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2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8


Soda Shoppe Week of May 15

Started by JoanFL, May 15, 2016, 04:42:43 AM

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June Drabek

Amy, I just realized the big difference between you and I. You start your day with the thoughts of what you "want" to do, and I start mine with the thoughts of what I "have" to do do (and chances are I see which of those I can avoid.) I used to be like you, honest, but then age caught up with me.

Janie, this wedding trip will leave you with many good and happy memories. I know how happy you will be to see the pups and they will be over-joyed to have you home again.

Larry, I know Kelly has medical problems, and Lloyd was sounding a bit despondent, but was talking about getting back on some of his machinery…..he needs to keep healing.

Good Morning Patricia.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Good Morning,

All aspects of grandson's h.s. graduation went smoothly - and he is One Happy Camper!

Happy and Safe Travels home, Janie.

Jackie,  I would be very uncomfortable if there were bee hives anywhere within flying distance of my house!  Crawling insects don't bother me - even the small scorpions we have in this area - but flying bugs that sting send me running for the spray that sends out a stream 50 feet!.

Patricia,  I enjoy reading about Farrah and hope you'll continue telling us about her adjustment to a loving home.  Now that she investigated your cup of coffee, do you suppose she would allow you to quietly drink some in the kitchen while she eats?

Wishing Everyfriend Everywhere a lovely day.


If anybody is looking for rain, I can send some your is absolutely teeming down and looks real miserable out there....I am glad I am tucked up inside.....

Callie K, just noticed, when did you change your avatar name to Callie OK?  ;D

Yes it was strange, soon after we moved here, we had both separately noticed the odd bee floating around our garden, around the grass, on more than one occasion......not something we were used to...this was before we knew we had neighbours who were keeping bees, so all was soon to be revealed, just where they were coming from....

Never seen a real live scorpion, so yes I would sure be running from that, well thats if I could run, but I would sure be moving as fast as my legs would carry me....


Callie, as long as I was in the process of also preparing her food....


Jackie,  changed my name when I re-registered.   It's meant to stand for Oklahoma - but if it looks like a "description",  umm......well.....what can I say?    .   ;)
My family teases me about the insect spray by telling me, "Mom, you don't need to drown it!"  Well, I just want to be sure!!!!

Patricia,  wonder what would happen if, after you prepared her food, you poured a cup of coffee (she might now recognize the smell) just before you set her food down - and then sat fairly nearby and ignored her while drinking your coffee?


If you are preparing her food in my small gallery style kitchen, (Think two small peninsulas broken up by an aisle.); she waits about four feet away outside in the hallway. When you have moved out of the kitchen, she then goes in to eat while carefully noting any movement behind her. If you return to the kitchen, she moves to the hallway.

I could move a chair earlier to the small hallway and repair to there with my coffee but that seems overkill. She is staying out of the bedroom mostly these days. She is not as hyper vigilant as she was at first.


Callie, of course, I was slow to cotton on....guess I was thinking you were telling us that, Callie is alright....

Ha ha I used to be like that with house spiders, I would stand with a can of hairspray, in readiness to stiffen - freeze it, followed by dustpan in other hand ready for catching it when it fell....


June--We are all different.  Wouldn't it be boring if we were all exactly alike?

Callie--Glad all went well with your grandson's graduation.

Vanilla-Jackie--Send me some rain, please.

angelface--It seems that little by little Farrah is becoming less skittish.

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 :thumbup:  I found you!  This crazy laptop downloaded Windows 10 without my clicking anything.  I found Soda Shoppe but it was about three months ago to sift through to get to today.  So far so good. 

mycheal:  You mentioned planting white pine trees a while back - both Iowa and Minnesota lost millions of trees - I wonder if Weyerhaeuser stripped your state too. 

I just took a long test on how well you know World War II and did just fine - am such a history buff that 95% were really easy to me.  Compliments of my dad -


My day turned into a lot of wo.....opps.. :-X I did get to a few yard sales but nothing of interest to me. Then home to do laundry and I put some flowers Wave Petunias in and then thought I would tackle the vegetable that is all in. Neighbour phoned to see if we would like the wood from the cherry tree he was going to fall so over I went with the quite  a bit of wood then I helped him load up his trailer with the limbs to take to the dump.
June, this was more than I wanted to do but it is all done now.

