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2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Soda Shoppe Week of September 25

Started by JoanFL, September 25, 2016, 04:31:40 AM

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The brick mason showed up a little after breakfast and just as he was getting set up to work on the steps it started to rain again.  Rained hard for awhile and he said he would be back tomorrow....weather permitting.  I am really getting very tired of this almost daily rain.  Hopefully he can get here and get the job done.

Hal, I did see that heckler make that putt.  So funny and the looks on the faces of the pro players was priceless.  I imagine that he will frame that 100.00 bill that the players signed for him.  And he'll be telling that story for the rest of his life!

Hope June is OK and we'll hear from her soon. 


That man making the golf shot was one of the best things that has been on TV all week.  I am sure he will keep a video and show it in years to come.  May even get a Add appear on TV comercial on it.  He was a happy man. The golfers were also.

June Drabek

I am late again today, and will have go down for lunch before I get finished gabbing attcha. My housekeeper arrived early, changed all the linens, and came back later to finish cleaning the bathroom. Next week is "deep" cleaning.

Hal, I spent about 90 minutes with the grocery order helper, and she gave me two alternate pass words. Neither of them would take, so I gave up. Only to find that I was stuck with an alternate password for 48 hours that I don't intend to fool around with. She also changed me from the Safeway program to Von's, same company. I may try to make a new entry to the Von's site, and if that doesn't work, my Gary said to let him know and he would come over and fix me up. It truly wears me out physically now to run into any type of problem, so I am extra, extra glad I have Gary to call on, plus I have given him Power of Attorney which really makes me feel great.

Went down for lunch, had a delicious beef dip sandwich, a vegetable salad, a glass of tomato juice and coffee. Brought half of it home for supper.
Also brought home a cup of ice cream, and a brownie cookie. I am stuffed.

Hal,someone told me years ago that a Chow was inclined to bite. Lady, and your previous Chow certainly proves that to be wrong. It may be the Chow this person knew was a great dog but not kindly treated. Any animal would bite if the human hurt them…so would I.

Gloria, Our doctors are directed by Rowntree when to bring the flu shots once a year, so when each residents Dr. arrives we have received the shot.

Larry, I'm going to try one more time to connect with Von's grocery and if I can't do it, my son says he will be glad to come over and take care of it for me. God sure blessed me with a couple of good, loving sons. I glad Pat does the card thing for your Church. That is so needful, and so appreciated by others, and it is good for her too, having an outside interest like that.

Janie, I am SO happy to hear you had a full nights sleep. With all you do, especially your work at W.M. you need a good nights solid sleep. I usually sleep all through the night, but rarely a wide-awake will happen, but seldom.

Bis, I'm here, but keep getting distracted with one think or another. Another case of mind wandering out of control.

Phyllis, I am here dear, and I apologize for being late. my own fault. How I would love if you could share your rain with us here in Ca. we are in such dire need of a good strong wash down.

I wish I had seen that Golf incident. I know so little about where to find what on t.v. My husband always took care of viewing that, while I worked on my computer.

As long as we are here, let's dance.

Mary Ann


Phyllis--Sorry the weather did not allow the mason to begin his work.

JeanneP--That golfer gave me a good laugh.

June--Sorry you were not able to place your grocery order.  Gary will get you fixed up.  Your lunch sounds tasty.

Mary Ann--I am sure June will appreciate your posting that link for her.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast

June Drabek

Mary Ann, thank you SO much for giving me that entry into the famous putt. It was truly a thrill to see it happen, and from the little amount of golf I have ever played, I experienced the thrill the man must have felt to see that ball go into the cup. Once in a life time !

Bis, Gary was here, he got my order placed and it will be delivered tomorrow. What a Blessing he is to me.He even placed my order. I tried to check in later just to see if I could, and my password was not accepted, so I notified Gary and put the problem in his hands. again....what would I do without him Bis? He is kindness personified. He even offered to do my ordering for me from now on, but I want to retain as much responsibility as I can. I'm sure you know my feelings.

As long as we are here, let's dance.


Gloria de., I'm not allergic to eggs. I am allergic to a chemical used to prolong shelf life in foods such as microwavable, many types of commercially  canned food, convenience or fast food. I am also lactose intolerant.

I rarely get colds and when I do, they tend to be bad, but short lived. I had never had the flu before that shot and I've never had it since so I have no plans to repeat the experience!

There is so much information out there about every type of pet or animal around, and probably 99.95% is false. Not only that but animals are different from one another, the same as people.

If you have a purebred, you can use the breed guidelines but remember these are only averages or guidelines and again not every animal will behave in that manner.

One thing that absolutly frustrates me and angers me is when horrible rumors are treated as fact. I do not know how many times I have been told, quite sincerely, that a cat can kill a human baby by smothering it. Supposedly, a cat scents milk on the baby's mouth, and this causes the cat to suffocate the child. Really?!?

The majority of adult animals are lactose intolerant. Now this doesn't mean they won't drank milk or eat dairy, just that it isn't good for them.

Chows are said, as a breed to be aggressive or biters, but again, not always. It depends more on their experiences, training, or simply out of fear. My cat was feral and mistreated and spent two months literally under my bed. Now Farrah thinks we're roommates!


We got our Chow when she was a pup, barely weened.  She was never abused by us, seldom scolded, never needed it.  When we got her she did not like men, me included, don't know why.  We always figured that maybe the folks who had her had a boy who was abusive to her.  She had no fear of women.  But as she aged she warmed to me.  I remember two instances where she surprised me with her conduct.  One she got a pad of her paw caught in our fence and she was screaming, yes actually screaming, and I ran out and saw what had happened and knew, without a doubt, she was fixing to take a bite of me when I attempted to free her.  Was I ever wrong, she appeared to recognize that I was there to help and when I grabbed her leg and leaned against the fence to open the space between boards she did nothing but stand and let me do what I had to.  The second time was when she was just a big pup she got out of the backyard somehow while we were away to a movie.  When we turned the corner at the bottom of our hill she recognized the car and run to the front door of our house and waiting to be let in.  She never again would go out of our yard, even if we urged her to, without a lead on.  In those days I walked a lot, daily, and took her along, if she dilly dallied I would drop the leash and walk away, she would immediately come to me and want her lead pickedup and then she was quite happy to walk along with me.  She did one time attack another dog, one that continually ran out into the street and dare her, finally the Poodle got too close and Ginger grabbed her, shook her like a rag doll and released her as I told her to and the Poodle took off back to it's house.  I was waiting for someone to come out of the house, but they didn't.  Funny, we never had a problem again.



It really just depends. We had a moose one severe winter, who would sleep in our backyard and the kids would bring it apples and carrots and would pet it's nose until an adult saw it and told the kids no more touching or hand feeding. Just to drop the food and back away, also never to get behind it.

The majority of the pit bulls and bull breeds that I have known are overgrown lapdogs, but it is important never to try to handle an unknown dog, especially kids who may be too rough or frighten the animal.

The eeriest thing I ever saw or heard, was my daughter's cat named after Michael Jordan because the cat jumped very high. After my daughter's death, I returned home after a week in Anchorage, and that cat came rushing down the stairs, sniffed all around us, dashed down to the basement, back to us and then up to the second floor.  We then heard this long drawn out moaning and then a horrible long drawn out scream. Before Magic was very friendly, after that he was indifferent to people or the other cat and died the next year for no discernable reason.

Hal, Ginger came to trust and care for you. She knew you would help her.

June Drabek

I feel all animals are God's gift to mankind. We have no business approaching a stray animal as we have no idea of what it's personality may be. If they come to us first, accept their friendship. I would trust a stray animal before I accepted a stray person. I see no reason why one should not offer a word of greeting to either species, and let it go at that.

It is way past my "tired" feelings, so I hope I can settle down in bed and relax. It has been a trying day mentally, and I have to let go of things undone, and unsolved. Sufficient unto the day are the sins (problems) thereof.

Goodnight dear hearts, I send you all Peace, love, hugs and prayers. June
As long as we are here, let's dance.


I hope EVERYFRIEND enjoyed a good Friday.

Mark and Megan were here and we watched  taped golf all day long.  We had a nice steak dinner.... might be the last meal we will have together before they move to Arizona.  We sure enjoyed our day together. 

Pleasant dreams to all.

Good morning, JACKIE. 

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


...I am the same as you....only once in my teens and starting a new factory job, when my 9 month old baby was accepted in day nursery, did I have the flu jab when it was offered to everybody working at this factory... then would you believe I came down with a terrible cold afterwards, ok it was bitter cold Winter but, I have never taken the flu jab since....Of course now I am over the age of 65 and with my MS medical condition I am again offered it but have each time declined...( read up on, people with MS should have the flu jab and people with MS shouldn't have the flu jab as our body does the opposite as to fighting off compared to healthy peoples bodies, ) I used to have very bad colds, one after the other in my younger days, ( ok those days I did smoke cigarettes ) but dont get those colds now...Oh yes I get run down with the odd sniffles, coughs and the odd mild sore throat, maybe for a day or two but, so far that's about it....Now I have posted this I hope I haven't put the mockers on this and will come down with flu...I can only remember one very bad cold when my body literally became weak, so not sure if that was a touch of mild flu back in my 40s...

...good morning, good night... as I type the rain is pelting down and we have a thunder storm, just this minute dead on 7am, an almighty thunder clash, loud enough to wake everyone up on this parkhome site...Hope your weather is better...well it is the first day of October...

...I would put my trust in a dog rather than any human being....far too many humans have let me down in the past to be able to trust them... so give me a dog any day, for trust, genuine affection and loyalty...with a dog " what you see, is what you get " nothing is false......


Good Saturday morning, Everyfriend, on this first day of October.   There's Cinnabons to accompany your coffee or tea. I wish everyone a good day!!



Funny Sayings

- They say money talks. Well, my money used to talk, then it whispered; now it just sneaks off.

- If people from Poland are called "Poles," why aren't people from Holland called "Holes?

- Why do we say something is out of whack? What's in whack?

- When someone asks you, "A penny for your thoughts," and you put your two cents in what happens to the other penny?

- Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?

- Why are a wise man and a wise guy opposites?

- Why isn't 11 pronounced onety one?

- Did Roman paramedics refer to IV's as "4's"?

- Why is it that if someone tells a man that there are 1 billion stars in the universe, he will believe them, but if they tell a man a wall has wet paint, he will have to touch it to be sure?

- If FedEx and UPS were to merge, would they call it Fed UP?

- Do Lipton Tea employees take coffee breaks?

- What hair color do they put on the drivers licenses of bald men?

- If it were to be true that we are only here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?

- Why do they put pictures of criminals up in the Post Office? What are we supposed to do, write to them? Why don't they just put their pictures on the postage stamps so the mailmen could look for them while they delivered the mail?

- No one ever says "It's only a game," when their team is winning.

Food For Thought

Motivation Brings Results
(By Dawn ?)

Our twelve-year-old son D.J., was wanting a brand new bike to ride around on with his friends. One day my husband, son and I were looking at some in a well-known chain store. The more we looked the more eager my son became and this was evident by the look on his face. Wanting to please him I offered to pay for it. My husband suggested we look around in other stores, so off we went. The other store didn't have what he was looking for and running out of time we headed home without a bike.

