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December 04, 2024, 02:29:12 PM

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2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8


Soda Shoppe Week of August 28

Started by JoanFL, August 28, 2016, 04:54:19 AM

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I wasn't going to take notes to write a book this morning but so much going on I want to
comment about ....

Just read your message about Pat, Larry, and so grateful you mentioned it since I do not do Facebook.  We do worry about this family almost as much as the blood kin, don't we?  I know you take care of yourself and your Pat, and hopefully she will be better soon and can do more to share the daily "to-dos". 

Callie, I slept with the sliding door in my bedroom wide open all night, was awake when the quake hit but at first thought it was a big wind gust ... it didn't stop.  This house sits on sand and it carries sound and motion more than clay, so the shaking went on for quite a bit, gave me time for lots to run through my mind.  The wall of folding wooden doors to the closet were slightly ajar (so one cat can slip in to sleep), (but all cats were out at the time) the doors kept shimmying, same time sounded like hail on the roof (I don't know what that was~).  When I have the door open I can hear a train over a mile away during the night, and can feel the movement as it rolls through town about 4:00 am.  Went through my mind it might have been a train derailment.  When all was still I grabbed my Ruger & went through the house in case it was someone popping one of the sliding doors off (how burglars got in the other time).  I was pretty sure it was a quake but "better safe than sorry".  All's well but will have to check for foundation damage with as hard as it shook.  Had a phone call from my brother in Overland Park, they also felt it big time.  I've already straightened some paintings & photos as I passed by going through the house.   EDIT: Another call from Independence (east of KC on MO side) that felt the quake, too.

I did get my weed whip put together but could not figure how to adjust the length, it just does not have directions with it, silly, right?

Lloyd, I know keeping busy is what keeps you going so will only warn you that rat poison you are taking right now is dangerous.  Any fall can bring on internal bleeding so do a lot of sitting or walking where you can hang onto something while taking that stuff.  Most of us in here have had experience with just about anything others go through so good place to learn from them.  Take care & keep in touch.

Thank you, Marilyne, for the message from Kevin, sorry he can't keep in touch but hopefully he will be able to read that we have all missed him and wish him better health!  I know it is possible to read without being able to post so maybe if you send a link to Senior & Friends he will be able to copy & paste it to be able to read.  I would guess if he's using a community computer he won't be able to bookmark the site but if it comes in e-mail he can always go to the e-mail to copy & paste in Google & find us to read.  While waiting for my oil change this week I used a computer (whole bank of them) at the dealership... I did Google for the link but did not want to login & have it left on their computer, so just read what y'all had to say. 

Jackie, I would be just as frustrated as you are with incompetency, so sorry you have to face it every day. 

Have had several phone calls to see if I had damage from the quake.... better go have a look around.  Can't believe the whole morning is shot & I've been sitting at the computer & talking on the phone the entire time.  Shame on me!!!  Be back later..... Shirley


Larry, I came away from the shop with over $115.00 worth of fabric for $24.00+- I call that a good deal :)

I was sent this video and I do think it should have come with a tissue warning........watch to the end..

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


June--So far as I know there is no oxygen delivery system with retractable tubing.  I have liquid oxygen (pure oxygen and no electricity required).  Lloyd and Jeanne Lee have the concentrator which takes oxygen from the air and requires electricity.  You, yourself, must make the decision about facebook.  I like it because I find out what my kids, grandchildren, cousins etc. are doing.

Shirley--You must have had a mostly sleepless night and a busy day with family contacts so far today.

Amy--I'd say that fabric purchase was a HUGE bargain.  Thanks for the link.

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I like some aspects of Facebook but I've never really been happy with and now I've dropped entirely because I got hacked. 

There you have 2 opinions, June.  As Joanie said, you have to make up your own mind.

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I'll give you my opinion about Facebook too, June.  I joined for the same reason that Joan did....so I could find the news about my family back in KS.  But, I didn't like it, thought it was too intrusive, so dropped it.  I don't go there or hear from it at all now.  It is your decision to try it.


Hello everyone. My grandson just left and I am on the PC once again. Have things to install again. Of course the contact list was wiped out.  All they did was set this lemon back to the original, no mew hard drive. Real cheap company.  Time to start saving again, don't know how long this will last this time.  Got Skype in so will be able to see my daughter today. If anyone wants to email me please use the address in my profile. Still do not have the Cox ready and might not bother with it. Have to download Open Office again but that is an easy one. I wonder if I will bother installing PSP again. After all the trouble I had getting every thing installed twice this lemon quit.

The PC came back yesterday and I called my Grandson. He called this morning and said he would be here soon and he die just that. I have 3 different mouses (mice) and all three do not want to work the way they should. He suggested I get a new one. Like I can get out. I know I can call or go online ti Staples and order one and they deliver. The 2 wireless ones are worse than the wired one but the darn wire is always in my way.

Read some posts but too many to go back a week or more.

LARRY  I did not see a link you posted for Shirley and Jane. Could you do it again or sent it to me please?

LLOYD  I did not know you were in the hospital until I get in here today. My computer went back to HP to be fixed. What they did I could have done, too. Take care of yourself.

JOAN  hope there are some lemon DD's in the hidey hole. I sure miss your goodies every morning but like what you posted this morning. Thank you.

AMY  JON  left me some lemon DD's on the hidey hole. She is very thoughtful like that. Hope Gloria de had a couple, too.

PHYLLIS  the clouds from Hermine started showing up here late yesterday. The weather guessers here still do not know what will get here. I wonder how they know it will stall, but that is what all local ones are saying. Last I heard rain sill start late Sunday and into Monday. They are expecting strong rip currents and telling everyone not to go into the water this week end. With a lot of shoreline so many head there on this weekend every year.

CALLIE  no fun being shaken awake by an earthquake. Happened once when I was visiting my daughter in San Diego. Woke in the middle of the night with the bed shaking.

JUNE  I have Facebook but only to see family. Do not check out anything else. Not interested in people I do not know who is a friend of this one or that one.

AMY  great link, thanks.

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June,  I am on Facebook and have enjoyed keeping up with my family and a few friends/relatives whom I know in real life.  I've also begun using the Message program (if that what it's called) for  quick contact between those friends/relatives.

I do NOT like all the recipes/patriotic/inspirational/political, etc. etc."shares" and the "click if you agree/disagree" things that many of my "friends" post, so my settings are such that I do not automatically see all that stuff.  I'm notified if one of them has posted something and then it's my choice to read it or not.  (Usually not!)
(Sorry if this hits at some of my S&L friends - but, there it is.)

Shirley,  you're in more of a direct line from the earthquake epi-center than I am (and, maybe, a bit closer).  I stopped reading the stories.....too many to keep up with.

Glad to see you back, Gloria.

I expect to hear from Hal any time now - since the Houston (TX) University football team trounced my Oklahoma Sooners.   :tissue:

The Oklahoma State Cowboys are trouncing their opponents. 
Back to see if anyone in my family appears in a crowd shot.  Except for Miss Ellen, who is in performance, they're all there.



Gloria, I've said this before since my lemon experience with Gateway. When you send a computer back to the company, they like each and every computer company, does not do any diagnostics at all, ever. What you will receive back is a new computer that has been set to the original modifications and then sent back to you.

What that means is, if the error was in the initial configuration of your computer then each and every new one sent will continue to have that same mistake and will crash or stop working again.

You would be better off returning the PC and asking for your money back.


Welcome back Gloria.  There's plenty of the lemon DDs in the hidey hole.  I think you're right that the computer company is cheap.  All they do is restore to the way it was originally--which was corrupt.

Callie--I don't like all those recipes, political stuff etc. on Facebook either.  For sure halkel will be in to remind you who won.:)

Angelface--I think you exactly right about the computer.

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June Drabek

Bis, Jane and Phyllis, thank you all for your opinions of Facebook. Since Dan knows me pretty well, and advised against it, I think I will forget about it. My days are disappearing so quickly lately, either because I am slowing up, or spending more time reclining and reading, I would probably not have use for another program.

Gloria, it is always a joy to read your messages and know you are doing o.k., with the exception of that lousy computer. I hope you can get a different brand completely, and I wish it could be an Apple brand. Those that I know that have them never seem to have a problem, and mine is seven years old now…getting a bit slow in start-up, but then so am I, so we make a good team..me and my iMac.

I was looking forward to going down at 6:30 to enjoy the music of George Rossi, but I am already in my "at home" clothes, so I'll forget it. Too tired to do my dancing anyhow. I keep telling myself I'm still just 91 years young, but something inside grins at me says, "keep kidding yourself, but stay home and behave."

Tomorrow is Chuch, otherwise it will be another day of rest. I think I'll put in my monthly grocery order, that will keep me occupied for a couple of hours.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


I decided that I'd had enough of someone else's problems a while back and I had some young fellows build me a computer with just what I wanted on it.  They added a few things I hadn't thought about but that I do use.  And since they are right here in town, upgrades and cleanups are easy, fast and don't cost me an arm and a leg.  Most things they can do remotely and I don't even have to take it in.  I have been very happy with it and with the guys who are very patient with this old lady.  In fact, I get the impression that they like me.  If they roll their eyes behind my back, I never see it.  I would never go back to a purchased computer complete.  They have even advised me against some things that I thought I might like and I found they were right.  That was 6 years ago that I bought this one and i'm still happy with it.

And now, I'm off to Dreamland!  I wish you all a peaceful rest and a happy day tomorrow.  May God bless us, every one!

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Callie, it was quite a game.  As was the TAM/UCLA game.  Now we will have to see what Texas will do with the Catholics or vice versa.

Gloria, hope the computer holds up.  You certainly have had your share of problems.


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