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MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe Week of May 29

Started by JoanFL, May 29, 2016, 05:05:20 AM

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Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good Sunday morning, Everyfriend.  There's waffles and link sausage to go with your coffee or tea.  Have a blessed Sunday.

Thanks to Phyllis for her lovely “Summer Days” graphic creation which we are using this week.


Losing Husband

A friend's mother, Glenda, lost her husband.
A week after the funeral an "occasional" member of the church came up to her after services.
"Is it true that Fred died?" she asked.
Glenda replied with a matter of fact, "Gee, I hope so, we buried him!"

Food For Thought

Not Looking for Fame

Author Unknown

Scripture Reading: Luke 4:20-31
“Truly I tell you,” he continued, “no prophet is accepted in his hometown.” Luke 4:24
After Jesus read and preached from Isaiah 61, everyone was amazed and speaking well of him. He was well on his way to becoming the most interesting man in the region.
But Jesus had more to say, showing he had other plans. Songwriter Michael Card writes in Luke: The Gospel of Amazement, “[These] are [among] the very first words he speaks upon beginning his ministry. . . . But they are not simply spoken. They are costly words. In the end they will cost him everything. If only he would have the good sense to identify with the rich and powerful instead of the poor, if only he would act in accordance with their values, if only he would dance to their tune. But Jesus does not, would not dance.”
Jesus refused to become a circus act to friends, neighbors, and people of self-importance. He would not allow himself to be used for fame and publicity. He rejected the temptation to be addicted to the sounds of applause from the crowds. He came to seek and save people who needed grace.
The people were looking for someone to lead and liberate them. They were looking for someone they could rally around, someone who could help them gain the freedom they longed for. They were looking in the wrong places and for the wrong things.
Do you want a Savior or a religious celebrity? We can’t have both.
Jesus, thank you for reminding us that it’s only through your grace that we can be saved. Amen.

Thought of the Day

“Don’t wait for things to get easier, simpler, better.  Life will always be complicated.  Learn to be happy right now. Otherwise, you’ll run out of time.”

~ Author Unknown

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


The site was down for a couple hours, but seems OK now.  Thank you, Michael.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good morning..

Glad the site is back up and running...another muggy day here. Had a nice rain last night along with a thunder storm.

A day of rest here, will gather up my supplies for tomorrows sewing..

Love the summer days Phyliss...

Thank you for breakfast Joan.

Enjoy your day everyone.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning, Amy.  It's muggy and hot here but no rain.  Enjoy your day of rest.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good afternoon, Joan, and Amy,..... I got in early this morning and posted, no problem,...... then couldn't get in again later....glad all is back to normal....

It is a glorious day here, been sitting in the garden, done some ironing earlier, not a lot, done it while R out with the dogs....Just made a couple of phone calls to old friends from old home, Sheila and Pat, gave my new address and phone number.....

Phyllis, I would be quite happy in that garden, love the table set all ready for us....

Now where is Jane S and Lloyd Hammond?.....


Good Morning,

I thought I posted one of the new motion thingies, but don't see it.

Wishing Everyfriend Everywhere a lovely day.


  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


A good Sunday morning HELLO to EVERYFRIEND.

The sun is shinning and it is a beautiful morning.  We are to have a few storms move through again today.  Sad for those that have plans, but moisture is so important.  They do not last long...so take cover for a few and then the sun will be back out again.

PATRICIA, such a sweet story you shared regarding your wanting a Ginny Doll, and how you pursued your dream.  That is the way it should be.  Today if a child even hints at something they want....POOF, it is placed in their hands.  Very sad. 

SHIRLEY, I am proud of you for the courage to get yourself to England with out the help of Uncle Sam.  I waited them out.....Bob went over to Germany in mid October and I was given the go the first of December, so not bad at all.   A family of four were sent from Denver to the same base and they had concurrent travel.....never made sense to me as it cost them a lot more to put up a family than just me.  Oh well, water under the bridge.  I am saddened that you were not able to keep the vet plate.  As you say, who supported that man while he was becoming a vet.  We attended a dinner at a USAA function and they presented the wives with a pin that commemorated  support to their husbands during their military time.   That was a first, and I thought it was very nice.  Bob, too, went to Lackland for OTS.  I just have to comment on this quote you made to Molly.  "I've been known to be a tad opinionated & daring."....REALLY??  I have never noticed that about you! 😍

JOAN, the thought of the day is SO true.  Thank you for our nice welcome to the SS this week. Sorry you are muggy there today....humidity is not nice, but it does come with the territory!

PHYLLIS, love your "Summer Days" graphic.  Beautiful colors and looks so inviting. 

We have no special plans for the day.....just relaxing and enjoying some down time. 

I hope you all enjoy your day doing what ever you please. 

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Good morning everyone, could not get in earlier but we are back again. Cloudy and damp here this AM, but at least not as hot.  Even with the AC set at 70 yesterday I could not get it cool enough in here. Went out for a walk earlier, cool but damp, and it felt good to walk the parking lot a few times.

JENNY  one Uncle would put beautiful flowers at his wife;s grave, go back the next day to find someone stole them. No matter how many times he complained about it they were stolen, not only his but other beautiful ones, too. That is so sad.

BEVERLY  when I went to bed last night it was still 78 here according to the news at 10pm.

SHIRLEY  I am like you checking for bugs before eating. One year my ex planted broccoli, where he bought the plants the man said to put them in a pan and cover with water well salted and weigh it down.  I was shocked at all the green worms that were in it. He was the only one who ate it, I would not feed it to my 3 and I would not have any. For years I would not touch broccoli. Helping my son at the orchard he showed me how to check the blossom end to see if any were inside. Very few had the signs. That is why spraying is helpful. Even when he makes cider he checks all the apples to make sure they are clear. Don't think I would ever pick wild blueberries anymore either. Same with raspberries/blackberries. We had sassafras trees in out yard at the house we had.  Love the smell and taste of it. I remember Arthur Godfrey, first on radio and then TV. I would enjoy looking at your wild life.  This is the week end my son gets his pool open but no one will be going in yet. He will jump in on a hot day to cool off and that's it. After I retired I think I went in about 3 times. I golt an email from Doris but am lax in answering. Don't know why I am getting so many emails. Keep getting one from HP for a survey on how I like this new PC and the help I get when I have called.  Marked 0 for most of them and the remarks part I told them what I thought of this one. My old cheap HP was better than this one. Also told them I am tired of talking to India where they hardly speak for me to understand and they do not understand me either. No soft words from me. At least they do want to know and that is more that I got with the last lemon of a Dell I had.

JACKIE  Joan doesn't miss much when it comes to giving demerits. She might be adding all of them up to really scold you soon.

PATRICIA   after a rain we get a lot of mushrooms pop up and some are so pretty but I would not touch any of them never mind picking any.

PHYLLIS  I would love to join you at the table for some tea or just to enjoy sitting in the shade. Beautiful graphic. Yellow flowers would be a draw for insects so they will leave us alone.

JOAN  breakfast looks wonderful and something I will enjoy. Chuckles, ask dumb question get sarcastic answer. Not Looking for Fame is a keeper. Will be sending it on. Your quote is so true. Thank you for all today's goodies. I know I could not get in earlier so checked email and went for a walk, everything fine when I came back. Every time we are offline I worry. Sure do not want the thing that happened a short time ago to happen again. Michael does a great job keeping us up and running.

AMY  we might have thunderstorms this afternoon. According to the weather guessers tomorrow will be a washout. Not going to be good for any parades. Still muggy here but not as warm as yesterday, no sunshine.

CALLIE  as much as I enjoy seeing all the funny faces I seldom remember to use them. 

SANDY  good morning.

JENNY  so true, working for something you want makes us appreciate it more. Having everything handed to you make one expect that all through life.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good Morning Everyfriend!  I've been to church and the Farmers Market and it's HOT out there.  I don't think I'll go anywhere until it cools off!  I don't care if I run out of milk, carrots, laundry detergent, paper towels, shoe polish, windex, or Mr. Clean.  I'm in for the duration!  I know!  I know! you've all thought of some things I'll have to go out to get but if I'm lucky, my daughter will text to say she's going to the Amish store and is there anything I need.  One can hope!

You may have noticed...I don't do HOT well!

I'll be back later to see what Everyfriend is up to!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Vanilla-Jackie--As you can see, the same thing happened to me this a.m.  I got in and posted and then a couple hours later couldn't get in.  I'm sure it's nice to sit out in the garden.  Here it's too hot and muggy to sit out.  Lloyd sent me an email earlier, when the site was down, saying he couldn't access.  Imagine the same thing happened to Janie.

Good morning, Callie.  Maybe you tried to post when the site was down?

Sandy--Good morning.

Good morning, Jenny.  Wish you'd send a little storm this way.  We're having so many brush fires.  Yes, I knew when I moved here that the long summers are hot and humid.

Gloria--Good morning. At least the down time this morning wasn't anything like a few weeks ago when we crashed.  People who steal flowers off graves are "low life" IMO.

Good morning, Janie.  I don't do HOT well either, but for now I am stuck.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


 :wave: Good morning from a sunny but cool Interior, It will be chilly today, not really above plus 66 but we'll preservere!

Farrah hid in the bathroom when I first opened the balcony door as I had earlier closed the bedroom door. However, the birdsong soon lured her out. Today, she ignored me making coffee while she had breakfast. We're having a breakthrough week!

Phyllis, that is a lovely graphic!

June Drabek

Happy Sunday Morning dear ones, I am all rested and recovered from yesterdays celebration. Our young man and beautiful girl (employees here at Rowntree) were treated to a big reception on the garden here. It was beautiful, but the Bride and Groom must have been worn out by the end of the day. They will have a good life together, of that I am sure. True Love. :heart: :heart:

Another overcast morning, and I am rushing to get to Church on time. So will continue chatting with you all later. :hugs:
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Good Late Morning Everyone!

Well, we got our storm last night, all night long.  Both me and the wife were up for awhile, around 3:30 and the lightening and thunder and rain were constant.  I was watching RADAR and the storm appeared to be hung up in our area.  Checked rain gauge and had three inches of rain. Anyhow when I did get up it was still thundering.  But it has cleared out and sun is shinning brightly.

Anyhow, didn't make church, didn't wake up and when I did get up just didn't/couldn't get to moving.

Hope everyone has a great day.


angelface--Farrah is making good strides.

June--It was nice that the bride and groom shared their reception.

halkel--I wish we would get some of that rain, but I could do without the thunder and lightning.  The Good Lord understands your not making it to church.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Reserving my parking spot for the week.  Kelly has been noticeably absent;  has anyone heard anything?


Radioman--I haven't heard from Kelly.  Maybe somebody else has.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


N0 sitting in the garden today.  Tropical Storm Bonnie is visiting and she brought drippy rain with her.

Thanks for enjoying the graphic, everyone.

My Tom took his basic training at Lackland, too.  It was a very hot July and August for him.....and all of the others with him!  I have a picture of him taken during that time and he is so sunburned!  After basic he was sent to Biloxi, MS.  It was really hot there!


I wasn't at Lackland, but during the Vietnam war, I lived in San Antonio just outside of Fort Sam Houston as my then husband left from there to Vietnam and my daughter was born at Brooke Army Hospital in December 1972.


Phyllis--My husband was in the Reserves and took basic training at Lackland + had to go back there for 2 weeks every summer for 8 years.

angelface--I've always liked San Antonio.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Sure Kelly's last post mentioned computer troubles.....re, 16th May.....

Quoting..." I forgo to say my internet is not  working properly!

It is on and off at times, a good part of yesterday I could not get on during the day and evening..."


Well, I took a nap and then fed the doggies their noon snack and had my own lunch (leftover spaghetti) and now I'm comfortable.  The a/c is on and I'm enjoying the comfort. 

My neighbor called to ask if I like potato salad.  I do and she brought me a nice dish full.  It looks good and now I know what to have for supper.

Hal, I hope you're not complaining about the rain.  You did say your area needed rain, didn't you?

I'm getting ready to do a job I detest....pay the bills!  At least I won't sweat while I do it!  Enjoy the rest of your day, Everyfriend!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Hi everyone.  All is well here and just awoke from a nice nap. We had about two inches of rain since last night but it seems to be clearing off. It was a nice steady rain. I attended church this morning but Pat elected to stay in out of the rain and she obviously wasn't the only one as many empty seats.  Until tomorrow.


GLORIA, I can not even imagine the nerve it would take to steal flowers from someone's grave, but these days I guess anything can happen.  Agree there are going to be a lot of people out there that expect everything to be given to them, as it has been, but they are in for a BIG surprise and I sadly know a few of those. Pitiful.  Thanks a lot....not sure I will be able to eat broccoli ever again!  One time we bought some rather expensive cod and as were prepared it, it was full of worms.....almost makes me gag at just the thought! 

