December 04, 2024, 02:33:51 PM


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December 04, 2024, 02:33:51 PM

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2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

avatar_Jeanne Lee

Soda Shoppe Week of April 23, 2017

Started by Jeanne Lee, April 23, 2017, 10:14:22 AM

Previous topic - Next topic

Mary Ann

Jane, I think there is a certain comfort in remaining in the area where you/we grew up.  Everything is familiar and yet so much is different.  We've seen many changes in the area, especially due to Interstates.  Norm sold Chevys for many years and he would take customers to where they were building the roads and bridges and get stuck in a Corvair, then have the customer get out of the loose sand.  He sold many Corvairs that way.  We had three Corvairs, one after another, and it was one of my favorite cars.  For many years Norm worked at dealerships close to home; I did not work close to home but transportation was nearby.

Mary Ann


Good very late afternoon, it has rained all day and very windy. Rain again to morrow.  I have to have the heat on, as it is cool and damp.

My neighbor took me to the Senior center for lunch to day.  Had not been there in over a year, everyone seem glad to see me.  Even the lady who works for the town, came out to greet me.  Made my day.

June, I am sorry to read about your eye. Hope it gets better soon so you can go out. I have to mention this again, you have such a beautiful way with words.

Gloria, I am sure you are having the same weather we are having, just pain nasty.

Joan, it is so wonderful to see your smiling face.

Jane, I am so sorry to read about your baby, and they are our children. we would do anything for them.

MaryAnn, I now live about 30 miles from where I was born in Patchogue.  Riverhead, was always called the county seat, This is also where all the courts are.  I did live in S.Car. during the war years, that is how I met my husband from Ala., but I did drag him up North.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast

June Drabek

Mary Ann and Janie, I am SO happy for the two of you. I had cousins in Mn. that have lived like the two of you also, and they were very content and happy. I wonder how many more of our friends here have done the same as you have.

Gloria de, thank you for the nice compliment. I see no difference in my writing than it is from yours and the others. We just talk together. I could never have talked my husband into going to live in my small town of St. Peter, Mn. He was a big city boy. I am surprised that we did end up in the small town of Hemet though, and he was happy there.

My doctor sent up some medication for my eye..nothing special, two drops every two hours, and then she will be here tomorrow afternoon. The eye does feel and look better already, so maybe it was just irritated. I have a bad habit of rubbing my eyes if they itch, at my age you would think I'd have more sense.

It is time to have some supper…I'm heating up some canned roast beef hash and green beans, and will have some fruit for dessert. Haven't done a blessed thing today…not even a walk outside. I do intend to go down and check my mailbox later when most folks will be at home.
As long as we are here, let's dance.

Mary Ann

June, we have a couple of towns near here, smaller than Grand Rapids, and if I were younger, I'd consider moving to either one of them.  But even when I was ten years younger, I felt I wanted to stay here where things are familiar, but most of all there are three hospitals here.  One of the cities has a fairly large hospital but the other one, people have to come here.  Of course, if I moved, I would have had to change church, find new doctors and dentist, etc, etc.  When I lived in Belmont, it is a village and really an extension of Grand Rapids.  I'm content where I am.  I do wish I had more room, but I'm not going to move to get it. 

Mary Ann


I'm having some interference on my TV and it keeps cutting in and out so I turned it off.  I think it's the weather.  It's rainy and gloomy here.  Or maybe it's the trees interfering with my satellite.  Anyway, I've decided that it's nature's way oa saying I should go to be early tonight.  So I'm going to do just that.

I had a lovely chat with my half-Armenian grandson tonight.  I asked him about the movie "The Promise" which is based on the war that drove the Armenians out of their country.  His great grandparents were part of that Exodus.  They met and married in Egypt and his grandparents also met and married in Egypt.  Then the moved to the south of France where his father was born.  When his father was 3 they moved to French Canada.  My daughter met his father at the beach in Delaware and he came to Lewisburg to find her.  Daniel, my grandson, lives in Montreal now.  His last comment after our conversation was "It's quite a journey that led us here, tonight".  I agree! He's a very special young man. 

And now my friends, I bid you good night and may God bless us, every one.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

well it is time for me to wish you all a good night filled with sweet dreams.
well I had a good day got quite a bit done and would got more done except
JaneS lost some of her ZZZZ's too close and the found there way to my couch.
have the rest of the evening great.



Good Morning Everyfriend! 

Sorry about the zzzs getting away, LLOYD but it sounds like they found a good home.  I'm glad you could use them.

I finally had a good night's sleep!  It's still raining but I feel like I can whup this day into shape.  It's amazing what a good night's sleep can do for a body!  I was in bed by 10:15 and I didn't wake up until a little after 6 this morning.  Amazing!

I hope Everyfriend has a great day.  Make it whatever you wish it to be.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning everyone.

Raining here , looks like it will continue all day. Not sure what is on for the day, nothing pressing so will just enjoy as it comes. I do need to go through some papers and destroy some, cook stove does a good job of that!

Enjoy your day everyone.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

 JaneS that is OK that is what good friends are for. we will be for life.

Amy is doing the same thing here (light) but we had hard in the night.
the pattoe bins roiling shook the bed at times.
Have a great day everyone.



Good Morning Everyone, and especially you early birds.

I am up a little early, have a early appointment this morning so SIL is picking me up at quarter to eight to fight the rush hour(s).

Wish we could get some rains like you folks are.  Dry as can be here and we have another cold front coming through but doesn't promise much in the way of rain, 40 percent one night and that is it.

I hope everyone has a great day.


Hi everyone on a beautiful and sunny morning.  We will be getting up to around 85 degrees this afternoon. 

I will probably stay home today until late this afternoon when I will go to the Church for our Wednesday night dinner and expect Scott and Jennifer to come and eat with me.  Then they will be out to visit with us for awhile.  Pat is planning on attending her craft group at Church this morning and will stop by the beauty shop for a haircut on her way home.  She got up before I did this morning and prepared her own breakfast. 

Yesterday I did attend the Adult Fellowship meeting at the Church.  We had a basil tomato soup and salad with dessert.  The program was the piano and tuba duo and they made a very pleasing combo.  The man playing the piano was probably 80 and the other man probably in his late 60's or early 70's. They said they were both self-taught.  They played a combination of secular music and a couple of old standards.  The pianist played in a very upbeat, almost boogie woogie style.  It was a very enjoyable program. 

Gloria, we also use a ceiling fan at night to keep the air moving.  Too bad that the early movie starts and television talent didn't receive residuals on their shows when they were replayed. I remember seeing a program where Vickie Lawrence, who played on the Carol Burnett show, was talking about this saying she got no residual payments. 

Amy, thanks for the food and now you have added the wheat bread.  For some reason the houses in our new neighborhood don't have gutters so no problem with pine needles.  Of course, we have no big trees close to us anyway.  I can see a lot of trees from our windows but these lots are too small for a big tree to be on them.  We have a miniature magnolia and a miniature crepe myrtle tree in our front your and a couple of bush plants in the corners of our even small back yard. 

June, sure hope you don't have red eye and just an irritation.  Good to stay isolated until you know. 

JaneS, glad you found the zzzzs.  How pleasant to meet a friend of over 70 years. Rain does interfere with satellite TV transmissions.  We used to have more of a problem with this in Georgia than we do here.  However, that doesn't knock out Netflix or watching recorded programs. What an interesting and tough history that your granson's family experienced to end up in Canada. 

Lloyd, glad you found Jane's missing zzzs and put them to good use. 

Mary Ann and others, I can't imagine staying in the same place all of my life.  We lived in our last home in Georgia for 20 years and that was twice the length of time we ever lived in the same house once we got married.  Pat was always very supportive of me when I had the opportunity to have advancement even thought it required relocation. 


Good morning everyone, more rain again today. Really had the showers(?) this April.

MARY ANN  I have enough with doctor bills without having a vet bill too.

AMY  the house we owned had a pine grove in the back yard, in the spring when I would hang clothes out I enjoyed hearing the wind whistling in them. They were very tall and big.

CAROL they built a new DMV here in this state and closed so many of the smaller ones around the state that the lines are worse than ever. At one time there was even a DMV office in this town, very convenient.

JANE  you have mentioned before about your yearly get together to remember those GS days. That is wonderful. I think I am the only one left from those of us who had the GS troops here.

JUNE  hope you do not have pink eye. Wonder how Lloyd is doing with his. My oldest son lives just down the hill from where we had our house and where he grew up. He likes that area.

GLORIA de  like you we are in the second day of rain, not windy this morning like yesterday. I have the heat on just to keep the dampness out.

JUNE  Gloria de is right, you do have a way with words. I envy the way you write.

LLOYD  how is your pink eye? Better yet?

AMY  if we get much more rain I will gell looking for that arck.

HAL  I would like to send this rain to Arizona over the fires there.

LARRY  the early days of TV all the actors/writers were cheated. Just like the movies with taking a big share of the money the child actors earned. Glad they get what they deserve at last. I do not have a ceiling fan here, according to the rules here I would need their electrician to install ie at a cost of $200 and it would have to stay here when I move. Sorry I left 2 behind at my son's house and will not do that again.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good Afternoon Everyone....

It has been a while since anyone has posted here today...
I wonder why?   

We are having a very overcast,  wet and rainy day
here on the rocky coast.   

Ho hum!  :coolsmiley:

I hope that all is well  and people will start showing up,  soon..
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Hi Sandy, the sun is shining (off and on) on Central PA but I have to scoot out again to pick up my neighbor from Physical Therapy.  Then I'll be working this evening.  So I probably won't be around much today.  You have a nice day!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

June Drabek

Good mid-morning dear hearts, I am droopy today. Woke before six with sounds of activity and voices in the hall way. Too lazy to rouse myself up to investigate. My med delivery was about 45 min. late, and it was delivered by the night time gal, so something surely was afoot. I asked her what was up, but got no definite answer. They want us kept calm and relaxed and ignorant.

So I took an early shower and shampoo.....that really wears me out, by the time I towel dry, slather on the lotion, etc. I am pooped. Eye is still bright red, but not as completely covered. Dr. will be here this afternoon, so I am still keeping myself "at home". They don't think it is pink eye but I don't feel like going out anyway. I'm missing Bible study, but content to be home.

Sorry I can't think of anything very "up-lifting" today, maybe a visit with the Dr. will help. I love you all, and I feel you understand.
As long as we are here, let's dance.

Mary Ann

June, with my bum shoulder, it is hard to towel dry after a shower, so I put my night clothes back on and compute for an hour or so before getting dressed.  I know it sounds crazy to put my night clothes back on, but it works for me.

I had to get dressed earlier this morning because I went to a funeral.  Dot picked me up at 10 am.  It was one of the nicest funerals I've ever attended, if you can say funerals are nice.  The funeral was for a woman I've known a long time, but not well.  She attended the same early church service Dot and I go to. 

Gloria de, I will mention the weather because it is so nice.  When I turned on the computer, I was told it is 75 degrees out and I can take that for a long time.

In the Random Image pictures beside where I am posting, there is a picture of Amy's two dogs and one of them is the Golden Girl.  Both look like such friendly dogs. 

Mary Ann

Lloyd Hammond

Gloria rt eye is all red gone and so is meds. now left is getting red and both seam to feel tired and watter a lot. I am going to start putting regular eye drops in them and see if that helps. have a great day rest of it. I am going back to couch, and see if I can catch some more of JaneS ZZZZ'S.



A good Wednesday afternoon to EVERYFRIEND.

The decision was made today that we will stay longer here in Austin.  We were to fly home tomorrow, but thanks to the leaniancy at Southwest Airlines, we were able to book a less expensive flight home next Tuesday, earlier in the day and cancel the one tomorrow with credit of the difference to use in the next year.  They are a wonderful airline to deal with.  Love them. 

CAROL, in January when we went in to renew our car tag it took us about 10 minutes.  The place barely had a place to sit, it was so busy.  We thought it was going to take a long time.  We barely sat down and they called our number.  It was quite the improvement over past years.  Hope you had the same experience.

JUNE, I hope the doctor tells you it is just an irritation in your eye.

LARRY, enjoy your meal at church tonight with Scott and Jennifer.  Good for Pat, feeling well enough to fix her own breakfast, and get out to her women's group today and a haircut!

