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Owner: Jeanne Lee
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September 18, 2024, 07:24:43 PM

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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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Hi everyone.  We have just had a brief period of rain.  It is going to be a humid day but it is only suppose to get to 77 degrees this afternoon, a nice break from the 90+ degree weather we have had the last few days.  I came into my office this morning only to discover one of my office windows was cracked from side to side.  Apparently someone shot a bb gun or threw a rock with a sling shot at the window as there is a deep but small pit it in that caused the cracking.  These are dual pane windows and it did not impact the inner glass and the glass did not shatter.  It was just a shocking thing to see.  I will have to get someone out to replace the glass.  Life is seldom dull and one never knows what the next day will bring.  I have a light schedule today with attending a noon meeting and Pat will probably go to Aldi's as we are out of fruit and a couple of other things.

Patricia, you speak of getting your insurance next month.  Is this when you qualify for Medicare?  I hope you can find doctors who will accept Medicare patients. I had a bit of a struggle in locating doctors who would take any Medicare patients. The "Arctic greening" is an interesting experience will be an interesting experience. 

Junee, it sounds like there is bad weather all over the world right now.  I heard on the news about flooding in Paris.  Here in the USA parts of Texas have really had a tough spring.  Glad you live where you are not subject to flooding. 

MaryPage, I expect after the older generations pass away there will be a lot of days, like D-Day that will be slightly remembered.

Mary Ann

MaryPage, I think many of our generation remember it, but I think you're right that when we're gone, few will remember it, nor will they remember Pearl Harbor Day. 

Larry, it certainly would be unexpected to find a cracked window when you went into your office.

Mary Ann


Good Morning Everyone,
from the cool, but dry,  rocky coast of

Having been born in 1943 ...
The dates that remain in my mind
are The Korean War   (my brother was
active in that),    The Viet Nam war,
many friends involved in that both
serving and protesting.     And of
course the assassinations of President Kennedy,
Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy.... 

Richard Nixon being forced to Resign, 
and last but not least  September 11 th, 2001

As generations pass on,  the dates that
remain important in the next generations
rise to the top,  until their generations pass on.

The only thing that my Grand Kids remember
about 911,  was that my daughter removed
all the tv's from their home and started
to do home schooling. 

So it won't be long before the times
that I recall will also be left to history...
and we all know that history is written by
who ever is in power.     And rarely very

It is very sad to see what we remember
with our hearts and souls,  being regulated
to an incidental page in history.   

And so it goes.

  :bonk: :dizzy: :dontknow:

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


In recorded history, and by that I mean that of Western powers, there have not been more than thirty years between wars in known civilization's borders. So each generation will have their own dates to remember.

I have several books about history leaving out so much and dates and happenings not recorded or tidied up for general consumption. Also, the parts of nonwhite or non-western people or especially women have been marginalized.

I had eight uncles, my father, (and my mother's first husband who died);  three aunts  serving in WWII, and my mother and an aunt working in the war effort and one aunt who flew planes, testing and transporting them for the war effort. I had my father and four uncles serving in Korea and two husbands and numerous friends and family, serving in Vietnam. I also had one nephew and one brother-in-law who served in the Middle East and so it goes on.


Gonna be 104 today here.


OMG, Joan!  Don't move a muscle!  Drink gallons of ice water.  Take a long nap.


MaryPage, thanks.  Sounds good to me.  :)


Joan, I wish I could send you our steady rain and you could send your temperatures to me!  :(

Mary Ann

Sandy, I graduated from high school in 1941, two years before you were born!!!  I know you are not the only person that much younger than I am.

I have another cat story:  Last night I closed both the glass and screen doors of my storm slider.  This morning Kendrick was ready to go on the deck and he was right beside me when I first opened the main slider door, then the screen.  That was his signal to go out, so he headed out, only to hit the glass storm slider.  Ouch.  You have to realize I have a glass storm door over the regular slider door.  That side of my unit faces north and sometimes it can get rather windy from the north, so all four of us in this building put on storm doors and that's where Kendrick bumped his head.  He's no worse for wear now.

Tom and I went to Wendy's for lunch today; it gave me someone to talk to because when he's home, he's downstairs working and I'm upstairs.

Mary Ann


Angel, we are desert here and would float away with your rain, but I would GLADLY send you some of these temps.  LOL


We are nothing but old forest growth here and have fires burning even with all this rain, it only limits rapid growth. So, I suppose I'll just wait until Mother Nature gets around to us, Joan.  :-\

I am so very, very sick of rain however!!


Angel, not much we can do about mother nature.  She has her good days and her bad days.  I just try to avoid extremes she throws our way.  ;)


Joan, unfortunately so...

Frombabamail.com with a letter to Social Security;

"'Many years ago, I married a widow out of love who had an 18-year-old daughter. After the wedding, my father came to visit a number of times, and suddenly he fell in love with my step-daughter. My father eventually married her without my authorization.
As a result, my step-daughter legally became my step-mother and my father my son-in-law. My father's wife (also my step-daughter) and my step-mother, gave birth to a son who is my grandchild because I am the husband of my step-daughter's wife. This boy is also my brother, as the son of my father.

All at once, my wife became a grandmother, because she is the mother of my father's wife. Therefore, it appears that I am also my wife's grandchild. A short time after these events, my wife gave birth to a son, who became my father's brother-in-law, the step-son of my father's wife, and my uncle. My son is also my step-mother's brother, and through my step-mother, my wife has become a grandmother and I have become my own grandfather.

In light of the above mentioned, I would like to know the following: Does my son, who is also my uncle, my father's son-in-law, and my step-mother's brother fulfill the requirements for receiving childcare benefits?

                                                                                   Sincerely yours,

                                                                                   Charles Wright''

Jeanne Lee

1948 or 1949 - "I'm My Own Grandpa".  I don't have any idea who sang it, but it was popular at my boarding school.

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast


Jeanne Lee

Patricia is too young to remember that one.   :2funny:

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast


It was written in 1947, the year I graduated from High School, and is in the public domain now.

Jeanne Lee

You were two years ahead of me, MaryPage.  I graduated in 1949.

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast


I remember that song also.  :)


Actually, even though I graduated in 1969, I remember hearing that song. Along with the Purple People Eater and Peter Piper's adventures behind the refrigerator, all popular in the fifties.

That had to be why that joke sounded so familar..even though most are and do.  :thumbup:

Even us, Junior Seniors as PRoe used to call me, know a few things.  ;)



from shirleyn

(sorry, I am learning Windows 10 & can't seem to get colors, etc.  )

Mary Ann

Beverly, many happy returns - Happy Birthday.

Mary Ann


Good Morning Everyone,
from the cool and very wet rocky coast
of Maine.

Happy Birthday, Beverly!

In spite of the cool and the rain,
this is a great day for me!!    Happy news
all around!


In spite of the rain,  (which is suppose to stop
in a wee bit),   I am going to head out and walk
take a walk down the street to our department
store and do a bit of shopping... 
(which is always fun!).

Best wishes to everyone!
And have a great day!

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


It's sunny out there in the Interior! Don't blink or it will be gone! Farrah has been out and exploring and playing for almost seven days now...shhh...I don't want to jinx that either.

MaryAnn, what you said in your post, yesterday, struck a chord. "MaryPage, I think many of our generation remember it, but I think you're right that when we're gone, few will remember it, nor will they remember Pearl Harbor Day." Remember the Gettysburg Address by A. Lincoln?  "The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here; while it can never forget what they did here."



Hi everyone on a beautiful 77 degree morning headed for 90 this afternoon.  The rain is finally over with zero chance of more rain for a couple of days at least (unless the forecast changes). I have two things on my agenda for today.  First I will call the Auto Club and get someone here to help get my car started so I can take it to Advance Auto and get a new battery.  The other major thing is to line up two or three estimates on my broken glass in my front porch window.  I have already taken care of the normal morning chores like emptying the dish washer and watering the flowers. 

I mentioned the delicious lemon pie Pat fixed a couple of days ago.  Last evening we were going to finish our evening meal with the last two pieces of pie so I went to the refrigerator, picked up the pie plate, over which Pat had placed the microwave cover and as I took it off the shelf the cover slipped and the pie slid out of the dish mostly on the bottom ledge of the refrigerator but a little bit on the floor.  Well I wasn't going to waste the last two pieces so I got a dish and scooped the majority of the pie into a bowl and then we set about cleaning the refrigerator and floor where the pie had spilled.  I felt silly but it was purely an accident.  I should have used two hands but had taken it out of the refrigerator the day before without incident.  It is a wonder the glass pie dish didn't break but it was fine so no real damage done. 

Sandy, I was born a couple of years before you but those are the dates and wars that are certainly in my memory, especially Viet Nam. 

Patricia, your family was certainly involved in the wars and should always be honored for this service to our country.  I agree that our history, and what we read as history, sometimes are far apart or there have certainly been big omissions.  I do remember the "I'm My Own Grandpa" song.  A person gets lost in the description of the situation.

Joan, sure glad you can stay in out of that terrible heat. 

Mary Ann, Kendrick was anxious to get out on the porch.  It is sort of like birds flying into glass windows as they can't see the glass.

Beverly, Happy Birthday.

Shirley, the colors for these discussion have not been impacted by Windows 10.  Just click on the Preview (if you post in the box under the last posting) or if you post in the box right under the headers the same color and type size, etc., options are available.  You just need to either select the color code and type between the two codes or if you have already typed and what to change the color, just highlight it and select the option for the color or size or the other commands available.  Good to see a posting from you.  Hope all is well down your way?  Did you get an impact from the Tropical Storm?

Sandy, hope you have a good shopping spree today and find a lot of bargains.


 :) Beverly, may your day be filled with happiness and good wishes on your birthday!

     :nanadance:  Happy Birthday!  :nanadance2:



  Hope you have ice cream & cake & balloons!

                and presents to unwrap!

                         and flowers!


Happy Birthday Beverly.  Have a great one, with lots of goodies.


Larry, no, we are inland and only receiving the much needed rain.  Thanks for asking.  Hmm, I see the color is working today.  ;) 


I spoke too soon.  The last was written on the old computer.  This is on the new & when I click on the font face/size and or color, it doesn't show up on the message.  Sigh