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Owner: Shirley
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September 16, 2024, 06:31:27 AM

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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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Suggest you post your question in     
Windows-10  or
General Computer Q & A in the Computer Store Forum.

Chances are, responsive help will be sooner.
Rammel may have suggestions.

Click for Neenah, WI Forecast


Miss Shirley, I have a new DELL computer with Windows 10, and I love it.  Easy as can be, albeit some things are changed rather drastically.  I am still not certain I like my calendar in with my email instead of in WORD, but I can see why the new features for that would be great in an office environment.  I cannot think of one thing to tell you, but if you have any NON TECHNICAL questions, just ordinary user type questions, I would be happy to help.

Sandy Dapph, I am getting newcatitis from Patricia & Mary Ann with their daily feline updates, but will be forced to resist.  The biggest deterrent, I have to admit, is the no pet clause in my lease!  But alas, there are other practical reasons why it would not be feasible.  We must suffer our withdrawal symptoms together, in the meanwhile enjoying the continuing saga of these two cats.


Forgot to mention that Dan posted pics of the even that in Bremerton, WA he and buddies participated in on Saturday.  I shared them so those of you on Facebook could see them.


Hi everyone.  It is going to be a hot day here in South Carolina as it is suppose to reach 91 degrees this afternoon.  This will be a full day for us as Pat has a dental appointment at 9:15 this morning.  I then need to make a trip to Walmart for a prescription and a couple of other items and later today are son will be over.  I expect we will all go out to eat this late afternoon or evening. 

Sandy, speaking of control in the same thought as a cat just doesn't sound right.  :) Hope you have a good day today and don't have to wait too long for the air conditioner to be installed.

Mary Ann, these tomatoes better be good as they certainly are expensive ones this year since it took a lot to get them in the ground.  In future years I should just need the plants as will have all the planters, etc. 

Patricia, that is a very pretty cat.  It looks like she has already discovered the tasty grass you planted for her.

Shirley, do you have the Quicken program itself loaded on the new computer?  If so you would want to find the Import menu item and then direct it to the file on your memory stick that is the file for Quicken.  Congratulations on the new computer.  Don't let it get you down as it works basically the same as the old computers with just a little different appearance. 

Joan, you were hotter out there than it will be here today.  Glad you now have your A/C operating as sounds like you will need it. 

donklan, good advice for Shirley.  I need to check that folder out although am hesitant to follow any more discussions than I do. 

MaryPage, I think you may have created a new word in newcatitis.  :)


Larry, no, I do not have the Quicken on the new computer & don't know how.  The one I already have is from 2012.   I can't seem to find the disc I used to get it on the old computer. 
Things are looking brighter this morning after a good sleep & I am finding my way around a little bit easier.


Good morning from another warm, hazy, summer's day in the Interior.

Farrah is still quirky and skittish, runs at the drop of a hat. However, she comes to herd me to the kitchen with little whines and chirps and hangs out in the bedroom doorway, to see if she can stay out or dash under the bed. Also, if I am in the bathroom, she runs, even from under the bed, to have her back stroked and her rump scratched.

She does not meow, use her claws aggressively, nor does she rub against you to mark you as hers or actually mark anything. I'm beginning to wonder if she had a mother to teach her these things? She does use the litter box, sometimes quite enthusiastically  in covering up her deeds, rather like those Eastern dances their men are so fond of! She also runs if you raise your voice, even if it isn't directed at her.

Yesterday I caught her trying to leap at my dangling shamrock plant and she ran and hid and hasn't gone close to the plant table since, (In my sight at least). This morning, I found her perched on the back of the toilet seat, against the back and she looked like she was investigating or trying to fish the water. She does get fresh food and daily water!  I have never seen a cat so different than the norm.

This morning I am expecting UPS and a package, my balcony greenhouse and a cat box with 18" sides and back sent from Amazon. I have been tracking and while their speed in delivery is good as usual, their trail is odd. It starts out in western Washington, goes to Dallas/Ft. Worth, Louisville, Ky and then on to Anchorage yesterday and today Fairbanks. All this from 5/28th till today, June first. Very odd trail.

Yesterday, I lost my balance and started to fall. I realized my face was heading towards the corner of the bedframe and had just enough time to twist away. In doing so, I scraped both knees, the right-hand palm, all very lightly. However, I took off a dollar bill sized patch of skin just below the elbow on the back of my right arm. So I am even stiffer than usual and quite cranky, as I couldn't sleep comfortably last night. This should heal quickly, though. It sent Farrah rushing under the bed for quite a bit, I guess she didn't like my language?

Mary Ann

Patricia, Farrah sure is an interesting cat.  Kendrick does leave my vicinity when I cough or sneeze; he does not like noises.  He's always a step ahead of me so I watch where I walk.  I asked him to walk behind me, but that went over his head! 

I had my hair cut this morning then Tom and I went to lunch at a restaurant next door.  I thought we'd be back on the Tuesday routine next month, but both my stylist and Tom will be gone that day (July 5) so I will have a different stylist but Tom should be available.  If he is not I'll have to change my appointment.

We had a nice rain this morning and I expect we will have more later in the day.  While we were at the restaurant, a group from a retirement home came in; there must have been 25. 

It is time to see if the mailman left anything.

Mary Ann


Mary Ann

Patricia, I meant to mention your "tripping the light fantastic" and scraping skin.  I am sure it hurts.  I send my sympathy.

I think Kendrick is in one of his hidey holes in this room.  I heard him scratching the carpet, but things are quiet now.  I should move a lot of things in this room, but where would he hide!!!

Joan, no one has heard from Kelly for some time.  He visited many folders and many people are asking about him.

Mary Ann


Thanks Mary Ann, hope he is ok.


Goodevening every one. a nice confortable day, and a little breezey

Patricia, so sorry about your fall.  Hope you heal fast,

You have a beautiful kitty, I saw the pictures, thanks.  I wish I knew how to put pictures in the post, I would show you Taffy.

MaryAnn, I think you would miss Kendrick, If Anne ever take him back.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast

Mary Ann

Gloria de - I'd get used to it.  Kendrick lived here for almost a year before Annie rented a house with friends and took the cat with her.  He was gone long enough that when he saw me, I was a stranger.  After he came back here (don't remember when but last year) it was some time before Annie came to see him and she was the stranger.  Now she comes often enough that he recognizes her.  So, if she found a place to live where she could have a cat and took him, I'd miss him for a few days, but I'd get used to his not being here.  He's not a cuddly cat but he does like to be around either Tom or me.

Mary Ann


Hi everyone on this Thursday morning.  It is a bit humid here in South Carolina and suppose to get up to about 89 degrees this afternoon.  Yesterday afternoon we went to a new Chinese Buffet that opened not to long ago.  It is huge and has 9 serving tables, a Sushi Bar, and Hibachi counter and a Noodle shop as a part of the buffet. They advertise over 300 items on their buffet.  It was not the best I have ever had at a Chinese Buffet but we were there at the end of the lunch period and right before the dinner hour started and some of the food had been sitting on the buffet a little longer than it probably should have.  It was $7 for the lunch buffet so you certainly got your money's worth and $10 for the dinner buffet. 

Pat's dentist appointment yesterday turned out very well in that she did not need a new crown but the dentist was able to fix the problem without even needing to deaden her mouth to work on it.  It was a sizable bill but only a fraction of what a new crown would cost.

This morning I will take Pat's CPAP machine in to be checked as she is getting excess water in the hose from the machine. This place is just a couple of blocks from where I will be having coffee this my friends so will be handy.  I will then attend the Wisdom Class at church and that will likely be it for today.

Marilyn, hope you have a great vacation.  It is always nice to get away for a few days.  Is this to the same place you have gone the last couple of years?  Nice that you found someone to keep Freckles so he didn't have to be kenneled. 

The following link is of some beautiful underwater photography at the Great Barrier Reef:  http://www.youtube.com/embed/mcbHKAWIk3I

Patricia, one thing about Farrah is that she is a new challenge and an interesting one.  If our cat was any example, cats seem to love shamrock leaves.  Ours ate every single leaf off of our beautiful shamrock twice.  The leaves did come back after the first time but we discarded it after the second as gave up.  Now I wish I had it for my office and have looked into ordering one.  Glad you were not hurt worse in your fall but sounds like enough misery with what you described.

Mary Ann, I bet you were glad you were already in the restaurant when that large group came in.  I bet it is a treat for those folks to go to a restaurant as even the best food when you have had it for a long while, such as is probably served in the retirement home, a change is welcome. 

Joan, I think all of us are wondering about Kelly and missing his upbeat postings. 

Mary Ann

Larry, the restaurant is interesting in a way.  It is where Tom and I usually go after my haircut.  We usually go for breakfast but my appointment yesterday was later.  Anyway, the restaurant is usually quite crowded in the morning at breakfast time but before we get there - and the rest of the day it is not busy.  The food is good, but nothing spectacular.

The people from the retirement home probably get good food there because it is one of the most popular homes around here.  It is the Clark Home, a Methodist home.  I did not see anyone in the group who I recognized.

We're to be a bit cooler today, however, still in the mid-70s.0

I hear lawn mowers so the crew is here to clean up our lawns.

Mary Ann


Good Morning from the Interior, after a hot, sunny day yesterday, we had more wind, purple clouds, and a brief but interesting evening thunder shower. Now this morning at five , we are having steady rain again. This doesn't seem to be a hot summer, at least not as it is shaping up.

Farrah is definitely a challenge. She is not the companion I was hoping for as she isn't affectionate and stays so fearful. Even if she never changes, she will have a home.

When a cat marks it's territory, it does so by rubbing against people or items, using the scent glands on  it's head. A dog is more likely to urinate so to me, cats are better!  ;)  Other cats smell the first one and are expected to back off although that is not usually the case as some cats will try to mark over the first cat's scent.

Mary Ann

Patricia, Kendrick has marked every corner, nook and cranny, my legs and I don't know what else.  Any other cat would know this is not the place to be!  My slacks have cat hair all over them and it is a chore to remove it.  Now that warmer weather is here and I can wear shorts, I'm going to put the slacks in the wash.  I have only three pair that I wear all winter and one of them is my black slacks for Sunday and "good".  Tom does the wash because the washer is in the lower level and I don't do stairs any longer.  Tom doesn't always get my laundry back to me in a few days so that is why I've waited for warmer weather.

Kendrick is not affectionate, but he does like to be near me. 

Mary Ann


Farrah walks back and forth between the bedroom,(safe place); and the living room. She is affectionate in the bathroom as I stroke her back and scratch it. If I try that in the living room, she runs.

Mary Ann

Patricia, Farrah must feel she is safe in the bathroom.

Mary Ann


Sarah did the same thing. I always make the mistake of petting and scratching when they come in so it becomes a habit. It is ironic that you would say that as she used to be very leery of getting caught in the bathroom. It was where the fosters kept her locked up. Now it's a refuge or at least a "Petting Zoo!"


Ok Angel.

I am going to give my unsolicited
opinion here.    I think that
for the sake of both you and Farrah,
that you should give her back and
find another cat (or kitten) that
you will be more comfortable with.

We are all living on borrowed time,
(so to speak)  and I don't believe that
we need to subject ourselves to any more
stress then is necessary during our
last minutes/hours/days/months/years
of our life.    You deserve the peace
that you will enjoy with a more
compatible companion.   Since  you
can only have one....   you must choose

I think that you should remove this stress
from your life,  (and Farrah's)   and try
to find another cat that is a better
fit for both of you.

Neither you nor the cat are
benefiting living with each other
if it is stressful for both of you.

I would take the cat back and
mourn the cat and find one that
fits like a glove to me.... 


I wish you the best of luck
what ever you chose to do.
Try to stay open minded. 

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Sandy, I appreciate the advice, but no. Too many people have already given up on her and that may be part of the problem.

Mary Ann

Patricia, I realize Farrah is a challenge to you and your ingenuity, but I'm glad you are willing to keep her as she needs to know she has a "forever" home.  I think it sounds as if she is warming up to you and if she's had misfortunes in the past, she has to have time to find out things can be different.  Heck, even Kendrick has his bad days.

