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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe Week of April 10

Started by JoanFL, April 10, 2016, 04:24:31 AM

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Amy--Those were the days of REALLY hard work.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


When I click on "REPLY"  and
the posting box comes up.   
I start my typng ,   if I miss spell words,
automatically  a red line shows up under my
miss spelled words.     Right then and there,

I    RIGHT CLICK on the word
that has the red line under it,   
and a box comes up
given me correctly spelled words. 

I simply   click on the word that it
spelled correctly and  it replaces
my miss spelled word.     

This only works in the box that I am typing in
when I click on reply.     

So there is a way to use spell check when the
Spell Check at the lower right is not working.   

It is working for me now.   

Sometimes I type a long post and before posting,
I RIGHT Click  on all of the word that have a red line
underlining them.  And choose the correct spelled
word to replace them  ...     

I do one red underlined   word at a time.     

Until all my words are spelled correctly.   

This is easy and work now!   

Try it..
And good luck

P.S.   I use the Google Browser "Chrome", , and this might just be a feature of that.    Because it also works in my Yahoo Mail  program. 
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Callie and others, from the Oxford dictionary;

[predicative] informal Slightly and indefinably unwell; faint or dizzy: 'I felt a little peculiar for a while, but I’m absolutely fine now

More example sentences
2 [predicative] (peculiar to) Belonging exclusively to:' the air hung with an antiseptic aroma peculiar to hospitals'

More example sentences Synonyms
2.1 formal Particular; special: any attempt to explicate the theme is bound to run into peculiar difficulties


Well, I'm finally home to stay.  I went to church at 8 a.m. and then stayed for coffee.  After that, I went to WM to pick up a few things I need and then home.  I had just finished putting them away when I got a text that my son was at the ER with my DIL because she had a swelling in her throat and was having trouble breathing.  I asked if there was anything I could do and he said, "Not right now, thanks, I'll call if I need you."

Kiran has been taking piano lessons from a student at a nearby university and was to have her first concert today.  I felt bad that she would probably have to miss it.  I had not yet changed my clothes when the phone rang and it was my son.  They had admitted Sarah and she immediately sent them home to get ready for the concert.  Did I want to go along.  I did and we went.  She played a memorable rendition of HOT CROSS BUNS!  And we clapped loudly.  All the student did well but, of course, Kiran was the BEST!

Now I'm home to stay for the rest of the day and I think I already hear the sofa calling my name. 

FYI Sandy: I'm typing in the posting block and I tried to click on a word that came up underlined in red and the entire rest of my post is now underlined in red.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Did you Right Click?   I use Windows and Google Chrome.    (And have been doing this for years.)     

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


oops!  I left clicked.

I'll try it again.  By darn, it works!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


As Hannibal Smith (The A Team) used to say, "I love it when a plan comes together!"

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Sandy--I don't use any form of spell check.  I have few things I am good at, and spelling is one of them.  But, I intentionally misspelled some words in this post and followed your instructions.  Thanks.  It worked.  Learned something new today.

Hi angelface.

Janie--I hope there's nothing seriously wrong with Sarah.  GREAT that you were able to go to Kiran's concert.  Of course, she was the BEST.  Hmmm......you learned something new today, too.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Yes, Jane.  I tried it and it worked for me.   I also tried it on another group that I post in, and it worked there.

Isn't it amazing feeling when you learn something new !  :thumbup:

I do hope that you DIL will feel better and able to go home soon.  Nice that you were able to go to Kiran's recital. 



They were showing the snow in Ohio at little while back today. Awful.  We are having the worse Rain storm but at least don't have to shovel it. Very cold though.

Was planning on leaving the house today and do some running around. No chance of that.


(Sigh)  One more time:   In the book I'm reading, the term "Peculiar of the British Crown" is NOT a judgmental description; it's more of....I guess you'd call it  "a governmental thing".  Kelly described that situation on the IOM very well.
I  love words and wondered about the origin of the term "Peculiar".    I did my own search but the only thing I found was in a History of Jersey (an island also designated "A Peculiar of the Crown"), which was a reference to some book titled "A Grammar of the Norman French of the Channel Islands".   
That's TMI for me, as I suspect this thread is for everybody else so .....That'll do.   :thumbup:
I've just had a most pleasant experience with a Cox Internet Tech.    After working just fine all morning, my internet connection stopped and none of the suggestions for fixing it myself worked.  So I called the toll-free Cox number and was connected to "John".
Not only did he fix the issue,  he could tell that I have an outdated modem (which I knew) and is sending me a new combination modem/router - which will not only be free but will reduce my monthly bill by $4.00. He's even including a pre-paid box so I can send the old modem back.
Now that's what I call service!!

Jane,  so sorry about your DIL and hope that she is alright.  Glad you were able to go to Kiran's recital.

The sun is shining but the wind is so strong that I chose to attend church via t v this morning.   Will have to wait to share my dream with my friend until another day.

June Drabek

Now that you write of it, I recall on my Uncles farm…the cows had to be milked and fed, turned out to pasture. The pigs and chickens had to be fed, and my Aunt had to cook and do dishes. I guess the "rest" came in between the chores, where folks would grab a nap after a big dinner, and there was no revelry of any kind.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


FYI: Sarah still has her tonsils and has been sick all week.  Seems they are both so swollen that no air was able to pass them.  They are giving her strong antibiotics and trying to reduce the swelling.  I'm afraid that at the age of 36 or maybe 37, she will have to lose her tonsils.  Not an easy thing for an adult but at least it's not as serious as it could be.  I'm on call for Kiran!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


JeanneP--Best to stay home when the weather is so bad.

Callie--Kudos to the Cox rep who certainly covered all the bases.

June--I never had the opportunity to be around a farm. :(

Janie--I'll be praying that the swelling of the tonsils abates and Sarah can have them removed without incident.  My husband had his out after we married--he was 35.  Quite honestly it was no piece of cake.

We haven't heard from Shirley for quite some time.  Anybody heard from her?

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Joan,  Shirley posted on the "Slide Shows and Home Videos" board yesterday.  So, she is still around.   I think it was #50 posting.

I didn't make a note of what she wrote about..... just noted that she was on here yesterday.




Thanks for the good wishes for Sarah.  I haven't heard any more since we came back from the concert.  I'm sure my son is tired and with a little one to care for alone, he's probably got his hands full.

I just got a text from him.  They just got back from the hospital. He probably won't answer until he gets Kiran settled for the night. 

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Well it was sunny all day but not that warm. Getting so no one goes outside here anymore or gather in the library. Too quiet.

JOAN  you know I will always  enjoy a lemon DD.

LLOYD  hope you got the rain you need today. That is some flying boat you had the link for.

GLORIA de  I make sure I leave some lemon DD's for you. We didn't get that snow either. Don't want to see any more till next winter.

JANE  My brother that was wounded in W2 finally came home and had to have his tonsils removed. He was in his late 20's then. I wish the best or your DIL. Of course Kiran was the best at the concert.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Hi CallieOK
Not sure about,  one more time and (sigh)

I do not think Bill Bryson's 'Peculiar of the British Crown' is a judgemental decision and I don't think my post hinted at that.

Whatever Bill Bryson writes or other authors and reporters write is how they see the Islands in this case around the United Kingdom,  And we welcome whatever is said in praise and equally we welcome constructive criticism.

As an Island we cannot improve our standards unless we learn from what others see.

I looked up peculiar and two of the definitions I saw were 'unusual' and 'different'.  Now Bill Bryson perhaps used this phrase in a nice way for the Island as it is as some see it like life in London and other large cities in the UK, but in the 1960's.

If Bill Bryson had visited the larger cities of the Uk, then the quaint lifestyle here might seem ' unusual, different, peculiar' to others.

Actually many people get the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands mixed up.  And the lifestyles and culture are so different.

CallieOK thank you for bringing the topic to my notice and I have welcomed your comments.




June â€" thanks for comments on the lifeline…I WILL CHECK IF THAT’S THE NAMEE OF OUR LOCAL ONE.  Pardon all caps, trouble typing tonight.


Sure glad my Texas Rangers are back playing baseball….love the Rangers.

Got things to do and get ready for bed…Dr. Appt.  tomorrow to see about this pitiful hand.


Lloyd Hammond

Good night everyone.c u all tomorow.



Sun, what Kelly, Hal and Rick and others were talking about is a type of software for your computer. It allows you to speak your commands to the computer rather than using your hands to type. I use the Dragon voice  recognition myself. There are different types and styles of Dragon software by Nuance.


Good Night Everyfriend!  I hope you all sleep peacefully and wake refreshed so that you can do whatever pleases you best tomorrow.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Callie, I googled "Peculiar of the British Crown" and found this:

Peculiar of the British Crown  Quiet a list, but I couldn't find Isle of Mann.

Off to bed,  Watched golf all afternoon, finished up watching at my Granddaughters house, we went over there for supper.  What a disappointment.

Nite, nite, God Bless and Sweetdreams

June Drabek

Janie, I hope you get Good news on your DIL. It would be difficult for your son taking care of Kiran, going to work and visiting his wife at the hospital. I know you are available at all times. You are a caring lady.

I have had a nice Sunday. A big Ham dinner after Church, with a delicious slice of coconut cream pie for dessert. Took several long walks and just enjoyed my life.

My prayers for a good night for all of you, and I send you Love, Hugs and Prayers. June
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Please read the last paragraph of the section on the Normans and notice the phrase "possession of the king and were described as a Peculiar of the Crown".

http://everything-everywhere.com/2011/12/02/8-things-you-might-not-have-known-about-the-isle-of-man/  Please read #2 and notice the phrase "possession of the Crown". 

Unfortunately,  I am reading Bill Bryson's book, "The Road To Little Dribbling"   in e-book form and cannot copy/paste the section in which he states facts about the history of the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. Should you care to look it up,  it is in Chapter 20.  I do not have the page number.

This book is #7 on this week's Oklahoma Best Seller list for non-fiction.  http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25489012-the-road-to-little-dribbling

Thunderstorms moving in.   TTYL - maybe.


Good Monday morning, Everyfriend.   There's a full breakfast to accompany your coffee or tea . I wish everyone a nice day!!




Mickey's wife bought a new line of expensive cosmetics guaranteed to make her look years younger. After a lengthy sitting before the mirror applying the "miracle" products she asked, "Darling, honestly what age would you say I am?"

Looking over her carefully, Mickey replied, "Judging from your skin, twenty; your hair, eighteen; and your figure, twenty five."

"Oh, you flatterer!" she gushed.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Mickey interrupted. "I haven't added them up yet”.

Food For Thought

Simple Community
(By Michael Newnham)

I grew up in a very small town [in Oregon], allegedly around 2500 people.

I say allegedly as it may have been more or less than that...we weren't real open to census takers.

We had one restaurant, one tavern, one gas station, two grocery stores and four churches.

The elementary school sat on the same property as the high school and the bus dropped all of us off at the same place.

My grandmother, my mother, and myself all attended the same school.

My mother and I had a couple of the same teachers.

These were the days before Californians and environmentalists, the days before we knew how much help we needed from such to maintain the place where generations had lived well and died full of years.

A good living could still be made in our forests, so the living was good after work.

Everyone knew everybody else or at least knew a lot about everyone else.

We knew who drank too much, who smoked weed, who was a homosexual, (we had no notion of "gay"), who worked hard and who was lazy.

We had some odd ducks in the community, including one fellow who spent summer afternoons lounging with his hogs inside the pig pen from which he would wave at passers by.

They seemed happy together...

It was as diverse as any other group of collected humans, with all the same issues.

Despite that, we lived in peace.

We did so because, as far as I can tell, the town only had one rule.

No mean people allowed.

A small town will turn into a hellhole under the burden of unnecessary conflict.

It was a requirement to treat others with respect, even if you didn't like them.

We went along to get along for the sake of the community.

If you really didn't like someone you just pretended they didn't exist and they did likewise.

We accepted "diversity" because each person could be as "diverse" as they wanted as long as they didn't impinge on others "diversity".

However, if you beat your wife, or beat your kids, or just wanted to beat people up (physically or verbally), you had to move on.

We would assist you in packing.

We would insure you safe passage out of town and do so with vigor.

The world has become a lot smaller since those days.

The internet has shrunk us into a global village...but one without the rule we had.

We are free to be as mean as hell and the world wide web is often a snake pit.

If you think, vote, or worship, differently than someone else there will be those who will descend upon you like locusts to tell you how stupid, wicked, or ruinous to truth you really are.

They will do so as if it were not only their right, but their duty.

No one learns from the collected wisdom of the community because everyone knows it all already.

There are no real consequences to being cruel, so basic human decency has disappeared with a mouse click.

We are known, but only as a name on a screen that may or may not be the one our relatives bid us with.

We only exist until we are clicked away, others exist until we do the same.

It is a bloodless, soulless, way of life.

We think it real, but life is in the blood...

I would gladly give up all the internet has brought me...all the information, all the access to knowledge, all the access to the world...to return to the ways of simple community.

I want to go home.

Unfortunately, I hear they have the internet there now, too.
Make your own application.

Thought of the Day

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."

- John F. Kennedy


Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Hi Sun
I was trying to explain that I use voice recognition instead of typing via the keyboard. It is because I have a hand disability

But voice recognition can be used by anyone who has a hand problem or not.  If you or anyone has or has had discomfort in the hand, voice recognition is an ideal solution to help with hand pain.

This post you are reading is not typed, but is composed by me speaking the text and the software typing it in. 




Good morning everyone.
Well it looks like I will have the first waltz with the shovel today...looks like 3 inches of new snow and it did rain some. Almost the middle of April and we have snow still!!!

If roads /weather permits I will go pick up some pills at the vet ,that is a 40 -60 min drive one way and hilly!

Jane,I hope Sarah recovers quickly if she has to have her tonsils out.

Kelly , good morning.

Gloria, I will share my snow with you  ;D

June farm work is hard but rewarding and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Especially this time of year as it was one of miracles for me (births) calves, lambs,colts loved it!!!

Joan, thank you ,will need that breakfast to get me through the day.

Enjoy your day everyone.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers