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March 12, 2025, 12:01:12 PM

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2025-02-27, 15:38:11
Oldiesmann: Finally got the AmazonBot situation under control. I basically changed some server settings to tell AmazonBot that it's not allowed to access anything on the site. That should fix the speed issues we've been experiencing lately

2025-01-14, 14:36:20
MaryPage: Maeilynw, rhia ia MaryPage

2025-01-14, 14:33:17
MaryPage: Marilynw, rhia ia MaryPage,

2024-12-25, 20:42:41
JeanneP: Well after years of trying to get back in S and F (Was even in Seniornet for years Well looks like I may have made in this last try. Will See. Hello Lloyd

2024-11-19, 22:20:05
Oldiesmann: Welcome Barb. If you have any questions, let me know. Things have changed quite a bit since this site was first set up years ago

2024-11-18, 23:50:56
BarbStAubrey: Aha looks like there is a limit - since last here when I was living in Austin I moved to Magnolia near my son - still reading up a storm... need to find the reading group

2024-11-18, 23:48:31
BarbStAubrey: Oh my has this site changed - I was part of this back when we were all SeniorNet and then the big change and the split - for a time I posted howevr I focused more on Senior Learn - only a few of us left and the few talk about this site and so I've rejoined

2024-10-30, 14:13:51
JeanneP: March of 2016, Send me a EMail to gmjeannep2@gmail.com and see if I can get back. I canstill bring my first start up showing.

2024-10-30, 14:11:08
JeanneP: Going to try and sign up again today, Start as a new member because it is impossible for me to get in for the past few years, Will not even show me how to do it the way we did many years ago. All messages i get if i do manage to just read just starts me in

2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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My sister was born in July of 1935 where as I was born in January of 1933 - My father had several jobs - the repair garage and gas station went under and then he was both a mechanic for a long distance trucking company and he also was a driver that would take a truck of goods across the nation - my mother was an at-home-mom and my grandmother came by several days a week - since my grandfather died in a fire as a fireman she received a tiny pension and the opportunity to every other day make the beds in 2 or 3 firestations.


Barb, very  sad that your grandfather died in a fire.  I can imagine how dangerous fire fighting was back then, compared to now.  My two uncles were auto mechanics, and opened a garage in Long Beach, CA, and did pretty well.  People worked at whatever they could find during the Depression. 

I got a kick out of your message in Soda Shoppe a few days ago, about you and  your daughter getting stopped by the police officer, and she started the unstoppable laughter!   I can remember back in time when something would strike me, or my Mother, as funny . . . then we would both start laughing and be unable to stop!  looking back, I think we both had the same type of sense of humor.  Not so with  me and either of my daughters.  We can enjoy a good laugh together, but it never evolves into that non-stop laughing that I remember with my mom, and also my cousin.  There's something very "freeing" about it.  You feel good afterwards.


Patricia, I may be the youngest born in 1952, but I am a bit of an ole soul. I remember back when I stumbled on Senior Learn and asked permission to join back then I had to confess I was not a senior.  They used to call me the young chick, and they were the hens and a few roosters.  ;D 

8-9 cents for a loaf a bread, now that is unthinkable!!

MaryPage, I so agree with you about the Girl Scout cookies. As much as I want to support them I can't justify paying those prices and only have a bite size cookie.  I LOVED the chocolate thin mint, every year I would buy at least 4 boxes and place them in the freezer until Lenten season was over and couldn't wait for Easter to begin eating them frozen.  Now I buy the knock offs at Kroger.

Barb, I am so happy to hear you were able to sit back and allow your daughter to just unload her thoughts on her "Mommy" rather than debate your differences in politics.  So, she searched for a few facts ... imagine that.  You just may have given her the opportunity to have a bit of an open mind by not going toe to toe with her.  What is more important is the two of you value your time together.  I lost my Mom in 1990 and I would cherish one more visit with her.  My daughter lives in Florida since she turned 21 yrs. old (she is now 50 yrs. old) and although we talk on the phone almost every day, we don't visit much so I envy any mom/daughter who can be close. 