Gloria, I am selective in my yard sales really has to get my interest to come home with  me and a good price to boot!!
Now it will be feet up tonight :)
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Carol as a fellow WWII buff you've piqued my interest. I'd like to do that test when I get home. Could you email me where you found it...please?

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Carol--I am sorry you had such a hard time finding the SS.

Amy--You must be really tired tonight after all the heavy w--- you did today.

Janie--May you have safe travels as you head home tomorrow.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Patricia,  that would be a challenge!  I'm sure she'll "come around" eventually.    :thumbup:

Jackie, thinking I'm alright  is  better than a skeptical  "ooooookay?"  :idiot2:   :crazy2:  (P.S.  I've been known to be a bit cheeky, too   ;D)

June Drabek

Amy, I wish I could have been working side by side with you, I really miss being able to do those things, especially the gardening. I remember sitting on my heels weeding or on my hands and knees, I found it very relaxing and pleasing.

I did a lot of reading and napping, I will go downstairs for singing at 6:30 this evening. And I did go downstairs for lunch with friends and chit-chat, and I did take a couple of walks, but that's not much to be proud of.
As long as we are here, let's dance.

Lloyd Hammond

Good evening everyone. I am batching tonight and thinking of that song Old dogs and watermelon wine. the girls are taking Nancy out for mothers day dinner. I stand corrected me and machinery. I spent a very bad night last night as a 
result. dont hit me again I try to be better,



Got my AC in today. Now it can get hot and I will survive it. Had both sons here today, I do enjoy that. It clouded up here but humid.  Ran the AC on the dehumidify setting for half an hour and dried the air in here fast. Nice and comfy again.

JANE  safe trip home. Your doggies will be happy to see you, too.

HAL  no water restrictions yet? Nice to use as much as you want as long as you have the $$ to pay for it. Aha so you are another one who love cherries. My oldest son did not want a cake for his birthdays, he wanted a cherry pie.

LARRY  great trying a new restaurant and finding the food appeals to you.

JOAN  my daughter's younger son has to carry a EpiPen with him, too. Being a landscaper he is around bees often.

JACKIE  amazing the different taste of honey from different flowers. I have been getting mine from the farm I like to go to. Honey is mostly from the apple blossoms. They have a huge orchard as well as strawberries, blueberries. best sweet corn around and lot of different veggies. Fifth generation now running the farm.

CALLIE  I am as bad as you with things that sting and fly. I got used to seeing honey bees at my son's orchard but any other bee or hornet has me looking for that spray, too.

PATRICIA  glad Farrah is getting used to you and is not a skittish as she was.

AMY  my son bought a chipper and what he prunes off the apple trees he chips and bags. Lot of folks here like to use the apple wood chips when grilling. I have never gone to a yard sale.

JUNE  I cannot do a fraction of what I used to do. I hate sitting here while my helper does the things I always enjoyed doing to keep my home clean and sparkling.

LLOYD  your body is not ready for you to work so hard yet. Give it time to heal, please.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


The sky is clear tonight and the full moon is just beautiful! I might have missed it sitting in here but I had to go up to Publix for something just after dark.

Lloyd - Hope tonight is a better one for you. As hard as it is, you and your machinery need a vacation from each other!

Joan - We had another heavy rainstorm yesterday. Also some ominous clouds and heavy wind. Hope your area gets enough to stop the wildfires.

Gloria - Glad to see you have your A/C now. Just reducing the humidity is a big help.

June - I think you can be very proud of what you did this evening! I hope I can do as well in another 10+ years.  :)

Jane S. - Would love to see those dogs when you walk in the door!

Carol - I hope you like Windows 10 better than I do. One problem I have is with my many picture files.

Vanilla - My grandson-in-law has bee hives but only makes enough honey for the family.  Where he lives they have a problem with keeping the bears from getting the hives.

Callie - My youngest daughter is like you with flying wasp/bee type insects. She totally "freaks out" when they get near her.  I used to be like that with spiders, but after living in Oklahoma I got used to a lot of things. Still don't like them. I only saw a scorpion once and he was dead.

Amy - Cherry wood makes a nice fire for an open fireplace or stove. Where in Canada do you live?

Patricia - I do think Farrah will eventually become a good companion. Even sitting on the other end of the couch is a good sign. She needs to learn to trust you. It sounds as if you are doing all the right things.

Hal - Your granddaughter must have been scared silly! My husband has seen coyotes on his late night walks. He now carries a pepper spray gun with him.

Larry - I know you also have an adjustable bed. We've had ours for a couple of years. When I haven't been so wordy, I will relate a story about mine that happened the other night.

I had a great day today. Nothing like feeling better after a couple of days being sick.

Wishing you all a good night.


Don't know where to start, my computer told me it was going to install Windows 10 Friday night, 11:00 pm & that was that.  My son came over Friday morning to drain & clean the pool for the summer & invited the computer to update while he could monitor.  Thank goodness... "they" always ask questions I don't know what it means & he made sure everything was saved or transferred that I wanted... but naturally, AFTER he went home I discovered a whole lot of stuff that didn't work or I didn't know how to find.  Did not help that my server (Cox) was off & on & having it's own problems. It is working okay today.  My little 12" laptop was also crashing, the mouse wouldn't work & could not get anything to let me shut down properly so I gave it the hard shut down & let it be overnight.  Still being contrary but I just turned if off nicely tonight.  I am here on Windows 10 right now. 

Patricia, all the ferals that eat here started out not willing to eat until I turn my back & come inside.  Old LaurenKat used to only eat (after she declared Cas her loving protector), when he was standing at her back to watch for her.  Miss Callie now will nearly knock me over when I take a treat for her, winding around my feet & hands as I put food into her bowl.  Used to I have to come inside before she would go to the bowl.  TommyII still waits for me to come inside although I can walk almost to touch him & put the food down, but he does not move until I come inside.  He now sits on the front porch & yells (yowels) at the door for me to bring food, if I haven't made it out by 6:00 pm.

I'm another WWII buff, remember quite a bit but have not watched all the PBS shows that my son tells me about.  Those were very important years for me, from age 6 to 10, our lives centered around the war.  Doubt I could do well on the quiz but would probably bring back lots of memories.

We don't see many bees around here anymore, sad thing since they do a big job with our veggies & fruit.  We had a beautiful flowering mimosa tree some years ago & during it's flowering, the whole tree would hum with the sound of bees.  My big fear are the spiders... always heart stopping when I have to deal with them, but I keep the spray & something to smash with handy any time I invade their space.  I have a niece that has to carry an EpiPen with her at all times, they own a nursery so also high risk. 

Time for that Sat. night bath so better go give cats their bed time snack... They are not on any schedule since the painters came & left.  So glad to have the painting done, will fill the pool tomorrow while son gets the filter & pump running, & then maybe some time off.  A peaceful and happy day to all for tomorrow, God Bless.

Beverly, nice to see you.  I didn't realize we have a full moon, I'll have a look before I hit the shower.  I don't get out after dark anymore, I go to church in the dark on Sunday mornings but it's lighter every week now.  I also am having trouble with picture files, put all of them on a thumb drive so can find them that way!!!  I do dislike changes~ 

Good night, all.. Shirley

June Drabek

Lloyd...I give up on you. I think you have a death wish, the way you keep pushing that poor body of yours, when you should be letting it mend.

Beverly, I am very grateful that I can do the things I need to do. It is essential to keep the body as active as Possible, even if it is just walking, it keeps all the "parts" operating as well as they can.

Gloria, I am so happy for you, having both your sons with you today, it must have made you very happy and I am so glad they have your A/C installed. Now you don't have to worry about what the weather is going to be. There is a big ceiling fan in my apartment, and I know I am going to appreciate that when the summer heat arrives. I have A/C, but i like the feeling of a big fan moving the air around.

We had a nice program tonight, celebrating the Armed Forces Day. We sang a lot of songs and applauded those residents here that were in the armed services.

Now it is time to settle down and get ready for book and bed. Sleep well dear hearts, God grant you all a peaceful night and a happy healthful tomorrow. Prayers, Love and hugs. June
As long as we are here, let's dance.


A new week for Soda Shoppe begins HERE.

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