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February 05, 2025, 04:52:19 PM

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2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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Saturdays around here are full of college football games🏈 I did manage to slip away and accomplish a few things I could handle myself. I had to watch the Air Force Academy vs West Point who played in Bronco Stadium today.  The weather was perfect and unfortunately my team, the Falcons got stomped by the Black Knights😩

We had a delightful time with the family as we celebrated our only granddaughter's 14th Birthday💗. I felt like a new person after starting to get that poison out of my system from that awful shot.  Less and less nausea, headache is gone and I had more energy.  I still was not able to eat much at dinner but that is OK.  Having my surgery date changed to a better time also helped me feel better🥰🥰

MARYPAGE, I am sorry you have issues with eating as well.  Your suggestions will be taken here as well.  Seems others are going to join us.  I have never had Campbells Beef Bullion cold that I know of but it sounds good to me and I will get some tomorrow and give it a try‼️ Thank you.  I can not wait to hear about Ms Cleo's Birthday Party.  What fun.

MARILYN, I see you are a soup lover as well.  I am right now wanting  any soup that does not have a lot of veggies or noodle in it....that is why the bullion sound so good.

CALLLE, good to hear your wrist is improving, however I feel it is going to give you issues for a good long time....sadly maybe forever😩😩 I love tomato soup made with milk.  Have not had it in a good long while so will grab a can when I go out for the bullion tomorrow ‼️‼️ Feel better my friend.  I know how long term healing can be and it isn't fun🥰🥰

I must say goodnight.  My eyes are not focusing well after too much TV and screen time😩😩

Unhappily turning back the clocks tonight😩😡

Sleep well‼️
🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


I'm disappointed that I can't locate a can of Campbells Bouillon in my local markets, and also it's not available to order from the mighty Amazon?   I checked the Campbell's Soup web site, but not there either,  so I guess it's been discontinued - at least here on the West Coast?   They have Beef Broth and Beef Consomme, and that's it.  I wonder if either of those would work if they aren't concentrated?    I'll do some experimenting with whatever I can find here.

One more comment on easy to eat soups.  If any of you have Amy's brand in your markets, give them a try.  More expensive than other brands, but worth it.  The Carrot Ginger, is delicious and has the perfect texture and just the right touch of ginger. Other Amy's I like are the Tomato Bisque and Lentil.

Callie - My Mother also used to make the Campbell's Tomato with milk instead of water.   I'd forgotten about that, but will give it a try.
Glad to hear your wrist is getting better, and you will soon regain the full use of your arm.  My wrists and arms are very thin, and look like an accident ready to happen, so I try to be mindful of that possibility when I'm going about business around the house and in the yard. - especially in the backyard.

Jenny - Good that you stopped the Ozempic!   I've heard that the side effects are hard to deal with.  Men have a problem with it too!  My younger daughter has an ex boyfriend, who has a serious weight problem (age 55) and also has diabetes.  He tried the Ozempic, but could not deal with it at all. Miserable and sick all the time, and finally gave it up.
Happy 14th Birthday to Kate!   I remember when she was born, and how happy you were to have a granddaughter.  :thumbup:  Hope she is still dancing, and enjoying it as much as ever?

Mary Page - I'm also looking forward to hearing about Cleo's birthday party.   She does sound like a most adorable two year old!  I also hope you stick around to see what's in store for her future.  If there is any chance of you sending some pictures to Bubble to post, we sure would love to see them.     I very much enjoy reading about your growing up years in Virginia.  I loved those 1940's years too, and wish I could go back and see things as they were back then.  Everything is gone or changed now, so it wouldn't be the same.


Mariyne, My grocery didn't have canned bouillon but the canned consommé looked as if it might be what we're talking about!

Edit:  Look what I just found !!!!!



Callie - Just a different name for the same soup!  I know they have it at Safeway, so will pick some up tomorrow. Thanks for doing the research . . . interesting 1948 ad from The Ladies Home Journal.


If I buy the condensed Tomato Soup, I also use milk, not water.  However, I put a large dollop of Sour Cream in it and stir it till just before it's ready to come off the burner. Really makes it very like a Bisque.  BTW, I love the Amy's products, but haven't tried the soups yet.  Love the Mexican type dinners.  I know they are expensive, but I usually just buy one, as a treat when I don't want to cook any regular food.
Where was the remainder of the recipe for the chilled consumme? I know someone posted it here, but I forget who and what date it was posted.


Yes, the cosomme is EXACTLY the same thing!  Go for it!

As I said, it may be an acquired taste.  Happens I have been eating it all of my life; literally.  I cannot imagine learning to like it now.  But you CAN obtain a big jolt of protein from it.  I eat mine jellied in a bowl with one of those bright yellow plastic bottles of lemon juice.  I pour/squeeze a good dollop of lemon juice on the consomme and eat spoonfuls until the lemon is gone, then add more, and so on.  I keep a couple of cans of it in my fridge at all times.
Lifetime habit.

I did send Bubble some photos of the party in an attempt to cheer her up.  Maybe she will post my favorite of those.
She declared Miss Cleo a Star!

My Dad was West Point Class of 1925 and I lived in that beautiful spot for 4 years while he taught there.  I lack any interest in Sports for the most part, and never watch football; but am pleased to hear Army won.

I went to a lot of the bashes Senior Net used to have. Weren't we called something else before Senior Net?  Elderhostel or some such?  I met Jenny and Mary Zelle and heaps of others.
 Darling Sandy calls me Mom, which I love; but we have never met.


Good on You, Callie, for finding that old ad!  How in the World did you manage that?!

I, too, am a Big Fan of Amy's!  All organic, and all delicious.

Debi, Cleo's grandmother and my daughter, and Kathryn, my granddaughter and Cleo & Ava's mother, sent me tons of photos.
It was a DISCO party for the two year olds in Cleo's nursery school and their parents and siblings.  Huge success.  It was also a luncheon party, and Kathryn hired some place, I forget who, to bring some animals for the children to learn from.  They brought a parrot and a hedgehog and one other, but I have already forgotten what.  They were there for about an hour and a half, and the children were able to pet them and learned a lot.

John and Kathryn reported that after everyone had gone home and it was bedtime in the Windsor household, Miss Cleo was still dancing.
She had a blast!


Well, look at that! It is high Noon already. I hope everyone is having a good day.

I am back from my sister's place where I spent the night and a good bit of the morning after her stay at the hospital. She is doing remarkably well according to the doc and her caregivers at hospital. She came home with seven prescriptions, few of which she expects to use. So far, she has only been using Tylenol and doesn't see the need for the narcotic prescription, which of course, means she won't need the NARCON in case she accidently OD's on said narcotic drug. So far, she also hasn't needed the Senex they prescribed, or the Valium (by another generic name) in case of muscle cramps. Huh! We used to call that "Mother's Little Helper" back in my very much younger days, and it wasn't for muscle cramps. Her next door neighbor, who is a private duty nurse, will be checking in with her this afternoon and will change out the pad on her back.

Good thing I came home when I did because one of the pest control guys was here to install one of those "one way doors" so that any critters in the attic that were missed can get out but not back in. He did find the two youngsters starting a nesting site behind the soffit or flashing, whatever you call the trim at the juncture of the roof and walls, but they haven't gotten into the attic proper. Next, the guys will come out and plug up all the holes, etc. that they can find to keep them from getting into the attic in the first place. What a project. Wasp count in the bathroom and kitchen, so far today, is zero. I have not checked the back bedroom yet.

Near record high predicted for tomorrow, around 74o

My favorite Amy's soups are her Lentil, Black Bean Vegetable, and Quinoa, Kale, and Lentil soup. I have had on my shelf for some time a can of Amy's Mushroom Bisque. I need to use that soon.

The other Organic soup I like is Pacific Foods Poblano Pepper and Corn Chowder and the Chicken and Wild Rice.


So, it's good to learn that Bouillon a Consommé are one and the same!  Going way back in time, I'm now reminded of Bouillon Cubes. Does anyone else remember those?  Little blocks of dry buillion, each one wrapped in colorful foil.  My Mother always had a container of them in the cupboard, but what she used them for, I don't remember?  Maybe making beef gravy?   I wonder if they're still available, or if they'e just a memory now, like Junket Pudding?

Mary Page - I'm hoping that we'll soon see the pictures of Cleo's birthday party?   I need some cheering up, and I think  the pictures of a  Disco Dance Party for two year olds, will be just the thing!   

Tomereader -  The recipe for the chilled Consommé was an easy one.  Just put the can in the fridge for I guess about 24 hours? and it will become the consistency of Jello.  When you take it out, I guess you can empty it on a plate and slice it and add the lemon juice if desired.   I have't tried it yet, but I'm looking forward to it. 

MarsGal - Sounds like Sue is doing really well.   Good that you're there for her if she needs you, and also that she has a friendly next door neighbor who is a nurse.  That should give her a good feeling of security, knowing that if anything goes wrong, she can call her neighbor for help or advice.

Time to go watch some TV, and then early to bed. The time change is really bothering me this year.  The two full days that we've had so far, seem especially long, and I seem to be tired and yawning all day.  I know I'll get used to it, but it seems to take longer every time they switch.  They say it's not good for us, because it disrupts our natural Circadian Rhythm, and I believe that's true.


Well, for once in my life, the time change hasn't bothered me.  I am sleepy earlier, and have slept through the nights since the change we'll see what happens!

Oh, the boullion cubes are still available.  Now they have something called Wyler's Chicken Powder (it is instant bouillion). Comes in a little jar about the size of a baby food jar.   A lot of on-line recipes now include this "powder" as an ingredient.


I sure do remember those cubes!  You all have the advantage of me these days, as I haven't driven a vehicle in well over ten years now and am too frail and fragile to go shopping.  Hence, I have no notion what the stores are offering!

My current caretakers take care of all of that.


MaryPage, I sent you my email.


Thank you, Dear Patricia.  I had you in my mailing list already, albeit under a different address than the two you just gave me.  By the way, I have deleted that email of mine now, in hopes no strangers crashing our world might pick up on and use it.

OK, Folks.  Sit back and meet the dancing Princess of this planet!!



Thank you, Patricia.
 You are a great friend.

I bought Miss Cleo three books for her birthday.  I went on line and researched the matter, and then ordered them and they came today and are Perfect!  I will list them here:

How To Eat a Book by Mr. & Mrs. Macleod

What Do You Do With A Problem by Kobi Yamada

The World Needs More Purple People by Kristen Bell and Benjamin Hart


This past week seem to get away from me?  I don't know where it went, but I know I didn't post much.  I'll do better in the coming weeks, as we approach the Holidays! 

Mary Page - I did enjoy seeing your adorable Miss Cleo, celebrating her second birthday!  Hope to see more photos of your great-grand's, or anyone else in your large family.  I don't think we've ever been a picture of Chip, or your daughters?  I'd love to see them too.

Mars - hoping that Sue is up and about, and will soon be back to normal?  Your wasp/yellow jacket pests should not bother you for a few months, regardless of whether they are still there or not?    I think most insects vanish during the cold Winter months?  So they may be sleeping in your attic, and waiting first sign of Spring to reappear. 

Joanne/Tome - You haven't mentioned your football favorites this year?  Are you still watching and picking the winners?  I'm bummed that Stanford has fallen to almost the bottom of the heap.  :(    Used to be my favorite team, but what happened?    They really took a trouncing yesterday from Oregon State U.      Then there's  the San Jose Sharks Hockey team!  :-[    It was a 100% losing season, up until a couple of days ago, when they finally won . . . two in a row.  So there is hope on the horizon! 

Callie - Let us know how your wrist is healing?  You're probably done with the soft cast by now?  Looking forward to hearing from you as soon as it's comfortable for you to start posting?

Jenny - we haven't heard from you for a long time.  Hope all is well, and that you and Bob are both feeling okay?


Good Sunday greetings to all.

Another crazy week around here.....I am not even going into it.....I can sum it up in one word..
DOCTORS🤣🤣🤣🤣 So far this week is clear and we hope to keep it this way. Our week slipped away as well, MARILYN‼️ Our Kate had several birthday gatherings, one being her dance family.  Oh yes, she is still very much involved in her dancing....daily‼️ We are all so thankful she has this to be so passionate about.  Even my doctor that 'I saw last Monday for my pre-op physical said he only made it three weeks on the Ozempic shots and was happy I made four weeks but understood why 'I could not continue.  That stuff is pure poison to me‼️😩

MARYPAGE, loved the videos and pictures.....beautiful grands you have❣️

Our #3 son and family were going to come by for breakfast this morning for a little birthday celebration for Bob, but unfortunately our grandson has some kind of a bug and it spread like crazy throughout or DIL's family who were all together this weekend for family pictures.  We are going to Dave's for the bday celebration today tho and it will so nice to see all of them.  I always imagined our entire family would be able to gather together for this 😩

MARS, happy to read Sue is doing well and you might have ended the wasp and Yellowjacket saga‼️‼️  🤞 🤞 one way out with no return sounds fantastic‼️. I am one that can not and will not take those strong drugs after surgery too.  They make me feel much worse‼️‼️

PATRICIA, thank you for helping MP post her special pictures🥰

Blessings to all🙏
🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"



Mary Page -  I left a message for you on the Photo page!


Posting these photos for MaryPage in answer to Marilyne's request




Mary Page, see the photo site for a message


Dying to share this with you:  my daughter Debi's college roommate is visiting her this week and they were doing a telephone (just on my land line: I do not use a cell phone or mobile or whatever) call with me and we were discussing things our offspring said once upon a time when they were small and Mary had the dearest: her granddaughter said "I love you so many much!" The granddaughter is now grown up, and no longer says that; but all of the rest of the family DO!

We know how that is.  Debi's Kathryn used to protest when she was tiny: "Mom, go away!  I need my surpriseicy!"  Kathryn no longer says THAT, but we all do.


When Illy was small, we taught her to say thank you whenever she received something. In Hebrew, thanks is "toda".  For some reason she found it hard to pronounce the T, so she was saying dddaa on insisting on the D,  We still all often use that even today.

Another saying of hers was " My rear is talking"... you can guess when  it was necessary for her to explain. LOL


Love it! I just love it when our little ones speak!


Older daughter Shelley, added "co-co" to the end of any long word she couldn't quite manage.  When she was a toddler we had apricot trees in our back yard, and she called them aper-coco's. We also ate Avo-coco's and Zu-coco's.   My favorite was the "vacuum cleaner" which is a tongue twister word for any child to handle.  She called it the "Vo-coco O-coco".  What a mouthful!  ;D   AJ and I still call it that.


I'm looking forward to hearing about the Thanksgiving plans and activities that everyone will be enjoying this year?   

Our holidays have changed radically over the years.  Mostly because of family members who are no longer living, or the grandchildren who have moved to far away places.  Our son and wife celebrate TG with her family, so we always had a big dinner here with our two daughters and their husbands, or significant others, and the grandkids.  Also my brother and his family often came, as did my dear cousin and her husband.  Now my brother and cousin are no longer with us, and their family members have scattered far and wide. 

So, that leaves the two of us, our younger daughter, (not married), and  older daughter (now divorced), and her autistic daughter who lives with her.  That's only five of us! Last year we went to a local family style casual restaurant near us.  We liked it, so this year we're returning.  :thumbup: 


JENNY, I was just rummaging through my filing cabinet drawers searching for "something else" entirely, as one is often wont to do, and I ran into a very old Senior Net file I haven't pulled out in years! I almost cried, except that my tear ducts dried up years ago, and I know you would know all of the names that stunned me: Gladys Barry, India Brown, Judy McKenna and P. Roe Wyatt, to name a very few.  Wow!  Such outstanding personalities! I'm betting you remember each of these as well and all!


I certainly do, MaryPage! It was P. Roe Wyatt, a no-nonsense lady with six sons. She was the first to grill me about my avatar, saying people should use their given names. She was the first to call me a junior-senior because I was so much younger, and then Rae picked it up. I was termed junior for some time.

Then Gladys started emailing me because she had a nephew in Homer, a town 580 miles from me, and did I know him? Shortly after this, she posted about climbing out a window to tend to her garden by a tree. She was a character, and we all loved her.

It was Bunny and a woman, I'm sorry to say, I don't remember her name, that brought me from Thirdage and into Seniornet in 2000. Thirdage kicked out their free groups in much the same way that Seniornet did before them.


Oh, Patricia!  We teased Gladys without mercy ever afterwards about that business of climbing out of windows! Rae would have been Rae Inskeep. We had a Bonnie Ferrell;  was she the one?