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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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Mary Ann

Patricia, Congratulations on getting your DNA.  You're in the same areas as I am - Western Europe which includes England, Ireland, Wales, Germany.  Scandinavia was listed separately and surprise me when they updated things because they say I'm 13% each Norway and Sweden.  Now I'm looking for my name in both countries.  I can even find my name in Finland.  Denmark wasn't even listed.  As far as Western Europe is concerned, England and Germany are big parts of my background and that I expected.  What is disappointing to me is that so few people show a tree and while they're listed as related by DNA, so many of them are 5th to 8th cousins and I ignore them.  If there is no tree, there is no match and nothing I can do.  I really did not have my DNA tested to find relative (but I have) but to confirm my geographical background - which it did. 

I've probably mentioned about Tom's former wife, who was adopted.  She did not want to find her birth parents even though her mother encouraged her to seek them.  I gave Annie a kit and the minute her info was posted, she got a hit from a relative on her mother's side.  So Sue decided to get her DNA and it has opened a new world for her.  She's made contact with several of the people, both of her birth parents have died, but I know she has at least one sister, maybe more. 

It's an interesting process.

Mary Ann


MaryAnn, perhaps because I haven't purchased a membership, mine only goes to some third cousins. I did see my first cousin David listed, but he hasn't signed in since 2017. The rest of them all had very high shared percentages, but only one has checked in since 2017.

The others all show from 2014, 2015, and 2016. I could write my Colorado cousins to see if they could ask them if they would contact me. As my younger sister was interested in that. Since so few in my family are linked, I'm not sure if I could go on.

One thing surprised me was while my father was from Missouri and my mother from Kansas, my father's line of DNA showed up in the same area my Mom's was in! Yet they met in Alaska! Next up, possibly in February is the 23 & Me DNA company.


Patricia - My Ancestry DNA results are similar to yours.  My recent updated results had a few changes. I was 68% Great Britain in my original results, but it jumped to 73% in the updated.  After that came Germanic Europe (Western Europe), Ireland Scotland and Wales, Norway, and Native America.  My original results said Native America 4%, but the new results say Native America 3% and Native America Andean 2%.  I'm wondering what Andean means?

Consider purchasing a membership. It's really interesting when cousins contact you, and you can contact anyone on your list of DNA matches. I now have a new friend, who is a 3rd cousin, that I didn't know even existed. I have also found a 2nd cousin who is my age, that I hadn't seen or heard anything about, since I was in high school!  It's really quite exciting.


That is interesting, Marilyne about your DNA results and our similarities. Andes refers to the mountains in Peru.

The issue is how to contact them if they no longer log in the site and haven't for some years? Do they email them about someone wishing to contact them? Since the info I have uses their Ancestry name, does Ancestry send it to their email? That's my problem.

What I found interesting were the traits. I scored about fifty/fifty on what they thought I would have. For example sweets, I'm more of a savory or salt rather than sugar person, meat rather than cake, etc. I also don't have freckles or a cleft chin. And my earlobes are attached, not unattached. My index finger is also not longer than my pointer finger.

They nailed my skin, eye and hair color, my enjoyment of Cilento spice and tasting the bitter taste in cauliflower and Brussel sprouts. They also talked about the patterns in our irises being more personal and unique than our fingernails!


Patricia, after I sent my last post, I looked up Andean, on Google, and saw that it is from that section of S. America - Peru and Colombia. The Andean people date back to the Inca's, from Pre-Colombian era.  I knew my Great Grandmother was 1/2 American Indian, so her ancestors must date way back to the Andean people?

I haven't seen my traits?  That must be something new, or I'm sure my older daughter Shelley, would have said something about it.  She is very much into ancestry research, and spends a lot of time on the site. I'll log in and see if I can find my "traits".


From Euronews, the Netherlands;

Dutch motivational speaker Emile Ratelband may feel like a 49-year-old, but according to Dutch law, he is still 69.
A Dutch court on Monday rejected Ratelband's request to shave 20 years off his age in a case that drew worldwide attention.

"Mr. Ratelband is at liberty to feel 20 years younger than his real age and to act accordingly," Arnhem court said in a press statement. "But amending his date of birth would cause 20 years of records to vanish from the register of births, deaths, marriages and registered partnerships. This would have a variety of undesirable legal and societal implications."

Ratelband went to court last month, arguing that he didn't feel 69 and saying his request was consistent with other forms of personal transformation which are gaining acceptance in the Netherlands and around the world, such as the ability to change one's name or gender.

