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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe Week of June 26

Started by JoanFL, June 26, 2016, 04:13:21 AM

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Oh my goodness !   Jane and Joan,  thanks so much for missing me.

Yes, I am still around.   I had a real bad sinus infection several weeks ago and I didn't feel like doing anything.  I just coughed and coughed and coughed.   I finally was able to get a doctor's appt. and got an antibiotic,  and it did help.  But, I was just exhausted from all the coughing.  I am feeling fine now..... just still slow moving.

I did  not even feel like doing much on the computer for a while.  BUT, I did visit S & F and did keep up with what was going on. 

It is really so nice to have been missed.

I live in a retirement complex and for a good while I have not participated in much of the activities here.  There is a lot of complaining and so much negativity that goes on, that I just don't want to listen to this sort of thing.  However, since I have gotten to feel better, I decided that maybe I needed to get out of my apartment and do a little something.  I was being encouraged to come down and join in some of the games. So, for the past week or so, I have been "making" myself try to be a little more active.  About 8 of us have been playing Mexican Train (with dominoes) .   It is fun and I do find myself feeling a lot better.  And, with the weather being nice, have been sitting outside in the evenings.  It seems there is just several residents who like to make everyone miserable, like they are. However, the ones who sit outside are not like that.  We all do try to solve the world's problems,  but we don't seem to get very far.

Anyway, I am feeling lots better and really appreciate having been missed. I will try to do better about posting.

It is a beautiful morning and supposed to be a nice week end ahead.  My family and I will be enjoying some good Maryland steamed crabs over the week end.  This will be our first ones this season.   

Hope everyone will have a wonderful day.



I'm off to greet my public at Wally World in a few minutes and thought I do a quick check to see if anyone had posted.  I was delighted to see that Joy is back among us!  I'm sorry you were feeling punk for a while but I'm glad you're back.  And I'm glad you found some friends to sit with and chat.  The evenings have been lovely here and I imagine yours are about the same. Enjoy your day and don't forget to give us a whistle.

Everyfriend, have a great day!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good to see you, Joy, and to know that you are doing better.  I know what you mean about all of the negativity.  Unfortunately, it seems to be a sign of old age in some people.  It is always easier to complain and find fault than it is to get up and do something positive. I love hearing from the positive people but not from the negative ones.....they depress me.   :(

It looks like the rain has gone and we may have some sun today.  That will brighten things up in my part of the world.


Thanks, Phyllis.  It does seem that some people thrive on wanting to be miserable and make others around them miserable also.

Most of the residents where I live are very nice, but it only takes one or two to ruin things and try to make everyone miserable along with them. 

It is basically a nice place......... nothing like the place where June lives.  It is an old elementary school that has been converted into senior apartments.  It is hard for me to believe that I have been here almost 9 years.  And, a lot of changes in that time period.  The majority of the residents are very nice.  The activity director really tries to think of different activities, but they are very poorly attended.   It doesn't take long for somebody to start complaining about "something" and then the attendance begins to drop off.

A lot of people don't have anything else to do, so they start complaining.   



Joy, that is sad to listen to others complaints about various activities that go on, yet don't have the sense to go along and attend them themselves, to find out for themselves whether these complainers complaints were - are justified.....Some people just don't have the intelligence of having a mind of their own, do they?....Glad you had the sense to join in and participate with them, and you did actually enjoy yourself....

Ha ha, think these people would be the first to complain if there were no activities left for them to join.....due to bad attendance...


Janie--Those are both good sayings your friend used.:)  I hope all the shoppers at WM today are wearing a smile.

Good morning, Joy.  Glad to hear you are feeling better.  I know when I get out with a group I usually enjoy myself--for me a little diversion is good.  Oh my--I love steamed crabs.  PLEASE put some in the "hidey hole".

Phyllis--Good morning.  You're wishing for sun, and I am wishing for rain.  Here's hoping both of our wishes happen.

Vanilla-Jackie--We have quite a few people in this gated community who go to the general meetings and do nothing but complain.  It's refreshing to listen who have something constructive to offer.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good Morning Everyone!

Joy, an old expression, some people would complain if you hung them with a new rope.