After getting home and thinking about the bike, other thoughts of all the spring 'clean up' around our house also persisted. Putting the two together I made my son an offer, "I'll buy you the bike, but I want you to come up with half the money. There's lots of work to be done so I will pay you $5.00/hr with your help towards the 'spring clean up' to help you work for your half of the money". Whenever our children want something we usually just buy it for them and with this I wanted to teach my son to take some responsibility towards the purchase to make it more meaningful. I always find the things I have worked for tend to be more precious than something just given to me because of the time and effort it has cost me to gain the ownership.

Maybe that is why as Christians we sometimes tend to over time get so easily caught up in taking salvation for granted - the initial cost for us is nothing.

Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our LORD." (KJV)

Salvation is a free gift and the gift is eternal life. The cost for us begins over time as we STAND to be loyal to our dear LORD. The more effort we put into the relationship - the more valuable it becomes. Unfortunately we often mix this up with 'doing' things for Christ that are of little value if not founded in the desire to serve Him and bring glory to His name.

Matthew 16:24,27 "Then said Jesus unto His disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." "For the Son of man shall come in the glory of His Father with His angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works." (KJV)

As time went on my son became more intent on his work. On a Saturday helping my husband with the outside chores, my husband opted for a break indoors but my son refused; he wanted his bike and the reward was getting closer.

Before our son had completely earned his half, the bike he wanted came on sale. Not wanting to miss out on the savings I offered to buy it, but he couldn't ride it until he had his half paid for. He then worked harder. The following Friday evening it was raining and he asked to go to a friend's house; agreeing to bring him there I was surprised a short while later when he began to look for inside chores to pay his 'debt'. For three hours he washed the bathroom floor, the entranceway, stairs, tidied the basement and did the supper dishes. He wanted his bike! I said to my husband "We had a hard time to get him motivated before, but now he's going to work us out of house and home!" The end results of his efforts kept his motivation strong. In fact it changed the evenings activities.

What is it that motivates us? Do we become lax and burdened by the work before us, diminishing our efforts like my son did when there seemed to be nothing to work for and unable to see the end results; or, do we see Jesus Christ and our eternity waiting for us when our work on earth is done? Are we allowing God's promise of eternity to motivate us to keep our minds focused on the reward of following Him? , and does this reward progressively change our habits and how we consume our time?

Not only are we promised no more tears, sickness, and sorrow, but Satan will be no more. All those times in life including the irritability, attitude, everyday temptations to sin will be no more. The distractions that Satan uses us to consume our time, taking our minds, prayerful hearts off our God and our LORD Jesus Christ will be no more. We will live in total worship, this thirsting for spiritual filling will be no more - this is the promise that we will be allowed to live!

Revelation 7:16(a),17 "They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more." "For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of water and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes."

Our being motivated by God's promise of eternity brings good working results!

Thought of the Day

There is something wrong if you are always right...

--Author unknown


Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good morning everyone

Laundry on the go and will hang it out in a bit. Gazebo was taken down yesterday and put away till next year. Today will be empty the hot tub and refill it for the winter. Need to go into town and pick up dog food and a few things at the grocery store at some point and time today.

Hard to believe that it is Oct 1st, where did the summer go??? I do love fall with all the colours and smells.

Joan, thank you for breakfast.

Enjoy your day everyone.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning, Amy.  You sure are a busy bee preparing for winter.  I bet you don't look forward to dancing with the shovel.:)

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good morning Joan
No I am not looking forward to that  dance or the waltz with the snowblower.Hubby won't be able to do much for six weeks after surgery so this is why I am trying to get  everything done now as I think my time will be needed else where.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


good morning Everyfriend!  It's not ra  here right now but it is due to start again around 11. It's a lovely soft soaking rain and even the dogs were not afraid to go out in it.

I didn't do much of anything after work yesterday and I do have to get some things done today. I'm not sure what I'm going to do bu I better get at something or ill turn into a blob.

The first thing I have to do is make dog food or the doggies won't be eating today. I hope Everyfriend has a lovely day and you get to do everything you want to or need to.  Go and make it a good day.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Amy--I understand.  You will be taking care of your husband for a few weeks.