Our son and daughter-law took us out to a wonderful dinner last night at a very special restaurant.  It is interior Mexican cuisine and the meal was spectacular.  It is not the kind of place we would ever go to on our own.  First of all it is very expensive and not everyday food.  A lot of the items we had were quite spicy, but SO flavorful.  We each had different entrees, and did share.  Everything was fantastic tasting and so enjoyable.  I had a filet with mashed potatoes and green beans. I am not a sauce person, but there was a light sauce on my filet that was unbelievably delicious.  DIL had sea bass and a tamale. Yummy. Brian had a pork chop with a mole sauce and Bob had a duck breast with a mole sauce.  We have had mole before in a Mexican Restaurant, but it in no way matched up to the flavor of this mole. 

As you can tell, I really enjoyed the meal and the company was so special. 

MARYANN, I continue to think about you and the family as you get through this sad time. I know hospice will not let Tim suffer.  I guess it was a good thing that Tom checked with Jan about your bringing them food.  Maybe later on it will be appreciated more.

JANE, I am sorry Annie was not able to continue with the dental surgery.  I pray there is not something seriously wrong to cause the high enzymes in her blood.

Have a great evening.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


I've been to check posts half a dozen times this morning without talking... "my bad" as a friend used to say.  I was on the computer & phone last night, ordering & talking to help with Amazon until well after midnight.  The friend putting together the celebration of life for our old buddy would like to have the '40s & '50s music.  He says he can come up with a CD player & asked me to "overnight" the tapes I have of that music so he could have it transferred to CDs. 

Seemed simpler to me to order the CDs from Amazon.  Sometimes things just don't work right.  I ordered 5 CDs & had a couple things in my cart already, one an "add on".... so placed the order.  As I watched for the confirm notice I saw another CD that sounded even better than the others so I ordered it as well.  When I went into my e-mail for the confirmation I was not happy to see the last single order was to come in Thursday & all the rest not until Friday.  So I called for Help from Amazon.  Nice lady explained the one item (pool brush) was the cause of delay so I asked if she could cancel that item. Can't, but she said I could cancel the whole order & re-order, she would help me put the CDs back on. 

Not so easy, I couldn't find & she had trouble explaining to me how to get the exact ones back in my cart.  I was really tired, eyes & brain, so had to trust that she was handling the book work from her end.  She did send me an e-mail to show she took off the overnight charge since it was now another day later (after midnight), but my card (I buy gift cards at the grocery store so I get the gas points & don't have to use my credit card)..... still shows I am being charged for 2 of the CDs that are duplicates.  She said she would get those stopped so I trust it will be taken care of when I get the merchandise. 

Today I got out my old CD player.... it is also a CD writer/recorder (Sony) that I have not used for years.  I did not connect it to the computer, has a power card to play & charge the battery.... won't play the only Christmas CD I have. I am not sure what the RV has, I know it has 2 DVD video players but not sure about CD.... same with the car, not sure it plays CDs.  But I do have the offer of downloading to the Cloud or to my iPod or Kindle Fire..... if I knew how to do that.   :crazy2:  I need a keeper!

I did get some things washed & ironed that I want to take/wear, got a mixed bag of weather the next few days.  Felt like winter this morning, the cats came in & out several times before Tom remained out, feel like temp was 32°. 

My daughter called, she is driving in from St.Louis, she teaches a class and will be here for the Engineering open house.... With so many of the family having graduated with engineering degrees (8), they all enjoy this party.  The rest of the clan or spouses have engineering or computer type degrees from other colleges.  I'm hoping someone will rescue me with my CD problem or at least explain if I need to buy a more modern CD player. 

Larry, thanks for your recipe for coleslaw.  Sounds wonderful.  I was hungry for some yesterday so stopped at KFC & got a bucket with 3 sides.... Old LaurenKat dearly loves bites of the white meat.... Cas always saved some of his for her.  She can tell the difference between KFC & the rotisserie chicken & gives me a loud purr & smile when I share with her. 

Mary Ann, I understand what you mean about a "nice" funeral.  Too often the people handling the service have never met the person and everything is "generalized".   I often stay in my night clothes for a while after breakfast & feeding cats.  I usually check in the computer & if nothing going on early, don't hesitate taking a nap before dressing.  I'm about as retired as I can get.

Gloria, I have a ceiling fan in the kitchen & another in the joining family room-kitchen, over the long table.  I never turn them on because wind makes my ears & sinuses ache.... both have light fixtures with them so do turn lights on at times.  When we had the big gatherings here my husband liked to have the fans on low just to move air.  I was busy by the stove & sink so out of range.

