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March 11, 2025, 11:54:18 PM

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2025-02-27, 15:38:11
Oldiesmann: Finally got the AmazonBot situation under control. I basically changed some server settings to tell AmazonBot that it's not allowed to access anything on the site. That should fix the speed issues we've been experiencing lately

2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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I got the biggest kick out of a recipe for scrapple (the Pennsylvania Dutch called it Pawnhass) I read on Google.  The gal who wrote it was obviously doing so from memory, and she did a good job of THAT.  Except, she remembered a word, but had not, back in the day, known what that word really was.

So her recipe says you start with the awful of a pig.  I looked, and looked again!  Then I enjoyed a really good old laugh.

The word, you see, was offal!  Awful is a GREAT word for that, though!


The best scrapple I ever had was made by farmer brother of a gal I worked with at the time. Real scrapple, but made with the whole hog (if I remember her description correctly). If there was cornmeal in it, I really couldn't tell. But super rich it was. I stopped buying scrapple from the grocer years ago because the brands that used to be good started putting too much filler in it, ending up with a next to tasteless product.

Wow, oh wow, oh wow!!! I just glanced out the window. What I at first saw was a blur of yellow close to the ground, then a black shape along the black undergrowth following behind. I think they might be the two cats I saw weeks ago, but I couldn't get a good look, just blobs of faintly moving color. Then, and THEN, I saw them. Three of them. Three deer out in the grass patch - one larger than the other two. The big one went across and up along the fencing for the adjacent townhouse development, the other two stayed on the grass patch. After about five minutes, the two smaller ones moved up along the tree line where the trees branches weren't trimmed. The big one finally came back across the lane and proceeded down along the tree line in the opposite direction from the other two. Oscar did not seem very interested. In fact, he got down off his perch and walked out of the room for a few minutes. Now he is back, but too late, the deer have disappeared. The deer were super vigilant while they were in sight, keeping tabs on each other and checking for danger. It was like they knew I was watching, even though I stayed back from the window.

Good Morning everyone! It is cloudy this morning with the expectation of rain beginning in the late afternoon/early evening. 69o just now.


No sunshine this morning, and that rain is not due here till about 6 O:clock this evening. As usual, nothing planned for the day. So far it looks like a good day for a nap later.



Scrapple,  is something I had never even heard of, until joining Senior Net, 25+ years ago.  Every so often it comes up here in conversation, and I try to visualize and always wonder what it tastes like?  I'm guessing it's like sausage?  Offal or Awful, I'd like to try it some day . . . but at this point in time, I'll probably  never have the chance.

Mars -  How fortunate you were to see the deer family this morning!  Your new apartment must be in a semi-rural part of town?    For some reason I thought you were now living in a more urban area??  Have your cell phone close so maybe you can take a picture next time?

Good Morning to you too Rick  . . .  just now saw your post!       


We do not feel so fortunate to see or have visits from deer this year.  Or last, for that matter.  They are chomping down many of our flowers before we can even enjoy their blooming, and are overrunning this whole area most unhappily. Overpopulation is affecting us all, animal and human.


Thunderous Ship Horn Startles Duluth Crowd in Dense Fog;



A Ghost Ship,  indeed!


Wishing all who look in here today, a Happy Fourth of July!   Although we don't celebrate much any more at our age, we can close our eyes and remember the past:  Parades with marching bands,  picnic's at a park,  neighborhood barbecues with hot dogs and potato salad,  swimming at a pool or at the beach,  and playing baseball and other games.  When it got dark,  out came the Safe and Sane fireworks . . . always supervised by grown ups.  Those innocent happy holidays, are gone forever.   Enjoy your memories today! 


Marilyne, are those awful fires near you?


I can truly say I had a glorious 4th.  Steve & Debi, Debi being one of my 5 daughters: the one I live with now, live on an island in the Chesapeake Bay in Edgewater, Maryland.  Our little family consists, at present, of those two and my daughter Becky, who has flown in from Kansas City, Missouri to help Debi take care of me, and me.  We had a marvelous meal and then repaired just before dark to their back deck, a quite large area behind the house facing the water.
Their pier is down some stairs on a small hill, and is, of course, right on the water.  We live on an indentation on the island, so there are homes on a hill across this small cut of water.  Most of these had a slew of quite amazing (and expensive!) fireworks, and one by one, sometimes together, they set these off.  To our great delight!  It lasted a very long time, and I could not have been more delighted.  We whooped it up across the water, and yelled THANK YOU, when it was over. In addition to the splendid noise and lights, the reflections of the lights from those homes made gorgeous pathways across those waters.  Altogether, it was a perfect evening!
Debi & Steve live very near Annapolis.  You cannot really tell where Annapolis ends and Edgewater begins.
My children are cleaning out and clearing out (and trying rather desperately to get family members to come and fetch home with them) all the stuff that has piled up in my apartment, and I have had to go through tons of papers and stuff; I have come across a small black photo album that says SENIORNET 20th Anniversary 1986 - 2006.  It only contains photos of Bob & Me, and lots of them are of our wedding.


And WOW!  Remember the Bashes?  I did not get to all of them;  not by any means, but I did get to a lot. I find I have mementoes from Williamsport (75 of us, and I do not find a single name other than my own that I recognize as posting these days.)  Virginia in 2004 found me showing off my new husband, Bob.  Bob died in 2006, but at least he got to one Bash with me.  Lots of stuff to go through here.
 I can honestly say that, albeit most of the names have not been heard from in years, I recognize them and who they were and what they were like.  Fun!


Mary Page, I'm happy for you, that you again have the photo album, with the pictures of you and Bob.  Also wonderful that you have the mementos from the Williamsburg Bash, so you can enjoy it all over again!

It looks like you're feeling well,  and enjoying life with Debi and Steve, and Becky too.  Your 4th of July fireworks gathering, sounds like a fun evening for you and for all family members.  Keep us posted on how you are doing.  We look forward to hearing from you.


I thought I had posted this, but Marilyne, are you and AJ safe from the Fires?


Joanne/Tome - Thank you for asking!   So far this year, the nearest wildfires have been a distance from us to the N/E, so we've only suffered from the smoke.   When there's a fire in the Santa Cruz mountains, we're on high alert.  They're very close,  starting just outside of our town and surrounding us to the South and the West.  Lots of Redwood forests and wildlife in the mountains, plus campgrounds, a State Park and a couple of small towns.


Bob Newhart, legendary comedian, dead at 94



Bob Newhart . . . One of my all time favorite comedians.  He had a unique sense of humor that will likely never be duplicated. Loved both of his TV sit-coms, and glad that  we can still enjoy them in reruns. 


Memorial Newhart Marathon here today and tomorrow.



OK, CALLIE!  Time for an update on Cooper David.  How does he like this world?  Does he exhibit a strong appetite?  I like to see a man enjoy his meals.
Has he tasted the most tantalizing foodstuff on the planet yet? I refer, of course, to a scoop of ice cream.  If not, I think you should sneak a spoonful to him soonest.  No harm in you becoming his favorite person.  Especially if no one can figure out why!


MaryPage, unfortunately, I have not seen Cooper David since I met him on Memorial Day!  His other Great Grandmother (the mother of his "Mimi"/my dil) had a stroke in mid June and died early in July. So that side of the family has been busy and I haven't been able to be with anyone.
  Cooper is now 2 months old and beginning to smile and react to other people.  I suspect his parents are "modern" and I doubt that he will have any kind of foodstuff (tantalizing or otherwise) for quite a while.  He does weigh 13 pounds and so whatever they're feeding him is working!
  I'll sneak him a bit of ice cream as soon as I can - although "modern" parents also have a "no sweets" attitude.  ::) 
Thank you for asking.


Callie -  In case you look back here in Bait and Tackle:  YES,  I'm watching The Olympics, as is my husband, both daughters, and our son and dil.  We watch every two years without fail, and always enjoy it.     

So far lots of exciting stuff to see, with more to come.   I didn't care at all for the Opening Ceremony, but others in my family liked it. 
How about you?  Are you enjoying everything so far?


Marilyne, I always check here but don't always post. Was trying to get a conversation started in Soda Shoppe but doubt that it will vary from the 'same old same old' subjects.   

I watched gymnastics/swimming most of the day yesterday.  I agree with you re: the Opening Ceremony; that was Slow and Long!  I understood the tired looks on a lot of athletes' faces during the long speeches by dignitaries.  Not sure if I'll watch tonight.  May turn it on and then try to finish an e-book that's due soon.

#1 son/dil were in Missouri for a family funeral and #2 son/dil were in Denver for a Kenny Chesney(sp?) concert so I think they'll start watching now -especially #1 dil, who is a retired p.e. teacher.


I caught some of it last night. Will check again tonight. I had trouble finding the channel it is on.



Quote from: RAMMEL on July 29, 2024, 06:20:47 PMI caught some of it last night. Will check again tonight. I had trouble finding the channel it is on.

It's usually on NBC.





Marilyne, I posted "Olympic stuff" over in Soda Shoppe. But you know me well enough to know....where I am most all day and into the wee hours!


Hi Joanne/Tome -  good to see you!   I also love watching the Olympics, and immediately get  hooked on whatever event is being shown.  Tonight I watched one of the Equestrian events, plus swimming and the men's gymnastics.  Right now it's 2:00 am, and I can't sleep, so will take a look at the TV, and see what's happening right now live, in Paris! 

Rick - besides NBC, there are four other channels to watch that are showing the Olympics.  CNBC and Peacock are two of them.  Can't remember the others right now, but I'll post them all tomorrow. 


So far I have found it on two channels. One of them or the other has had something of interest to me. Caught some Volley Ball, and swimming. I did swimming when I was in High School but was never very good at it. Back stroke was my thing. One of my class mates Was in to canoes, and made it to one of the Olympics. They didn't do well. I also had the occasion to meet a Stephen Macknowski (At the 1948 Summer Olympics in London, he won two medals with Steven Lysak with a gold in the C-2 10000 m event and a silver in the C-2 1000 m events. ), also from here - a conoeist - of years ago.



Rick - Here's the complete list of the TV Olympic Channels:
NBC,  USA Network,  E!,  CNBC  and  Golf Channel.  Another NBC Channel,  Peacock, is showing the Olympics, throughout the day.

You mentioned swimming, and that you specialized in Backstroke.  I happened to see the Men's Backstroke yesterday.  It was amazing  to watch those guys plow through the  water at warp speed!  I can't remember which swimmer won  . . . I think it was Australia? 


Good Evening, Wi-fi kept going out on this computer and this is the first chance I've had to comment.

I've binge-watched the swimming and gymnastics for the past two days on NBC; they only break for the local newscasts at noon/6:00 p.m. and the national news at 5:30 p.m.

  Talk about "warp speed"! Amazing that Katie Ledeke (sp?) was so far ahead of anyone else in that swim competition today!

Loved the Clark Kent/Superman comparison of the American male gymnast.  I understand they were the youngest team to compete and am so glad they broke the streak of no medals for American team in several years.

Rammel, in 2028, the canoe races will probably be in Oklahoma City.  Part of the large river that naturally runs through downtown has been turned into a recreational area that includes boat racing and rapids.   

 Have some Domestic Duties that need to be done tomorrow but I'm sure I'll be "back in Paris" ASAP.

Sleep well, Everyfriend and have pleasant dreams.


Callie -  This was the first Olympics where I've paid close attention to Men's Gymnastics.  All five of the men had such interesting back stories.  I think my two favorites were Brody Malone and the young man with the glasses and the long last name, who finally won the medal!  As you said - he immediately got tagged with the "Clark Kent" to "Superman" comparison.  :thumbup:    Also I enjoyed the swimming and my  favorites all won!

The Synchronized Diving, from that high platform is amazing. You wonder how many hundreds of practice dives they must do to become so perfect? Even thinking about climbing up there and jumping off scares me.
Today I plan to watch the Beach Volleyball.  My favorite from way back to the glory days of Kerri Walsh and Misty May-Treanor.