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Soda Shoppe Week of April 24

Started by JoanFL, April 24, 2016, 05:05:57 AM

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Hi Jackie
Good to hear you got your lawn mowed.

I used to tend to about forty lawns or more a week, but now I could not even manage one!

But as they say that is life!




Kelly, I used to do a lot of early morning/evening office cleaning one time, but I struggle now to even do our lounge and kitchen, before resting to do the hall, bedrooms, office.....Not forgetting cleaning peoples large private houses several years ago..... I would have thought nothing of lugging a hoover up and down flights of stairs...

It is hard to deal with when your mind says you can, even want to do it, but your body tells you cant....

Weather here is very changeable, very dark but dry at present, but have had our second short burst of hale, nothing major as yet...


Hi Jackie
I used to miss working for myself, but I had to learn to adapt to the changes with my mobility. 



Kelly, I know there is joy in gardening, even we have just found out that part of the garden next door actually belongs to us.....I even brought my pink plastic garden waste container with us, I will give trimming of bushes, shrubs a go, as I said I look at them and think what I would do if I get my hands on this or that but, I may find this harder when I try attempting to reach them, and try my balancing act, it will sure be touch and go if I even can reach them, but I will give it my best shot...Oh forgot, next door neighbour says he will trim from his side, we will do our side, that's a fair deal, although part of his garden is open and that's where I have to reach.......


Vanilla-Jackie--Good thing that gentlemen came asking if you wanted the back yard mowed before you got lost in the tall grass.:)  I know some folks love gardening--my husband did.  Not me--just not my thing.  Another "whatever floats your boat".

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast

June Drabek

Amy, I googled a cord of wood. That's a lot of wood girl. Do you have a special covered area where you stack it ? I am asking God to Bless your good neighbor who helped you with the stacking.

I'm still frustrated by Amazon. I keep getting messages that my orders are being delivered, and now I have a message that say delivery was attempted but they found no safe place to leave it. I am attempting to inform them to leave it at our main desk, but they do not accept my email as a return to their message. Nothing they can do for me is worth the bad vibes I feel at this time.

Redbud, I do hope you get home from you Dr.'s appointment long before the storm is due in your area. Hail that size would give me a scare.

My day started out so nicely….why do I allow things like Amazon to spoil it for me. Darn !!!
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Hi Jackie
I think with having my own business, that losing that after 26 years was harder than the disability.

As your employment is what makes most things in life possible and that in today new language was a 'game changer' in having to give up my business.



Sorry that you are having so much
trouble with Amazon.  They leave all my
packages in the renters office,  and
they call me when I get something. 

Talk to the manager of your place
and explain to them your problem. 

These instructions can be put on your
Amazon account.  So talk to
your son too.  He should be able
to straighten things out.

I just looked out the window,
and it is snowing!   And accumulating!

Ha ha
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Hi Sandy
Or perhaps don't use Amazon.

it is a company I don't use!!



June--I am so sorry you are having so much trouble with Amazon.  You can call their Customer Service at 1-888-280-3321.

Kelly--I am sure it was difficult having to give up your business.

Sandy--Oh yuck.  Snow!!

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Hi Joan
It was as it was something I worked at to build up into a business over the years.

With my change of circumstances with a disability, you adapt to the changes. And that is manageable. 

And I think has made me a better person,



I love Amazon Prime.    It is convenient,
and they deliver free (for most things) and very

I try not to just give up just because
something that I really like might have
a few hitches in it.   

Like my Mom used to say:
"No need to cut off your nose to spite
your face" ... better  "if at first you
don't succeed,  try,  try  again"
instead of "throwing the baby out with
the bath water!"
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


I agree with Sandy and Joan's suggestions re help with Amazon. I know in our building there is an office on Tuesdays and Wednesdays where they help people with paperwork. Perhaps if you have someplace similar in your building they could possibly assist you.

We have a mailroom on the first floor where all mail and or packages are left for tenants  after they call your apartment to come for pickup and security at all doors which is probably a good thing.


