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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b


Soda Shoppe Week of September 4

Started by JoanFL, September 04, 2016, 04:08:11 AM

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Good morning everyone..

This cool weather at the moment will soon be gone and we will be back to the hot humid  temps.

We are off to the city to learn about what the Dr discovered on one of hubby's test.

Larry, I think your doing a remarkable job and wish you could get more help at home..

Joy, you made my mouth water with the meal you had!!!

Jenny, that reunion sounds fun,Nice to catch up with class mates.

Jane,have a great day at work.

Jackie, good morning..

Joan thank you for breakfast.

Enjoy your day everyone.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning, Janie.  That internal alarm of yours works well.  Hopefully all in your line at WM will be wearing a smile and you'll be busy so the time speeds by.

Amy--Good morning.  Prayers that your husband gets a good report.  Travel safely.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone.
Amy I think we all need more help every where. My brain still thinks of all My Bod used to do , but my Bod wont corporate. ( both physical and mental). Have A great day everyone. have to go to V A today to have meting with the vampire. and I got a automated  phone call from them last evening to come to K C V A today for some sort of Lab.
But that is not going to happen unless the provide a driver and transpiration, I am done driving up there with all the
other Idiots,I cant keep up with me let alone them.



Good morning from me, too.  Feeling a little tired today.  I felt so good yesterday that I decided to do some vacuuming...(Don't read that part, Joan   ;D).  I think I pushed myself a little too much and am feeling it so will make this a less strenuous day. 

Joy, I think the same way....my life is not very exciting so doubt that anyone is interested.  But, just seeing your name show up and reading about your tasty dinner with your family and envisioning the beauty of the woods and the deer and the horses makes me feel good.  Please talk to us often.

And that goes for everyone here.  I always like hearing from each of you.  It's like a nice friendly chat "over the back fence" amongst neighbors and friends.



Good morning, Lloyd.  I hope you can work things out so that you can get to the KC VA.

Phyllis--Good morning, Phyllis.  See what happens when you w--- too hard?:)  I, too, enjoy chatting with everyone who comes to the SS.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


I too know just how " boring " my life has become...although I would be one of the first to say in my younger and working days there was nothing boring then about my life...I was streetwise, could get myself around London with no problem, very confident with plenty of self esteem...yet over the years a lot of that has now slowly left me...but I do still very much have my brain faculty, re, savvy...But the main thing of S & Fs is that it doesn't matter how boring or busy a life we lead, the most important, and most valuable is, that we show ourselves, and make as regular appearance, and posting that is possible, so that we know that person is in reach, as to corresponding, advising, responding to, resolving problems, giving support, and anything else that is possible to do at the other end of our computer screens......

It doesn't seem that long ago when our Joan used to look forwards to my stories of the people I would meet and stop and chat to, when doing my old Alma Farm dog walk, sadly now, even that has come to an abrupt end for me, not just the fact we have moved home, but my Illness put a stop to that, so no more enjoyable stories to tell...
Well I had some fun this morning, R and the dogs had just gone out, I had already done some toast in my brand new toaster which I have to say is very good, toasts both sides evenly but...I had to pop those last two end bits in, only I never adjusted the settings so came out rather burnt and yes, you guessed it, our hall between our office and bedrooms ceiling smoke alarm went off....I immediately opened the kitchens back door, got out my bedroom stall with the intentions of climbing up and putting my hands on each side of the wall for steadiness, but I knew that would have been impossible as my MS nerves have started up again but, just as I was attempting to climb up on the stall that I knew that I wouldn't be able to do anyway, nor even knew I would be able to manually turn it off...... But if it meant the alarm to continue for the next hour until R got back, I would have made sure I would have stopped that loud noise before it drives everyone crazy, including me....Thankfully the alarm stopped all by itself, thank heavens....then it was windows open to allow all the fumes  to escape....Well since we have lived here, R has set the alarm off twice, I have now set it off the once....


