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MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
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Soda Shoppe Week of July 3

Started by JoanFL, July 03, 2016, 05:19:11 AM

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Good morning everyone..

A trip back to the city to hopefully bring dh back,if all goes well. I will get in and out before the heat of the day hits. I will dress warmer today as yesterday the a/c in the hospital was too cold and I didn't take a sweater I will be better prepared today :thumbup:

Jane, I am glad your doggies were spared the sound of the fire crackers...that is the same thing that happened here too..God is good!!

Joan, thank you for breakfast..

Enjoy your day everyone..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  It's already 70º heading for 81 by noon and a high of 88 by mid afternoon.  I think our lovely Spring weather is at an end.  It's raining a soft, misty rain right now.

Amy, drive carefully.  I pray all is well with your hubby.  And I hope his recovery period is short.

Have a good day, Everyfriend!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning, Amy.  I pray all is going well with your husband, and that you are able to bring him home today.  Safe travel to and from.

Janie--Good morning.  No rain here--still.  Local weatherguesser just said temp will be in mid 90s with heat index of 105°.  Spring left here long ago.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good morning everyone. sun is shinning and they are calling mid / high nightie's here. we had a good night out for the fourth here, hope you all had a great one also. Have a great day.



Morning Lloyd, Joan, Amy. Gotta go get busy!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good Morning Everyone!

Amy hope everything goes well with you today.

Janie, for some strange reason we had very few fireworks close by last night.  Nothing like the night before when some "neighbor" was shooting them at midnight.

Joanie, still dry here.  Although some parts of Texas got some bad weather yesterday.  And suppose to be hot, like always, in Texas in July.

I hope everyone has a great day.  I didn't see Jackie here this morning, I hope all is well with her.

For those of you interested:

FLASH: FBI Director Comey will address reporters at 11AM ET today at FBI HQ DC... Developing...


Just read in the Washington Post that the fireworks display on the Capitol 4th last night on PBS,  was not live because of the rainy and foggy weather in Washington last night... People were up in arms because they felt that the producers should have announced it and not deceived them thinking it was the real McCoy..
Such small stuff to complain about..but..people will be people


Good morning, Lloyd.  There wasn't very much noise in my neighborhood last night.  I watched some fireworks on TV.

Janie--You sure are a busy bee.

halkel--Good morning.  No rain here either.  Imagine that FBI Special Report will break into all programming.

Chia--Good morning.  I saw that same thing about the Capitol fireworks on GMA.  Guess people don't know you can't shoot pyrotechnics when it's storming.  Some are chronic complainers.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good late afternoon.....our today weather is turning out very pleasant.....

I have been in the garden finishing off the last of the hedge trimming, but had to come in for a rest as my body and legs were starting to get weak, so all the droppings are still on the grass.....maybe R can clear up when he gets in with his shopping.....or see how I feel later....

On the good news side, we have finally had our bathroom Insurance claim carpeting laid, cant believe it has taken so long but its finally down, and there is enough to go into our small office space, would have to go over the laminate flooring, with a different underlay, then man says he can cut the bottom of the office door without taking it off its hinges, so carpet will fit underneath and door can open over it.....or he can take up the laminate flooring, but he said that would be more of a complicated way, and I guess a more expensive job.....He has given us a reasonably cheap quote...as soon as we let him know, he can come and do it in a week...

Of course while he was here he left our front door open, it was only after we had all been chatting that I called out for Toby, no answer, we couldn't find him anywhere in the home, nor garden so panic thinking he had done a runner....He was at the far end of our garden, ignoring our calls....

Still haven't received my disabled Blue Badge, been a good three weeks now.....


Hi everyone.  I have just been outside to do the watering and it is already 82 degrees and headed up to 95 or higher today. 

Right now don't have anything planned for today that will require me going out again until the mail comes late this afternoon.  I have a number of things on my "to do" list that I will tackle today, at least some of them. 

We did not remember to tune in the special 4th of July events on TV last night.  We tried to watch a Netflix but it started buffering so we gave up and watched a couple of the "Keeping Up Appearances" and don't remember laughing so much is quite awhile.  I have seen them all before but they just seemed to be extra funny last night.

I am enjoying some good cold old-fashioned seeded watermelon for breakfast .  Breakfast is my favorite time for it. 

Jackie, glad for that good news on Benji that it wasn't a stroke. Just enjoy each day and don't waste your time worrying or thinking about what could happen tomorrow that may steal your joy for today. 

