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March 12, 2025, 12:00:02 AM

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2025-02-27, 15:38:11
Oldiesmann: Finally got the AmazonBot situation under control. I basically changed some server settings to tell AmazonBot that it's not allowed to access anything on the site. That should fix the speed issues we've been experiencing lately

2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

Previous topic - Next topic


Hi Pat,  I hope Mary Page will see your message?   It's been quite a while since she's posted here in B&T.  Hoping that she is feeling well, and that we'll soon hear from her.

Jackie,  I'm worried about you,  and still expecting to hear something from you too?  Let us know if you've moved to the care home, and where it's located, and if you're doing okay?       


..just released a few hours ago from another two week hospital stay, ( taken in told had a fever ) had a few falls where ambulance came to get me up, this was during he short time afyter i was released on the previous two week hospital stay, then banged my the back of my head, had to be X-Rayed...Thank you for missing me and caring enough about asking about me...
Had to insert a PIC line ( half hour procedure ) to administer a drug three times a day, as they had many issues in the end inserting a canula...Anyway they have got rid of my Venous Leg Ulcer, had two bacteriors in it, they had got rid od one bacterior and the only drug that worked for the second bacterior was by the PIC line...The Venous Leg Ulcer took four months to get rid of that oozing yellow-green foul smelling fluid that oozed from the bandages over my leg and foot onto the floor as i walked..
Then of course due to a knock a couple of weeks ago on the other leg cellulitus set in, that too has been dealt with..
Walking is still very unsteady,  part due also to my multiple scclerosis, now awaiting my care package, i have a care package where someone will come in three times a day seven days a week...also awaiting medications to be home delivered by my pharmacy from the hospital...i have the care package in place, and the hospital discharge papers...


Jackie - It's good to see you back. Hoping all continues to get better. Don't rush things. Take all the help you need, or can get.



Jackie,  So good to hear from you.  Sounds like you're getting excellent treatment for all of your health issues.  Just hoping  that you will now begin healing, and will soon feel better.  I'm familiar with the  PIC line, and how it looks and works.  My daughter had one in her arm, for an infection that wouldn't heal.  This was a long time ago, so I don't remember much except that it did cure the infection.  Good that you will have someone who will come three times a day to help you.  Keep us posted on how you're feeling.  I'll be thinking about you, and hoping for the best!  :thumbup:   


Hoping all Bait & Tackle readers are doing okay this weekend?    Last night we had our first "rain" in six months!  If you can call .01 (one one-hundredth of an inch) rain.  Barely dampened the driveway and the decks, and now Mister Sun is smiling down on us once again!  ::)
I don't think that small amount of moisture will go far in helping to stave off more wild fires. 

Jackie, hoping you're feeling better every day, and that your leg infection is gone.  The PIC line is a nuisance, but works well.  Keep us posted on when you think you'll be moving to the care home?

Callie,  I just saw your new message in Library~Bookshelf.  I think we were both posting at the same time.  I'll get back with a few comments later on today I hope. 

Jackie -  Good to see your message there too, and also your book recommendation.

We haven't heard from Mary Page, in any of the folders that she posts in . . . Library,  Bosom Buddies and here?  I'm hoping that she is doing well, and if she's not, that someone will let us know?  Patricia, has been missing also, so hope she is okay?  She stays in contact with Mary Page, so maybe she will let us know when she returns?   


How very kind of you, Patricia.  I am still alive, but hardly kicking.  Feeling my age big time.  Please remember me to everyone, & I will try to remember how to do Senior Net.  I am fallen back to just e-mails to family these days.

love & thanks with many memories & good wishes

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Thanks to Patricia, and Amy for letting us know about Mary Page.   It was good to see her message here, and to know that she is doing well.   Patricia, hope you are okay, and will soon be returning to S&F.

I'm struggling through this first day of the time change, but usually get used to it fairly quickly.   If I ruled the World, I would declare  Standard Time  year around -  the natural way things are meant to be.   I know I'm in the minority, and that most people prefer DST.   It was voted in as permanent a few years ago, so I don't know why we're still going through this twice a year clock change?


I thought so too, Marilyne. When that didn't happen, I thought it was meant for this year, then forgot about it. If I think of it tomorrow I will look it up.


Here I am, & thank you, Patricia & Amy.  Trying to remember stuff here.  Of Course, I feel Patricia is a personal friend, as well as a Senior Net friend.  Not easy for me to communicate these days.  Love you all a whole bunch. though.


MaryPage, I'm just getting online myself and so glad to see you back online as well.


Mary Page - So good to see you posting again.  :thumbup:  I'll be  looking forward to your next message.

Patricia - Glad to see you back online again.  Thank you for contacting Mary Page for us.


Is this all that has been posted since last I came in?[/i][/font]


Mary Page . . . Good to see your post!  Yes,  things have slowed down here in Bait and Tackle, as well as in most of the other discussions.  Seems like the messages come in waves . . . a whole lot  at once, and then it slows down to just a scattered few. 
Hoping you're feeling well, and that you return often?


Ah so --- not sure of her name here on Seniors & Friends but frybabe on Seniorlearn told me to check out Norm's Bait and Tackle - well...  :2funny:  many Norm's Bait and Tackle locations all over the nation that sell real Bait - Lordy - Had to re-register since it has been years since I posted with Seniors & Friends.

So glad to see your posts MaryPage - hope you are having a good day...

First cold night last night - never did check the temp but the cold woke me and I had to get up, put some socks on and a shirt that was easy to grab and even put the heat on for a bit only to have to shut it of 10 minutes later - never did like the heat on at night and in winter I typically let the house get into the high 60s before the heat comes on but last night there was a cold wind that penetrated through the windows in my north facing bedroom and so, where the rest of the house was OK my face and head was freezing till I also finally grabbed a Tshirt and draped it over my head then pulled a second blanket up --- once I get into the new weather season I'm OK but, like the time change, it takes me a day or two...  Sun is out today and the forecast is for a warmer tomorrow - it will be a gradual warming with temps in the 70s during the day till finally back in the 80s next week...

I know, I know sounds like complaining because in your area those are summer temps however, we do have weeks of triple digit in summer - not a day or even a week but weeks of furnace like heat...

Yesterday, with my grocery delivery I ordered 3 containers of herbs to plant - went out to do just that and decided to bring them in and wait a few days... Once they root they will be fine unless we drop, as we probably will, into the 60s or even below then all the hanging plants get brought into the garage where I have a heat light helping them - still need to plant some trees in the back but, like some of you, we too have experienced little rain since the deluge last summer and so I've decided to wait till early Spring.


Barb  -  Good morning to you, and to anyone else who looks in today.  Hoping last night was warmer, and that you were more comfortable?   Like you, I can't sleep if I'm cold, so I ordered something from Amazon, called Bed Buddy that you heat in the microwave.   Works for pain of all kinds, as well as just warmth.

I sometimes read the messages in Senior Learn, so I feel like I know you, even though I've never posted there.  I remember that you live in Texas?  The long periods of triple digit weather in the Summer would be hard to take as you get older.  There are a couple of other members here in S&F from Texas.  Tomereader (Joanne) posts here in this folder, as well as in Library~Bookshelf.  It think she lives  near Dallas?

It was supposed to rain here yesterday, but so far, only strong winds with temps in the 50's and 60's.  We haven't had a real rain storm in  six months, so it's extremely dry here.  Over two inches fell in Napa, and Santa Rosa - both cities about 100 miles North of here.  Still predicting rain here, so hope it arrives later today?


Tra la - OK I think I've finally put it together - now to remember here you are Marilyne here and not frybabe.

Actually I can adjust to the high heat easier - my house has 6 inch wall space rather than the typical 4 and even a few of the inside walls have insulation so that it is not difficult to keep my house at 78 during the day which is my choice and 76 or even 75 during the night - it is the cold wind that batters the windows and french doors facing the back - the windows are all double pane but no matter how much insulation the wind find cracks around the door jam and where the doors meet. However, just that cold wind blowing on the windows is enough to make them like ice cubes and the wind creeps into the attic so that penetrating the air ducts unless the heat is turned on the cold blows through the ceiling registers - Does not help that I just do not like being cold... ah so - Part of why I chose to stay in Texas when I moved two years ago rather than move near my daughter in the mountains of NC where she even gets snow... sheesh...

Thanks for the tip on a Bed Buddy - need to look into it - I did fine last night repeating my routine with the second quilt and a shirt over my nightclothes and socks on my feet and a Tshirt draped over my head, this well wrapped mummy slept ;)

And yes, (tomereader) Joanne lives as I recall just south of Dallas about a 4 hour run north from where I am located just north of Houston in Magnolia actually only 2 streets outside of the Woodlands - I notice it is far more humid here than in Austin, which is in what is called the Hill Country about 2 hours and 45 minutes from here to Austin. Lots of tall pine trees here that are never seen in the Hill Country. And really different is whenever there is a serious rain storm it is accompanied with a fog that comes and goes - sometimes thick - it settles in among the tall trees and over the rooftops of two story homes then as it fills in and drops if the rain had temporarily stopped it becomes a fine mist - brings to mind poems I've read with the wording cats paws describing weather. 

Kicking myself today - found several books for my Kindle on Amazon that I ordered yesterday and then learned today, that had been advertised but did not sink in that by ordering them today I could have received double points. Shoot! :tickedoff: and to add insult to injury the one book was at a higher price than I typically am willing to pay but it was a Christmas story that I thought would be a start to revving up a lighter spirit then I've been carrying of late. Ah so... not the first time I missed an opportunity and this one is hardly a blip in life's experiences.   

Ok here it is nearly 2:30 and I have not eaten - need to fix myself something so that I can still eat supper before it is pushed back and delaying bedtime - looks like some decent TV tonight on PBS - look forward to Poirot and repeats of Midsummer Murders although tonight I think Midsummer... replaced with Sister Boniface


Barb -  Frybabe's name is MarsGal here in Seniors & Friends!  I'm Marilyne, and always have been since the days of Senior Net.  In SN, I posted mainly in the the Books and Literature folders, as well as in Arts and Entertainment.  Remember Joan Grimes?  She was head of A&E, and was a good friend of mine at the time.  Now no longer with us.

I ordered a couple of books from Amazon in recent days, and one arrived this afternoon, which I plan to start reading right away.  A Facebook friend of mine wrote it,  so I'm anxious to read it and give her some positive feedback. 
It's called: 
"Another Place, Another Time",  A Time Travel Adventure by DL Casselbury

MarsGal - I'll mention it in Library,  when I finish reading it . . . sounds like a story you'd like.


ahh thanks Marilyne for clearing me up... I thought when you mentioned Napa and Santa Rosa something was not clicking because MarsGal (frybabe) is from Pa and although Pennsylvania has wine those two names did not sit right. I need to find that old photo I have of the rather large group of us that met in Detroit those many years ago - I need to see if I can place names to my memory - Golly it is hard to take in as a reality that all this time has passed and some of us have passed on.

That was my story living in Austin - except for a dear nextdoor neighbor everyone I knew had passed. Not so much to relive the past it is just comfortable to speak with someone who you knew and had been part of your life. She never said but I often think of my grandmother and wonder how she felt living 99 years - since before electric lights much less airoplanes and then men rocketing to the moon but more, no contact for years with anyone she knew as a young women. Some change I can see just happens and you do not think beyond progress or comparisons to the past however, I'm finding the change is stark between some of the younger generations compared to even my and my daughter's experiences in life and so I wonder if that was my Grandmother's experience as well.

Marilyne where in California do you live - if Napa and Santa Rosa are north I'm guessing San Francisco - if so I am putting it together and remembering - I should just go over and look at some of the early book discussions that Jane has been able to preserve for us on SeniorLearn

Well off to make my salad and turn on the TV


My trip to the Mavis Tire store was not in vain. I was not my imagination, the valve on one of my tires was leaking. I still need to go back for the annual auto inspection required by the state. My follow-up appointment to the eye doctor was cancelled and rescheduled for next month.

While at Mavis I met two VietNam Vets, Marines. Interesting conversation about the Nam war, and their delight that their candidate won the election. And, it turns turns out, one of the vets expressed similar concerns about what is head of government is up to in his final months in office. Nice to know I am not likely imagining things, and I am also not alone in thinking we as a country are in for some very bumpy times. I hope I am wrong. My sister and I don't see eye-to-eye on politics. Her stance is that she can't do anything about it, therefore she will just be watchful and keep quiet, unless of course, it directly affects her. Well, that does keep arguments to a minimum. Maybe I'll go check our politics forum.

Current temp this evening is 420 with some rain. I don't think it will get cold enough here to get any snow tonight. Maybe we will get some sleet tomorrow. Right now the weather forecast says 39o for most of the day. 

Oscar is here looking for more attention. I suspect he notice I had gone out earlier without him knowing it until I got home again. I think we will settle onto the sofa and watch some TV.


MarsGal,  Yes, it's difficult to talk about politics with family members who have opposing views, so most of us choose not to.  On the other hand, there's so much going on here in the US, and in other countries,    that it's hard NOT to say anything.  Your brief talk with the two Vietnam vets, sounds like a good thing.  The forgotten soldiers. 

Reminds me of a novel that I recommended in  Library~Bookshelf this past Summer:  The Women, by Kristin Hannah.  It was an excellent story, that followed a young nurse through her two terms of duty  as an army nurse in Vietnam.  Told the story of the War from a woman's perspective.  I don't remember now if I was the only one in  Library who read it, or what others had to say?  Fiction of course, with the usual love stories intertwined, but the War itself  and the aftermath,  was well written and based on fact.

Barb,  you were close, on guessing where I live.  Not San Francisco, but about 40 miles South/East, in the San Jose area, in what is now called  "Silicon Valley", or "Tech City".  You mentioned living in Austin, which is referred to here, as "Silicon Valley Texas".   Grandson Jake, is moving to Austin after the first of the year, to work in one of the tech companies there.  Can't recall which one?


Marilyne,  I read "The Women" and wished Kristen Hannah had ended it differently.  I "missed" Viet Nam; we were living in the Colorado mountains and didn't know anyone who fought there.  Didn't realize about women not recognized as being stationed there!
Wonder who "they" thought took care of wounded soldiers?

I have five books and one magazine on my e-mail borrowed list.  Am trying to read them but keep having things coming at me and tend to doze off when I do have time to read.
Won't be with family for Thanksgiving so maybe I can stay awake long enough finish at least a few of them.


Always a challenge to be alone for one of the holidays - other holidays no problem but Thanksgiving and Christmas - Sounds like you Callie are going to use Thanksgiving to 'pig out' on reading - will you order in a meal or just fix what is in your frig? Reminds me of Agatha Christi's Poirot, who attempts to enjoy Christmas by dressing in his best, having his two chocolates he purchased special for the day and sit by a window reading till of course there is a call about a murder - However I loved seeing that shot of him dressed in his best sitting in a chair by the window perfectly content with a slight smile reading with his two chocolate bon bons in a small dish on the end table.

My challenge is Christmas - alone for the past few years - got to the point where I did not want to decorate it seems such a time waster just for me and did not know what to do with myself - Yes, they all call - daughter in NC where I used to go each year but can't do that trip any longer and her boys fly in, one from Philly and the other from Seattle - My Son drives up to Lubbock to be with their boys with Cooper driving down from Denver - I realize it is not so much just being alone as not being able to give by contributing to make the day for others - even decorating was really to make the day special for family and visitors - Physically beyond helping out at any community kitchen plus no longer driving. I just need to think this through - Anyone who is alone on one of these holidays have any ideas?


No shopping or cooking for me this Thanksgiving.   We're taking both daughters and one granddaughter, out to a local restaurant for dinner.  The girls could prepare dinner here, as they did last year, (with me lurking in the background, wishing I could still do the whole thing).  Now I can no longer even lift the turkey, much less prepare it, and all the things that make up a nice TG dinner.  Son and his wife will be going out of town to celebrate the holiday with her sister, so we won't see them, or the other grandchildren. 
I'm wishing things could be like in the past, when we had a dozen+ people at the table, and a couple of card table set up nearby for the kids . . .  but times change, and family members go their separate ways.

Callie - sorry you'll be alone this year.  I know you'd like to see the new great-grandson,  as well as all the others.  Will Miss Ellen be flying home for  Thanksgiving, or will she wait for Christmas? 
You said you didn't like the ending to "The Women"?  I must have thought it was okay, but don't remember exact details, and I no longer have the book to give it a second look.  My DIL gave it to me for Mother's Day, and then borrowed it to read.  She has three sisters, all readers, so it's probably somewhere in her family? 

Barb - You'll be alone for both TG and Christmas, which will be difficult. It might cheer things up to decorate a small artificial tree - or better than that, to buy one that's already decorated and delivered to you.  I know that can get pricey, but you won't be spending on food for your big family, so indulge yourself! 

Mars - I read on SS, that your sister is having a TG gathering, and that you'll be going there?  That sounds like fun, and close enough that you won't have to drive far.

So glad that there's always television, for those who are alone.  A good variety of holiday shows to enjoy. I think there's of couple of tree lighting ceremonies, as well as variety shows, talk, and many channels showing Christmas movies.  TCM is my favorite, with all of the oldies from the past.


Good Morning,

Marilyne, I wish the ending of "The Women" had been happier - but was probably more realistic.

I haven't been with "extended" families in several years for Thanksgiving. My choice! I like one but there are too many in-laws who don't know me and aren't interested in doing so.  The other family only talks to each other. So I choose to spend the day "leisurely".  ;D
   Miss Ellen doesn't try to come home for Thanksgiving but usually spends a week at Christmas.  She has a group of friends who get together for Thanksgiving dinner. This year, she's working a shift at Loft before their dinner so she won't have to work on Black Friday. She said they usually deflate the Macy's Parade balloons in front of that Loft so store wasn't open on the holiday. However, this year, they've changed things around so....who knows?

A couple of years after my husband died in 1993, my church began having a Community Dinner and, since one son was married and the other one had moved out of state, I began working that.  It was a lot of fun and I was surprised by the number of people I knew who didn't have families and attended.
  Then other churches began to get involved and, eventually, the dinner was moved to the ballroom of the local college - which was too big for me. 
  Son also moved back and we usually went to other family's gathering in a town about 30 miles from here - until that son got married to a girl from the same town.  I continued to drive the 30 miles and tried to split time between families until that became too confusing and I decided to decline both.
   This year, #2son/wife flew to Cancun for Thanksgiving and other son/wife, who are the parents of 3 Grands, two of who are married, will be dealing with their own split families.


I miss everyone.  I am 95 now, ailing in almost every possible way, still miss old Norm just one awful lot (are you easy in the ear when you hear "hell of a lot" spoken right out these days, with a whole lot worse?  I am not comfortable with what they say, what they wear, & what they do.  The surprising thing is I was not one who grew up so prissy, but have discovered lines drawn within my person that I never knew were there.)

Hi, Barbara!  So lovely to hear from such an old friend.  And Callie!  Well, I made a family headline this morning.  My very first fall.  Hope it will be the last.  Totally unexpected.  Hit my head on the bathroom door when I went down, & IMMEDIATELY, and not one second later, I got a large & painful lump on the top of my head.
I no longer claim to have a brain in there.  But I tell you true: that fall was a complete & total surprise.
I did not see it coming.


Hi MaryPage - yep, a fall is a painful reminder we have aged - and they do seem to come out of the blue - I've had two that banged me up - but nothing on my head like you - and a large bump as well - just that swelling brings unwanted pain till it heals - thank goodness you were not alone... I take it you are resting more than usual...

The first fall I had - turned quickly from closing the front door and my childhood rocker had been pulled away from the wall by the young women who come monthly to clean - down I went into the longer hall that goes to my bedroom - After a couple of minutes I got into a sitting position with my back on the wall - Then I could not figure out how to get up - My walker was still nearby but could not lean on it the wheels would move and so no help there - I scooted on my bum down the hall into my bedroom thinking I could pull up on my bed and again, the bed has wheels so all it did was move across the room  - and then I scooted to the big chair and although no wheels it too scooted across the floor - Then it hit me - the bathroom still has not been remodeled since I've moved in and there is this gigantic corner tub with all these spouts and buttons - at least 9 feet square with the step to get in and a sitting shelf at the front side of the tub - so I scooted in on my bum and was able to grab the faucet to pull one side of me onto the sitting shelf and then get my legs under me to actually sit. Ended up with a banged up leg and knee -  the arm I landed on was banged up as well - didn't break anything but oh was I sore and not able to use my one leg and one arm - black and blue for a couple of weeks.

Then a second fall this past September - I was so pissed off - The eye doctor kept trying one drop after the other so I felt like a guinea pig and this drug I never knew why - I told her I was allergic to anti-biotics and this was a form of Sulfur - completely disorientated me and so... in bed and the usual get-up in-the-middle-of-the-night with no clue disorientation means being so dizzy you can hardly stand - grabbed my walker - me and my walker went down - I lay there for over a half hour I was not only dizzy but could not get the walker upright - scared I would be there all night - finally I crawled to that infamous bedroom chair - pushed it up against the wall so it would no longer slide and again got one half of myself perched on the edge and with my feet was able to sit where I sat for another half hour till I could pick up the walker -  my arm, shoulder and hip was banged up - I was so pissed that doctors think they know best - of course I stopped the meds but did not have a follow up appointment for another 3 weeks and by that time I was still angry but not enough to unload.

Even if I had my cell in my pocket I would not have it on me during the night while in bed - those necklace things that alert someone used to get tangled around my friends neck at night and so knowing that if I had  one I would have removed it - I'm still looking for some kind of devise I can attach to the walker that will hold my cell because these days I'm using the walker all the time and it stands ready next to my bed at night.

So many changes as we age - lots of ads about aging issues but I always ignored them since I do not typically choose products from ads on TV or in print media. But then like you MaryPage the falls were out of the blue, least expected and so never thought through how I would struggle to get off the floor... All I can think of is that corny ad with the women who sounds weak and desperate calling to her neck bracelet I've fallen...I've fallen...

Just spoke with my daughter who called driving, on their way to Philly for Thanksgiving and then we quickly turned to Christmas - what is happening and how to send what to whom - hate preparing a box to mail and yet ordering things from Amazon each thing comes separate and so looking for one gift is not even fun... My Lubbock grands are easy since Paul and Sally drive up but it is my daughter's family who are all spread out from Seattle to Philly and Kathamarie and Gary are in mountains of NC - They are not doing much for Christmas this year - the boys are flying in and then they will help out cleaning up the mess and assisting families with the ravagers of the hurricane all around them.


Barb, I have had a number of falls and need help getting back up. I had my worst in 2020 when my fall wrenched my hip and sprained my foot. I have hypotension, the opposite of hypertension and if my blood pressure drops, my brain compensates by briefly shutting off to bring more blood to it. So, I've learned, especially at night, to be cautious and to always wear my medic alert.


Barb St Aubrey...
...welcome back, i remember you, now been a S & F's member for a good 15 or so years now..

Well back home from another week inside hospital, had another fall, well two falls realy, one outside on concrete with neighbours attending me with coverings, refused to go to hospital even though they told me i had hypothermia as i told ambulance i had not long come out of two, two week, hospital stays, then ten minutes after ambulance went, had another fall indoors, so this time i had no option but to go to hospital....They managed to get rid of my second bout of venous leg ulcer which once again was infected...My Multiple Sclerosis and bacteria infected leg issues are causing me far too many falls now, not safe to be alone in my home anymore, so this week my church friends are rallying round whilst i move into an all inclusive care-home, not cheap by any standards but covers everything, bills, food, hairdressers, clothes collected and taken to the cleaners, many daily activities and plenty of staff....and best of all, all rooms are on the ground...I will also be keeping my home going for a short while just as a safeguard if i dont like it...At least i will be with plenty of company over Christmas, unlike being at home alone so to speak...


Brave move Vanilla-Jackie but it sounds like the time has come and yes, bright side is you will not be alone for Christmas - Prayers it works out for you and from what you are saying it sure sounds inclusive - I guess that is it, aging includes getting to the point when our body rules our lives.

Patricia19 You've got me thinking, probably best is have a talk with my son about a life alert - hate to bother anyone in the middle of the night so that I try to use my head and figure out how to handle things but maybe I'm being over solicitous - The other is usually life alert wants more than one contact and having only moved here two years ago and so quickly became dependent on my walker so that I'm not taking daily walks I really do not know neighbors - plus they are sorta stand off compared to what I was used to in Austin however, it could be because there are more who have moved into this area in only the past few years and they too are feeling their way... I guess I could always add someone later but first I need to talk to my son and daughter-in-law - this is new for all of us...

Full day trying to take advantage of Amazon Black Friday sales - looks like everything will arrive early however, ordered Christmas for my Daughter's boys and some for the Lubbock group that will be delivered here so that when Paul and Sally drive up they will bring the gifts wrapped looking like Christmas. Still have not figured out My daughter and son-in-law's gift - I do have a few days - their boys are flying home  to celebrate Christmas the week before Christmas - The only reason I ordered for them was to take advantage of Black Friday prices.

My gut says these prices will not come down - the change will be salaries will go up and more people will be employed and so, unless they choose a drastic up-kick to SS I'm thinking this is it... At least I'm at the end of finally emptying the last of the boxes and finding a home for everything so I can get back to making things for next year's Christmas plus, I may start gifting things of value that I will no longer use and were my mother's or grandmother's



Jackie, your new place sounds wonderful, & your plan sounds sensible.  I wish you the best possible outcome.
 Dear Patricia, do learn to avoid those falls.  Love kisses on each hurty place.  Barb, I should be sending you one of those beautiful cards you have been sending me for years & years now;  but am incapable of that sort of effort & task-achieving.  Thoughts fly to you, though.

I spent a huge portion of yesterday with a splendid nurse-practitioner.  She was BETTER than a doctor!
This morning finds me following her directions & being comfortably OUT OF PAIN!

The huge bodily weakness cannot be budged, but I am now conpletely comfortable, & hope you all are, as well.
 love & remembrance to every one of you & all the others we have shared our thoughts with these many years