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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
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2024-08-25, 17:01:34
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2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
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Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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MaryPage, I agree North Carolina is King when talking barbecue and the coleslaw is a must!

Beverly, I'm not much of a cook so I just add some Baby Ray's  barbecue sauce and make do.


Jean - I just bought some Sweet Baby Ray's so I think I'll give it a try. I also found out that a couple of miles from here there's a good barbecue diner and the reviews say the pulled pork is the best there is south of North Carolina!

We had another beautiful day.


Is the Carolina BBQ sauce you're all talking about sort of yellow in color and sweet instead of spicy?


Callie - It's red, sweet and spicy. Sweet Baby Ray's is the brand. I'm not sure if they have it in Oklahoma. When I lived there I found there were some brands I couldn't get west of the Mississippi!


Beverly, I wondered if it was the same kind I had when in Charleston SC and Savannah GA.  About all I remember is that it wasn't red and was sweet - not "pepper hot" or smoky.  Haven't found anything like it out here.


I have lived in North Carolina for nearly 39 years and I agree that the barbecue is great but there is a big difference here.  In Eastern NC the sauce is vinegar based and not to my liking at all.  But in the western part of NC it is tomato based and sweeter and VERY, VERY good!

Sweet Baby Ray is one of my favorites.    :thumbup:   


You've got that EXactly right, Phyllis.  In fact, I thought of mentioning that vinegar-based thing, and then I didn't.  But I agree with your taste in tomato-based, and every word you said there.


Callie - I had never heard of a yellow barbecue sauce (No surprise, I'm from Vermont) so I decided to do a search. Wow! I found lots of recipes. Some of them sound very good. I even printed a couple.

I love sauces of all kinds. My motto is "If it has a sauce, I'll eat it." Fortunately I've never seen a sauce for alligator or snake. (And, please, don't tell me there is one.  :) )


Last night Donna stopped at that little barbecue place I mentioned and brought me a pulled pork sandwich. It was SO good. The pork couldn't have better and the rolls they use are wonderful! Both red and yellow barbecue sauce on the side. The yellow was good but my favorite is still the red. Also some very good creamy coleslaw. I ate half of it last night and the rest today.

We're having some warm weather, in the high 70s tonight.

Hope you all have had a good week-end.


If you ever find yourself in this part of the country, gotta try the best EVER
BBQ including beans. My brother in law took us to eat at this place & I can only dream about if from now on. First time we ate there we were told about how it was rated either in the top 10 in US or top of top 10..... I would never be able to find it on my own, my BIL grew up driving those cerved highways in the 3 state area & I would panic at the thought.


Shirley - If only I could!  :) When we lived in Oklahoma I loved the Tex-Mex food and we were lucky enough to have a good Mexican restaurant in town.

Beautiful day here again.

Donna and Mike are camping for a few days over on the Atlantic coast. The weather is beautiful. They used to have a modern camper with kitchen, bathroom and all the amenities, but Donna has always wanted a Gypsy camper so last year they bought one. I'll try to post a picture of it later.

I had a couple of pots outside with soil but no plants. I had planned to dump it. Imagine my surprise when both pots are growing healthy calla lily plants! There must have been bulbs resting all this time in the soil and I thought they were dead.

Time for an afternoon cup of coffee to help keep me awake.


Shirley, Bev and others - Interesting to read all the many posts here the past couple of days about BBQ restaurants and the various sauces.  Something you would have a hard time finding in this part of Northern California.  BBQ here is strictly backyard, and the sauce would most likely be purchased from a shelf at Safeway.  I have no idea what they might have there . . . besides Kraft!  ::)  :D . . . but will look next time I'm there. 

People have moved to this area to work in the big Tech companies, and many of them miss the foods they're used to enjoying in other parts of the country.  Every so often I see a message on my Next Door, asking "Does anyone know where there's a good BBQ restaurant around here"?  The answer is always, "There isn't one, but maybe if you're willing to drive to San Francisco"?

Most of our restaurants here in our town, or in nearby San Jose, are ethnic.  Large numbers of Mexican,  Chinese and Indian places to eat.  Also lots of fresh seafood bars and restaurants, because we're so close to Santa Cruz.   


And for good, ready-made, bottled BBQ Sauce, get "Sweet Baby Ray's".  It's the best of bottled.  Of course, the BBQ restaurants all have their own specialty sauces, and some are better than others.  Some are too vinegary.