But in a written ruling, the court said Dutch law assigns rights and obligations based on age "such as the right to vote and the duty to attend school. If Mr Ratelband's request was allowed, those age requirements would become meaningless."
The court said it acknowledged "a trend in society for people to feel fit and healthy for longer, but did not regard that as a valid argument for amending a person's date of birth."

It said Ratelband failed to convince the court that he suffers from age discrimination. It adding that "there are other alternatives available for challenging age discrimination, rather than amending a person's date of birth."


Marilyne, it is a new special that you pay 9.99 for. They're trying to keep up with 23 & Me that includes all of that as well as any propensities for genetic diseases in their regular report.

There is also a new "Black Ancestry.com for Blacks. It isn't so much your regular Ancestry but more where in Africa and tribes or people your DNA comes from.


Morning everyone.

My cousin is in the process of continuing the family tree that my uncle started years ago, and plans on posting it online (don't know which site). One of my nieces did get a DNA test done. I haven't see the results, but was told that we are almost completely Western European. I am going to pass on the info about the Black Ancestry site for my BIL. One of his relatives is doing a family history.

Patricia, were your descendants part of the Highland Clearances or an Irish equivalent? I have read about the Highland Clearances.

Such greed on the part of powerful aristocratic landlords and politicos. It reminds me that I have been reading some about similar actions in Ancient Rome. The struggle between the aristocracy (generally, the Senatorial class) and the lower classes that eventually lead to the downfall of the Republic primarily began when a faction of liberal Senators and their followers tried to pass land-reform laws to curtail land grabs by the rich, and allot small holdings to the poor and military veterans (which had been promised to them as a retirement benefit). BTW, many of the land grabs included turning out not only landowners, but their tenant farmers, thus creating even more landless poor, not to mention the deaths or exile of some of the landowners. Nowadays, it is large corporate farmland holdings (not to mention land grabs for other uses) and misuse of eminent domain. Not to say that is all bad, but does need close watch and kept within reasonable bounds.


Quote from: angelface555 on December 04, 2018, 12:10:08 AM

 My index finger is also not longer than my pointer finger.

The pointer finger is the second digit and first finger of the human hand.  It is also called the index finger or the forefinger.

So what did they mean?


Hi Everyone.  It is a bright and sunny morning and we are to get into the mid-50's today.  I was able to get an appointment with my cardiologist for tomorrow morning at 10 am for which I am thankful.  I am hoping he will have something that can begin to give me a little more energy and stop the occasional gurgling and coughing. I spent a good part of the day yesterday laying down and  today will probably be about the same as I am very weary this morning.  I plan on staying home all day. Pat just reminded me she has a doctor's appointment downtown this morning but she will going to drive herself there.  It has been quite awhile since she has driven the car. 

I have found all of the posting interesting but just don't have the energy to make any individual comments today.  Hopefully soon I will be back to my normal long postings.

Mary Ann

Larry, we hope you will be back to your usual long postings, too.  They start my day and I try to read what you say in Norm's B&T before I go to the Soda Shoppe.  I may be crazy, but that's the way it is.  I hope your cardiologist can help you.

Patricia, in a list of your relatives (regardless of closeness), if you click on View Match, in that area is a box about contacting the person.  Ancestry will send a message in their name, but show the message from you, telling the person who sent the message and they can respond to the Ancestry message if they care to.  No e-mails are exchanged until/unless either of your gives it.

I hope the above is clear enough, and not clear as mud as I usually write. 

Marilyn, what an interesting background you have, going to the Peruvian Indians.  Lots of people have the same mix as I have. 

Patricia, I did not know about the chance to find out about our features and my forefingers are shorter than my middle fingers.  I thought my forefinger and index finger were one and the same.  They're both about the same length.  You have done a lot more delving than I have, but I know that is your nature.

MarsGal, I hope your cousin does continue with your ancestry.  It's interesting to know about your family background. 

I also got my DNA from 23&me and the results were similar.  They are always sending surveys about various things - the last one was my sleep pattern and they check back every so often; maybe every six months.

Mary Ann



Larry, good to see you checking in this morning, but sorry that you're still not feeling well. I hope that tomorrow, your cardiologist can help you to get your energy level back up again.

Mary Ann - I wanted to see what the new "traits" were all about on Ancestry, so I looked last night, and decided to pay the $9.95 to see my traits, based on my DNA. It's really very interesting, and certainly worth that small amount of money.

Bubble - the measurement of finger length was a total loss for me. My fingers are so twisted and bent from arthritis, that it was impossible for me to get an accurate measurement. My hands and fingers are apparently really messed up.  When I went to renew my drivers license last August, I found that I had no thumbprint left whatsoever! I had to take a separate written test, and agree to have them run a security check! :o

MarsGal - interesting information on Ancient Rome. As you indicated, history definitely repeats itself!

Patricia - I'll get back to you with the "traits".


Good morning. 

All of you talking about the Ancestry thing is giving me the idea that I will have to look up the one that my son gave me last Christmas.  I know you can't eat for a while before you do the "spit" test.  I just keep forgetting about it. And, I forget the one who said it didn't take that long to get the results back.  I was under the impression that it took a long time to get the results.  Maybe I will try to do it before I eat lunch.  It has been a while since I looked at it. I will have to read everything to make sure I do it the right way.

It is interesting to read the different messages about everyone's ancestry.

I see that it is almost lunchtime now.  I did some ordering things for my DIL this morning.  And, will get around to doing some more ordering for myself a little later.

They are starting to paint out in our halls and sitting areas, so not sure if we will be able to put any Christmas decorations up out there.  I am hoping that it will be finished soon enough to be able to put a few things up. It will just be so bare looking for the holidays.  I think it was a dumb time to start painting right before the holidays.
But, that is just my own opinion.

It is a kind of iffy day outside right now.  I am listening to some Christmas music to make the day less dreary.

Larry, sure hope you will get some help when you go to the doctor's tomorrow.  Will keep good thoughts for you.   Your messages are always so interesting. You always seem to address and make a comment to everyone. 

Have a good afternoon.




Good morning from the Interior where our highs are in the mid twenties and our lows in the late teens. Its 16 degrees presently.

I don't know if I mentioned taking Farrah to the vet yesterday. For a cat with no treats, tuna or human food, she somehow gained two pounds! Next year, if she is still increasing, he'd like to try something called a metabolic diet which uses coconut oil somehow. She is 15.5 pounds, and the vet believes for her size that she should be in the eight to twelve range.

How does a cat gain weight eating a 3/4th cup of daily dry kibble for indoor cats? I do understand the new inactivity is probably a lot of it but with no interest in toys, how do you get a cat to exercise?

She also has periodontal disease which I'm told is common in older cats, so next month she will have an expensive, (To me!); dental procedure where she's put under and some teeth may be extracted and others cleaned while medicating her gums.

Re genetics, the index or pointer finger, next to your thumb is sometimes longer than your ring finger next to your smallest finger. Its similar in that some folks have attached earlobes and some folks do not. Or that some people like me can smell asparagus later in the bathroom.

I did learn that everyone originally had brown eyes and after migrating out of Africa, we lost some of the sun protection in melanin and began developing lighter, (blue, green, gray, hazel); eyecolors. I also learned that merely to produce the individual striations in your pupils involves 2000 genes.

MarsGal, in the video about African DNA, they stated that in most cases, the female or maternal line carries the African genes while the male or paternal gene carries mainly the European genes. I remember hearing in the video that to find out about Africa to use a sister ot mother instead of the father or brother.

As my great uncle found in his research, my ancestor had a knack for working with horses, and he sold one to a British officer who used a crop on it which promptly threw him, breaking the officer's leg.

 The officer shot the horse and had the entire 23 member family transported as indentured servants. Another story variant goes that the horse ran off after tossing the officer and returned to my ancestor. Either way, the consequences, shooting, and transport remained.

In Ireland, the British were given huge tracks of land, and the older owners tossed. Many of the tenant farmers were cleared off so that they could grow crops or run sheep with English laborers.

They did the same thing other conquerors have done which is displace the native inhabitants and bring in their own people. That is how Northern Ireland came to be, with Protestant English immigrants over the original Irish Catholics.

Joy, you are not supposed to eat or drink anything for thirty minutes before spitting into the tube. They evidently tell everyone four to six weeks just in case, but many are apparently like my case. I would do it!

Marilyne, are you saying if I sent my cousin a message, Ancestry would send it to his actual email, not just his membership one?

Today I'm donating more kitchen stuff to a building rummage sale, so I need to get going.

Larry, I do hope the doctor is able to help!


Patricia, with my membership, I have an inbox on Ancestry, where anyone else who belongs to Ancestry, can send me a message.  Then I reply to it there.  It looks a lot like my email program, but is not connected in any way. Sort of like the private messages here in S&F.

I feel really bad for Farrah, with her teeth problems, and the fact that she weighs more than she should. Is there a possibility that some cats just weigh more than others?  Meaning . . . bone structure might be larger, just like in humans, being small boned or big boned, etc.  It makes a difference in weight, but has nothing to do with fat.  She must be very hungry?  I remember whenI used to shop for food for Winnie at Petco, they had wet food (canned) that was formulated with fewer calories. Maybe that would be something you could try?

Your story this morning about the Dutch motivational speaker, Emile Ratelband, was hilarious. I sent it on to AJ, as well as a friend, that I knew would get a kick out of it.  Would that we all could officially, be 20 years younger, but only if we also looked 20 years younger!

Mary Ann

Patricia, here is an example of what you get when someone tries to contact you via Ancestry:  Ancestry has a message from Deborah Jones (or words to that effect).  The message comes to you from Ancestry to your e-mail address. 
You can reply via Ancestry.  If you want to continue the contact, you can exchange e-mail addresses. 

My latest contact that way was a while ago but was from the grandson of a woman who married my Dad's cousin.  The man who contacted me is the one who sent all of those old recipes.  His mother and father are both gone, he's married but has no children.  He said my dad's cousin was the only grandfather he knew so he feels part of our family.  We now correspond by e-mail and not through Ancestry.

When we took Kendrick to the vet earlier this year, he weighed 15.5 pounds.  We had weighed him at home some time prior to that (maybe a year or two) and he weighed 15 pounds and he eats only dry cat food and gets very little exercise.  Kendrick is a big cat!  i would not attempt to pick him up.  I don't know how much he eats but it is about the same amount each day.  I have a dish that I put food in each night.  He never eats all of it.  He does a good job with the water.  It's too bad for both of you that he needs the dental work.  Nothing was said about it when we took Kendrick in.  I'll have to ask Annie if his teeth were checked. 

I don't know if I've mentioned finding Kendrick in the bathroom in the middle of the night, sleeping on my slippers.  I think I have not worn the slippers in such a long time that it isn't my scent.  I have a box of personal needs against the wall and that and the built-in vanity make a little alcove  for him.  He does like to lie in enclosures.

My pointer/index finger is a bit shorter than my ring finger.  It's kind of like asking about your second toe compared to your big toe; I think that is supposed to mean something but I don't know what.

My Fleming ancestors were from Northern Ireland (great-grandfather) but I think the family originally was in Scotland.  My gr-grandfather's name (William) is very common and is difficult to identify.  I keep trying.  My Tock ancestors are just as elusive.

Joy, at the height of the popularity of Ancestry and 23&Me, it did take about two months to get results of your DNA.  As Patrica said, hers took only a short time.  So don't delay.

Marilyn, I'm sorry about your fingers.  I've seen hands like that and they make me cringe.  While I do have arthritis in my hands and fingers, only my middle fingers are slightly bent.  It keeps me from tatting, but not knitting or crocheting.  And I don't do either of those now, preferring to compute!!!

I have created another long message, so I'll shut up and go elsewhere.

Mary Ann


Marilyne some breeds are naturally a larger size and that carries down through the feline DNA. No big-boned cats actually. Farrah is smaller than Kendrick by the photos I've seen. She is the only cat I've known to turn her nose up at tuna. She will not eat people food which is good but she absolutely will not eat any kind of wet food. I may change the 3/4th cup to half and perhaps look for a diet cat food kibble. It's the inactivity that's causing it in my opinion.

My vet says and it is also online that periodontal disease is very common in both feline and canine older animals. Farrah in human years would be 45.

Thank you and thank you MaryAnn for the info on contacting people on Ancestry.


Interesting bit of family history, Patricia. You shared yours, so I'll share mine. One of my ancesters was the last person (actually one of two the same time) to be burned alive in England. He was a minister (Unitarian or Methodist, I forget just now). We had quite a few Unitarian ministers in my family background. My sister has my copy of all Uncle Lou's research. I was wondering where it went. My cousin sent up a thumbdrive with photos of family members we didn't have, and Sue sent down all that we had since he didn't have some of what we had and vice versa. After a few generations, our Dad's paternal line dropped of the face of the earth, Uncle Lou had to switch to the maternal line. This was back in the 70s-90s. Lou actually went to England do do some of his research.

A curiosity for me is that about the same time General Fitzwilliam was fighting the Scots, we had Fitzwilliams in the family who live in the same area as the General's holdings. If the General is related, it must not be direct line. I used to tease George's Mom that we might actually be enemies. She was a Bonny Prince Charlie Stuart and a bit proud of it.

Larry, I hope all went will at the cardiologist today, and that Pat's did also


I'll be darn if I can figure out how I managed to get a "Message Icon" up at the top. I can't figure out how to turn it off, or show none. Just noticed it today. I wonder if this is a Shan the typing expert assistant insertion I hadn't noticed before? It was on Angry when I saw it. I see the things sometimes at the bottom other posts, mostly the thumbs up icon with he word Like beside it.


Hi Everyone. It is a clear and chilly morning here in South Carolina and when I got up a little while ago it was 31 degrees and may stay in the higher 40's this afternoon.  I am feeling a lot better this morning and started feeling better yesterday afternoon after spending some of the morning and early afternoon laying down with my eyes closed.  I will be seeing my cardiologist this morning and it is quite a walk from the parking garage to his office.  I have one errand to make a return for Pat and that will be my day until this evening when we plan to go out to eat and are hoping are son will join us and then spend some time with us this evening.  Yesterday Pat did drive herself to her doctor's appointment as I wasn't really feeling like driving when it was time for her to go.  She got along OK but came home pretty tired.  Fortunately we had left overs in the refrigerator for our evening meal.

Mary Ann, as I know you have discovered that the first part of my postings here and in the Soda Shoppe will probably almost always be the same.  Interesting how you can message back and forth through the Ancestry website with a relative before you actually share your own email address.  I wonder how these ancestry sites have been able to build the databases to have the information they do.  I guess it relates to to power of the computer. It sounds like those house slippers have been claimed by Kendrick now as a new sleeping place. 

Marilyne, I also hope my cardiologist will have some answer beyond it just being the nature of fighting heart disease for over 30 years.  I saw the Dutch court ruled against the man who wanted to change his age. 

MarsGal, it sounds like you have an interesting family history.  I have a several cousins that have done a lot of family history work but they haven't shared it.  I did send a couple of my cousins several pictures that my mother had of her side of the family.  I have pretty much lost contact with any relatives on my fathers side of the family.  If you look to the bottom right of the message box at the top you should see a little white box with an arrow in it.  Click on that it should hide the message box.  I hope this solves your concern. 

Joy, I hope they won't take too long to complete the painting in your hallways and sitting areas and it will probably brighten things up for you all.  I hope the paint is pretty well odorless.  I suppose the painters do the outside painting in the warmer periods and the inside painting this time of year where the temperatures are more controlled. 

Patricia, I think it must be hard for house cats not to get a bit overweight.  I know our cat was overweight.  Having a pet anymore is sure expensive with vet and dental bills.  There sure are a lot of interesting things to learn about family history as well as history in general.


MarsGal - I didn't see an "angry" icon on any of your messages?  The "thumbs up"  like icon, is at the bottom of everyone's post.  I dislike it, because it's a direct copy from Facebook.  IMO, it's just a lazy way to tell the poster that you read their message, but you don't have the desire or time, to post an actual response.  That said, I have to admit that I've clicked on it on Facebook, for messages where the person posts a photo . . . indicating that I like the picture. I also click on it on Twitter, if I like what the person has to say, but I really don't know them, so I prefer not to post an actual comment.

Interesting family history, but shocking to learn that one of your distant relatives was burned alive!! You didn't say if you've joined Ancestry, but if not, you might consider it. With the family information that you have from your uncle's research, it would be nice to share it with other family members who may not know much at all about their history.

I'll return later to say hello to everyone else, but first - time for more coffee and some breakfast!


Good morning from the Interior! Two days ago we had about two inches of fluffy snow due to increased warmth, and accompanying humidity and all that is gone now. We are presently at plus twelve due to rise to plus eighteen and then drop to plus eight this evening. We've been alternating between the twenties and the singles for a few weeks now, and it doesn't seem to want to change.

MarsGal, the main parts of my maternal side come from my great uncle's research and writings going back to the sixteen hundreds and my cousin sending me the Cd filled with types of photos of the family going back to the eighteen hundreds but primarily eighteen sixty and up.

 I was especially glad that along with many named or location photos, she also included pictures of individual members' gravestones. Altho it is a bit sad to see a smiling photo of someone and then to see their grave. Many family names are repeated throughout the generations.

My father's side is murkier with few people keeping track or wanting to. I do know that the Scottish part came from Johnstons who were members of the Black Watch and the family kilt was navy with a thin green line along the bottom denoting both the watch and family. The larger Welsh is mostly antidotal.

The family came to America later, in the eighteen hundreds and spread out looking for farmlands.  I only recently learned that one of my paternal ancestors was the leader of the mob that lynched Joseph and Hyrum Smith in Carthage, Illinois, altho this is family and not verifiable history.


Great. I just lost my post. Once again.

Larry, I can't find the arrow you are talking about unless it is the 'Attachments and other options' down arrow. There is one in that that says 'Don't use smileys' I can turn off. My icon is showing up at the top, right before the "Posted by-date" line. Marilyne, I quickly changed the icon to 'Standard" which looks like a document, because I certainly wasn't mad at anyone.

I had an interesting conversation with the UGI service guy that came yesterday to replace my old gas meter. When I mentioned that I would have liked one on the outside, he said that everyone is to get an outside meter within the next five years. So, of course, I had to ask why replace this one now, with another indoor meter if I will be getting an outside meter soon. Gee imagine my surprise when he said that the Pennsylvania Utilities Commission is requiring all older meters be replaced with new ones NOW, regardless of the upcoming change to outdoor meters. What a waste, but that is the government for you. I wonder who foots the bill for this duplication, certainly not the government.

The other thing we talked about was CATS. He has two, a Maine Coon and a Persian. Naturally I wanted to know how he got rid of the hair knots the long hair seems to produce. He said he had tried to do it himself, but was not very successful. He now takes them to a groomer three times a year at $50 each to take care of it.
I got a grooming tool that is supposed to thin the coat a bit and remove the knots. It doesn't work on the knots. Next I might try a low noise shaver, if I can find a good one that doesn't cost a lot. I doubt Shan will cooperate. He doesn't mind getting lightly brushed on top but hate being touched on the tummy side.

Interesting family history, Patricia. Those who have wealth and power often seem to also be arrogant 'ba.....s' who mostly get away with trampling on the common folk. In the case of my ancestor, he stuck up for his religious principles and refused to hush up when the King's men so ordered. I guess that makes him a forgotten martyr of sorts, depending on if you followed his beliefs. I believe he was a Unitarian (we apparently had a lot of those in our early family history), although he could have been Methodist. I don't quite remember.

My Dad's paternal side of the family supposedly landed in Rhode Island, and we are supposed to have family in South (or is it North) Carolina. His family also supposedly was fairly well off until the attorneys got it all in a battle over a will. The lawyers pretty much got it all in the end. That is all hear-say because no one has been able to trace back more than a few generations. My cousin is following up on a couple of leads that the family moved up to Philadelphia from the Maryland area.

Mary Ann

I spent much of the morning and early afternoon watching the Bush funeral.  It was interesting and since I'm not Episcopalian, it was a service I'm not used to.  There were a lot of laughs, and of course, I know it was not a regular Episcopalian service. 

My claim to fame in ancestry is my 3rd great-grandfather on my mother's side - Lemuel Cook.  He was one of the oldest (106 + 9 months) and last (d 1866) of the Revolutionary War soldiers.  At one time it was thought he was the last and oldest, but others came with information he was not.  I don't mind but a 4th cousin, if he was still alive, would be livid.  Yes, I am a DAR.

Way back in my family history (all on my mother's side) there were the Pomeroys and the Seymours.  In some sort of fight, the Seymours won the Pomeroy property.  Years later, maybe in the 1800s, a Seymour married a Pomeory.  Of course, the later action took place in the US.  The old property is (or was) still in existence, but I think not in Seymour hands any more.  A  3rd gr grandmother was a Pomeroy.

Marilyn, a couple of my ancestor women were accused to being witches but both were cleared.  The most famous of the two was Winifred King who married Joseph Benham. 

Much, possibly most, of my information was given me by others.  I know some that was given me by a couple of aunts was not correct, but we got it all straightened out.  Genealogy is fun but I have so much information (mostly names of people) and it is hard to find new.  I have not been like some people who journeyed to home towns to get property records and actual records.  I really wanted only to know who my ancestors were.

Kendrick likes to be brushed the wrong way on his back and comes to my bed to be rubbed by hand.  I don't do it very long because I either want to get into bed or start my day.  I tell him I'm ruffling his feathers.

Larry, I know your first paragraph is found here and in Soda Shoppe, therefore it is necessary to read both of your posts.  I'm glad you are back in business today and I hope things stay OK.  I hope your cardiologist can help you.

I think I should quit until the next time.  Tom is teaching today and will go to Holland afterward, but he still might stop in here first.

Mary Ann


I meant to get back earlier, but I started watching President Bush's funeral service, and I found it to be very compelling.  It was an excellent tribute, I thought. 

Larry, I'm glad you were feeling better this morning, but I hope that your doctor gives you something to deal with your extreme exhaustion. I'm sure it's hard for you to spend most of your time resting, but you have to do what's best.

Mary Ann - Interesting that you mentioned the name Pomeroy, in your family history. A distant cousin contacted me on Ancestry, a while back, and asked me if I had found any Pomeroy's, in my family research? I hadn't, but now I'll double check, and try to go further back.  Maybe you and I are related! :)

Patricia - I've been to a family plot at the cemetery in Ely, Nevada, a couple of times in the past 20 years. My mother's side of the family.  I wish so much that I could go again, now that I'm in contact with living family members, that I didn't know about before. Thanks to Facebook and Ancestry!  A few relatives still living in Ely, but most are now in California, or other cities in Nevada, Utah or Colorado. The last time we went to the cemetery, I did take lots of pictures of gravestones.  I'm so grateful I did, as I doubt that any of my children will ever go there and see for themselves.  The most interesting to me, was going to the old mining camp, where my grandmother was born. It's now a NV State Historical Site. I took a lot of pictures there too.


Good afternoon from the Interior, same place, same temperature!  ::)
I went out for a bit with friends and saw two of the rivers are still open and a third was open in the middle with a river otter enjoying the slippery banks. He/she would slide down the bank and across to open water, clamber back out of the water, wiggle dash across and up the bank only to do it again. We sat in the car and watched for a spell although there were some kids on the bridge. The otter ignored everything in his/her play!

When I was decluttering in 2016, I got rid of so much excess stuff and only kept two plates and silverware sets. I don't know if it's vanity or something else, but I was tired of mismatched dishes so today I purchased a white sixteen piece Corel set and a Oneida silverware set for four. The mix matched stuff was part of what I donated to the building's kitchen rummage sale. When I returned, there was no pickup request on my door, so I guess everything sold. I knew better than to go to that sale!  :)

Farrah's favorite is to lay on her side and have me scratch her head and behind her ears. Then with my thumb on her belly and the other four fingers on her side and back, I give her a brisk rubdown.

One more sign of her coming a long way was while we were at the vet, there was a young male vet assistant holding her while the vet cleaned her ears, gave her the two shots and generally palpitated everything. He, the assistant, was rubbing the side of her head and ears and Farrah was rubbing back, purring and clearly enjoying the attention!

MarsGal, My maternal ancestors arrived on a ship in Charleston in 1744. My uncle had some sort of manifest copy that lists the indentured servants just as they did slaves. It took 25 years to get the family back together again. I suppose with that manifest I could be part of MaryAnn's DAR.

 I also could join the Pioneer's organization here where you have to  be sponsored and have had at least thirty verifiable years in the state. I have almost seventy, but I'm just not a joiner. Although they have so much pull in the state, political and otherwise as well as private senior housing and nursing homes. MaryAnn, they also raised most of the capital to build Pioneer Park's Alaskaland for the Centennial and then gave it to the city.

MaryAnn, my one claim to fame is not something, (lynching); I would brag about. But I'm finding out so much that was conveniently left out of the family narrative in talking to my cousins online. My mother's relationship with her older sister was the same as mine with my older sister. We haven't spoken since 1991, and my mom hadn't spoken to her sister in forty years. In my case, my sister still blames me for stuff happening when I was two and have no memory of among other things. My younger sister says her, (my older sister's); kids don't talk to her either. So it isn't just me.

Now I was brought up Episcopalian, and there are two types, high and low meaning how much ceremony is involved. We were high which is basically Catholic with a few differences, and low is very similar to Protestant. I used to make my mom mad when I'd say we wouldn't have a religion if King Henry hadn't wanted a divorce!

Marilyne that's interesting as my maternal grandparents moved the family from the Kansas farm to one just outside of Montrose, Colorado during the thirties. As to graveyards, Birch hill is on top of a ridge on the East side of town and has 10 to 15 members of both sides of my family buried there along with my parents. My parents moved here after the war independent of each other, both had family here and met at a local dance. Surprisingly, unknown at first to them was that my father had served with my Mom's brother on a ship in WWII.

Mary Ann

Patricia, now you can invite people in to share your cooking with 16 pieces of dishware.  I used to buy pretty sets for four and when I got tired of them, I'd send them off to Goodwill or the Salvation Army.  But back in the mid-40s when my grandmother was living with us, Dad's brother, wife, daughter and grandson came to visit and I had to get new dishes because what we were using for us was a hodge-podge mismatched dishes.  I bought some blue and white Johnson Bros (I think), service for six and I am still using them and I don't buy the "cute" sets any more.  One thing about white is you can put any color with it, so if you see a dish that has your name on it, regardless of color, you can get it and  use it. 

Poor Kendrick, I've watched so much TV today that he is very much neglected.  He's been on my bed all day.  I went in the room and gave him a rub and told him I'd be back later to really rub him.  He went back to sleep!

I'm winding down on my Christmas message project.  Tom arranged the pictures in Landscape, so I typed my message in Landscape.  Tom thought it showed up wrong on his computer, so arranged the message in Portrait.  Fortunately, he printed only one copy to see if that was what I wanted.  He was gone when I got up this morning, so I e-mailed him that I wanted it in Landscape.  When he returns tonight or tomorrow, he will get things back as I want them. 

Marilyn, it would be interesting if we were descended from the same Pomeroy.  I go way back to before 900.  I have a list of names, but nothing else.

Patricia, I think the Bush service was just a church service, generic.  His Houston pastor gave a short sermon, but it was more like another eulogy and he included some humor too.  The presidents were seated in order - Trump, Obama, Clinton and Carter along with their wives. 

Mary Ann


MaryAnn, a sixteen piece set is a service for four and I got white so I wouldn't get tired of a pattern. I almost got the square shaped plates but decided to go with traditional.

You had posted, "It was interesting and since I'm not Episcopalian, it was a service I'm not used to." So, I went and furnished an explanation. It's the way I am I guess. Thanks for letting me know. And now I'm turning off the computer and opening a book. 


More coincidence, Patricia. My dad was brought up High Episcopalian. Somewhere in my pile of old photos I have one of him in his choir gown.

My first encounter with church was the Methodist church in New Cumberland. When we moved to Mechanicsburg, we went to the Silver Springs Presbyterian church . Rev.Hewlett was a lovely man who made it a point to visit his parishioners once or twice a year or as needed. When he retired, the new minister didn't keep up the tradition. The church itself was established in 1734. I still remember the high pulpit and the boxed pews. Too bad I don't have photos of the interior. It was lovely at Christmas time. My youngest sister was married there, making her own gown of muslin. It seemed so appropriate to the setting. I never did join a church, and don't go to one now, but did take catechism classes at the Presbyterian church and almost joined - don't recall why I didn't. I still consider myself, more or less, Presbyterian.

Part of the 'fun' of getting up really early is stargazing. If it isn't cloudy, this last week or so, I can see the crescent moon and a very bright Venus around 5:45am EST until it gets too light out. If I look out the window when I get up, around 4-4:30am Orion is off to the east of me and Sirius and Polycon are smack-dab in front of me to the South. Sirius is both part of the the Canis Major constellation and the Winter Triangle, formed by Polycon, Sirius and Betelgeuse (from Orion). This is my favorite part of the night sky because the light pollution here doesn't allow for seeing a lot of fainter stars and I don[t have to go outside in the cold to see them. If I go outside on a clear night I have only to look back over my house, northward, to see some of the other bright stars and constellations.

It is 28o now and is only to get to 38o. Mostly cloudy at the moment.


Hi Everyone. It is another beautiful and chilly morning here in South Carolina.  I have a busy morning today as need to stop at Walmart to pick up prescriptions for Pat and for myself.  Then I will pick up my friend and we will go to coffee, stopping at the Post Office to mail Jennifer's broken laptop back to the manufacturer for a replacement.  On the way back I to take my friend home I may stop by NTW to have the air checked in my tires again as the low level of air light is on again on the dash.  I have several small projects I want to complete before the day is over.  I had a good doctor's visit yesterday and he doubled my Entrestro again and added Digoxin, which I have never taken before but remember it was the heart medicine my grandmother took for many years.  He also told me to double the Lasix for 4 days and then double again if I have feel the need.  I did have a good day yesterday and we did meet Scott for dinner at a restaurant and then he came out to spend some time with us.  It seemed like we had him doing tasks for us all the time he was here.  He put up the curtain rods in our guest bedroom and did some other things we asked him to do.  I hope we are about to get things fixed up the way Pat wants them so that he can come out without needing to do chores for us and we can just visit.

MarsGal, at the top of the page do you see something that says "Shout Box"?  If so to the right of that is the little box with the arrow I am talking about.  It opens and closes that window and there were several others like a random picture that worked the same way.  I elect to keep those closed so I don't scroll through them if I need to get to the top of the page.  Regarding your gas meter, Governments have never been known to be efficient for all their talk about saving taxpayer's or utility customer's money.  It must really be a task for the meter reader to have to go inside homes to read the meter each month. 

Mary Ann, the Washington Cathedral sure holds a lot of people and that must have been a monumental task to decide who got tickets to get inside for the service.  It was something to see all of the living former Presidents sitting in one row with their wives. 

Marilyne, I think President Bush must have been a very likeable guy.  I understand he never forgot a name or face if he had met you.  I am also hoping the increase in medication will eliminate some of the tiredness that hits me often. 

Patricia, it sounds like that otter thought the river had frozen just for his fun.  It must be great to be able to observe wildlife so close to you all.  Good for you in replacing your old plates and silverware.  After we moved here Pat got a new set of Corelle dishes that had six sets of plates and bowls.  It sounds like Farrah recognized that the vet asst. loved animals and responded in return.  We had some square shaped plates before we got the current Corelle and we didn't like them at all and were glad to replace them.