Hi everyone.  I have a few minutes before we need to leave for Pat's appointment.  I want to comment about having to have something interesting going on before postings (this is not a criticism but an observation).  Personally, if that was the need most days I wouldn't think of anything to write as most of my weeks are repeats of the previous week with an occasional new experience to write about.  I have felt for a long time it isn't the words we write, although I always find all of the posts interesting whether short or long} but seeing your friends name appear.  I think that is what build the community.  I appreciate even those messages that have a smile emoticon or saying "just marking my spot).  I'll get off my soapbox now and I understand that not everyone is going to agree with me (although I don't know why not! :). Jackie, while I was writing the above I see you posted similar thoughts on our postings.

Jenny, sounds like you had a wonderful reunion in a beautiful place.   

Shirley, I don't think I have ever heard of A. Swenson.  Those type of thrill shows were not held in our area or if they were my folks didn't want to spend the money to attend them.


Well said, Jackie and Larry!  I agree.

Jackie, I've found that swishing a towel or a newspaper in the area of the smoke alarm will dispel the smoke and therefore, turn the alarm off.  Opening the door or a window first is necessary.  Don't try to climb.  Try this method first.

I'm off to greet my public!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


.....yes we are on the same wavelength...saying something, no matter how small or irrelevant we think it is, is better than saying nothing at all....I think Everyfriends would also go along with that....

JANE S.....
...thank you, have to admit I never thought of that, panic kindof took over,..... which now leaves my previous statement flying out the window, ( but I do still very much have my brain faculty, re, savvy ) .....Anyway I will try that if or when that happens again, but I shall make sure, that the once for me was enough...


Good Morning Everyone!

Well the start of a new "short" week after the long holiday weekend.  I have PT this morning at 10 and then noting planned.  Not sure when my Granddaughter is leaving to head back to France.  She is flying back from Austin.  I hate to see her go.  I may never get to see her again, in person.  But maybe if the good Lord is good to me he will bring her and her new husband back for a visit.  I do know she is leaving Austin on the 9th.

Erie light out this morning.  Funny color.  And humid and very warm.  We didn't get any showers or rain yesterday and I turned the news off before weather came on so don't know what they are guessing.

Jackie, guess we have all set off the smoke alarm at one time or another and the piercing sound goes right through you.

Lloyd don't guess you will be going to KC VA then.  I don't thing they furnish cars or drivers.  Your local vet groups may be able to help you out though.  Might give them a call.

I think most of us have pretty much just plain old normal lives.  Family ups and downs and days of not much happening, except just plain old living.  I know I pretty much enjoy my life and am satisfied.  I enjoy my family in SF and my church family and my family, family.  I know I find myself wondering what you all are up to and if some planned even came off "as planned".  I especially like the pictures of all of you and get to see you once in a while.  I love the pictures of the flowers and countryside that JackWV and all the others post.  And especially some of the gettogathers of old.

Anyhow, take care my friends, talk to you later.  It is already 8 here and I need to get a move on.

Jackie, we also have a house alarm system and we have set it off accidentally several times and we always get a call from alarm company wanting to know if we are okay.  Kinda embarrassing, but it does test the system..... ;D



...our previous smoke alarm was within reach at the bottom of the stairs at our old home, if it went off, one could just take it off the wall and take out the battery...this one looks more sophisticated, it sits alongside a carbon monoxide gas detector, both look pretty similar in shape and size...Looks like both are attached securely to the ceiling....

Ha ha, at least it didn't take us long to know our smoke alarm was working..


Vanilla-Jackie and Larry--Well said.

Vanilla-Jackie--I've never set the smoke alarm off in this house, but it's gone off because it didn't get changed when it should have been.  I don't climb on ladders so I had to wait a whole day before someone could come to put a new battery in.  That beeping all day was nerve wracking.

Good morning halkel.  I agree that we all pretty much have normal lives with a few different infirmities.  I sure hope you do get to see your granddaughter again.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good morning everyone, had a good time at my grandson's yesterday, good food and great company. Son and DIL and their younger son  picked me up about 2. I got to see my great grandson and he is a tease already. So cute seeing him walking all around. They had to put gates in just about all doorways. They have a split level so a strong one at the top of those stairs. Have 2 doorways in the kitchen to keep him put of there. He sure does not like those, likes to get into the kitchen to open all the cabinets and pull every thing out.  He has that twinkle in his eyes when he does something he has been told NO. Just like my grandson did at that age.
Had some strong wind when we left to come home and it was just starting to sprinkle. Just showers  and no heavy rain. Mush less wind today, so much for the weather guessers' predictions of what we would get from the remnants of the hurricane.

LARRY  when my grandson was here Saturday setting this PC up he was having a problem booting, git the black screen with the white bar on the bottom saying Files Loading. That is why I sent it back. He unplugged my external and tried again and it booted. He told me the PC was trying to boot from the external and to unplug it when I shut down. Easy to do using the port in the front. Now that is what I do. It is a pain but if it works I will do it. I have not installed any of the programs I use so will do that one at a time to see what happens.

JOAN  I am glad this machine is working again. I really spend too much time right here but I cannot do much of anything anymore. I know when I got home last night I just washed up and went to bed. Too tired for anything else. Going up the few stairs at grandson's took a tole and then just sitting there for hours did not help.

PHYLLIS  this town is still mostly rural and sure could use some parks. I know of only 2 of them. Not much for kids to do here. Unless kids are into sports it is no surprise they can get into trouble.

CALLIE  my #2 son and his wife and daughter wanted to go to a fair in Ct. yesterday, don't know if they went or not. Was not a good day for it.

PATRICIA  my grandson did BBQ outside yesterday but we ate inside. Best chicken I have had in a long time.

JUNE  my 2 sons are not far from where I am but my daughter is 3000 miles away. We do get together every day with the computer.  Now with the iPhone we can get together with that. Makes me glad we have these electronics now.

GLORIA de  glad that storm missed you. Saw on morning news this morning some clips of the shore here with some waves I would like to watch from a safe distance. I am happy to be back here with my cyber family.

CALLIE  like you I do not expect my local family to be here every day to “entertain” me. #1 has just retired and I have seen him more since then and I love it. #2 son is where I was living in the second floor apartment and he comes here almost every Saturday or Sunday. Both call several ties every week and ask if I need anything. Daughter and I see each other every day on Skype except when they are in Arizona. When they finally move there they will get the dish to get online. I am glad I don't do guilt trips.

JOY  my life is not interesting either but I am here every day just commenting on posts of this “family”.

LLOYD  I am the last of my family but we were scattered all over the country. Have lost track of nieces and nephews. Not a close knit family.

JEANNE LEE  wonder if I can find the pictures I took at the Yankee Candle when the Thomas family visited here.

HAL  as much as I enjoyed yesterday, like you I was bone tired when I got home. Not used to getting out much anymore. Missed my half hour of laying down in the afternoon. No I do not nap, just resting my back.

SHIRLEY  hope you slept longer last night.

JENNY  you made me jealous with the views you saw. Mountain views always fascinated me, nothing like that here in RI.

JOAN  will enjoy your blueberry coffeecake. Love anything blueberry. Food for Thought, wonder how many did keep their word. Good quote. I never was one who wanted every luxury others had. Thank you for all today's goodies.

JANE  forecast here is for summer heat again when the remnants of this storm finally move away.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good morning, Gloria.  Glad you had a good time with family yesterday.  Your little great grandson reminds me of Joe when he was small.  He got into everything even 'tho we tried to child proof things.  The girls were much more docile.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast

June Drabek

And a very Good Morning from Stanton, Ca. It is overcast again, which I like, so I can have my full wall of blinds open to the outside world. I face the East, so a sunny morning requires closing the blinds, or at least part way. I do have one single window that faces South..it is joined with the others in a corner wall, but I can leave those blinds open all the time.

Everyone sounds well this morning and that makes me happy.

Jackie, I am glad you did not attempt to try to close that smoke alarm. It would be very foolish to take a chance on a broke bone or bones. You have enough to put up with right now.

We have a Community Members meeting this morning, which happens once a month and I always attend that. New members are welcomed and invited to speak if they want to.

Then there is the creative writing class, but I believe I will drop out of that. I don't want to be too involved anymore and they meet every week now. In mid afternoon is our Balance and Mobility class, and that I do attend twice a week...gottta keep the body moving, and they cover all areas....even ankle exercise.

So, my dear friends, it is time to make the bed and get the day started. We are not welcome to venture out wearing our pajamas. :-[
As long as we are here, let's dance.


June--It's so nice that you have so many activities there from which you can pick and choose.  I close my blinds in the front of the house mid-afternoon when the sun starts streaming in and making it hotter in here.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good after noon.   I am too late to say good morning. 

I was up early and ate breakfast and then when back to bed.

I will start off by saying "Hi ! " to Joan,  Jane, Jackie, and Jenny and hope I remembered them all.   And, also another big "Hi ! " to all the other friends here.  It is really a nice group and it is nice to have so many "cyber" friends.

I do appreciate all the nice comments from all of you.   Larry and Jackie expressed  "interesting life" very well.  Thank you both for the nice comments.  I will try to look at things a little different and maybe I will be surprised at how interesting little things can turn out to be.

Since I live by myself and have some medical problems,  I tend to put things off and think that I really don't have to do something if I really don't want to.  I need some motivation to get me moving.   

I live in a Independent Living apartment place.  It is nice, but nothing like the place where June lives.  There are about 125 people in 85 apartments.  When I first moved here, almost 9 years ago, it was a lot more things going on. Over that time, we have had 5 or 6 managers.  I just can't put my finger on the problem of why that is.  Lots of negativity and lots of nit-picking goes on.  When I first came here, there was a lot of activities. But, over time, the attendance has just gone down and down.  They stopped playing bingo, because there was so much complaining going on.  That didn't affect me as I didn't play bingo.  There used to be a craft group and hardly anyone showed up .  I do know that when there are such a varied group of so many different personalities, everyone cannot be agreeable all the time.  And, there is a small group that just have nothing more to do than to sit and complain.  And, there are some here who should be in an assistant living place.  The ambulance is here at least once a week.  We do have a very nice man now who is manager and things do seem to be working out better.  He does seem to be getting some things done that have needed done for a while.  And, everybody likes him a lot. 

I have gotten back into a group that plays dominoes and cards several times a week.  And, I do admit, that when I have something to do like that,  I do feel a lot better.   So, hopefully, I can get myself back on track and start finding some interesting things to help change my attitude.

It is a beautiful sunny day here in Central Maryland.  We had no effects of the storm that came up the Atlantic coast over the week end.  Of course, down at the Eastern Shore beaches, it was kind of a dreary weekend.  Although it did clear off for most of Sunday and Monday.  Lots of wind, beach erosion, but at least people were able to get out and enjoy the sunshine and the boardwalks.  No swimming signs were up, but there were still lots of surfers who took advantage of the strong waves.  Always some that will take that chance.

Since I have written lots more than I had planned,  I will think about going to get some lunch.  Since I had a good morning nap, I feel a little more energized.  I will go down to play cards after supper.

Hope all the friends will have a wonderful afternoon and evening.




Good Morning,  Good Afternoon (computer clock just changed to 12:00 noon)

Good to see everyone.   

Gloria, Littlies are so cute when they begin to think for themselves, even if they are mischievous.  When my Grands were at the exploring stage,  I put some pots/pans/measuring cups and a wooden spoon in a bottom kitchen cabinet.  Had the others strapped shut but they felt so smart when they could open that one and drag everything out.

Ah, c'mon June.   Young folks can be seen in public wearing what look like pajamas.  You could start a trend.   :thumbup:

My wall of blinds is on the north but most of my other windows are on the west and I close those blinds or pull the drapes when the afternoon sun begins to shine directly in.  Since I'm in a duplex,  I don't have any windows on the east.  I'm grateful for the window wall on the north and a slightly bowed window on the south.

Most of my morning was spent at the grocery store.  Been a long time since the car trunk has been filled with sacks - but I needed to stock up.
Had to get "creative" to find something for lunch yesterday.  Of course, I could have hopped in the car and gone through the drive-up of several fast food places within a mile of my house but.......can we say  "Lazy"??   :lol:

Off to see if I remembered to bring anything home from the grocery store that would do for lunch today.

Behave yourselves.    :hugs:


Good morning from a wet and foggy Interior day! Farrah is on guard, window watching, against any birds, bugs or whatever might try to beach our/her apartment!

