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MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


SUBJECT: Soda Shoppe for March 1 , 2023

Started by so_P_bubble, March 01, 2023, 12:14:53 AM

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Charles Dickens
Who call him spurious and shoddy
Shall do it o'er my lifeless body.
I heartily invite such birds
To come outside and say those words!


A friend who is far away is sometimes much nearer than one who is at hand. Is not the mountain far more awe-inspiring and more clearly visible to one passing through the valley than to those who inhabit the mountain?
Khahlil Gibran


I come from there

"I come from there... where good is greater.
From where evil dries up, it doesn't sprout.
From where it's sunny, even on a rainy day and the rain comes as a blessing.
There's always a wing, a shelter to protect from the wind and storms.
I come from a place... that smells like weeds...
 river water right there and a bird in all seasons.
I come from a place where bread is divided, pain is shared and love multiplies.
I come from a place where those who leave stay forever, because they only left good memories.
I come from a place where children are angels,
young people are hope and the elderly are trust and wisdom.
I come from a place where a brother is a bond of love and a friend is always a hug, love and warmth.
Where home welcomes forever, like a mother's heart.
I come from a place that is light even on a dark night.
Which is peace, faith and affection.
I come from there and I'm not alone, I'm a beauty collector, I survive on enchantment,
I feed on what's good, on the good.
I look for beauty and well-being, I survive on what is clear...
and I only look for what I learned to like.
I don't forget where I come from and I'll always want to go back.
My place is sustained by the good I find along the way,
along with bundles of lavender and rosemary.
 So, I am like a little bird carrying the bag of goodness,
picking up scent sticks to heat and support the nest.
Maybe life has made you believe that this place doesn't exist.
I tell you: there is, it's easy to find.
Silence, breathe, disarm yourself, realize, it's close.
This place that pulsates love is within us, it is essence.
It's in each of us. We just need to look for it..."


We don't become wise by thinking more. When our mind becomes relaxed and open, we suddenly have a brilliant idea. Trust the wisdom that exists in silence, and rest your hardworking mind for a while.
Haemin Sunim

Lloyd Hammond

well I am haveing another of those sleep less nights so i came in here to see what is going on but it looks like, so_P_bubble has put it to bed so will see you all in the Morning. good night and sweet dreams.






Bubble, you continue to amaze me with these gems! It's hard to believe it's March already, and winter is on its last gasp for the Northern hemisphere!

I hope everyone is having a peaceful sleep, and I'll see you all in the morning!


And soon will be the time to change to summer time and put the clock forward again (lose an hour sleep!).


Good Morning to Everyone who comes by here today.  I'm up early to meet Cooper and I found that BUBBLE has made an appearance....and WHAT and appearance she's made.  I loved everything!  Thank you for keeping us thinking!

I'll be back later.  I need to finish my coffee and make Cooper's breakfast!  Have a good day Everyfriend!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning...

Red sky this morning,hope what  ever it is threatening  will hold off till I get back home. Vehicle goes in at 8:30 and neighbour will bring me home and take me back when ready. Will just take the day as it comes, not much sense starting something that can't be left..eg..bread.

Bubble, thank you for the new start page.

Better get ready.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers



Ah, Bubble, I was enjoying EVERY word until you brought up the **** clock changing. When will the world realize changing that clock DO NOT change a single thing in the world we live in!!!  Only does a number on our heads!  I did appreciate all the graphics and the pearls of wisdom. So far my morning has been a downhill slide but I'm getting a handle on each detail & plan to fill in all gaps by evening. I am running out of steam.

Good morning, WORLD! Wishing all happiness and smiles.  Love ya. Shirley/Tisie :angel2:   

Lloyd Hammond

good almost noon,here. well I ahd a sleepless night,but wasent my doing or not doing. I took Nancy to the hospitial. she had a bad dissey spell and vomating and direai all. I had been awake seince 1200 aclock day before,we got home at 6;00 am this morning. they just doctered Nancy up put a iv in her and took care of here dehidration and sent her home. so I got to bed at 6:30 am and went to bed  and slept untill11;30 now mid day.. Have a good day and a better tomorow.



I learned something new today, a strawberry is not a fruit, but a cucumber is. The difference is that a fruit has its seeds on the inside which is why a tomato is also a fruit.


Well, we didn't spend much money on supplies for the Soda Shoppe today, did we!  Our business is sure on the downhill side these days!

