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September 28, 2024, 09:47:20 AM

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2024-09-21, 20:44:54
MaryPage: miles

2024-09-21, 20:42:26
MaryPage: miles

2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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December 7, 1941 - "A day that shall live in infamy".
Hard to believe that today is the 80th anniversary of that infamous day. Not many of us left who remember the shock and fear.  I remember, even though I was only seven years old.  My Dad was drafted into the Navy, one year later, in 1942, and served for three years in the Pacific.  He was one of the older draftees, at age 33.  The local Draft Board in every city in California, had to fulfill a certain quota of men.  I think the cut-off age was 34?

Not much talk about WWII anymore, except for historians,  the few remaining veterans,  and those of us who are now is our 80's and 90's.  Today, being the 80th anniversary, I hope there will be some commemorative services held.     


Good Morning Everyone,  from the
cool (40 deg F)  and sunny
rocky coast of Maine. 

I have got my latest device being a
cool, no mist humidifier for my bedroom
which is where I spend most of my time
these days.    I think that my skin is going
to feel much better now that the humidity
in my home is more normal  (about 35 right
now with the humidifier)..    No mist means no
extra water where it sits. 

I have two air purifiers and one humidifier.  Plus
my tv and my computer plus my bed
in this room now.    All in one,  I love it.
Plus it is warmer because it only has one
small window where in the other parts
of my apartment there are three gigantic
windows  (about 20 x 6" each one.) 
So I live the back bedroom now. 
And love it. 

Have a good day EVERYONE  !!

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Marilyne, we can always count on Turner Classic Movies for a couple of World War II war movies on Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.  My father was 40 years old and too old for the draft, but he was a supervisor at a shipbuilding company and he and my older sister (13 years older than I was) were kept busy working long hours all during the war.

A lot of kids in our neighborhood collected scrap metal for the war effort and got our picture in the local paper.

It doesn't seem like it was 80 years ago.

We've been having some nice weather but it rained some last night and today was dreary and overcast.

I don't like it getting dark so early, but soon we will have the "shortest day" and then the evenings will seem longer.

Have a good day everyone.




I saw my grandmother cry that day.  It was a grey Sunday down in the Shenandoah.  I'd been to Sunday School and church.  We'd had our Sunday dinner, and I left Grandma to her favorite wintertime occupation: going through her seed catalogs to plan her garden come Springtime.  I joined my friends in roller skating down McCloud's Hill.

McCloud's Hill is still there.  If you were to seek it out, you would find it right at the Southern end of town, right where you leave town.  It is on Route 11, which was all we had in those days before "I Like Ike" and the Interstate Road Project.  You would probably exclaim: "Oh, MaryPage!  It is a wonder you didn't get run over by a car and killed!"

Well, no; not likely.  We really DID enjoy skating down that wonderful hill, but cars were few and far between, and people drove much slower in those days.  Much slower!

I got hungry, and skated home (we lived on Route 11) to get an apple.  Grandma called out to me as I passed the living room doorway.  That's when I found her crying and heard all about John Daly having interrupted a program to tell of the Japanese attack.

Life changed for all of us that day.  And I am left wondering why I have a totally clear memory of it, and of the radio news man who gave us the bulletin.  My mind is so clouded up regarding anything recent, such as "what did I come into the kitchen for?"


For those of you who could use some rain, I wish I could share some with you.  It rained all night and was still raining until a few minutes ago at 11:30 am.  We're supposed to reach a high of 74° and a low of 55° tonight.

It's been very quiet here this morning, but now I hear a few flyboys getting their time in up in the sky.

Larry and I are just not up to decorating for Christmas.  The neighbors put up their lights and want to put some on our azaleas in the front.  We said sure, help yourself.  After the rain it will be interesting to see what they do.  The former owner let them use what is part of our yard for a garden across the front of the houses.  They offered to take up the Camellia bush and small  Crape Myrtle but we said just leave as they take care of it and it looks nice.

I use to love yard work and we always had such a pretty yard and always a summer vegetable garden, but, unfortunately, those days are over.  Last spring Larry threw out some vinca seeds and we had an abundance of flowers in among the little azaleas that lasted all summer and into Sept. that brightened up the front.  We also have some Blue Daze that dies down in cold weather but comes right back each spring with their little blue flowers. Flowers grow so easily in this mild climate.

Marsgal, how is the work progressing on your door installation?  Hope all is going well and will finally get done before it gets really cold there.

MaryPage, I watched a special on Maryland and specifically about the Chesapeake Bay.  I was surprised to learn that if the Chesapeake Bay shoreline was completely straight it would reach from Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.  We lived in Maryland for 11 years and I loved it there.  Our son lives in Montgomery County and grandson lives on the outskirts of Annapolis on one of those little waterways.

Marilyne, I always look forward to your posts.  Hope all is going well in your part of the US.

Hope everyone is having a great day.



Our Christmas season started last night, with dinner at son and dil's house.  We usually go with them and their two kids, and Sandy, to the annual Lutefisk dinner, at the Nordahl Hall.  It's a Scandinavian tradition during the holiday season.  AJ is Swedish,  and our dil is also.  Because of Covid, the yearly event was cancelled at the Hall, last year and again this year.  So son and wife pick up the fixings, and prepare everything at home for our immediate family.  Not the same, but good.  I admire them for keeping up with the tradition, and hope that by next year things will be back to normal.   

We especially enjoyed seeing AJ's cousins at the Nordahl Hall every year, and hope that the it will continue on in the future.   His cousin Don, is 92 now, and has been an active member of,  "The Son's of Norway",  all his life.  Never mind that he is Swedish, not Norwegian! ha ha.  Everyone is welcome there.    His four daughters, are part of the hostess crew, and dress up every year in the Scandinavian dirndl outfits, and help serve the dinners.  Anyway, didn't mean to get off on that . . . just on my mind, because the dinner is now a two year victim of Covid.  :'(    I'm sure that in time,  it will recover and return.  We brought home plenty of "leftovers",  so I won't have to conjure up something for tonight's dinner.

MarsGal - I can understand why you're now seriously considering a move to Senior housing, but I do hope you stay in your house long enough to enjoy all the home improvements you have made.  Life will be a little easier, with all you have done.

Jean - Yes, there were quite a few good WWII movies on TCM this past week.  I recorded a lot of them, and we plan to choose one to watch tonight.  I like them all, but will probably pick, "They Were Expendable" . . . one of my favorites.      Also, "From Here to Eternity", is a great movie, and was also a great book. Oscar performances for much of the cast.

Mary Page -  I could continue on writing about so many of my  WWII, memories, which is mostly about life on the Homefront.  Everything changed abruptly after Dec. 7, but we adapted, and everyone became part of the War effort, here in California.  It's not a popular topic here in S&F, so I rarely say anything, except on Veteran's Day and Memorial Day.  December 7th has been mostly forgotten, because so few people are left who actually remember it.  I think this year, being the 80th anniversary, there was a definite uptick in interest. 



1. The doors are finished except for painting which will have to wait for warmer weather, probably in the spring. My contractor was able to get the storm door right away. Now I can have the door open and the cats can look out of it too, if I have it open.

2. When I mentioned needing to find someone to shovel the sidewalk this year, my contractor volunteered his guys. Now I don't have to worry about cleaning off anything over three inches.

The cats' Christmas presents are ordered.

Is anyone planning on trying to find Comet Leonard? It should be visible to the naked eye soon soon, with it's brightest on the 14th. You can see it before dawn in the morning sky near the star, Arcturus, or low in the sky just after sunset. I should be able to see it in the morning from my front porch.

That is about it from here. Hope everyone is in good spirits


JEAN, what I have read over and over again here in Chesapeake Country is that the shoreline mileage of the Bay, which is the largest estuary in the United States, equals MORE mileage than all of the coastline on the Pacific, the Gulf, and the Atlantic combined!  I hope I have put that in such a way that it makes sense.

Marilyne, one thing stands out to me about World War II, and when I mention it to those having been too young for that war, they look at me rather doubtfully; but when I say the same thing to people like myself who lived through those times, they understand EXACTLY what I am saying.  And it is this: the war was a terrible time for all of us.  A terrible time of worry about loved ones who were fighting in it and a time of great deprivation.  A deep concern over what the outcome would be.  BUT.  But it was the best time to live here in America, because we were united.  Everyone was friendly and helpful and we all pulled together to be of help both to the war effort and to one another.  We pulled as one, and I have never forgotten that spirit that flowed from and to every one of us.


Mary Page -  That's the way I remember it too.  There was a spirit of togetherness, that no longer exists.    Everyone had someone they loved . . . a father, husband, son, brother or uncle . . .  who was overseas, or serving here in the US.  Our lives changed on December 7th, and we quickly adapted.  I swear that people were different, and wonder if in today's world, the citizens would pull together like they did then?  We were truly, the United States of America, during the War Years. 