Thank you, folks, for indulging me yesterday, this summer of rain has begun to get to me as well as make my old bones ache.  :(

I have my online family, friends here, those who haven't retired and moved to be near grandchildren, the new friends in this building, and Farrah, so I'm actually  content.

I enjoy reading about all of you and miss those who don't post. Joy, your times and dinner sounded so good that I wanted to invite myself over!

Jackie, Jeanne Lee, Amy, Jane, June, Joan, Jenny,  Callie, Gloria de. and GloriaZ, Lloyd, Larry,Hal and all, thank you for my morning chat over coffee each day!



Hello  and Good Afternoon (EST)
here on the rocky coast of Maine.   Weather is
starting to cool down,  but remains very,  very 

I spend much of my time now doing what I have
always done.   Sit at my desk,  on the computer,
watching what ever  on  cable.   TV and Movies. 

My new smart phone is keeping me busy getting
it all straightened  out.    It has a couple of
issues,  (like the wrong name on my caller
ID),  but I am working with Project Fi (thru Google)
to get it all straightened out.   

I do love my smart phone and have just
found out how to use it to figure out
the Metro Buses  which have two stops
right out my side my doors.   

I consider my smart phone a TOY that
I deserve.    I have been without one
since I came off the road back in 2012...
But now I am back on live. 

Have a good day Everyone.   
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Home from work....
Read everything....
Had lunch....
Chased the doggies out..
Gonna see if there are a few extra zzzs on the sofa....
See, Joy, I have a really exciting life...

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Mary Ann

Jackie, and others, I also have set off the smoke alarm.  The worst time I with it, I found out I had "killed" my microwave.  I had put a partially baked potato in it and set it for too many minutes.  I could not figure where the noise was coming from but I could see a haze in front of the slider in the living area.  I learned in a hurry how long to NOT put potatoes in the microwave.

We had an interesting morning here as our power went off about 5 am.  And nothing worked - phone, computer even my TracFone did not work but that was my fault; I probably put it back in my purse when it was still on.  The phone was deadern a doornail.  Fortunately the water worked.  My retiree friends and I met at a Chinese restaurant this noon and Tom took me.  When we got home, everything was working but the power guys were still here.  I think I heard their truck leave just now.  The power had come on while we were gone and it was nice to come into a cool house.

Mary Ann


....that really saddens me and angers me that your " Independent Living " care-home had put on two things that because of low attendance, are no more - have been abandoned.....Bingo and crafts might not be everybody's tastes, but it gives lonely people a chance to talk, chat, smile, laugh, and be in like minded company for an hour or two, just doing those things takes ones mind off of problems for that short period, and does wonders for ones morale, well-being and spirit..It is the same for me when I go to my monthly MS social evening, I always come home happy in the fact that I went.....I say shame on those people who find all they can do is moan, they dont realise just how well off they are-were...

Joy I want to personally thank you for giving me - us, an insight into your daily life....At least I can tell you try to make the effort, even if others in your care home cant be bothered...

I am happy to read you have now settled into a card and domino group....

Callie K, is right.....it only takes one brave person to lead, and all others will soon follow....go on, go out in those jim - jams ( Pyjamas ) and be the modern day leader, go start that trend off.....
Oh, and we want to see those photos....


Good afternoon, dear friend,  Would you believe we still are in a Tropical Storm Watch until Thursday. Hermine has stalled off of Eastern Long Island, it is raining, and still 45 mil. gust.  Not a beach day, even the L.I Sound had 7ft. waves, 3 men were fishing and they were swept out into the Sound and 2 of them drown.

Jenny, Sounds like a great reunion. Many years ago, I spent two weeks in Col. Springs.  I could lay in bed and look at the Mts. Just beautiful.

Amy prays that your husband gets a good report.

Shirley, I average about 4 hours sleep at night. Al my life I have had trouble sleeping.  Even when I worked and had to have the office open at 6AM to admit, the pre ops. I did not go to bed early. Now I go to bed about 11, read and watch TV until 1 or 2.

Jackie, my smoke alarms goes off every time I  turn the gas stove on to cook, I turn the over head fan on, but it finally goes off after I turn the gas off.

