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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe Week of May 22

Started by JoanFL, May 22, 2016, 04:38:58 AM

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Jackie.  Now I didn't know that the "Wessex cottages" could be bought.  Seems like my cousin use to rent one for a couple weeks in Cornwall.  I did see some in Bournemouth years ago. Would have loved one of them. If I retired in UK I would want Bournemouth. My Grandmother retired to there years back now. I loved the place. Ws the retirement community of the UK back then.


Jeanne P, guess that would be my worst nightmare, falling in the shower, or bath, naked and having strange men having to haul me out,...... I would not be a pretty sight, think I would die of embarrassment.....

Hm as for the ceiling lights, think R is starting to get a tad impatient..... well when I've made up my mind I shall place an order....Oh I have seen a set I like, but for some reason I always pick the most expensive one....Cantabria 3 light fitting..... But I know in a few days I will change my mind and go with something completely different much to Rs relief.... :P.....plus I think they will be too heavy for our parkhome ceiling....our home is not made of bricks and mortar.....Link.....


June Drabek

Mary Ann, I got quite a surprise when I was trying to hang a picture a few weeks ago. The picture started to slip off the hanger and I grabbed for it, but then I felt like I was going to fall, and I reached out with my other hand and grabbed the side of my t.v. screen. Fortunately it turns in various directions, but in just those few seconds of my actions, I could picture myself, the picture and the television set all going over backwards. So my body reacted better than my mind, and I let go of the t.v., held on to the picture and righted myself. Believe me, my heart was going a mile a minute, and I shook for a good ten minutes after that. The point I am trying to make is, that when the body starts to fall, we need a good solid something to grab onto, and thats why I advocate the bolted bars. I want you safe.

Bis, I take a total of nine medications now, and three of those I take twice a day. I have a feeling the diuretic is going to be a good help. For some reason, my vision seems to have improved, and I don't feel as vague as I did in previous days. I hope it lasts.

Patricia, I would not be surprised if your slower movements might be the biggest asset to you new kitty. She would not feel so defensive as before.  We have no idea what she had to endure in her other life, poor little thing. I am SO glad you are the one who chose her.

It is about time to wander downstairs and get something to eat. So I will say ta-ta for now.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Gloria--I haven't had a massage since I left Arkansas.  Periodically, I and some of my friends would go to Hot Springs for massages and pampering.  Guess your son got your a/c in just in time.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


A good Friday morning HELLO to EVERYFRIEND.

I have been playing catch up after not being able to get in here while I was away, to read the daily posts.  Now I have so many thoughts in my head, I will surely forget to mention most of them to the individual.

Last night I read the pots from the first week I was gone, and when I tried to post, it went to something saying something about the server not responding.   Messed with that for a bit and finally gave up.

First of all, thank you all for the kind words regarding my injured foot.  Each day it has gotten better, however I am very careful of it, and hope to not cause a set back. 

JOAN, thank you for ALL of our special daily goodies.  I always enjoy them so much and want you to know that you are SO appreciated.

JACKIE, I was so sorry to read about the flood in your bathroom.  I know you were so happy to see the shower done and you were able to use it.  I love the new patio furniture and lamp.  Lighting fixtures are hard to decide on and they are so expensive.  I, too, feel things are very expensive in your country, compared to hat we can get them for here.  I hope the grab bar and shower matts will serve you well.

GLORIA, I sure was pleased to see your A/C is now installed.  Sorry about the dental issue...hope it is feeling much better now. 

JANE, I loved reading about the wedding and seeing the beautiful picture of Ali and Dan.  Thanks to you, JEANNE LEE, for the link to see it.

SHIRLEY, loved the picture of your graduating grandson.  Impressive degree....Our Dr. Dave's was also Bio-medical engineering.  I do believe there have been times that he might have wished he would have gone with engineering side of it. 

ANGELFACE, I love reading about how well Farrah is doing.  Please continue to give us the daily updates if you can.  She is a very lucky kitty to be in your life.

I have been sitting on pins and needles this morning waiting to hear from Son Mark.  He was taking a five part test to complete level one of his PGA..... He just arrived with a BIG smile on his face...he passed all 5!  We are SO proud of him!  He is on the telephone right now to see if he can get on the June session in Florida to start level 2.  Sure hope he can, as it will sure be good if he can get on it before he takes on a job. 

CAROL, I love the rain, but I am ready for some sunshine, how about you?

