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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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  :hb3: :hb3:

Mary Ann

Larry, depending on where on the floor the pie lit, I might have eaten that too!  I'm happy for you that you did not lose the entire pie.

Kendrick has learned the routine - I open the main slider door, then the screen or storm slider.  Only that time there were both the screen and storm slider. He's smarter than I give him credit for because he thinks he can outwt me.  Helies on the floor and looks at me, but I can't bend over that far, nor get down on the floor, so when he does not get up on the couch with me I leave the room.

At 12:30 it is only 60 degrees here now and was 54 when I got out of bed at 8 am.  Tomorrow it should be warm again, then cool the next day.

Shirlley, I highlight my copy, then click on the box "change color", then click on "blue" and it seems to work.

Mary Ann


I click on the color before I type my msg.


Sandy.  I never have been able to figure out how your posting are like that. I always think it is a poem at first.  Yours seems to be the only one that show up that way.


I thought that I knew how to change the colour but just does not seem to work for me by just clicking the Change Colour button before posting.


See what I mean. tried to change to 12pt size and colour to green. Doesn't work

Jeanne Lee

Jeanne, you need to type your message between the codes, not after the closing codes.

When you have clicked on Change Color to teal, for instance, you will have [ color=teal][ /color] (without the spaces).  Type after the ] and before the [.

  [ color=teal]type your message here[ /color]  and you will see posted type your message here

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast


Another thing you can do, especially with tablets of any kind, is hit the change color, hit the color you want, and you will get this:

color=maroon. which will be in brackets

followed closely by

/color, which will also be in brackets

Then put your curser on that last bracket, and back up and erase the [/color]

Then start typing right after the bracket that is left.  Right after the color=green (which will be in brackets), for instance.

You see, the first order tells it to make EVERYTHING THAT FOLLOWS appear in the color ordered.  but the second order, the one that has the / in front of it, tells it to QUIT the color.  So bottom line, you either want to type BETWEEN those 2 orders, or eliminate the second one.  Your choice!


Thanks both. I hate to play in here. Now didn't there use to be a place where we could practice what we were trying to do.?  What was it called.  TIPS and How to.  something like that


O.K. I think I now have it. Thanks again.

Jeanne Lee

Jeanne, looks like you've got it!   :thumbup:

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast

Mary Ann

JeanneP, you got it all right, but don't use that color; I could not read it as it was, so hi-lighted it. 

I think I posted this, but I'm not sure - I write my message, then hi-light it, go up to B (bold) and Blue (Change color).  I think different computers and programs do it differently.

Mary Ann


I always use the B (for Bold), because my eyesight is ancient and ever failing, and I find it easier to read the darker colors and to have them on bold.  Thus I use the bold and the color maroon.  I appreciate Sandy Dapph and Mary Ann almost always using the bold, as well and all.

Lately an awful lot of magazines are finding it fashionable or something to have their page layouts include some paragraphs highlighted in black with white words or pale pink or blue or yellow ones.  Drives me crazy, because I can't read them!  Or the background color might be pale yellow or blue or pink, with white writing!  Drives me up the wall!

So I am grateful we can use Bold in here, and the darker colors.

Glad you have it figured out now, JeanneP


I remember someone in old SN asking  for the post to be in BOLD which is why I have been doing that since then. It is not much effort and helps us all.


Hi everyone on another bright, sunny 68 degree morning.  We are suppose to get to 88 degrees this afternoon.  After they checked my car over at the garage they decided it wasn't the started but the ignition module on the steering wheel that had failed.  So I had to leave it overnight for the repairs and there will be a hefty bill when I pick it up later today.  We stopped at Aldi's for groceries on our way back home so that is done for another week. I am going to take it pretty easy today and have already done my morning chores.  We will be spending time with Scott this afternoon and early evening and may go out to eat but will make that decision this afternoon. 

MaryPage, I know about typing between the codes for bold, color, etc, but hadn't really known or remembered that the last codes are not needed.  I am going to endeavor to bold my postings and make them more readable.  I understand about making them easier on the eyes.  Please remind me if I forget in the future.  You are right about the selection of the color and I am going to stay with bold black.  I know what you are talking about with magazines having light or white type on a light background.  I would think they would get a lot of complaints but perhaps they don't really care that older folks may have trouble reading their print. 

JeanneP, I see you also learned something yesterday and your posts are now showing up in color. 

Mary Ann

I dp appreciate it when posts are in Bold and I agree about magazines with gold backgrounds and white letters.  I have to ignore that page.

For breakfast this morning there were just Tom, Terry and me and it was kind of nice.  We went to Cheers where it all started.  I had been treating once a month but when our group expanded, I quit; with Dot, Jan and her folks, there are seven of us and I'm not paying for that many people.

Today is bright and sunny, but not particularly warm.  I think I heard mid-70s today but we are only at 58 degrees now.

I'm sorry about your car, Larry, things do get expensive.

Mary Ann


Bless you Bubble.  Bold makes it so much easier for me to see. I wish everything was in bold.  Some years back Firefox used to have a bold setting.


Then we are agreed!  We are all Bold people!


Mary Ann, National Geographic is getting really bad about printing things on a colored background.  I get very upset because I have a lot of trouble reading things in their magazine, even using a magnifier.

The TV will do the same with their CC.  Which they put on in some scenes where someone is speaking another language.

Mary Ann

Hal, I guess I'm glad I don't subscribe to National Geographic.  I have subscribed to a couple of genealogy magazines and one of them is notorious for doing that.  I'm going to quit looking up things now and try to put things together so I am not renewing my subscriptions.  I know I'll hear from them for months now to renew!!!

Mary Ann


You might make a difference if you would call their customer service number and register a complaint.  If enough of us do this, it might make them tell their layout designers and make things better for all of us.


Good morning from another rainy day in the Interior with no change expected this month. We are down from 60 to 20 fires so that is good with the rain. Unfortunately, one of the fires had terrible injuries and a fatality.

" Authorities have identified a woman who died in a fire at a remote Alaska fishing lodge as a 59-year-old Indonesian national.

Three other foreign nationals were injured in the blaze Thursday at the lodge at Uyak Bay on Alaska's Kodiak Island.

Troopers identified the woman who died as Silvana Sutanto. The injured are identified as Indonesian nationals, 30-year-old Shaun Gozali and 22-year-old Danielle Gozali, and 33-year-old Taeri Kim, a South Korean national."  The injured were her children. I am always surprised to have fires with rain, these were apparently either holdovers from last year or lightening strikes.

Farrah is doing well and exploring everything. She really enjoys her head and behind the ears scratched and her back and sides getting a good scratch and rub down. She is quite a jumper and I will have to watch for that and keep items put away.

She goes where she wants, no longer, seemingly afraid of being caught or locked in and she still doesn't make any meows or cat sounds you'd expect. Her little chirps and whines are becoming familiar and she stays out all day.

Yesterday at a friend's, we had homemade wheat pita chips, red grapes and Irish blue cheese.The canapes were so good, that I think  people enjoyed them as much or more than her main entry of chicken salad!

Larry, yes it will be medicare and yes, not many doctors here want to miss a big pay out so restrict those type of patients.

What bugs me online is the number of websites using a handwritten font which I cannot read and no complaints are answered either. I do not get magazines but I'm not surprised as they try to stay current.

Another small gripe is people who do not separate for paragraphs making it not only hard to read but one long unbroken block. You jump from one topic to another without any break in between! 

With all this damp and all the rain, my joints are achy and creaking each day!


Tim Berners-Lee was born on this day in 1955. Tim Berners-Lee is a British computer scientist who is credited with inventing the World Wide Web (WWW). Berners-Lee enabled a system to be able to view web pages (hypertext documents) through the internet. He also serves as a director for the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) which overseas standards for the internet and World Wide Web. In 2004, Berners-Lee was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for his pioneering work. As the inventor of the World Wide Web, he was named in Time magazine's list of the 100 Most Important People of the 20th century.

Nice to know he made this available to all of us!


My hair appt. was an hour later today and the bus was full of young adults who are mentally challenged.  Makes  me very thankful that my 5 children were born without that disability.


Larry, I like yours the best. It is really BOLD and so black.I still need to try a few more things.

I think maybe you keep yours that size in other areas beside S and F.


Good Morning from the  still  on
the cool side,  rocky coast of Maine.   

I love June Weather here in New England...
(not so much July and August)..

I hope that everyone has a good day
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan



Hi everyone on another beautiful clear Thursday here in South Carolina.  It is currently 67 degrees but headed up to 88 degrees.  I was just outside and the humidity is way down.

I did not feel well yesterday so spent a good deal of time laying down both during the morning and the afternoon.  I am feeling somewhat better this morning.

About 4 pm Pat drove me down to pick up my car at the mechanics.  Hopefully it is now pretty well fixed up. 

It was after 6 pm before Scott got here and then we enjoyed dinner at home.  Pat had made a pumpkin pie to go with our meal as that is one of Scott's favorite pies.  He stayed until after 10 pm but I had to say good night around 9 pm.

This morning I plan on going to coffee and then the Wisdom group at the church and that should pretty much be the day although we never know what the day may bring before it is over. 

Mary Ann, we went out to eat a lot with friends before we moved here and we all paid for our own meals and it made life a lot simpler.  No car repair is inexpensive anymore but it is much cheaper than taking on car payments or making a large outlay from savings for a different car. 

You all, I am going to attempt to remember to use the bold and black larger print on all of my postings on these discussions.  I put the coding needed in a WordPad document for easy access each morning.  Even though my eye sight is still very good, I have to agree the bold dark print is much easier to read.

Patricia, the big reduction in fires must be a very welcome event.  Perhaps your continued rainy weather wil help get the other 20 put out and help avoid too many new ones.

JeanneP, I just use this coding at the beginning of the posting:    As was mentioned yesterday unless you want to change something in the coding you do not need the closing codes, which would be the same but with a / (slash) in front of the b for example of each additional code. 

Sandy, glad you are having weather you can enjoy.

Mary Ann

Larry, my buying breakfast for Tom and Terry was a "once a month" thing so as long as there were just the three of us yesterday, I did it again.  When we have the larger group, we each pay for our own. 

I think we're going to have a decent day today with temps in the mid-70s. 

Mary Ann


I must have clicked on something - cannot change color or font size or font face.


Good Morning from the Interior! Nothing new here, another rainy day, Farrah is having fun doing normal cat things and I'm still creaking with my arthritis and the damp.

A friend got a triple whammy from her granddaughters yesterday. The first one who had married a twin just announced she was pregnant with twins. Her older sister, who was married to a twin, not related to the other grandson in law, and also expecting twins in about three months accused her sister jokingly about imitating her.

The newly expectant sister laughed and said, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." The third younger daughter, said, "Speaking of that." as she announced her engagement to yet another twin, not related to the first two!