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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b


Soda Shoppe Week of February 19

Started by JoanFL, February 19, 2017, 03:05:52 AM

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June Drabek

Another day has disappeared somewhere, and I can't find it. It is time to grab a bite to eat and get downstairs for Hymn singing this evening.

Janie, you sound extra happy this evening and that makes me extra happy too. Life is good !!

Off I go to gnosh on something. Will be back to say Goodnight.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


I watched "THE HORSE SOLDIERS" tonight with two of my all time favorite actors...John Wayne and William Holden.  It was just as good this time as it was the last 20 times I watched it.

And now...Good night Everyfriend and may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Read that Storm Doris took three lives... one in the South West, another in the Midlands, the other in South east London...no one from our area...The Storm passed in the one day but the winds are still fairly high...Link...


23 days officially to Spring, my how time goes quick...

...we posted within 3 or 4 minutes of each other, so our posts kindof crossed, when I posted about the Storm...
Jenny, that was one heck of a car journey, just glad Dr Dave got home safely, if not totally worn out...

...there are certain films we can watch time and time again, and still enjoy it just as much as watching it for the first time...


Good Saturday morning, Everyfriend.   There's oatmeal and blueberries to accompany your coffee or tea. I wish everyone a good day!!



At his request, each morning three-year-old Ray's mother pinned a bath towel to the back shoulders of his size two T-shirt. Immediately in his young imaginative mind the towel became a brilliant magic blue and red cape.

And he became Superman. Outfitted each day in his "cape," Ray's days were packed with adventure and daring escapades. He was Superman.
This fact was clearly pointed out last fall when his mother enrolled him in kindergarten class. During the course of the interview, the teacher asked Ray his name.

"Superman," he answered politely and without pause.

The teacher smiled, cast an appreciative glance at his mother, and asked again, "Your real name, please."

Again, Ray answered, "Superman."

Realizing the situation demanded more authority, or maybe to hide amusement, the teacher closed her eyes for a moment, then in a voice quite stern, said, "I will have to have your real name for the records."

Sensing he'd have to play straight with the teacher, Ray slid his eyes around the room, hunched closer to her, and patting a corner of frayed towel at his shoulder, answered in a voice hushed with conspiracy, "Clark Kent."

Food For Thought

(Author Unknown)

I love this story which reportedly came from the July 10, 1989 issue of Sports Illustrated:

The game was played in Wellington, Florida. In it, a seven-year-old first baseman, Tanner Munsey, fielded a ground ball and tried to tag a runner going from first to second base.

The umpire, Laura Benson, called the runner out, but young Tanner immediately ran to her side and said, "Ma'am, I didn't tag the runner." Umpire Benson reversed herself, sent the runner to second base, and Tanner's coach gave him the game ball for his honesty.

Two weeks later, Laura Benson was again the umpire and Tanner was playing shortstop when a similar play occurred. This time Benson ruled that Tanner had missed the tag on a runner going to third base, and she called the runner safe. Tanner looked at Benson and without saying a word, tossed the ball to the catcher and returned to his position.

Benson sensed something was wrong. "Did you tag the runner?" She asked Tanner.

His reply: "Yes."

Benson then called the runner out. The opposing coaches protested until she explained what had happened two weeks earlier. "If a kid is that honest," she said, "I have to give it to him."

Thought of the Day

"The best youth pastors are named mom & dad."

- Kevin Williams


Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

good Morning everyone!
another of those can't sleep all night night's.
B S is through the roof , boy this being diabetic sure sucks.
B P is good tho , when I was in Hospital laying in bed or setting in easy chair
B P went low and nurses and doctor all went brain dead and took me off of B P
meds.  and B P went to climbing. But forantley <(SP) I have a good Mail nurse at
V A and he figured out what was going on. but it is taking a while to get back to normal. the swelling has went down in my head and I was able to ware the mask for my breathing machine last night. I am going back to bed and take another shot of it c u all later.



Good Saturday morning, Joan.

I am up early as I have to go for blood work.  My son is (supposed) to pick me up about 7:30.   Since I can't eat breakfast, I will have to forgo the oatmeal and blueberries.  I am hoping that he won't be in a hurry and we can stop somewhere on the way home to eat.  If not,  then I will just get him to stop at McDonalds and I will get something to bring home.  Although, he  usually likes to stop  for breakfast and it is always my treat.   I had the clock set for 6 a.m., but I have been awake since about 4 a.m.  So, I thought I might as well get up. I only have to get dressed, as I took a shower before I went to bed. 

Hope you and all the other friends will have a good Saturday.  We have been having spring-like weather for several days, but it is supposed to turn a lot colder by this afternoon.  We can't be that lucky that winter is over, yet.  Still have March to get through, and it can be pretty brutal at times.



Good morning everyone, we just had the warmest night since the beginning of autumn.  Manager does not want windows open in the winter but I think we have all been opening them in this warm weather. She is worried the heat pipes will freeze.

JOAN  talked to my son last night and he had been out pruning the apple trees. He said there was still snow in the orchard but fast melting.

SANDY  I always wanted to travel this country of ours but never did. Most of what I saw was from a plane heading to San Diego. Did spend a week going through Arizona though and enjoyed every minute of it.

GLORIA de  we hit 71° yesterday and it was great. Low humidity and a nice breeze. I think we all started with that Tangee lipstick.

SHIRLEY  like you I enjoyed Bobbie's trip and all the pictures she shared with us. I did get to meet her when she was here. I am already dreading summer heat and humidity. It has been in the 50's over night.

JENNY  my daughter knows how I worry so when the traveled here as soon as they got home she would call me.

JUNE  don't curse the beres, without them we would not be able to grow any food. Lloyd just did not take time out to get his bee suit on. I have a net bag I put the wool socks in and that way they are easy to separate from the rest to bring up and hang up in here. They are warm in winter and cool in summer.

JANE  I think we are all enjoying this spring temperatures. But I do not trust it, still waiting for it to return to winter.

PATRICIA  wish I could still cook, I would try that recipe.

JOAN  oatmeal and blueberries will be soo good this morning. Think I will add some this time. Superman-Ray knew who he was alright. Food for Thought is a wonderful story. Today's quote is so true. Thank you for all today's goodies.

LLOYD  I woke too early this morning and hope I can get more later.

JOY  I keep waiting for winter to return. Too warm for February but I am enjoying it.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

good luck with your trip to the vampire. I tell the sweet lady at VA that she should have enough Blood to start her own blood Bank by now she just passes me off ( we have been friends for years) she was at Kansas city V A and transferred to warensburg MO. when they started it is closer to where she lives.
Have a great day.


Lloyd Hammond

Gloria it told me you had posted while I was typing. they must have a spye in here so we best be carfule what we say, (HA HA HA) I am with I am going Back now, Have a great day c u Later.



Good morning, Lloyd.  I hope you get all you numbers back where they should be and also that you get back to sleep.

Joy--Good morning.  I am surprised labs there are open on Saturday.  Here they are all closed.  I hope you and your son are able to go out for a leisurely breakfast after the lab.

Good morning. Gloria.  I sure hope your son has good luck with his orchard this year.  You folks sure are having some unseasonably warm weather for February.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good Morning Everyfriend!  Joanie, I LOVE Superman and I loved the honest little boy and the referee who understood.

I have to go feed the doggies.  We slept in a bit this morning and I think it threw off their timing.  They still aren't bothering me to eat and it's almost 7:30. 

Enjoy your morning and I'll check back later to see what you've all been up to.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning, Janie.  Glad you liked those "offerings".  Must be both dogs timers are a bit off today.:)

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good morning everyone

Thunder and lightning during the night here and a gentle rain too!! Snow has gone down maybe 8 inches already.

Laundry day today and go into town to pick up meds and might sneak in some sewing.if I don't bake. Decisions... decisions ..I did find some of Janies zzzzzz'z hidden in my couch....all TWO HOURS of them!!!.

Gloria, I sure hope your son gets a good crop of apples this year.

Joy, enjoy your breakfast out...

Lloyd, hope you found some sleep and be careful around those bees!!

June we are going to have to wrap your legs in bubble wrap......no more falls please.

Joan ,thank you for breakfast

Enjoy your day everyone.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Hi everyone on a beautiful Saturday morning. I have fixed Pat's breakfast and cleaned up the kitchen.  This afternoon I have a man coming to pressure wash the front of my house and my wooden fence that surrounds the back yard.  Next week sometime he will also stain my wooden fence.  This has been something that has needed to be done for awhile. I see this morning that my neighbor, directly across the street from me, has placed her home on the market as a real estate sign appeared sometime yesterday evening. 

Yesterday afternoon I dropped Pat off at Walmart and then went across the street to our Credit Union to take care of some business. I then went to pick her up and as I waiting at the head of the lane in the parking lady a lady across started to back up.  Fortunately she did is very slowly and I laid on my horn.  Fortunately she stopped probably only a couple of inches from the driver's side door of my car.  If I had been thinking carefully rather than sit there and honk I had time to drive ahead but didn't think of it until after the event occurred.  We went from there to our favorite BBQ place for our main meal of the day.  I expect to watch some more of the golf tournament this afternoon.

While I am writing here this morning I am listening to Les Paul and Mary Ford music.  It is very easy to listen to.

Gloria, you are not boring to me.  Last year I bought a couple of pair of very nice wool slacks for church and found I could wear them in the summer as well as the winter.  I have made of note to look up the Sierra Trading Post.

Sandy, I was always a bit concerned about your being alone on the road and was always glad to see your next posting saying you were OK or had settled out West for a few months.  Glad you are near your family now. 

deAngel, Pat has decided she would like to have a porch swing on our back patio so I guess we will be getting one before long.  Glad you could enjoy sitting on your back porch in February.  I understand about having good days and bad days. 

Shirley, I would not operate very well on only 3 hours of sleep.  I hope you got some sleep last night. 

Jenny, a four hour commute for Dr. Dave after a busy day at work must have been exhausting.  Hope the ice is soon gone.  I saw a news report on the Giraffe last night on NBC Nightly News.  There was still no baby Giraffe. 

June, a wise decision not to get down on the floor on purpose. 

Lloyd, sure hope you were able to get some sleep this morning. 

Joy, do you find when you have a fairly early appointment you automatically wake up earlier than normal?  I sure do and very seldom set an alarm anymore although it very easy to do anymore with these smart phone. 

Lloyd Hammond

well Good Morning again!
Thanks everyone. I did get more sleep I just woke up in fact at 9:25 A M.
sun is shinning  very clear and bright,but them is not good 27º here. my head ace is mostly gone first time in day's. have a great day.



Joan,  the lab where I go is connected with our county hospital and they do have hours on Saturday morning, from 8 till  noon.

I was surprised when my son said he would pick me up about 7:30, as although I do like to go early, he usually is late getting me However, this morning, he was here right about 7:30 and I got to the lab just about 8 and they were already open and I had # 84 and they were just calling #72.,  I don't think I have ever seen it that crowded that early.  There usually are a couple people waiting for it to open, but one of the ladies was talking to, said they didn't open until right at 8 and it was a line of people waiting.  There were 2 nurses, instead of the usual 3 and I didn't get out of there until almost 10.  I had to stop up the road from there to get a battery put in my watch and then we were going to go to Bob Evans, but it was a line waiting.  So, since I was so hungry, we just went to McDonalds and went in and ate there.

So, it was a kind of a sit and wait morning.  Everybody had their phones out clicking away.  I should have taken something to read.

The sky has suddenly turned very gray and the wind is picking up.  I guess I got home just in time.   Rain is expected by this afternoon.  And temperatures will be colder for the next few days.

I am going to see if I can find a movie to start watching and then, for sure, will wind up napping.  A nap always seems to happen when I start watching TV. 

Larry, when I have to get up  really early, I do usually set the alarm, but most of the time,( I guess it is on your mind,) I will wake up way ahead of the alarm and wind up getting up. I am not usually a morning person, but when I have to be somewhere early,  I can do it. 

Have a good afternoon.



Amy--Rain is better than snow.  You sure are a busy bee.

Larry--Good to hear Pat went shopping by herself.  Yikes--you just missed that lady, who obviously wasn't looking, hitting your vehicle.

Lloyd--Glad you were able to get more sleep and that your headache is nearly gone.

Joy--Wow--that lab was a busy place today.  There's a Bob Evans about 2 miles from me, and on weekend mornings there's always a waiting line.  I don't "do" wait very well.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good Saturday Morning Everyone from the  overcast but warming up,  rocky coast of Maine.... 

All is well here.    I am in the process of going through my stuff,  again,  and trying to get it "organized" ...   
What a mess  I would be in if I didn't do this every couple of months   (giggle)... 

My lab at Mercy Hospital here in Maine is opening
24/7  ....   Which is very handy  ...  per chance I should need to have a emergency trip to the lab..     Which hopefully doesn't happen very often  (or ever!!)


  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan

June Drabek

Good Morning all, I had a perfect nights sleep, and a happy morning. Nothing more is planned for today, not till tonight..we will have a Hymn sing. I thought it was last night…wrong !

Question : should Ieave my lap top plugged in at all times, or should I unplug it when the green light i showing ? I seldom use it but I like to know it is ready at all times.

Janie, do you have your favorite movies on C.D.s ? Or ?

Jackie, those three bad storms you had were certainly wide spread. I'm so glad you were O.K.

Bis, I love that imaginative little boy being Superman…he really lives his role.

Gloria, I am so delighted to read your son still has his apple orchard. I recall there was a time when he thought he may give it up. As long as he is well and strong, I hope he maintains it…once a farmer,always a farmer, and I know how much you enjoyed the apples, and also how you loved working for him.

Amy, I will do my best not to be careless with these poor old delicate legs. They have given me 92 years of joyful living, so they deserve good care. We humans take such advantage of these wonderful bodies of ours, I know I have, so when they get old and weak, we should spoil them with good care.

Larry I had purchased a pressure attachment for the garden hose after Ed died and I had the responsibility for more work. Those pressures really do a good job, but not for a weakling to handle. I'm glad you didn't get a  ding on your car. Oh..I loved Les Paul and Mary Ford. I am going to Utube and see if I can find them…
We had a glider on our front porch and it is  very relaxing, I'm glad Pat will get her swing.

Lloyd…wonderful news that you head is getting better. Now please, please,please, be very tender in caring for that head from now on. O.K. ????????

Joy, I am so happy that you have a son that is there to take you places. My youngest son lives nearby and gives me the same gift of his time. I recently applied for a handicapped placard, so he can park nearby…everyplace is so overcrowded in this area.

Time for me to get out and do some walking. This computer is not good for my health..I get so involved the time just disappears. See you all later………
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Sandy--Your apartment has to win a prize for "Best Organized".:woohoo:

June--Wonderful that you slept so well.  I don't have a laptop so can't answer your question--sorry.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


I'm having a very tired day today for some reason and, while I did a few things that needed doing, when it started to rain, I decided to give in to the "tired" and do nothing.  I sure hope AMY left a few zzzs.  I rather think I could use them today.  Maybe it's because I dreamed most of the night and I was very active in my dreams.  I wonder?

June, I do have THE HORSE SOLDIERS but it is on tape and I missed the last 15 minutes of it.  Last night it was on TV.  I have many of my favorites on tape and CD and I really enjoy them.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


A good Saturday HELLO.

Sun is shinning but it is cold outside, and will continue to be for the next few days.

I rested so much better last night after I got the call that Kurt and doggies we safely to their destination in Boston.  It was 11:30 PM for him.  I just hope he was able to sleep after a nice shower!  The poor doggies were so glad to be there also.  The youngest of the two was a nervous wreck most of the way....shaking uncontrollably.  Bless his heart..... they are used to traveling for shorter distances in the family vehicle, but the truck might just have kept him stirred up.  Kurt said when they got out to potty and run around, they acted just fine, but once back in the truck the poor guy was shaking again. 

LARRY, I have always loved a glider and a rocker so much on a porch or patio.  I do hope Pat can get one soon for her to enjoy like Gloria de.  Thank goodness the lady did stop before she smashed your door. 

JOY, your morning outing was enough excitement for one day, so relax now and take it easy!

JACKIE, thank you for sharing the site to read about Doris.  She sure did enough damage. 

JUNE, you are right it is not good for us to sit too long and do our thing on these computers.....my hubby just gave me a talking to...saying it is time to get up and move around!  Hope you enjoyed your walk. 

AMY, the suggestion of bubble wrap for our June sounds like a good one. 

Thank you, JOAN, for our goodies today. 

JANIE, I do hope you are able to find a few ðŸ'¤ to tide you over this afternoon. 

Enjoy your day, EVERYFRIEND! 

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Janie--I am sure Amy left some ZZZ's.  I am tired, too, and am going to look for some shortly.

Jenny--I know you were glad to get the call that Kurt had arrived in Boston.  That poor dog that was so scared must have been exhausted.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast

June Drabek


This day is turning out to be a sleepy one for several of us. My eyes are yearning to close also, but I must wait till after lunch. I want what they are serving....then will come the nap...I can hear the zzzzzzz's singing a lullaby already.

Jenny, another thing I must remind myself of, besides the walking, is NOT leaning back in my chair, but to sit forward with a straight spine. It is so easy to sit back and slump...lousy position for our body to take. Our lungs get smooshed down, our eyes are not positioned right.  etc. etc. etc.

Janie, I can think of no one of us here that deserves the right to a day off than you. As far as I know you are the only one of us still out there meeting and dealing with the public, and earning a wage, taking care of two doggies, plus a Grandaughter at times, and still have a smile on your face and good words to speak.
So you just lay back and absorb those zzzzzzz, listen to the rain drops falling gently on your window, and remember the good times...I think I stole some of that last sentence from a lovely song.....

As long as we are here, let's dance.


June, it sounds like it could be from the BJ Thomas classic "Raindrops keep fallin' on my head".  But I looked up the lyrics for that song and if you did steal it from that, you made some subtle changes.

I did indeed find some zzzs this afternoon but the were on my recliner.  I think I slept about 2 hours and I do feel better.  I guess Cathy isn't coming by this afternoon.  That means she will be here tomorrow some time.  Her birthday is coming up in March and she will be 60!  It just doesn't seem possible.  She does not look 60 and she does not appear to be showing her age.  And most of the time, I don't feel old enough to have a 60 year old daughter.  Where did the years go?

I think I'll take one of my meat loaf and scalloped potato dinners out of the freezer.  I always make enough to freeze some and tomorrow, I'm making fish but today I'm loafing so I'll eat from the freezer.

I hope everyone who needed a nap found some zzzs and that you are all having a good day.  It's still raining here.  It's a good day to stay in and loaf.  Enjoy!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


OOPS!! forgot to say I'm happy to hear that Kurt? and the doggies are safe in Boston!

And I also forgot to say, I'm glad Jackie is safe from the storm.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


June--What were they serving for lunch?  I'm guilty of not sitting properly in mu computer chair.

Janie--I found about 45 min. worth of ZZZ's--that should tide me over until bedtime.  I love what you're having for supper.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast

June Drabek

Had lunch, came home and slept for a couple of hours.

Janie, the song is "For the Good times". by Ray Price. I'll put in the URL and hope it works. I slept in my recliner too, with the book on my chest of course. I was wakened by one of the "pill" girls, bringing my fourth group of them. They space them so they deliver six different times a day( I pay for this service, but it will be essential eventually).


Bis, lunch was a Breaded piece of Tilapia on a light, but thick bun..lots of big air bubbles in the the bun. It has a name but I don't remember what it is. Served with soup, salad, vegetable, juice, and any thing else one wanted. I had a mousse  for dessert, and had them pack a cup of choc. ice cream to take home. Sleepy time followed.

Our sun disappeared behind clouds..no rain forecast just cloudiness. So it is time to put my shoes on and get out for the second walk of the day. CULTR

As long as we are here, let's dance.


CIABATTA  or sometimes spelled CHIABATTA???

Click for Neenah, WI Forecast

June Drabek

donklan, that looks a great deal like what we had. These were made into buns, but more elongated than a hamburger bun. A nice crust both top and bottom and very tender, but chewy. I liked them and would order it again. The Tilapia was great too.  :thumbup:

Just came back from a lovely hymn sing in our club house, and it was a fun time too. Our Chaplain belonged to a quartet and they were great. Tonight he gave a showing of when they did a comedy skit, and I laughed till my jaws hurt...they so enjoyed their own comedy.
As long as we are here, let's dance.