We have a few errands to do today, so I must get busy.  I am not moving around that quickly due to my foot, so,it takes me a bit more time.

You ALL enjoy your day.


🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Jenny--Good to hear from you and know your foot is getting better.  Thanks for your appreciation of the daily "stuff".  Congratulations to Mark for passing all five parts of the Level 1 PGA test.  Hope he can get in the June session for Part 2 here in FL.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


I am on the run today, got artificial flowers for the gr-baby that died shortly after she was born and fresh flowers to take to my husband.... separate cemeteries & rules.  Want to deliver them before the mad rush week end.  Congratulations to Mark, Jenny, this old "Auntie" is as proud as can be!

Larry, I bookmarked the link to go back & watch again, tears rolling down my face & couldn't see most.  I don't know about the rest of you that were home bound during WWII, but this 6-10 year old lived & breathed those years, worrying about 2 brothers, one in Air Corp & other Navy.  Everything we did was "because", and we had no problem giving up luxury or necessities "for the boys overseas".  I don't think there was ever a greater love than all of us shared during those years.  And for the record, I've always believed those bombs dropped did end the war and brought my brothers home.... and I will never see the need to apologize for Truman giving the okay.  It took guts to use but saved a lot of lives on both sides because we couldn't get a monster to end any other way. It was sad so many innocent lives were lost but how many more if we had not?

Thanks to all for good wishes, no headache today... pills do work immediately on me, for sure.  So much more I want to say but need to get those flowers delivered, more storms predicted for this afternoon.  Tomorrow the lines driving through both cemeteries will be bumper to bumper as far as one can see.    Shirley


Jeanne P, I am sure ours is the Wessex " Orchard "Cottage..... I think to retire you couldnt go wrong with anywhere in the South or South West.....Somerset, Dorset, Devon....

Jenny, well - done to Mark, he is on the up and up.....how many levels are there? will he look for employment before he completes level 2? I guess now when he gets the employment he is after, he will be on a higher wage....Jenny you must be very proud of your boy, I am sure he is as proud of you both ( Bob, ) as you are the ones who helped him achieve where he is today....

Mary Ann

June, thank you for your thoughts and advice, also JeanneP; I had not thought of gluing the bar to the tub.  For the time being, things will stay as they are and I give everyone permission to say "I told you so" should I have an accident.

June were you on a ladder or stool when you felt like falling?  I do not get up on anything and ask Tom or Annie to get what I cannot reach.  I have some pictures to be hanged, but I've got to "nail" Annie because she has an artistic sense.  I have very little room to hang pictures and these are all family pictures.

We had a short storm a while ago.  My chair pad was on the rocker outside and I rescued it in time. 

Jenny, I'm glad your foot is feeling better  Good for Mark.  Maybe I'll notice his name some day on one of the tours.  A tour is in Benton Harbor MI this weekend (Championship) and evidently they missed the storm we had.  Incidentally, our outside temp has dropped 15 degrees since the storm.  I imagine it will go back up.

June, I am taking the same diuretic you are taking and it is effective.  I have no problems with it.

Mary Ann

June Drabek

Mary Ann, no, I no longer step up on anything. My balance is so poor, I would not step any higher than the flat sole of my shoe. I am delighted that the diuretic is doing such a good job, I just know it is helping to keep my B.P.within bounds...I don't know how or why, but am happy with how I feel.

Jenny, my congratulations on Marks testing. I am so happy for all of you that he is no longer in Mexico. Is your foot healing nicely ? I hope so.
As long as we are here, let's dance.

Jeanne Lee

Jackie, don't forget to consider a couple of thing in choosing your light fixtures.  How easy will it be to get to for cleaning and how easy will it be to change the bulb? 

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast


Jenny ...

What are the PGA tests???

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Click for Neenah, WI Forecast


Shirley--I live so far away that I can't tend Ray's grave.  His twin's wife does a fantastic job keeping them looking great.  Their lots and ours are next to each other.

Mary Ann--It's so nice you have Tom and Annie to reach places you can't reach.

Hi Jeanne Lee and Sandy.

Donklan--I know that link wasn't meant for me, but I enjoyed reading it.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Meant if for all kitty whisperers.   ;) ;)

Click for Neenah, WI Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Hall no problem on my end. I can only imagine about how you feel. I sure know i know how bad i feel , notice i have only mostly been reading  here,I am tired of being a couch bunnie. I did some light work in shop this afternoon. Had a hard time convincing my self to get out of the house. tired but think i feel a bit better.( I think) my Pryor is we both do soon. see you tomorrow i hope.


June Drabek

Jeanne Lee, good thinking on the tips for Vanilla on her light fixture. The older we get the less agile we are.

Lloyd, please don't get discouraged on your slow healing. You were seriously injured my friend and as we age it takes longer to heal. Thank God each morning that you wake, and if you can't sleep at night talk to God about how you feel, He is an excellent listener.

Our garden area is lined the whole way around with plastic chairs. Two of our employees are getting married tomorrow, and will have a reception for all the tenants afterwards. They are a darling couple and well loved by many of us here at Rowntree Gardens. I will surely be attending this.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Hello Everyfriend!  I'm not in a very good mood right now.  My next to last customer was one of the rudest, most discourteous people it's ever been my misfortune to meet.  And he was not just rude to me.  He was rude to the people in line behind him and the Customer Service person to tried to help him.  I sure hope his day improves! 

Then I came home and my central a/c was on but not cooling.  I've been fiddling with it all day because I know I'll not be able to get someone to look at it until Tuesday and our temps are predicted in the high 80s for the entire weekend.  Now you can all clap because I fixed it myself!  So I won't be sweltering all weekend. 

Jenny, please add my congratulations to Mark for acing the test and my best wishes for whatever it is he wants to do in June.  I guess you know, I  don't know much about golf.

Jackie, someone gave you some good advice about choosing light fixtures for your new home.  There's lots to think of other than how it looks.

I wonder why CATS are allowed to wander all over like that and terrorize doggies that are not allowed to roam.  Seems like a bit of favoritism to me!

Well, it's cooled off enough for me to be hungry now.  I just plain can't eat when I'm so warm.  How can one even think of eating when every breath you take is filled with humidity?  I think I'll go ope that bag of potato chips that's been calling my name for days.

Enjoy your evening Everyfriend!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


SANDY, to be PGA certified you have to score a certain number on a couple of golf games.  I think they give you a couple of years to do this part as many take several tries before they accomplish it.  Mark did it on his first attempt and everyone thought he was a hero for doing so!  Then you go to a week of hands on training, before you start level one.  These two parts are the hardest ones, and sadly it weeds out many who are just not cut out to do it. This is what Mark has just completed.  One has to be very self motivated as you are doing it all on your own...writing business plans, running a golf program, etc. and the like. Next, he has to go back to Florida for another week, then he is on his own to do the requirements for Level 2.  Then testing again before you go to level 3.  Most golf courses will not hire you until you are at least through level one, but Mark already had the job IN CABO before he applied as he is the first and only one that we know that qualified for the position that was not located within the USA.  There are four levels before you have a complete certification.  Mark hopes to be completed a year from now if he can stay on this fast track.

MARYANN, it is very unlikely Mark will ever go on tours, but it is possible to do so.  He is interested in getting a golf pro position at a golf course and to be able to teach golfing. 

Thank you to those who commented on Mark's accomplishments.  We are indeed very proud of him.

Congrats to you, JANE, for fixing the problem with your A/C.  Sorry you had the grouch to,deal with...shame on him.

Enjoy your evening EVERYFRIEND, and feel better to those that are under the weather at this time. 

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Thanks Jenny ....   now I understand
that it is all about becoming a golf
pro.     That sounds exciting and looks
like Mark is doing a great job!
(Keeping his eye on the ball,
so to speak!! )

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


JENNY - Just caught up with reading some of the recent posts and yours really touched me!  I certainly understand how you must have been feeling as you waited for your pain to ease and - hopefully! - allow you return to more normal movement.  I recall when I had a similar health issue and spent some time trying to walk (or jump or hop while holding on to the furniture) and it was tiring and unpleasant.  Stay strong and be assured that prayers continue for your full recovery.

LLOYD - Are you the one who wrote earlier about being uncomfortable when you lay down in bed and your head feels like it is going in circles?  (For some reason, when I try to go back to earlier posts yours did not come up on my screen.  If you are that fellow, may I pass along a suggestion which my Dr. gave me about positioning my head for a comfortable sleep.  He suggested that if I had the head pains (similar to what you had described when laying down in bed) that I use a very small pillow to place under the back of my neck BEFORE I lay down on the regular pillow.  In doing so, the small pillow helps to elevate the back of the neck and eases any dizziness and often pains.  I've tried it ever since he made the suggestion and it works well or me.