Hal, we have an interesting recyle and waste disposal program in North Augusta.  We get big heavy duty blue bags for our recyclables and the big big for the other trash.  The blue bags are put into the trash bin for pickup.  Then they have a separate truck come by to pick up any cardboard that we put out and then a truck comes by to pick up large items and yard waste.  One reason our city is so neat and clean is that they run a street sweeper and they have city workers who pick up road side trash that some people seem to think it is fine to toss out of their cars.  I put only glass and plastic items in the big blue bags. As far as I know we are not fined for non-compliance.  I am glad we only have one big rolling bin.  I did get a kitchen sized waste basket to use with the blue bags.

Sandy, I don't like a messy garbage can either and we put all of our trash in the trash can bag.  We recently bought some of the Glad heavy duty kitchen bags with Frebeze.  It is suppose to take care of any orders in the trash can for 5 days.

Joan, last week our good neighbor across the street knocked on the door and asked if she could put some trash in our half full bin that was at the curb.  Of course we said yes.  She is trying to get a handle of moving everything out of her mother's house that is next door to us before the new owners occupied it.  I thought it was very considerate of her to ask.

Gloria, glad your cable TV is back working properly.

JaneS, you are quite a bargain hunter as you sure made your 10 cents go far.


Good morning, Larry.  Your temp is going to be about like ours today.  I use those Glad heavy duty bags with Fabreze, too.  I put them in my roll out trash can that's installed inside a kitchen cupboard until they're full and I take them to the trash bin in the garage.  We aren't allowed to have any trash cans outside--except at the curb on trash days.  My next door neighbors seem to have an abundance of trash and long ago they asked if they could put the overflow in my trash bins.  Since  it's only me here, my bin is never full.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good early morning, I was up by 8, as my handy man is here fixing the floor, it is going to be a bigger job, as he has found black mole in the hall. It rained all night, but now the sun is coming out, and the humidity is 99 :eek:

Joan, I watched both Pop, but have to say I was disapointed in the music, and the costumas. I guess I am getting old.

jackie, I am so glad to read that Benji, seems better, and you are getting things done around the house. How lucky Benji did not go far.

Amy, pray that every thing went well for your husband.

Thanks for all the prays for Jess, now they he is in rehab, it will take a while, before he can walk again.

Gloria I also have to say again, that I was disppointed in the music overall and the singers. I like to have some music I know, I was suprised they did not play patriotic music while the fireworks were going off. Just at the end was one, other wise it was something about a red wagon (I could see the words, as I have captions also)

Now about recycle, our new garbagemen who now only comes once a week. We were told to put everything toether, they come back the same day for grass and leaves. I still seperate my papers, but they still throw them in the same place.  There have been complaints to the office when this first started.  I thought is was law of the land now, to recycle, but what do I know.  We are not happy about it, was we do not pay for pick up.

June, how nice you got red, white and blue cup cakes.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


Good morning everyone, well we are back to yucky heat and humidity but at least the week end and the 4th had great temperatures for anything outside. It rained over night.

HAL  I watched the fireworks from Boston and was disappointed in them, not half as spectacular as other years. Nothing different, all looked the same except for the height they went up.

JANE  I could hear some last night but no many and they were early, the sky was not dark yet. One time you were happy to see that rain.

BEVERLY  here in RI  all around the state they have the same trash barrels now. Trash trucks have the levers on the sides to pick them up and dump them into the truck. One for trash and one for recycle, different color lids. The lids are attached and must be closed. Too many wild critters moving into this area, lot of coyotes and black bears are spotted quite often. Not safe to take a hike in the woods anymore.

JOAN  oh boy I will do justice to your breakfast this morning. After having windows open today will be back to the AC. Like the reason for the autumn painting. Hard to find “True Bread” these days. Thank you for all today's goodies.

AMY  have a safe trip  to bring you husband home.

JANE  like you it looks like our nice weather is at an end. Still have 90° in the forecast. I will not go outside but stay inside. The hallways and the community areas on the ground floor are always on the cool side.

LLOYD  be careful if you have to work out in that heat.

HAL  where I was living before there was someone who always waited till midnight to set off those loud fireworks. Not just on the 4th but about 5 nights in a row.

JACKIE  you were busy this morning. Toby took advantage of the open door.

LARRY  I never had watermelon for breakfast. With the temperature and humidity going up again will be a good time for cold watermelon.

LARRY  glad the person I talked to was able to get my TV running again. My internet and phone were OK, just the TV was messed up.

GLORIA    de  hope the handyman can get rid of all that mold. That is dangerous.
I was disappointed in the Pops fireworks last night. First time I thought they were all the same, nothing spectacular. Maybe they ran out of money. I missed the 1812 Overture with the fireworks. That was always played then.

OH boy, the speech at 11 is about Hilary's email. Enough already. So tired of all that. I still would hate to see her as president.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Gloria, looks like she walked again.  Poor old General Petraeus got it in the neck for his recklessness....oh, well!


Linedancer--I hope the workman can get rid of that black mold.  I continue to pray for your grandson that he will do well in therapy.  It seems trash removal rules differ in about every locale.

Gloria--Sure wish some of that rain would come our way.  The fireworks shows nationally left a lot to be desired.  Actually the one at Lake Eola in Orlando was the best I saw on TV. 

halkel--I am just tired of all the mud slinging.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast

June Drabek

Good Morning all, I wish I had a nickel for every firecracker or explosive device I heard last night. It sounded like a war zone outside our gated community. We are surrounded by a trailer park to the North, two story homes to the East and West, and a variety of stores, homes, etc. to the South. I asked my son if Orange Co. didn't have laws about fireworks..every other county I have lived in have outlawed them, with big fines if the perp. is caught He said yes, there are laws, but the police can't be everywhere at one time. The noise went on till about 10 o'clock and I fianlly fell asleep.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


In Weymouth we have a very large council borough run recycleing base.....you just drive in, park at your nearest recycling bins, if any space available, look for the correct waste container, you usually have to climb metal steps, they are all positioning and easily marked, then throw your Item in....We have everything from electrical's, to white goods, cardboard, garden waste, metal, Iron, wood, plastics....household photo frames, vases, ornaments. china and glass.....These places can get very busy, its an in an out kindof place...a sort of a drive through.....There are work-people on site to help you find the correct disposal container..... What then happens to the stuff, I have no clue....but I guess they make their money from it as they don't charge anything for our free disposal....Link to our local Weymouth dump...the coloured signs point you to the correct waste skips...... Link, this place is larger than it looks....Oh and if you follow the drive out along the road, you will come to a long wall, the sea is behind that....



Good morning everyone!

What makes me positively ill about the mudslinging is so much of it is paid for by our tax dollars so needlessly but that's nothing new!

Same old weather pattern and same old lady and cat so nothing new here. The fourth was relatively quiet with all the fog and rain.

Jackie, we have three recycling places here and they are all as you describe.


I know I said that the rain put a damper on the local fireworks but by the time I went to bed the rain had stopped.  I was just drifting off when 5 loud bursts woke me wide awake.  I glanced at the clock and it was 12:01.  What an inconsiderate person that was!

The strawberry jam is finished.  All there is yet is the red raspberry and I have to wait until the beginning of August for more berries.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


June--As I said earlier, I didn't hear many fireworks around me last night.

Vanilla-Jackie--That sounds like a lot of sorting and then climbing stairs to get rid of your refuse.  Thanks for the link.

angelface--If you don't have a vehicle how do you get to the recycling locations?

Janie--Did the late fireworks wake up your sweet doggies?  Yum!!  Red raspberry jam.  Can I have a tiny taste when you make it?

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


We are home, the dogs are so happy now that Dad is home  ;)
Hospitals are ok if needed but not a nice place to be if your feeling sort of better . Now he is to do a whole lot of nuthin.... :2funny: anyone that knows man knows this is almost impossible for man to do.
Thank you again for your kind thoughts.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Joan, I don't recycle. I should but the building here has specific rubber barrels for paper or glass and for soda cans which we all use.

Janie, you and others may enjoy these simple recipes using berries from PureWow.

Honey-Blueberry Lemonade (makes 1 large glass): In a large glass, muddle 2 tablespoons honey with ½ cup blueberries to combine. Add the juice of 2 lemons and 1 cup cool water. Stir well to combine. Serve over ice.

Strawberry-Basil Lemonade (makes 1 large glass): In a cocktail shaker, muddle 2 tablespoons sugar with ¾ cup quartered strawberries and 2 small sprigs of basil. Add the juice of 2 lemons and 1 cup cool water. Put the top on and shake the mixture vigorously to combine the ingredients and dissolve the sugar. Serve over ice.

Classic Fair-Style Lemonade (makes 1 large glass): In a cocktail shaker, place 2 tablespoons sugar, the juice of 2 lemons, 1 cup cold water and 4 or 5 ice cubes. Put the top on and shake the mixture vigorously to combine the ingredients and dissolve the sugar. Serve over ice.

Amy, I'll bet you're glad that part's over with!