Good morning, Janie.  It'd be nice if we got some of that soft, easy rain.   I am sure there is no chance of you turning into a blob.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good morning.  So far it is foggy but not raining here so I hope the brick mason can get his job done and I can check one more thing off of the "to do" list.

Spent far too much time watching the Ryder cup yesterday.  I always enjoy it for the excellent play and the friendly competition between the players.  I just try to tune out the rowdy and raucous crowds.  Golf tournaments never used to be like that.  What a changing....and puzzling....world we live in.   ???


Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone. well it is good feeling temp. here high broken clouds no stars visible here no rain at the moment. that is alright. we have plenty of moisture.i have all the plunder moved off from the last wall to insulate and Sheetrock it.we already have Nancy's washer and dryer up and hooked up, no more step climbing up and down for her. hope to have it finished today except for sorting through the plunder and pitching away all the not needed junk. it is amazing what all we keep that is not needed.
have a great day everyone.



Good Morning Everyone!

Boy, all you early birds are up and at it.  Here it is before seven and I feel like I am a lazy bones for sleeping so late.  :o

Going to be another beautiful day here.  Cool and sunshiny. This and Springtime is the best times of the year for us.  We have lost the really hot weather now and we will have mostly mild days and cool nights until the really cold fronts work their way this far South.  Now if we can just get a little rain ever now and then.

Heading over to church in a little while for the men's breakfast.  Always enjoy that.  Good breakfast and lots of good fellowship.  Kinda starts your day off right.

Phyliss, I think the rowdiness was started by the Europeans some years back and now it is part of the Ryder cup weather played here or there.  Players and gallery expect it.  It is all in good fun.

Got to go splash some water on my face.  Talk to you later.



Good morning, Phyllis.  For your sake, I hope the weather cooperates and the mason can work on your steps today.

Lloyd--Good morning.  I'm sure you be happy when Nancy's new laundry room is finished.

Good morning, halkel.  How nice that your church has breakfast on Saturday.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good morning, Joan and all the other friends.

Thanks for the Cinnabons this morning.  Sure hit the spot with my flavored coffee........Caramel this morning.

Liked the Funny Sayings this morning.

It is another dreary, dismal, foggy, rainy morning.  The weather people yesterday said it would be clearing up today, but now they are saying it won't clear up until sometime tomorrow.  Sure is a good day for napping and doing nothing.

I am waiting for my DIL to call, as she is going to the store and I have a few things that I need.  It is a big help when she is going and gets me just a few things.  It doesn't take her as long as it takes me.  I really don't need much.  Just some produce, bread, and milk.  I think she is going to Walmart and they are now selling the Krispy Crème donuts and they have them packaged with 2 in a box.  That is a lot better than having to buy a whole dozen.  So, have them on the list, also.

I have nothing planned for today. I need to get dressed and take some bills down for the outgoing mail today.

Hope every friend will have a good day.



Good morning, Joy.  It's sunny and presently 80° here--going to 90°.  Wish I could send you some of this weather.  It's nice you have a DIL who will pick things up for you at the grocery.  My daughter used to do that for me, but alas, they up and moved to Alabama.:(

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good morning everyone, still drizzly here and the sunshine is missed. Been like this most of the week.
When my CNA  got here yesterday she said there were some Cox trucks at the corner so maybe they were working on something and that was the reason for everything Cox here was off and on for several hours.
Yesterday was the day my daughter and SIL moved to Arizona. She called when they got there so at least I knew they made it safe and sound. They had a trailer and the pick up truck loaded and my oldest grandson went with then with his pick up and trailer load, too.

JOY  around here they say no earlier than the end of September for flu shots. August seems like too early for those shots. My doctor says he starts giving then the ems of October so they will last through the winter.

LARRY  hope Scott has finally got rid of that migraine. They are no fun. My Mother suffered them. I do not mind going out in the cold as long as I dress for it and am moving. I have always preferred winter over summer heat and humidity.