Don, I would love to put a tracker on all of these cats, I can't imagine where they go, especially when it storms. They come home dry and have no doubt that they do NOT go anywhere another human can see them.  Baffles me.  Thanks for that link. 

Joan, nice that your sister-in-law takes care of the graves & that "the twins" will always be close. I always felt a little sad that my twin aunts were buried half a state apart.... they died only a week apart, one from cancer & next week the other died because her "heart just failed".  Their husbands (not blood kin) also died only a week apart. 

Lloyd, not being able to do what we want is one of the worst parts about getting older.  With all your accidents & blood loss, has your doctor checked you for anemia?  Any time I start feeling "down & out" I go for the iron & bone meal calcium tablets.  One of my first symptoms is my eyes, slightly blurry or as we used to say, "weak".... and I get dizzy, especially when standing too fast.  I only take the vitamins a few times and may go for months without taking any.  So far it works for me, I am healthier than I deserve to be! 

I am dozing off, ate a big hamburger (old time Presto burger), cut a potato into fries & fixed myself salad of lettuce, on the vine tomato & cut up a Vidalia onion to put in the salad & on the hamburger.  Finished up with a Hostess Ding Dong & cup of coffee ... and my pill.  Now I need sleep~  still storms in Kansas so better sleep when we get a chance. 

Hal, so sorry about the new pain.... do you supposed they did something wrong, maybe hit a nerve?  Should you let them know in case there is something they could do for you?

Jane, I totally agree that letting cats run is not fair... but after keeping the old girl in for nearly 3 years, I know it would be more humane to have them put to sleep than torture them by locking up.  I feed these cats so much I hope they don't hunt, know it is instinct but do my best to change their habits.


JACKIE  I think like you my worse nightmare would be falling in the shower and having the rescue men coming in. Think I would struggle to get at least the bath towel over me. That is one reason I bought my shower seat. One friend here was afraid to take a shower after she fell once. I told her about what I had, she never heard of them before. Now she has one and loves it.

JOAN you are no happier than me about my son getting the AC in when he did. It has been running pretty steady the last 2 days. I shut it off in the morning to give it and me a rest from the sound. For someone who is a new CNA  she massages my back better than the one I had before who had been at it a few years. Sure glad I have her back.

JENNY  where tooth was is healing good, no problems but I will have to go back to have the partial adjusted.  I only have it is a shot time each day till the healing is done so might feel better then. Hope your foot feels better soon. Congratulations to your son.

SHIRLEY  I felt like you watching Larry's link. I had 2 brothers in that war, one in Europe and one in the Pacific. A BIL in north Africa and several nephews in Navy and Air Force. Family thanked God they all came home with only one brother injured. Like you I would back Truman today for doing  that bomb. No apology, WE did not start that war. I have no plans to go anywhere this week end. Having a cookout here tomorrow.  One of the men will be doing the grilling outside but we will supply what we want. Wonder how many will get the burgers or hotdogs they brought. I miss the days when I would cook out on the grill. I even roasted a small turkey outside once, tasted so good. Glad your headache took leave.

MARY ANN  wish we would get a storm to lower our temperature at least 15 degrees. Seems like we missed some beautiful spring weather again this year. But maybe that is what we had in February when we had some beautiful weather, warmer than we had most of this month.  Feels like mid summer already.

JEANNE LEE  you are so right about cleaning those ceiling lights. One son has a Cathedral ceiling in his living room and 2 ceiling fans in there. Huge room. I often wonder how they get cleaned. Know my son he will get his ladder in there, my DIL sure cannot do it. It was easy where I lived before, low ceilings so they were flush fans.  I would have trouble dusting blades on one here.

DONKLAN  wish others here where I live had computers, I would send that site to them. They are the ones with cats and the lady downstairs has a feral one.

LLOYD  glad you did get out of the house to do something you enjoy in your shop. Just be careful, we want you better and not having another accident.

JUNE  how wonderful there will be a wedding reception there for the new bride and groom.

JANE  sure was an awful way to end your shift to have a rude man there. Only takes one like him to make the whole day miserable. Glad you got your AC working. I would not be able to stay up here on the third floor with no AC. Think I would go down to the lobby and make myself comfortable on one of the couches.

I got this in an email earlier. Very fitting for Memorial Day.


Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast

Mary Ann

Jane, funny but I had the same thing with my a/c.  It ran and cycled but I could tell there was no cool air coming from the vents.  I even went to a couple of them to verify - and no air at all.  I went to the thermostat and turned the a/c/ off and on and felt "the heck with it" and planned to call the vendor next week.  The next time the a/c came on, I could tell by the sound that I was getting cool air - and I was (and am).

Shirley, I'd just as soon put a tracker on our cat to see where he goes when I can't find him.  He likes to have something over him, so often is under a chair or small table.  I've found him under a cane rocket that had afghans hanging down the side.  When my plants are inside, he likes to get in the "jungle" to hide. 

Mary Ann


I watched the flag pass by one day.
It fluttered in the breeze.
A young Marine saluted it,
and then he stood at ease.
I looked at him in uniform
So young, so tall, so proud,
He'd stand out in any crowd.
I thought how many men like him
Had fallen through the years.
How many died on foreign soil?
How many mothers' tears?
How many pilots' planes shot down?
How many died at sea?
How many foxholes were soldiers' graves?
No, freedom isn't free.

I heard the sound of TAPS one night,
When everything was still
I listened to the bugler play
And felt a sudden chill.
I wondered just how many times
That TAPS had meant "Amen,"
When a flag had draped a coffin
Of a brother or a friend.
I thought of all the children,
Of the mothers and the wives,
Of fathers, sons and husbands
With interrupted lives.
I thought about a graveyard
At the bottom of the sea
Of unmarked graves in Arlington.
No, freedom isn't free.
Everyfriend do have a  "Memorable" Day on Monday but to NEVER FORGET !



Like Shirley, I spent my life from 6 -10 assisting "the war effort".  We bought saving stamps, saved tinfoil, and rubberbands and who knows what else.  The closest losses in my young life were the two boys who grew up on the other side of our double house.  One died in the navy in the Pacific and one in the army in Europe.  I was planning on marrying the sailor when I grew up!  My cousin's husband was captured by the Japanese in southeast Asia and was held for more than a year.  He came home but he was a different person.  Even I knew that as young as I was.  My aunt (really my mother's cousin) served as an Army Nurse on Governor's Island in NYC and her mother lived with us while she was gone.  I think we all "lived" that war!  And we all prayed daily for the men who fought it.  If it's memories that keep those boys alive, they will live on and on!  I still cry for them when I remember! 

Good Night Everyfriend!  God Bless Us Every One!  And God Bless those who gave their lives for ours!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Thank you for that link..........very moving to anyone of our generation.

Click for Neenah, WI Forecast


Shirley and Lloyd, the old tummy is feeling almost normal now.  I have a rupture around my naval and I think it was aggravated by the implant.  It was inserted at about the same level, only on the right hand side of the belly.  And the needle they use is a big gauge so it can hold the seed they insert.  I couldn't see how he did the procedure since I was laying on my back.  Just know it hurt like all get out, fortunately he was quick, but he made the comment when I complained about the pain that was a rough shot.  And when I took the band-aid off it had bled somewhat.

Well you folks on the East coast looks like you are in for some rough weather.  All the weather once again missed us, went East and South of us.  Houston really caught it.  And up around Austin, Just East and South of Austin some areas got over 20 inches of rain the last two days.

off to bed.
Nite, nite, God  Bless and Sweet Dreams

June Drabek

Mycheal, thank you. A beautiful tribute to our fallen military men. Most folks feel Memorial Day is a Holiday, whereas it is a Holy Day.

Hal, I'm glad you are feeling better my friend. Some times the cure is worse than the ailment.

Time for me to toddle off to dreamland. Good night dear friends. Sleep in peace, wake feeling healed and happy, I pray. June

As long as we are here, let's dance.


Mycheal- Thank you for the poem. Our generation will "never forget" but I do wonder about future generations. There doesn't seem to be much focus on history in schools anymore, and people keep wanting to re-write history.

I am old enough to have some memories of the war. Several uncles (my mother's brothers) served overseas. We were fortunate. They all came home. One uncle was injured in Belgium.
I remember very well celebrating the end of the war!

Jenny - Congratulations to Mark! That is a very big deal! We could use him in The Villages.  :)

Sandy - Just to add to Jenny's post, it stands for Professional Golfers Association. Hope some of that hot weather you are having in New England is gone by next week-end. We will be in VT/NH for a week and none of the family has central A/C!  ::)

Has anyone here eaten fiddleheads? My granddaughter, Erin, just canned fiddlehead pickles. I may get the chance to try them next week.  :-\

Time to be in bed. It's been a long day.