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2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
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2024-09-21, 20:42:26
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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8


Soda Shoppe Week of January 15

Started by JoanFL, January 15, 2017, 04:21:49 AM

Previous topic - Next topic

Mary Ann

Gloria Z, my beef about computers and printers is that I will have a printer that works fine and if I get a new computer, the printer will not work on the new computer.  I don't think it is the computer that causes the problem but the program.  I recently bought a W-10 HP computer and Tom could not get the printer to work.  He has a Brothers printer and I can print from his printer.  The only troubles are that he is downstairs, he is out of paper and the toner is low.  If I want something bad enough, I e-mail it to myself and bring it up on my older computer and print from there. 

Hal, that was an interesting article about sink holes.  There was one within the last month in Fraser, north of Detroit.  I didn't realize so many countries had them, but we just don't hear about them.

Callie, I don't care for small dogs, at least not smaller than a doxie.  We had a medium-to-large dog and Tom's family had a golden retriever.  Good sizes.

Mary Ann


Jackie, strictly my opinion, but Harry has had several recent changes in his life and not much time to adjust when more keep coming his way. He may still be grieving. With a dog like this, he may need a strict routine and a settled life with any smaller changes happening slowly over time. He will not change overnight and his basic personality and behavior, as it is now, may never change.

Are you willing to put in the time and effort involved? Do you perhaps want a more active, more affectionate dog with fewer neuroses? One that is more social with you both and with Toby or more like Benji's personality? Do you want Harry and would like to see him be happier and in your life? Even when it may take a longer stretch of time and in increments?  Farrah took five months before she finally began enjoying and trusting, although the smaller signs were happening throughout.

Only you and Richard can answer these questions and if you prefer a different dog then it may be fairer to Harry and his interim caretaker to have him look elsewhere with less disruption to Harry. If you do decide to keep Harry, you will do him a great favor in a settled, more quiet home, even though he will probably prefer a less active existence.

Good luck to all of you.


Callie--Good thing to stay in when the weather is nasty.

Vanilla-Jackie--I really do feel sorry for Harry.

Mary Ann--Computers and printers often are not compatible.

Angelface--Good thoughts you directed to Vanilla-Jackie.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Usually, if a computer and printer are not compatible it is because the right driver is not installed.  You can sometime check the website and download the right driver.  And sometimes you can google and find a work around.  Some years back I did both.  But printers are so cheap now you can normally just buy an el cheapo and use it.


I didn't know there were so many sink holes.  Now I have something else to pray for.

All this discussion of dogs and cats reminded me of my frequent prayer that God will let me outlive both dogs so they don't need to be confused about why I didn't come back.  I know my family will take good care of them if I don't outlive them but I just don't want them to have to wonder.

My son was here to fix my DVD player (It only played in B&W) and when he was leaving, he asked if I was doing anything special.  I said "making dinner" is that special enough?  He laughed and asked If Kiran could come over and hang out with me.  She could and she did.  We had a good day and another tomorrow.  I'll go over there in the morning in time for them to go to work so she doesn't have to get up.  Then we'll come back here for lunch and the rest of the day.

My neighbor came over and cleaned off my driveway with a shovel this morning.  There wasn't enough to snowblow so he shoveled.  He's a good guy!

I hope you all had a day as good as mine was.   

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

June Drabek

Jackie, it sure sounds like Harry is a troubled little boy. Only God knows what his background is, and he may be mourning for some one too...who knows. I'm so glad you are willing to keep trying Jackie, only God knows what would happen to him otherwise.

Bis, yes, the bandage is changed every day, but now I am confined to my room again. We have diarrhea going around the complex. Mine started shortly after lunch and have had 8 trips to the bathroom so far. They just delivered me a can of Gator Ade, have been told to drink lots of water, meals will be a special diet, delivered to my door. I am to stay put till tomorrow noon. Talk about good care...we have it !

Gloria de, I do remember your telling me it took three months for your leg wound to heal. If I have my dates proper, it has been about two months for me now, and it looks like it is starting to heal. Do you have poor circulation in your legs ? I leg arteries are 90 percent closed in some areas, 40 percent in other areas, so healing takes a long time. Still have lots of pain. I'm praying you will get stronger with each passing day my dear friend.

Eleven trips to the bathroom now. I'm growing weary. I can see why they are keeping us isolated. I would not wish this on my worst enemy.

Gary and Dori stopped in earlier today. I hope and pray this did not jump into their lives. I told them what was happening to me, so there were no hugs as we usually exchange. I had plans for things to do tomorrow. Enough of my complaints....

Gloria, I am more than happy that you have such a handy Grandson to help you out with the computer. Please give him my thanks for getting you back on line with us.

Patricia, excellent advice to Jackie. You are a wise and kind animal lover.
As long as we are here, let's dance.

