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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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Jeanne P...
.. like you, i never can get my head around as to whether organic produce is better than locally grown non-organic produce...organic maybe healthier ( and more pricier ) but think of the air miles...as for locally grown non organic, it is what it is, no air miles, plus we know where it comes from, where it is grown,  and of course cheaper, which is best for us...i have yet to figure this out...Some years back when back in my home town, before my MS stopped me from large supermarket shopping, i would buy locally grown ( East Anglia ) salad foods and fresh fruit such as spring onions, strawberries etc, that were grown locally to our area  which were only on the shelves a short time due to " in season " so these fruit and salad items got quickly bought by customers including me...


Rained earlier but the weather app radar shows clear skies.  I'm glad because we need to get a few groceries.

Interesting conversation about organic food.  I usually try to buy organic when I can.  I've found that organic carrots, in particular, have a better and sweeter taste than the others.  I usually buy the fresh organic green beans that come prepared for cooking.  But I still take them out of the bag and rinse them and cook them in salted water.  Old habits die hard.😊

Marilyne, I heard on TV that covid-19 cases in Calif. are climbing again, but I don't think they were talking about your area.  Those meals sound delicious.

Jackie, it is sure a good thing you can get the organic deliveries since you have no way of getting to the shops.  I know you will be glad to move where you can get some transportation and not feel so alone.

Joy, good to read your post and know you are doing OK.

Our son and daughter-in-law are flying to Calif. today.  They rented a house about 4 blocks from Jason for a month.   He is very anxious for them to come.  I'm very anxious for the trip to go well.  They have a straight flight from D.C. to LA but it is so much responsibility on Damaris with Joey having MS.  But he needs to go.  I'm just praying all goes well.

The weather app showed clear skies but it is raining again.  Well, we are having leftover roast beef for lunch so no hurry to get to the store.  It will be cooler later anyway.

Sandy, I guess you have had a little excitement with the protest going by in front of your building.  I just hope this protest will actually accomplish its goals.

Have a good day everyone.


Jean -  It's good that your son and wife, have gone back to California, to be near Jason and his family.   That's where they need to be at this time.  How fortunate that they found a place to rent that's only four blocks away.   I remember years ago, you said that Jason and his family were living in Temple City?  I'm wondering if they still live there?  I grew up in the town that's right next door.  A lovely area, that once was orange groves . . . in the long, long ago.


Now I think of Organic as if it was grown close to my State. Not if it is still called Organic but by some farm in California or miles away. That has been on truck at least 5 days. So I use more in the Summer when the farmers markets are here in Illinois. You can tell the difference.
So much Veg comes out of Mexico now. I watch and do not buy that. I have seen the stuff grown down there in fields so large and people look like ants picking it. So many. I don't eat lettuce much and only buy Boston. It is mostly grown in green housed I believe. Worth the dif. in price.


Good morning from "partly sunny" Florida! Finally the rain has stopped. Yesterday was a good day also. Chape is planning to play golf this afternoon. Still only one person per golf cart with other safety measures.

I like to buy organic greens and other vegetables that are exposed to pesticides. Usually we don't buy organic produce that has a removable skin, like bananas or oranges. Right now the strawberries from California are good. I look forward to the U.S. blueberries. Soon the ones from Georgia will be ready and later the Carolinas and New Jersey. It's true......so much of the produce is from other countries. Here in Florida we have a short season for Florida grown Athena cantaloupes. They're huge, juicy and sweet.

Jean - Is Jason still in the hospital? He'll be happy to have his parents near-by for awhile and the children will love having grandparents around. I hope the rain has stopped up your way.

Jackie - The farmers here have had some of their crops go to waste and in my home state of Vermont the farmers have had to dump milk because there wasn't a market for it with all the restaurants closing, etc.

Marilyne - I would love to send you some of the rain we had! I like the Beach Front Bargain Hunt on HGTV, too. I also like the lakefront homes segments. A few times they've shown homes on Lake Champlain in Vermont.

Jeanne P - Two of the things I miss most about being up north are the tomatoes and fresh corn. There's nothing like a fresh garden tomato sandwich!

Sandy - Lauri is living in Westbrook now and she says the weather has been nice lately. I'd like to have her down here but she's stuck on Maine.

Monday was my birthday. I spent most of the day on the phone with all my children, my brother and a close long-time friend. We ordered take-out from an Italian restaurant for dinner. I had baked ziti and it was so good!


Beverly,  I want to wish you a belated birthday.  Glad that you were able to have a good dinner.

Nothing special going on in my little corner of the world.  It is a sunny day, but with the humidity, it is going to be a hot day.  Not sure if I will go sit outside or not.  Might just wait until later this evening.

Hope everyone will have a nice safe, day.





Good afternoon.

We are having a nicer day today after several windy days and cooler temps.  Several places in the high country had snow night before last.  There was a lot of tree damage from the terrible "Derecho" Saturday afternoon....lots of trees down on homes and cars.  My neighbors tree thankfully fell towards the street so no damage and we can get by around it, so we are not high on the priority list for removal as of now.

Dr. Dave called me with wonderful news a bit ago.  Michele is getting chemo right now, but got the report from her oncologist that the last scan done this past Monday is clear!  We are so thankful and I again want to say thank you to all of you for the continued positive thoughts and prayers 🥰🙏🥰🙏

JEAN, so happy to read that your son and DIL are staying in CA to be near Jason and his family.  Bless them all. I hope the flight went well and was not too hard on them❣️

JACKIE, I am just happy that you can get your organic veggies delivered.  I know they are more expensive but if you can have them delivered it is worth every cent.  You would be without any if this were not available to you.  I remember all packaged veggies told on the container where they were grown as well as who the farmer is when I shopped in the UK.  THAT is impressive!  Hand picking out my own eggs that were stacked on a end counter was something else!  I will always remember going in a Costco and they had chicken legs, thighs etc. In a package and each one was the very same size and they looked so neat!  As you can tell I am still savoring my wonderful memories of the time spent there when we met you and Richard😘. We were just speaking to Brian about the wonderful time we had staying in their beautiful flat in Kensington....that was nearly 8 years ago this coming September 😘

BEVERLY, happy to read that your Birthday was nice for you.

Today would be Pat Scott's Birthday......HAPPY BIRTHDAY in Heaven Sweet Lady. 

I wish you all a good rest of your day. 💐

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Good afternoon from the
warm  and sunny,  rocky coast of

So good to hear that Michelle is
doing so well.   I know that having
chemo is a terribly difficult

Westbrook is a very convenient
place to live.   I hope that Lauri
is enjoying it..  but I
bet that you would like it
if she would come down to
Florida to live.

When I lived in Florida,  I had
Friends that lived there too, but
no family although now my
brother is living there as
a snow bird...  but still has not
got home for the Summer months
because of Covid..

I spent 7 summers in Flalaland
and I know how difficult that can
be for someone like me who
doesn't do well with  the hot
and humid temperatures..

So I chose to come back up
North near my family...
being alone with teenagers made
that decision an easy one.   

Have a good day,  everyone..

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


...yes sister Judy B corrected me as sister Pat Scott Halbach's birthday shows on our S & F's calendar as the 6th, when in-fact it would have been today, the 10th...We have so much to thank her for for setting up our forum..

Positive news of your Michele...

Was it really seven plus years ago when we met up at London's Regent Park..I remember our meeting well, if not the date, the year..I remember we took the green-line coach into Baker Street where you and Bob were already there waiting..


Lovely day today.  We had several rainy days but the "Sunshine State" is bright and sunny again.

Jenny, such good news regarding Michele.  She has been through so much.

Marilyne, yes Jason still lives in Temple City.  Our son, Joey, says he does not look good.  Joey said little four year old Jasmine explained to them that her daddy was not well right now.  He said she was so cute the way she explained it.  I'm so glad the trip went well.

Joy, I went outside for a little while and when I came back in the AC came on and I got cold.  When we lived in Maryland, we had a swing on the patio and sat out a lot in the evenings during June—-no bugs and very pleasant.

Have a good day everyone.


Jean  -  I saw your message here last night, and Jason has been in my thoughts ever since.   I'm hoping and praying for a miracle outcome, from this sad situation.  So glad your son and dil are there now, to help them.  Jasmine sounds like a very wise and sweet little four year old.

Jenny  -  your news about Michele's recent scan is wonderful!  She will remain in my prayers - which will be for a total remission!   I hope your wild weather will settle down now, and you can start enjoying the Summer months.   We are still housebound here, but businesses are finally starting to open up, on a limited basis.

Beverly  -  A belated  HAPPY BIRTHDAY  to you!   The birthdays seem to roll around so quickly, now that we're old!   Mine is coming up again in August.  Yes, we both like to watch the shows on HGTV.   Some I don't care for, but I do like the "beach front" and "lakefront" shows.   We Also like "Home Town" . . . the couple from Laurel, Mississippi.     

Yesterday, AJ spent most off the afternoon, having what was called a Nuclear Stress Test.  It was a long, drawn out test, that is now given in place of the old treadmill test.  You have to be injected with a nuclear solution, which is not a good thing, but is preferable to the treadmill.  Reason for the test, was because of the stroke he had in April.
Across town at another hospital, Sandy was having a CT-scan, on the large growth, (lump) that she has on her wrist. She already had an MRI, in early March, but they could not determine what it is.  Then the coronavirus hit, and she had to wait three months for this CT-scan.   

Now looks like C-virus is getting worse here in California!  When Sandy arrived at the hospital for her test, there were tables set up outside, taking temperatures, and asking questions, before being allowed to enter.


A belated Happy Birthday to you, Beverly.  Sounded like you had a nice birthday.   We have to go across the Midbay Bridge into Destin for good Italian food.  That's one of the downsides to living in a small town, but there are many good things also.

It has been a nice day.  I saw Papa Bluebird feeding one of the fledglings today.  We didn't realize for awhile that the Bluebirds were nesting.  We have 3 bluebird houses and the male checks out the houses but the female makes the choice.  At least that's what I read on the Internet.  They chose one that isn't in our line of sight.  Last year they chose one right across and we could watch from the backdoor while they were building the nest.

Marilyne, thanks for your prayers.  My daughter has a large lump on her arm that the doctor says is a fatty tumor (Lipoma) and very common.  She is a little self-conscious about it, but It isn't really that noticeable.  I had never heard of it until my friend had a large one on her back,  but she had hers removed.  I hope everything turns out all right for both your daughter and husband.  Your husband must be in good health generally to recover from the stroke so nicely.

The week has gone by pretty fast.  I hope everyone has had a nice day.


MARILYNE, I certainly hope
 A J's stress test went well.  Also hope the lump on Sandy's wrist will not be anything serious. 

Once again I thank you all for the continued kind words and prayers for Michele🥰🥰🥰🥰

It is a beautiful day and I hope I can accomplish something meaningful today🤪


🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


I wasn't aware it was on our tv's today so just caught the tail end of our Queens official Birthday parade at Windsor Castle, and how very strange seeing it so empty, just the Queen and two guards - dignitaries standing with her at each side, at distance in the alcove - hut, and the trooping the colour guards again keeping a distance whilst they march - parade inside the castles large courtyard...
I am now watching it on my computer screen via youtube...
Isn't she marvellous at 94..i am so proud that she is, and has been our loyal Queen..


Jackie - I also saw Queen Elizabeth's birthday Parade, and I had the same thoughts as you.  The emptiness of the courtyard had such a lonely look, and she looked so far away and small.  She was a bright spot, standing between those tall men.  Yes, I agree with you . . . she is an amazing woman, at 94.   


... seems our Queen had a choice as to whether it went ahead or not under our now situation, and she did want it to go ahead, so as to keep to the twice annually ( her two Birthdays in June ) routine for the Nation to watch and enjoy..

I remember several years ago ( 40 years perhaps ) when working for Ladbrokes bookmakers when i was sent to a ( very busy ) shop - office, just a short walk from the tube station ( if i remember right, it was " Bank " after a connection change of tube line, ) with it entrance literally right in front of the Windsor Castle and its wall, i can still picture seeing the " Beefeaters "  in their fine red costumes...the tube stations entrance was just in front of it, and i can still picture that i branched right  a short distance then turned to the left, and there was Ladbrokes.....Ahh memories, sweet memories..

Edited: getting confused, it was the Tower of London, home of the Crown Jewell's, Ravens and Beefeaters, not Windsor Castle....Although many years ago i was taken to Windsor Castle and saw Queen Mary's Miniature Dolls house.." Link...



            🦋 A good Saturday HELLO to ALL 🦋

JACKIE, I enjoyed watching the ceremony of the Queens Birthday.  She is just so amazing and I loved the color of her outfit.  Just class all the way.  When you mentioned seeing the Beefeater I had a flash back of some 50 plus years ago when we lived in England for a few months.  We drove into London in our little Beetle Bug to view the city.  We came upon the open gate at The Tower of London and as we drove in and parked we witnessed the gathering for the wedding of the daughter of the Head a Beefeater.  We were sitting right there with all of this glory going on in front of us......no one believes we could do this, but we did and we have pictures! (black and white) to prove it.  Back then you could of course drive all over the city.....not anymore....you have to have a special permit to do so.  Oh the wonderful memories 💗 The last time we were there, when we met you and Richard, we did all the tourist things and I will forever cherish those wonderful times.  The first time we were there we lived on a tabacco plantation in the maids quarters, and the last time we were there we stayed in our son and DIL's fabulous flat just across Kensington Road from Kensington Palace.

Enjoy your day.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


... i am getting so many memories coming flooding back as we bring up Regents Park again...I was invited along with someone, guess almost 30 years ago, by his Salvation Army relatives to Regents Park ( cavalry ) Barracks for a meal.   I remember the guards at the entrance with rifles doing a quick car search before letting our car in through the narrow archway...I also remember the Royal photos and other Barrack photos of high ranking men on the walls, or rather plaques and photos...Trying to picture life living on a tobacco plantation...sounds a very unique experience to me, plus with great memories to pass on to your next generations..


Another weekend has arrived once again.  The weeks go by so quickly.  Next week, we will have the longest day of the year . . . June 21st.  Then followed  by, The Fourth of July.  I wonder if there will be many festivities, fireworks, picnics and parties this year?  I'm sure some will go ahead with the usual celebrations,  but I doubt it here in Northern Cal.  I'll likely be proven wrong on that issue, as I know that most people are extremely anxious to be officially released from SIP.  However, our local beaches at Santa Cruz,  and surrounding areas, are still closed to all but locals. The large Boardwalk at Santa Cruz,  with all the rides, restaurants and activities, plus the public beach, will probably open before the Fourth?

Nothing happening here.  We did a little yard work this morning, and it felt good to get outside in back and do some sweeping and raking.  AJ mowed the lawn, which is difficult, with our old gas fueled mower, but he doesn't seem tired from the effort.   His cardiologist encourages him to do the same type of outdoor work and activities that he's always done.

Jean - The lump on Sandy's inner wrist is not a lipoma, according to her doctor.  However, the MRI she had in February, was good, because it didn't show anything?  That's why they wanted the Ct-scan.  It has been a long wait for that!  I hope you've heard from your son and dil, about Jason?  Prayers still continuing for a miracle remission!

Jenny - Same prayers for Michele - that her recent scan will show that she is also heading into a remission!
I enjoy reading about when you and Bob, and Jackie and Richard, met so long ago.  I remember seeing a picture of the four of you, that was posted here on S&F.


Marilyne, the upcoming 2 weeks will be very hard for me...21st is Father's Day, and my daughter's birthday,which is going to be such an awful time for her.  The 16th is what would have been our 59th Wedding Anniversary. Been two years since we lost him, and daily, I think of something "I need to ask Bob about this".  It is still so difficult.


My prayers go out to all here who are having health problems or have relatives with health problems. 
Jackie, I think of you often and hope you are doing as well as can be expected with your MS, grief and trying to sell your home, you have a lot on your plate!
I do so love your Queen, she is so lovely, and it does my heart good to see someone her age accomplishing all she does.  Love her wardrobe!  Hope Prince Phillip had a great 99th Birthday.  Can you imagine, 99 years old?


Yesterday seemed to fly by and I never did post except in the Photos. Today is sunny and bright.😊

The COVID-19 has really ticked up in our area.  I noticed a few more wearing masks at the grocery store (the only place we go).

Some days go by so quickly and other days just seem to drag.  Not much to write about but have enjoyed reading the posts From yesterday.  I didn't watch TV during the day yesterday so missed seeing the Queen.  I'm a great admirer of her.

Hope everyone is having a good day.


I stayed up late on the day that Queen Elizabeth was crowned!  At the time we did not have television, but I managed to stay awake for the ceremonies.  I don't remember how old the new Queen was, but I was in high school at the time.

I enjoyed listening on the radio to her coronation, but I sure was sleepy when it was all over.  And if my memory of the occasion is correct, she was crowned Queen and I wish I could have attended the coronation!



Tome  -  the upcoming two weeks will be  difficult for  both you and your daughter.  It doesn't seem possible that it's been two years since Bob has been gone.  Maybe on Father's Day, you and your daughter can make plans to go somewhere together, to celebrate his life?   I know it's hard to go anywhere in this time of Coronavirus, but possibly just going to some outdoor place that you know he liked, would be nice for both of you.   

I'm also a big admirer of Queen Elizabeth, and most of the Royal family as well.  June 10th, was Prince Philip's 99th birthday! That is  amazing, and especially so, to see his birthday photo!   He looks so good for a man of that age.  Still standing tall, and looking handsome!   After watching the series, The Crown, plus lots of documentaries on Netflix,  I'm more enthralled with the Royal Family, than ever.

Sue  -  Good to see you back with us again!  You were missing for about a week, so glad that you've returned.   I also remember the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth.   I was on a vacation with my parents to Victoria, BC.  I'll never forget how impressed we were, that the entire city was decorated in honor of the Coronation.  We had television in the hotel where we stayed, and I remember my mother and I watching the coronation.  The TV picture was black and white of course, and very grainy and hard to see faces, but I'm so glad we watched and that I can remember some of it.   I was about 18 at the time.

Jean  -  Coronavirus has also taken a surge here in California.   Especially bad in Los Angeles, but also very worrisome here too.  I was optimistic, that the hot Summer weather would help to kill the virus, but it looks like that isn't going to be the case.           


Illinois seems to be going down now. We were high for a long time. Gov. still sticking to his guns on somethings. However I am noticing all around town. Very few people masked But lots stores still not opening. I tried to go to Best Buys but have to just have a appt if you are wanting to purchase. No tech service yet.
My daughter,husband and friends went to Tennessee for last 3 days. Dolly world or whatever it is called. She called and said place packed and very few people wearing masks. it is really hot there.
I may go out and pick up some bottled water and a few things later today. Be about 68 deg at 6pm they say.


7.15 am and i have been up a good couple of hours already...I will soon be due my organic vegi-fruit box delivery, and sometime today told my water tablets will be delivered, these were ordered to the chemist six days ago and of course my leg cellulitis has been flaring up again..only this time on phoning my GP surgery Doctor, almost a week ago, is not sending anyone to come out to check my leg over..


4.45. am, and already up, going to put the kettle on...still worried over my leg as it is still red and burning but then it usually is when i first get out of bed, already rubbed the cream over them so cant get back into bed again...Red and burns, stiffness, tightness and sore, then calms-cools and looks paler, then flares up again...Took number one water tablet yesterday, too early to take my second one...so lets see if it sorts the leg swelling...


It has been quiet here in the forum lately.  We are having a nice sunny day.

The county has been trimming trees in our neighborhood.  Yesterday it was noisy as they trimmed and pulverized the limbs right in front of the house.  They must have finished their work as today is very quiet.

Marilyne, did your daughter get the results from her scan?  The doctor called our grandson to come into the hospital.  Haven't heard whether or not he got another blood transfusion.  Things are not looking hopeful.

Jackie, I hope the water pills help.

Callie, has your granddaughter decided on going back to NYC?  This pandemic sure has changed a lot of life plans, hasn't it?  We are living in a historic time.

My neighbor is in the hospital for two different problems that had to be put off due to the pandemic.  I think I will go make her a get well card.

Have a good day everyone.


Jackie and Jean -    Good to see both of you checking in today!  :thumbup:  I'm hoping that others will show up this afternoon or this evening? 

Jackie -  So sorry that your leg is not getting any better. Maybe the nurse who came before will come back to your place, to take a look at it?  Or perhaps it's time to try a different antibiotic?

Jean -  Sorry to hear that Jason is not doing very well today.  I'm hoping that he does get another blood transfusion, and that it will help him to continue fighting for remission.