I very much enjoyed the Super Bowl last night since my grandson's team Philadelphia Eagles won.  I did not bother watching the half time show. 
Ciao for now~


Back in the day, I loved the thin mints the best, & did the same thing you did!  Them were the days, my friend.

Is yours a nickname, or your birth certificate one?  I like to think of your father exclaiming that the moment he first clapped eyes on you.


MaryPage, my name is part birth and part nickname.  I have 5 sisters and 1 brother, a nice big Italian family, and I am second to the youngest. One day I asked my mom how they decided to name me Annabella Marie, since her name was Annabelle and there were 4 girls before me.  She said my dad pretty much named all my siblings after his Italian sisters, so when I was born, she wanted a daughter named after her and he agreed ONLY if they changed the "e" to "a" making it Italian "bella" meaning beautiful. She agreed and then my middle name was of course after one of his sisters. When the internet began, and I needed a username I decided on Ciaobella meaning "Hello beautiful." My youngest sister's name is Sonta Lucia after an Italian song my dad would sing and play on his guitar. Sadly, my dad was killed in a train/truck accident on his way to work when I was only 3 yrs. old leaving my mother a widow with 7 children ages 1-10 yrs. of age.  They kept the memory of my dad alive and even though I have no memory of him, it's as if I knew him through their stories and pictures. My mother passed in 1990, so having her namesake means so much to me.  :smitten:  Thank you for such a sweet image of my dad naming me at my birth. 
Ciao for now~


What a wonderful story to know him by!


i wrote a post, & lost it.  Oh well.  I will try once more.

I have 4 children & 4 step children.  They are dearest of friends, albeit we are scattered around this USA.  We started out as next door neighbors before the kids were all born.  They all have known one another all of their lives.  Their mother & I were the dearest of friends.  I thought of her husband as an additional household appliance, as it were.  You know, he went off to work way early & came home much later, as did all the men up & down the block.  I paid him no nevermind.

We eventually moved on, but she & I remained friends.  When we got up there in age, both of us had lost our spouses.  Both Bob & I, that is. I was astonished when Bob started wooing me.  Well, we finally married, & he turned out to be The Love of My Life!  You just never know.

So the kids are like real siblings.  There is a lot of love, & there is a circulating email on a daily basis between just those 8 & me.  I have 28 great grandchildren.  Thirteen granddaughters.  Not a single grandson!

I have a great granddaughter named Annabelle.  The family all call her Bella.  She is my daughter Anne's granddaughter.


MaryPage, you are indeed blessed in family, life and all around. One of my dearest friends albeit never meeting in person.


Mary Page, do you remember Storm King Mountain just north of West Point? One of our favorite drives on a Sunday  afternoon.   We lived just about 20 miles north of West Point in Dutchess Co. for  26 years.  BTW, I was born in 1929.  In October  I  will  be 96.  Funny  how no one here ever remembers  me.   :scratch:   That is why I am  thinking of not coming to S&F anymore.  Really tired of being  forgotten,  overlooked, ignored, and  dismissed.


Phyllis, we remember you. It's just that we are all getting a bit slow.  Keep in mind that our group is dwindling. So many of our older posters have 'moved on".  Don't leave us.

Storm King --- Tadaa --- I remember it. Are you talking about the old Storm King, or the new Storm King?  At the South East corner of the New Storm King Hwy, at the road that goes down to Cornwall there is (at least was) an old house (very old) that was owned by my apartment house neighbor years ago. No electricity and one water tap - outside. Outhouse out back somewhere. I stayed there a couple of times.  There was a Military School down the street a way. We were allowed to play tennis there on off season.  I remember the two mile down hill stretch of the New Storm King, where more than one large truck ran off the road.

Also drove the Old Storm King a couple of times. Close to the Hudson, beautiful for others than the driver. A dangerous drive at times and shut down on occasions. Narrow two lane as I recall.
For those that don't know, this is a mountainous area.

As parents we took the kids to visit West Point a couple of times. Another worthy trip.

We would also frequent "Bear Mountain" and from around the back of it could go to the top and go up in the abandoned Fire Tower - for the greatest view of the surrounding area. It was especially nice in the fall after Labor Day.  No more Day Liners, few people if any, and the best color show in the area (Colorful changing fall leaves.).  Mountain after mountain in sight, all different colors with the fall change.



Phyllis, I'm sorry you've been feeling unwelcome.  I try to respond  to everyone who posts here in Bait and Tackle, and also in Library~Bookshelf, but I'm sure I probably miss some. Most of my messages here also get no responses, but I like to write them anyway.  I always enjoy seeing and reading your posts in both of those discussions, so please don't think about leaving us! 


Will try again later.  I'm worn out now.  & yes, I remember the Storm King & Bear Mountain as names I knew, but no memory attaches to them.  My Dad was West Point Class of 1925.  We were stationed there for 4 years later on.  I loved it totally.  And it is very beautiful.  To think that I wound up living in Annapolis!  The water & the boats are great, but West Point is a thing of beauty & a Joy forever.


Thanks, Rick and Marilynne, I do appreciate your responses that I am remembered.  Sorry for the whine. I think most older people feel that they are irrelevant,  invisible, and on this rainy, chilly day it just got to me.

Oh,Rick,  you make me homesick.  I'm talking about the old Storm King highway....2 lanes, usually full of pot holes, beautiful views, but scary and fun to drive! I remember seeing that old fire tower but never climbed it...not real fond of heights.  And, Bear Mountain bridge which isn't even there now.  New bridge..different name.

The years we lived in the mid-Hudson Valley were happy ones and I  miss that time in our lives.


Quote from: phyllis on February 11, 2025, 05:10:59 PMAnd, Bear Mountain bridge which isn't even there now.  New bridge..different name.
I believe the Bear Mountain Bridge is still there. --- The original one. Somewhere buried in my computer I have a pic of it from up near the Fire Tower.  A Hudson River Bridge that was replaced was the Tappan Zee Bridge - from Tarry Town to Nyack.



It runs the gamut, as they say.  Being 96 makes me totally invisible to many, while others take great pains to see to my possible needs.  Phyllis, I remember your name, but not you.  Please do not dismiss my admission out of hand, as I suffer from senile dementia, and have lost my memories.  If someone mentions a place or a person's name, I may recall anywhere from a little to a lot about it, but not for long.  We are all different, but I sure never would have thought I would become without memories.  I adored my last husband beyond anything I would have ever thought was possible, but, while I remember him, I do not remember our short two years together before he surprised me totally by dying.  I mean, the things we did, the places we went, the conversations we had.  It was all beyond perfection, but I am unable to bring it back.  I have some mementoes, such as my wedding ring & a card the florist had attached to some Valentine flowers he had delivered to our home.  On the card he wrote:  "For the Love of My Life with thanks for the Life I Love"

Now you can't beat that.  Or maybe you can.  But it was impossible for anyone to beat that with me.

We were the same person.  Or, because I have lost both him & my mind, perhaps I am only a thimbleful of a person.  Anyway, stick with us, Phyllis, because our numbers dwindle, and we need you to mitigate our mutual pain due to that reality.  I send you love you haven't been aware of.


Phyllis, please don't go!

Rick, if the Bear Mountain Bridge is the one I think it is, it scared the bejeebers out of me when we crossed it coming back from a vacation in Maine or Cape Cod, forget which, when I was a teen. I don't remember it being a suspension bridge, but I do remember the two lane road we were on coming down off the mountain. I have never been fond of heights.


MarsGal - That does sound like the Bear Mountain Bridge. The East side, as I recall, had a two lane road close to the side of the hill/mountain. It's ben a long time, very very long, since I was in that area, so memory fades somewhat. Somewhere in that area of the Hudson River was the retired and "preserved" fleet of ships  - retired after WWII.

I also don't get along with heights. I've even had "trouble" driving over certain high bridges.  Took me a while to learn how to climb a ladder at my house.  I now know not to grab for tools that I might drop while on a ladder - I just say goodbye to them.  Never could do roofs.



Patricia always pops up with something that makes me feel like blue skies & beautiful flowers.

Which reminds of how much I miss Dot & Norm.  When Bob died, clear back in 2006, I wrote two & a half books of poetry, and quit.  I had a few made up into books, which I passed out to kinfolk, & sent the first two books to those two.  They were both lavishly appreciative.  I miss them so.  I seldom find myself at the receiving end of lavish praise, so sure soak it up when I do!

(This is definitely not a hint, & besides, remember that I have Patricia to set my sense of value soaring.)


MaryPage, we all love reading your messages here in Bait & Tackle,  (or what you remember as "Norm's Place").  Everyone speaks fondly of Norm, and makes me wish I had known him back when he named this discussion, and also before that, when he was busy in the Michigan folder.  You and Patricia are the last of those who posted in both, and I know you miss all those members who are now no longer with us.

It was great to hear from so many of you in the past couple of days!  I  hope all who posted,  plus everyone else,  will feel welcome here, and that you'll post a message about whatever is on your mind . . . the past, the present or the future!


MarsGal - It just dawned on me. A bridge you would mot likely dislike as much as I did was the old Cooper River Bridge in Charleston S.C.  It was only two lanes wide. It went uphill over the channel and I don't recall the other side. But it was a horror as a large truck came at you from the opposite direction, and the shuddering of the car as it passed. Since then there is a new bridge which I have not been on. Charleston was way back when I was in the Navy - many many moons ago.



The scariest bridge in Texas is the Rainbow Bridge between Port Arthur and Orange, on Texas Highway 73. It offers a triple threat. You can see it coming from a long way off. It has a steep ascent and descent. And it rises frighteningly high over water.
As you arrived near the top, all you can see is sky in the daytime and the stars at night. You have to have faith that the pavement will be there when you drove over the hump, and that is enough to make some folks take a 30-mile detour.


The 30 mile trip sounds nice  ???



WOW! And I thought we had some of scary bridges here in California!
Barb,  have you driven across this bridge?
I think I'll join Rick, and take the 30 mile detour!   


Phyllis, I am fairly new here, PatH. from SeniorLearn directed me so please forgive me if I have not responded earlier to you.  It's wonderful to have a place where we can just pop in for a few minutes to catch up and leave a few thoughts and I am so sorry if you have felt overlooked. I hope you stay with us and continue to share.

MaryPage, what a sweet story of you and the love of your life and such a beautiful endearment he wrote in your card.  28 greatgrandchildren and 13 granddaughters and you all stay in touch, what a blessing!  I too am a writer and have had a couple of my poems published in the International Library of Poetry. One was an Anthology in remembrance of the tragic 911 event.  I've always wanted to write a book and have begun and stopped many times. 

Barb, that bridge does look a bit scary.  I remember the first time crossing the Mackinac Bridge in Michigan, I held my breath and prayed all the while. 

Marilyne, have you ever crossed the Golden Gate bridge? 

Rammel, I too have a fear of heights and when my hubby goes up a ladder, I am at the bottom of it to hand him his tools he may need.  Our sons have said if they hear of him climbing any more ladders to replace siding corners that fall off, they are coming to confiscate all our ladders.  :2funny:  The two of us decided to cut down an enormous bush last summer and didn't tell the kids until it was done, and I posted a pick. I told hubby we are partners in crime.

Ciao for now~


I'm afraid of heights as well, and I'm unable to drive due to an eye issue, so I would never want to be driven over any of the listed bridges, although I have been over the Golden Gate Bridge multiple times in my youth.


The Rainbow Bridge is a cantilever truss bridge.  Do I have any idea what that is?  Well, now I know that bridge is one.  One of whatever that is.

I suggest you Google. Google has a lot to say about it.  Maybe your brain is not as thick as mine!

You would think today is Valentine's Day in this house.  I got a humongous vase of flowers, including  the lovely bells of Ireland & topped off by a great balloon.  Son Christopher & his wife.  A large musical valentine from son Rob.  Two boxes of almond croissants from granddaughter Melissa: a dozen in all.  Melissa & family, that is.  Family all know that is my favorite pastry!

I feel loved, & the warm fizzles of being so!


Mary Page that is an ironic name for that bridge, concerning the recent talk of ageism here and in the Soda Shop!

And one I would also would prefer to detour around!


I assume you are thinking of the word Truss?


Yes, as comprised by five or more triangular units constructed with straight members. It reminded me of the stages of life and the ageism talk in both discussions.


That is funny!

I have not been to the Soda Shop in eons.  I get all tired out easily & often.