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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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Today, December 21, is the Winter Solstice - the shortest day of the year.  I've been fascinated by the Solstice even since I was a little girl, and a teacher explained how, starting tomorrow, each day is a minute or more longer, until June 21, the Summer Solstice.  Then the reverse - a minute or  so shorter, until Dec. 21st. 
There are many myths surrounding the Solstice, but this one is my favorite, in that it ties the Solstice to the Christian celebration of Christmas.  (I copied the following off of an internet site.)

Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice is a magical season . . . one that marks the journey from this year to the next, journeys of the spirit from one world to the next, and the magic of birth, death, and rebirth. The longest night of the year, (December 21 in the Northern hemisphere), is reborn as the start of the solar year and accompanied by festivals of light to mark the rebirth of the Sun.  In ancient Europe, this night of darkness grew from the myths of the Norse goddess Frigga, who sat at her spinning wheel weaving the fates.  The celebration was called Yule, from the Norse word Jul, meaning wheel.  The Christmas wreath, a symbol adapted from  Frigga's "Wheel of Fate", reminds us of the cycle of the seasons and the continuity of life. 

That the timing of the Christian celebration of the birth of Christ occurs in the Yule season, is no coincidence. Christmas was once a movable feast, celebrated many different times during the year.  The decision to establish December 25, as the "official" date of Christ's birth was made by Pope Julius I, in the fourth century AD.  His hope,  was to replace the pagan celebration with the Christian one, since this date coincided with the pagan celebrations of Winter Solstice, with the Return of the Sun Gods occurring throughout the world.


Well, the  :tickedoff:  :tickedoff:  :tickedoff: virus has messed up family plans for the week!

While Miss Emily's family was in Kansas for her graduation they learned that she and her Mom had been exposed a week ago to someone who tested positive (no report on whether this person actually had Covid) .  All 5 of them were tested when they got home.  Dad, Miss Ellen and Sir Carson were negative but Emily and Mom tested positive.

Although Emily has no symptoms at all and Mom was on a Z-pack for a sinus infection,, Christmas get-together is, of course cancelled.

So are plans for my birthday.  Actual day is Wednesday but we had planned to go "out in the country" tonight to see the "Christmas Star",  pick up dinner on the way home and then drive through one of the park light displays.

Onward and Upward.


Thank you, Amy, so do I. They've been collaborating a lot with Home Free, the acapella group, which I also enjoy!

Callie, I'm so sorry your birthday and Christmas plans and your family's plans as well were ruined. This will make next year's all the sweeter if you want to look at it that way.

Marilyne, thanks for the explanation. Solstice has always been huge in Alaska because we are so far north. In fact, Barrow, our northernmost city, has six months of darkness and six months of light due to the Solstice. We are also affected tho not to that extent. Our shortest day is a little over three hours compared to June and Summer Solstice's 24 hours.

Each year we have a huge all-out celebration party including fireworks from both the city and the University. Of course, this year, we only had the fireworks. The biggest takeaway is the return of light. The darker it is, the easier it is for colder temperatures to settle in. The more light there is, less time and space for cold. And in the Summer, the better crops grow, animals roam, and people rejoice. This is probably how those pagans celebrated as well.



I'm back! (sort of  :) ) The past two months have been difficult. I had two hospital stays and many tests. None of them showed what was causing my pain. Cancer has been ruled out but my lung has a "cavity" that is filled with something. For now they are just watching it. The NTM infection I have causes cavities (holes in the lung) The pain has nearly gone and the only diagnosis I have is severe inflammation in my rib area.

Michael and Jennifer have been a big help and Donna and Mike (now officially retired) arrived home tonight from 3 weeks in Vermont.

I haven't caught up on the posts but hope all of you are well.


Lots of messages here in B&T today! 

Beverly - so good to see your post!  So sorry you've had such a hard time the past couple of months, trying to get a diagnosis for your pain.  It sounds very complicated, and not something easily treated.  Sending healing prayers to you this Christmas week.  I hope you will be feeling well, and can enjoy the day. 

Callie -  So sorry to see that Covid has arrived in your family, just in time for Christmas.  I'm glad the Miss Emily is feeling okay, but it might be harder on your dil?  I'm sure glad that you decided NOT to go to the graduation ceremony!   Sorry that you will be alone for your birthday and Christmas, but it's for the best that you stay isolated! Keep us posted?

Patricia -  So, you had three hours of daylight today in Fairbanks?  It's hard for me to imagine, but I guess you're used to it after living there for so many years.  I can imagine that the celebration on June 21, when you have 24 hours of daylight, must be fun and exciting.  Do you get lots of tourists, who come to Alaska for that event?

MarsGal - You sounded better today, than you did on Sunday.  I hope they keep George in the hospital until he's well enough to take care of himself at home.  It's hard for Covid patients who live alone, to manage for themselves.

Hope we hear from everyone again tomorrow!  Ten O'clock here, so time for me to get ready for bed, and then read for a while, and maybe I'll get a reasonable night's sleep.


Good morning...
This was sent to me and I did post on SS but thought those that don't go there would like to read it also.

- A pastor attended a men's breakfast in the middle of a rural farming area.

The group had asked an older farmer, decked out in bib overalls, to say grace for the morning breakfast :

"Lord, I hate buttermilk," the farmer began. The visiting pastor opened one eye to glance at the farmer and wonder where this was going.

The farmer loudly proclaimed, "Lord, I hate lard." Now the pastor was growing concerned.

Without missing a beat, the farmer continued, "And Lord, you know I don't much care for raw white flour."

The pastor once again opened an eye to glance around the room and saw that he wasn't the only one to feel uncomfortable.

Then the farmer added, "But Lord when you mix them all together and bake them, I do love warm fresh biscuits.  So Lord, when things come up that we don't like, when life gets hard when we don't understand what you're saying to us, help us to just relax and wait until you are done mixing. It will probably be even better than biscuits. Amen."

Within that prayer, there is great wisdom for all when it comes to complicated situations like we are experiencing in the world today.

Stay strong my friends, because our life is being mixed with lots of things that we don't care for.......relax and wait until the mixing is done.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Marilyne, most of the cruise ships and US travelers tend to stay around the SE portion of the state, easier to reach, and is similar to Scandinavia. In the Interior, we get mainly European travelers because it's cheaper for them, flying over on the polar route. We also get the adventurers due to our world-class mountains, tallest in the world other than Everest in Nepal and rugged country. It's not a coincidence that the Interior has the most national parks than any other state. Of course, all of this was pre-COVID and hopefully after it too.


Good afternoon everyone.

It has been another busy-ish day today. I finally decided to try Instacart. What a trip that was. I was both happy with it and unhappy with it. The order was here before I knew it, very quick. However, there were many substitutions which I wasn't exactly happy with. I'll have to pay more attention to that aspect next time (if there is one) and I ended up with three items I never ordered. Because of the COVID protocols, I do not return them, and if no one claims them they are mine, as is the one substitution I was not truly happy with which I keep free. The CSR also adjusted the price for a product size substitution that did not show on the final order receipt reducing my cost a smidge more.

Afterward I ended up on Amazon because my toner finally ran out, so of course, I had to order that and another drinking fountain for the cats.

I haven't talked to George yet today. Tomorrow I plan on going over to check on and feed the cats again.


Amy, I sure did enjoy reading the farmer's breakfast prayer.  So much truth in a simple prayer!

We are having a lovely day with a high of 70°F.  Which is good as we need to make a trip to the grocery store.

Beverly, so good to see your post and hoping you are feeling much better.

Marsgal, Too much stress.  Forgetting your purse Sounds like something I might do.😁  Maybe things will calm down now and hopefully George will be OK and you won't get Covid-19.

Callie, Sorry that your Christmas plans are ruined.  These are just not normal times, and it will be good when we can look back and know we survived.

Patricia and Marilyne, the information about the solstices is so interesting.  I've never really given it much thought. I know if I lived in Alaska I would celebrate the summer solstice for sure.  I do enjoy my sunny days.

Sandy, how is everything in your part of the country.

Stay well everyone.


Amy - I liked the farmer's prayer about the bisquits.  Definitely food for thought! (No pun intended)  We all sometimes have a number of unpleasant  and complicated situations going on at once. It can take a long time snd a lot of worry, but usually they work out for the better.

MarsGal - I've never tried Instacart, but I have ordered from a couple of grocery stores, including Costco.  I've often been surprised to see what's been "substituted" for items they didn't have in stock.  For the grocery stores, you can usually specify in your online order, that you don't want any substitutions and that you prefer to delete the items.  You sound much better today.  I hope George is better also, and will be home soon.

Jean - Sounds like perfect December weather in Pleasantville!  I hope it continues through Christmas.  Ours is sunny and dry, but not as warm as yours.  It's about 61 here right now at 2:00 pm. 

AJ and I also went to the grocery store this morning early.  First we tried to order groceries online from Safeway, but they aren't taking any orders until after Christmas!  So that left no alternative, but to go out into the world of Covid spreaders!  The grocery store wasn't crowded yet,  so we didn't feel uncomfortable, and got in and out fairly quickly.

Patricia - I would love to be in Alaska, on June 21st! (when I was younger, that is.)  I'm sure there is lots of Solstice celebrating going on, during that 24 hour time span.  Of course I'd like to visit AK at other times as well, but unfortunately, it's too late for me.


Heard from George's attending physician about a 45 minutes ago. He is still in his room, but on oxygen. He now has slipped into COVID pneumonia. There is a possibility they will move him to ICU. Needless to say my stomach is in knots about now. I sincerely hope and pray he survives this.


MarsGal - I just saw your message, and I'm so sorry to see that George has developed Covid pneumonia!   Good that the doctor has been in touch with you, and will notify you if he is moved to the ICU.   I will be sending positive energy and healing thoughts to both you and George.   Please keep us posted.     


MarsGal, I'm so sorry to hear your news! I wish there were more I could do other than be here and, as Marilyne says, sending you positive energy.


MarsGal,  I am so very sorry to learn about George.  Sending prayers for strength and courage to both of you.

Beverly, good to see your post and also sorry to read about your issues.

Report from "Covid family" is that they've all gotten z-packs plus various vitamins/zinc, are "distancing" (fortunately house is large enough to do this) and all are feeling good.  They will all be tested again this weekend.

#2 son/dil and I did go out in the country to see the planets, ate our "picked-up" dinner at their house and drove through a couple of neighborhoods to see lights as they brought me home.

Have learned that several neighbors have declined joining families on Christmas Day.  Maybe I'll suggest a BYOCOC (Bring your own cup of coffee) and meet in the middle of the street mid-afternoon. ;)

I've had really good luck ordering groceries from a store that uses Shipt.  I'm able to indicate "no substitutes" or type in what I would accept as a substitute and can cancel or add to order up to an hour before delivery time.

  However, the "shopper" assigned to my order either calls or texts before he/she checks out to see if there's anything I've forgotten or want to change.  One even texted a picture of the fresh squash display so I could tell her if I liked the size.

One time I didn't get my order and contacted "Live Chat".  That rep. contacted the shopper while we were connected and found that he had delivered it to the wrong address (there are several streets with the same name but different designations - Avenue, Park, Street, etc.).  Rep reordered my list and I received a refund for the first one.

Wishing Everyfriend Everywhere a blessed day.



Thanks for the good vibes, Gals. I checked in on his cats this morning and made sure they had plenty of water in case I don't get over until Saturday. Not sure what this weather is going to do, but as of now, it looks like lots of rain and possibly some snow at times tomorrow through Friday morning. I want to start some laundry before I call to check on George. I assume he is still in his room rather than the ICU because no one has called to let me know otherwise. Usually I don't get a status until the evening.


Merry Christmas Eve,  to all who look into Norm's Bait & Tackle, today!  Ours will be lonely here by ourselves, but I know most old folks like us, are celebrating alone.  Our son, dil and Sandy, are coming by, just long enough to drop off some presents.  We'll probably greet them in the open garage, and just say "hello" and "goodbye". 

Our tightly packed Silicon Valley/Santa Clara County, is running high with new Covid cases every day.  Yesterday, there were 1,185 new cases of Covid here, which is the way it has looked all week.  Hard to believe, but those are the facts, and we are all aware of what we need to do to stay safe.  No vaccine here yet.

MarsGal - We haven't heard from you since yesterday morning?  Here's hoping that George is much better today, and will be able to come home and be well enough to take care of himself?

Callie - I saw on SS, that your family members who have Covid are doing well, and everyone else is "social distancing"!  Sounds like a good idea, for you and your neighbors to meet for a cup of coffee, in a designated outdoor spot! 

Jenny - I saw on the news lat night that parts of Colorado are in blizzard conditions?  I hope this won't effect anyone in your family?  Sending healthy vibes to your Dad and to Michele!

Amy, Patricia and Jean - Hope your Christmas Eve is a pleasant one, and that next year will be a huge change for the better - for all of us!


Marilyne, thank you. Ours will also be a quiet one. We met with kids in the garage  on Tue to exchange gifts. What a different world we live in now.

Did you know that Miss Callie had a birthday yesterday???
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Marilyn, mine will also be a quiet one, just me, Farrah, and the dust motes. But, we've been in lockdown since March, and it's become a way of life. The hall's automatic lights rarely come on, and voices in the hall trigger a lot of interest.

Usually, it's someone coming by to clip a notice beside your door with a new requirement. 24/7 maintenance is now "call the answering service, and if it's an emergency, maintenance will call you back." Security is still 24/7 but more patroling less chatting.

Without my morning text and cell calls round-robin from friends, my computer, and Kindle, I'd be a slavering idiot by now! We've had three deaths in my building but more in the state. I heard today that even Antarctica has COVID cases. But it is what it is.


Can you believe  that it is the Night Before Christmas.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Amy, your URLs don't work. When you click on them, it takes you to a signup or login page for the URL creator.


Patricia, thank you . Will try again.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers



That was lovely Patricia.thank you!

 Merry Christmas and stay safe everyone..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good evening (or early morning, whatever the case may be)
Marilyn, yes, we will be by ourselves this day.  Kind of sad, but better to be safe.
Amy, I loved that URL, thank you.
And Patricia, that Silent Night was beautiful  Thank you, too.




Have a Safe and Blessed Christmas everyone...especially my friends...


Jackie, I am happy to see you post again. I hope you have been doing well.

George has been moved to another room and is receiving plasma antibody therapy. I talked to him very briefly yesterday afternoon, but I think his oxygen mask is making it hard for him to communicate well on the phone. He complained about all the tubes and wiring hindering his movement. Sometimes when I talk to him he sounds good, other times he seems to quickly get out of breath and his voice starts fading away a bit. No one called with an update yesterday, so I expect there is a different attending physician where they moved him. In case I didn't mention it, he thanks you for your thoughts and prayers. Tomorrow, I plan on going over to feed the cats, etc. I am going to have to see about gas for the car soon, and probably a bag of food for his cats.

It looks like we are pretty much done with the tons of rain that came through yesterday and last night. Most of the snow has been washed away. There is a flood warning in effect here.



It will be a very different kind of Christmas day for most all of us.

Enjoy your day however it turns out and what you do.



:christmastree: Merry Christmas to each of you. May it be a pleasant day wherever you are and whatever you're doing.  :christmastree:




Merry Christmas to all of our Seniors and Friends, and to everyone else who is looking in.  In just one week, it will be the start of a New Year!  All of us are looking forward to a fresh start, and the hope of better days ahead in 2021!

MarsGal - Good to see your message this morning, that you have talked to George, and that he is slowly improving.  Here's hoping that he will be completely well soon, and back home again.

shirleyn - So nice to see you back in S&F again!  Be sure to drop in often, and keep us posted on how things are going with you and Danny! 

Jackie - Good to see you this morning!  I hope your Christmas Day has been a good one, and that you will return and tell us about it.

Joy - I hope you have a Merry Christmas, even though you will be alone this year.   Look forward to next year, when things will be bak to normal, and we can spend time with our loved ones.

Callie - Let us know how your family members are doing?  I'm hoping that those who have tested positive for Covid, are all doing well, and that the others will remain Covid free!   Let us know if you have that neighborhood coffee clatch, in the middle of the street? :cup: ;D

Jean - This has been a sad holiday season for you and Larry, and for your son and dil.  I hope they are doing as well as can be expected under such difficult circumstances.  I'm glad you have Gigi and Jeff, living so close, and that you will be spending Christmas with them.

We will be here alone today, so I do hope to get back here to B&T to say hello to all others who post messages today.    I hope we hear from Jenny  and Beverly,  as well as all others who have ever posted here like   wjoan  and  Sasha.