Gloria, I am glad to see you were out and had such a nice time, with family. This time we werr lucky with the storm.  Although it is pouring right now, and blowing.

June, as always you said it all

Joy, I do come in here serveral times a day to read, but I am too lazy to post. I always enjoy reading others, also yours.  I try to keep busy but it is not easy, when walking and breathing are bad.  I am lucky that I have friends that take me places.  I still do drive to Stop and Shop, and meetings in the park.

Phyllis, We have Stocky Park, in Polish Town, it is very large 3 base ball fields, roller skating rinks, picnic grounds, Day care nursey, tennis courts etc. Riverhead is very good to their young people and seniors.
Joan Good afternoon,  Jess, called Sunday, he is able to stand by himself, they are going to send him to another spine care hosp., He said all he wants to do is go back to work, even if he has to be in a wheel chair. His mother is having a ramp built at her house. Again thanks for all the prays.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


In our building,(One of seven, locally); it has five floors and 196 one bedroom apartments, but in some ways is similar to Joy's. And of course, most activities stop in the summer.  On Sundays, there is a different religious service in each of the five common rooms and the first floor social room.

There is also a 6:30 Bible study on Thursday evenings. Mondays are bimonthly Resident's Floor Council meetings, on the five floors and different times.  It also has Sweet Adaline's group singing practices.

This Tuesday, Bingo begins again after a summer hiatus. Wednesdays are Senior Stretches, Tai Chi, Fall Prevention, Medicare introduction and discussions and the local library bookmobile. all at different times and common rooms. Fridays are Craft's Club and the Building Resident's Council meetings, staggered times are opposite of the Floor Council meetings. That is all I see on September's Calendar.

However, there are often various groups on medical conditions, fire safety, NAMI, Senior Center, book various times and presentations. We used to have more clubs also but now besides Crafts's there is just the Birthday club that comes on your birthday with a small cake, candles, and Happy Birthday rendition, and of course the Welcoming Committee with free small gift items and a food basket.

However, we are more of a disabled apartment building instead of a residence. I think the other buildings are more inclusive.

Good Morning Gloria!


I only wish there were things going on here where I now live, but there doesn't seem to be...I know a few months ago when we went to our parksite's AGM meeting, held in an outside village hall, we were briefed on some things that took place last year such as July a BBQ was held, November a fireworks display, then December Christmas Carols, not sure what part of our site they were held on but, so far nothing has taken place since we have been here....I will wait and see if or what takes place at the end of our year...

We have no parkhome clubroom, so crafts, cards, bingo, or domino is a definite no no...so no chance of socialising..


Joy--I enjoyed reading about where you live and what goes on there.

Callie--I bet a trunk full of groceries cost a few bucks.:)

angelface--I enjoy having you posting here and learning about your lifestyle.

Mary Ann--Glad you have power back.  If mine goes off for very long, I have to go elsewhere.  Sounds like you had a nice lunch with your friends.

Janie--Hope you are catching some ZZZs.

Sandy--Glad you are getting all the "kinks" worked out of your new phone.

Linedancer--Seems that unrelenting wind is very dangerous.  Jessie continues to be in my daily prayers.

Vanilla-Jackie--It seems attendance at activities in these complexes is up and down.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Hello Everyfriend!  I did find a few lost zzzs on the sofa.  They tried to hide from me but I caught 'em!  I have a few things to do in the kitchen before today is over so I guess I'll go and get them started.  Getting started is the only way to assure that I'll ever get them finished.  Right?

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Callie K, is right.....it only takes one brave person to lead, and all others will soon follow....go on, go out in those jim - jams ( Pyjamas ) and be the modern day leader, go start that trend off.....
Oh, and we want to see those photos.... :thumbup:

Jackie, you tryin' to get me in trouble, girlfriend?   
I know, I know:  I do a good job of that all by myself!!!!   So I'll go sit in the corner until I can behave (maybe!)  :crazy2:

Joan,  well, to be honest.  I had a lot of canned goods and the sacker divided them into several sacks so I wouldn't have anything heavy to carry in.......but it made a good story!   :2funny:


CALLIE, was that you?  When I divided all those cans, I must have been concentrating so hard, I didn't recognize you!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast