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March 12, 2025, 07:08:42 AM

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2025-02-27, 15:38:11
Oldiesmann: Finally got the AmazonBot situation under control. I basically changed some server settings to tell AmazonBot that it's not allowed to access anything on the site. That should fix the speed issues we've been experiencing lately

2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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MaryPage, thank you, but this time it wasn't one of my falls but one of my friends. He had fallen, but luckily wears his phone on a loop, so was able to call for help. He spent overnight in the hospital as a precaution, but was able to return home the following day.

I believe everyone razzing on him finally convinced him that a Lifeline was better than a phone if he couldn't call out. This is one of the reasons we have our morning meet and greets, texting or calling each day so we know everyone is okay.

One precaution I have taken for the past two years, is the use of a trekking pole whenever I'm outside, especially in the winter with the ice and snow.


:pumpkinpie: , Everyfriend!

Hope those of you who had fallen recover quickly. Sounds as if you're getting good care.

Patricia, several of my meds say "MAY cause dizziness" but I have to take them. Sometimes, I feel off-balance but, so far, have always managed to grab my walker before I fall. 

 Wise decision, Jackie :smitten:

Barb, I've thought of getting an alert but haven't investigated it. I'm sure tha sons, who live locally, would encourage it. ;)
I have a structural feet problem and. several years ago, the podiatrist told me "limited walking and standing". I asked him what "limited" meant and he said, "Not more than 2 hours out of 8". I told him that's even not a good shopping trip to the Mall!!!!!  I did walk regularly around the complex where I live.
  Now, I use a walker and can't even walk down the block to the cluster mailboxes. (Went through the procedure and now have a mailbox by front door so mailperson delivers it here) So there are new neighbors I haven't even met.
Can't shop, either, so give Gift cards for Christmas.

Mary Page, nurse practioners usually are more helpful than doctors, IMO!! I prefer to see the female physical assistant rather than my General doctor.

I've watched the Macy's parade and am looking forward to the original movie of "Mary Poppins" (with Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke) tonight on ABC.  Son who isn't in Cancun just texted that he's bringing a plate of dinner to me "later". Yum!



BarbStAubrey, MaryPage and Callie...
...very wise words..." our body rules our lives " and thank you for spurring me on with " my sensible plan " and  " wise decision " only time will tell...


Hello everyone, and Happy Black Friday, to those who still get out there in the trenches, to search for Christmas bargains.  I'm not one of them, and I never was . . . even when I was young and able.

Mars -    I saw your message in SS, about noticing all the seniors with walkers and wheelchairs, at your Thanksgiving dinner.  Same thing at the restaurant where we went yesterday.    The dining room was large and spacious with quite a few round tables in the middle of the room.  Those were for large family groups, and there were many people there in wheelchairs, as well as with walkers.  There were five of us, and we sat in one of the comfortable booths that circled the room.  A perfect view of the room, so I could do plenty of "people watching"!  ::)    The turkey dinner was very good, and plenty of everything.

So now it's onward to Christmas, less than one month away.    I've ordered a few gifts, but will probably end up giving money or gift cards.

Jackie -  I was happy to read about your new living arrangement!  Now you'll have 24 hour support, and no more falls for you to worry about.  It sounds wonderful for you and for all those who live alone.

Callie and Mary Page -  Agree that the Nurse Practitioners, are a good asset to any medical practice. The spend much more time asking important  questions, and  seem genuinely concerned about our problems!  Unfortunately, the one I counted on seeing at my Primary Care doctors, has left to go to medical school and get her MD degree.  Good for her, but I miss her, and no one has come to take her place. 

Barb -  I'm so glad that you've joined us here in S&F.  I enjoy reading your messages in all of the discussions that you've posted in, and I'm  looking forward to more!


Vanilla-Jackie please keep us updated with your experiences in your new home.

Callie can't thank you enough for mentioning Mary Poppins would be on TV and sure enough came home from Paul and Sally's wonderful Thanksgiving and was able to relax watching this wonderful movie - so many years ago - I don't think today people much less even children imagine the outrageous yet simple storyline of a Mary Poppins. Dick Van Dyke now in his mid to late 90s my oh my...

Marilyn so kind to welcome me and my posts - it is such a great relief to have folks to talk with that are not full of quips and what I call disrespect that is common among the younger folks plus, with all my friends having passed it is a joy to have instant correspondence with others getting on in years.

Best part of Thanksgiving yesterday - hard to say - Sally had the counter table so festive set with her love for red - red plates, serving bowls, placemats etc... and she roasted a chicken that was so juicy and tender plus all the traditional sides that included dressing that was her mother's recipe followed by her fresh baked pumpkin pie - we really enjoyed our time together and then the boys started to call - oh, oh, oh - all five of them and they all talked and talked and talked - I was sitting on the sofa with Paul watching a football game and Sally decorating for Christmas with her huge collection of gnomes for 3 hours as they each had tons to share - their personality differences was fun to agree upon with mostly Paul after the calls - it was a full visit and now for Christmas - I know we will get together before they drive up to Lubbock and so it is not a complete lonely heart club day - need to work on how to enjoy the day...   


I could not agree more about the tenor of messaging among the young of today.  What happened to "Be nice, if you expect others to be nice to you!"  Oh well, nothing I can do to improve this old world.  I sort of kind of get the drift that the dominant life form is about to do a switcheroo with homo sapiens sapiens going down & a few million years passing on this planet before a new one becomes prominent & takes over.  Have been restudying HUMAN PREHISTORY and the FIRST CIVILIZATIONS lectures put out as The Great Courses from The Teaching Company. Wishing we could have met up, peacefully of course, with the inhabitants of a few of our fellow planets in my lifetime.  Sounds like some of our intelligence machinery, or perhaps even folks, may have been reached out to through some of the UFO out there in what we call Space.  Case of too little, too late?  Marypage would adore to hear the answer before she pops off!

P.S.  I adored, WE adored, Mary Poppins as well & all.


MaryPage  . . .   on the Subject line you wrote,  "THESE MESSAGES SEEM TO BE A BIT STRANGELY OUT OF SYNC"?   
I'm thinking that you might be seeing the Christmas Theme, that oldiesmann recently switched over to?   It kinda makes the whole set-up of Seniors and Friends look  different, until you get used to it. 

I've also  been hoping that we (our World)  would have some definite communication with life on other planets, before I take my leave from this one.  Looks like it's not going to happen anytime soon, but maybe our children, grands, or great-grands, will live to see it?

I'm glad you enjoyed  Mary Poppins, and I did too!  A real masterpiece, in my opinion.  Right along  side of The Wizard of Oz.

So, the long Thanksgiving weekend is almost over, and tomorrow is Cyber-Monday.  I've been waiting to order some of my gifts until then. Also, one of my granddaughters, has a birthday coming up on the 13th, and a great-grandson  on the 16th so will have to get those taken care of first.  Tomorrow will be a busy day.


Marilyne tip - why not take advantage of the sales for Cyber Monday and stock up on your regular products - some of what I ordered - mouthwash, filters for the furnace and my room air filters, Trash sacks, wrapping tissue and paper, gorilla glue, bulk paper-towels, replaced some undies and did treat myself to a book of piano music - all the other ordering was family Christmas - I did found the same products on sale for both Black Friday and Cyber Monday and so It appears to me it is one long week of sales.

Still chewing on the idea of other intelligent beings on other galaxies - could be but if our spiritual nature is dependent on a God than the idea of other intelligent beings gets confusing - I guess they too could have a spiritual nature and their God like some here on earth would not be dependent on a Judeo/Christian God - as I say I'm still chewing because I really do think the universe is an extension of the power of God and I do not hear scientists based in, much less including that concept.

I've read several news articles that more Bibles have been purchased this season then ever and there is a new book out about the coming American Revival - it would be nice if this pans out as true and then maybe civility will reemerge as normal and desirable again.


The Bible has been and is still the top selling book in the world. It doesn't surprise me that more were sold this past year considering what has been going on world-wide. I sometimes wonder that with all these updated translations and modernized wording if we have lost something of what was truly said and/or intended, and gotten "off track". I hope not too far, but there do seem to be a number of different viewpoints. This is a current list of top selling books and series, etc. https://markmanson.net/best-books/best-selling-books-all-time Very interesting. In the top 15 books there are two I have never heard of before, The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life and Dream of the Red Chamber. Notice what is #2. Most of the other lists are his choices of best books, I think.


Mars,  I've been looking at the list of,  Best Selling Books of All Time, for the past hour, and can't quit thinking about it.  Like you, I'm not surprised to see the Bible, at the top, of the list, but I do fear that The Quran, will soon catch up and become # One.  So much to say about this possibility, and I'm afraid people -  those who automatically call themselves Christians -  are not paying attention to what's going on.   So much to say about this subject, and the many possibilities ahead.  I tend to look on "The Dark Side", when it comes to the future.     


The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life is the Watchtower version of the Bible - never knew much about the Watchtower except even as a kid they were around handing out their literature in public - we were taught to shy away from them and never read their 'stuff' We were told it was anti-christian - that lesson was powerful because to this day I have trepidation's about learning more about the Watchtower that does tout itself as a comfort coping with problems.

And the other is actually one book of 5 from Story Of The Stone - The books are a classic series about a Chinese family as it becomes powerful and then declines, how they live, all the mannerisms of the time in history.  Nothing particularly religious except Chinese culture included a 'spiritual' aspect as most of the world's cultures.

As to the Quran from what little I did read yes, there are some incendiary paragraphs but from what I read not directed towards a particular religious group but then, I read some of the awful things done to others in our Judeo/Christian Bible and I have to scratch my head ---

My take is there are bad apples among every group and all these books shoring up our spiritual side that is reflected in our behavior can focus on and readers can interpret any part of the written word as they have guidance or read benching their ego - The bad apples who are the leaders of these groups are powerful so they sway many - which frankly is what I think the national media has done and still does to those who still take their word as true. When it happens among religious groups it feels more invasive and a greater betrayal of humanity. 

It's time for a revival in my opinion - the last huge national revival was in the 1920s that held fast through the 1950s and then started to teeter off - today there is a huge change in technology as there was after in the early part of the 20th century with the change in farming equipment throwing many families into Tenant farming since they were no longer needed to farm for a large land/farm owner who now had equipment to replace their labor. I was surprised when I read that 75% of farmers were Tenant farmers through till WWII after which new material developed into new products and moving to a city was the answer. But getting through that change even before the great Depression and dealing with the change after WWI the old Tent Camp meetings and other forms of a religious revival happened.

This view of history makes me wonder if not only the political upheaval where both parties are no longer the parties they were 20 or 30 years ago, the media is more than ever a tool of propaganda and advanced technology has together brought about a spiritual vacuum - I know like both of you are suggesting I've had it - I'm exhausted - I'm between anger and disbelief - I wonder at times if I am real or is it clouds of nothing I'm walking on - I know so much of this is seeing my family so splintered and the quips that cannot seem to escape a couple of them rather than simply focusing on family - but then I realize keeping family together is my value and evidently not shared as the number one value behind their spiritual values. OH dear... better stop this tirade - onward... 


Wow just did the game on Association and the word imagine reminded me of the John Lennon song and so looked up the words --- Holy Hannah - no wonder... sounds like the preamble for the globalists agenda... and everyone loved and still loves the music of John Lennon

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us, only sky

Imagine all the people
Livin' for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too

Imagine all the people
Livin' life in peace

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one


Barb -It's good to know that there are like-minded people here, but probably best to close this subject for now.  Anything controversial, thought provoking or unpleasant, is rarely brought up and discussed in S&F.

I would like so much  to know what's in the future for this country and the whole  world, what with all the hatred and division that's become so rampant now - stoked by the media.    It will take a long time before there are any permanent positive changes, and most of us here in S&F, won't be around to see how things turn out. 

I was interested in reading the lyrics you posted,  to Imagine.
I always thought of it as a typical "Kumbaya" type song . . . but when you really take a close look, you can see that there's a lot more to it!  Thanks for pointing that out.


My thoughts exactly about the Quran and the current goings on, Marilyn. I heard recently that Islam is quickly gaining ground. I didn't go research it to see if it is true though.

I remember the frequent visits to our door by the Seventh Day Adventists and the Mormons who were doing their year of witnessing for their faith and trying to get new members. Mom and Dad did invite the Mormons guys in for conversations for a while, and we even went to their church a few times. Nice people. I also remember Oral Roberts and his televised version of revivals. Once in a while I would hear of, but never saw, a local revival meeting nearby.

Barb, I never thought of Imagine being a globalist philosophy, but it sure does sound like it. Globalist ideology wasn't on the radar back then. It was not one of my favorite songs. The Beatles were the first and mostly the only fan frenzy I ever went through as a teen, but they lost me as a fan when I discovered they were into bad behavior and drugs.


This morning I got ready early, and drove to our local super market, for "Senior Tuesday".  It's a gorgeous day today, so it was a pleasure to be out enjoying it.  Bright sun, clear blue sky, and temperature supposed to hit 70, later today.  Whenever we have a day like this, people are out jogging, pushing strollers, walking dogs and riding bicycles.   It's little stressful now, to drive  across town with all that activity to keep track of.  I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to keep doing it.  Anyway, I got lots of food for the next couple of days.  I also saw my dil there, so had a nice chat with her.

I had forgotten about  The Watchtower/Jehovah's Witnesses.  I think they are Christian, but they don't celebrate Christmas?  I haven't seen them around this area in many years.  The Mormon's, I'm very familiar with, because we live a short block from the LDS Church.  Over the years we've had the young Missionaries knock on our door, and we've invited them in a couple of times, and listened to what they had to say. All three of our children went to functions at the church throughout their childhoods and teens.  They have a large gym for basketball, and also used to have Saturday night dances there for teenagers.  I have nothing but good things to say about the Mormon families that I've known over the years.   


Any Church having a gym to play basketball is a boon to teenagers - or at lest it was. Today's teenagers are so buried behind their phone I wonder if they play any sports for fun and being with their friends. When I was a teen the local Methodist Church was the one with the gym - open everyday till 6: in the evening - for us it worked out great since supper was a family affair - for me that happened about 6:30 when my Dad came home. However, as much as the gym was a boon to the teenage community I don't think it swayed anyone to switch their religion or attend service in the church with the gym.

Overcast this afternoon and getting colder by the minute - I knew there was a norther blowing in however, the weather report was saying on Wednesday - just as well since i really need to take stock and re-asses my income and outgo - spent without counting using the sales to stock up on everything in addition to Christmas Shopping - first flush my credit card took a huge chunk and so now I have to sort it all out and put the purchases in categories - my gut says I did not overspend it was just so many everyday product on sale so that I won't be shopping again till at least late January if not February. Everything from furnace filters to liquid soup, vitamins, tea, undies, mouthwash, trash sacks, on and on. Price reduction ranged from 20% to as much as 45% - feel like a squirrel with a full winter storehouse.


Moving into my care-home in one and a half hours, awaiting removals, then community disabled car transport... I am keeping my bungalow going at least to after the New Year, will be lovely spending Christmas with people...This is an all inclusive with plenty of staff, all meals included, has a hairdressers...At least with any more falls there will be staff around to come to my help, they have there own call alert system and wrist pendents...


Tra La - new adventure Vanilla-Jackie - hope you have a great time in your new home...


 Jackie, I'm happy for you!  You've waited a long time, and the day has finally arrived.  :thumbup:   I'm hoping that the Care Home, will be warm and friendly and that you will soon be feeling much better.

So far, today has been filled with mixed blessings here - the good and the not so good.  Older daughter Shelley came over early, and was full of all sorts of anxiety and complaints and, "everything going wrong".  Both daughters have a difficult time with Christmas stress  every year!  ::)
I'm keeping the faith,  that everything will settle down, as it usually does.

I didn't accomplish much on Cyber Monday, but all the good prices still apply, so I'm devoting this afternoon and this evening to Amazon, and some of my favorite shops.  I have a few that I can count on for good quality at reasonable prices.


Our being old cannot near compare to the age of Notre Dame and what has been found during the restoration - here is a link - fascinating



Marilyne, did the earthquake shake your house? I just read about it on-line.  Thank goodness they cancelled the Sunami Warning.Please let me hear from you.


Joanne, thanks for thinking about me today. Yes, I did feel the earthquake this morning - but just a slight jolt.  The epicenter was about 300+ miles North of here,  out in the ocean, which can sometimes cause a tsunami along the coast.  We did get a tsunami warning, but fortunately nothing developed.  Some damage from the quake (7.0) to towns along the North Coast.


Good afternoon, everyone this is my first time here so I'm just scrolling around to familiarize myself with the site.  I've been with SeniorLearn for years and just learned of this site. I love discussing books and hearing other's recommendations.  At the present time I have been reading psychological thrillers by Freida McFadden.  My granddaughter got me hooked when she let me borrow her Housemaid series.  Presently beginning The Locked Door

Would love to get to know you all and see what you are reading.
Ciao for now~

Ciao for now~


Ciabella -  Welcome to Seniors and Friends!  Good to see you posting here in "Bait and Tackle", which is mostly a  conversational type discussion.  Scroll back to some of the messages here, and you can see a wide variety of talk and discussion.  We often recommend or talk about books here,  but more so on  Library~Bookshelf.  https://www.seniorsandfriends.org/leisure-activities/library-bookshelf/3210/
We also comment on TV shows and movies, on both sites. Hope to see you in any of the discussions that interest you.


Marilyne read an article about the earthquake and it said the Tsunami didn't occur as they thought - did not know the epicenter was out at sea and so now it makes sense. Sounds like you were barely affected - small blessings...

OK Ciaobella between you and MarsGal using other names I'm trying to keep y'all straight - glad you found the website and welcome - from what I have picked up there is less talk of books on this site and more everyday keeping up with life, family and each other - there is a book discussion but few post - in no time I know you will enjoy posting and reading what others are up to...  :thumbup:


Marilyn, thank you for the warm welcome and info for this site's discussion, good to know it's a place for everyday topics and what not. Thank goodness you were not hit by the tsunami.

Barb, I had a bit of a problem with my username, so I tried to stay as close as possible. I like that this particular site is on topics other than books. Nice place to keep up and chat with everyone.  It will take time but I'm sure we'll get to know each other easily.

Sorry for the small font.  I'll try to use larger size once I figure things out in here.  :)  
Ciao for now~


Quote from: Ciaobella on December 06, 2024, 06:08:26 PMSorry for the small font.  I'll try to use larger size once I figure things out in here.
Welcome Cia - A "size of 4" seems to be most used here. Good for our older eyes. I even select BOLD.  If in doubt, post anywhere and feel free to ask anything.



Cia - In case you missed it above, click on -  Library~Bookshelf - to get to the Book stuff



:tup:  You found us, Ciaobella.

I am a bit exasperated at my dentist. I was to get fitted for a crown, expecting to soon be done with this implant business. Well, the little screw-in doodad that was ordered did not fit. Somebody messed up somewhere in the ordering. Now I have to wait until the dentist gets a hold of my dental surgeon, the lab, and possible the company rep that sells these things. Dentist is not happy either.

Next week's agenda includes my car inspection, and of course, the weatherman forecasts rainy/snowy weather on that day. Good thing it isn't too far and on flat roads. Later in the week I must trek back to my eye surgeon for him to do an irrigation which is part of the follow up for the cyst/wart removal from the corner of my eye. I hope the weather holds for that trip because it is over in Hershey, through road construction and I have already gotten lost two times driving over there.

I found a trick that, cross fingers, seems to work to get Oscar to eat. He goes nuts over the treats, so I have been giving him some right next to his wet food dish. The treats seem to be enough to get him to eat his regular food. I do not, however, expect that to last.


Good Morning!  It's been a while since I've posted so - Welcome, Ciaobella.  Glad you've joined us. Hi, Barb in Texas; glad you're contributing to the conversation.

The past two weeks have been "one thing after another" - all good, except for a painful, stiff neck for a couple of days.  Masseuse worked it out but I must have slept wrong and it's back - but not as painful.

Dr. Emily (my granddaughter who has her doctorate in chiropractic - for those who are new) opened her very own clinic this week. She had an Open House the evening before and it was well attended! She specializes in pediatric and pre-natal treatments and she actually has a waiting list!!!  I'm so proud of her.

I took down the Fall decorations and have waited to put out Christmas until housekeeper could clean. She did so yesterday and, if I could get rid of the "I don't wannas", I plan to start some things today. "Get busy, Callie!"

Have a wonderful day, Everyfriend.