Well, it blew and blew hard and got dark cloudy, some thunder but nary a drop of rain.  But woke this morning and the patio was wet, so got a shower sometime during the night.  We had a "cold" front move in to the North of us which caused some disturbance.  Not really a cold front, more of a plain old front although it did have some cool breezes.

Janie, happy customer day.  Hope no one spoils you day.

Jackie, sounds like it will be a good day to sit and read just sit and relax.  Do you have a view of the ocean? Where you can see the waves breaking on the shore?

Lloyd, wonder if that old Lion was just sniffing and thinking if the lady would make a nice little snack.  Just kidding.  There may have been bars between them but those claws could have done her in.

Speaking of which, I have to get busy and find our medical power of attorneys, my wife's doctor wants a copy....Hmmmmmm.

Joanie, can believe you are ever cranky.


Halkel, re, your " complaints procedure..."...." new rope..." ;D

Halkel no we cant see the sea from where our parksite is, but it wouldn't be far out of the long private driveway, then drive up towards the high clifftops carpark to overlook the vast area of sea....

Joan, I cant understand when people don't go to find out the facts for themselves....instead of just listening to others...just because one has a bad experience doesn't mean others will....you have to find it out for yourself...


Hi everyone on an overcast morning but now am beginning to see some blue sky.  Again today we are looking at staying under 90 degrees and there is no rain in the forecast.  I have a quiet day planned.  I don't know whether we will take Scott out for dinner or Pat will decide to fix something here. That will likely be the big decision of the day.

We had a wonderful time with our friends who visited here yesterday.  It was like we had never been apart but we have stayed in touch with occasional emails over the months.  We enjoyed having their 1 year old small dog, Crispy, here for the day.  It was very well behaved.  We went to Cheddar's for lunch and then, because of a long traffic backup on I-20 due to some construction on the east bound lanes at the Savannah River Bridge, we struck off from the restaurant and went downtown.  We drove through some beautiful old home neighborhoods featuring large homes and streets lined with crepe myrtle trees that are now in full bloom over here. 

Mary Ann, the longest I worked in one office was nine years and I was getting pretty tired of the same thing over and over.  In two stints I worked a total of 10 years in Atlanta and 7 years in Washington, DC.  I looked at each new job as a challenge to myself to learn new things and take on new responsibilities.  I have now been retired for 21 years and certainly would not want to be working today, although know if I were it would be OK. 

JeanneP, my career was 10 years as an auditor, which in truth didn't use much of my accounting training, and then I went into Administration for the next 25 years.  I did enjoy most of the time I worked as was surrounded by dedicated professional engineers and supporting professionals and support staff.  I would have liked to work several more years but I was not physically up to doing that. 

JeanneP, I agree that having to face going to work everyday at a job you hated with be sheer torture.  It sounds like you had some interesting work. 

Jackie, glad that long day with the doctor's appointment is behind you.  Glad it went well for you.

JaneS, your knowing where every rest room was located sounds like my wife with her quilt shops and knowing where they are located.  Unfortunately, she doesn't feel much like exploring them anymore, although has enjoyed going to a big JoAnn's store over here as it is a lot bigger than the one from where we came, which had been downsized.  She has located a couple of other places here but they are relatively small, but nice shops. 

The news this morning about the Istanbul Airport attack is much worse than they indicated yesterday afternoon soon after it happened.  All of this must be playing havoc with a lot of tourism throughout the world.  However, if we live our lives in fear then the bad guys win as that is the purpose of these senseless massacres.

Amy, it sounds to me that you are indeed a "Jill of all trades" with wide and varied interests. We also have some happy birds around our house who love to sing early in the mornings.  The four little birds in the next are growing by leaps and bounds and I can see a change each day as their little heads appear higher over the nest, especially when the mother bird is there to feed them.

Jackie, when I see people go off from a restaurant leaving a mess behind for an employee to pick up I have to wonder what their homes must look like.  Joan, you sure have it right on the lack of respect for themselves or others.  You can't blame the kids if the parents are teaching them right and wrong. 

Joy, glad you are feeling better.  It is too bad the folks in your retirement community can't appreciate what they have rather than complaining so much.  I expect we have all read the story about the blind man who moved to a retirement community and when he went into his new living area he commented how much he loved it.  When asked how could he know because he couldn't see he said it was based on his attitude that he knew when he went he was going to love it. 

Joy, Pat and I played Mexican Train with two other couples for a number of years.  We would go out to eat and then come back and play for a couple of hours.  As we were all getting older and night driving was becoming a real concern for the other couples who were older than we were at the time, we moved it up earlier in the afternoon and played the game and then went to eat and got home before dark. Unfortunately, one of the ladies has now passed away and the other lady is deep into dementia and one of the men is close to blindness.  However, we did have good times together.   

Shirley, I feel I have lucked out on my new cardiologist as she is very pleasant, easy to talk with, and indicates she is conservative in her prescribing producers.  My wife, son also see her and really like her. 

Phyllis, I try to surround myself with positive people.  Fortunately, I am not given to many bouts of depression and if I do get to feeling down it doesn't last very long.   


Good morning, halkel.  I can be cranky, but do try to keep that "under wraps".

Jackie--Seems some don't have the sense they were born with.

Larry--Good morning.  I think it so great that you still get together with your former neighbors.  Unfortunately my former neighbors live almost 2,000 miles away--much too far for a day trip and they don't care to fly here.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast

Mary Ann

Larry, in my long years at the utility, I worked in several departments.  I was in the appliance department 25 years and it was a one-girl office.  My duties were varied so were not monotonous.  Other assignments  took me to departments I was unfamiliar with, so was able to learn more about the company. I worked in the Line Department office, for instance, and in my last job, among other things, I was responsible for the phones, radios and pagers.  Sometimes I had to walk from one end of the building to the other - and it was a long building.  At no time did I have a repetitive job.  There are times I wish I had a job, but I really don't because I am enjoying my retirement.

I feel if the terrorists manage to discourage tourism, they'll find somewhere else to target.  I wish they'd use their talents for something constructive.

Mary Ann


Joan, long time since I last heard that saying, one my late father, often would say..." they don't have the sense they were born with...."


Good morning, EVERYFRIEND. 

Beautiful day that is to get pretty hot with the chance of storms that could include hail. Love the rain, of course, but that darn hail is so distructive!

My dear friend was in a panic yesterday as there is a terrible fire that is burning with vengeance near her 2nd home in N. Arizona.  She is in Wyoming, and feels hand tied.  Last I heard they were keeping ahead of it and no home have been destroyed.  They evacuated within 3 blocks of her place.  Interstate 17 was closed in both directions due to the fire right at the roads edge.  What a nightmare that must have been for travelers. 

JACKIE, happy you have the doc appointment behind you and I just hope they can all get there facts together and give you some answers and a good plan of attack. 

JOY, I, too, am happy to see your post.  Sorry you were not feeling well, but happy to see you are doing much better now. 

Thank you, JOAN, for our goodies today.  I guess we all could use being 8 again with the carefree ways of a child that age.  Not sure I would want to stay though as our world is sure not in a very happy place right now. 

We are starting to feel more rested now....however, I am feeling quite silly as I think of my actions that come out when one is tired and stressed!  Bad me! 

LARRY, nice to read that you enjoyed a fun time with your friends. Enjoy what ever your day will bring.  Our big decision each day is the same as yours...do we eat in or out and where will we go if it is out?  I would say we are pretty lucky to have that decision to make, don't you agree?  Enjoy your time with Scott. 

SHIRLEY, best of luck at your appointment today. 

Enjoy your day, EVERYFRIEND, or evening for you, Jackie. 

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Good Morning from another sunny day in the Interior! My chives, marjoram, and parsley have sprouted on the balcony, and Farrah is making herself at home, albeit cautiously but that is simply now her nature!

This last spring, we disbanded three of the committees here that were devoted to making items for children and two to help people with paperwork, taxes, or rides and other issues. We had gotten tired of the same blame finding and inertia. No one else has stepped in to start new although we have been told, people are upset we stopped.

This building is one of seven locally and is five floors with a total of 195 apartments. Besides the five to ten people who spend time each day in the main common area for the coffee and snacks or the five to ten who spend the day outside, gardening in their plots or the area's dog park, there aren't that many who go to the scheduled events. It is the same with the building councils, one for each floor and one in total. They are often criticized but rarely attended.

We used to have large, well-attended buffets and dinners for holidays or simply monthly dinners, but it got expensive, so it changed to potluck only with the company providing accessories and the main food item. Now folks are complaining that they have to bring something to get in, and I expect that may soon end as well. As one who used to be on many committees, I grew tired of complaints and stopped volunteering as did many others, while waiting for others to continue which has yet to happen.

So I guess I am one of the negative ones or simply no longer care for the negativity of others.


Good morning, on this cloudy very warm day.

I am in here to day to complaine, as there is no one else to listen to me, and you are a captive audience.  I got in the shower this morning, and got only cold water, eeeeeeeeeeeeeee.  Next I went to check the other bathroom, and the rug in front of that door was soaking wet, also the closet. When I put my hearing aids in I heard water gushing. I have another broken pipe.  Called the office, they said they would send someone right away, it is now after 11 and still one,
I have a 1PM appointment at the hematologist for my regular shot.  I know my BP will be up. 
  Hug to all my friends for listening.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


Good morning everyone, the wonderful sunny and dry weather we had is over. Raining overnight again and I have the AC on the dehumidify setting. Only have my PSP to install again and I should be all set once again except for betting my contacts in again. This is the third time in 4 months that I have had to reinstall every thing. At least the other 2 times I had time to export everything to the external. Wish now I had never deleted that folder.

MARY ANN  when I worked a Tupperware there were a few that started there when they opened the factory. We all though we would work there till we retire but then them moved everything to one of the southern states. Now that huge building we were in is made into condos.

JOAN  like you I worked in many different things. I started at Coro Jewelry, at that time one of the biggest around-out of business now and the building in now the Blue Cross offices. Ended where they made electric circuits. That was interesting.

LLOYD  that lion looked so happy hugging that lady. He sure remembered her. Dumb animals? No way.

AMY  I know what you are talking about with the pole and the snipers. Both my sons have them.

SHIRLEY  like you I know animals are no dumb. Not only the elephants can have long memories. Glad you finally got some good sleep. Now for good news from your tests.

JOAN a poached on toast will taste so good for a change. Just copied today's Chuckles. Made me think of when I was that age and just enjoying every day having fun. Thank you for all today's goodies.

Wasn't it Dr. Spock who said don't spank your children, it is bad for their self image. Some parents listened and let their kids do what they wanted, Now those grown up  kids let their kids do as they want so no manners or respect for others is getting worse.

JOY  good seeing you back. Hope you are well on the way to feeling better now. When I moved here 2 years ago there was a lot going on. Now in the evenings no one sits out anymore and no meals in the kitchen. Really changed. The lady who started every thing going is not well and no one else does anything.

PHYLLIS  there are a couple here I stay away from because all they do is complain or want to gossip. I rather stay in here with my computer.

HAL  we had rain overnight the last 2 nights, no idea how much. A dark gloomy day here.

LARRY  always great seeing old friends again.

PATRICIA  occasionally we have a potluck  here but there are some who never bring or supply anything. They go and eat like they are starving. Several are getting tired of those freeloaders. I cannot cook anything but make sure I contribute something.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast

June Drabek

Good Morning all, Another bright and sunny day here, a high of 88. Had a good nights sleep, and looking forward to seeing my son Gary, and here his teachings of the Bible. He is a good speaker, and I am not alone in my thinking..many folks have remarked on his talents.

Joy, it is SO good to see you posting again. And I hope you continue to feel better and better as each day passes. I'm glad you have friends that enjoy sitting outside in the evening and chatting.That can be so companionable and relaxing. I lived for nine years in my facility in Hemet, and I still miss seeing their faces. But moving here was the best choice for me. I am making many new friends, and the atmosphere is very peaceful. Many of us have felt that way.

Bis, I found all of todays postings you gave us enjoyable and agreeable. Thanks dear.

Amy, I would love to have your Robin wake me in the morning. I don't know why we have so few birds here. We have huge trees of various types, flowers, bushes, water, and peace and safety. I see the birds fly over but they do not stay. Humming birds are the most common variety, but I haven't seen or heard a Robin since I Ieft Mn. And they were a very common bird back there.

Linedancer, I am so very sorry to hear about your water leak..that can be so damaging and it takes a long time to clean up. I am surprised your management is waiting so long to respond. I wish you peace in this bad mess you have o face.

It is nine o'clock and time for me to get ready for the day. Will return later to check up on you all, so be good and be happy. June
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Gloria, here, they have someone at the door to make sure people bring something or they don't get in. The company has seven buildings here and more in other Alaskan cities, so expenses are probably watched carefully. People are worried about keeping the coffee and snacks 24/7 in the main kitchen, but this is an apartment building and not set up as a home for us. So what can we expect?

Gloria de, if not here, where can you complain and expect people to hear you? I would let management know of your appointment and become upset over their being late with no call.


Mary Ann--Some of my jobs I enjoyed--others not so much.  However, I am glad to be retired.

Angelface--It seems whenever there's a group of people, there will always be some who complain.

Linedancer--Sorry about the broken pipe and that the repair person didn't show up when he was supposed to.  I hope your BP isn't sky high when you see your hematologist.

Gloria--Gradually you are getting that PC set up the way you want it.  I remember Coro--it was nice costume jewelry.  Yes.  Dr. Spock said don't spank your children.

June--I know you are proud of Gary and his manner of preaching.  Glad you liked today's "stuff".

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast

Jeanne Lee

I've just about decided to hire someone to do my house cleaning.  I searched and found three or four companies in the Albany area - but I'm too far north for them.  One company works out of Glens Falls - but I'm too far south for them.   :baaa:

So then I looked up individuals and found a dozen or more in the area.  But if I hire one of them I'd be required to keep records and pay their income tax and social security (and health insurance?).  So maybe I'll just have to stay dirty.   :(

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast


Jeanne Lee--I've had cleaning people for about 20 years.  I pay in cash and keep no records......don't pay any taxes or insurance.  Mine are bonded and self-insured.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Probably around 7 to 8pm I decided leg was calm enough to want to go downhill for a walk...R just in after evening dogwalk, brought dogs in, then went with me, straight out again..R said he had just met new couple just moved into their brand new parkhome at last it was up and ready for them....I saw the couple at the bottom of the slope so made a beeline to introduce myself...what a lovely couple they were....they have three small rescue dogs of mixed ages......This elderly yet fit looking couple seem so friendly and down to earth, kitted out in country wellies, fleeces and wax jackets, just the typical couple to own and exercise three very friendly and very affectionate dogs who were eagerly awaiting getting indoors to receive their evening treats...I spoke to them first by saying..." so we are not the newby's any more...." that kindof broke the Ice...then came the friendly handshakes, followed by our names, theirs being Pam and Nigel...Well both us ladies have the same one thing in common...we both have the pecking order in place....dogs first, then Nigel, I said yes, same here, pointing to R, saying R knows where his place is too, has done for years.......R laughed in agreement...we all stood there and chatted for quite some time, so easy to get on with, I like this couple...
Its also very nice down the bottom, more high trees and more woodland, where they said since they moved in they have seen fox and badger and of course several rabbits, I have seen rabbits but not fox or badger yet....we have both seen deer...


Vanilla-Jackie--How nice you got out for a walk and met your new neighbors.  GREAT they are so friendly.  You do have things in common.

Sure has been quiet here in the SS this afternoon.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast

Jeanne Lee

Joan, I'd be afraid not to pay taxes, etc.  I've seen so many cases of people going to jail for skipping that.

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast


I'm just getting around to visiting.  I came home from work so tired that I didn't want to do anything.  I let the doggies out, gave them their snack and had my lunch and then I zonked.  I happened by the sofa and the zzzs just up and grabbed me!  They insisted that I join them so I did.  That was about 2:30.  I woke up at 4:30 and had some things to do so I'm just getting in here now. 

It sounds like you've all been busy and enjoying your day...everyone with the exception of Gloriade.  I hope your leak is fixed by now and everything is dried up and back to normal.

Jenny, I have days when I'm so tired that I think it's time to quit working....or quit caring for Kiran...or quit whatever.  But most of the time a good nap or a good night's sleep puts a different perspective on the whole thing and I give it another chance.  I'm sure you will still give time to your sweet grands and they will grow up loving both of you and someday, they will even be grateful for your care.  I think fondly of my grandparents who cared for us when I was little and sometimes I wish I could tell them that I'm sorry for being such a handful and probably wearing them to a frazzle.

I was asked the same question but two different customers today.  When the first one asked, I decided that it was because he was pretty sure he knew me and he did.  But the second one had no idea who I was.  They both asked me if I was still working because I had to or because I want to.  My answer was the same to both of them...."A little bit of both".  The first gentleman graduated 2 years ahead of me in my sister's class and we shared some mutual memories of high school  That was nice.  The second one commended me for being able to enjoy my job and cautioned me to "stay hydrated"  on these hot days.  I wonder it this means that I'm finally beginning to look my age.  Or maybe it means that everyone else who works there looks so much younger than I do.  I hope that's it.  Of course, I do have a mirror and I know what I look like.

Enjoy your evening Everyfriend!  Today was a pretty good day!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

June Drabek

Gary gave me some big hugs before he started his class, and he looked well rested after the vacation he and Dori had in Ihaho. His teaching was really great. I'm so very proud of him. He had an appointment at 11:30 so couldn't stay to visit, but I had take some mail down for him to go through. Anything I have a question about, I save for him to read and suggest what to do. What a blessing that is.

Then it was time for lunch. I joined some friends on the patio for lunch..a bacon wrapped grilled hot dog....delicious. some french fried sweet potato sticks, two glasses of iced rootbeer, and a mango mousse for dessert. Lots of good conversation, then on to a program in the club house. Finally back home to read and snooze. Live is Super Good.

Janie, you have such an "out-going" personality, I'm sure you would miss your work at WM. When you reach to point of being too tired, rather that quit, it would be nice if you could just have less hours, or fewer days. I am sure the company would want to keep you as long as possible.

I was hoping Gloria de would be in with information on the water leak. I sure hope it isn't going to be a big problem. We don't need that at our age. At the same time, it may be just the nudge needed for her to have a nice care facility, like a few of us have.

As long as we are here, let's dance.


A storm went through about 5 but missed this area. Not far from here they had over an inch of rain in 20 minutes. They showed the street flooding on the news at 7. We had bright sunshine here at that time.

PATRICIA  when I go to one of the potlucks here we always know a couple of weeks ahead when they plan to have one. I will send my CNA to the store for coffee and milk, napkins and things like that. I will give that to the president of the committee and she will put it away till needed. They had locks on soe of the doors in the big kitchen where they put things to keep. There are only a few that will go in and take anything they want. We all pretty well know who they are but never say anything. Any food left on the table in the kitchen is for anyone to help themselves. There is a sign to clean up after yourself but someone will leave an empty cake dish on the table and cake crumbs all over.

JOAN  still catching up on email. That is one thing I don't enjoy being in PSP groups for.  I like seeing what they do ad at time will save some of the tuts for stationery. I really enjoy making that. After my CNA left I went out and sat on the porch with a few other for a couple of hours. No PSP installed yet. Felt I needed to just get away from this machine.

JEANNE LEE  I doubt your home is dirty. If so blame it on all the time you spend here helping everyone.

JANE  2 hours of zzz's, good you might be caught up on them now.

JUNE  the only thing  you had for lunch that would have tempted me is the mango mousse. I love mangoes.

It is nice and cool in here now with the AC on so I just might go to bed early for a change and maybe tomorrow I will get everything installed again.

Good night everyone.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast

June Drabek

Gloria, I rarely eat meat, but the hot dogs they have here are SO tasty, so I indulged today. Had a light supper of peanut butter on soda crackers, fresh apple chopped up, cake and ice cream for dessert. I am stuffed and getting sleepy. I will take my last walk to the mail boxes and go for an early bed and book.

I bid you all a very Good night, a peaceful sleep and a happy tomorrow. Hugs, Love and Prayers. June
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Good Night Everyfriend!  God Bless Us Every One!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Well its now Thursday morning for me, been up since my usual time of 5.15am, its now almost 7am....I got a bit tearful first thing, as usually our Benji walks the length from the living room, along the lengthy hallway into my bedroom, always with a waggy tail and a bum swivel from side to side, a typical happy to see you type of dog...I as usual made a great fuss of him, his head turning sideways ready to give me my first morning kiss....only I know his time is now limited to a possible two months, maybe lucky to be more, as he now has a fast growing cancer....I just became very tearful to think this will all end for us very soon, no more waking up to his waggy tail, no more bum swagging from side to side in happiness, no more of his kisses.....and worse is, he has no Idea he wont be here with us much longer, its like for him, he hasn't got a care in the world....