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September 28, 2024, 09:43:49 AM

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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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A much larger earthquake hit the Ridgecrest area again last night!  We felt it here, even though we're more than 350 miles away!  It was a mild jolt here, that felt like a rocking motion.  Our one hanging lamp was swinging back and forth.  First they said it was a 6.9, and then changed it to 7.1, which is huge!  I haven't looked at the news or the Weather Channel, yet this morning, but have read the latest stories online.  Never as much or as interesting as getting the full scoop on TV, so I'll check that out as soon as I finish this post.

JENNY - So nice to see your newsy message!  Sounds like your 4th of July, was fun for the whole family, including Michele!  I'm so glad that she joined in the festivities, and had a nice time, and great that her CT scan has been approved by her insurance.  I'll be thinking about her, and hoping for good results!

Mary Ann

Marilyn, I saw a headline this morning about the 7.1 earthquake/aftershock.  If you felt it in Los Gatos, my great-nephew must have felt it in North Hollywood.  I had not gotten around to asking him about it, but I will now.  I hope that's the last of the quakes for a while. 

The weather is getting to me, but in a different manner.  It's about 85 here, but it is quite humid.  My air is running which makes things tolerable.  It's nearly 11:30 am and I can feel the humidity.  Good old a/c. 

I am not going to do much except compute and eat.  Even Kendrick doesn't seem to want to go outside, but he's kind of frisky inside!

Patricia, I eat bananas but I'm not so fond of them that I would make the popsicles.  They do look interesting with the coloring.

Mary Ann


"The 7.1 magnitude earthquake, the second one to hit California this week, is being reported as the strongest in at least 20 years."



Spent 2 days trying to get my Ipad and Desktop cleaned up. Think IPad has just given up. Other than my new Desktop W10 are getting old now. Time to replace.
I am playing on the Desktop trying to bring up the camera on Grand Haven. Seems to have closed down on me. Can bring up site but camera gone.
Can anyone send me the site to see if i can start over.

Still so hot here. I need to go out to shop but hate putting my outdoor clothing on. Maybe it will rain a little soon. that will cool it down.

Mary Ann

Jeanne, I think it is the Grand Haven site that is not working as I can't get it either.  I've tried to see if there is another site, but everything returns to Earthcam and I get the message about the camera not working - or something to that effect. 

I've been having trouble with Comcast not working so I left things alone for a while and now  I'm on line.  It quits at the most inconvenient moments.

Mary Ann


and somewhat cooler morning here in South Carolina.  I thought I had an appointment with Lowe's coming this morning but mixed it up and it will be on Monday morning. I passed on the sleeping pill again last night and was a dynamo when I got up.  If you had gotten in my way I would have been in a sort of whirlwind reorganizing everything around you.  I did receive a special delivery of medicine this morning. Scott came by for a little while and helped me with a few things.  I now have the rest of the day for resting and working on several look up projects, nothing serious.  I just finished breakfast so think I will go and take my morphine and other medicine and will be ready to settle down for the rest of the day.  I will read through the postings from yesterday but try to limit comments for today as it is so late.  All is OK here and I hope it is with you all as well.

Mary Ann, in all likelihood that gap was from a nap. Just ignore things like that.  For some reason I am getting a lot of coding in my posts that I haven't put in and while I try to remove it all sometimes I miss a code. 

I just had an unexpected visit from one of my favorite people from our Sunday School class.  That is much more important than anything else I had planned for this afternoon.  However, I am ready to lay down and rest.  Be back tomorrow.

Mary Ann

Larry, in your post to the Soda Shoppe yesterday you mentioned something about pictures and it could have been you intended to put them in that blank space here, or maybe you thought you had put them there.  Never mind checking back, it's there, all pristine clean and white. 

That was nice of your Sunday School friend to visit you.  Friends visits count more than naps, regardless of how bad we need the nap.

I finished up the strawberry shortcake and I'm kind of sorry because it tasted so good.  It may be a long time before I get some homegrown strawberries again. 

Mary Ann


A good Saturday HELLO to all.

Beautiful morning and we are taking it easy and enjoying it. 

LARRY, great post today.....hope the rest of your day goes well.

Thank you for the nice comments about Michele......thank goodness the insurance company DID OK the scan, finally but it sure would have been better if they would have gone with the doctors plan...I just do not understand WHY they disallow so many needed tests for cancer patients. 

MARY ANN, good for you enjoying your Strawberry Short cake! 

We continue to have pretty severe storms here in the afternoon.....I guess we did have quite a hail storm here while we were away, and now I know why my plants looked so beat up!  I thought it was just a very hard downpour that did the damage.  One neighbor had a skylight broken. 

I wish you all the best for the rest of your day.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Mary Ann, our strawberries are just coming on now. Will get some for Kyle as he likes them, we have enough jam so none is needed for that. BUT a strawberry short cake is in order..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


If you can't get the Grand Beach camera to come up then maybe it is broken down. Mine has been out a few week.
I am getting so tired now of Technology. Seems so many changed. No longer is Google any good. Use to be you could just type in a question and answer comes up. No more it takes you to all kinds of sites and they want you to sign up and get a password. all wanting you to download their sites.
Wish we had someone here besides Comcast. It is not worth what I pay them now. Going to call again today as on the TV I can't get 2 of the channels I watch . One is channel 907 for me called Cozi. Seems like 5 channels now are public TV. I only have the one that has about 15 channels and only about 5 do I watch. Now cut 2 off. Even the WIFI is so slow since the came and put a new cable in replacing the one that had been cut.
I think this hot weather is getting to me. No patience at the moment with things braking down.

I even took a 2 hour nap today. felt so good. Now need to head for Walmarts for a few things. Still 93 deg out.
Good that you don't have to go out much.

Jane. Hope they get your Insurance Company taken care of. That is a big diff. Mine are giving me problem this time on my Home Insurance. Say want to rewrite after reviewing mine that I have had 51 years. It has a none deductable and I pay by the year not 6 months. They don't want them now. Being a little picky with me but I know they can't cancel it out and told them. Once I want to do it myself will be the time.

Mary Ann

Amy, my oldest nephew was born on June 2 1956 and died in 2014.  Instead of a birthday cake, he always requested strawberry short cake and strawberries were just coming into season at that time.  I've always loved it and made the most of the strawberries we had this year because I know we won't have homegrown berries again.  I think I'd plant some if I was able to care for them.  Enjoy your shortcake!

Jeanne, our condo complex has Comcast and I don't notice any problem with that, but I'd say my Internet has gone out six times in the last three days.  Not for long, but it's an inconvenience whenever.  I don't know how many channels I have available because the number is over 1000, however, not all of them are available.  I use about a half dozen channels and I'm only on TV in the evening.  Tom does a lot of his watching on his computer.

Mary Ann


We have many flowers such as irises and daisies growing wild, (peonies are a staple export crop locally); as well as hundreds of types of berries. We have blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries like weeds between walkways and everywhere like dandelions. However other than crabapples and propagated apple trees, no fruit trees.

Now I know that big mall stores have to accept generic shipments from Corporate even if they're not needed. For example, locally, you will find supplies for dealing with moles or supplies for hummingbirds that are not in this state. But what sticks in my mind is in produce, you have a three fourth cup sized package of strawberries and or raspberries for $5.99!?! Now because of heightened shipping insurance for going outside of the continental US, we are perhaps 29 to 30% higher priced than the states. But to sell that when they're growing everywhere and grow in your garden quickly; is to me incomprehensible.

I will not buy canned fruit due to unnecessary additives, but if it's in colder months and I don't save it from summer, I will buy frozen which is close to fresh if you buy it without added junk.

Mary Ann

Patricia, anything to make money, regardless of the fact the stores may have to dispose of the product because few people have bought them.  I imagine Michigan has use for most of the products that are produced, just because we're in the lower 48.  But it is strange to me when we get Washington apples in the fall when Michigan apples are ripe.  I have an idea both states grow some different kinds of apples but mostly the same.  I haven't been in a store for a few years so I don't remember, but it seems to me that all of the apples were priced the same regardless of where they came from.  We never used to have trouble finding Michigan strawberries before the stores went for the California berries and now unless we go to a farmer's market, Michigan berries are not available.  Young people today do not know what home grown produce tastes like.