Mary Ann

Hal, I take a dim view of having to buy a new printer to replace a perfectly good printer just because printers are cheap.  I have one working printer that I can't use because of incompatibility and my present printer won't work on my W-10 computer.  At the rate I seem to be going with printers is I'll have a storeroom full of printers that work, only not on the computer I am using.

I think Tom checked the driver problem but could not get the printer to work.  I can still use the printer with my combo W10/W7 computer.  Thank goodness for flash drives!

Mary Ann

June Drabek

Goodnight all...I am tired, so off to an early bed. Peace, Love and Prayers. June
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Mary Ann, send me your model of printer and computer and what you are running on it and let me do some research.  Don't guarantee anything.


Good Monday morning, Everyfriend.  There's  breakfast tacos to accompany your coffee or tea . I wish everyone a nice day!!



Top 12 Bloopers found in Church Bulletins:

12. The Pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday morning.

11. Low Self-Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday from 7 to 8pm. Please use back door.

10. For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.

9. Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our church and community.

8. The seventh-graders will be presenting shakespeare's Hamlet in the church basement on Friday at 7 pm. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.

7. The concert held in the Fellowship Hall was a great success. Special thanks are due to the minister's daughter, who labored the whole evening at the piano, which, as usual, fell upon her.

6. Potluck supper: prayer and medication to follow.

5. Don't let worry kill you off - let the church help.

4. The Rector is on holiday. Massages can be given to the church secretary.

3. Eight new choir robes are currently needed, due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.

2. The choir invites any member of the congregation who enjoys sinning to join the choir!!.

1. Weight watchers will meet at 7 p.m. Please use large double door at the side entrance.

Food For Thought

"A Pack of Seeds"
(Written by Charles G. Ramsey)

I bought myself a pack of seeds,
To grace my garden fair,
And stuck them in my pocket.
For months they waited there.

And when the time had come to see
The flower's lovely face,
I thought it strange that only weeds
Were growing in their place.

How foolish then, oh Christian man,
God's Word, you have indeed.
You carry it or hide it
But do not plant the seed.

No fruit there grows in garden fair,
Unless the seed you sow.
For you the Word of God must plant,

Thought of the Day

"When wicked persons have gone on in a course of sin and find they have reason to fear the just judgement of God for their sins, they begin at first to wish that there were no God to punish them; then by degrees they persuade themselves that there is none; and they set themselves to study for arguments to back their opinion."

- Author Unknown; often ascribed to John Bunyan


Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good early morning Joan, I have not been able to sleep all night, so here I am. Joan, I am still laughing out loud over the church bulletins, I needed that fix.  Maybe I can go and lay down for a while, after I check in here.

June, yes I do have very bad circulations, at times I have no feeling in my left foot. Oh! isn't old age fun. ???

Also yes, Shirley Medicare does pay for 3 weeks of nursing care. I can also have someone come in and cook. This I still can handle very slowly. Thank havens for the microwave.  happy birthday shirley

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


Good morning, Linedancer.  I am sorry you couldn't sleep and hope you can now catch some ZZZs.  Glad the bulletins made you laugh.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Happy Birthday,  Shirley.   Hope you have a great day !!



Good Morning Everyfriend!  I'm a bit pressed for time this morning.  I have to leave in about a half hour to go to my son's so he and Kiran's mom can get to work on time.  I try to let her sleep in on holidays if possible because I remember how nice it was to have a sleep-in day when I was young. 

Have a great day Everyfriend.  It's only 16º here today and not supposed to get above freezing.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast



Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning, Joy.

Janie--Good morning.  Enjoy your day with Kiran.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good morning everyone..
Happy birthday Shirley, may you be blessed with many more!!! :hb2:

Not sure what is happening as there is nothing pressing on the agenda, guess we will take the day as it come.

Joan thank you for breakfast..

Enjoy your day everyone.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers



Three cheers for Shirley! 

Happy Birthday!!

and many, many more!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Good morning, Amy.  I guess you can have a day of rest today.

Good morning Vanilla-Jackie and Phyllis.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


 :nopity: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Shirley, happy birthday to you.

See there, what you have endure as you grow older.

Good Morning to Everyone!

we had some rain and thunder last night, not a lot of either.  But things do look fresh out.  I ope everyone has a great day.  Be sure to plant your seeds.

Joanie, thanks for the taco's. 


Good morning, halkel.  No rain here.:(  Your link should make Shirley smile.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good morning, back to you, Joan.  I was kind of in a hurry when I posted the birthday message to Shirley.

So, I will thank you for breakfast this morning.  I, too, enjoyed the church bulletin notices.  I have seen similar ones like that before.
Always fun to read.

I need to really get a move on.

Have a great day.



