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September 27, 2024, 08:01:32 AM

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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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It must be colder than Illinois at Grand Haven today.  Very few people on the beach.

The Eagles babies are getting so bit.  Not much room in that nest.


Not many people  one on the Isle of Man beaches in April!



Congratulations MaryPage on your new great-granddaughter! Ava is a pretty name. One of my greats is Jocelyn Ava Marie

Sandy - Hope all goes well with your granddaughter and "Fifi". When our first great grandchild was born, I announced that hereafter I would be called GiGi, and so it is!  :) I now have seven, two girls and the rest are boys.

When I was expecting our children my husband always referred to them as George or Charlie. Only one was a boy.  In those days we didn't have advance notice.

Bubble - I have seen pictures of Aviv and he is definitely a cutie! One of my g-grands is four and will be five soon.  A woman asked him when he turned four and his answer was "after I was three!"

Larry - Were you able to return your plant? I find that places like Lowe's are quite accommodating.

W. Joan - Do you mean Shirley from Florida? I hope she can get in soon.

Kelly - Come to Florida......People on the beaches year round.  :)

Good night all.



Hi Beverly
I have been to Florida to visit the theme parks.



Hi everyone.  It appears we will be having a lovely day only getting up to 81 degrees this afternoon.  Today is Church Day and pretty sure we will go out to lunch following.  Yesterday turned out to be pretty busy.  I spent at least two hours on the phone with Comcast and was finally advised to take my Gateway box back and get another one, which I did.  I installed it and got all the settings on the computers and TV set and hoped things would be fine.  However, we had the same dropout problem as we tried to watch a movie last night so not sure I accomplished anything.  Guess I will ask for a technician to come out and see if they can accomplish anything.  I also went to Lowe's and exchanged one of my baskets that didn't look well and got another, which is a bright red New Guinea Impatiens plant, a tomato vine cage and some chemical to chase away bugs.  Then on my way back from Comcast I stopped at the plant nursery and got two beautiful hanging baskets for our porch porch and three different herbs to plant.

Bubble, I can't understand why parents do not enforce any or little discipline on their children these days.  I wonder if the next generation will decide that some discipline is wise as this world isn't all about me.

MaryPage, my wife's Aunt used to get and I expect still does gets lots and lots of catalogs as she is not able to shop.  Her husband put up a hers and his mail boxes for delivery.  His was very small and hers was quite large.  I bet your loved ones look forward to receiving the cards from you.  What a beautiful name for that new baby and an honor to you and your heritage.

Hal, I would say you are blessed, as is MaryPage, to have all of those grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Sandy, it sounds like you have an exciting week this week awaiting that new GG.

Beverly, I did return the plant and Lowe's was accommodating as long as I had my receipt, which I always save until the credit card is paid and I know I won't be returning something. 


Larry, I consider myself blessed, except when they get too noisy.  And the parents just sit there and don't quieten them down.  When four or five of them get to hollering and acting up...WOW!  Sometimes I don't hold my tongue and tell them to shut up or go outside and play. 

I think parents wont to be buddies before being parents.  Just my opinion....



Hal. I have the same problem just with one.  I tell him to be quiet, that rules at Nonna are different from at home and he better remember it. lol


Quote from: Beverly on April 23, 2016, 10:49:45 PM

Sandy - Hope all goes well with your granddaughter
and "Fifi". When our first great grandchild was born,
I announced that hereafter I would be called GiGi,
and so it is!  :) I now have seven, two girls and the
rest are boys.

Good Sunday Morning from the Sunny and
Early Spring Like,  Rocky coast of Maine.   

I told Kelly that I wanted to be called  "GG", 
but "GiGi"  would certainly do just fine.   
I am of course,  excited and very nervous,  as
we all are before kids are born.   

I wonder .... did all the grands start calling you GiGi

Looking forward to the end of the week  when
it is all over. 

Have a good Sunday, Everyone!
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Good Morning from another day that's said to include rain. The skies and air, that softer light also promise but no clouds have yet made it up and over the foothills.

My legs are still a bit sore from that photographic escape. For awhile they were not so much sore but hard and unbending. Yesterday I attempted to climb on a sturdy chair and then onto the counter to clean and rearrange an upper kitchen cupboard. I managed the chair but found the hydraulic lift I was used to in my knees no longer there.

I think I will need to take Sandy's advice and purchase a sturdy grabber! A friend was kind enough to bring items down and sweep and clean the crumbs. He then put bagged items on the upper shelf so they extended slightly from the lip of the shelf.

I purchased a large  3 lb canister of Folgers classic roast yesterday without checking the label further as it was a good buy. It wasn't until I brewed a pot and found it bland that I discovered why. It was a medium roast and I always buy dark or something similar. I will use it but it tastes like bland restaurant coffee. I am one for strong, with no condiments added coffee so this is a pain but I am also cheap.  :-[

I 'm very interested in the discipline discussion. While I spent my career such as it was in the hospitality and retail industries, I grew irritated often with parents who felt everyone but them was an ogre to their budding geniuses. However having grown up with a father who ruled by his belt or sarcasm, I can also understand. There needs to be a happy medium.

To all of you with grandchildren and expectant great grandparents, I wish you joy in your families. that is something I have been denied and truly miss.


Apparently today's parents believe it is detrimental to the self esteem of little ones to discipline them.

Well, I was disciplined, and while I may not be brimming with self esteem, I did learn what was and was not acceptable in polite behavior, and I did learn to give a little consideration to the affect my behavior would have upon others.  I have not found it at all harmful that I was reared so as to realize I am not the only chicken in the coop.


One thing that really gets to me is when the kids do finally settle down and you can once again carry on a normal conversation in the room, the grandfather then stirs them up again by rough housing with them and everything is back to square one.  You get to sit there like a knot on a log because conversation and even watching TV is out of the question.  Note I said grandfather not great grandfather. the statement works good with uncle or some other relative that likes to stir things.


Angel, I like the Columbian coffee.  no cream, no sugar.  Just coffee.  I also love a good cup of German coffee or Turkish coffee.  The Turkish is what I call sippin coffee, you never drink it, mainly because it is half grounds.


Quote from: angelface555 on April 24, 2016, 12:02:13 PM
......However having grown up with a father who ruled by his belt or sarcasm, I can also understand. There needs to be a happy medium.......To all of you with grandchildren and expectant great grandparents, I wish you joy in your families. that is something I have been denied and truly miss.


And ditto.


Good afternoon! Went to church this morning and had a guest pastor. I enjoyed his sermon.

It's a beautiful day. The thermometer says 87 but there's a lovely breeze so I had the house opened up for awhile.

Kelly - Ah! But the theme parks are not near the beach! Which ones did you see?

Sandy - No, I'm only GiGi to the great-grands. To the others I'm Grandma. For some reason one of them calls me Grammie. She's the one I raised for four years and I'm still especially close to her.

My great-grands are usually well behaved, even though one of the parents is quite permissive. We've solved the noise problem when we all get together ( 30) for holidays by having our celebration at a Community Hall. There's plenty of room for them to run around and use up energy! Actually, I think the grown-ups are noisiest.  :)

Angelface - I like my coffee strong also, no condiments, but some intestinal problems have made me tone it down to medium. If you like it strong and dark, the Folgers Black Silk is good.

Larry - I hope you get your computer problems fixed. Every time I run into a problem I blame it on Windows 10.  :) It works well until I try something different.

Hal - I think I was more tolerant of noise when I had young children. Having a hearing problem doesn't help, either! We have one of those "instigators" in the family. It's an uncle to the greats.

Feeling lazy today. A nap sounds good.


All the coffee ideas sound great! Beverly I have used Folgars Black Silk because I do not care for the acidity and I have enjoyed Yuban's  Dark Roast, Premium. But I normally purchase Tullys brand Expresso Roast. It's not acidic.

Hal, I've had the small demi cups of Turkish espresso years ago and found it enjoyable but not sure if I could handle it now. The acidity is what gets to me these days. We do have the Starbucks here in the big mall groceries but there are also local stores that purchase coffee beans, usually from Costa Rica import companies and grind and flavor them here. These are quite good and we have the coffee shops here and there with entertainment as well as the obligatory small framed coffee kiosks on each corner it seems.

I am worried about my cat. Yesterday she was behaving normally and today she has remained hidden behind some boxes in the bedroom and sleeping. I keep checking on her and she seems quiet but not in distress. I do not get my SS until next Wednesday so I'm hoping it is just a momentary instance.Here no one will accept a pet unless you are prepared to pay upfront.

June Drabek

Hal, your bedroom should be "off limits" to children. It should contain a t.v. and coffee pot...or whatever adult beverage you choose, and a secure lock. A man's home is his castle, and you have earned the right to privacy.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Hi Beverly
I know two of the theme parks were Universal Studios and Disney.  And I think Epcot.

I also went to see a Shuttle launch, which was called off due to poor weather.  And I went to the Kennedy Space centre.


Mary Ann

I’ve had a rather busy day today.  Dot and I went to church, then did our usual OTB.  I had time for a nap before Tom and I drove to Holland to have lunch with James and Alicia.  They showed us pictures of their cruise to the Bahamas with Alicia’s family.  We got back home about 4 pm and I had another short nap.  I put the cat out on the deck but he has trouble deciding if he wants to stay there if I don’t stay out too.  I’m not ready to sit out on the deck but when the temps gets to 70+ I may do so.

Mary Ann


That cat loves you Mary Ann. 
All my cats wanted to be near me,
or with in "line of sight" of me.

So I bet when the weather gets good, 
you and kitty can enjoy it together!

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan

Mary Ann

Sandy, you ought to see my slider screen.  It is nylon and you can see where he put his claws on it, trying to see inside.  The screen will be difficult to replace because I have storm sliders on that side, so nothing will be done until necessary.

Mary Ann


Good Morning Everyone from the
Sunny and warming up,  Rocky Coast of Maine. 

Oh Mary Ann,  I do know how kitties can
leave their marks,  sometimes where
you really do not want them to.
(But you have got to love them,  anyway!)

It is yet another beautiful day here in
Portland Maine.     Oh how I love this time
of the year,  when we have so much to
look forward to.


  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Hi everyone.  I have had a very frustrating couple of hours trying to get my laser printer to print what I want and not so to sleep all the time.  What should be simple isn't anymore.  Then the other Inkjet printer doesn't want to work.  Our son will be over later this afternoon and I will see if I can get him to get them set up so when you send something to the printer it actually works.  We had a very nice Sunday.  Today I will go to a meeting in a little bit and then play it by ear.  I don't have time to write more this morning as want to get through all of the discussion boards before I leave if I can.


Good morning from another sunny day in the Interior! Still none of the oft-promised rains and the trees have yet to bud out.

My cat is drinking water and she is using the box but is still sleeping all day. She doesn't seem to be eating and has lost weight but is very loving when you hold her and did come out here for an hour or so this morning. Since she doesn't go out, who knows what it might be?


Quote from: larryhanna on April 25, 2016, 10:39:44 AM
Hi everyone.  I have had a very frustrating couple of hours trying to get my laser printer to print what I want and not so to sleep all the time. What should be simple isn't anymore.  Then the other Inkjet printer doesn't want to work.  Our son will be over later this afternoon and I will see if I can get him to get them set up so when you send something to the printer it actually works.  We had a very nice Sunday.  Today I will go to a meeting in a little bit and then play it by ear.  I don't have time to write more this morning as want to get through all of the discussion boards before I leave if I can.

not go to sleep all the time............... HAH! Larry, you hit upon the MAJOR bone of contention I had with my new inknet HP. I assume you mean that it goes to sleep all the time?

Forgive me, I'm sure I've shared this latest frustration already.

I guess some idiot in corporate thinks everyone wants to save energy with their home printers, when it is being diddled away by corporations and countries the world over.

It took me two tries, with two chats, and an escalation to the VP's office - they were about to give me a new printer - but I got a noisy printing issue (take out the ink cartridges, put them back in, yeah, that makes sense) and the sleep issue resolved.

The digital (I hate it) setting panel specifies a top time of 15 minutes before it shuts down. Rather than reading the book or researching, I contacted the third world country chat people and was told, "oh no we can't override that 15 minute limit". Never believing that all the chat people are given the same education, I contacted another chat person and was told "oh of course you can override the 15 minute" and he showed me how. Easy peasey.

I escalated to an HP person before I talked to the above chat person and she had someone call me and walk me through the ink change out for the noisy printing. Meanwhile, my previous printer lasted 10 years, I give this one 3.

Western Joan, my issue since April 1st with Frontier has finally been resolved. Yes, it was legal that my bank gave Frontier my private bank account information for their automatic invoice payment, because this is what happens when one company buys the client list of another.  No, my bank couldn't do anything on my behalf, I had to call Frontier. No, Verizon couldn't care less because they already had passed on all my information.

Yes, Frontier had already processed two of my bills, the billing payments being collected in advance, and even though I canceled my service on April 8th, I had paid through April 19th and was assured by one person on the phone AND her supervisor that my account had been canceled, my auto pay had been stopped, and my overpaid money would be refunded in 2 - 3 billing cycles.

HOWEVER, I then received an email that my account was AGAIN being debited for ANOTHER cycle, and I lost it. I went to their annual report, and their website, and wrote to the CEO and to every single email I could find on their website, mostly press people. Oh, and I had been pitching a fit on Facebook and Twitter to no avail.

Well, this last did it. I got an immediate response, on a SUNDAY, in the form of an email and a voicemail, telling me that my account had been canceled, dating back to April 8th, they gave me a confirmation number, that my auto pay had been stopped, and that I would be getting my overpaid money back to the 8th.

I'll believe the latter when I see it, but the auto pay does show as canceled, as does the account.

Now, my question? Why did it take ALL this to get a resolution to an unethical problem that shouldn't have been created in the first place. And what happens to someone not driven by the devil who might have given up in the face of idiots in corporations?

So, Larry, don't give up. Write and call everyone you can, chat over and over and over, and I bet you too will find someone who tells you how to override their stupid sleep button. On the problem with pages not going to the printer, the chat reps have a handy capability of remotely taking over your computer to solve driver problems. Good luck.


deedee, I am not h appy with Frontier but it is the only game in town. at this time.  Thankfully, I just have to write a check to pay them.


I have never, ever signed up for any type of payment by way of an automatic charge to my checking account.  Period.  And I have never, ever signed up for any type of payment by way of an automatic charge to a credit card.  Period.  The world today is overflowing with idiots who work in cubicles for humongous companies where the mantra is "get the money, get the money, get the money!"  Period.  I could see this coming a bazillion miles off, so I refused all their special pleas and extra perks if I would just arrange payments this way.

When I went to work for son in law Greg back in 09, I found two instances going on there where automatic payment was involved.  I wanted to do away with the one service anyway, that is to say, I no longer wanted their over priced service, so I quit it.  It took forever.  Mebbe six months, all told?  I cannot remember now, but I sure hated those people and their product before I got it all resolved.  The other, I kept the service but canceled the automatic payment.  Again, it took ages and lots of fake astonishment on their part that I would not find this system easier.  I stuck to my guns.

They getcha coming and they getcha going.  I discovered some years back, and it was confirmed by a terribly nice and accommodating associate at our lovely local bookstore, that Barnes and Noble stands, in the ordinary way of doing things, to charge you a fee for a 12 month year, but actually give you only an 11 month year!  How does this work, and how did I catch on to it?

Let's say you sign up for the first time in the month of April, because that is where we are now.  No matter where you are starting, say April 25, your membership with B&N starts on the First of the month.  And it ends on the last day of the 12th month, BUT.  But they write and email and urge you to be aware your membership is expiring (and likewise how much better off you would be if they just charge it to the credit card they happen to have on file from your ordering books on line) early in the 11th month.  And the MINUTE you reup with them for another year, That's when your membership begins.  So they start the fuss in February, in our sample case here, and then you finally agree in March that you will reup, and you get charged again for March as of March 1 because that is the month you have said yes in.

So every year I make sure to get my full 12 months of paid membership.  I reup on the FIRST of the 13th month.  So this year, forinstance, my well-worth-it membership expires on May 31st, and I will tell them to extend it for one year ON JUNE FIRST.  Works for me!

Oh, and how did I catch on to the rigged system?  I was a very talented accountant, and there are no flies on me in THAT department.  Color me dim when it comes to computers and simply heaps of other things y'all discuss in here, but don't try to pull the wool when it comes to money. 

Hugs from MaryPage.


Another thing to think about MaryPage is direct pays. If the company that direct pays you feel they over or underpaid you, they are legally allowed without notifying you that they may go in and withdraw from your check or card account. I have been told repeatedly that this is wrong or not in their case. To which I reply, read the small print you agreed to!

I have dealt a time or two with companies saying they will close an account and then not doing so. There has been a time or two where I simply closed the debit card or in one case, that savings account.

I never use my credit card but use debit cards that I reimburse for these type of businesses.


  (For those who didn't see my
soda shop post.... )

Angelface,   I love your hair cut!
And your specks!   Very nice picture!! 

I bought me some new hair cutting and thinning
scissors from Amazon which arrived today
just in time for me to give me my
Spring hair cut.   

They did a great job, including shearing of
part of my knuckle on my left hand.   
Not good since I take blood thinners.

But I manged to get the job mostly
done before I had to stop and insure that
I wouldn't bleed to death.     

Oh my,  those new shears are so sharp
and do such a good job of cutting
my hair.    to be put away and
NEVER be used for cutting anything else. 

My finger is ok (actually I cut two
knuckles),  but the worse one is ok
and I am watching it carefully.   

Won't be washing dishes for a while..
They warned me that the scissors were
very,  very sharp.  But of course,
I got careless...    Still,  All is well
and my new cut is almost all done!

ha ha

(The walking wounded!)
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan

Mary Ann

Larry, before Windows 10, when I would send something to the printer, the printer would come on and print.  When I installed Windows 10, my printer would not work.  Tom got it going by adding “Copy 1” to the name.  Then I found I could not print individual labels; I could print an entire page, but not singles.  With this new Window 7, it sends things to the printer, but I have to get up and turn on the printer.  I can store stuff on the printer until I’m ready to really print it.  That’s my “printer tale of woe”.  I am having trouble with the computer in that the copy suddenly goes very small, so small you can’t read it or much larger than necessary.  It’s done both while typing these paragraphs. 

MaryPage, my copy of the Anderson Cooper/Gloria Vanderbilt book came to day and I am finding it fascinating so far.  Gloria V is a bit older than I (I just had my 92nd birthday) and I lost my mother at my age 17.  Of course, I didn’t have to go through the other things she did and we did not have the money, but I can feel for her.  I did read much about her when there was publicity about her and I bought two or three of her craft books.   I think I still have them somewhere.

Patricia, my only direct pay are for my pension and Social Security.

Sandy, many years ago when feather cuts were popular, I used to cut my hair with a razor blade.  I tried to be careful, but I did nick my fingers occasionally. 

I have more problems with my computing and printing equipment and those frustrate me no end!!!

Mary Ann


So glad you like the book, as I would have felt terrible if you had disliked it.  Like you, I remember the child Gloria being in the news all the time.  I surely never thought she was still alive, let alone telling her life story at ninety-two!

I have my federal pension and social security monthly income payments paid directly into my checking account at my bank, as well.  It is just my paying OUT that I will not sign up for!