PHYLLIS, we too were at Keesler for Bob's training before he left for Germany and you are right, that is one HOT and humid place.  That was August and September of 1967. We and others in Bob's class rented apartments in a new retirement high rise right on the water, very close to base. 

JANE, you lucky lady...enjoy that potato salad....nice neighbor!

HAL, they showed the flooding between Austin and Houston on every channel here last night......to me, Austin and Houston do not gel in my head...seems they should have said something to clearify a closer area. 

My dear husband is a SAINT.  He has been on the telephone for over one hour trying to help my dad get connected on the iPad we gave him so that he can watch arena football.....bless his heart, he has such a hard time. So hard to help someone while on the telephone! 

Off I go....we are getting ready to watch the Indy 500.  It has been 49 years since I was there as a junior in high school with my marching band.  I do not think my left leg could take hauling a snare drum beating on it for 2 1/2 mile around that track!  What a memory though!

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Janie, nope no complaints from me on the rain. we really don't need it,it the run off, is just good for our aquifer, we will be thankful in July when we are hot and dry.


Vanilla-Jackie--Thanks.  I forgot that Kelly mentioned computer trouble.

Janie--Spahetti, a nap and potato salad--all things I like.  Maybe that'll solve the stress of bill paying.:)

Larry--I was wondering where you were.  This afternoon when I was trying to take a nap we had such loud claps of thunder that I thought the roof blew off.  There was lots of lightning, too, but only a drizzle of rain.

Jenny--Oh dear--reading about these things containing worms makes me gag--probably won't be able to eat them again.  Hope Bob gets your Dad set up on the iPad.

halkel--We still need a big amount of rain.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


We just finished having a pounding downpour!! Rain came that fast that it sat on top of the ground for a while. Now it has all seeped in. Farmers with standing hay are going to find it laying down after that and I hope what bit of my garden that came up is still ok. Nice,needed rain..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Oh, Jenny, I do remember those long marches with a snare drum bopping on my leg... and such short legs compared with the rest of the high school band.  I was 8th grade & we had a retired military band leader so was a lot of training.  I dropped band the next year. 

Gloria, I would never be able to eat broccoli again if I had seen that.  One time I sawed opened (with a knife) a box of frozen strawberries (before the zip open type) & found a big, black roach or something frozen right on top.  I have never bought another box of frozen fruit. 

I'm guessing (analyzing myself) that part of my horror of bugs in my mouth comes from the time my brother gave in to my begging to "let me blow b-bs into the gun shaft".  He handed me b-bs & "roly-polys" same size, that happened to be on the concrete where we were sitting.   You "boys" remember filling your mouth with the b-bs & filling that long carriage?  Last time I asked or even watched.  But I didn't tattle on him until long after we were grown. Guess I was maybe 4 or 5, lesson learned.   

Fitbit told me I had less than 3 hours sleep before I headed off to church so knew a nap was due.  Son insisted we'd better mow since it is supposed to rain all week & these weeds are loving the rain.  Had another inch in the gauge today from yesterday.  I got the weed whip done in the front before he got here & he went ahead & mowed the back after all.  We are good until the rain stops.  Wish I could convince him the yard guys are worth every penny... and I don't have to do anything, but he is sure they don't pick up & smothering the new grass.  The money goes into an envelope & he eventually takes it under protest, but last couple times I have marked what all it is for, how many times he comes & jobs he helps with.  I know he would gladly help anyway, but to me it is the price/cost of staying in the house & that is what we worked & saved for all those 60 years.  Besides, I am stronger than I was before this extra work.. doctor was impressed with my resting heart rate dropping 20 points (from 87 to 67 now)...   I am rambling... sorry.  Time to feed cats. 

Amy, so far I haven't heard about farmers suffering with all our rain.  When we had an 80 acre wheat field behind our house years ago we held our breath until harvest, praying with the farmers that Nature would be kind.


Did anyone read the Sunday paper today. The article telling about all that damage that was done to at least 5 Vet Cemeteries through the States. Even the Wall in Washington showing the names of the Vietnam men killed . One cemetery all the crosses had been knocked down and broken. Said must have been around 6am in the morning by people in trucks.