Mary Ann


angelface - I'm so happy to hear your response. :thumb: Farrah will slowly adapt, and will become more comfortable and relaxed.  You have provided a safe haven and a loving home for her, and I think it's a wonderful thing!


Oh, what a relief it is!

Sandy Darling, I know you were concerned and caring for Patricia, but my heart has been bleeding for Farrah.  You see, I figure Patricia knew she was getting an unknown critter when she took her, and was ready to take on whatever she wound up with.  But she gave this poor helpless creature, who really has no control over any aspect of her life, HOPE.  And a home.  I was dying a million deaths at the thought of Farrah losing all of that.

Thank you, Patricia.  Now, please continue with the updates.  In the meantime, goodnight, sleep tight, and don't let the bedbugs bite.

And you, too, Kelly; wherever you are.  God Bless.


 Hi everyone on what is starting out to be a very warm day getting up to 93 degrees this afternoon. I don't plan on going anywhere today unless we go out for lunch as this is the day the housekeeper is here and that is often what we do on housekeeper day.  Yesterday was a very busy one. 

I got in my PT Cruiser to leave for coffee only to find the battery had apparently died as it wouldn't turn over the engine. So I took the other car to coffee and to have her CPAP equipment checked but she needed the car around 11:30 so missed my usual Wisdom group at the church. 

The check of the CPAP equipment showed there was a fault with the warming unit and a call to the company tech department advised the unit needed to be replaced.  So we went to the place she had gotten it and they replaced the entire CPAP machine.  That turned out to be very easy and quick.  On the way home we stopped at COSTCO and had lunch/dinner at their snack bar as it was already 2:30 in the afternoon.  I came home and took a nice nap and we had a quiet evening watching Netflix.

Mary Ann, we sure could use a little of that coolness you had yesterday down this way.  It was very hot.

Patricia, so far I think we must be having your hotter weather here.  I think we are going to have an extremely hot summer and so thankful for this great heat pump that keeps the house so nice at cool at the degree set. 


Good Morning Everyone, here in the Soda
Shoppe,  from the foggy and cool, rocky
coast of Maine.    It is in the high 60's
(Fahrenheit ) and suppose to move into
the low 70's  and become  cloudy later on.   

Since my AC is now perched in my window,
I no longer worry that the heat and humidity
will soon be coming. 

I see that Texas has been hit badly
with flooding...   I wonder if Hal has
been adversely affected?    From my
weather map it certainly looks like
he very well could be. 
I hope that Hal checks in and let's
us know how he is doing.

I hope that we hear some good news
from June pretty soon.

All is well here.  I am getting back to my
old habit of re organizing ...  If
I could only keep things as "orderly"
as I can make them ...   

But I can't and that is an old story and
just my crazy way of doing things.

I wish Patricia ( Angelface )  nothing
but the best and admire her tenacity
for her commitment to this new
kitty that she has opened up her
home and her heart to.

I hope that this relationship works
for both of them.   

As the serenity prayer says, 
"Accept the things you can not change,   
Change the things you can,   
and  have the Wisdom to know the

Have a good day,  Everyone!

Peace  .....
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Very misty out on the water.  Cannot see the Bay Bridge or the Eastern Shore.  Grey, gloomy day all around, all around.  Bummer!

But that lovely sphere of sunshine out on my kitchen deck is blooming its shiny yellow head off:  my hibiscus.  Makes me happy in my tummy.  I find myself drawn to it on these darkish days.

My very youngest (of 13) granddaughter turned twenty-nine (29) today!  I have reached that great stage of age where I am amazed when I wake up each morning.  But it is even more amazing to contemplate little Deborah an all grown up woman with children of her own.  Perhaps even worse to think of her daddy, my Ivory Soap perfect beauty of a babe, Christopher, as a granddaddy.

Yesterday, son Rob came over, over being from Columbia to Annapolis.  He got back from another one of his frequent adventure tours last week, and came to show me films and treat me to a (belated) birthday lunch.  I had fish tacos to die for, and lemonade and Irish Cream Brulee while looking out on the marina.  Rob's latest venture was a very long going down the Colorado River.  They ran hundreds of rapids and camped out every night.  He confesses to having gone SIXTEEN DAYS without a shower or bath.  Me, I have never been a camper type person, and I shudder!  Rob, my eldest, will be 70 in September, and admits that he has to hurry up and get his Bucket List of adventures completed, as he is beginning to feel the pain(s) Big Time!  Oh well;  it comes to us all!  My active days are behind me forever, but hey, I'm available for lunch!  You buying?


Good afternoon, on this nice cool (66), but cloudy day.  I am waiting for my ride to the doctor.  It is for my regular check up.

I sure will be glad when we hear from June.

Patricia, After all these years Taffy still get upset when she hears the grabagemen on Monday mornings.  Fireworks and thunder still send her flying under the bed.  the train goes by and blows for the crossing and that does not bother her.  Strange! At the shelter they told me she had been abused also.  It must have been by a women, as she still will not make friends with the women that come. in   Let one of the men come in and she is out to greet them.   

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast

Mary Ann

Today is Dot's birthday, so Tom, Terry and I took her out to lunch.  We went to a place north of here, near Rockford, and we took her there last year too.  The food is good and the place is quiet because it is not convenient for workers to go there for lunch.  Suppertime is much more busy. 

It is a very nice day and I think our temp is around 80 degrees.  I took a sweater to the restaurant but did not put it on.  I was slightly chilly but not enough to put on the sweater.

We had a test of the tornado siren this noon and the cat looked around to see where the sound was coming from.  He did not hide under anything, however.  He is very curious.

Mary Ann


 :) Good morning from a partly cloudy/partly sunny day from the Interior. We are expected to get into the middle seventies today with the warmer weather still just a fond wish. But the upside is, no new fires from lightening, humans or otherwise. We do have sixty fires going, however, they were from 2015, just buried deep in the underbrush and forest leaves over the winter.

Farrah evidently enjoys her turkey with giblets breakfast this morning. She's finished all of it and licking her chops!  ;)  She stayed out all day yesterday even if sudden outside, hallway, movements still sent her to the bedroom doorway, and not under the bed itself. She stays in the kitchen now and finishes eating while I make coffee or even open the refrigerator right behind her. Yes it is an uphill battle and just when I get cocky, she shoots me down, but she needs a forever home, a steady routine and a need to feel safe.

Gloria, we have trains here circling the town as we are a supply area for the rest of the northern half of the state with goods, manufacture and oil going both ways. She ignores their whistles and distant rumblings from the tracks but is more concerned with folks outside that door. She does not like the balcony door open at all and will stay in the bedroom until it is closed again.  She hears and sees the birds outside and goes to the balcony door, but she never has "chittered" at them as many cats do. So many regular cat sounds just are not known to her.

Sarah, who was also an unknown fearing, but aggressive cat soon came to feel she was in charge here and I guess I expected Farrah to be the same. However, Sarah was terrified of birds, did not like women other than me and adored their husbands and boyfriends which ruffled quite a few feathers!    :cat:   Sarah's tail was docked because of frostbite before she came to me and thus could never jump up on anything. I had forgotten how cats use their tails to navigate and to jump.

We still have the Solstice, 4th of July and Golden Days when we celebrate our town's gold rush beginnings and there will be noise, partying and lots of outside movement so Farrah and I will get a crash course these next two months.

MaryAnn, I think Farrah will someday get to where Kendrick is now, her watchfulness will hopefully turn to curiosity. Kendrick has always had love and never fear and he is very lucky.

The cranes are all over at the sanctuary, but I will not be able to get any photos until next week as I have long standing appointments this weekend and today. I have my four tier greenhouse from Amazon to put together, laundry I've been trying to ignore and a note from management that my twice yearly apartment check will be June twenty-second so I need to schedule things like stove cleaning, (it's automatic but that balcony door need opening wide for several hours!); also crawling around the floor with a squeegee to get all of those baseboards!

It must be a busy time as there are five floors, 196 apartments that get inspected twice yearly and I feel for the manager, and a maintenance and a housekeeping person doing all those checks, but I wouldn't mind mine being ignored. I can't think of anyone who hasn't passed each time, but I always get nervous.

Well, I'll leave hoping everyone has a great day and Sandy, I appreciated your advice. I just cannot give up on her.