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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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Shame on me again..... Seems it has been forever since I have posted.  I have just so much going on that I just cannot  keep up🤪

Where are all our posters??  I thought I was BAD for not posting....seems I am not the only one‼️
There is a lot going on in our family. 

The one thing I am so pleased to share is that Dr. Dave is engaged to a wonderful lady.  We like her a lot and are so happy that they have found each other.  They do not plan to marry until next June.  Dave want his oldest son to have a special senior year of high school.  His lady has two daughters, 10 and 12. I will finally have 2 more granddaughters❣️

We got home this afternoon from a nice overnight visit to Vail with our oldest son and grandson from Boston.  It was so good to get to spend time together. 

Our Colorado grands all started back to school this week.  Seems strange as we feel like we really did not have much of a summer due to cool temperatures and all the rain we had. 

I wish you all a good night....sleep well.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNEE!  101 Years Old!  :thumbup:
Last year was your big 100 Milestone, but each year that follows becomes more and more special.  Yes, 101 is good reason to celebrate again.   
Hope you look in here today and tell us how you spent your birthday at the Senior Center where you live?  Looking forward to hearing from you and hoping your daughter is doing well.   


...it really doesn't seem a whole year ago when i was congratulating you
on reaching the 100 year milestone....well once again, we are celebrating another year with you



JUNEE sending BIRTHDAY WISHES your way....Should read " Love TO down under not FROM "


So sad to hear the news about the fires in Maui.  We were lucky enough to see Lahaina on our Hawaii Cruise back in February. It poured rain the entire time we were there but we sure enjoyed seeing the area and the HUGE Banyan Tree😩  The news is causing a lot of upset with memories about out terrible fire here in the Boulder area.  These type of fires spread so quickly with the raging winds.  So many lives lost and businesses/ home that are gone FOREVER 😩

HAPPY 101th BIRTHDAY to JUNEE❣️ WOW, how exciting.  I hope you received a Birthday greeting from the new King🥰

Pleasant dreams to all.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Jenny - Nice to see you checking in here in B&T.  GOOD NEWS about Dr. Dave's engagement!  I'm sure he is happy, and hope the kids will be  happy for him too. 

The Maui fire is shocking!   I can't believe that the lovely historic town of Lahaina is GONE!  Burned to the ground.  When I saw a picture of The Banyan Tree, tears came to my eyes.  I just couldn't hold them back.  I remember sitting on a bench and just enjoying the sight of that spectacular tree.  I'm glad you got to visit Lahaina last Winter.  Even though it was raining, it's good that you were there.   


I never got to Hawaii, but most of my family did.  I have one granddaughter who lives there now.
She started out on Maui, but lives on the Big Island now. It is my understanding that this fire came in from overhead winds that had never come there previously.  It came in all at once.  Imagine getting fire instead of snow!  They did not have a chance.  This is all down to Climate Change.

Happy Birthday, Junee!  Good Going!

Daughter Becky has flown in from Kansas City, Missouri and will take care of me for two weeks while Delmore (Chip) is in Seattle visiting his sweetheart.  We are having a lovely visit.  All the local and nearby family members have been stopping in to visit with her.

Becky's daughter, my granddaughter Judith, drove here from St. Louis, Missouri with her George and two little boys.  I am astonished at how sweet and caring they are;  Judith has done a great job there!  I have to laugh, though;  both address me as "Great Grandmother."  Judith brought them to show them Washington, D.C.  We are about 30 minutes from there, and sooner or later all the children from each family group are brought here to tour it all.  Judith started Mateo and Solo with a visit to The Archives to see the Original copy of The Constitution!

Becky drove me all of two minutes over to the other side of our community so that I could watch some Pickle Ball games.  The players were wonderful filling me in on that game, and I left feeling I had more than experienced a game I will never play, but would have liked to.  Nice, too, to be reminded of how deeply caring strangers can be.  Altogether, it truly was a heart-warming experience, and I am so glad we did that.


Mary Page -  How fun for you to spend time with Becky, and now Judith and her two boys.  I remember when Mateo and Solo were born!  How old are they now?   I think the name, Mateo is Spanish for Matthew, but not sure?  I'm wondering about the name Solo?   Maybe short for Solomon?

Summer continues on here in California.  We've had normal weather and temps here this year.  So far, I should say . . . still have to make it through September.   Our  Northern Cal utility company, has been experimenting with cutting our power completely off, as soon as the wind starts blowing, so we've had lots of planned outages.  This action is being done to help prevent the wildfires that have plagued us every year for the past five years.  I was complaining a lot about the outages, but since the tragic  Lahaina wild fire, I'm grateful that Pacific Gas and Electric Co, is taking these measures to protect us here.   


Hi Everyone!!

The young man who came to live with Kelly and
her family for  his senior year in High School,
is getting married this Saturday. 
His name is Erhan.   

He is 32 now so it has been many years since he
lived here with her and her family.   But he comes
back ever few years to visit.

He    lives in Switzerland but his wedding is in
Istanbul Turkey. 
So Kelly is like his American Mom.   
She is included now that she is there
with  his Turkish Family for the Wedding.

Of course I am worried about her but
Turkey is a safe place for her to go now
even though it is right on the Black sea,
not far from Russia and Ukraine!

Kelly left yesterday and flew to Istanbul!!! 
After the Wedding Kelly is taking a 15 day tour of Turkey.

Istanbul use to be Constantinople...  So much
ancient history.  I envy her!! 

All is well here with me and as Kelly goes
on her tour,  I will be reaserching every thing
that I can about that whole area. 

I am with her in spirit. 

Hi Everyone!!!   good to see this folder
is back up and talking again!!!

Enjoy,  Sandy
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Don't worry, Sandy Dear, mu son Rob just took a tour of Turkey and adored it and felt it was totally safe.  He especially enjoyed a humongous hot air balloon ride with literally hundreds of balloons!

Marilyne, I never asked about Mateo, albeit I adore that little boy, but I expect you are correct.  His dad, George, is half Filipino,
George is a computer specialist.  More later.  Oh, Mateo is twelve and Solo is eight now.


Marilyne, my granddaughter Judith is a Star Wars fan.  As a matter of fact, Mateo & Solo could pass an exam about Star Wars, because they know all of the names of the characters and the places.  You CANNOT catch them!  They really DO know them all!

So this is how Solo got his name.  You are brilliant.  George's father's name was Solomon, and he was dying when Judith was expecting Solo.  So they DID name him Solomon, and naturally, decided to call him Solo.  On his birth certificate, he is Solomon Han Codillo.  And there you have the REST of the story.

Which radio or TV show was that the ending line for?  Anyone remember?  This is not a trick question, as there really was such a show, but I don't remember.  I think maybe it was radio and was a newscaster.

Oh, and I asked Becky, and Mateo IS Spanish for Matthew.  What a smart gal you are!




Mary Page - I've always been fascinated by names, and curious as to why parents choose unusual names for their children.  Mateo, was easy for me to figure out, because I live about  30 miles from the lovely upscale city of San Mateo, which is just outside of San Francisco.    As you know all of the Mission cities in California are named after Saints, so easy to figure out what the name means in English.  Hundreds of other small towns, and large cities have Spanish names, like Los Angeles, (the Angels) and smaller towns like the one I live in, Los Gatos, which means The Cats.

The nickname Solo caught by eye, and I figured there was probably a Solomon, somewhere in family history.  Most of us tend to name our children names that are trendy, at the time they were born.  Especially seems true of girls names.  So it's refreshing to hear of children who are named after relatives.

MarsGal - Yes, Paul Harvey!  He had a  15 minute segment at the end of any radio program, that was on during the day.  Usually had no connection to the previous program itself, but was separate, and always an  inspirational,  "lesson in life" type story.   





Yes!  Paul Harvey it was!


I am keeping an eye on the upcoming disaster (possibly) that is Hurricane Hillary. For Marilyne, et. al. who live in the path of that thing, I hope you all stay safe.

Yesterday, I had an endoscopy. The procedure was easier than I expected, except that I ended up with a sore throat that is still slightly there this morning. The results are better than I expected. The ring muscle (forget the name of it) just above the stomach did get widened a little. The hiatal hernia itself though large is not interfering. So, I do no need to get the procedure done every few years like my sister who has Barret's. Yea! We stopped at the Enola Family Restaurant (which replaced Hoss's) for lunch. She had the meatloaf, and I had the chopped steak. Both were good. The iced tea I had was good and strong, the best I have had in years. Most places in the last number of years have served iced tea that was little more than tea colored water.

It is very cool this morning for a change at 60oF. It looks like in about ten days we can expect some weather days in the 70's. but until then, it will still range in the 80's and low 90's.

In other excitement, I am having one of my pines (at around 140-160 ft tall) taken down. It worries me that it will come down on the house or, horror of horrors, the neighbor's house). I've been fretting about this one for a year or, but this summer I noticed that it is being undermined by termites or carpenter ants at the base and up the trunk at least four feet. Also, it is time to get a termite check and monitor of the house. I'll have to do that anyway if I want to sell the house. It has been 10 or 11 years since I had them treat the area around the house. The house itself didn't show signs of termites, but the tree stump just out the back door was polluted with them. Ten years was the expected time that treatment would last. So, it is definitely time to get an active monitoring system in place around the house.

Well, time to get breakfast and do some housework. Have a super day everyone.


MarsGal, Hurricane Hillary, will be hitting Southern California, starting tomorrow. (Sunday).  The weather people are saying that it will be a biggie, and will move up to Los Angeles and maybe Santa Barbara? 
No predictions that it will get all the way up here to Northern Cal?  We got the brunt of last Winter's Storms up here, so I hope Hillary stays to the South. 

Sorry that you have to lose one of your pine trees, but sounds like its infested with with termites and other pests.  We have a tree guy coming in a few weeks to look at our Redwood tree in the back yard.  It's right next the the telephone pole, and towers over it, as well as crowding it.  It took a beating last Winter, and I'm afraid it will fall this year, if we have the wild winds we had last year.

Good that your endoscopy was okay.  Daughter Shelley has to have one in the next couple of weeks, and I'm hoping it will be nothing to worry about.  She has been in poor gastro health, since her gall bladder surgery this past Spring.  Things have never returned to normal. 


I keep forgetting just how far up the coast you are, Marilyne.  :-[


So concerning about the flooding caused by Hillary....what a terrifying storm. 

Our #3 son and his family stopped by yesterday.....I was so good to see them.  We are blessed that we get to see them often....however I would like to slow the process down a bit🤪🤪

Dr. Dave's oldest son....our first born grand will turn 18  this coming Tuesday......yikes, how did that happen🤷�♀️🥰😩🥰😩

MARSGAL, glad to read your procedure went well.  That is always a relief to hear.  Sorry about your tree....sure hope it comes down without any mishap.  We had a big pine taken out right outside of our home and it was shocking to see how easily they did it.......worst part is the $$$$!

Have a good Monday❣️

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Good Morning to all who look into Bait & Tackle today.  :)   

Jenny - nice to see all of your good news.  It's hard to believe that Matthew is turning 18!  I remember when he was born . . .  I think they were living in Oregon, but not sure?  Our oldest grandchild turned forty last year! :o  That really makes you feel old, because we can all remember when we turned 40. Definitely a milestone.

All the storms have subsided here in California, so we'll be getting back to the Dog Days of August, for another week.  Then Labor Day weekend will be here again.


Hummmm. What did I do wrong now? 

MARILYN, I wrote a post back to you on or about the same day that you posted this.  And now I see it is NOT here😩 Gurrrr. Operator error, I am quite sure🤪.  Matt was actually born in CA when Dave and Michele lived in Healdsburg. This was the location of his first surgical practice.  They also adopted Luke while living here and Michele was pregnant with Kate.  Then they moved to Lake Oswego OR and Kate joined the family......but you were close🥰🥰🥰 Yes, these kiddos of our are getting up to the ages of where WE still feel we should be‼️‼️🤪🤪🤪

Hope you ALL are starting of this week well.  Thinking about those that might be in Idalia's path....
🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Jenny - I remember now, how much moving around Dave and Michele did during those early years of his practice.  They especially liked Lake Oswego, and I did too!  I only lived there for four months, in the summer of 1953,  when I was on break between my freshman and sophomore year in college.  My Dad had been transferred to Portland for one year, but after that they moved back to Southern Cal.  They loved Oregon, and wanted to stay, but it wasn't meant to be.   


Last couple of days have been a bit cRaZy around here.

Yesterday I had to go to the same pain center where I received epidural shots last May.  I thought my doctor could just set them up again... but NO. A new reevaluation had to be done before I could  get more steroid shots for my painful back/hip/leg done.  I was a bit perturbed about having to do this.  That being said, I had a VERY thorough exam done by a very kind professional PA-C.  Way more questions asked and exam done that told me more about the condition of my lower back AND my neck issues.  I was SO HAPPY I went.  I was to schedule an appointment (first available was the end of October) to get lower back done ASAP.  BIG emphasis put on me getting on a wait list for cancellations.  The Good Lord was watching out for me....they just had a cancellation that I could go to if we would drive about 45 minutes to the South in Colorado Springs. We jumped on it immediately. 

The drive down is always a fun thing to do......anytime I can view Pikes Peak and the towers on the chapel at the Air Force Academy I am in awe!  The appointment went smoothly and with any hope I will get a good ride out of these shots.  They are quite uncomfortable, as many of you might know, but I have a very strong threshold for pain and I only oohed a couple of times as quietly as possible.  Tonight I am having quite a few moving serges of pain in a few spots that RE the troubled ones.....so just hoping it will be much better tomorrow 🤪🤪🥰🥰

MARILYN, I knew and remembered how much you liked Lake Oswego.  Dave and Michele really did also, but as you said, "it was not meant to be" for them to stay there.  We rented a very nice apartment there and stayed for 6 months plus a bit to help Michele out with two babies‼️ Fun times with lasting memories.
Heading off to bed as I am not feeling all that great.

Pleasant dreams to all🥰
🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Jenny, hope you are doing better today. My sister informed me that she is going to have some lower back surgery done. I forget what she called it, but it involves shaving some bone off to make a larger channel for the nerve bundle. Aside from the spinal arthritis, she has scoliosis.

It looks like Shan has another bladder infection. I saw some pink in the pee pad the other day, so I need to catch a clean sample and take it to the vet before he will prescribe an antibiotic. I have a sample from this morning, but not sure whether it is his or Oscar's. Oscar rarely uses that box, so it is probably Shan's. I am disappointed that the meds apparently didn't completely clear the last infection, but I am not surprised. Urinary infections are often difficult to get rid of completely.

I completely forgot to watch for the super blue moon last night. Did anyone see it?


MarsGal,  I went outside a number of times last night, but the cloud cover was too dense to see the Super Moon.
Hoping you can get Shan's problem cleared up before the long weekend starts.

Jenny, keep us posted how you're feeling?  So glad you got on the cancellation list and had the procedures and shots done right away.  :thumbup:

Hope all those who post here, will have a nice Labor Day weekend, and that the weather will calm down,  and be mild and pleasant for everyone.


Marilyne, he is fine thank you. The vet was very pleased with his urinalysis results. Actually, it has been a little over two weeks since Shan used all his pills. I had intended to get another test done anyway just to check that it is all clear. I can only conclude that either I was seeing things or Oscar snuck into the potty box while I wasn't looking. He rarely uses that box. I will still try to keep an eye out. Oscar's next annual checkup is in October (I think), so if I don't see anything to get excited about before then I will have the vet do a urinalysis for him too.


It is FRIDAY AGAIN......these weeks just fly by‼️

Thank you for the encouraging words about my going on and on about pain issues‼️😩 I appreciate the encouragement and certainly hope and pray I do get relief.   I never ever thought I would be the one to be so involved with my medical issues.  And certainly not to talk so much about them.....unfortunately you all are a sounding board for me and it helps me to put things in perspective 🤪🤪🤪

I am feeling much better today....thank you, MARILYN. 

MARSGAL, I hope your sisters surgery will go well and she can get relief. Everyone gives you the OMG look when you mention back surgery. 😱. Many tell of it being successful and are pleased with the outcome....then others say, "NEVER AGAIN"‼️ Kind of a damned if you do and damned if you don't 🤷�♀️

Enjoy this coming holiday weekend..... we are doggie sitting so that will be our entertainment ‼️🥰🥰🥰

HUGS all around❣️
🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Sue reminded me this afternoon that it is a Laminectomy that she is having done. I will have to take her to the hospital and probably stay with her overnight. Don't know how Shan will take that. I am usually not out of the house for long (maybe four hours tops) on the few occasions I am out. Sue was going to sleep on her sofa when she gets back so she avoids the stairs, but her friend who just recovered from heart surgery talked her out of that. So, now we are going shopping for a sleeper sofa some time before her surgery. So, two surgeons - an orthopedic surgeon and a neurosurgeon.

I watched an interesting YouTube cast posted by Astrum about the geologic history of climate fluctuations and how human activity has speeded up the heating upside of the cycle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpvd9FensT8 Since Sue is interested in the La Nino/El Nino cycle so she watched his webcast about that too. I haven't seen that one yet.


MarsGal, Best wishes to Sue, on her upcoming surgery.  I had never heard the term laminectomy, so looked it up, and read all about it.   Sounds complicated, as all back surgery generally is, but is considered to be a safe and common procedure.  Good idea to get q sleeper-sofa, Sue won't have to do the stairs until she's ready.   When is the surgery scheduled?     

Jenny, glad that the steroid injections worked for you, and you're already feeling some relief.  Hope you get better soon, so you can take another trip to San Francisco, to visit your son and dil again?

A long weekend stretching out ahead, so best that I try to get organized and get something done around here.   Next week will be a busy week here.