Hi Sandy
There is always hitches in life, we have to get on as best we can.

But I would not use Amazon for other reasons



I am another who IS happy using Amazon....but I am not a member of Prime...


Thee to one in favour of Amazon! :)



I use it regularly and love Prime as it really helped on both purchasing and returning a computer. Especially since I am three thousand miles from their closest office. And upon ordering a vacuum cleaner with no shipping. When I return items, they show up with returned monies within 3 days.


Good Afternoon,

The possibility of very severe weather in the metro OKC area later this afternoon has area schools closing early and cancelling after-school and evening activities.  Although schools often close during heavy winter weather, as far back as I can remember, this is the first time for it to happen during the Spring.
We had a mild winter and schools may be using what would have been Snow Days.

The timing of the expected storm arrival is probably a factor, too -softball or larger size hail, 80-90 mph winds and some tornadoes could move in about the time kids are getting out of school.
I also suspect that memories of  a huge destructive tornado of several years ago (referred to as The Moore Tornado) that hit just about the time highways and byways were clogged with commuter traffic are in a lot of minds.
Even the zoo is closing early in the afternoon so the animals can be moved inside. 
Probably wise decisions all way 'round.

All of this created a change in my day.   Plan A was to skip the usual morning hair appointment and go at 1:00 p.m. for a perm.  Hairdresser called about 9:45 - all in a snit because her husband had reported heavy hail in the rural area where they live and she was moving appointments around so she could go home.
Result:   I went immediately to get my hair done (see previous comments about my lack of skill with curlers, etc.  ;D) - perm rescheduled for next week.   It worked out well because the skies didn't look bad when I was done  so I was able to go to the grocery store and am now "home for the duration".

My dil, who has taught middle school for 32 years, is retiring in May - and I know she would relate to the comments about teachers!!!!   

Re: gardening:   I'm like my Aunt who used to say her thumb wasn't green - it was just dirty. #2 son is aware of this and provided low-maintenance plants for the new flower beds.  :thumbup:

Time to find something for lunch and be sure my flashlights, battery-powered phone and radio are ready in case Whatever Comes heads my way.

Wishing Everyfriend Everywhere a lovely day.



Kelly--We never know what lies ahead.

angelface, Sandy and Vanilla-Jackie--As I've said before, I have had Amazon Prime for several years and never been dissatisfied.

Callie--I have seen news reports of expected awful weather out your way.  I pray for safety for all in the area.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


June,  I am sorry that you have had so much trouble with Amazon.

I am another of the ones who are pleased with my Amazon Prime account and the quick delivery they have. I have even gotten a package on Sunday.  I think they just opened a new distribution center down in Baltimore City,  so I am sure that is what helps with delivery.  I have only had one problem over the past couple years when a package just was lost.  I received a refund in just a day or so.  I could have reordered it, but so far, have found I really didn't need the item.

I live in a Senior Apt. building and the mail man leaves packages either in my mail box, or a larger box or if too big for that,  he delivers it to my door.  And, I always have a message about where it has been left. 

Sure hope you will get things straightened out.

Joan, too late to say good morning to you, so I will say I hope you are having a good afternoon.

I have been going through a bunch of paper work and filling out a whole bunch of some medical forms.  My primary doctor changed her practice to a new company and they are requiring me to fill out a bunch of paperwork as if I were a new patient.  I have been going to this doctor for almost 10 years.  It is frustrating, as I paid to have all my records sent to the new practice.  Some of the questions are very personal........ which I have never had to answer before.  A friend told me these kind of questions are due to the  new Obama Care rules.   A couple of the questions I feel are things  that are  none of their business, especially for a person my age........... and I am almost tempted to write that.  I should know that things are a lot different now than years ago.

Hope everyone is having a good day.





A good Tuesday HELLO to EVERYFRIEND,

I am happy to say that Michele's surgery went well and she is in the recovery room.  I thank you all who have held good thoughts and said prayers for her.  This has been a long process and it is so good to know that she is at this point....a time that seemed to so far down the road. 

The little grands were very good for us this morning.  We arrived at their home at 6 AM and one by one they awakened and came down to greet us.  They are all very independent and want to do things for themselves, and do a good job f it.  We drove them to school and returned with Lola the doggie, to our home until it is time to pick them up from school.  The neighbors saw Lola was here and had to come over and see her. 

JACKIE, how nice that Phyl offered to mow your lawn for you.  Shame on R for not taking responsibility for it.  I hope he will not continue to be a hold out.  I hope you are able to do a bit of the gardening, as I know you would enjoy doing it. 

JOAN, I am sorry that your nephew has to wait longer for his reversal surgery.  Did he have to have radiation?  Michele did not.  The other thing is that Michele's blood count never did get to be a problem, so that helped her to be able to do this as soon as she did.  My thoughts and prayers for your nephew as he moves through his journey as well. 

JUNE, I, too, a sorry you have not had the best experience with Amazon.  I do have prime and have had a very good experience with them.  I have ordered from a couple of other places recently and it too forever for the item to come.  One item was not up to my satisfaction, so called them and they were not very nice to talk to and then I found out that I would have to pay the shipping on the item to get it back, even though the problem with the item was totally their fault.  Good luck getting your issue figured out. 

I must get busy and get something done today.  Enjoy your day.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Joy--What a nuisance that must be to have to fill out all those papers when it's the same doctor--she just has a different affiliation.  And you had to pay to have records transferred to the same doctor?  That's insane.

Jenny--GREAT that Michele's reversal surgery went so well.  My nephew did not have radiation.  I don't know about his blood situation since they live so far away.  Thanks for your prayers.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Hi, Kelly.  I'm glad I have several e-books available because I suspect the evening t v schedule will be pre-empted by the weather.   Each of the three local stations has multiple "storm watchers" out on the highways and streets giving live filmed reports and they are all skilled professionals.
I appreciate the detailed information they're able to give about storm movements and severity.  However, it does get a bit tiresome when nothing is happening and the weather person says the same thing over and over - and then switches to each of six or seven "watchers" - none of whom has anything to report.
Better safe than sorry, I'm sure.

Denver Jenny,   so glad to know Michelle's surgery went well.   I sometimes think we don't give kids enough credit for realizing when it's necessary to "step up to the plate" and be responsible.

"All quiet on the western front' so far.   I suppose I should find something useful to do - like unload and reload the dishwasher and put away the groceries. 


Callie, the radio here in SA has been hyping all the weather news.  But I am in the process of charging my IPad and telephone in case we lose power.  My wife has ATT access on her IPad so we would have internet access.  Hopefully we want have a repeat of last night.  Although I see no damage from last night.


Joanie, I forwarded the teacher thing to Suzi before I went to work this morning and I had an answer by the time I got home a little after two.  She said "I copied and shared with most of the teachers in the school. Thanks"

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Hi CalliOK
Good idea with the e-books.

Is it possible that with the storms the electricity might go off and the television will not be on due to a  power cut.



Yes, Kelly, very likely that electricity would go off unless an area has underground wiring instead of power poles. However, city electric companies are really good about restoring power as quickly as possible.
   All the tv channels are connected with one or another radio station that broadcasts their telecasts live so it's easy to stay informed with a battery-operated radio.  There are also cell phone apps that give weather alerts as well as broadcast the tv reports.

Many families have an underground storm shelter or a "Safe Room" (a small area constructed of reinforced concrete in the garage or interior of the house).  I don't have either - but do have an area in an interior closet that is well protected and set up with the things I need to stay informed.
There are no laws that residences or public buildings must have either of these - but almost every school in the Oklahoma City metro area has now built a Safe Room large enough to hold all students attending that school.  Many office buildings are doing the same thing.

Edit:   Well - in addition to forthcoming hail/tornadoes, the metro area has had  3.4 and 4.7 earthquakes this afternoon. 
I don't usually feel them at my house but #2 son posted a picture of his very skittish Lab with his nose on son's foot and the caption:  "Earthquakes? Tornadoes?  *****with that.  I'm hiding under Dad's desk".