June, hope your eye is just tired, maybe from reading too much.  A couple times I woke up with a blood shot eye that scared me to death.... not sure what caused it but my friend convinced me she had it happen to her & never any problems after it went away on its own.  Right now the skin of my eye lids is stretched & raw from rubbing them too much because of allergy season (and cats).  I am starting to look like I have double eye lids. Not excited about having to have surgery on them since I would have the same problem of no pain meds or other meds that my body can't deal with.  I'm sure my ophthalmologist would lecture me if he saw me now.  Three years ago at my first appointment with him he explained that "Medicare will pay for that operation now".... and I told him that I was not interested in doing any type surgery for "looks".  As bad as they are now I might trip over them.   :o

Can't believe it is after 4:00 pm, I forgot to eat lunch.  Guess I will finish up that KFC, doesn't sound good but .............

Jenny, I do love Mexican food but have never heard of "mole sauce".  After hearing your rave reviews I might try but still uneasy about the name.  We have too many moles around here.   ;)

Hope it is a pleasant evening for Every Friend.  The sun is shining here, not sure if it warmed up, been hiding out in the house.  Time to feed cats & walk them down to the river.  Expect it is up again from the rain yesterday. 

Mary Ann

Shirley, I may be all wet and I'm not familiar with Mexican food, but I think "mole" is pronounced molay with an accent over the 'e'.  I know someone will correct me.

Mary Ann


Good Afternoon,

Ummmm....Shirley?.....why don't you just overnight the tapes to the friend who asked you to do that....and let him deal with getting them on cds?  I'll bet he'd make copies for you.

It's brrrr cold here today, too.   Furnace has been on since late yesterday afternoon when the front went through and I'm wearing a sweatshirt.
However, all of the perennials that son planted last year are in full bloom.  The verbena didn't make it but all the rest look good. 

I started writing up minutes from my last Circle meeting after lunch  and got sidetracked by a long phone visit with dil, mother of the Grands.
Main topic was discussion of having family pictures made while Miss Ellen is here in June for a family wedding.
But, of course, I caught up with news about all three Grands
Ellen will be here for 3 weeks, part of which will be performing in a production in Tulsa. 
She already has a schedule planned for time with family and time with friends before rehearsals begin.  Hope I'm in there somewhere.  ;) 
Sir Carson has been contacted about interviewing for a paid internship for the summer - something to do with his major - mechanical engineering. He has a job lined up if this doesn't work out - but I hope it does.
Miss Emily already has an internship with a chiropractor for which she will earn the final credit hours for her degree - kind of like student teaching.  She will walk through Commencement on May 13th and receive her official diploma after completing the internship.

Then I had a sassy e-mail exchange with #2 son about something I'd forwarded to him.
In between, I went to start a load of laundry - and managed to put the detergent in the softener "dish". Had to hunt up the manual to figure out how to get that out to empty and start over...........

Feeling a bit  :crazy2: at the moment.  I don't multi-task as well as I used to.

Hope Everyfriend Everywhere has had an Enjoyable Day.

Edit:  Mary Ann,  I agree with you about the molé pronunciation.


The DMV visit went well.  We noticed an armed guard who is stationed there each and every day.  A new touch.

A neighbor stopped by for tea - how nice to chat for a while.  She gave me a book to read for her book but I really do not want to get into another monthly meeting - will read the book anyway.  Something Swedish - she and I are both Swedish background so she wants me to read this one. 

Callie:  You have some fun days ahead this year.

June Drabek

Had a great visit with my doctor. When I left I felt very guilty as there were six people waiting to see the Dr. I had a whole list of questions to ask her, and she never hesitates to take the time to talk. The eye is still red in areas but healing. I think the med is doing the trick. She has ordered a blood test,to see how my salt retention is doing.....she was urging me to take the urea stuff, and I said I didn't want to, and we settled on another blood test to see how I was doing without it, and also a chest xray as I complained about a pain in my left chest area. So that will be done.

I ordered lunch sent to my room today, as I didn't want to go to the dining room if I was contagious. It costs 11 dollars to be delivered, but where can you go now to get a full meal for that amount. Some people complain about the price,as our meals are included in the rent, but they don't take into consideration the extra help it takes to flll the tray, someone to deliver it, and someone to come and retrieve the tray and dishes and garbage.