HELLO.....so good to read and learn so many things here in this group👍

I have learned a new word, "sussed", from MARYPAGE.... I looked up Cary, NC to see exactly where you are located, PHYLLIS. I have checked out/ make that sussed out what a Gypsy Camper is, BEVERLY. I enjoyed checking out the BBQ places you mentioned.  Now I will have to go to TN to have Ridgewood BBQ, SHIRLEY‼️

The most famous BBQ place I have eaten at is Franklin's BBQ in Austin. Oh my, the lines of people there daily to get in are quite a sight to see! They have some good BBQ there in the Hill Country.  I have to agree that Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce is one of my standby favorites also. We have so many different ones here in the stores though. Bottles and bottles of all kind of flavors and brands. 

MARILYN, we are looking forward to some San Francisco Restaurants when we get out there to visit our son and DIL.  They make reservations weeks in advance to get in to some of them😧 Sadly, he tells us it is not the same place we used to enjoy in the past years.  Being able to drive in the city and safely park your car to walk around and enjoy the sights😩😩 They break into your car at a drop of a hat.  He suggests we Uber.  We are going to spend a week in addition to our visit with them taking care of our grand-labradoodle doggie.  Some of our favorite vacation stays has been in their nice places in various cities🥰🥰. LONDON  was the BEST! Getting to meet Jackie and her Richard when we were there🥰🥰

WOW, BEVERLY!  What a nice surprise seeing calla lily's growing in your pots.  We had some snapdragons in a couple of big pots and we are hoping they may have reseeded themselves🤷

We have had so much WIND here we are sick of it.  Last Friday we had to take a drive west and the dirt in the air was so bad you could not see the mountains at all.  Our grandson had a lacrosse 🥍 game that we planned to attend, but decided not to and we are thankful we did as son and grandson told us it was awful 😣  We need moisture so badly.... Our mountains did get a decent amout of accumulation but nothing down here in the city😩

I did purchase a portable oxygen concentrator.  Picked it up on Craigs List from a gentleman that bought it for his mother.  It is basically brand new and I got it for nearly half price🤪 They are expensive things but I am so glad to have it for daily use out walking AND more importantly for going to Vail with the family. 

We had dinner with Dave and the family last night.  He fixed a corned beef with cabbage and potatoes roasted in the oven.  It was delicious.  He sous vide the corned beef and it was so tender. 

We are back with the kiddos tomorrow through Friday as Dave has to travel with his job.  He has been very lucky to avoid travel while Michele was so sick, and since she passed.  We are just happy to be able to help him out. 

I wish you ALL a good day.


🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


...i hold onto those memories and so glad we made that trip to meet you and Bob, into London's Baker Street...followed by round the corner into Regents Park...


Please join in! The more, the merrier! Bubble suggested a quiz and gave me a few suggestions. The same rules apply. Two questions per person and remember I'm in a different time zone so won't be always as fast to answer as you might wish. I hope everyone enjoys the quiz and that it might induce others to bring their own quizzes, games, and riddles to play!



I have the X-Finity package, internet, TV, cell phone and land line. Yesterday it went out from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.. I found out today that it was due to a severed cable in south Florida and the outage was widespread. It made me wonder what would happen in an emergency. I'm thinking of changing either my cell phone or the land line to another server. I've never had such a lack of communication with the outside world in my entire adult life! And the neighbors had no service either! I haven't driven in two years and gave up our car after Chape passed away. I do have a golf cart, though.

Jenny - Seniors and Friends can be very educatonal!  :)  Loved your post.


Jenny -  The upcoming  trip to San Francisco to visit your son and dil, (and their Labradoodle), sounds like  lots of fun for you and Bob!  Your son is right, in advising you not to  drive your car into the City for sightseeing or having a meal.  Within minutes, your car would be broken into, ( usually a window smashed) and anything inside is stolen.  Doesn't have to be something of value - they will steal absolutely anything.    I agree that Uber is the only way to get around in the city now.

Good you now have the portable oxygen.  It will help you to be able to do all the things that you need to do, or want to do!    Glad that Dave and the children are doing reasonably well.  Hard to believe that it's been almost a year since Michele's passing.  :(   

Jackie -  I remember back when Jenny and Bob, met you and Richard.  Such a nice picture was taken of the four of you together!

Beverly -  We have the same "bundle" with our X-finity.  I thought the landline would always be open, if the power went out for any reason, and was shocked the first time it happened, and I picked up the old reliable phone to call out!    We still have poles and overhead lines in this neighborhood, so every time we have a strong wind or a long lasting storm, the power goes out and stays out - sometimes for days.  We have cell phones, but of course no ability to charge them.         


Quote from: Marilyne on April 26, 2022, 11:34:48 PMWe have cell phones, but of course no ability to charge them.         

Don't forget your car --- for charging your phone.  If your car battery is good, charging the phone shouldn't take too much out of it.



Good advice, Rammel.  I notice when Chip takes me somewhere the 1st thing he does is plug his cell phone into something.  Is it the cigarette lighter?  No, surely not!  Actually, I haven't been paying close attention, but he plugs it in and it charges while we are out there.

Jenny, when I was a child growing up at Army posts and spending a lot of time at my Grandmother's in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, the Virginia folk used "Suss" and "sussed" all the time.  Literally.  I guess now it is one of those words that has slipped into history.  Pity, because we had a lot of words that have now been lost forever, and writers of Historical Fiction do not know them to put them in the mouths of their characters.  To my mind, having grown up with the word, there is no other word to quite fit in it's special niche.  Surely someone in here has heard the word?  Well, I guess I am the oldest of this bunch!

I, too, remember when Jenny met Jackie in London.  Long ago and far away.  Me, I met Jenny in plain old Pennsylvania.  That was not yesterday, either.  I don't know about the rest of you who were there (YOU were, Beverly!), but for years now I have been figuring out the approximate dates by recalling to my so-called mind that it was right after 9/11; in fact, the very next month.

I have a large oxygen machine behind my favorite easy chair, but am also feeling it is getting time to obtain a portable unit, as well and all.  Bummer!  But needs must!

I miss the language as spoken in my childhood.  "Where would I find that?"  "Oh, just down the Pike a piece."  I expect every one of us misses our early homeplace and can remember words and expressions used that have been lost to Time.  But do you find it as INFURIATING as do I when reading a book set in those years and find them putting words and expressions belonging to THESE years in their character's mouths?  Scheesch, it's like running your fingernails on a blackboard to me!!!

Way back in my youth, various writers, some famous, wrote of the dangers inherent in over population.  They spoke of peaceful societies becoming violent and dangerous; of people having to fight for room, recognition, food, you-name-it.  Well, no one is voicing their predictions now, but I see them coming true, and find it tragic.  So your comments about our beautiful San Francisco fit into those predictions perfectly.  I visited and toured that city and its surrounding attractions back in 1970.  So gratified it was then, and not now!  Most of us are not allowing ourselves to stop and contemplate how ugly our culture has become.  Try it, though: I double dare you!


GOOD MORNING‼️ It is a cloudy day here this morning 😩 Bring on the sunshine PLEASE🙏

JACKIE, we will always cherish our special meet up with you and Richard.  Can not help but wish it could happen again🥰 It was such a happier time than we are in now😩

BEVERLY, I agree with you that getting some other service for communication is needed.  It is frightening to think you could not call for help if needed. 

MARILYN, I can't help but be sad that our lives, our world, have changed so much that we have to be fearful of simply visiting a special place😩😩. Nothing we can do about it and Isure do not want to just curl up and die😩. Recently I make comments to Bob about how I am not dealing well with this or that change and he reminds me of the alternative 🤪🤪

MARYPAGE, it was a long time ago when we met, but the memories of our reunion in PA are vivid and cherished in my mind.  Sadly, we have lost so many of those beautiful participants and I miss them ALL.  AGAIN, another example of my not liking how things are and me getting OLD and my inability to do what I used to do. 

I am thankful to have my new little portable oxygen machine.  It is a bit heavy for me to carry right now with my shoulder issues, but having it will hopefully help me to get in better shape so I can carry it! 

I am itching to get my summer flowers planted, but can not really do it until after the last grandkids stay due to not being here to water them.  We did go look at plants yesterday and boy oh boy are they pricy.

I hope you all have a good day.


🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"



We think that our lives have changed so much since we were
young..(And I agree,  IT'HAS!!)

Well, just imagine what is going to happen when democracy as
we have known it here in the USA,  ceases   to exist.

On a  happier note,  it is warmer and rainier here
on the rocky coast of Maine...  Better weather (until
it gets HOT) is right around the corner.

All is well with me an my family.  (Still)
And for that I am so grateful. 

Have a good day,  EVERYONE!
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Quote from: MaryPage on April 27, 2022, 11:09:12 AMI notice when Chip takes me somewhere the 1st thing he does is plug his cell phone into something.  Is it the cigarette lighter?  No, surely not!

That's exactly where he plugs it in. Though I doubt that (cigarette lighter) is what it is called in this day of PC. Many, if not all, cell phones come with a car charger. Something handy to leave in the GLOVE BOX.

Ah, --- Those words of the past.




I watched Madeline Albright's funeral service (at the National Cathedral) today, and it was wonderful.

I suppose it is bad form for me to call it wonderful, but no other word satisfies my emotional response to it.  Our President did fine by us with his eulogy.  Then Bill Clinton knocked it out of the ball park.  Then Hillary delighted everyone, beating Bill at his own game and getting two ovations during her eulogy.  Then Albright's three daughters went up together and were magnificent.  I turned off the TV feeling it was the best funeral I'd ever attended (as it were) and the deceased had been loved and admired without limits.  Truly, the whole service left me feeling she got a really great send off.

There are videos of it if you Google them.


Thank you for mentioning the Google videos. Yes, this was the best funeral ever and the speeches left me with such a warm feeling of love.
M. Albright was a remarkable woman and so are her daughters.


Yes, the daughters are amazing.  I was captivated by them.  Who knew!  Yes, I, too, was left with that warm feeling of Love.  Such a bright jewel in the Universe that woman was!


It's been a good day. I felt better than I have in weeks.

I've been having a tooth problem and not happy with the way it's being handled, so Donna made an appointment for a second opinion with her dentist. They were great. The end result is I have a referral for an endodontist and will be having a root canal next week.

When Michael was here, we ordered a retractable screen for my front door and they installed it today. I really like it. I didn't want a screen/storm door. This lets me keep the door open on good days and I have cross ventilation by opening the sliding doors to the lanai.

I've been printing a lot of pictures and needed new ink, so we stopped at Office Depot. Donna installed the new cartridge for me. (These kids of mine are so handy!  :) )

I think I've scared everyone away. Very few posts lately.


Hi Beverly -  No, you didn't scare any of us away!  :D   I don't know why I haven't posted -  maybe I have writers-block or some such problem?    Seems like I have a hard time getting started, but once I do, I tend to run on and on, and then I write too much.

I hope everything turns out well with your new endodontist next week.  I've had only one root canal, about 10 years ago, and it was not nearly as bad as I was expecting.  The only thing that bothered me was that it took such a long time!  I was exhausted from sitting so long.  The procedure it self was painless, and quick recovery.

I finally received the clothes I ordered from the National Catalog.  I'm pleased with the quality and everything looks as described.  I haven't tried anything on yet, so I may be doing some complaining if nothing fits.  I got two skirts, one pair of long pants, and one pair of the shorter Capri or peddle-pushers.  The one blouse looks like it's way too big, but maybe will be okay after being washed. 

Nothing of any interest happening here over this weekend.  Son and dil are in  Las Vegas, for the weekend.  Her sister won a gift package vacation for four, at the place where she works, so she and her husband took Brad and Jackie along with them.  They are staying in one of the nice hotels and seeing a show, plus all free dining.    Last time I was in Las Vegas, was in 1958!    We went specifically  to see the Louis Prima and Keely Smith show.  They were very popular at the time, and had some big hit songs, but the only one I can recall, is "That Old Black Magic".

Time to go outside and fill the birdbath, and water a few plants on the deck.  Hoping we see others here in B&T today. 


Beverly,  I haven't posted because there's nothing going on in my little part of the world and I don't care to expound on national/international happenings.

I've had one root canal and it wasn't that bad. I was given a pillow to put behind my neck and, when I commented on the overhead fan being a bit cool, I was covered with a light blanket.  Family teased that all I needed was a Teddy Bear and I could have napped through the whole thing.  ;)

Was looking through my recipes and found one for "Carolina BBQ Sauce" that started with a big amount of mustard.  Don't remember ever making it but may have been what I had when there and that must have been why I thought it was yellow.
Keep meaning to look and see if Sweet Baby Ray's is available here; should probably write myself a reminder note.

Son/dil flew to Florida today to spend a week on Sanibel Island.  They love this kind of vacation and we're all sad that son's back surgery has ended his deep sea diving days. DIL doesn't dive but loves the beach and the water.  I know they'll have a great time.

Wish I could go "somewhere else" for a while but, while the spirit and mind are willing, the old bod keeps saying, "Nope; those days are over. Get used to it."

Thanks, Marilyne for reminding me about bird care.  Haven't gotten any plants yet; am hoping other son will help with that this week.

Timer went off.  Dinner time.