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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
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2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe Week of June 19

Started by JoanFL, June 19, 2016, 03:38:39 AM

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I'm off to Dreamland!  I had two nervous doggies today as the fireworks were going off.  They do not like "boomies" whether they are man-made of heavenly.  I was watching Sister Act on TV and I had it turned up as loud as I could get it so they wouldn't be able to hear the fireworks.  They had a double whammy today...fireworks at night and a thunderstorm this morning. 

Good Night Everyfriend.  Sleep peacefully, wake refreshed and may God Bless Us Every One.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Dinner is over and boys are cleaned up and in bed.... IF I were smart I would head to bed as well.  Just need to wind down a bit.

Thank you, SANDY, that was a very sweet post and I did appreciate your kind words. 

JUNE, I feel this decision to curtail this baby sitting is the right thing to do now,  but I am afraid I will weaken my thought after this is over and we are rested up!  😍 You are so right, we never had anyone to watch our kiddos.  I am happy you enjoyed a nice time yesterday, but there is a price to pay for that, as you know.  Hugs. 

DON, that is a awful price to pay for a new car key, however, we had to replace a fob awhile back and it was nearly 300$.  I am thinking your key is one of the chipped ones?  Ours is a keyless start. 

JANE, after my dear mom passed away we searched and searched for her car, house and a couple other keys to no avail.  My dad, Bob and I all looked in her purse many times over.  My dad went to have a key made for the car....when he tried to use it the car not only would not start but it actually locked up the system and he ended up having to have the car towed to the dealership and reset.  It cost him a good amount of money.  The person that made the key did not know and therefore could not share a warning to never do this as keys have a chip in there and just a cut key will not work.  Sure glad you found your lost knew. 

GLORIA de, I apologize, I miss called your Jess, Ross!  Sorry. 

LARRY, I saw something that said Aldi's is going to be totally organic soon.  We do not have them here in Colorado.  For sure these little ones are full of energy.  I do not even remember our kids being hard to entertain at all.  They played out side year round when living in Scottsdale, and just did not have to be  entertained like kids today.  The other family all have their own iPads, so they can entertain them-selves quite well.  These two do not have hand held electronics, so other than reading books, they need something else to keep them busy....like US! 

I am ready to hit the hay...pleasant dreams to all.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Jenny, a good morning or a good night to you....

Yes leaving the EU will no doubt have its immediate consequences, I am sure things will get worse before it gets better.....This is a frightening ( my words ) exciting ( other's words ) time as we know we are the first Country to opt out, I am sure other Countries who may be thinking to do the same will be watching us like a hawk over the next couple of years to see if we done right.....We have taken back our Country, we are in control again.....we have made history....

Yes our £ also dropped an all-time low In 30 plus years...
Jenny and Bob, you have done more than your shares of grandchildren looking after, that doesn't have to stop, just slow down a pace or two, you both aren't getting any younger, nor fitter....I am sure all concerned will understand, your needs now must come first...


Good Saturday morning, Everyfriend.   There's assorted muffins to accompany your coffee or tea. I wish everyone a good day!!


The Grocery Store

A man observed a woman in the grocery store with a three year old girl in her basket. As they passed the cookie section, the little girl asked for cookies and her mother told her no. The little girl immediately began to whine and fuss, and the mother said quietly, "Now Monica, we just have half of the aisles left to go through; don't be upset. It won't be long."

Soon they came to the candy aisle, and the little girl began to shout for candy. And when told she couldn't have any, began to cry. The mother said, "There, there, Monica, don't cry--only two more aisles to go, and then we'll be checking out."

When they got to the check-out stand, the little girls immediately began to clamor for gum and burst into a terrible tantrum upon discovering there'd be no gum purchased. The mother patiently said, "Monica, we'll be through this checkout stand in 5 minutes and then you can go home and have a nice nap."

The man followed them out to the parking lot and stopped the woman to compliment her. "I couldn't help noticing how patient you were with little Monica," he began.

Whereupon the mother said, "I'm Monica -- my little girl's name is Tammy." 

Food For Thought

Thanks, Dad!
(By Kelly McFadden)

"As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him" - Psalm 103:13 (NIV)

"If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" - Matthew 7:11 (NIV)

Two years ago, my best friend's father unexpectedly passed away. I'll never forget the phone call I received that day. It was frantic and panicked, scared and distressed. The next few weeks became a journey traveling the road of loss with close friends. The most difficult part was hearing my friend expressing her wish to have another opportunity to make sure her dad knew how much she loved and appreciated him.

This prompted my sister and I to sit together, brainstorm, and make a list for our dad of reasons not only why we appreciated him, but also memories from growing up. We typed it out and took the big guy to dinner where we shared everything we loved, respected and valued about him. We laughed through memories of times we played catch or had gone fishing. We reflected on bedtime prayers and the way our dad had demonstrated the value in serving and giving to others. We cried again about the cancer he had faced years before and told him how much we admired the way he found his strength in the Lord. The buzz words we typed on the page brought up an abundant supply of stories and memories that kept us talking and sharing for hours.

Looking back on this wonderful time with my dad, I can't help but feel slightly convicted. For when have I shared this kind of a moment with my Heavenly Father? Maybe you are like me and your prayers often reflect more of what you want and less of how wonderful the Lord is; or more of what you need and less of how thankful you are for what you have. We have a Father in Heaven who loves us unconditionally and gives us wonderful gifts. He cares for our pains, trials, and triumphs. He tells us not to worry and takes care of our needs. He longs to hear from you, His child.

There is no doubt in my mind that my dad knows how much my sister and I love him. Father's Day is Sunday, so make sure your father knows how much you care through a phone call, a letter or an invitation to walk down memory lane. Some of you may not have a pleasant memory of your father or you might not have any memories at all. This may be the time to start down the road to forgiveness or reconciliation, or it may be a chance to thank others in your life that have offered fatherly wisdom to you along the way.

More importantly, don't miss your chance to do the very same thing for your Father in Heaven who loved you so much He sent his Son to die for you.

Thought of the Day

"If we don't teach our children who God is, someone else will teach them everything that He's not."

- Darlene Schacht


Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good Morning Everyfriend!  Our 4th of July parade is today.  Seems odd to me to have it this far in advance of the holiday.  In the old days, we celebrated the holidays ON the holidays whether they came on a weekend or a Wednesday.  I always thought the holidays were set to commemorate certain events, not to give everyone a long weekend.  I must be really old...or really nostalgic!  What has become of "The Good Old Days"?

I guess I better soon learn to go with the flow or it will be too late.  Have a lovely day, Everyfriend!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning everyone...again..
I don't know where my post went but it went???? :idiot2:
Got the garden watered but sure could use an all day/night rain here. Not a lot on the agenda today but staying around home.

Joan, thank you for breakfast.

Enjoy your day everyone.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

LIFE IS GOOD I am a Seenager. (Senior teenager)I have everything that I wanted as a teenager, only 60 years later. I don’t have to go to school or work. I get an allowance every month. I have my own pad. I don’t have a curfew. I have a driver’s license and my own car. I have ID that gets me into bars and the whisky store. The people I hang around with are not scared of getting pregnant. And I don’t have acne. Life is great.I have more friends I should send this to, but right now I can't remember their names.



Good morning!  I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep so have been playing with graphics and browsing the internet this morning.

Jackie, I hope the Brexit situation levels out soon.  We won't know for awhile, I guess, what will sift out from that earth shaking event.  Perhaps it will be good in the long run but right now it is painful.  My broker keeps telling me to think long term and I keep telling him that I don't have very much "long term" time left.   But, since what happens in the financial markets is out of my control I must remain :calm:

Gloria de, I'm glad to hear that your grandson has been released from ICU and will soon be going into rehab.  It has been worrisome for you and your family but it sounds as though he is going in the right direction and improving.


Good morning, Janie.  I agree with you.  Strange to have a 4th of July parade in June.  I guess some around here are preparing for it, because I've already heard fireworks.

Amy--Good morning.  We, too, could use an all day rain--or even two days of it.  Things are so very dry.

Good morning, Lloyd.  I can relate to the Seenager.

Phyllis--Good morning.  Since you were up so early, maybe you can find some zzz's later on.  I am trying to stay calm about my investments taking a nosedive, but it's really out of my control.

I had an email in my Inbox from Gloria when I came to my computer this morning.  The guru did come and fix her computer.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Phyllis, like you, re," long term...."( not by age, but by Illness, ) I too am pretty sure I wont reap the rewards or benefits....

Lloyd Hammond, good to know there are some positives in getting old - older.... :thumbup:

Amy, sadly a lot of our posts land up going into oblivion, maybe they will all meet up together one day and have a h---k of a great natter.... ;D

Well I would love to say have a happy 4th of July holiday to all my American friends but, I think that is going too far in wishing ones life away...heaven forbid they bring December 25th forward....although I am sure wont be long before Christmas stuff will be in our shops soon....

Joan, wise words from " Darlene Schacht..."

Sad story I read yesterday......MS sufferer ends her life in Swiss clinic....a story I can fully understand....Link....



Good morning/afternoon Vanilla-Jackie.  I wish they would just celebrate the holidays on the date they were originally intended and not rush things so much.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good Morning Everyone!

Jenny, I have often wondered how my wife and I raised three children without the added help of family.  I was in the military and far away from family most of the time.  My Mom did come to help out when two of mine were born.  The third and last we were on our own and somehow managed.  But I will have to say this, my wife didn't work and was a stay at home mom, now days it seems all the wives work so the kids have to be farmed out and it is expensive, I mean out of the world expensive.  Although the public schools now are implementing a program for kids (with extra fees) for after school care.

Well, weather guessers are saying 50 percent chance for rain today.... :-\  I sure hope they are right.

When a kid I loved fireworks, but had no idea what pain and discomfort they brought to animals.  As well as some humans.  Anyhow, I had a dog that would literally tear a door down to get in the house and did once and injured itself in the process and my kids had a dog the same way.  Poor thing would go hide under a desk in their bedroom shaking like a leaf.

Anyhow, everyone have a great day.


I would like to tell you all, that I took it upon myself to Email the Police Dept. ( or whatever they call it there) on the Isle of Man my concern about the whereabouts of Kelly and they were courteous enough to answer me and suggest telephone numbers to call there..I felt that I did all I could do trying to find out about the mystery of the sudden disappearance of Kelly. Perhaps he is ill or worse or I should not be mixing in someone else's business...Nevertheless, I did, I felt, all I could do in this situation.
Just thought I would let you in about this happening...


Good morning, halkel.  They say we have a 50% chance of scattered showers, but they've been saying that for weeks.  We had no help with child care either, but I was a stay at home mom until our oldest was in high school.  We had one dog that was terrified of fireworks.  I swear she could hear them before we did.  The other dogs we had didn't flinch when it was going on.

Chia--Good morning.  Thanks for telling us what you did to try and find out about Kelly.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast

June Drabek

Good Morning "Dear hearts and gentle people", I think that is a song, or a poem, I'll have to check it out later. And even though we may get rough in our opinions at times, we are still "one'd" at heart. And it is "Love makes the world go round."

Enough of my slobbering.I had such a good nights sleep, I feel like a human being again. I hope all of you, my dear friends, have the very best day possible.

Bis, I had a raised doughnut stuffed with jam, which I had to avoid, as it looked like raspberry, and they are loaded with mean little seeds that like to attack my innards. Now it is time to pour the second cup of coffee. I am taking another day of rest, but will go down for a Hymn sing at 6:30, and will go down for a good lunch, and some needed walking.

Lloyd, Yes, life is very good. The world may be going crazy, but we can still put our foot on the brake to slow things down and help those around us to do the same.We don't have to go wild with anger and resentment, if when it is merited…it is our choice. I choose Hope. And prayer, knowing there is God in charge of everything. We are SO Blessed.

Phyllis, I woke at 5 a.m., completely rested. I'm so glad you are still playing with graphics. You give us so much enjoyment by sharing your talents with us. I thank you dear. And with the crazy things happening in the world it is good that you can loose yourself in your art for a while, and feel contentment in what you are doing.

Time to make the bed and get on with life. See you later. June
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Hi everyone.  I am much later than usual getting to these boards.  I have been awake since 3:30 and couldn't go back to sleep.  Finally I put on my headphones and started by audiobook and listened until it was time to get up.  I went early to get a haircut and decided to go ahead and get a pedicure as my big toes were bothering me and the shop opened just as I finished at the Great Clips and I didn't have to wait very long.  They were getting very busy by the time I left. 

I came home and met out new neighbors, who started moving in yesterday and are continuing today.  I also met the ladies parents who are helping them with the move and they live close by.  The new neighbors are in their mid-forties and she has a 17 year old son, who is visiting with his Dad in California right now.  It looks like they will be fine neighbors.  They also have two small dogs that apparently spend most of their time in the house.  I watered my flowers, later than I normally like to do, but didn't want them to get totally dried out.  We are expecting another 97 degree afternoon.  I will spend the rest of the day inside where it is cool. 

Don, I had to buy two keys that were about $100 a piece plus another $168 to program the chips in them when I had the ignition switch replaced on my PT Cruiser. 

Jenny, I had not heard that about Aldi's and I do hope that is not the case.

Hal, in the county in which I live several of the schools are continuing the breakfast and lunch program throughout the summer.  None of the schools in the North Augusta area are doing the meals. 


June--Glad you scope out those seeds--you sure don't want another attack like you had previously.  What will you choose for lunch?

Larry--Sorry you didn't sleep well.  Good idea to get our early when it's so torrid and humid.  Noon news here said heat index will be about 105° this afternoon.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good Morning everyone, I have my fingers crossed that I am finally back  online. I was on the phone with HP yesterday and they send the tech back. Will wait and see how things go now. I think this tech does not know much. He likes installing programs ai don't want or ever heard of. Before he left yesterday I made sure he had everything plugged back in, The day before he left the tower on the floor. I sure cannot pick it up and put it on the shelf where it belongs.

I have missed all of my cyber family this week. Now if I can get my mouse to behave I will be a happy camper again. I am use to only clicking once with the mouse and cannot remember how I fixed it so I do not have to click twice.

GLORIA de  it is so good being back again. Hope you have been enjoying the weather this past week. I am so sad to read about your grandson. I know you are worried. I will be praying for him.

BEVERLY  feels great being back, thanks.

JACKIE  reading your post, yes our minds are still working as good as ever  it is the body aging we have no control over. I know there are days I hate getting out of bed because I know what will happen as soon as I get on my feet. We cannot give up though.

JUNEE  still have to get my Skype working and get back to talking with my daughter again.

JOAN  thank you. Love yesterday's Food for Thought. Copied it to share and keep.

AMY  I did tell the man from HP twice now that if this machine messes up again I expect a new replacement. I stressed the new, not a second hand one.

JANE  glad you found those zzz's. The tech was not so much in a hurry to leave yesterday. It was just getting dark when he left and he had a 2 hour drive ahead of him back to Cape Cod. Seems a company as big as HP would have more techs closer than that. At least HP has treated e better than Dell did with the lemon they sold me. I never had any problems with the last HP  I had, just no mare room or memory left to work with.

HAL  I figured that just yesterday HP would have to pay that tech 8 hours, 4 for travel time and 4 here. I was so disgusted with him when he had to come back I did not even offer him a glass of water. If he did things right the first time he would not have had to come back. In the morning I was on the phone with HP and they talked me to do some things on the PC that got it back to factory setting again so he had to start from there again. Good I am glad he knows he messed up the first time. Sounds heartless but I am so tired of this mess. I'll have a. cup of coffee if you still have some. We need some rain too.

JACKIE  like you, only time I seem to get away from here is for doctor appointments. Sure glad that I can get outside and talk to others who live here.

JEANNE LEE  I had good luck with the last HP. Should have asked my grandson for help getting a new one.

LARRY  I still have not installed the programs in this PC yet.  I miss doing the graphics but will make sure everything is ok before I get into that.
A question for you, do you know where to get the mouse to work with one click instead of 2?  Someone had told me how to do that years ago and I am having trouble now remembering I have to click twice to open anything.

PHYLLIS  this is the second time I had problems with a new PC, last one was a Dell and I really had no help from them. At least HP has tried helping. My HP printer has been better than the first one I had from Dell.

DON  glad at times I no longer have to worry about loosing a car key. Hope I will be able to listen to you program tomorrow.

PATRICIA  it still angers me when I go someplace and see kids running all around. When mine were young they were always near me. I would never let them roam and bother others. Even taking them into restaurants they stayed in their seats and  didn't bothered others. One place when we were leaving the waitress came over to us and told us she dreaded seeing us seated in her section. Then complimented us on how well behaved they were and next time to ask to be seated at her station. That sure made me feel great.

JUNE  any more problems with this PC  and if they do not replace it I think I will call the TV station that helps folks get satisfaction with problems like this.

JENNY  time for you and Bob to take a break from baby sitting. I think your sons are taking it for granted they can have you baby sit all the time. Time to tell then NO you are tired.

Better post this before I get to the end.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Another day in the 90s today. I for one ready for Fall. Wonder what July and August will be like. Doubt I will go out today. Was out in it yesterday and got to much sun. Did hit the library and picked up 4 movies . 2 of them being DVD of TV shows I had not followed so that give 12 hours of Tv right there.

Our schools are still having the meals for both Breakfast and lunch all summer. Surprised me as they are so short of money.  I agree on some of it but not the age up to 18. I figure at that age they can fix themselves something. Also at 18 should be looking a a summer job. I know I worked them at 16 and both my girls wanted one at the age of 16. got them also. Seeing these kids drive up in their cars to get free breakfast and lunch is overdoing it.

Reason I hate to buy another new car is that all the gadgets that are on them. Seems like always things going wrong and the price they want to take care of it.  I can still get a key cut for my Honda Accord for $2.99. That is why I have about 5 of them around. all work fine. Also the Air Bags scare me as have had people I know hurt by them going off. Would rather not have them in. And another cost when they do go off.


Now I know there will be many who say their dog or cat can and does or did eat anything or drink anything and lived forever, and ever....

But for those of us wishing to keep our cats and dogs happy and healthy, here are a few people foods its best to keep away from our pets.



Gloria--It's so good to have you back.  If that PC acts up again, I'd demand a brand new one.

JeanneP--Summer is just beginning.  Here this very warm weather lasts until at least late October, so we just have to adjust.

angelface--I don't have any pets, so I guess that's one thing I don't have to worry about.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


The parade was pretty good this year.  They honored all the veterans in the area and had it divided into segments honoring those who served in every was from the Revolution through the present fighting in the Middle East.  Any veterans still living from any of the wars were asked to ride or walk in the parade.  We still have 17 vets of WWII.  That's awesome!!  And one of them walked!

Cathy and I went out to lunch after the parade and then I rode with her to return some tile and carpet samples to the store.  She's moving into a different house and the owner is doing extensive renovations on it and he is allowing them to choose colors and flooring and appliances and whatever.  She's loving it!

Tonight I'm going out to dinner with some of my high school classmates.  A couple of them are in town for a visit and we always try to gather when that happens.  I have a nice bunch of long time friends!

Enjoy the rest of your day, Everyfriend!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Mary Ann

Gloria, welcome back; I hope you are able to stay this time.

Patricia, Kendrick eats only cat food.  In fact, when Tom's family had a golden retriever, I fed her only dog food.  I don't know about others because I wasn't with her at all times, but I think the family fed her only dog food. 

Mary Ann

Mary Ann

Grand Haven is very busy what with boats beyond the swimming limit and the many people in the water closer to shore.  It's only about 90 degrees here, so similar in GH.

Mary Ann


Besides alcohol, onions, citrus, garlic and many chemicals, seasonings and preservatives can injure and kill many pets which are why vets recommend only feeding them pet food. For example, while small bits of peanut butter is fine for dogs, it isn't for cats and the seasoning rosemary, is poisonous, in plant or seasoning to cats and will cause convulsions and eventually death as my sister regrettably found out. Many bath oils and body washes can also be toxic because of fruit or flower essences, so it is a good idea to keep your pet away from them as well.

So you are right to only feed what they need to stay healthy.


JANE  I feel so bad when dogs are so fearful of thunder and fireworks. Nothing soothes them till everything is quiet again. A few days ago there was a storm along out coat with thunder, lightening strikes wind and even hail. Here we did not get a drop of rain. I am enjoying this weather the last couple of weeks but we do need rain, lawns and trees sure could use it.

JENNY  like I said earlier, learn to say NO. If your sons are like mine they do not realize we are getting older and tired. Not up to doing all we did just a few years ago.

JOAN  I'm a bit late for breakfast but a blueberry muffin would taste wonderful about now. Like the chuckles, sure glad I never had 3 screaming for anything in a market.  Thanks' Dad is a wonderful story. Thank you for today's goodies and all the ones I missed this past week.

JANE  with all that has been on my mind this past week I didn't realize the 4th was so close till I got the market flyers in the mail. Still a 4th parade this early sounds odd. Growing up where I live we had a horrible parade on the night before the 4th. My dad used to take me to all the parades, think he enjoyed them as much as I did. Of course on the 4th they had another parade with all the floats that are always a hit. Like you said, "the good old days" The town next to us has a horrible parade on the 4th but every year those is charge complain there is not enough money for it. They have it late afternoon so it does not interfere with the big and oldest 4th parade in Bristol, RI.

AMY  you a day staying home and taking it easy for a change? I will believe it when you tell us all you ended doing today and how far you were out on the road again.