All Clear here on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay this morning.  We have not been visited by anything more than a little rain.  I cannot report for the WHOLE bay, as it is huge; but Annapolis and the Bay Bridges are intact here on a misty grey morning.  I am feeling so sorry for the many dead and their families, and the towns torn to bits.


Watching the Weather Channel and seeing that horrible destruction of the tornado in Kentucky with possibly 70 deaths.  It is such a heartbreaking situation.  It just seems unbelievable that so much damage can happen in such a short amount of time.

The weather here is unusually warm and humid for November in this area of Florida.  We turned on the AC last night for cool air and to get rid of some of the humidity.  My husband is from Ohio and remarked that this was the wrong time of year for tornados which is usually spring.  Another symptom of climate change?

Hope everything is going well for all of you.  Have a good day.


Devastating news coming from the areas hit by the horrible tornados😩😡 Prayers for all effected by this storm and prayers for the recovery efforts. So sad.

We finally had enough snow to register at Denver International Airport so the record is broken for the lates snow in Denver🤪🤪

JEAN, it certainly is the wrong time of the year for tornadoes‼️😡
Pretty crazy you are having to run your A/C as well!

MARYPAGE, we all are feeling terrible about the damage.  Bless all the poor people involved😢 UNITED is such a wonderful word....I wish we could have that in our country RGHT NOW!

MARILYN, I am old enough to remember in detail the stories of WWII , who fought where and who didn't come home....What cousin was lost on Luzon....the ration cards, etc.  I was told what different relatives did to support the war.....EVERYONE was effected and did what they could.  IF only we could have half the patriotismnow that we had then and after 911🙏😩😢. My dad came home from the war, married my sweet mama in 1945, my brother was born in 1946 and I came in 1947. My dad told that many people did not even know where Pearl Harbor was located.  Good for your family keeping up the Lutfisk tradition.  What fun🥰

MARSGAL, nice to read some positive news from you about the new doors.

I hope you all had a good Saturday.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


That's true, Jenny.  Absolutely true.  None of us had ever heard of Pearl Harbor before.

It is also true that only those on the scene knew how bad it was.  The Japanese practically blew our navy right out of the water.  We were not told until after the war was over.  For purposes of morale.

Hawaii was not a state back then.  It was a territory.

And we all pitched in right from the very first day and gave the war effort all we had.  We smiled at each other, even eomplete strangers, and helped one another with every bit of energy we could muster.  I know it sounds sappy, but it is all true.


I'm  in shock after seeing the total devastation from the tornadoes.  There was a full half hour on CBS news tonight, with lots of pictures, videos and interviews.  I've never seen anything like this!  It's a horrifying sight to behold.  I think one of the reporters said they were the most powerful tornadoes ever recorded?  My heart truly goes out to those poor people on Kentucky, and the other states as well.  The USA is a sad and depressing country right now.  I hope and pray for things to begin changing for the better.     


We are, as a species, guilty of not listening to the weather scientists.  They have been telling us for over sixty years now.  They have been explicit about what was going to happen, step by step: including the storms that would get stronger and stronger and ever more destructive.  Basically, they are caused by the warming of the waters of the planet: especially the oceans.  There are hundreds of most excellent books that detail what is happening and what comes next.  So far, they have been spot on.


We are having some cooler weather now, thank goodness.  Sun is brightly shining.

The tornado devastation is horrible.  The tornadoes hit six states.

My oven is self cleaning and we have that burn odor to put up with for a little while.  There were no spills but thought after five years it might be a good idea to go through the self clean cycle.  I''d like to make some special cookies to take to Gigi's for Christmas Day but don't know if I'm going to have the energy or will to do it.  Gigi made a delicious pumpkin Bundt cake Thanksgiving and making a chocolate cake for Christmas.  Gigi really loves to decorate on holidays.  I used to but haven't even gotten out the little Christmas tree yet.  Oh, well.

Our next door neighbor put up some lights and lighted candy canes in front of our bay window in the front that look so pretty.  They cut way back on their own decorations this year and used some of their leftovers for us.  We got rid of all our outdoor decorations when we moved here in 2016.  Larry said it was a good stopping time.

Hope everyone is well.


Good weather news here for a change.  It started raining sometime in the middle of the night, and has continued on.  (Now 10:30 here)  Usually our rain storms only last a couple of hours, so we are grateful for this downpour.  It's a good beginning to help end our drought conditions.  So far we have lost power twice this morning, but was only out for an hour or so.    Because we have overhead utility lines in this older part of town, we can expect to lose our power during any rainy or windy weather.  So probably best to turn off the computer, until the winds calm down.

Nothing much happening here to write about anyway.  Last night we watched the old black and white movie from 1945 - "The Bells of St. Mary's".  Starring Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman, and also the actor who played Clarence, the angel, in "It's a Wonderful Life".  Can't remember his name?  I hope  "Wonderful Life" will be shown on TCM this year, but if not, I think I can get it on Netflix or Prime.  Looking forward to that one, and a few of my other favorite Christmas movies.

Jean -  I just saw your post - you were a few minutes ahead of me. I feel the same way you do about cooking anything anymore, even during the holidays.  We are going to son and dil's for a big family party on the 18th.  Everyone is bring something to contribute to the dinner, and I was planning to made a gelatin salad, that everyone in the family used to love, in the long, long ago.  Like you, don't seem to have, "the energy or the will",  to do it.  Instead, I will probably opt for a nice cake or pie, from a local bakery.       


For model train lovers at Christmas:


MarsGal- I enjoyed watching the model train circling through the Polar Christmas Village!  Well done, by whoever put this together.  Did you see the movie, "The Polar Express"?  I didn't, but always wondered about it.  I'm sure it's available on one of my many channels, so I'll find it, and take a look. 

In the meantime, I hope to watch "It's a Wonderful Life",  and "White Christmas",  on Prime, as well as other Holiday favorites on Turner.  For those of you who have Turner Classic Movies, be sure to watch or record the oldie from 1942,  "Remember the Night".   It stars Barbara Stanwyck and Fred MacMurray.  "Christmas in Connecticut", is another black and white oldie that's very entertaining, as well as, "Holiday Affair",  with Robert Mitchum and Janet Leigh. 


I remember seeing a few clips or trailers of The Polar Express, but not the whole thing. I am a Grinch fan, so I've seen the older cartoon several times. Not sure I liked the newer one much. A Charlie Brown Christmas is also one I like to watch. Then there are the various versions of A Christmas Carol. Haven't watched Christmas themed movies in a few years. Did you know that IMDB lists 1,332 Christmas movies or movies with Christmas scenes in them? Wow!

My car got its' annual yesterday and tomorrow Shan and Lucy go to the vets for theirs.

For the Great Lakes ship watchers, the Welland Canal will be closing for the winter at the end of the month. I haven't heard when the Soo locks will close. I also don't know who will be handling the ice at Duluth since USCGC Alder is no longer there.


My favorite Christmas movies are "The Bishop's Wife" with Cary Grant, and all the Bing Crosby movies. I've never liked "It's aWonderful Life".  "The Polar Express" was a disappointment which surprised me as I am a Tom Hanks fan and like most of his movies.


Big family party today with some of the older grandchildren and their families.  They live a long distance from here, so we only see them twice a year - once during the Summer, and at Christmas. So anxious to see the gr-grands, although they are no longer little kids, but now are teenagers!  The party will be at our son & dil's house, where most family gatherings are now held.  We are all bringing food, so there will be an abundance of familiar holiday favorites.

Hope you all have a nice weekend, and are looking forward to next Saturday.   I know it will be a sad holiday for many of our members, who have lost loved ones this past year.  I will remember each of them,  when I light the candles on the table on Christmas Day.     


I've read all the messages but sorry I haven't been posting. Getting used to life without Chape after 64 years together hasn't been easy. My children have been such a blessing. They've been wonderful and have kept me very busy. Lauri flew down with her daughter, Brynn, and the twins. What a joy being able to see them! Lisa and her husband came for a visit and then Lisa flew down by herself for a few days.

Tonight Lauri was supposed to fly down from New Hampshire with her daughter, Shea, and baby boy Keani. Due to a big snowstorm they didn't make it. They're trying to get a flight out of Boston in the morning. Shea left Burlington, Vermont at 1:00. Traffic stopped for an hour due to heavy snow and the rest of the way she had to drive 20/25 miles per hour. She said there were accidents everywhere. She finally arrived in Manchester, NH after nearly 6 hours of driving! The trip should have taken only 3 hours. Fortunately the baby took the ride well! They missed the flight but are safe and warm at Lisa's house in Concord tonight. The joys of living up north!  ::)


Great to see you, Beverly. For sure this is a lonely Christmas no matter how many others are around. Got to remember that you are HERE for a reason, still needed and for sure, still wanted by all the family (and friends). So take a little time to share pictures with us, not just the twins but all the family. Hugs to you.