Joy--Glad you enjoyed the church bulletins.  You must have a busy day today.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


:hb3:  Happy Birthday, Shirley

and a Merry Monday to Everyfriend.


Hi everyone on what is to be another beautiful day and get into the mid-70's. When I got up this morning I decided to fix Pat some sausage muffins for her breakfast.  I got everything out and then went to get the sausage out of the meat tray so I could fry it up and I couldn't find it.  I searched for the package in the freezer and the refrigerator without success.  So I decided I would fix her scrambled eggs with bacon bits, cheese, green onions and yellow peppers.  I got everything in the skillet for it would be ready to cook when she arose.  I had to go back to the refrigerator and in a little container I found the sausage that Pat had fried up and crumbled last night after I went to bed.  So I quickly put together the muffins and baked them.  When she got up I did fix the scrambled eggs for her breakfast and she can have the sausage muffins for her breakfast tomorrow. 

I am not sure I will try to attend my Monday noon meeting as am feeling pretty tired.  However, maybe by noon I will feel refreshed.  I do plan on attending the monthly men's dinner at the Church this evening.  Pat did feel up to attending Church with me yesterday.  I went to Sunday School and came home and got her for Church.  We went out for lunch following Church. 

Phyllis, your graphic that Joan shared with us yesterday sure brought back memories of growing up on the farm and a cold and snowy winter day. 

Jackie, it sounds like Harry may not be the type of dog you are needing at this time.  Nice of you and R to volunteer to watch Harry when needed.

Amy, glad you could enjoy a "lazy" day yesterday as it appears you don't have many of those.  I can understand your husband not enjoying the fanny pack for such a long period. 

deAngel, I bet Taffy is keeping a close eye on your since your week away in the hospital.  Nice to see that the nurse is coming to you rather than you having to try to get out to be checked. 

Shirley, Happy Birthday.   

Gloria, I agree with you about our computer family.  Doing a video chat is a very nice way to visit and I do that all the time with my best friend over where we lived.  Sometimes we don't have a lot of talk about but seem to be able to keep chatting for quite awhile.  It was fine with me that the Patriots won their game.  I was sorry to see this morning that Kansas City had lost to Pittsburgh last night.  The game was too late for me to watch it. 

Hal, the Epson printer I bought for my wife a couple of days go seems to be a much better built one that some of the others I have had.  It was originally a $150 printer that was on sale for $80.  I did get it wirelessly installed for her yesterday afternoon. 

June, sorry that you have some new problems but know you get good care.  I hope you don't get dehydrated.   


Good morning on a gray day here.

Thanks to everyone who commented on the graphic.

I'm feeling brother, Jack, in Wichita, died last evening.  I hadn't seen him for a long time and he had been very ill for some time but, still, I'm sad to have the last of my birth family gone.  Now, I am the only one left.  It is not always easy to accept what Life has in store for us.


Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good morning everyone, yep I'm late again. That is what happens when I stay up too late at night. The governor of this state is the only one from New England that will not attend Trump's inauguration.  So much for her, not much liked in this area of the state.

PATRICIA  another plus for being retired, no set time to wake in the mornings and get ready for work.

JOAN  if that flash drive gets here I will save it. I really dread having to install everything again. I have done it too often in this PC. I'm getting too old to waste time doing that again.

CALLIE me neither, I like a bigger dog myself.  The 2 in the family are not pure Chihuahuas and bigger than the purebred ones. Still they like to bark. Remember the bamd leader Xavier Cougat and the tiny one he kept in his pocket? I saw him in person once at the end of the pier in Old Orchard beach, Maine. He was playing there and after a set he would take the tiny dog out of his pocket and hold it in his hand. Weird.

JACKIE  I feel so bad about Harry. He sounds like he has problems that no one knows about.

MARY ANN  I bought this HP printer when I had the last Dell, it has worked with 3 different computers. It was on sale when I bought it at Staples, so far no problems. Smallest dog we ever had was part Beagle and bigger that a pure Beagle. I was shocked looking at all those sinkholes and seeing the cars and houses just sinking into those sudden holes. Frightening.

HAL  the HP printer I have came with a disk to install it and I used that with a new PC and that was all I did.

JUNE  hope you are feeling better today. I agree, I do have a wonderful grandson, my son and DIL did a good job raising him.

JOAN  since I do not care for tacos I will stick to my usual breakfast this morning. Love those Bloopers. I copied A Pack of Seeds. So true. Thank you for all today's goodies.

GLORIA de  cooking is the one thing I do have trouble doing. Standing and me are just about impossible.

HAL  that link is perfect for Shirley.

AMY  hope you can enjoy a lazy day.

LARRY  with my computer down my daughter and I used Face time  but too small to really enjoy.

PHYLLIS  so sorry about your brother. I know that feeling of being the last of your siblings. I am the last from a big family.

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