LLOYD  love your post. I think we are all here "Seenagers" now.

PHYLLIS  still have to install my PSP but have to get my email set up still and get all my contacts in. Have my Gmail but I don't care for it.

JACKIE  I remember when Christmas items never showed up till after Thanksgiving. Time for excitement and shopping. Now they bring things out way to early so most are tired before it gets here and most only think of getting gifts, not the reason, for we celebrate the birth of Christ.

HAL my Mom raised a big family by herself as my Dad was always working. Hard job but we all were grateful to her and I still miss her after 62 years.

CHIA  this is not the first time Kelly has taken a break from S&F but he always sent a PM to someone to let them know. This is strange.

JUNE  glad you slept great. That always makes a person feel good.

LARRY  I used to like getting started early in the mornings. Going to the market was great at that time.

JEANNE P  I start longing for fall on the first hot spring day. By the end of September I enjoy being outside again.

PATRCIA  interesting article about pets and food. I knew chocolate and milk were not good for them.

JOAN  I just took a break away from the PC. I thought I better move around so went out for a short walk, too hot for more than that. If anything else goes wrong with this machine you will hear me screaming all the way to Florida. If anything does they will hear from me fast. Then if they do nothing I will get in touch with the trouble shooter on a local TV channel and see if they can help. We cannot always handle everything on our own.

JANE  I know you will enjoy being with your friends at dinner. That is always a fun time.

MARY ANN  thank you. feels great seeing all of you again. Hope I can catch up with everyone again.

Looks like I finally got to the end for now. Time to see if I can get Skype working.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Larry, yes the quilt shop,chocolate shop and bakery are all close together....how is a girl suppose to behave ???

Gloria,it is so good to see you back. Now should there be a next time with that computer holler for that trouble shooter and ttell him to take the first shot at your computer to put it out of its misery!!! :knuppel2:

I did do laundry and hung it out ..we only went to the store/coffee shop for a cuppa tea/juice and that was it. I like staying put but next week could be a busy one. I hope they call about the fix for my van and hubby has to go for a stress test on Thur. Sat we take the dog to the vet.

Going to go sew for a bit..hot outside 93°F at the moment.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Janie--Glad you enjoyed the parade.  You are having a good day--lunch out and supper out with friends. 

Mary Ann and angelface--Guess at this point I am glad I don't have a dog or cat.  This was I don't have the stress of worrying if I am feeding them properly.

Gloria--I sure hope your troubles with that PC are OVER!!

Amy--Good you could take it easy today if you have a busy week coming up.

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June Drabek

I'm back. Took care of some business downstairs…picking up more prescriptions. My Dr. wants me to try an additional B.P. pill, so that was ready to pick up, I had a library book to return. The books are to be signed out and signed back in when read. If I lived to be as old as Methuselah I would not be able to read all the books our library here contains.

Bis, I had a cup of home made chicken/veg. soup, a large piece of fish, brought half of it home for supper..a green salad, mixed vegetables, a large glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee. I brought my desert, vanilla mousse , home for  for later. plus some left over veg. soup which I opened a can of for last nights supper.

I spent the rest of the afternoon reading and dosing on and off, and after my light supper I will go down for hymn singing with our Chaplain leading us.

Three stories down and right outside my window in the small courtyard they had the Pie or Prize walk, which I joined in last week, but would not allow myself to do this week. It was very tempting but I resisted and just read and enjoyed the music they had playing.

Gloria dear, good thinking to share your problems with outsiders, like a t.v. or newspaper…get it out there where it will embarrass the heck out of the dealers. I've read of others who have done it, and it really got results. I think even threatening a company verbally with exposer would get results.

Janie, I hope you have a great time with your good friends tonight. You are so blessed to have them. All my "old" friends are gone now. I seem to be the last of the Mohighans.

Oh GLORIA, it is such a treat to see two posts from you today. I hope all the problems are solved now, so you can sleep well at night and not have to have strange people in messing with your computer. Grace, an employee here at Rowntree is a wonder. She takes her time doing things and does them quietly, patiently, and explains it all to me.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Dinner with friends was a blast!  We always have so much fun when we get together.  We talk and remember and laugh and sometimes shed a tear for those who are no longer with us.  But whatever it is, it's always good!

Now I'm going to relax and rest and maybe go to bed a bit early.  I'll be going to early church and then a quick stop at the Farmers Market and another one at WalMart for a few necessary grocery items and then home to (hopefully) relax.

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