JANE  don't know if it is the shorter days but I have been going to bed earlier this past week and sleeping better.

JOAN  no sore arm from the flu shot, all I could see was a little spot where the needle went in. A few days after getting that shot I would feel like I was coming down with a cold but next day was OK.

PATRICIA  I never had the flu and seldom even have a cold, I only started getting the shot after I retired, silly, when I was no longer around a lot of people.

GLORIA de  it was windy here yesterday and last night we did get real rain, no drizzles. I could hear it hitting the windows, looked out and could see it bouncing on the pavement. We do need the rain here, too. One weather person said we were 10 inches under normal for the year so far.

JUNE  like Pitt Bull dogs have a bad reputation but some are gentle. It is how they are treated from a pup that makes a difference. Any dog can be viscous if treated bad.

PATRICIA  you are so right, 2 animals from the same litter can be complete opposites in personality, depends on how humans treat them, too.

JOAN  a Cinnabon is just what I need with this gloomy morning. Now if it was snowing I would enjoy watching it. I know you do not want to see snow anymore.  Love the first one in Funny Sayings, that is too true. Goes out faster than it comes in. Food for Thought is just that today, just copied it. Thank you for all today's goodies.

AMY  I was looking at the Swamp Maples in front this morning and could really see the red showing up. Like you I love the way autumn smells and feels. It has always been my favorite time of year. Would love to go for a walk in the woods or through an orchard and smell the scent of ripening apples and ripening wild grapes.

JANE  the rain this past week has been soft (more drizzle than rain) except for last night.  The kind needed to soak into the dry earth.

PHYLLIS  hope that worker can work on your steps today.

LLOYD  after mote than 40 years my daughter was surprised at all that they threw away before moving. My SIL had a life time of living in that house so had a lot of sorting to do with his train hobby and tools  from a lifetime.

HAL  how cold does your really cold temperatures go? Any thing down to zero and below? Or just down to freezing?

JOY  with this gloomy weather I agree with you, the Cinnabons hit the spot, a bit of sunshine for breakfast at least. My son will be here soon and he always calls and asks if I need anything at the market. He is the more thoughtful son. Older one is doing better now that he is retired. I have seen him more in the last 2 months than in the last 2 years.

JOAN  at least you can still get out and about when you can. I now have to depend on others every time I have to go anyplace. I really dislike that.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Hi everyone on a lovely cool morning here in South Carolina.  It was 60 degrees when I got up this morning and only to get into the low 80's this afternoon.  This will be a laid back day for me as have nothing on my schedule.  Dinner is also taken care of with the exception of putting together a lettuce salad to go with the Chicken Pot Pie that our friend brought over a couple of days ago.  I didn't realize it was the Chicken Pot Pie until I cut it after supper last evening thinking it was going to be an apple pie.  Wow was I ever shocked when I saw the vegetables in it.  We had a good laugh over it.  Yesterday was also a quiet day.  I do plan on watching some football this afternoon. 

Joan, we heard from Scott last evening saying his headache was finally over.  That was good news. 

deAngel, glad your class went well yesterday.  That was a good sized class you were teaching.  Hope the nose bleed is over and that is never a pleasant experience.  My best friend wears hearing aids and is always forgetting where he put them or going to coffee without them.  Sometimes when I talk with him on Facetime he doesn't have them on and will stop and click them on so he can hear me.  I was unsettled when my friend fell until I knew he was basically OK.

Sandy, what is Kefir?  I have never heard of it.  We have used almond milk but not almond butter. 

June, the card ministry that Pat does for our Sunday School class is something she can do from home.  She was active in the women's Circle and a crafts group but hasn't been able to participate in the last couple of months.  However, with her credit card and computer she can still shop.  I hope you are feeling well today.  Glad Gary got you fixed up for your grocery order. 

Hal, it sounds like you have had a wonderful experience with your dog. 

Patricia, you daughter's cat was also grieving your daughter's loss.  My daughter also loved cats.

Jackie, I have never heard of a flu shot called a flu jab before.  It is so nice to read your posts and the language usage for terms where your word(s) for something are different than what I have known.  The same is true for spelling such as shop versus shoppe. I am sure you must feel about the same with some of our words for some things.   

Gloria, I expect your daughter and SIL are happy that the move is finally behind them and they can begin the next phase of their lives.  I am beginning to see different colors in the leaves on our trees. Nice that you are seeing more of your older son.     


Good morning, Gloria.  Now your daughter and SIL begin a new stage in their lives.  I know they have been working toward this goal for a long time.  Thanks for your kindness in acknowledging the work I do here.

Larry--Good morning.  I am snickering over you and Pat's thinking the pot pie was an apple pie.:)  Glad to hear Scott's migraine is over.  My daughter, son-in-law, grandson from Atlanta, granddaughter and here boyfriend from Seattle are all in TN this weekend for the football game.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Gloria, it can get very cold here, even stay below freezing for several days in a row.  Off hand I think the coldest I have seen here is about 7 degrees.  I haven't seen a real snowfall, just small flurries or some freezing rain, for years.

Larry, I spoil my animals.  Only restrictions. They aren't allowed on the furniture.  Of course my old pup will drap herself across my lap. She is too big to get in my lap.

We talked to our granddaughter in France this morning and she is upset her cat is very ill and vet is not very encouraging. Bummer.

June Drabek

Good Morning dear hearts, I am having a very slow morning. Really wanted to just stay in bed, but that's taking the easy way out, so roused myself up, and got things started with a long shower, then the job of slathering on lotion, and now here. Had the first cup of coffee, but still sleepy.I will be home bound for a while,as grocery delivery is scheduled for an 11-3 o'clock delivery time.I save about six dollars but giving a 4 hour delivery window. They usually arrive around noon, but I don't mind the wait.

Bis, I really enjoyed the Funny Sayings column. The english language has a lot of "holes" in it as far as perfection is concerned, but this list really showed a lot of fun, plus sensibility at the same time.

Hal, your Sat. a.m. breakfast sounds great. I am glad you have these Christian men friends to associate with, as you have so many females in your immediate family. Must be two different life styles for you.

Larry, I am so glad your son is relieved from the Migraine headache. I have never experienced one, but understand they are horrible. Truly disabilitating for some folks. We have a lady here that does Card ministry for Rowntree Gardens. She keeps track of who is ill, hospitalize or deceased. The cards are put out on a table in the main lobby for all to sign, if they so desire, and in cases of a death the card is given to the family of that person. It is really a responsible job, and I am proud of your Pat for doing it.

Time for me to get the bed made, my self dressed and prepare for grocery delivery. Will be back, of course.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Quote from: larryhanna on October 01, 2016, 10:59:48 AM Sandy, what is Kefir?  I have never heard of it.  We have used almond milk but not almond butter.


Kefir is very similiar to yogurt,  only it has a
different type of pro biotics ...
I use Lifeway:

benefits of kefir:

"Almond" Butter is the same as
"Peanut Butter" only you guess it, 
made with almonds instead of peanuts. 

It is very expensive compared to
peanut butter,  but has the benefits
of Almonds versus Peanuts.

I have tried very hard to get away from
most processed food.    (Yogurt and Kefir
are processed but still contain the goodness
that I require/prefer)

I have what most people would consider an
odd diet,  and only break it when I go out to
eat....   Then I usually eat what ever I want. 

Because I have AFIB,  and take coumadin,
I must stay away from foods that are
high in vitamin K.... 

Yes,  it is quite restrictive sometimes....
but it is better then the consequences of
having more strokes.

All is well for me here on the rocky
coast of Maine,  which is in a cool down !!
Summer is over!     


Have a good day,  everyone!
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan