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March 12, 2025, 12:00:15 AM

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2025-02-27, 15:38:11
Oldiesmann: Finally got the AmazonBot situation under control. I basically changed some server settings to tell AmazonBot that it's not allowed to access anything on the site. That should fix the speed issues we've been experiencing lately

2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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Marilyne, Thank you for asking!  All is well with my family and me. However, the past several weeks I've had too many things coming at me - business decisions, various appointments and various helpers and visitors coming by.  It seems like a long time since I've had a "leisurely" day.

The twins with who (whom?) Miss Ellen nannies have started pre-kindergarten and so she's working more shifts at Loft and takes care of them in the afternoon until parents get home - sometimes overnight on weekends. She has a nice group of friends to socialize with.  One works for the NYC Metro Library system and Ellen is part of a book group connected with that. No auditions that I've heard about.

Miss Emily (well - really "Mrs. Emily" since she's been married for over a year) hopes to open her own chiropractic clinic by the first of the year.  She specializes in pre-natal and pediatric treatments, so is including a game/reading room.

Sir Carson and Brittany are parents of my now 4 months old Great Grandson.  I have seen him twice but gets lots of pictures.  He's a big boy (15 pounds and long legs) and is beginning to really react to people.
   Have I mentioned that they moved back from Texas a year ago and live in the same area as their parents and Emily? He is an assistant superintendent with a big local construction company and is just finishing up a project.  He may have to commute to the next one but doesn't have to move out of the area.

Dil is feeling good and all recent tests have been great.  She/#1 son are baby-sitting during the day while Brittany finishes on-line classes and a paper she needs to get her degree. 

I did have somewhat of a "leisurely" day yesterday.  Watched the Oklahoma State football game at 11:00 and the University of Oklahoma game at 2:00. Both teams won!!! 
   The local PBS station had a really interesting movie on last night.  "The Woman In Gold" was a BBC movie from 2015 and was based on a true story of an Austrian Jewish woman who had escaped to America during WW2 and who was trying to get a painting of a relative back that the Nazis had stolen.  Helen Mirren was the lead and she - and the story - were very good.

I'll watch church service on tv this morning and then plan on trying to finish at least one of the several e-books I have checked out.


Yes! I remember the movie being mentioned a while back. The formal name of the painting is Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I, but I didn't know it's history before the sale or much of anything about Klimt until I read Edmund de Waal's book The Hare with Amber Eyes. The book is about a 264 piece collection of Netsuke carvings and how it came to be in Vienna, was hidden away during the war, and how it finally made its way back to Japan. But, it also had quite a bit to say about the Vienna art scene and artists before and during the war. Klimt was the most prominent among those discussed in the book.

Finally got my eyedrops, BTW.


Callie and Mars - I plan to check my PBS channel, and see if "The Woman in Gold", is available on-demand?  If so, I'll start watching  it this afternoon or tomorrow.

Callie - Happy to hear  that your dil is doing so well! Wonderful that she and your son are helping with baby-sitting chores.  Also wonderful news that Mrs. Emily will soon be opening her own pediatric clinic.  Miss Ellen still sounds happy, living in NYC.

Mars -  Glad the elusive eye drops prescription has finally been filled!  My husband will have  minor eye surgery this Friday, for a problem called Ptosis.  This is an eyelid that has lost the ability to open and close correctly, and "droops" down and covers the eye.  A common problem for older folks.

Oops, just remember that today is Sunday, not Monday, so football will be on TV all afternoon. I'll have to wait to for the PBS movie.



Marilyne,movie was on my local PBS channel. My TV Guide magazine didn't list it.

Marsgal, PBS guide says movie is "...the true story of Maria Altmann...who battles the Austrian government to recover her valuable artwork". She talks a lot about Aunt Adele.
(#2 son/dil walked in and I didn't have time to finish...) 
Apparently,  Maria and and Adele were very close when Maria was a child. The painting was shown, too; frankly , I thought it was ugly.  Notes at the end said a billionaire named Lauder bought it and it's "currently" (2015) in a gallery in New York.


Callie:  Thanks for the review of "The Woman in Gold".  Interesting subject, and I plan to put it on my long list of things to watch.  Many others on my list that have been there for a long time, that I would like to see first.  So many movies - so little time!  :yes:  I admit  that I do enjoy watching some of the trashier oldies!  ::)   I saw "Written on The Wind", a couple of days ago on TCM.  That movie, from 1956, has it all!   If you haven't seen it in  recent years - sit back and enjoy!   Robert Stack, Lauren Bacall, Rock Hudson and Dorothy Malone . . . who won Best Supporting Actress, that year. 

Mars:  Hope your eye surgery was a success, and that you're on the  road to recovery?  Are you able to read yet, or just enjoying your audio books?  Bring us up to date on anything else of interest in your life?       


Been in hospital for two weeks...


I'm sorry you have been ill, Jackie. Take it slow and easy while you are recovering.   :sleep:


Jackie!  So good to hear from you.  I sent you an email a couple of days ago, because I suspected that all was not well.  Glad to have you back with us, and hope you're completely recovered.   


Jackie, sorry to hear that you had to spend time in the hospital. I do hope you are better now, or well on your way to recovery.


Marilyne, Phyllis, MarsGal..thank you and bless you for caring..


Jackie, hope you are home from the hospital and feeling better. Pray for you staying well!


Hoping that all those who visit us here in Bait & Tackle, are enjoying the Autumn weather, and looking forward to the World Series, Football Season, and Halloween?

Jackie -  So good see you posting here, and in other discussions as well.  Hope you're feeling much better, and will continue to improve.

Joanne/Tome -  I'm thinking that this is your favorite season??  :clap:    I know you enjoy all sports, but football is probably the one you like best?   Keep us posted on who you're betting on, and how your  team is progressing?

Mars -  There are a couple of things I wanted to comment on, but best done in Library or on the Music board.  I'll get to those later this afternoon.

Phyllis -  Good to see you posting here!  Hope the hurricane didn't do too much damage in your area?  So sad to see pictures of the Gulf Coast of Florida.  :(  Total devastation.


I seem to have lost some posts.  Probably back when the site was acting up & I could not use it at all.  Jackie, I am so sorry to hear of your nightmare (which is the way I view any hospital visits anyone has to endure) and I wish you Out of There & into a wonderful comfort zone.  Sending a huge package of beautiful days with your name on each.


Tomereader - Marilyne.... Mary Page, we posted at the same time, i just noticed your post in time to reply..
Had a fall and banged my head...ambulance came, thankfully i have an alarm and keysafe at the front door so ambulance and key safe callers can get in...I was in hospital two weeks, nurse comes in to bandage-dress my leg, cellulitis and venous leg ulcer, been ongoing and backwards and forwards to my GP surgery for the past three months for dressings...( when taken to hospital by ambulance, unknown to me, told my blood pressure was very very low,)  collapsed, banged my head, something also wrong with my vision, acute kidney injury, two leg bacteriers..still taking a lot of tablets per day, 4 lots of three and 4 lots of two..Leg still oozing yellow fluid...When leg dressed, leg feels like a tourniquet, leg burns and throbs...My Multiple Sclerosis and leg is making it very hard to walk, my balance is terrible..
A care-home is on the agender..
Thankfully i have several church friends rallying around in the background, and who are and were there for me...


Thank the Lord for Church friends.  Hope they give you all the T.L.C. you need till you can get on the upswing again. 

Jackie, I think of you often even if I don't post or PM.



Jackie -  Hoping that all your meds are working well, and that you're feeling better today?   You said that there is the possibility of a care home in the future?  Would that be a permanent move, or just temporary until you are much better?   It does sound like you will need help for a while ahead?   


Marilyne, it will - would be a permanent move...I dont want to be alone anymore , these last three months have brought me to my senses...


Took another fall yesterday, body just crumbled, ambulance came, done various tests, now to add Left Bundle Branch Block...
" A condition that occurs when the electrical signal that controls the heart beat is disrupted in the left side of the heart...This causes the left ventricle to beat later than the right ventricle.."

Add to this the hospital discharge notes "" Acute Kidney Injury Stage 3 ( confirmed )

Still dealing with Venous Leg Ulcer, my leg and foot is bandaged by visiting Community Nurses, although ambulance re-bandaged it yesterday, the green-yellow fluid is still leaking through, been ongoing for 3 months plus...finished my 20 a day 2 lots of anti-biotics...Just one water tablet for the leg fluid and two painkiller tablets to take one morning and night..


I am so sorry, Jackie, that you  have to deal with all the health issues.
 Thank goodness you decided to move closer to help after you were left alone when your Richard died.  I wish you courage to deal with  all that is happening to you.


Jackie,  Now that you have had a second fall,  I'm hoping a care home can be found for you ASAP.   It would be best for your ongoing safety and comfort, so
I hope it doesn't take too long?    It's wonderful that you have some good church friend, who are   standing by for you.  Keep us posted on how you're feeling?


Thinking of you, Jackie. Another setback. Not super, but you have pluck and determination. Like everyone else I hope a suitable care home can be found, hopefully close to your church friends.   


Jackie, my prayers are with you! :smitten:


Had a fall yesterday, had a fall the day before, ( body just keeps crumbling under me ) both times an ambulance came...church people rallying round to get me home help - and home care, also helping to get me into a care-home in our village...even our church minister was called as a key safe and arrived at my home same time the ambulance arrived, he said a prayer for me before he left...Today i have the community nurse coming to my home to rebandage my venous leg ulcer leg, the first ambulance women also rebandaged the leg and foot but still the day after the bandage gets soaked with the green-yellow fluid....


Jackie -  I'm thinking about you this morning, and hoping very much that you're in a safe place, where you're being taken care of?  It's good to hear that your church minister was there, and that others from your church are doing whatever they can to help you.   


Second day fall ambulance strangely ruled out Left Bundle Branch Block, said ambulance the day before got it wrong...anyway that is one medical ailment i now dont have to worry about, assuming second ambulance got it right...
The ball is rolling for care-home...the move in should not take long..I need to feel safe..


Patiently waiting to see that sun the weather forecast says we are supposed to be getting today. This morning the humidity is still quite high.

Nothing planned yet for today other than going to the drug store for some allergy eye drops and finalizing my last grocery delivery. I am not renewing. With Weis store so close, and Giant and Aldi a quick few minutes drive extra, it makes no sense to not go back to doing my own shopping. Besides, I really, really need the walking exercise.

Jackie, I hope to hear that you are able to make the move very soon.


Good Morning to Jackie and Mars, and hope others drop in today to say hello.  Our late season heat wave is still here, so we will have temperatures over 100 degrees again today.  If only the wind would start blowing  -  even a slight breeze -  we would get some relief, but none expected until Tuesday or Wednesday.

Jackie, you sound a little more hopeful, that you will be moved to a care home soon.  Will you be able to have your computer with you at the care home?  We want to keep hearing from you. 

Mars, looks like you have lots of stores close to your house.  Same thing here:  We have Safeway, Walgreen's, 7-11, and other chain stores within in few blocks, so no need to have anything delivered.  I saw your post in SS, that Denny's is closing in your area?   I'm feeling really bad about Denny's closing here too.  There are only a few left in some neighboring towns, but a little too far to drive.  I wonder where are people going now, for a medium priced meal of the same quality? 


...i ordered a tablet - keyboard today, think my Richards large desktop will have to go...and the office desk i bought and the swivel chair i bought a few weeks back...


Jackie -  You haven't posted in a couple of days?  I hope it's because you're in the process of moving to a care home?  That would be such a relief for you.  Let us know all about it,  as soon as you get settled? 


Hi, MaryPage.  You might not remember me, as we only met once or twice, when you were with Deems/Maryal at a meeting, but I remember the three of us joking together, and have followed you a bit since then.

So I have to tell you how much I admire the grace and courage you are using to deal with yourA"Forgettery" (good name).

We all face this possibility, and you have given me a good set of tools to use when my turn comes.

Peace and good wishes.