Another 45 min. wait on the phone to talk to our Illinois Auto License Office. Have been trying to get them for over a week and so I just hung on.
Now here they are no longer sending out the forms in order for one to renew the stickers. You have to watch and take care yourself. Do it on line or send in a copy of prev. years with a CC number . No personal Cheques.  I did mine on line and it said would come to me in 7 to 10 days. That was a month ago. Still not here. So now they tell me it was mailed to me June 12th. But is going through a cheaper rate of mail. Not first class. Yes on top of the $101 there are charges of $2.37 for mailing and handling.  They will now charge you $200 if they see that you do not have a current new sticker on if 30 days gone buy from when due.
So far the news say that they have collected over one Million . 2 in fines for people since Jan. 1st for having a past due sticker. Man 2 doors down had one 3 years old on his.
You get stopped now for every little thing and get a find. Light outs. Bad muffler. Getting unbelievable. Illinois so short on money they say. Now most street meters are $1 a hour to park . $10 for each ticket gets put on .  Think I will start using the buses.  I had one on my car 2 weeks ago on the Library parking lot that has City meters that you pay until 4pm. I put my car on at 3:45 not thinking.
They got a  worker for Walmart's yesterday. He was burning the Flag and putting in on the Internet. Got a good write up in today paper. What a speech he gave about what he thinks is wrong with the US.  I do agree to something he say but sure was crazy to burn the flag on that day.  People all around the Walmart's wanting him fired and such. I need to go there today but hope it cools down. So many crazy people anymore out there.  It looks like they are not going to be able to get much on him. Seems to have a good lawyer already in court this morning. I had noticed him at Walmart's just the other day. Sort of Asst. Mgr. I think. Just 24.

June Drabek

I am back from our Community Members Association meeting. It is an excellent program, but as with all volunteer programs, they are begging for new members to take over the various positions. I just don't feel I am up to signing in for anything...just too tired most of the time. I want to do volunteer work, but I want it to be a program that does not demand my appearance.

As long as we are here, let's dance.


Good afternoon, man still working on my floor.

The black mold I have  has been there a long time Tommy is telling me, it was under the rug. Maybe it is some of my breathing problems.

Amy Most men are not good patients, my husband was one of the worst.  Years ago when I worked in the hospital, telling me my husband was signing himself out.  He was in tractions for a bad back. I sure did not go up and read him his rights, someone else had to do that.  After he got a pace maker he use power tools and went gambling once in a while, you are suppose to stay a certain distence from them.  He also had COPD and 80 years old, so what the heck he did what made him happy.  I still was lucly to have him 62 years.  NOw I am in the same boat at 92, and eat whatever I want.

Recycleing goes by township around here, in the next town, you can be fined for mixing up glass, cans and paper. As I said before, I thought it was the law.

I hope we hear from JeanneLee to day

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


Amy--Glad you were able to bring your husband home.  If he wants to go back to the hospital tell him not to follow doctor's orders.:)

Angelface--That's good that you have bins at your complex for recycling.

JeanneP--We still get the form to renew our tags in the mail.  I just mailed mine in.  It cost $46.85 for a year.  You sure are having a time getting a form.

June--I'm with you.  I volunteered for umpteen years, and I am done with that.

Linedancer--Hopefully your floors will be completed today.  I was lucky.  My husband was a great patient.

I hope we hear from Jeanne Lee, too.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Joan. Are you saying that in Florida it only cost $46.85 a year for you license Plate tag. I think I need to move out of Illinois now. Everything is getting to be so expensive. All because we have had 3 Governors put in Jail for Curr option. One now is a multi Millionaire and as long as he makes money doesn't bother about anything else.  Parks are looking awful. No street work done. Schools short of money. He just wants people coming in this town putting up massive Apartment Building . Doing anything he can get High Taxes from. Just wants money coming in and none going out.


JeanneP--Yes.  Tags for my car are $46.85. 

It's been very quite here in the SS this afternoon.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


If thinking of moving don't come here. As you know
I am solo these days but it ends next Monday.
First I get email saying my phone account has not been paid and cutting off phone in 4 days. So after getting over shock rang to pay by visa and told it was a ScAM and my
Account was ok. 

Next I get an email saying my energy bill,for electricity and gas was overdue and cutting itnOFF by 7th July. shock no 2. Looked carefully at this letter and rang grandson who
Rang dept ,it was a sham.

This morning at 5.30 I got up and no lights -blackout- so doubted what he had told me but he rang and Energy told him there had been a lot of these letters sent but q they were a scam.
This might sound like a crazy old dame at this end but every word is true.
Think maybe I am being tested???? Daylight now and lights are on.
I know life was not meant to be easy but ........

June Drabek

Gloria de, I too was married for 62 years, and I'm pushing 92. My husband died at age 90. We do have a few things in common.

Bis, I would really like to volunteer. but my body more and more keeps telling me..no way! At least we have some good memories of what we were able to do at one time.

Junee, I am so thankful you have a grandson to turn to that can help you out. I am blessed with two sons that look after my "stuff" that I don't know how to handle.

I have been to the community meeting this morning and lunch downstairs,  and balance and mobility class this afternoon. Had planned to go to a program this evening, but at this point in time, I think I will pass it up. I do need to make another trip downstairs..there is a package waiting for me to pick up.  I may let it wait till tomorrow.
As long as we are here, let's dance.