Mary Ann


Mary Ann - Just curious if you heard anything from your great nephew in North Hollywood?  NH is in the San Fernando Valley, and is North of Los Angeles, so would be one of the last big cities before going over I-5 (The Grapevine), toward Bakersfield . . .  with an offshoot highway to Ridgecrest.  So I would guess that your nephew got a good shaking!

We have an old Santa Rosa plum tree in our yard, that is just loaded right now with plums.  I wish I could share them with all of you, as we will only eat a few. I no longer do any canning of plums or making jam, so most will go to waste.  It's hard to give away any fruit here, because this entire area used to be all orchards in the past.  So most older neighborhoods here in town have a number of old leftover trees - plum, apricot, peach and cherry.  We used to also have an apricot, but it's been gone for a number of years.       


Miserable weather here today. Very hot and humid, then we just had two "gully washers" go through just the past hour or so.

I managed to catch the fireworks at Algonac. It was a streaming site that allowed you to go back.  It would have been better if the cameras were aimed upward a bit - but still good.

I live at a point that is about 10 - 15 miles West of where Gloria lived (as the crow flies). It would be a long trip by car because you'd have to go down to NYC then back out Long Island (almost to the end).


Mary Ann

Rick, I had the same feeling about the fireworks at Algonac because the tops were cut off and sometimes the entire thing was lost.  I thought it was my laptop with the smaller screen.

I sat out on the deck for about an hour tonight, but I was able to see Paul come into Port Huron.  At about 10:15+ EDT he should be in Marine City, but by that time it will be dark and not too visible.  We call the ship Paul here and the Chat people call it the PRT.  They are correct in calling him a "she".

Marilyn, I have not e-mailed Geoff about the earthquake yet, thinking he would be far enough away to escape anything, but from what you say, I'd better e-mail him.  He'll  send me an answer.

It's bed time for both Kendrick and me.  He lets me know when it is 10 pm and I sometimes stay up later anyway.

Mary Ann


Patricia, I shouldn't be surprised that Corporate sends relatively unsaleable items, but I am. I thought that mentality went by the wayside years ago.  I remember, back in the 70's, one of the chain paint stores did the same thing (a neighbor of mine worked there). The Manager was unsuccessful in convincing the corporation otherwise. It was one of the reasons the store eventually failed. One success story was a Howard Johnson's near Ogunquit Beach in Maine. The corporation tried to force them to sell their shipments of seafood while everyone in the area, especially the many tourists and summer people, wanted local fresh caught seafood. That manager was able to convince the corporation to allow him to buy locally. It was a very popular place as a result. My family ate there; I remember it was packed.

Most of our chain stores, as well as the locals, sell locally grown produce when in season alongside "imported" from outside the state. One local chain, is long known for its fine selection of relatively local meats. But I think the quality of some cuts has declined a bit since it has grown so much over the last 20 years, along with the population, which is forcing them to buy outside the area. I've been going to them since they were one butcher shop with some groceries and local produce. As more and more farm land around here, in spite of local farmland preservation efforts, are taken over by warehouses and new housing developments, local meats and produce will continue to decline.
It got up to 92 yesterday. Did my grocery shopping in the morning, and managed to spend over $100. Well, I did splurge a little and bought crab cakes (at $5 each), a clam mixture on half-shells ($8 for 2), flounder ($7.99 lb.), and walnut sticky buns at $6, more than I like to pay, but it looked soooo good. Cat litter isn't cheap and I bought two. It was time to stock up on veggies and cheese, both were on sale, so I bought extra. Plus, all the other little items I picked up on the way through the store. Other than spending two hours at the grocery store, I did very little else except some minor housecleaning, playing on the computer, and finished reading one book and started  another.


Good Morning Everyone,  from
the warm, sunny, windy but not too
humid rocky coast of Maine.
It looks like it is going to
be a great day here in Portland. 

I got a pretty good clean bill of
health this past week... other then
my normal slowing down..  Lungs etc
are healthy so far.    But of course
I still have to take blood thinners
to prevent any more strokes.   

I am doing good.  This coming
week I see the eye doc and see what
he has to say about my cataracts ..
I think that is my next hurdle. 

So far, so good. 

Have a good day Everyone!
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Another hot summer day 93F.  Must not feel too bad as Gigi just messaged me that she is walking over to the hair salon to get a haircut.  She lives in a nice housing area that is close to a small shopping center.  We live about a quarter of a mile away.  I can remember when that would have been a nice walk for me—-but no more, especially in this heat.  Gigi is the nickname for our youngest daughter and baby of the family, everyone outside the family calls her Gwen.

We had a loud thunder and lightning storm last evening.  The rain was coming down in buckets (a slight exaggeration).  Today we had a little trouble with the WiFi but Larry unplugged the modem and plugged it back in and that seemed to fix whatever was wrong.

When we lived in Maryland, we lived close to a farm that had pick your own strawberries and we loved going there.  They also had a peach orchard and the ripe peaches in late August were delicious.  Wouldn't you know that when we visited our son in Olney after we moved to Florida they were building expensive homes On that land.  I'm sure they made a mint off selling that property.  Can't blame them, but it is sad nonetheless.

I just don't seem to have any energy today.  Will probably wait until tomorrow to go get a few groceries.  We aren't big eaters but it seems like getting food and household products makes up the biggest portion of our life these days.

Mary Ann, "talking" about those strawberries has got me adding them to the list.  All our Florida strawberries are gone but there should be some from Calif.

I hope everyone is having a good day.


Mary Ann, I may look into getting some strawberries tomorrow. We used to have ever bearing strawberries here beside the old garage but they were soon taken out to put in a large garage/ shop. The store had cherries on sale so 3 more bags came home and I will do them on Tue..did get 4 bags canned but we really enjoy them in the winter months..and so do others :)
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Mary Ann

Amy, where I grew up used to be a fruit farm.  There were several former fruit farms in the area.  When we moved there, and I was all of four years old, there was a plum tree in the middle of the yard and a cherry tree closer to the house.  My mother made cherry pies from those cherries.  Neighbors had apples.  Kids playing in the yard did a number on the plum tree because it was small and in the way of anything we wanted to do.  Eventually, the cherry tree rotted.  We even had a volunteer peach tree beside the garage but they were never good.  Now all of the fruit trees are gone and so are all of the original owners, including us!  Even here, there was asparagus for a few years in a lot near us but that disappeared too.  Time marched on!

My Internet was out for a while after I got home from church, so I took a nap in my chair. 

Tom has been up north again for a couple of days and I expect him home in a couple of hours.  It's the strangest feeling to be all alone when I'm used to someone being here.

Mary Ann


Hi everyone.  Once again the day hasn't gone as I had hoped. Hopefully I finally have my discussions set up to make it easier to post.  Today is our 57th Wedding Anniversary.  (I made it!!)  Elizabeth is coming to bring Pat a big special arrangement of red roses.  We have no other celebration planned. Scott was just here but had to leave to go to work this evening.  I was very tired this morning, probably from frustration with the way my browser was working.  I plan  on spending a quiet afternoon watching the golf match and then taking the rest of the afternoon and evening just doing things in a quiet manner.  




Enjoy your special day💞💞
🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


A good Sunday HELLO❣️

 ⚽️⚽️⚽️ YEA FOR AMERICA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

We spent a leisurely morning watching the ladies soccer.  Had a nice video chat with Son Mark and our Jonah Boy.  NOTE: MARY ANN, after your nice comment yesterday about Jonah's Picture I decided it was time to add a updated picture.  Jonah is 7 months old already.  He crawls like crazy and is already trying to pull himself up🙀 The family made a quick visit to see Megan's sister and her family in San Francisco yesterday. The sister and her family will be moving to Colorado soon and they wanted to see them before Mark starts his new job this coming Monday.  Rather sad they are moving as they have two little girls, one older and one just younger than Jonah and it would have been nice for both families to have each other close🥰 

JEANNE, I hope you can hold on to your yearly insurance that you have and they will not force you to change it! 

MARY ANN, I bet it is lonely when Tom is away.  IF he is just out and about you know he will be back, but when away it is a different feeling🥰. Thank goodness you at least have Kendrick to keep you company.

AMY, I bought some beautiful cherries yesterday, but I am lazy and will only just eat them!  I am patiently waiting for our local Palisade Peaches to show up in the stores!   They are my favorite.  Sorry you are feeling a bit under the weather....hope you and Kyle both feel much better soon....summer colds stink!  Winter ones too🤣🤣🤣

Enjoy the rest of your day🥰🥰


🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


JENNY - What an adorable baby Jonah is!  That smile of his, put a smile on my face, as soon as I saw it. I can't believe he is already 7 months old!  I'm sure they will adjust to life in Sacramento, very quickly.  The intense Central Valley heat, will take some getting used to, but Thank Heaven, for air conditioning!  Our oldest daughter and granddaughter, live in the Valley, in the city of Merced, which is south of Sacto.

MARY ANN - I can understand that you were feeling very alone, knowing that Tom was not going to be there for a couple of days.  Was he visiting his friend Mary, or was he with James and Alicia? (Or maybe he didn't tell you where he was?) :-X LOL!  Anyway, his holiday weekend is over, and things will return to normal in a few hours.  Aren't you glad you have Kendrick, to keep you company?

LARRY - Happy 57th Anniversary to you and Pat!  The red roses sound beautiful, and will give you something to look at, and enjoy for a number of days!

JEAN - Gigi, is a cute nickname. Funny how those childhood nicknames stick, within the family.  Our oldest daughter's name is Michele, but we called her Shelley, from the day she was born.  She was Shelley all through school, and after - until she married husband #2.  He preferred the name Michele, and called her that from the beginning, so over the years, she became Michele, to everyone except for her family.

Mary Ann

Larry, Happy 57th to you and Pat; I'm glad you made it!

Jenny, I'm glad my comment about Jonah prompted a new picture.  He is a cute little boy.

Tom is home and had an enjoyable time.  Mary is a friend who lives in Holland so she has another hour to travel yet.  Tom loves it up north and would love to live there, but there are no jobs in that area and he knows it.  Mary had not been up north before so this was a first for her.  Her son, Ian, is 15-16 and probably was bored with two adults for company.  They stayed with Tom's friends, the Mantheis, and the Manthei children were there, but Tom said it was the first time that family had been together for a long time (son lives in CA, one daughter lives in MN and I don't know where the other daughter lives) and they are all older than Ian, two are married, so Ian was more or less on his own.  He did take fishing equipment but I don't know if he had success.

Marilyn, neither Mary nor Robin is a romantic interest to Tom as both have baggage that Tom does not need to or want to acquire. What happens after I am gone, I won't care!  James, Alicia and the twins were up north the previous time.  James and Annie were both born in Petoskey and James loves it as much as Tom does.  I don't think Annie cares one way or the other.  Kendrick does a good job to make sure I pay attention to him.

Jim's wife, my cousin, was Jo ann (Joan) as she grew up.  In high school some friends called her Jody.  She met Jim and he thought Jo ann did not sound sophisticated enough so called her Jone (also spelled Joan - the spelling never changed).  You could tell where people fit into her life by what they called her.  The birth family all called her Joan (Jo ann), close school friends called her Jody and friends after her marriage to Jim called her Jone.  She said when she was married, Jim had to take Joan, not Jone.  We were three years apart in age, so there was Mary Ann and Joan and my mother would refer to us as Mary Annie and Joannie. 

I'm kind of watching golf and discovered there is a playoff.

Looking at the Algonac site, the water is up to the walk and washes over it from the wakes of the small boats.  Kids are swimming in the river and I think they must swim because the water is deep by the walks/breakwaters.  That is an interesting site more for the ferries than ship action.  The ferries go to Walpole Island, a Native American reservation and there is Canadian Customs there.  I think the most action is at Port Huron but I enjoy all three cams.  I even look to see if there are any ships coming or going at the Soo and the Duluth area.

It's time to quit so I can leave room for other posters.

Mary Ann



I am not capable of posting today as am very muddled and my mind isn't working.  I'll be back when my mind clears.  


LARRY - I'm sorry that today has not been a good one for you, so far.  I hope things improve as the day moves along, and that you will be feeling better soon.   I saw the Anniversary photos of you and Pat, that were posted on Facebook, by Jennifer.  Very good pictures of both of you! 
