyed our Wisdom group yesterday as the topic that the minister has posted on the outside sign for Sunday we discussed for an hour.  It is "Is Jesus God". 

Happy Birthday Gloria.

June Drabek

Larry, my exciting news is someone has trashed my email...I cannot use it at all. I had a message from Google saying some one had stolen my gmail password, but they don't tell me what to do about it. I tried to contact Google and they wanted me to fill in all kinds of questions, some I could not answer, or they would not accept so my temperament told me to quit.

Please folks, don't send me any gmail......it doesn't work. June
As long as we are here, let's dance.


June, change you password on your google email as soon as you can so they can longer get into your email account. 

June Drabek

Hal, I would not know how to change my password on Google. We have an employee here that works on our computers so I will go downstairs and request her help.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Hi roley.   We are expecting rain later this afternoon.

June--Best to spend the day resting if you aren't feeling well.  So sorry your email got hacked.

Larry--I am about to the point that I am going to have to go to a podiatrist for toenail cutting.  You and Pat enjoy your meal out.

Hi halkel.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good Afternoon Everyone,
from the Sunny and getting warmer, 
Rocky Coast of Maine.   

I have decided to get rid of cable TV, 
and keep only my phone and my
Internet through the company that
services our building.   

It is a huge decision for me,  but if I
pay attention and organize what I watch
weekly,  I can buy Roku and pretty much
take care of all my needs.     

First I must determine my needs, 
decide how I am going to fill them,   
and then CUT THE CORD!     

I am the only person in my family
that subscribes to cable TV.   
And it is hugely expensive
these days with all the features I get, 
but hardly ever use.   

Wish me Luck ... 

Happy Birthday,  Gloria
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Good afternoon, another beautiful day, but we are suppose to have 30mil wind gust , out of the North East.

Gloria HAPPY BIRTHDAY,  have a great day.

Amy enjoy your day, someone else is driving, and you do not have to shavel snow.

Joan, for the last few years I have gone and had my nails trimed.  There is also someone that come to the park, and medicare pays for it.

JaneS, lately I have been haveing weird dreams also.

It , was so nice outside this morning, i did a couple of things, I spray painted a table and the flower box.  I cannot believe how tired it made me.  I need to get out and strighten up the sun porch, so I can go out there and read.  It stays warm, till the sun goes down.

I am missing the TV and movie forum. Still have not been able to put the temp. in.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


Sandy--Good luck organizing so you can get rid of cable TV.

Linedancer--It would be nice if someone came to our clubhouse to do toenails, but that hasn't happened.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


A tad late as our computer had been down but.....



I got some "things" done this morning, then had lunch, gave the doggies a snack and had a short nap.  Now it's almost time to go pick up TLH at school so I bid you all a GOOD AFTERNOON.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast



Me to.  I hate anyone touching my feet but it had gotten that I  can do the right one good but not the left. Cut them to low now.


JoanFL ... 
Thanks ...   

I am sure that being well organized and
knowing what I want will go a long way
for me to establish a new way of
viewing my favorite shows plus save me
a lot of money.

At least that is my goal,  as of today!
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan

June Drabek

Good News. our sweet young girl that works here on elec. stuff, came up and within minutes she had my gmail up and running. Bless her sweet heart and personality. She said someone in Philadelphia had just paged around with numbers and got my password, and messed me up. It is only the gmail that was affected and she helped me with a new password. What a blessing she is.

Bis, I'm not sick, just really really tired from those three and a half hours in the dentists chair yesterday, so that's why I am taking the day off. I did go down for a good lunch, that will be my main meal of the day, Clam chowder, tuna salad, big glass of tomato juice, and brought home a jar of milk for tomorrows breakfast and a big slice of cake for snacking. I have had two short naps and ready for another about now. I am so happy to have my email back !!!!!
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Vanilla/Jackie--Sorry your computer was down.

Janie--An afternoon nap sometimes rejuvenates a person.:)

JeanneP--It makes me angry with myself when things that used to be done so easily are now difficult.

Sandy--You are so well informed that I am sure giving up cable won't be bad.  You know how to acquire the things you want to see.

June--GREAT that the girl who knows so much about computers got your gmail fixed.  I'm glad you aren't sick--just tired from the extended time in the dental chair.  It's smart to have a good meal.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


I hope so JoanFL..

Thanks for the encouragment!
I am such a TV/internet
addict that  I am trying to
make the change over as
seamless as possible.

But I am already very,
very anxious about this
whole major change for me.
(This too shall pass!  Hopefully)

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Hi Larry
Thanks for the news about the series called Vikings, only not easy to get Netflix here or Amazon, though i don't like using Amazon.

I think of most of the places that the Vikings landed and took over, the history in relation to the Isle of Man is one of the most important.  As I said there is more history in our culture than most places the Vikings landed.



Joan,  I feel the same way as you.  I don't get angry,  I just get kind of get depressed that I can't do the things I want to do.  I have a lot of trouble walking and it takes me so long to do things,  that I just kind of decide it isn't worth going to the trouble.  I am grateful that I can still take care of my own place, and I still can get around with a walker, but I just keep thinking there are so many things that I would like to do.  I love the beach, and I would just love to be able to go to the beach and would be very happy just to sit on a balcony looking out at the beach and the ocean.  I would even go by myself,  (if I had a way to go) but my kids wouldn't let me do that, I am sure of.  Like somebody mention a while ago, these golden years really aren't so golden.  But, as my husband use to say,  "it's better than the alternative". And, I will have to agree with that. :thumbup:

Have a nice evening.



GLORIA - Coming in a bit late, but certainly join other Friends here in sending you very Happy Birthday wishes.  Stay Healthy, Wise and think about a bit of Mischief which will make you happy.  AND don't forget a bit of Chocolate helps!

I treated myself to some new plants today and bought beautiful bright red ones and a couple of pink ones, too.  Tomorrow when my son comes to visit for the day and overnight, he gets the privilege of actually planting them for me.

Hope all are ready for a delightful weekend.  Enjoy!


KELLY  I had a wonderful day, nice warm sun and a beautiful sunset.

JOAN  best birthday since the last one. I have now been retired 20 years today.

CALLIE  thank you. I keep saying that one day I will try those moving words.  Still waiting for that one day.

MARY ANN  thank you. Oh yes I know I will enjoy the Sees when I get them. Best chocolates I ever had. Will have a couple of their lollypops, too. Last year I got a coconut one and it was yummy.

DON  thank you.

MARYTX  Thanks.

HAL  Thanks, I just got home from a trip with my son and DIL for ice cream. Tomorrow will go to their home for supper and will get to see my little great grandson, too. Of course my grandson and his wife will be their, too. My other son will be here tomorrow afternoon. Talked to my daughter before son picked me up so was a wonderful day.

JOAN  glad you are finally getting some rain but can do with out the thunder and lightening.

ROLEY  thank you. I sat out on the porch yesterday and today, too. Felt great sitting in the warm sun.

JUNE  if anyone there runs out of TP they can get some from you.

LARRY  thank you. Glad your meeting with your friends was canceled to next week No fun driving any distance when you are not feeling up to par.

JUNE  best thing you can do is change your gmail password as soon as you can.

SANDY  I will be talking to my grandson tomorrow about what they have not to attach to the TV so I can cut that cord. I don't watch much TV and I sure do not watch the foreign language, sports or the news channels. Thank you.

GLORIA de  thank you. We had a nice breeze today, even the flag was not flying straight out like it had been. So far I can still cut my toenails. Have to use a pair of wire cutters to do it after a shower when they have softened a bit.

JACKIE  thank you. Really not late.

JANE  my laundry go done and the floors washed, made the bed and I just watched all being done. Great having someone to do those things that I am no longer able to do.

JEANNEP  so many things I cannot do any longer but I can still cut my toenails. Glad they do not grow as fast as my fingernails.

JUNE  watching someone work on a computer who knows what they are doing make me feel like a dummy. When I watch my grandson go from page to page so fast and type so fast makes me wonder why I cannot improve. Then I think he grew up with a computer and went to college majoring in computers and works with them on his job.

JOY  one thing I can no longer do is go to the market. Last time my son took me it took 2 days before I felt rested again. Even with my rollator it was too much walking.  I do like picking my own produce so I know it is good.  One son knows what I really like and tomorrow he will go to the market for me. I do order about every 4 or 5 weeks to be delivered but not produce and I go like my fresh veggies and fruit.

MOLLY  thank you. I did have some chocolate in the form of ice cream in a sugar cone. Was so good. With Chaps planting your new plants tomorrow they are sure to thrive. After all he is one of God's messengers so they should thrive.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast

Mary Ann

Has anyone heard if the earthquakes today were near where Sato and Sachiko live?  The reports only say "southern Japan" and I know both are south of Tokyo, but I don't know how far south.

Mary Ann


JUNE, I was thinking that you might use your excess TP for tissues and napkins....Just thinking..

Joy, how far is it from where you live to the beach?

I've had supper and shared my recliner with both dogs...kind of a tight squeeze but I like it when the want to love me.  Now I'm ready for bed so I'll say...

Good Night Everyfriend.  I wish you peaceful sleep and that you may wake to a bright new day.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

June Drabek

Joy, I think you speak for most of us that can no longer do the things we did not too many years ago. I too love the water, we lived in Long Beach, Ca. many years ago and I loved the Ocean. I need my walker to get around now, but when I see others here that are wheel chair bound, I thank God that I can still stand and walk with the aid of my good friend the cart. My arms still work fine, I can brush my teeth and cleanse myself, comb my hair, eat, digest my food…so much we can be thankful for, right ?

Gloria, I am so glad you had such a fun Birthday, and more to come tomorrow. How many years did you work outside the home? I never had a full time job after I married. Ed didn't want me to work, but I was able to do some work, at the school, as an aid at a nursing home, and at Sears at the Christmas holiday time, but nothing where it took me out of the house for a full days work.

Janie, I have used t. paper to wipe up spills in the bathroom and kitchen. They are supposed to give us two rolls a week, two bath towels, two hand towels two wash cloths, a bath mat, and our beds are changed once a week. And the bathrooms are cleaned every week. Every other week the scrubbing, dusting of everything..including the venetian blinds and pictures on the walls, and vacuuming is done. And they do a sparkling job. If we choose to use our own linens we are responsible for laundering them. I gave all mine away. I do keep finger tip towels for guests and small dish towels of my own.

I pray you all have a very good night and a happy tomorrow. God Bless you through this night. Love, hugs, and prayers. June
As long as we are here, let's dance.


June, Jane and Gloria,  thanks for your comments...... re: concerning my inability to do some of the things I would like.

I really am grateful for what I can do, and I do have 2 great daughter-in-laws who help me quite  a bit.  Two of my sons live close by and I can call on them when need to.  They all work and are busy and have their own lives.   Didn't really mean to sound that "down".... just some days I tend to give in to my feelings.  I will bounce back. 

Yes, June, I do know that there a lot of people, just here where I live, that are worse off.  And,  I  really am not a complainer, usually.   

Jane, I guess I am about 3 - 3 1/2 hours from the beach.  I really miss my friend who passed away a while back.  She didn't mind driving anywhere as long as I knew where we were going.  We did have a lot of nice day trips and vacations.  I am a good navigator.

Supposed to be a little warmer tomorrow and hopefully,  I will get to sit outside for a while.   And, maybe even make a cake.  I bought some of those Duncan Hines mixes that makes the little 6 in. cake.   I need something sweet. 

Gloria, my daughter-in-law does take me to Walmart.  I have started writing her a list and me a list.  Makes it a lot easier.  But, when I finish walking up and down the aisles,   I am done in the next day. But, I do feel like that is my exercise for the week. LOL   I hate Walmart's produce.   Our Weis store has beautiful produce and sometime we will stop there and my DIL will go in and pick up some better produce than at Walmart.  I put away the cold things and let the rest of the groceries wait until the next day.

Gloria, I am so happy that you were able to get out and have some " birthday ice cream".  And,  that it was chocolate was an added plus.  I am sure you will enjoy your See's candy, as well as your visit with your family and get to see your great-grandson.

Hope everyone will have a nice week end.  And, the weather is good in your area.  I did hear on the news that Denver was expecting a lot of snow... maybe over a foot.  I know Jenny isn't happy to hear that news.  Sure has been a crazy spring, weather-wise,  all across the country.




Coming in late and feeling badly that I am just now wishing you a
H A P P Y  B I R T H D A Y, GLORIA.  It sounds like you had a wonderful day and the celebrating will continue tomorrow.  I wish you a healthy and happy year. 

The rains have started and the weather guessers continue to say that this storm is indeed going to be a doozy!  We are prepared to stay in the house and ride it out. 

Pleasant dreams to all,

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"