Shirley- Thank you for your comments. I will gladly oblige with pictures! I've never seen anyone take as many pictures as my granddaughters do. They use their cell phones. (What happened to cameras?  :)  )

Lauri and Shea were able to get a flight out of Boston the next morning. Unfortunately they have to leave tomorrow. Keani is so much fun. He just turned 5 months and is already a happy jabberbox!

The snowstorm up north is one of the reasons why I'm staying put here in Florida. It's been very warm but today we've started to have more normal winter weather. Shea was hoping to go to the pool today but it's only 65 out.

Is everyone busy with Christmas plans?

Marilyn - Your family get-togethers sound like fun. It's nice they are keeping up traditions.

Jean - I didn't do decorating this year. I did put my Christmas candelabras in the front windows and Donna decorated our lamp post with green lights and a big red bow. She also put wreaths on the outside lights on the sides of the garage. They put our lighted tree on the lanai. Chape bought it last year when I was sick. We had discarded our old tree and I was really longing for a tree. He went out a few days before Christmas looking for a table-top tree and came home with a 7 foot one!  :)

Jenny - What are your Christmas plans with family? This will be a hard one for everyone with Michele not there.

MarsGal - Lucky kitties getting presents and a door they can look out'

Has anyone heard lately from Patricia or Sandy? Also Rammel and Jackie. There are others who have been scarce. I'm one of the worst offenders when it comes to being absent.  :(


Patricia and Jackie have been hanging out in the Photo discussion, in fact, Patricia very recently posted some pix of the snow outside her window. Jackie is also frequenting the Oldies music discussion as us Rammel. We've been posting some interesting goodies lately ranging from Bluegrass, Boogie, to Christmas.

The postman was here before sun-up delivering most of my monthly packages. Amazing!

We finally got a sunny day today. Not real warm, but it didn't feel real cold either. I think it stayed in the mid-40s.

Wednesday I have to see the dentist about a chipped tooth. Saturday I will be spending some time with Sue. One of her friends will be there too. Sue had some things she ordered ahead for Thanksgiving dinner which had to go into the freezer since the dinner gathering had to be cancelled.

Can't think of anything else going on this week.


Beverly, I'm here but not a prolific writer as some are. Still trying to get out of my slump, but difficult with no one else around.  My son lives here with me but he does his thing. He's a night person. He worked a night shift for years and since he retired he has stayed on that shift. So, when he's up, I'm down and when I'm up, he's down.



Rammel, you sound very like my son & I.  We live together, and he takes care of all my driving so that I do not have to do any anymore.  Other than that, we  have separate schedules.

Had my ear bandages removed yesterday.  Am told they got all of the cancer.  Chip does the dressings for me, as I cannot actually see into my ear.

Had my final evaluation with the heart clinic yesterday.  Am told all is well and the device is working as it is meant to do.  I am now the proud owner of a plastic card with the one and only world-wide number for my personal heart device.

I am way behind with Christmas cards, etc.  Will catch up with you all later.  In the meanwhile, be careful so as to be well.  Chip & I are going to stay home together and alone over the holidays.  We will be very cozy, warm and dry.  Have to get going on breakfast and chores.  Love to all.


Good Morning Everyone!
Mary Page -  I didn't know you were having surgery on your ear!  Sounds like the same thing my husband had a couple of months ago.  So many stitches, and the dressings had to be changed everyday, which I did  -  because like you, he couldn't  see to do it himself.   I think it was two weeks before the stitches were removed?   There is a small scar there now, but not noticeable unless you look for it.

Beverly -  So nice to see a message from you!  Glad that you have had, and will continue to have, Christmas visits from your daughters, grand kids and your son.   All those babies will be such fun to see, and will help to lift your spirits.   Like everyone else, I will be looking forward to seeing pictures in Photos Old and New.

MarsGal - Looks like you will be spending Christmas Day with Sue. She will appreciate being around loved ones this year. I'm glad you will be there for her.

Rick - So glad you have your son there with you.  You first Christmas without Diana, will be difficult.  Almost 65 years -  that's a long time, with lots of memories to think about.


Marilyne - News said there was an earthquake in Northern Cal.  Hope your area is not involved. I didn't catch just where in Cal that it was. They showed the usual clips of groceries falling off shelves, so it must have been reasonably high on the scale.