Cooper and I did our two walks today and we avoided the rain on both of them.  We played with his toys in the living room until both of us were worn out and then we both collapsed on the couch and took a short nap.  I did a bit more laundry and a lot more straightening up.  The papers are driving me nuts!  I wish someone would just come in here and toss what I don't need to save a make a neat file of all the rest.  I never did want to be a file clerk! 

If I had to choose an office job it would be answering the phone or running errands office to office.  I really did enjoy my job in the Pennsylvania House factory office helping dealers who called in find what they needed to serve their customers.  At least it was possible to SEE what you were accomplishing there!  This "house" stuff is frustrating!

I think I'll try to forget about it and get some extra sleep tonight!  I hope there will be more people coming in here for coffee, tea or ice cream sodas tomorrow.  I miss you all!

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  God bless!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Well, I still miss you!  I'll check in later and see if anyone is thirsty yet!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning..

I am here Janie, yesterday was such a hurry up and wait day. I am fine with hurry up but not so on waiting and waiting. Just realized that after findnig papers for work done on vehicle I need to purge that file!! Still need to do some follow up on past parts that were replaced and hope they are still under warranty.

Patricia, see ,we are never too old to learn. :thumbup:   I really liked Phyllis Emerald Lady Bubble posted, just perfect for St Patricks day. From one Irish lady to another.

Shirley, I wish they would leave the clocks alone...once we get to daylight savings leave it there!

Lloyd, hope Nancy is feeling a lot better. You both need to take better care of yourselves..slow down and enjoy life.

Not sure what is happening today.....will know better tonight.

Do know we are in for another dandy snack of snow Fri afternoon and Sat

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


QuoteI really liked Phyllis Emerald Lady Bubble posted, just perfect for St Patricks day. From one Irish lady to another.

Thank you, Amy, for mentioning this and for your appreciation.  I'm an Irish lady, too.  My grandfather was a Riley.


"daylight savings" - - - I checked it and there are the exact same number of hours of daylight one way or the other. Where's the saving?



Quote from: RAMMEL on March 02, 2023, 09:54:38 AM"daylight savings" - - - I checked it and there are the exact same number of hours of daylight one way or the other. Where's the saving?

Rammel,  I think it's the "daylight" that's supposedly saved.  When we "spring forward", it makes the evenings longer - which suits me just fine!!! "Falling back" makes daylight come earlier, which I usually miss because I'm still  :sleep:


"it makes the evenings longer" - - - but it makes the morning shorter. So no daylight saving. Just rearranging it.

Don't put too much thought into this - I'm just babbling.



Lloyd Hammond

Good morning everyone. well the sun is trying hard to make it out full but now is Partley sunny and 56º here now. i have to get out and put the awinning roled back up the wend has whipped it mostly out and is Hanging out loose on the side of the motor home. also have two flat tires on the right rear side to fix. I got it off road in the yard and spinning it spun them loose on ther rim. also need to get the batterys all out and go get new ones. six total four for the drive motor and two for the generator. they are all six volt's to get the prpper voltiage for each . well Nancy is dooing lots better,she is on the way to being boss with outyelling. Have a good day just like you Like you like it. see you all later.





Lloyd Hammond

 RAMMEL well about daylight savings. when I was actiave fariming all daylight done to or for me was If I broke downin the afternoonwas make me loose a day getting a part to fix up and get going, by not getting a part in the evening by weaighting un till next morning you lost a day of working. have a good day and a better tomorow.



Good morning from the Interior! I'm late this morning due to a restless evening and early morning calls. I find it peculiar that when I have a slow day, I can fall asleep easier than if I have a busy day, making it harder to fall and stay asleep. Tomorrow and the weekend will be busy and won't slow down until Tuesday.

I used to believe I was mainly Irish. My maternal side prized being Irish; the different maternal surnames were always Irish. A large part of that side of the family had been dispersed from Ireland due to large tracts of land purchased by absent English landlords and small farms demolished for sheep grazing.

Then after taking two DNA tests, I found that I am only 12% Irish! The rest is Scandinavian, Scot, Welsh, German, and Belgium. My sister says we're Northern European, and it's quite a letdown from family lore. I've also found that my paternal family members who took the DNA tests used 23&Me, while my maternal side preferred Ancestry.

Daylight savings time began as a way to conduct business more easily. Alaska, at one time, used three separate time zones. For business reasons, it was consolidated into one, making aligning with Seattle and the northwest coast businesses easier.


Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast