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Owner: Jeanne Lee
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September 16, 2024, 06:34:35 AM

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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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Heat wave here right now.  Today is supposed to get up to90 and tomorrow they say 100 degrees.  Not my favorite time of year, for sure.

Jeanne Lee

MaryPage, I guess I must have lived a deprived life.  I don't ever remember hearing about Ivory Babies, so the first thing I thought of was the add for Ivory Soap - "It Floats!"   :laff:

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast

Jeanne Lee

Want to see a couple of MaryPage's beautiful babies?

I'll let her explain them to you.   :thumbup:

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast


Amazes me that you can do that!

That is Rebecca (Becky) up on top.  She retired last June!  Ah yes, I had forgotten, but she fell off a bed she was jumping up and down on and broke those two front teeth.  They were, of course, her baby teeth.  She was always pulling stunts like that, and God probably made her so angelic looking to compensate so she would live to grow up!

And Debi and Christopher down below. 

Thanks, Jeanne Lee!  I was an avid reader of those magazines back in the day.  My grandmother had been, you see, and I started young with them!  Well, I guess y'all have learned some ancient history this day!

Jeanne Lee

I was going to ask you about those front teeth!   :D 

My oldest son chipped one of his - but he was a teenager and it didn't grow out.  It happened opening a peanut butter jar.  :eek: I know - and lots of people reminded him - you're not supposed to use your teeth to open jars.  What actually happened was that he was opening a new jar (with his hands) and it slipped and hit him in the mouth, chipping the tooth. 

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast


And you never sent  a picture to Ivory Soap?  What a shame!  Such angelic children... deprived of that fame! :)

Thanks for sharing, lucky mom    ;D


Beautiful children, MaryPage and I remember those Ivory Snow babies! Mom had Readers Digest, McCalls, and Ladies Home Journal back then so that and the Breck Girl were staples.

There was also the paper doll included in McCalls and the lifetime subscription available in the early fifties to Reader's Digest. My mom still had that subscription until 2000 when she died, probably fifty years, amazing!


Good morning from a bright and sunny Interior. Tomorrow it's back to rain again, so goes our summer.


The above link is a YouTube video showing some baby bluebird fledglings and lots of chirping and mama rushing about feeding them. Some show the babies perched on a man's hand.

Bubble sent it to me and I saved it as Farrah went crazy over hearing it. She jumped up on my desk and sniffed the external sound player but has yet to connect it to the monitor. She also dashed to the balcony door so she knows where they are "expected" to be!

She tried to jump on the plant table to see outdoors better but missed. I am highly suspicious however as this morning I discovered a toy mouse in one of the plant pots. Even with barriers all around, she is evidently practicing her jumping skills and I need to get that mini greenhouse built or get rid of the plants altogether.  :-\


Oh, Patricia!  I had forgotten all about the Breck Girl!  My Debi was one, I would have to check with her as to the year, but I think along about 1971.  She was a Junior in High School, and a neighbor couple she used to babysit for who were active members of the Junior League asked us if they could enter her in the Junior Miss contest.  We really mulled over that one, because we had a strong distaste for that sort of thing, but they assured us there was no bathing suit contest or anything like, and we really liked them and Debi wanted to do it, so we said yes.  And after weeks of preparation, which the couple arranged to take her to, we went off to the Big Night expecting nothing (for Debi assured us she would not win) and without a camera, well, she won!  And went on to State, where she won in several categories, but came in second for Junior Miss.  But one of the categories she came in first in was THE BRECK GIRL!  She got a small scholarship for college, which was nice.  And I had completely forgotten until you said that this morning!


Hi everyone.  It is already 82 degrees and not even 10 am and we will get over 90 this afternoon as we did yesterday.  I just got back from  a quick trip to Walmart to pick up a prescription. 

Yesterday, we went to Ruby Tuesday's for our main meal of the day.  I enjoyed the salad bar and Pat had a chicken dish.  The rest of the day was quiet and restful.  I have already taken care of the outside work of watering my plants so should be able to stay in the rest of the day.  Not exciting but enjoyable and appreciated after what seemed like a busy week.  I have decided not to call the Motor Club until next week to tend to the battery problem although may request my son take out the battery and we can take it to Advance Auto and have it checked and replaced. He seems to enjoy doing this type of thing. 

MaryPage, you sure have an adventuresome son going down the Colorado River and camping out so long.  It sounds like he really enjoys the outdoors and glad that he is in good health and able to do these things on his Bucket List.  Does he have another major adventure planned anytime soon?  You have some beautiful children if baby and young pictures are any indication. 

Mary Ann, nice you found a quiet place to have the birthday lunch for Dot.  The nice thing is she didn't have to put your gift on a shelf and dust it all the time. 

Patricia, I bet your inspection will go very well and I doubt they pay much attention to a little dust here or there.  I do understand these type of things can be a bit nerve racking due to uncertainty.  It sounds like your mother more than got her money's worth with the lifetime Reader's Digest subscription.  At least they have stayed in business.  We used to get the Reader's Digest condensed books and they were always very enjoyable and well presented but haven't subscribed to the magazine for a long time.   

Joan, you have us beat on the temperature.  Even though we are in the South we don't have many 100 degree days.  This year could be an exception as certainly getting off to a hot start.                                           


MaryPage, I forgot that she also received Look magazine and that the paper doll from McCall's was called Betsy. My father only received a fishing and Hunting magazine called True for some reason and I always devoured all of the magazines when they were done and saved each Betsy paper doll!

Larry, she received the Reader's Digest subscription as a birthday gift when the magazine was fairly new. Can you imagine such a deal nowadays? We also had the Reader's Digest Condensed books for years as well as National Geographic and some books that I believe came from Life magazine. Was Life eventually changed to Look magazine?


Good Morning from the beautiful
warm, slightly cool, dry rocky coast
of Maine.

The hot and humid weather is not due here
for at least another week.   June is our
most beautiful month here in the North
East.    But of course,  it passes too quickly.

Sad to hear  that "The Greatest", 
Muhammad Ali,  has passed away at 74 ... 
So sad.   

What a man,  what a hero!   

I wish everyone a very good weekend!
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


What was that jingle he had? "Float like a butterfly. Sting like a bee. I am Muhammad Ali!"

He was a wonderful, strong man and sired the same in his children.

I remember he was one of the first athletes to change his name. I'm sorry, but the "Greatest," will always be Jackie Gleason to me!


No!  LIFE MAGAZINE still exists.  You can get the electronic version only, as it is no longer a weekly paper magazine.  They do print some special editions for one thing or another.  You can find them in the magazine section of book stores and large groceries.  LOOK was another publisher entirely.  LIFE and TIME are the same publisher.  TIME still prints as a weekly paper magazine, as well as the electronic version.  I subscribed to NEWSWEEK like forever, but gave up when they offered only the electronic version, and I found I do not like it in that format.  I do love my REAL magazines!  But I get a lot, a whole lot, less of them these days, as there is just not enough time in a week to read them, and whoops, here comes another one in the mailbox!

Yes, Larry, I have told of Robby's adventures in here for several years now.  He retired, oh, I think about 4 years ago now.  My, time does fly by!  He was both a lawyer and a CPA, and he worked for the government and retired and then worked for a defense contractor and retired.  So, with no wife and only one daughter and two granddaughters (he pays their tuition for private school), he has time and money to do his "bucket list."  He is the one who climbed to Base Camp on Everest and all the way up Mount Killmanjaro and several other mountains.  I think he told me he goes next to Viet Nam (he served there in the Army) and then back to Japan.  He has not been back to either of those countries since the Viet Nam War.  He is my oldest of eight.


I used to get several magazines but eventually gave them all up as I realized that I was being seduced by their covers and rarely if ever actually read through them. Now it is lonely in my mailbox except at the end of the month when the bills show up! Many times I wish I could say the same for my emails with all the book and recipe subscriptions I have.

I absolutely loved gift catalogs and always curled up with them but I don't think I actually ordered anything, just loved to look and dream. I did the same with house plan magazines.  Now Amazon online, I rarely browse outside of books. But I do look for certain things when I think I need them.

Farrah is so messy, she brushes up her litter box before use and then after use. I swear she had a three foot square of litter around it,(luckily no poop in it!); until I found a litterbox on Amazon with three sides at 18" and that issue went away.

She does the same with her dry food, crumbles all around her dish on the placemat under those dishes. My next Amazon order will feature a food and water dish combo in a holder and perhaps a metal storage cabinet since I want to get rid of the old table I have my office supplies on.

I am finding her toys in various places such as empty pencil cups and in a plant pot, always placed in holders, so I'm beginning to reassess her sleeping so much of the day and wondering what she is doing when I'm sleeping?

I remember Beau who she strongly resembles. He would keep all of the toys away from the other cats by placing them in a bathroom cabinet. He would carry in a toy in his mouth, drop it and stand to place his claws on the rim of the cabinet door before walking backwards, opening the cabinet and then placing the toy inside, sometimes exchanging the toy for another. The door would then swing shut.

He was also messy at the food dish as he liked to lie on his side, reach out with a paw, claw extended and flip the piece of dry cat food towards his waiting mouth. He rarely if ever missed. However, he was a brash dominant cat and they share only an intelligence, looks, and some bad habits. Unfortunately, he died in 2011 after a long life.


Tomorrow is supposed to be 102 they say.  :(


Thank goodness you have that air conditioning!  That kind of temp would cook me dead!


It was 116.6 in Eilat today!  Here only 98.6, so  bearable: I half-closed the shades but let the windows open, so a little breeze from the sea could  get in.

Mary Ann

Joan, all I can say is "better you than me".  We will be in the 80s and it is in the high 70s now.

Patricia, that was a cute video with the blue tits and cats.  I didn't show the video to Kendrick.  Chocky often posts pictures of blue tits in the Birds folder.

When Annie got Kendrick, she took a couple of my plastic storage boxes for his food and water and I've used them ever since.  He isn't too messy, but not completely neat,  either.  I found a sheet cake pan with raised edges and put the containers on that so his food stays mostly there. 

Tom and I went to our neighborhood shopping areas and looked at adjustable beds for him and ended up buying one.  It is a twin long and I think he will enjoy it.  Because of backaches, he has been sleeping in/on my recliner.  Tom is quite heavy and realizes he should have a bed.  He bought the firm mattress and it will be delivered Friday.

Mary Ann


I want to come live with all of you! We used to get 104 or 105 at summer's peak but not in the last five years. Today's high will be plus 77 and back to rain and cooler again tomorrow!  :tickedoff:

And we arte still having fires, some even overwintering under the forest's carpet.

Farrah has been out all morning so far, it's been a good couple of days for her.

MaryAnn, too bad Kendrick and Farrah can't email and he can teach her to trust more. But a friend told me his cat took two or three months and it was only a month June second.


This is what McAlfie thinks of Seniors and Friends!  ::)

Medium Threat Level
Threat Detail

    Web Category: Spam URLs, Marketing/Merchandising
    Activation: 2009-02-10
    Last Seen: 2016-06-04

Should I worry?


MaryPage and <Mary Ann, I am just glad I had Dan turn on my a/c for me.  I try to look ahead at the temps so I have some idea of when it is time to turn the heat on or the a/c on.  :)


This link shows my "backyard." I live just to the upper right of this small park right at the edge of town. You can see a bit of the foothills that surround the town and help keep out the bad weather and moisture.
They rarely turn the fountain on anymore except for holidays and special events.



That is a stunning view, Patricia!  A river and mountains, a lovely town and a splendid plaza.  Lucky You!

Jeanne Lee


(Please don't snitch to Pat   :2funny: )  - It's not a federal offense, but I should have given links to MaryPage's babies instead of posting the actual photos here.  Next time I'll try to remember, but they are such beauties I got carried away!   :D   And I'm sure Pat won't really mind this once.   :thumbup:

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast


Good morning from another partly cloudy/perhaps partly sunny, Interior day. Farrah is spending most of her time with me the last couple of days, but I have said that before and had to soon retract. so, we shall see. I'm getting my insurance next month so will inevitably be out more trying to rustle up some doctors that aren't only for the rich...

Here is some local news that is concerning. at least to the Interior. We already have enough fires due to circumstances, humans and the pine beetle!

"The reason is that while Alaska’s boreal forest region is expected to see bigger and more intense wildfires that send up large amounts of carbon stored in trees and soils â€" and while permafrost will certainly degrade to some extent â€" other parts of Alaska are simultaneously expected to green up. There will be more carbon dioxide in the air (plants dig it), and less really cold weather, among other factors, leading to a phenomenon that has often been dubbed “Arctic greening.”


Not many on the beach at Grand Haven today.  Must be colder up there.  We also went down to the 70s today. Felt really good. I prefer it to the high 80s we were having.

May just head out for a nice long walk before the sun goes down.  Ate to much for dinner today. need to walk it off.



:whisper: we won't tell a soul.



Did you walk?

After terrific rain for 48 hours at last we had a break today.  Lots of damage in this city specially on the beach areas. One time I was glad NOT to have a beach side home.
Being on a gentle slope here we are OK but lots trees down etc.


It's D-Day, and I feel as though after I'm gone, no one is going to remember this day for the planet shattering importance it held at one time.  Me, I will never forget that day.