I am going to just stay home for the rest of the day again. I'll dose my eye every two hours, go down for mail later today, and just be thankful.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


The last time I went to the Social Security Office,
  over 5 years ago,   there was an armed guide there.   Checking everyone out.   
I guess that we just never know when we might need one. 
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


"Ummmm....Shirley?.....why don't you just overnight the tapes to the friend who asked you to do that....and let him deal with getting them on cds?  I'll bet he'd make copies for you."........... haha, Callie, I was afraid my friend would have a nervous breakdown trying to get those tapes put on CDs before Sunday gathering & thought it would be "no problem" to just order.  Wrong!!!  Now I find you can't even buy CD players, but one son says he has a couple they don't use since they've gone to the more modern gear.  We shall see.  A couple of the CDs come with the invitation to download to my iPod or Kindle... but I have no clue how to do that.  Another "we'll see".  I need a brain transplant. Hope you get the family group photos, my favorite possessions are the ones we've made every year for years.  We skipped the year Cas died but got a nice one the following Easter, first we made outside. 

June, do you suppose they make the "delivery" fee high to encourage people to come eat with the others.... On that train of thought, you'd think they would offer a discount if you stay in if you are contagious.   ;)   Hope all your tests come out good. 

Here in Wichita we have to go to the DMV/License Bureau to renew our Conceal Carry permits.  Like others, they are usually swamped.  I was shocked to have my number called before I could even sit down when I renewed in January.  Don't know if they have one special person that does that job but was other people waiting their turn & gave me dirty looks for being called immediately.  I sort of "slinked" up to the desk & got out fast.

I noticed the grocery store has an armed guard at dark now.  I ran in close to dark & was surprised to see him.  I don't usually get out after dark.

Better check on cats.  Not sure who is in & who is out.  May have a little frost tonight.  I need to shower tonight so I can hit the floor running in the morning.  Much to do, daughter is going come visit & maybe show me how to download that music.  Must haul some stuff out to the RV & fill the ice cube trays in it.  I plugged power cord in yesterday so frig & freezer ready.  Helps to not have to load food & stuff the last morning when I'm busy trying to convince 3 cats they are going for a ride! 

Sweet dreams to all.  Shirley 


I'm home from work!  I'm beat right down to my socks and that's quite a feat because I'm not wearing socks. 

MaryAnn, I agree about the "molay" sauce.  It's as Callie wrote and as you pronounced.

Now I'm going to shut my mouth and my eyes and hit the hay!

Good Night my friends and may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

 JaneS sorry you had such of a rough day. rained on and off all day yesterday
so I played couch jockey with many Naps, I am up for a water refresh for the
dry mouth and back to bed. hope you and everyone has great day today 2:28
A M ..
if you don't have one to those foot tubs that circulate the water I recommend you get one, they make your feet feel good. (better with out the socks )



HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANE Jane,may you be blessed with many more. Hope you have a very special day!

Overcast day here..yesterday we took off for a drive, had lunch out then home again. Today I had better get at those pine cones and get the papers burnt. By the sound of the dogs nails they will need clipping also.Did a load of laundry last night and hope to hang it out if the day is promising.

Enjoy your day everyone..

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Mary Ann

Happy Birthday, Jane, may you have many more.

Tom got news last night that Terry had passed away.  I don't have any more details.  He was 58. 

Mary Ann


Thank you for the good wishes, Amy.  At least it's not supposed to rain today. 

My daughter is picking me up later and we're going out for Chinese.  Her husband doesn't like Chinese so we do this together on occasion.  Today will be special.  Then all four of my kids, 2 SILs, one DIL and 3 grandkids will help me celebrate on Saturday.  We always go to THE FENCE (our favorite drive in with tables overlooking the river) for my birthday.  Then we'll go back to Cathys for cake and ice cream.  The only memeber of my immediate family that won't be here are grandkids that live too far away to come. 

LLOYD, it's not my feet that hurt.  And I do have a foot soaker for when they do.  I was just really tired last night.  I was on a busy register all evening and on Friday evening, it was large cartloads of groceries continually.  I'm fine this morning.

Oh, Mary Ann, thank you so much for the birthday wishes and I am so sorry for your loss.  It's so hard to lose them when they are so young but we all know he's in a better place and he's now free of pain!  My heart is with you and your family! 

I hope you all have a lovely day filled with whatever you wish for.

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